Worksheet 1 Try to answer all questions in Indonesian. If you do not know the Indonesian word for an ingredient you may use English. 1. What kind of Indonesian dishes do you know? E.g. sambal udang, nasi goreng, etc. 2. What kind of vegetables and spices frequently used in Indonesian food do you know? 3. How is food prepared in Indonesia? Obviously nasi goreng is fried (goreng), and tumis kangkung is sautéed (tumis). What do you know of food preparation techniques in Indonesia?

Worksheet 1 · 2020. 9. 2. · Worksheet 5 Latihan1 Order the following sentences according to the way kuah kacang is prepared. A. Hidangkan dengan kerupuk udang atau emping. B. Masukkan

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Page 1: Worksheet 1 · 2020. 9. 2. · Worksheet 5 Latihan1 Order the following sentences according to the way kuah kacang is prepared. A. Hidangkan dengan kerupuk udang atau emping. B. Masukkan

Worksheet 1

Try to answer all questions in Indonesian. If you do not know the Indonesian word for an ingredient you may use English.

1. What kind of Indonesian dishes do you know? E.g. sambal udang, nasi goreng, etc.

2. What kind of vegetables and spices frequently used in Indonesian food do you know?

3. How is food prepared in Indonesia? Obviously nasi goreng is fried (goreng), and tumis kangkung is sautéed (tumis). What do you know of food preparation techniques in Indonesia?

Page 2: Worksheet 1 · 2020. 9. 2. · Worksheet 5 Latihan1 Order the following sentences according to the way kuah kacang is prepared. A. Hidangkan dengan kerupuk udang atau emping. B. Masukkan

Worksheet 2

Depending on the recipe, the kind of ingredients included in a gado-gado dish can vary, but the most common ingredients are: kacang panjang, kentang, kol, taoge, telur, and wortel. Kuah kacang ingredients include bawang putih, cabai, daun jeruk purut, and kacang tanah. Look at the picture illustrating 16 food ingredients. Which of them are not used in a gado-gado dish? There are two ingredients mentioned above that are not among the pictures. Which ones?

A B C D1




Page 3: Worksheet 1 · 2020. 9. 2. · Worksheet 5 Latihan1 Order the following sentences according to the way kuah kacang is prepared. A. Hidangkan dengan kerupuk udang atau emping. B. Masukkan

Worksheet 3

A.Listen to the recipe for making a gado-gado dish. What ingredients are used for gado-gado and the kuah kacang sauce?

Gado-gado (vegetables) Kuah Kacang

B. Listen to the recipe again and write down as many verbs relating to food preparation techniques as possible.

Page 4: Worksheet 1 · 2020. 9. 2. · Worksheet 5 Latihan1 Order the following sentences according to the way kuah kacang is prepared. A. Hidangkan dengan kerupuk udang atau emping. B. Masukkan

Worksheet 4

Identify all verbs in the text and classify them as either active, passive, or imperative verbs.

Active verbs Passive verbs Imperatives

Page 5: Worksheet 1 · 2020. 9. 2. · Worksheet 5 Latihan1 Order the following sentences according to the way kuah kacang is prepared. A. Hidangkan dengan kerupuk udang atau emping. B. Masukkan

Worksheet 5

Latihan1Order the following sentences according to the way kuah kacang is prepared.

A. Hidangkan dengan kerupuk udang atau emping.

B. Masukkan sedikit santan dan garam secukupnya.

C. Kacang tanah disangrai lalu ditumbuk atau diblender sampai halus.

D. Aduk terus sampai tidak lengket lagi.

E. Kalau sudah halus ditumis dengan sedikit minyak kemudian masukkan kacang yang sudah ditumbuk bersama air asam jawa dan gula merah.

F. Semua sayuran ditata di atas piring besar.

G. Cabai dan bawang putih ditumbuk halus atau diblender.

H. Masukkan daun jeruk purut.

I. Siram dengan kuah kacang di atasnya. dan taburkan bawang goreng.

Latihan2Fill in the blanks with the following words: diiris—direbus—dikupas—dipotong-potong—tiriskan—matang

1. Kacang panjang _________ setengah jari lalu direbus sampai matang.

2. Tauge diambil akarnya lalu celur dan _________.

3. Kentang dan wortel _________ sampai masak, dinginkan, lalu _________ dan dipotong dadu.

4. Telur direbus sampai _________ (sekitar 15 menit), dinginkan, lalu dipotong bulat-bulat.

5. Kol _________ tipis. Timun dipotong dadu.

Page 6: Worksheet 1 · 2020. 9. 2. · Worksheet 5 Latihan1 Order the following sentences according to the way kuah kacang is prepared. A. Hidangkan dengan kerupuk udang atau emping. B. Masukkan

Worksheet 6

Latihan 1Jodohkan kata-kata berikut dengan padan katanya. Match the following words with their synonyms.

masak membuang kulitnya

lalu biarkan

halus matang

mengupas letakkan

merebus tidak kasar

diamkan memasak dengan air mendidih

taruh kemudian

Latihan 2Highlight all words with the bases masuk, tiris, dingin, hidang, halus, tusuk, hangat, and oles in the gado-gado and sate kambing recipe. In groups of three students discuss the words as they appear in the text. They all have the suffix -kan. What is the function of the suffix in the given context?

masuk to entertiris draineddingin cold(ter)hidang served, offeredhalus finetusuk skewerhangat warmolés rubbed, smeared with

Latihan 3Working in a group of two or three students, identify all imperatives in the sate kambing recipe.

Page 7: Worksheet 1 · 2020. 9. 2. · Worksheet 5 Latihan1 Order the following sentences according to the way kuah kacang is prepared. A. Hidangkan dengan kerupuk udang atau emping. B. Masukkan

Latihan 4Rewrite the following sentences using the normal imperative:

1. Tauge diambil akarnya lalu masukkan sebentar dalam air mendidih.


2. Kentang direbus, dinginkan, lalu dikupas dan dipotong dadu.


3. Sayuran ditata di atas piring besar. Lalu disiram dengan kuah kacang.


Latihan 5

Rewrite the following sentences using the passive imperative:

1. Potong daging kambing sesuai selera.


2. Aduk potongan daging dengan bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan.


3. Kemudian, tusukkan 4 potong daging pada setiap tusukan sate.


4. Panggang sate di atas bara api sampai setengah matang.
