World Wide Workshop Newsletter March 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 World Wide Workshop Newsletter March 2013


    March 2013 Newsletter Vol 5: Issue 9 - World Wide Workshop March 2013 Newsletter

    Dear Partners and Friends, In his 2013 SXSWedu address, Bill Gates declared, "This is a

    special time for technology in education," citing "the historic low cost and availability of

    edtech tools making it possible to transform education. I could not help but realize that we

    have been doing this transformative work with Globaloria-tech for seven years! By removing

    barriers of access and entrepreneurial imagination, particularly for low-income students and

    underrepresented minorities, the Workshop team and our network of educators have been building an

    innovative system of blended learning, customized to each student's pace and proficiency while meetingCommon Core State Standards. Read on to see how Globaloria brings technology knowledge and skills to the

    forefront, paving the way for college and career readiness for all. Cheers, Idit

    follow Idit on Twitter|follow Globaloria on Twitter|forward to a friend

    In this Month's Issue:

    1. Welcoming New Advisory Board Chair: Jennifer Argello

    2. Students Mingle with STEM Innovators in NYC and San Jose

    3. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Recognize Globaloria Students4. SXSWedu Features Globaloria

    5. Steve Hargadon Interviews Dr. Idit Harel Caperton6. Adobe Supports Digital Literacy for All Kids

    7. Overfelt High School Gets a Jump on Globeys with "Hackathon"

    1. Welcoming New Advisory Board Chair: Jennifer Argello

    We are happy to welcome Jennifer Argello to the World Wide Workshop Advisory Board. Jennifer has

    over a decade of experience in technology companies creating products and consulting with early-stage

    startups. She believes in earning time on earth by adding value to it, which she does through her workto advance Latinos and women in tech fields. Jennifer co-foundedLatino Startup Alliance, mentors high

    school girls in theTechnovation Challenge, and is active in the alumni advisory board for the Computer

    Science and Engineering Department at UC San Diego, where she graduated in 2000. She is also a

    member ofLatinas in Computingand the Regional Vice President for theSociety of HispanicProfessional Engineers. Jennifer has won several industry recognitions, including being named a

    2013Silicon Valley Latino40 under 40 Latinos2Watch in Science and Technology, a

    2011FemmeonomicsTop 50 Women to Watch in Tech2010, and the 2010National Association of

    Professional Women: Professional Woman of the Year. This month Jennifer became the Chair oftheSilicon Valley Globaloria Board on CS-STEM Education and a Judge of the San Jose/Silicon ValleyGlobeys. Welcome, Jennifer!
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    Jennifer encouraging students in Austin, TX (left) and San Jose, CA (right), predominantly Latino

    communities, to pursue studies in STEM and Computer Science

    Jennifer accepting the 2013 Silicon Valley Latinos 40 under 40 Latinos2Watch Award from Alex

    Ontiveros, CEO and Founder of Silicon Valley Latino.

    2. Students Mingle with STEM Innovators in NYC and San Jose

    On March 20, forty Globaloria students from The Young Womens Leadership School of Astoria (TYWLS)

    visitedGoogle NYCheadquarters to see how their game design work today can help them become theengineers and IT leaders of tomorrow. The students toured the Google offices, demoed their original webgames for professional feedback, and met with Google employees to learn about their jobs and how theygot interested in the field of computer science. "Visiting the Google headquarters gave our girls the

    valuable opportunity to see first-hand how a technology company operates. It also emphasized the

    importance and benefits of their developing a STEM-based skill set so that someday they might work for

    an innovation leader such as Google. It was a truly inspiring experience,"said Laura Mitchell, principal of

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    JuAnne Ng of Google discusses with TYWLS students their Globaloria games at the Google NYC

    headquarters this week.

    Overfelt High School in San Jose recently received a special visit fromAdobeSystems' Community

    Relations Manager, Claire Erwin. Erwin attended Veronica Davis' Globaloria Algebra and Geometry

    classes to watch the students in action creating their educational games on a variety of math topics. The

    students benefited from Erwins comments and advice on the importance of CS-STEM education and

    digital fluency for their future careers in Silicon Valleyregardless of whether they want to become

    lawyers, educators, creative artists, or software engineers.

    Claire Erwin of Adobe with Overfelt High School freshman Marco D. during her visit..

    3. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Recognize Globaloria Students

    This month the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers awarded several

    Globaloria game submissions withScholastic Art & Writing Awards, the

    countrys longest-running and most prestigious awards program for

    students in grades 7-12. In the Video Game Design competition, six

    Globaloria teams were awarded Gold Keys recognizing the highest level

    of achievement in their region, and eleven won Silver Keys for outstanding achievement in their region.
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    And one Globaloria teamMatthew S. and Brittany S. of Tygarts Valley High School in West Virginia

    won a National Silver Medal for their game, "Carl and Carlys Big Day," which teaches the user about

    Ancient Greek gods and goddesses. The national medalists will be honored on May 31 at a specialceremony at Carnegie Hall. Congratulations to all the winners from Globaloria!

    4. SXSWedu Features Globaloria

    World Wide Workshop team and Globaloria students, educators researchers and partners attended2013

    SXSWeduin Austin, Texas, to spread the message of game-based learning. Dr. Idit Harel Caperton

    moderated a panel,Preparing High-Tech Innovators through Game Design, featuring Jennifer Bergland

    of TCEA, Anne Fertitta of AMD, and Dr. Joe Gonzales of East Austin College Preparatory Academy

    (EAPrep). They discussed the STEM education crisis facing Texas and the nation andhow game designeducation can be a solutionto get thousands of students into computer science and engineering. As a

    testament to this, the panelists shared a newvideo by Globaloria partner Southwest Key Programsthat

    illustrates the positive impact Globaloria has on the entire EAPrep community.

    In a separate session,Game Design as Required Class: A Case Study, Globaloria research

    managerLaura Minnigerodepresented a case study of the EAPrep Globaloria program. Her findings

    include students increased self-efficacy with regards to problem solving within technology and sustained

    interest in STEM-related careers, especially among girls. The study also found the effects were morepronounced the longer students participated in the program.

    And to cap off a great week focused on education, a group of EAPrep students demoed their Globaloria

    games at theSXSW Gaming Expoalongside gaming professionals, showcasing the deep learning andprofessional skills developed through game design.

    Left to Right: Idit with SXSWedu panelists; with Charlie Owen and Laura Minnegerode; with Drew

    Scheberle, SVP of the Austin Chamber of Commerce.
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    Left to Right: VentureBeat interviews Idit; Laura presenting; Globaloria students featured in SXSW

    Gaming Expo.

    5. Steve Hargadon Interviews Dr. Idit Harel Caperton

    Social learning futurist Steve Hargadon interviewed

    Dr. Idit Harel Caperton on hisFuture of Education

    podcastthis month.The interviewreviewed the

    early days of social and Constructionist learning,

    which Dr. Caperton participated in at the MIT Media Lab, demonstrating the future potential of new mediatechnology in Constructionist classrooms. "Social learning networks are underutilized in education today,

    and we know how these can cultivate the best learning theories we have in the history of the field of

    learning sciences, as well as cognitive, social, and developmental psychology,"commented Dr. Caperton

    in the interview. Read more onSteve Hargadons blog.

    6. Adobe Supports Digital Literacy for All Kids

    Since 2011, Adobe has partnered with World Wide Workshop to provide youth with access to

    the tools and opportunities needed for success in today's digital world. In an effort to enable

    us make digital literacy a reality for all students across the nation, theAdobe

    Foundationintroduced a 100% gift match program up to $50,000. Pleasedonate nowto help Globaloriareach more students. We thank Adobe for its support and commitment to digital literacy for all students.

    7. Overfelt High School Gets a Jump on Globeys with Saturday "Hackathon"

    On Saturday, March 23, forty-five students and three teachers at Overfelt High School in San Jose put in

    extra hours of programming to accelerate the development of their individual Hidden Object games.

    Spirits were high all around-- fueled by software engineers favorite food, pizza--and the very successful

    Hackathon resulted in completion of many milestones. Bravo to these hard workers!
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    Teachers Veronica Davis (left) and Jenny Kim (right) consult with a student at the Overfelt High Schools

    Globaloria Hackathon.

    Copyright 2013 World Wide

    Workshop, All rights
