2012 Causes of stress and its effects on Employees of private banks of Quetta Baluchistan University of Information Technology , Engineering and Management Sciences

Workplace Stress

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Page 1: Workplace Stress


Causes of stress and its effects on

Employees of private banks of Quetta

Baluchistan University of Information Technology

, Engineering and Management Sciences

Page 2: Workplace Stress


This is to certify that this research project

“Causes of stress and its effects on employee performance in private

banks of Quetta”


Shamaila Sohail Virda Niazi

Waqar Akram Kazim Raza Rizvi

Is completed and accepted as a partial requirement of

BSBA Study Program

Mr. Adeel Anjum


Page 3: Workplace Stress


Dedicated To:

“Our Parents & Teachers”

Page 4: Workplace Stress



It would be difficult to list each person who provided their assistance in

completing this project “The impact of stress on performance in private banks of

Quetta” but we would like to mention certain people for their contribution.

Especially Mr. Ghulam Ali Mashoori (Late), Mr. Adeel Anjum, Mr. Nadeem uz

Zaman for their valuable suggestions, time and advices that proved to be very

helpful in the accomplishment of this Project.

Page 5: Workplace Stress



Stress refers to disturbed mental state that is sometimes positive and

sometimes negative. Positive stress leads to productivity and good

performance whereas; negative stress leads to employee dissatisfaction and

poor performance and overall loss of the organization. Today every

individual is facing stress especially bank employees. This stress is to be

managed carefully for better performance of employees and achievement of

organizational goals. The study provides an analysis of causes of stress and

its effect on performance. The study considered 14 private banks of Quetta

and the units of analysis were the operational level employees of these banks.

Sample size was 100 and sampling method was convenience sampling. The

instrument used for data collection was questionnaire with 3 likert scale; the

mean standard deviation and correlation of the data was analyzed with the

help of SPSS analysis. Results showed that unclear tasks, unsupportive

supervisor and overburden are significant causes of stress. The correlation

table showed that the following causes of stress; poor reward system, job

insecurity, disturbed social and public dealings have strong positive relation

with the dummy variables of performance.

Keywords: occupational stress, private bank employees, job performance.

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Table of Contents

Topics Contents Page No.

Approval sheet 2

Dedication 3

Acknowledgment 4

Abstract 5


Background of study.………………………………. 8-9

Statement of problem………………………………. 9

Research Variables:

Independent Variable …………….……………….... 10

Dependent Variable ………………………………… 10

Objectives of Research ……………………………… 10

Significance of study……………………………….. 10

Literature Review:

Review of relevant literature ……………………. 11-15

Research Methodology:

Research design…………………………………….. 16

Population………………………………………….... 16

Sample size………………………………………….. 16

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Data Collection & Sampling……………………........ 16

Statistical Tool/Procedures………………………….. 16

Theoretical Framework ….………………… ………. 17

Results and Discussion…………………………………................ 18-24

Conclusions and recommendations:

Limitation……………………………………………… 25

Conclusion …………………………………………….. 25

Recommendations ……………………………………. 26

References and Questionnaire:

References ………………………………………… 27-29

Blank questionnaire………………………………… 30-34

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1.1 Background of the Study

In today’s work environment stress is a common mental state that is rapidly

growing among employees in any field. Stress not only effects employee’s

mental abilities but also physical behavior resulting in increased or decreased

performance efficiency. Sometimes stress is caused due to environmental

factors effecting the performance of any individual, stress has its impacts

either positive or negative; when taken in its positive aspect known as eustor

helps in motivating an individual to achieve their goal but when it exceeds

the limit of tolerance among employees it converts into distress which

prevents an individual from the attainment of goals.

On job stress is mostly taken in the negative perspective and this distress

prevents employees from achieving their goals and from being productive.

The reasons for stress previously found can be work load, discrimination

among employees, conflicts created due to the roles played by employees of

any organization. Functional and operational level managers of banks are

under great stress when they aren’t given the due role to perform or when

load of professional work increases and the employees cannot cope with it.

These stressors not only decrease job performance but also disturb their

personal and family life.

Job performance is an activity to fulfill the job tasks in a successful pattern.

Employee’s performance depends on coordination with supervisor,

coworkers and the nature of the job. A supportive supervisor and coworkers

are an essential part for improved performance, including the job nature and

environment in which an employee is operating. Job tasks or job

responsibilities when not attainable are a reason for stress among employees.

Stress can be harmful especially when job requirements are contradictory

with the employee’s skills and abilities. If employees are given work that

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doesn’t match their knowledge or abilities they are obvious to encounter a

state of stress while performing the task or duties on the job, resulting in

inefficiency in performance due to lack of interest. If the factors are

satisfactory there will be a significant increase in efficient performance.

Bank employees are in stress due to lack of feedback, conflicts of authority,

and responsibilities given to them. Fast growing banking sector is

encountering increasing work load and its employees feel burden because of

work nature and overtime working hours. Bank employees require

appreciation and feedback for their work from their supervisors, if not

provided it creates a state of mental stress among employees. Studies have

showed a negative co relation among job stress and performance of

employees. In the banking sector employees encounters high levels of stress

which bring a decrease in productivity and performance. Job duties are a

source of increased stress levels and no major concern for minimizing

employees stress is shown by employers, this behavior of employer is a major

reason for decrease in job performance.

Job stress can bring other subjective effects among employees as fear of

joblessness or anxiety caused by burden of work resulting in deviated

concentration and commitment towards work tasks. Excessive stress creates

ambiguity among employees affecting their mental capabilities; they aren’t

able to make effective decision for themselves. Employers then face

challenge while managing their employee’s absenteeism and turnover issues.

Stress is widely known phenomena in today’s work environment, employers

now have to be considerate towards the employees of the organization else

way absenteeism, turnover and low performance will bring about a negative

impact on any business.

This base of our study is intended to focus on the factors causing stress

among employees of private banks in Quetta and also on the aspect of

performance change due to stress.

1.2 Research problems

Stress has become a major buzzword in today’s turbulent working

environment. Stress affects an employee’s effectiveness and on job

performance and ultimately decreasing job satisfaction. The purpose of this

study is to identify the factors that cause the mental stress and their impact

over operational level employee’s performance working in Private Banks of


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1.3 Research Variables:

The study is based on the following themes;

Independent Variable: Occupational Stress

Dependent Variable: Performance

1.5 Research objectives

1. To determine factors causing stress among employees of Private

Banks of Quetta.

2. To study the effects of stress on the performance of operational level

staff in these banks.

1.6 Significance of study

The study is based on cause and effects of stress on employee performance in

private banks, our study will be significant as no co-relational research has

been conducted in private banks of Quetta. The findings of the study would

be significant for the policy makers of the banking sector. Managers of the

banks can also use the results for improving employee performance and their

satisfaction levels. The research will be significant for banking sector as they

would be able to know the factors that are causing stress among employees

and decreasing their productivity.

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2.1 Stress

Stress is an amorphous and ambiguous term to explain its meaning. The

literature shows a wide range of thoughts concerning the meaning of stress.

Stress can be stimulus based and response based. The stimulus based is a

condition based stress; a person can find conditions like work load, heat,

cold, time pressure as a stressor and the response based stress application

holds that stress is caused by the internal responses of any individual as

behavioral, cognitive and effective. The difference is that the response based

stress is more of an individual’s own nature (Staal, 2004). Stress has its types;

positive stress helps an individual to perform well and negative stress is

associated with constraints (Kavitha., n.d.).

According to McGrath (1976) there are certain conditions that cause stress as;

First whenever an environmental situation is perceived as a demand, second

when the perceived demand threatens the person’s capabilities or the

resources to cope with it and thirdly due to the perceived importance that a

person places on the demand. His definition provides a concept of stress that

is directly linked to an individual’s performance, if a perceived demand

exceeds the skills or abilities of an employee it will be a source of discomfort

leading towards stress (McGrath, 1976).

Whenever a demand exceeds the capacity of a person he is said to be in stress

and it leads to strain, stress is a psychological level and strain is physical

level. When stress over burdens and becomes distress the person starts

feeling hopeless. This situation reduces a person’s efficiency in playing the

role assigned to him in workplace (Kavitha, n.d.). Under the condition of

stress a person’s attention appears to channel, and reduces his/her focus on

the tasks that are perceived less important and focus centralize on main tasks.

The determinants of main task are the individual’s perceived importance that

he/she is placing on the task. This process can lead to either enhanced or

reduced performance depending on the situation. Performance level decreases

if some important tasks are left unattended. Workload also tunnels attention

(Staal, 2004).

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2.2 Occupational stress and its impacts on performance

Organizational work can sometimes become a burden on employees if they

have to meet deadlines, tackle confused bosses, overtime working hours,

workload, inadequate monetary rewards and personal issues. These issues are

increasing level of stress and decreasing employee’s performance level

(Imtiaz & Ahmed, 2009; Salami et al., 2010). Pressure of avoiding errors at

job or to complete tasks in a given limited time makes employees pressurized

and this work load is a factor contributing to stress. Working conditions and

repetitive work also causes stress among employees decreasing Job

satisfaction (Kausar et al., 2006). Stress can also be created when no clear job

description is given or lack of understanding among supervisor and

employees, in adequate time for completion of tasks, heavy responsibilities

with no authority, no reward system, lack of opportunities and chance of

small errors resulting in serious consequences (Kavitha, n.d.).

Employee performance is also related to an employee’s job satisfaction. Job

satisfaction is the extent to which an individual is satisfied with the job

(Kumari and Pandey, 2011). A happier and satisfied employee will be more

productive. Satisfaction level decreases stress among employees. Work

overload causes more stress among employees in comparison to other factors.

Job satisfaction and self-perceived work stress show the extent to which

employees perceive their daily work stressful (Park, 2007). Managers can

evaluate the stress level of employees by considering their job satisfaction

and their perception about daily job tasks.

Every organization encounters one or more issues like these and it deeply

influences the performance of the employees and ultimately affecting the

organizations productivity. Changes have occurred over the decade,

globalization, technological development and restructuring are a root cause

for excessive work demands, and these demand are creating conflicts among

employee’s family and work life. They aren’t able to give time to their family

because of workload and overtime. Social problems arise causing a wave of

dissatisfaction to float among employees and they feel less motivated towards

their work (Imtiaz and Ahmed, 2009; Salami et al., 2010). Certain stressors

have much more severe effect on an individual, these are role ambiguity, lack

of feedback given for performance, no career development programs and

organizational structure and climate but if social support is present stress can

be reduced (Weiss, 1983).

Stress is normal to human behavior a person without stress is considered to

be dead. Effective organization members need to know the level of stress that

an employee can bear because if stress is not handled properly it can result in

negative behavior or dissatisfaction at work. Effective management system is

required the managers need to realize the resistance level of the employees so

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that the potential employees don’t get upset and their overall performance

doesn’t decrease (Imtiaz and Ahmed, 2009; Salami et al., 2010).

Considerate management will try solving employee’s problems for retaining

them and enhancing their performance levels. In today’s working

environment every employee is facing work related stress; many employees

are seen complaining about it. Employees are complaining about their co-

workers, job task and their bosses and it’s absolutely normal, what is not

normal is protracted and prolonged stress. Occupational stress is a major

hurdle towards continuous improvement process in any organization and it is

also increasing cost of health care problems (Wolfe, 2004). Previous study

showed 62% of respondents agreed that authoritative organization system is a

source of stress among employees. Employee empowerment is essential for

employees in workplace. Lack of empowerment causes stress and contributes

to employee turnover (Ongori and Agolla, 2008).

Employees suffer from higher level of work-related stress if existences of

work-related stress factors are more in the working environment (Ismail and

Hong, 2011). Occupational stress is recognized as an emerging cause for

health issue among employees. The work burden and environment of work

job leads to negative reactions like anxiety, headache or stomach distress

(Spector, 2002). Stressful life can have obvious effects on employee

psychological systems and immune system. Stressful life greatly effects

employees physical integrity, creates anxiety, frustration, heart disease,

cholesterol or feeling of helplessness (Kemeny, 2003). Anxiety or frustration

is harmful elements for any individual it would make them less interested in

job tasks and their performance level will likely decline.

Work control is also an important factor for satisfaction and increased or

decreased performance level. More an employee has control over their work

more satisfied they will be causing fewer health and mental issues. Work

control can be control over any aspect of work; it may be task or authority

given to employees or anything else (Spector, 2002). Work place stress

cannot be eliminated completely but can be reduced to some extent by

avoiding as much conflicts as possible, by negotiating with supervisors about

work load and communicating with coworkers and resolving conflicts. This

will keep employee safe from much of mental stress and biological diseases

caused by stress.

2.3 Employee’s stress in relation with performance in banking sector

Banking industry activities are all about relationship with customers, banking

industry cannot work effectively if the employees aren’t provided with stress

free environment, as human resource is the most important capital for

banking sector (Kavitha, n.d.). Over stressed job due to work load, risky

work, relationship problems with colleagues and the inability to manage

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family life creates social problems, dissatisfaction among employees of banks

and decreases their performance (Shahid et al., n.d.). It was believed that

employees are among one of the assets of any organization but now as

changes are taking place they are considered as most important and essential


Banks are working hard to decrease level of stress. The extreme effect of

stress in any bank acts as an obstruction in performance levels, stress not just

leads to turnover, in banks or any other organization they may lose some of

their potential employees and along with that they would have to bear high

training and recruitment cost for hiring new employees. Management have to

make strategies so that they could take qualitative measures to reduce the

level of stress among employees and make potential employees satisfied and

committed towards their work (Bhagat, 2008).

Turnovers are not a good sign for any organization, managing your

employees as they are the most important assets is the best strategy.

Employee empowerment is essential for employees in workplace. Lack of

empowerment causes stress and contributes to employee turnover.

Occupational stress is caused by work burden, communication barriers in

organizations, lack of resources and conflicts. These factors affect the

organization and its operations. Turnover, low motivation, dissatisfaction,

headache, moodiness, anger and accidents among employees increase

(Ongori and Agolla, 2008).

A study on the banking sector employees of Quetta showed that stress among

employees of private banks is higher than the employees of public banks. The

study indicated some major stressors among employees of private and public

banks these are role overload, role conflict, role authority and lack of support

from senior level employees (Malik, 2011). Lack of job clarity and

predictability is the reason for role ambiguity; it is the most common factor in

any working environment that affects the job performance. Role ambiguity is

higher in the financial industry due to the job requirements which implies that

employees must perform different set of tasks daily. Role conflict arises

when an employee faces conflict between set of demands and to attain one

role the other vital role is left ignored. This conflict affects the employees

work performance as a feeling of unhappiness with their work emerges

(Ismail and Hong, 2011).

The results of the survey in Nigerian banking industry showed that about

84% of the respondents have experienced one or more signifying symptoms

of stress and 83% were of the opinion that stress has negative impacts on

health. Workload demands are a sign of longer working hours in banks.

Employees may take the weekend or month end balancing or reports to home

for completion or they may be forced by employers to work on Sundays.

Employees may lead to a situation of exhaustion, fatigue, burnout state which

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is a physical, emotional and mental exhaustion (Oreoluwa and Oludele,


The causes of stress among bankers were found to be higher targets, salary,

work load, timings, public dealing and lack of management and peer support,

the responsibility of controlling the developing stress in any work setting lies

on both the management and employees (Badar, 2011). Study showed that in

the banking sector of Pakistan sources of stress are negative feelings about

work load, extensive working hours, technologies used at work and no proper

training provided, unsatisfactory salary, no time for family and social life and

job complications. Prolong working hours don’t provide employees the time

to take rest or to manage their family life. These all reasons lead to physical

and psychological stress (Kattak et al., 2011). Another study of Pakistan

banking showed that here the working hours for employees mostly don’t have

any time limit they may exceed the standard time of 9 am to 5 pm which is a

source of concern for employees. Stress has a negative relation with job

performance if stress is lower performance increases so both are inversely

proportional to each other (Bashir and Ramay, 2010).

The banking sector is becoming competitive day by day; the banking

management adds responsibilities on employees that exceed their capabilities,

which results in psychological problems. Pakistan banking industry is

growing rapidly and is providing opportunities for employment, but the

psychological issues as stress and strain may become a hurdle in the growth

of the sector (Rahim, 2010).

Employee can reduce the negative effects of stress by properly coping with it.

Employee who perceives low occupational stress and high coping will have

better work performance (Sun and Chiou, 2011).Stress can be harmful for the

whole society, job satisfaction, perceived stress and psychological wellbeing

of employees is important for proper working of banks. Research showed that

the failure of any financial institutions is costly for owner, customer,

employees and the economy, as banks play an important role in the growth of

any economy (Samuel et al., 2009).

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3.1 Research design

This research is a co relational study. The nature of this study is qualitative.

Primary data was collected through questionnaire survey. Dummy variables

were used to find the correlation between causes of stress and decreased


3.2 Population

Operational level employees of 14 private banks in Quetta were considered as

target population for the study. These banks are Al faisal bank, Bank Alfalah,

KASB bank, Silk bank, Burj bank, Meezan bank, MCB bank, Summit bank,

Al Islamic bank, United bank, HBL, Sindh bank, Bank Al dubai, Allied bank.

3.3 Sample size

The sample size is 100 employees of private banks

3.4 Data Collection & Sampling:.

The sampling technique & Data Collection procedure was;

3.4.1 Sampling Technique:

Sampling methodology that was used for this study is the non-probability

convenience sampling method. Due to convenience of data collection and

time constraints this sampling method is used.

3.4.2 Data Collection:

To obtain the data from private bank employee’s questionnaire was used. The

data from questionnaire was obtained on 3 likert scale i.e. YES, MAYBE,

NO. All close-ended questions were used to get the feedback of respondents.

3.5 Statistical Tool/Procedures:

For analyzing the sample data certain statistical tools were applied; SPSS for

evaluating the Mean and Standard Deviations for determining the sample

statistics and MS Word for developing the tables.

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3.6 Theoretical framework

Occupation stress is a common factor in any job, but bank employees are

mostly found to be facing it. As the diagram below shows occupational stress

is associated with the Job content, Employment conditions, and Social

relations at work place and Working conditions. These four categories are the

basis for stressors that stem from them as overburden, unclear job

description, reward system, job in security, supervisor and colleague support,

empowerment, tradeoff between work and social life, public dealings, late

sitting and deadlines. All these stressors affect employee’s performance and

decrease their efficiency as mentioned in the diagram below:








Unclear job

Reward system

Jon insecurity

Supervisory support

Lack of empowerment



Social life




Effects on performance


Lack of interest


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Table 4.1: Respondents data

Table 4.2: Work Experience of Respondents

Table 4.3: The scale used in the questionnaire was coded as


Female 17 17%

Male 83 83%

Total 100 100%

Experience Amount Percentage

0-5 51 51%

6-10 20 20%

11-15 15 15%

16-20 9 9%

21-25 2 2%

25-30+ 3 3%

Total 100 100%

Elements on scale Code Assigned

Yes 1

Maybe 2

No 3

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Table 4.4: Stress Experienced by Employees in Banks

The table 4.3 shows the responses of sample units. 100 employees perception

against 24 questions that were regarding whether the employees are

experiencing stress is being recorded. The mean and standard deviation for

each question is also shown.

Q # Yes May


No Total N Mean Std.


1 44 17 39 100% 100 2.12 .902

2 52 22 26 100% 100 1.77 .851

3 27 26 47 100% 100 2.18 .845

4 67 17 16 100% 100 1.46 .744

5 47 18 35 100% 100 1.91 .911

6 24 6 70 100% 100 2.45 .869

7 71 23 6 100% 100 1.75 .845

8 77 12 11 100% 100 1.36 .718

9 50 28 22 100% 100 1.68 .803

10 73 12 15 100% 100 1.41 .712

11 72 11 17 100% 100 1.56 .833

12 51 21 28 100% 100 1.81 .861

13 67 18 15 100% 100 1.54 .771

14 67 16 17 100% 100 1.47 .758

15 80 11 9 100% 100 1.32 .649

16 70 20 10 100% 100 1.41 .683

17 78 11 11 100% 100 1.33 .667

18 23 28 49 100% 100 2.25 .796

19 60 14 26 100% 100 1.75 .880

20 67 24 9 100% 100 1.43 .655

21 70 12 18 100% 100 1.50 .798

22 39 12 49 100% 100 2.07 .946

23 38 18 44 100% 100 2.04 .898

24 71 13 16 100% 100 1.48 .785

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Table 4.4.1: Mean of the Responses

The table shows the mean of yes, no, maybe for 24 questions answered by

100 sample. The table 1.1 clearly shows that majority of the employees

57.7% in these banks are stressed. 17% are uncertain about whether they are

stressed or not. And 25.2% responded that they aren’t stressed.

Table 4.5: Perception of Employees concerning factors of Stress

The above table shows the responses of employees regarding the stress

factors in the job. The mean and standard deviation for each question is also

recorded. The table shows that 84% employees thought that unclear job task

and 83% said lack of supervisor support creates stress, 79% were of the view

that overburden creates stress.


Yes 57.7%

May be 17%

No 25.2%

Total 100%

Q# Factors Yes May


No Total N Mean Std.Deviation

1 Unclear tasks 84 9 7 100% 100 1.25 .592

2 Overburden 79 16 5 100% 100 1.30 .595

3 Late sitting 64 26 10 100% 100 1.46 .688

4 Deadlines 71 23 6 100% 100 1.40 .636

5 Reward system 63 16 21 100% 100 1.60 .829

6 Insecurity 70 14 16 100% 100 1.46 .758

7 Supervisor 83 14 3 100% 100 1.23 .510

8 Colleagues 46 8 46 100% 100 2.01 .959

9 Less participation 60 13 27 100% 100 1.70 .893

10 Less control 71 8 21 100% 100 1.57 .868

11 Public dealings 43 20 37 100% 100 2.01 .916

12 Social life 61 16 23 100% 100 1.70 .893

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Table 4.6: Effects on Performance

The above table shows the respondent responses of the effects of stress

factors on performance. The table is also showing the mean and standard

deviation of each question.

Table 4.7: Reliability Test

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.786 44

Cronbach Alpha measures the reliability of the scale used for data collection.

The result shows that the three likert scale used in questionnaire is 78.6%


Q# Factors Yes May


No Total N Mean Std.deviation

1 Inefficiency due to unclear


61 14 25 100% 100 1.66 .867

2 Inefficiency due to late


70 13 17 100% 100 1.46 .771

3 Inefficiency due to no


52 24 24 100% 100 1.77 .839

4 Absenteeism due to


61 25 14 100% 100 1.51 .718

5 Job interest decreases due to

poor reward system

89 7 4 100% 100 1.14 .427

6 Quality of work is affected

by coworkers

90 5 5 100% 100 1.20 .550

7 Decreased performance due

to unsupportive supervisor

77 19 4 100% 100 1.28 .533

8 Interest in job decreases due

to less empowerment

89 4 7 100% 100 1.16 .507

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Table 4.8: Correlation table of dummy variables

Inefficiency due to unclear tasks

Inefficiency due to late sitting

Absenteeism due to job insecurity

Decreased interest due to poor reward

Coworkers effect performance

Decreased performance due to unsupportive supervisors

Unclear tasks

Pearson Correlation

0.187 -0.011 0.006 0.180 0.093 0.160

Sig. (2-tailed)

0.063 0.913 0.953 0.074 0.358 0.112

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Over burden

Pearson Correlation

-0.016 -0.172 -0.054 0.032 0.123 -0.076

Sig. (2-tailed)

0.877 0.087 0.591 0.753 0.221 0.450

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Late sitting Pearson Correlation

0.028 0.130 0.093 -0.015 -0.032 0.086

Sig. (2-tailed)

0.784 0.196 0.358 0.881 0.752 0.395

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Unrealistic deadlines

Pearson Correlation

-0.007 -0.132 0.190 -0.171 0.058 -0.095

Sig. 0.942 0.191 0.058 0.088 0.568 0.345

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N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Reward system

Pearson Correlation

.568(**) .560(**) -0.010 0.017 0.066 .462(**)

Sig. (2-tailed)

0.000 0.000 0.920 0.866 0.511 0.000

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Job Insecurity

Pearson Correlation

.317(**) .291(**) .233(*) 0.017 -0.077 0.153

Sig. (2-tailed)

0.001 0.003 0.020 0.863 0.443 0.129

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Supervisory support

Pearson Correlation

-0.004 -0.195 .367(**) -0.010 -0.130 -.239(*)

Sig. (2-tailed)

0.968 0.052 0.000 0.920 0.199 0.016

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Less participation

Pearson Correlation

-.276(**) -0.164 0.020 -0.074 -0.062 -.352(**)

Sig. (2-tailed)

0.005 0.102 0.840 0.463 0.542 0.000

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Less control

Pearson Corre

-0.143 -0.079 0.048 -0.109 -.199(*) -.305(**)

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The above table shows that unclear tasks are a reason of inefficiency in performance and it

has a strong positive relation of 0.568(**) with poor reward system, 0.317(**) with job

insecurity and 0.571(**) with social life. Late sitting decreases employees efficiency and it

also has strong positive relation with stress factors as 0.560(**) with poor reward system,

0.437(**) with public dealing and 0.510 with disturbed social life. Unsupportive supervisors

decreases employees performance and it has strong positive relation of 0.462(**) with poor

reward system and 0.517(**) with disturbed social life. Other relations in the table are either

not strong or negative relations so they are not applicable for the study.


Sig. (2-tailed)

0.157 0.436 0.639 0.282 0.047 0.002

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Public dealing

Pearson Correlation

0.157 .437(**) -0.146 -0.159 -0.044 0.118

Sig. (2-tailed)

0.119 0.000 0.147 0.115 0.663 0.241

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

Social life Pearson Correlation

.571(**) .510(**) 0.052 -0.021 0.123 .517(**)

Sig. (2-tailed)

0.000 0.000 0.607 0.834 0.222 0.000

N 100 100 100 100 100 100

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5.1 Limitations of the study

Our study was limited to only operational level employees of the selected 14

banks. Only14 private banks were selected due to time constraint and the

study was limited to one geographical area. Further research should be

conducted that could cover the private banks in other areas so that a clearer

view can be established about the topic.

5.2 Conclusion

The study analyzed the occupational stress and its effects on employee

performance in private banking sector. The objectives of study were to

identify factors causing stress and their effects of performance. The study

revealed that overburden, unsupportive supervisors and colleagues, late

sitting, disturbed social life due to work and lack of participation are causes

of stress among employees, the most evident one’s in the study are unclear

job tasks 84%, unsupportive supervisor 83% and overburden 79%. They all

contribute to decreased performance as it is evident from the correlation

table. When stress level increases in employees their performance and

productivity decreases.

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5.3 Recommendations

1. In developing organizations it is considered to be the duty of

management to manage the stress of their employees. And they

should take active steps to manage their stress so that potential of

employees is not wasted and does not give a threat to organizational


2. Employees should be given counseling so that they are able to

manage their stress and give their high performance and increasing

productivity of organization.

3. Up to a certain level stress is needed for high performance of

employees. But when this stress goes beyond the level then

management support is needed because it works as a cushion against

stress in employees.

4. Stress management training programs should be arranged with the

involvement of top management so that they can easily achieve their

goals without getting stressed.

5. Management should modify the policies to provide individuals with

more authority over their jobs.

6. Strategies should be over viewed regarding working hours,

supervisory support and clear job descriptions to reduce the stress of


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Page 30: Workplace Stress


6.2 Blank Questionnaire

Dear respondent!

This questionnaire is designed to collect data about “Impact of Stress on

Employees Performance in Private Banks of Quetta”. For this purpose,

researcher has selected the employees of private banks to collect the data and

accomplish this task. Your response will make this research more reliable and

accurate and it will help the researcher to make this project accomplished on

time. Please be neutral to select the scales and submit your responses.

Personal information

Name (optional)

Current position


Education 1. Intermediate 2.

Bachelor 3. Masters

4. Other

Total work experience

0 to 5 years 6 to 10 years

11 to 15 years 16 to 20 years

21 to 25 years 26 to 30+ years

Page 31: Workplace Stress


These questions are to diagnose your stress level. Answer all questions

but just tick one box that applies to you, either yes or no. Answer yes

even if a part of question resembles you.






I do not get enough hours in the day for the work that I am supposed to



I often grind my teeth.


I refuse to consider problems in the hope that they will go away



I prefer doing jobs myself so that they are correctly done.


I am wrong at estimating time for accomplishment of a task.


I often bring my office work at home.


I feel that my work/life has too many deadlines that are not easy to



I would like to have higher self-confidence/self-esteem than it is now.


Doing nothing and relaxing makes me feel guilty.


In my time of relaxation I often find myself thinking about problems.

Page 32: Workplace Stress



Even after waking up after a proper sleep I feel tired.


I tend to finish other people’s sentences when they are speaking slowly.


I am determined to eat, walk, drive and talk quickly.


I feel I have a loss of appetite/often skip meals.


I feel frustrated when I have to drive in a traffic that moves too slowly.


I hide my feeling of annoyance when someone/something annoys me.


I want to win in any game or sport I am playing.


I feel difficulty in concentration and decision making.


I find myself criticizing others even when they deserve praise.


Even when I am pre-occupied with my own thoughts I still seem to be



Pains in head, neck, lower back and shoulders have increased.


My tasks are not performed as good now as they used to be.


I feel I have greater dependency of cigarette and caffeine.


I do not have time for hobbies and interest outside work.

Page 33: Workplace Stress


Please use 1 to 3 scales for your response as under:

1. Yes 2. May be 3. No

Employee’s stress and causes

1 2 3


I feel stressed when my job tasks are not clear.


I feel stressed when I am overburdened.


Late sitting causes fatigue.


Pressure of meeting unrealistic deadlines leads to stress.


Inappropriate reward system in my organization is a reason of stress.


Insecure working environment creates stress.


Unsupportive supervisors in work related issues create stress.


My colleagues are non-cooperative; therefore I do not get along with

them at all.


Lack of/less participation in decision makes me stressed.


Lack of/less control over my job causes stress.


I feel stress due to frequent public dealing.


My social life gets disturbed due to extensive working hours.

Page 34: Workplace Stress


Effects on performance

1 2 3


You are inefficient to perform when your job tasks are not clear.


Late sitting decreases employee’s efficiency.


Inadequate training is a reason for increased inefficiency.


Absenteeism increases due to job insecurity.


Poor reward system leads to lack of interest in job.


Non-cooperative co-workers affect quality of work.


Task accomplishment decreases due to unsupportive supervisors.