World Civilizations Week 6 Bell #1 12/07/10 Think about the importance of trade to a country. What goods can Americans buy as a result of foreign trade?

World Civilizations Week 6 Bell #1 12/07/10

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World Civilizations Week 6 Bell #1 12/07/10. Think about the importance of trade to a country. What goods can Americans buy as a result of foreign trade?. D.R.S.L.s. Explain why different peoples settled in Eastern Europe. Describe how Kievan Russia differed from the Byzantine Empire? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: World Civilizations  Week 6 Bell #1 12/07/10

World Civilizations Week 6 Bell #1


Think about the importance of trade to a country.

What goods can Americans buy as a result of foreign trade?

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D.R.S.L.s Explain why different peoples settled in

Eastern Europe. Describe how Kievan Russia differed

from the Byzantine Empire? Identify the ways in which Mongol rule

affected Kievan Russia Describe the effects of Moscow’s

growing power and independence.

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Assignment Complete the Chapter 10.2-3 Guided

Reading assignment.

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Kievan Geography Carpathians to the Urals

Large open plain Northern Taiga

Forest Rain Short growing season

Southern Steppe Grassy Milder climate Longer growing season

Urals form the boundary between Europe and Asia Eurasia Rivers for trade and transportation

Dniester Dnieper Don

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Peoples Many different ethnicities settled eastern

Europe. Kiev and Novgorod were in demand

Trade routes East and South (map pg. 230). Rurik leader of the Rus gained control of

Novgorod and Kiev Favorable trade treaty with Byzantium Kiev became capital of Russia (300


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Slavic Tribes


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Kievan Rus Ethnicities


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Government Princes Boyars Veche (town meeting) Yaroslav the Wise

Built churches Pravda Ruskia

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Religion Missionaries introduced Christianity to

Russia A.D. 800s Vladimir I

Sent observers to many churches Hagia Sophia Anna (Byzantine Emperor’s sister) Converted A.D. 988 Ties with Constantinople

Paganism continued

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EconomyRussiafurs, wood, salt iron,

honey and slaves

Western Europejewelry, silver, & textiles

Byzantinewine, spices, silk, & fruit

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Social ClassesLocal PrincesBoyars,



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The Mongols Polovtsy A.D.1055

Interfered with trade Turkish

New trade routes from Italy Mongols

Controlled every city in Kievan Russia by A.D. 1240

1242 attacked Hungary and Poland Returned to Russia Ruled until late A.D. 1400s

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Mongol Influence Heavy taxation Allowed local rule and customs Roads Communication (words) Customs,traditions and patterns of


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Kievan Russia and Poland A.D. 1300s Poland and Lithuania took

territory Poles were Roman Catholic Suspicions developed

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Rise of Moscow Independent princes ruled much of Russia Ivan I

Led Muscovy to forefront Cooperated with Mongols Ivan the Great Leader of Orthodox Church moved to Moscow

Ivan III Also the Great Gained independence from Mongols A.D. 1480 United many principalities Military conquest Began long tradition of absolute monarchy in Russia

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Ivan IV Three years old when he became ruler A.D. 1533 Boyars in control A.D. 1547 took the title of czar (caesar) Able administer Modernized the legal code Renewed trade with Western Europe Opened Siberia Built the power of the monarchy Built St. Basil’s Cathedral Highly religious

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Ivan the Terrible Oprichniki

Civil servants Arrested boyars and took their land

Destroyed Novgorod Murdered his oldest son Burned Priests who questioned him

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Russian Church Major Russian landowner Independent from Constantinople Became center of Eastern Orthodoxy

after fall of Constantinople A.D. 1453 Third Rome Onion domes

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St. Basil’s Cathedral