©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 " Workout Name 12ers and 6ers Workout Type Strength Total Time 20 mins Set Up 5 stations with 2 exercises per station. Set out markers opposite each other about 10 – 12mtrs apart for each station Explanation: Stations running for 2 mins 12 reps of each exercise with run between stations for 60 seconds 6 reps of each exercise with run between stations for 60 seconds Equipment Markers, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Classification Intermediate Contributed By Saki Station 1 Push Ups and Bent Over Rows Station 2 KB Swings and Squat Jumps with KB in Chest Station 3 V Crunch and Burpees Station 4 Duck Run plus plank hold for remainder of 60 seconds and repeat Station 5 MB Wood Chops and Standing Russian twist

Workout Name 12ers and 6ers 12 reps of each … › wp-content › uploads › ...Workout Name Coogee Beach X-Training Workout Type Cardio Total Time 15 - 25 mins Set Up Mark out a

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©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 "!

Workout Name 12ers and 6ers

Workout Type Strength

Total Time 20 mins

Set Up 5 stations with 2 exercises per station. Set out markers opposite each other about 10 – 12mtrs apart for each station Explanation: Stations running for 2 mins 12 reps of each exercise with run between stations for 60 seconds 6 reps of each exercise with run between stations for 60 seconds

Equipment Markers, Dumbbells, Kettlebells,

Classification Intermediate

Contributed By Saki

Station 1 Push Ups and Bent Over Rows

Station 2 KB Swings and Squat Jumps with KB in Chest

Station 3 V Crunch and Burpees

Station 4 Duck Run plus plank hold for remainder of 60 seconds and repeat

Station 5 MB Wood Chops and Standing Russian twist

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Workout Name Triangles

Workout Type Strength

Total Time 10mins

Set Up Set up two triangles (each with a strength, cardio and core exercise) Each station runs for 30 secs Triangle has to be completed three times before moving to 2nd triangle

Equipment Markers, Dumbbells, Kettlebells,

Classification Beginners

Contributed By Saki

Triangle 1 KB Swings Squat Jumps Pocket Knife Situps

Triangle 2 DB Shoulder Press Burpees Bicycle Crunches

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©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 $!

Workout Name Coogee Beach X-Training

Workout Type Cardio

Total Time 15 - 25 mins

Set Up Mark out a 40 x 40 square 5 stations to be set up across 30 – 40 metres and near a wall 60 second rounds per station plus run to the water at end of circuit Perform circuit 3 times

Equipment Markers, Sandbags, Medballs, Wall Balls

Classification Intermediate

Contributed By Shaun P

Station 1 Wall Balls

Station 2 Situp alternating touch (wall)

Station 3 Crawl down beach and sprint up

Station 4 Push up with handraise

Station 5 Sand Bag walking lunge


Round 1 Ball Twist to water sprint

Round 2 Sand bag throw and run

Round 3 Sand bag lunge and pass

Round 4 Wall ball press and pass

Round 5 Plank medicine ball role

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Workout Name Kettlebell Combo Workout

Workout Type Strength& Cardio

Total Time 20 mins

Set Up Partner Work and swap 2 x 9 min rounds with 60 sec rest in between Set up sprint area about 400 metres in length (include hills and stairs if possible) Round 1 15 reps Round 2 10 Reps

Equipment Kettlebells

Classification Intermediate

Contributed By Dan Clay

Partner A Run

Partner B KB Swings x 15 KB Push Press KB High Pulls KB Squats

Mini Workout Challenge

Pyramid Workout 5 x hills sprints 10 x push ups 10 x squats 10 x situps 10 x burpees Then 4 hills sprints with 8 reps Then 3 hills sprints with 6 reps Then 2 hills sprints with 4 reps Then 1 hill sprints with 2 reps

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©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 &!

Workout Name Tabata Partner Workout

Workout Type Strength and Cardio

Total Time 15 - 25 mins

Set Up Partner Work with one Partner A performing strength, Partner B performing cardio and swap 20 sec rounds, 10 sec rests, repeat 8 rounds

Equipment Kettlebells, Medicine Balls, Battling Ropes

Classification Intermediate

Contributed By Dan C

Strength a) Push Ups b) KB Sumo High Pull c) MB Toe Touch

Cardio a) Shuttles, 10 metres

b) Battling Rope slams c) Burpees

Rushcutters Bay Freestyle

Bicycle Abs x 20 + Sprint to ramp / hill Spidermans x 20 + sprint stairs Dips x 20 to Squats x 20 and 2 x hill sprints Rope squat press x 20 - sprint round café / oval Plank hold 60 seconds Starting on a goal line Pulse squats x 20 seconds, sprint halfway Judo Pushups x 20 seconds, and sprint round field back to gear

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Workout Name Beach 4 x 4s x 45 seconds

Workout Type Partner Strength and Cardio

Total Time 18

Set Up Set up a 4 stations for strength, and 4 stations opposite these approximately 50 metres away Partner Work with one Partner A performing strength, Partner B performing cardio and swap 45 seconds with 4 min rounds, and sprints x 15 seconds

Equipment Kettlebells, Medicine Balls, Battling Ropes

Classification Intermediate

Contributed By Dan C

Station 1 S: DB Squat Thrust Row B: Spiderman Burpees

Station 2 S: Rope Slams

B: 4 x mountain climbers / 4 x squat jumps

Station 3 S: sand bag shoulder to shoulder squat – or squat B: Squat thrust push up reach

Station 4 S: Situp and rope reach B: 4 x plank walks, 4 x Prisoner Get ups

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Workout Name Bondi Cross Training

Workout Type Cross Training

Total Time 15 mins

Set Up Set up 5 cones in a linear line near a hill 60 second rounds, 2 rounds 5 x hills sprints at completion for round, with 3 burpees for each sprint not completed within 60 seconds

Equipment Kettlebells, Medicine Balls,

Contributed By Shaun P

Station 1 KB Swings

Station 2 Tempo push ups (2/3/1/5)

Station 3 Squats x 2 ; Sprawls x 2

Station 4 Medball situp x 4 / Overhead press x 10

Station 5 Side Plank hold, 30 seconds each side

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©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 )!

Workout Name Bodyweight Shuttles

Workout Type Cardio

Total Time 15 mins

Set Up Set up 5 cones x 5 metres apart

Equipment Cones, Hurdles and Agility ladders

Contributed by Dan C

Routine Sprint to 1st cone and perform 3 reps, then sprint back to start

Sprint to 2nd cone and perform 6 reps, then sprint back to start

Sprint to 3rd cone and perform 9 reps, then sprint back to start

Run thru ladder, jump hurdles, then sprint out to last cone and do

12 barrier jumps

30 seconds rest / Repeat

Exercises Squat Thrusts

Sprawls Push Ups Squats Situps to finish

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Workout Name Balmoral Cross Training

Workout Type Strength & Bodyweight

Total Time 30 mins

Set Up Mark out a square approximately 10 x 10 Split Group into two groups. First group – does 3 rounds, 2nd group does it for time

Equipment Cones, Mats, Kettlebells,

Contributed By Shaun P

Round 1 AMRAP of the following for all (6 mins)

5 power push ups

5 situps and stand

20 mountain climbers

Round 2 4 min round and swap, 3 rounds in total

Group 1:

KB Swings x 40

KB Sumo High Pulls x 30

Pocket Knife situps x 20

Burpee tuck jump x 10

Group 2:

Dips x 60 seconds

Plank x 60 seconds

Step ups x 60 seconds

Stair / hills sprints x 60 seconds

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Workout Name Sandy Triangles

Workout Type Cross Training

Total Time 20

Set Up Set up a Triangle with 3 cones approximately 15 metres apart Start with 10 reps at each marker and sprint around triangle, and then come to next cone Reduce reps x 2 Run for 6 mins, with 3 rounds Change exercises at each round during the 60 second cool down

Equipment Kettlebells. Dumbbells, MedBalls, Cones

Contributed By Helen R

Round 1 KB Squat One Arm Row DB Lateral Raisers MB V Situps

Round 2 MB Burpee Jump and Press DB Squat Thrust Curl and Press KB Chest Press

Round 3 KB reverse lunge high pull DB Squat and shoulder raise MB Russian Twist

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Workout Name Sandy Triangles

Workout Type Cardio Training

Total Time 10 – 12 mins

Set Up Set up shuttle stations for 5 rows Commence with 55 second rounds, and shuttles Then 45 second rounds and shuttles Then 30 second rounds and shuttles After each round, bring everyone to plank for 10- 15 seconds and start on the next round 60 second plank and change exercise

Equipment Cones

Contributed By Helen R

Exercises Mountain Climbers Prisoner Get ups Walking Planks /Military Planks Butterfly situps Plank Reach Rotations

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©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 "#!

Workout Name South Boxfit

Workout Type Boxfit

Total Time 30

Set Up Set up a square with cones

Equipment Boxing pads and gloves

Contributed By Helen R

Tabata Warm Up Round

5 mins each 30 seconds of 3 punch combinations, 15 seconds of exercise and repeat

1) JCJ + squats / jumps 2) CJC + mclimbers and cross body mountain climbers 3) JUU + barriers 4) Hooks + lunges 5) Pistons + pushups

Combo Round 10 reps on combo build up + shuttle for boxer, P: static exercise

1) J H (Padder – squat thrust) - hooks 2) J H U (Padder – squat thrust push up) - uppers 3) J H U C (Padder – squat thrust push up, barrier) - uppers 4) J H U RK ( Padder – squat thrust push up, barrier,

burpee) – alternate knees

Run 60 second rounds on each combo and 30 seconds fast punches

Core Work Situp Punches x 60 seconds Situp Hook Punches x 60 seconds Plank Punches x 60 seconds

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Workout Name Balmain Beginners

Workout Type Cross Training

Total Time 20 mins

Set Up Set up 5 stations with opposite markers approximately 30 metres out Working in pairs undertaking strength and cardio exercises. When cardio partner returns, pair swap over continuously for the 2 mins, however aiming for 12 reps before that swap over 2 min rounds, 30 second swap over Reduce to 90 second rounds with reduced reps to 8 for increased cardio intensity

Equipment Cones, Sand Bags, Slosh Balls/Medballs, Ropes, Kettlebells, Dumbbelss

Category Beginner

Contributed By Helen R

Station 1 Sand Bag Run around marker Squat thrusts

Station 2 Bear Crawl KB Squat High Pull

Station 3 Hill Run MB Situps

Station 4 DB Lunge Walk (Approx 10 metres) Rope Thrash

Station 5 S.Ball overhead run around marker Push Ups

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©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 "%!

!Workout Type 60s – 30s

Total Time 18 mins

Set Up Set up four stations Round 1 = 60 seconds with 30 seconds body weight Round 2= 45 seconds with 30 seconds body weight Round 3 = 30 seconds with 30 seconds body weight Swap over should be 30 seconds, round 1, 20 seconds round 2, 10 seconds round 3

Equipment Cones, Slosh Balls/Medballs, Ropes, Kettlebells, Dumbells

Category Intermediate

Contributed By Helen R

Station 1 MB Overhead Prisoner Get Up

Station 2 DB Sumo Squat and Press

Station 3 Rotations with Push Up

Station 4 KB Lunge and one arm row (Swap at halfway)


Round 1: Judo Push ups, Plank Reach, Barriers, Plank Hold Round 2: Squat Jumps, Squat Thrusts, Burpees and Squat Hold Round 3: Butterfly situps, Cross Body mountaim climbers, bicycle situps and plank walks


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Workout Type The Inside Outside Workout

Total Time 20 mins

Set Up Set up two stations, and two group of people Each station has 6 exercises for 8.30 minutes with AMRAP (and 6 reps of each) 90 seconds rest in between the swap over.

Equipment Cones, Sand Bags, Slosh Balls/Medballs, Ropes, Kettlebells, Dumbbells

Category Intermediate

Contributed By Helen R

Strength KB Squat Thrust with overhead press DB Shoulder Press MB One Leg V Sit Up DB Chest Press in Bridge KB Swings MB Burpee Jump and catch

Cardio 1 hills / sprint Prisoner Get Up Barrier Jumps T-rotations with push up Mountain Climbers Tuck Jumps


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Workout Type 30s – 20s 10 ers

Total Time 18

Set Up Set up a rectangle with 4 stations across about 50 metres for a good running space 18 min long round, no breaks Start off with 30 reps, and sprint around rectangle – as soon as 30 completed, work down to 20s and then 10s…. if you see that there is a fast person, also get them to do 5s and then hold a plnak until time is finished

Equipment Cones, Sand Bags, Slosh Balls/Medballs, Ropes, Kettlebells, Dumbbells

Category Advanced

Contributed By Helen R

Station 1 DB Sumo Squat Thruster and Shoulder Press

Station 2 KB Chest Press – Bridge or Long Legs

Station 3 DB Pull Up (lying down position)

Station 4 MB V Situp Up

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©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 "(!

!Workout Type 12 – 9 – 6

Total Time 20 mins

Set Up Set up a rectangle with 6 stations opposite each other First round is 6 reps of each exercise plus a sprint around rectangle to next exercise… 2nd round is 12 reps of each exercises plus a sprint around rectangle to next exercise Each Round is 9 mins long with 60 seconds rest

Equipment Cones, Slosh Balls/Medballs, Ropes, Kettlebells, Dumbbells

Category Intermediate – Advanced

Contributed By Helen R

Station 1 Push Up with Reach Out

Station 2 MB Burpeee Jumps and Overhead press

Station 3 Running Man sit ups (long leg bicycles)

Station 4 DB Renegade Rows (Plank Position)

Station 5 Squat Thrust with T Rotation

Station 6 KB Lunge 1 arm row !

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©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 ")!

!Workout Type 4 x 3s

Total Time 18 mins total

Set Up Set up 4 stations and opposing marker about 40 metres away. 2 exercises per station, with a sprint in the middle – doing exercise on opposite stations. 3.30 min round per stations and 30 second swap over Start off with 10 reps / 8 reps (work down by 2 each time)

Equipment Cones, Sand Bags, Slosh Balls/Medballs, Ropes, Kettlebells, Dumbbells

Category Intermediate - Advanced

Contributed By Helen R

Station 1 DB Bridge Fly - Sprint with DB – Renegade Rows

Station 2 KB Swing – Sprint with KB – KB Squat High Pull

Station 3 MB Russian Twists Chest Press – Sprint with MB Overhead to MB Squat Jump

Station 4 Scissor Situps – Crab Walk to Plank Walks and Sprint back !!

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Workout Type First to 10

Total Time 18 mins

Set Up Set up 7 Stations, working in pairs and 2.30 mins each station, 30 second rest 2 exercises per station, 1 strength and 1 cardio or bodyweight. First person to 10 or marker and swap over, continue for 2.30 mins Pairs should be of similar fitness

Equipment Cones, Slosh Balls/Medballs, Ropes, Kettlebells, Dumbbells

Category Intermediate - Advanced

Contributed By Helen R

Station 1 S: KB Swings B: Squat Thrusts

Station 2 S: DB Squat Curl and Press B: Hindu Push ups

Station 3 S: MB Wood Chops (side to side) C: Hill Sprints/ Sprint

Station 4 S: DB Row in Rotation Position (5 or 10 each side) C; Bear Crawl around marker

Station 5 S: KB Chest Press B: Reverse Crunch

Station 6 S: MB Lunge Twist C: Squat leaps around marker


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©Dangerously Fit version 3 6/16/2013 #+!

!Workout Type Strength and 2 mins of cardio

Total Time 18 mins

Set Up Set up 3 stations with with 4 exercises per station followed by 2 mins of cardio per station !%&!,-./01,2!,3435/0!

Equipment Cones, Slosh Balls/Medballs, Sandbags, Kettlebells, Dumbbells

Category Intermediate - Advanced

Contributed By Aaron

Station 1 Sb pick up and drop Mb twists Kb swings Plank walk Cardio: partner band runs + 10 star jumps each end

Station 2 Sb squats Mb over head crunches Kb lunges Plank taps Cardio: 1 min quick feet on the wall, 1 minute fartlek runs

Station 3 Sb bent over row Mb push ups Kb single arm high pull Burpees Cardio: 2x 20 sec climbers, 2x20 sec squat thrust and Long run


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!Workout Type Workout 3s

Total Time 18 mins

Set Up Set up 5 stations, 2 exercises per station 1 x strength and 1 x cardio exercise start with 20 seconds per station, Round 2 is 40 seconds per station Round 3 is 60 seconds per station

Equipment Cones, Slosh Balls/Medballs, Kettlebells, Dumbbells

Category Intermediate - Advanced

Contributed By Aaron

Station 1 KB Squat and High Pull (Upright Row) Zig Zag Sprints

Station 2 V Up Crunches Prisoner Get ups

Station 3 DB Renegade Rows Burpee Bunny Hops

Station 4 DB Lunge Walk Plank

Station 5 Dips Tiger Crawl

Finisher Lunge Pulse x 15 sec per leg Squat Hold x 15 sec Squat Pulse x 15 sec M/Climbers x 15 sec Sprint x 15 sec Tuck Jumps x 15 sec


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Workout Type Suspension Trainer Workout

Total Time 12 – 15 mins

Set Up Set up TRX stations x 4 or substitute with weights Work in Pairs, with partner 1 doing strength for 30 seconds, whilst partner 2 does cardio / bodyweight for 30 seconds and swap Start with 30 seconds round 1, 40 seconds round 2 and 60 seconds for round 3

Equipment Cones, Suspension Trainers/TRX, or DB/KB

Category Intermediate - Advanced

Contributed By Aaron

Station 1 P1: Press P2: Lateral jumps x 15 sec / 15 sec sprint (20 sec / 30 seco)

Station 2 P1: Squat P2: Ladder Hops and Sprint

Station 3 P1: Row P2: Zig Zag sprint

Station 4 Band Runs between pairs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Workout Type Partner Cardio and Strength Session

Total Time 20 mins

Set Up Set up 7 stations, 90 second rounds working in pairs Repeat with 60 second round

Equipment Cones, Kettlebells, Bands, Medballs, Sandbags

Category Intermediate - Advanced

Contributed By Aaron

Station 1 Overs and Unders (Plank and crawl) and (Plank and Jump)

Station 2 Situp and MB Pass

Station 3 Band Sprint

Station 4 Sandbag Squat and Pass

Station 5 Push up and kettlebell drag

Station 6 Plank Hold and Lateral Jumps

Station 7 Wheelbarrow Runs


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!Workout Type Weighted Fatburner

Total Time 15 mins

Set Up Set up 6 stations with 45 second rounds / 15 rest Repeat 3 times, Round 2 – increase to 60 seconds / 15 rest Round 3 – decrease to 30 seconds / no rest

Equipment Cones, Sandbags, Kettlebells, Dumbbells

Category Intermediate - Advanced

Contributed By Helen

Station 1 KB Goblet Squat and Overhead Press

Station 2 Body Counter with Tricep Push Up

Station 3 DB Burpee Jump with Reverse Fly

Station 4 Sand bag Reverse Lunge

Station 5 Cross Body Mountain Climber

Station 6 DB T-Plank Row


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Workout Type Weighted Fatburner

Total Time 15 mins

Set Up Set up 6 stations with 45 second rounds / 15 rest Repeat 3 times, Round 2 – increase to 60 seconds / 15 rest Round 3 – decrease to 30 seconds / no rest

Equipment Cones, Sandbags, Kettlebells, Dumbbells

Category Intermediate - Advanced

Contributed By Helen

Station 1 KB Goblet Squat and Overhead Press

Station 2 Body Counter with Tricep Push Up

Station 3 DB Burpee Jump with Reverse Fly

Station 4 Sand bag Reverse Lunge

Station 5 Cross Body Mountain Climber

Station 6 DB T-Plank Row
