World Eyes Student Presentation

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  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    What actions can be taken?

    By Geeta, Shalini and Rajesh


  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    About my Country:Area: 3,!",#$% s& km

    Population: 1,1!!,31%,%%%

    Literacy : '1(Government: )ederal *emocratic Re+ublic

    Unemployment: 1%"(

    GDP: -3#" trillion

    Chief Occupations: A.riculture is the chie/occu+ation o/ the country /ollo0ed by sericeand industrial jobs

  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    2ur atural ResourcesWealth Land

    Arable 4and: 5!( )orests: (

    Water6otal rene0able 0ater resources: 1,$%"! km37year

    Soil 8any /ertile soils includin. alluial soil 0hich com+rises !%( o/ the total

    /ertile soil aailable

    Minerals 9ndia occu+ies a +rominent +lace in the 0orld in the +roduction o/ many

    minerals 6he chie/ minerals include Coal, iron ore, man.anese, mica,bauite, titanium ore, chromite, diamonds, limestone, thorium, +etroleum,natural .as

    ner!y 9ndia makes use o/ both rene0able and non rene0able ener.y resources

    ;ner.y resources include natural .as, thermal, hydro, nuclear and otherrene0able sources


  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    2ur atural ResourcesWealth"e!etation 9ndia has dierse e.etation 0hich includes tro+ical

    rain/orests, deciduous /orests and coni/erous /orests

    9ndia has ' ( o/ the 0orld

  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    atural Resources Chart


  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    What is callin. /or our

    attention?9ndia as country is blessed 0ith rich natural

    resources But /rom our research on the usa.e o/

    natural resources in our country, 0e /ound that

    the resources are de+letin. eery day )oream+le:

    )orest and arable land is bein. de+leted due tourbaniation, oer+o+ulation and oerconsum+tion

    Wild li/e resources are bein. lost due to, huntin. and industrialiation

    Water resources are bein. contaminated aredryin. u+ due to industrialiation

  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    6hreats to aturalResources@rbanisation and 9ndustrialisation


    2erconsum+tion and irres+onsible use*e/orestation


    abitat *estruction

    atural aards

    o +ro+er access to resources such as 0ater


  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    *oin. 0hat matters

  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation

    9/12What are 0e doin. to sae

    6he Goernment o/ 9ndia has undertaken manymeasures /or the conseration o/ the resourcesRe.ulations and re/orms /or +ro+er housin. and

    in/rastructure deelo+ment to aoid land ac&uisition+roblems8ass media +ublic serice to educate the

    +eo+le on the im+ortance o/ conseration o/ resources9ncrease the 0ildli/e and /orest reseres in the country

    Schemes to do a +ro+er inentory o/ the resources andmonitor in the enironmentarious +rojects and schemes that +romote

    conseration o/ resources


  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    2ur Dro+osed Action DlanPro#lems Solutions

    2er+o+ulation *eelo+ +o+ulation control measuresand educate +eo+le on o/ a small /amily

    2erconsum+tion and irres+onsible


    ;ducate +eo+le on the im+ortance o/

    conseration o/ resources usin. massmedia *eelo+ +artnershi+s 0ithadocacy .rou+s and enironmentalG2s /or s+readin. the messa.e

    o +ro+er access to resources Driatiation o/ the some o/ theresource mana.ement /unction 0ill

    hel+ in better deelo+in. the delierymechanism

    *e/orestation and abitat destruction ae strin.ent re.ulations /or the+rotection o/ the resources and ensurethat the de/aulters are +unished

    atural aards *eelo+ and em+loy tools /or

    monitorin. the +ossibility o/ naturalhaards and +roidin. +reentie 1%

  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    ;ssential Euestiono0 do the choices 0e make aFect our lies?

    6hrou.h this +roject, 0e learnt that 0e need to make the ri.htchoices to make a diFerence We learnt that i/ 0e choose to bei.norant, 0e 0ill /ace conse&uences 0hich 0ill im+act our lies)or eam+le, 0e realised that eery sin.le +erson

  • 7/24/2019 World Eyes Student Presentation


    Sources Re/erred000nationmastercom 9n/ormation source

    /or arious countries

    000cia.o C9A World )act Book;n0iki+ediaor. ;ncyclo+edia

    000india.oin 6he 0ebsite /or.oernment o/ 9ndia
