Drumming can be used as a transformative tool to teach many life and coping skills, and can provide a positive and creative outlet while acting as a vehicle for self- expression and emotional release in a safe space. Playing in a group requires focus, discipline, respect, and accountability to yourself and others to execute for the greater good of the community. Drumming in an ensemble requires vulnerability and trust, which may lie safely protected behind one’s armor. I often refer to the drum as my “trash truck” and “most reliable friend” where I can vent or dump out/express whatever is going on positive or negative. The drum is a place where one can escape into a world where the limitations of words aren’t present, and you can feel vs. think about what you want to say. Drumming has been my refuge since age 5. It’s a place where the shy can become leaders and where the soft-spoken become out-spoken. The

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Drumming can be used as a transformative tool to teach many life and coping skills, and can provide a positive and creative outlet while acting as a vehicle for self-expression and emotional release in a safe space. Playing in a group requires focus, discipline, respect, and accountability to yourself and others to execute for the greater good of the community.

Drumming in an ensemble requires vulnerability and trust, which may lie safely protected behind one’s armor. I often refer to the drum as my “trash truck” and “most reliable friend” where I can vent or dump out/express whatever is going on positive or negative.

The drum is a place where one can escape into a world where the limitations of words aren’t present, and you can feel vs. think about what you want to say. Drumming has been my refuge since age 5. It’s a place where the shy can become leaders and where the soft-spoken become out-spoken. The drum is also a great equalizer and loud speaker for grown-ups to really HEAR children. I tell students quite simply from my own experience that there are only so many things you can hit and produce a positive result. “BE PRODUCTIVE NOT DESTRUCTIVE” is one of my sayings as I try to give people tools to use the drum as an option for taking out their trash, and to show them how they can make instruments themselves or use found objects depending on their resources to continue the work we started.

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I also teach that drumming isn’t all about aggression, it’s about a conversation and communication with others, and that really learning how to listen and respond to the tone or mood of that conversation makes it musical, and that sometimes the subtleties and quiet moments are the most profound. Motivated by my own life lessons and experiences I continue to heal through helping others, and can speak about choices I have made given the hand I was dealt. You either have the perfect excuse, or fuel for a fire to burn that blueprint and write your own story. I am grateful for the opportunity to live my passion and help others along the way. I believe this work is changing lives, saving lives, and empowering people who are dealing with challenges they inherited. My goal is to illuminate and inspire the people I work with so I lead with my heart and the rest falls into place.