Institute of Occupational Medicine, Research Park North, Riccarton Edinburgh Workplace Stress Management Do not be afraid…... Rachel E. Mulholland Chartered Occupational Psychologist

Workplace Stress Management Do not be afraid…

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Workplace Stress Management Do not be afraid…. Rachel E. Mulholland Chartered Occupational Psychologist. Opening the Can…. Why ? Is stress not just mental backache ? Challenges Putting your best foot forward. Prevalence of ill-health Self-reported Work-related Illness (SWI 03/04). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Workplace Stress Management Do not be afraid…

Institute of Occupational Medicine, Research Park North, RiccartonEdinburgh

Workplace Stress Management

Do not be afraid…...

Rachel E. Mulholland

Chartered Occupational Psychologist

Page 2: Workplace Stress Management Do not be afraid…

Opening the Can…..

• Why ?

• Is stress not just mental backache ?

• Challenges

• Putting your best foot forward

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Prevalence of ill-health Self-reported Work-related Illness

(SWI 03/04)

Disease Prevalence

Musculoskeletal Disorders 1 108 000

Stress, Depression & Anxiety 557 000 *

Breathing & Lung Problems 183 000

Hearing Problems 81 000

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Why are we bothered?

• Legislative requirements

• 12.8 million lost work days due to stress in 2003/04

• £7 billion cost to society

• Average of 28.5 days off per year

Sources: (SWI03/04) & TUC

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Stress and Health at Work (Smith et al, 2000)

• 20% of workers ‘very’ or ‘extremely stressed’ (approx. 5 million)

• Prevalence 10 times higher than previous estimate

• Associated with:• frequent minor physical symptoms • mental ill-health and • undesirable behaviours

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Whitehall II Study (Stansfield et al)

• works stress doubles the risk of future psychiatric morbidity

• high job demands, low social support, low decision authority and effort-reward imbalance associated with increased risk of psychiatric disorders

• common stressors identified:

high workloads; long hours; working fast; lack of support; insufficient information; low decision authority; high job demands

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Employer Views (IOM, 2001)

• 87% viewed stress as a cause of work-related ill-health

• Emergency Services (65%) & Local Government (55%) - most likely to report work-related stress problems

• Increased awareness of Stress but BARRIERS to tackling issue often attitudes and uncertainty

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Key points from Case Law

Walker V Northumberland


‘…his illness was attributed to the impact on his personality at work’

Key points of Law:

Foreseeability and Causation

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Stress - ‘main psychosocial work hazard’

‘… the adverse reaction that people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them, it arises when they feel they cannot cope’

HSE Definition

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Clarity out of Confusion

• Stress is not a disease but it can impact upon health via physiological and behavioural

pathways when prolonged and excessive

• It can be caused by work and non-work factors

• Individual differences play a part too!

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HSE Management Standards

• Demands – being able to cope with the demands of the job

• Control – having an adequate say over how work is done

• Support – having adequate support from colleagues and superiors

• Relationships – not being subjected to unacceptable behaviours

• Role – understanding roles and responsibilities

• Change – being involved and informed in organisational changes

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Challenges for the Fire Service

• Significant changes taking place:

• Integrated Risk Management Planning (IRMP)

• Integrated Personal Development System (IPDS)

• Increasing risk of violence to fire-fighters

• What are the impacts of such changes?

• How and who is involved in decision-making?

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Challenging Questions to Ask

• How does our structure support our aims?

• What is our culture?

• How well are we performing?

• Have we any indications of problems?

• How do we recruit and develop staff?

• What support structures are in place?

• Do we play lip service to stress?

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The effects of stress on the individual (I)

Health symptoms Psychological symptoms

- gastro-intestinal problems - dissatisfaction

- allergies - anxiety

- skin diseases - depression

- diabetes - burnout

- hypertension & heart disease - nervous/mental breakdown

- lots of persistent minor illnesses - increased irritability

- disturbed sleep - poor concentration

- decreased self-esteem

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The effects of stress on the individual (II)

Behavioural symptoms

- negative health behaviours

- excessive drinking, increased drug use

- poor diet

- irritability

- reckless driving

- suicide

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Effects on Organisation

High absenteeism

High staff turnover

Low morale/poorer performance

Poor working relationships

High number of early retirements

Decreased productivity/quality

Increased disputes

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Critical to Risk Assess - gather & analyse data

Primary prevention:

• address the causes of stress at source e.g. audit, provide resources, reduce sources of stress

• be proactive

Secondary prevention:

• management awareness and training and health promotion activities

• good rehabilitation and work integration strategies

Tertiary prevention:

• helping people cope better with symptoms • provision of counselling services/EAPs, etc

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Were my actionsappropriate? How might I revise them

for the future?Step 5

Carry out a Stress Risk Assessment

What are the main stressors in my work area?

Step 1 Are any of my teamvulnerable and

if so in what way?Step 2

What are the risks?•Likelihood•Severity•Frequency Step 3

What actioncan I take to help

prevent it?Step 4

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Putting your best foot forward

• Reward and recognise staff

• Promote positive management & communications

• Increase flexible working

• Increase team working

• Conduct job studies to understand better how jobs could be done

• Develop appropriate Policies and Procedures

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Critical Success Factors

• Senior Management Commitment

• Being proactive

• Open & honest communications

• Positive & Supportive Culture - (trust, participation)*

• Appropriate selection, training & development

• Consistency and fairness of treatment

• Proper management of change


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