e College of Wooster Open Works e Voice: 1901-1910 "e Voice" Student Newspaper Collection 5-9-1904 Wooster voice. (Wooster, Ohio), 1904-05-09 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: hps://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1901-1910 is Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "e Voice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of e College of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in e Voice: 1901-1910 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "Wooster voice. (Wooster, Ohio), 1904-05-09" (1904). e Voice: 1901-1910. 63. hps://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1901-1910/63

Wooster voice. (Wooster, Ohio), 1904-05-09THE WO03TER VOICE Records Broken Tllcmio ttirnw RoffffS KeDVOD Whitewashed first Distance 108ft 2 2-5in Crabtree Wooster second dis Only One

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  • The College of WoosterOpen Works

    The Voice: 1901-1910 "The Voice" Student Newspaper Collection


    Wooster voice. (Wooster, Ohio), 1904-05-09Wooster Voice Editors

    Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1901-1910

    This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The Voice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The College ofWooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Voice: 1901-1910 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information,please contact [email protected].

    Recommended CitationEditors, Wooster Voice, "Wooster voice. (Wooster, Ohio), 1904-05-09" (1904). The Voice: 1901-1910. 63.https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1901-1910/63

    https://openworks.wooster.edu?utm_source=openworks.wooster.edu%2Fvoice1901-1910%2F63&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPageshttps://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1901-1910?utm_source=openworks.wooster.edu%2Fvoice1901-1910%2F63&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPageshttps://openworks.wooster.edu/voice?utm_source=openworks.wooster.edu%2Fvoice1901-1910%2F63&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPageshttps://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1901-1910?utm_source=openworks.wooster.edu%2Fvoice1901-1910%2F63&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPageshttps://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1901-1910/63?utm_source=openworks.wooster.edu%2Fvoice1901-1910%2F63&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPagesmailto:[email protected]


    On Flukes Miss McManigal

    Gives Graduating Recital alChapel

    Ashland Was Able to ScoreTwice

    Conservatory Graduate Assistedby Ewald Sontum

    Shut Out Lasted Until Late inGame

    everyihing that came his wayMcDonnell plaved hisfirsthome

    game on the initial sack Wednes-day H is fielding was oond andthe error with uhich he wascharged was a q u es t i o n ah 1 eone being due to a wildthrow which fev first basemenwould have captured

    The game as a whole was not aswift one but it afforded the fansa great deal of encouragementSo many stories were in circula-tion about the light headednessof the team that it did themgood to see the men steady downlike veterans when in a hole

    the scomc

    Wooster AB R IT PO A EWhitcraft ss 4 1 0 4 4 2Graham cf 4 2 1 1 1 0BlaserS 5 10 2 3 2McConnelll 4 1 1 10 1 iAbbey rf 3 1 2 0 0 0Compton If 4 0 1 4 0 0Ringland 2 3 10 12 0Tatec 4 11 4 1 0Fryec 0 0 0 0 0 0Schmidt p 4 0 110 0Royer p 0 0 0 0 0 0

    35 8 7 27 12 5

    Ashland AB R II PO A EBealls 5 0 0 0 1 3Wreidrer2 5 0 1 1 2 2Drushalcf 3 0 0 0 0 1Jones If 4 10 10 0Alcockc 4 1 0 10 0 1Burnworthrf4 0 1 0 0 0Gault3 4 0 1 0 3 2Mason 1 4 0 1 11 0 1Wagner p 4 0 0 1 9 1

    37 2 4 24 15 11

    Miss Nell McManigal anothemember of the class of 1904 ofthe Conservatory of Music gaveher graduating recital in Memor-ial Chapel Thursday eveningShe was assisted by Ewald Son-tum instructor in violin in theConservatory and Miss AnnieSilk violinist

    Tim comedy hit of the eveningocculted during a solo by MrSontum It appears that theviolinist had rearranged some ofhe music which he was to play

    i t h o u t h a v i n g made anychanges in the score given to t heaccompanist Consequently theaudience was startled at hearingthe virtuoso dash into a selec-tion with all the vigor whichcould be given it by the artist ictemperament followed at a dis-tance by the accompanist whowas being urged on by loud andfervent cries of Come on domeon from Mr Sontum Afterthe recital explanations andapologies from the gentlemanquieted the musical atmosphere

    Miss McManagal s recital con-firmed the statement that theclass of 1904 is the best whichhas ever completed the course inthe Conservatory

    The program of the recital fol-lowsSonata Patlietique Opus 73 Hccthovrniravo AllcKro 11 nulto t con hrio AiIhkIo cnn-

    lnliliConcerto in D minor for two violins sec-

    ond movement JlachPrelude in E flat minor JlachImpromptu Opus 90 No 3 SchubertNocturne Opus 15 No 2 ChopinSie tanzt CrirgConcerto in K minor first movement

    MendelssohnPrelude in C sharp minor RachmaninoffEvening Song Howard ItroclnuayMagic Fire Scene fiom the opera Die

    Walkure Wagner- irassin

    The recital was well attendedContlnuued on page 3

    Ashland College was easy for theVarsity Wednesday afternoonWithout the first Team batteryin the game the visitors wereshut out in eight out of the nineinnings of the game Schmidtofficiated on the rubber for seveninnings with Tate behind the batSchmidt gave a few bases on ballsbut always rallied when circum-stances seemed to combine toput him in a hole and thegentlemen from Ashland were un-able to complete the circuitwhile he was leading the orche-stra With the beginning of theeighth inning Tate and Schmidtgave way to Frye and RoyerTwo of the cannon balls whichRoyer passed up were too heavyforFrye and allowed theAshlandteam to realize its ambitions andmake its dreams realities Aftertwo men had passed the fivesided plate the lines closes upagain and Ashland couldntcome close to scoring Comptonput up a brilliant game in leftfield accepting four difficultchances without an error Gra-ham in the middle of the hori-zon only had one chance to showthat he is freezing on to thein inthe good old way but he scoredtwo of the runs for the Varsity

    Nothing went toward rightgarden and Abbey while in thefield only had to look expectant

    Blaser and Ringland two newmen this year did some prettywork in stopping low rollersBoth of them need to give a littleattention to their batting eyesbut otherwise their work is ofthe A 1 varietv

    Capt Whitcraft is in his oldtime condition and with the ex-ception of one surprise whichbounded toward center field in-stead of being launched in thedirection of first base pocketed

    Two base hit Abbey Stolenbases Graham Whitcraft Blas-ser McConnell Schmidt Jones 2Alcock 1 Sacrifice hit Gra-ham Drushal


    Wooster 22002020 8Ashland 00000002 0- 2

    Dr and Mrs 0 A Hills whohas been spending the last fewmonths in California will leavefor Wooster May 10 reachinghere about one week later


    Tllcmio ttirnw RoffffS KeDVOD WhitewashedRecords Broken first Distance 108ft 2 2- 5inCrabtree Wooster second dis

    Only One Buchtelite PassesfirstKenyon Wins Easy

    Victory inTrack Meet

    tance 88tt 1 in440- yard run W H Brown

    Kenyon first Time 53s HallKenyon second Time 5 33- 43

    Mile run Smith Woosterfirst Time4m51 5- 8s Morri- onWooster second Time 4m ool- 2s

    Running broad jump Taylor

    Jacobs Holds Akron Team to OneHitEpiscopalians Rup Up 75 Points to

    Varsitys 34

    The Varsity track team openedits season Saturday at GambierThe meet resulted in an over-whelming victory for KenyonWooster only succeeded in cap-tnrino two first nlaces and in

    Kenyon first Distance 2Utt2- 3iu Ervin Wooster second17ft lOin

    220- yard hurdle W H BrownKenyon first Time 2S 2- osSecond place was given to Woos-ter on account of interference

    Hammer throw H a y m a n

    Much to Buchtels surprise thebeating administered by the Var-sity Friday afternoon was con-vincing crushing and completeAt no time during the game werethe Universalists able to push aman around the bases and onlyonce were they able to place theirfeeble drives where a Woosterfielder could not get themOnce too on an error a Buch-telite reached second base

    Jacobs pitched his first gamefor the Varsity at Akron Fromthe start of the game he had

    several events lost second placeas well The mile run was easyfor Smith as every one expectedthat it would be Morrison tak-ing second for Wooster

    The other event which the Var-sity took was the hammer thriwIlaymin did not throw any wlcivnear hi record but the bo 1 1 ofmetal fell short by over ten feetwhen the Kenyon weight mancame to the scratch

    W II Brown was easily theindividual star of the day win-ning four out of the six events in

    Woost- r first Distance 103ltiiin Bogrs Kenyon secondDistance 02ft Sin

    Exhibition mile relay by Ken-yon Time 3m 42s

    OmVuls St John referee andjud- e Dr Walton and ProfNichols judges W Balkeand DrEckstorm timers John Stalkerstarter Kenyon 75 pointsWooster 34 points

    them begging for mercy and atthe close of the game he hadstruck out four men giving butone base on balls and but onehit Even though the teamagainst which he was pitching

    Sigma Chi was a weak one ms snowing wasphenomenal in its character andit is highly propable that from

    Returns to List of WoosterFraternities

    Faculty Permits Local Chapter toResume Activity

    Coutiniied on page 6

    Base Ball Games of the Week

    Hiram 7 Mt Union 0Columbia 7 Cornell 0Yale 10 Brown 1Pennsylvania 8 Princeton 3Oberlin 11 Case 4Reserve 17 Bald win- Wallace 2U of W Va 11 W U P 7

    After a period of nearly three

    which he was entered and onesecond

    In the course of the afternoonnine new Kenyon records wereestablished and the state recordfor the discus throw was brokenwith BoggslOS feet 2 2- 5 inchesThe former record stood at 105feet


    High jump W H BrownKenyon first height 5 ft 4 inBalrncr Wooster second height5 ft 3 in

    120- yard hurdle Crosbv Ken-yon first Time 17s Hat W IIBrown Kenyon second Time17 i- rs

    Pole vault A L Brown Ken

    years in which tne iraternity nashpen inactive the faculty on

    The Holy CityFridaynight readmitted the

    local chapter of Signa Chi to ac-tivity in the University Duringthe three years there has never Tickets Being Distributed for

    Cantatabeen a time wnen tne irateruiiyhas not been represented by in-dividuals in the University andon Mondav mormrisr the threemembers of the local chapterwho with nrominent alumni

    The Chapel Choir will give aperformance of Gauls sacredcantata The Holy City inMemorial Chapel Wednesdayevening May 11 at 815 oclockThe cantata is considered thebest of its kind in musical litera

    yon first Height bit llicCrabtree Wooster secondllight Sft 7in

    100- vard dash Hall Kenyonfirst Time 10 3- 5 s TaylorKenyon second Time 10 5 4s

    Half- mile run W II BrownKenyon first Time 2m 1 l- 5sSmith Wooster second TimeJm 2 4- 5s

    Shot put Bojrgs Kenyonirst Distance 37ft lj- iin Hay-maii Wooster second Distance

    4ft lin220- yard dash Hall Kenyon

    ttrst Time 23 2- 5s Taylor Ken-yon second Time 24s

    have been at the head of theagitation leading to their returnChas II Bailey Paul Swartzand W S Kinney came out incolors for four new men

    The pledges are J M OrmsbeeF O Wise William Heindel andCyrus Craig These men will beinitiated some time during thepresent term and Sigma Chi willresume her old time activity inthe University next year

    Beta Delta Beta will entertainat Chippewa Lake in the nearfuture

    ture Admission will be by tic-ket only These tickets will notbe on sale but may be procuredfor the askiDg while they lasteither at the Treasurers officeor at Proctor and Ollails drugstore The expenses of the pro-duction will be paid from contri-butions which will be received atthe door The production willlast about an hour and fifteenminutes

  • 1


    Clubs Hght

    for Championship on theDiamond

    for the big game nest week Asa result University Field is inbetter condition for base ballthan it erer was before equallingif not excelling any college dia-mond in Ohio Bleachers and agrand stand are needed now andthe equipment would be com-plete

    Miss Julia Bechtel Mrs Tylerread a paper on Shakesperessonnets What I have gainedfrom the Club was the last topicconsidered

    The next meeting will be heldat the home of Mrs T M Flat-tery on Bowman st

    Benedict Tiefenthalcr Dead

    Roth Heads the List with ThreeVictories

    Broiled BeefsteakWooster Citizen Well Known to

    Many Generations of StudentsThe Feature of Unique PicnicLunch

    Benedict Tielent hnler died athis home at 2 3 X Bever stFriday morning May C lie hadbeen a great sufferer from Asth-ma for a number of inont lis pastand was able to gain but litle re-lief lie seemed in his usualgood spirits Friday morningwhen talking 1o t he students whoroom at the house Shortlyafter breakfast however he laydown and a few minutes later itwas seen tha t he was dying

    Mr Tiefenthalcr was born atSeisinger Austria i years agoInterment a t St Marys cemeteryMonday at tS30Miss NcMiiiiil Gives tinidimtino lhcilil

    A hotly fought tournament isin progress among the clubs ofthe city Four games of theseries have been played anddates have been arranged forseveral more

    The Schedule at present is asfollowsApr 23- Roth Club 13

    Missionary Home 12Apr 30 Kieffer Club 7

    Missionary Home 6Apr 30- Roth Club 18

    Young Club 5May 6 Roth Club 21

    Kieffer Club 14May 7 Young Club

    Missionary HomeMay 14 Roth Club

    Limbach ClubA few other dates have been

    considered but not definitelyarranged It is intended tomake a complete tourney in-eluding all the clubs for a cham-pionship

    Standing of the clubsGames Won Lost Percent

    On Friday afternoon RevLowry and sisrer- in law MissLee with a party of Varsity stu-dents went on an excursion toReddicks Uam where a novellunch was the feature of the oc-casion Beefsteak skillfullybroiled over an improvised stoveunder the expert supervision ofRev Lowry was the piecederesis- tance

    of the refreshmentsThose present were Rev LowryMiss Lee Misses Fulton Butterf-ield Hunter McClelland Belk-nap Anderson and Elder andMessrs Welday Ringland ActonWadsworth Lowry Schwartzand Harrison

    Thursday Club

    Entertained by Miss Bechfel

    Continued from pawn 1

    and thoroughly enjoyed by thosewho were present Woosteraudiences are not usually veryenthusiastic at musical eventsbut Miss McManigals work wona great deal of applause Thereremains but one recital of theseries which will be given Tues-day May 17 by Miss BeginsBarnes

    Roth 3 0 1000Kieffer 1 1 500Young 0 1 000Miss Home 0 2 000Limbach o 0 000Myers 0 0 000

    The Thursday Club met at thehome of Miss Elizabeth Bechtelon Bealle ave on Thursday oflast week The first paper readwas by Mrs Dr Holden on

    Utilization of Waste MaterialThis subject was then generallydiscussed

    After a musical selection byPlease pay Wooster Voice

    subscriptions to Jesso McClellnn

    The game Friday between theRoth and the Kieffer Clubs wasthe most interesting so far Kil-gore pitched for the Kieffer Cluband showed good head work butthe support given him waswretched Cunningham pitchedfor the Roth Seven inningswere played and in the sevenththe Roth Club weakened allow-ing seven of the fourteen runs bythe Kieffer to cross the homeplate before three men went outRichardson the Roth catcher isa surprise to many playing likean old- timer Uncle Si Millercaught for the Kieffer Wingerdumpired the game

    Big Game of tie SeasonUniversity of West Virginia

    vsThe Varsity


    Friday May 1 3 1 904

    Game called at 33o oclock

    University Field in Shape

    A steam roller has been work-ing out the irregularities on thesurface of the baseball diamondduring the week in preparation

  • THE W00STEBLV01CEUniversity Directory

    H for Woostershowing up more

    scores than the VirginiansIt may be a fallacy but a good

    Wooster Voice Seniors Martin RempJuniors Chas Wildermany schools tnmh au crood scientific rooting on theside lines helps some It really

    harm and it it accant do anyi- iri nnrhine more it

    Sophomores boyd oroucnC

    i TKt- 1 WattAthletic Association iviaranPnhlished weekly durinK the college year by

    indents of the University of WoosterTelephone o28 RempCOU1 Ullflir imight1 at least give the visitor

    4 flip irniH Y M C A L M AlcuonnenY W C A Clara ErbeckEDITORIAL STAFFAthenaean A H Hibbard

    who will be preseuu aua better opinion of our coll gespirit Of course it would meana little bit of exertion and might

    i I rtViorincr OI a little

    EditorinCh- ief

    Athletic FditorHeliRious Editor

    Exchange EditorSociety EditorLocal Editorsilnmni Editor

    Irving E L TnlhtLowell U MorrisonLincoln B H ConieyCastalian Miss Remy

    Carl Lytton TriffitO lj Newton Hayes doE H Townsend 0rNL L Klnckey 00limina bind 04j o Welday IW rninmiiiKs 05F N McMilliti l

    RH etling 01

    entail LiiBsuiu- nbit of the natural dignity withwhich some people are uurubut it seems as though it wouldBusiness


    be worth trying anyhowcommunications intendedaddress or telephone

    nublica- lon to tlie EditorinCh- iefnrV communications of a businessi Unices andaatnre sl mll be made to the Business


    Index J U WeiaayClass Uav A H EtlingBase Ball Edwin Meese Mgr

    H Whif craft CaptTrack Team J Mason Ormsbee

    Mgr Hugh Smith CaptStratford Martin RempUniversity Debating Club R B

    University Calendar



    II sr a vear If paid before January Iafter January 1if paidJUKI a yearlogic COiies


    IMML18 Monday May 9- Alpha TauOmega entertains

    Wedne- dav May 11- Umveriii1R1cm hull Varsll V VS

    WalkinsnawIndependent Debating Club 11

    H HaymanVoice Subscriptions Pay Jesse


    at Wooster Ohio asEnter it Hi Post iHleesconil- clns mail matter

    Wooster Trolley League learnWednesday May 11 tlo p

    m Y M and Y V7 C AThe college year is rapidlyitw i- lrwp On the first

    The Life ReligiousWednesday May 11- 6 o cioc

    Chapel- Holyp m- MemorialCity Cantata by Chapel Choirwua o x m a 12 Ivauke Y M C A

    Iieiii in 4dav of June the newly electedYoicrc Hoard of Control will holdits first meeting organize andelect an editor and business man-ager for next year Before theold board has discharged all ofit iitip Imu- pvpi it mustauuit

    Hal Sophoinorel Senior lian-

    qUFriday May 13 UniversityMr Dannenburg travelling

    secretary for the Student Volun-teer movement visited the Un-iversity last week for two daysWorinnarUw evening Mr Dannen

    Field Base ball varsivy vs uni-versity of West Virginia

    ber addressed a joint meetingI of the Y M and Y W C A in

    1 1 TTa rvOTTO 1

    the accounts of the present man-agement Before these accountshave much more than an imagi-nary existence in the brain of thebusiness mauager it will be nec-essary for von to call on Treas-urer McCleilan and pay your sub-script ion for the year Now theitfiu inwio- ptn Garcia which

    Saturday fliay ituiev- ComBase ball Varsity vs Reserve

    Examination Papers

    Sent to Oxford for Correction

    Memorial unapei ucsplendid earnest talk on thephases of the missionary workof interest to the students luemotives for missionary workwere set forth in a strong forcewe are endeavoring to carry to Kmitted to theful manner Mr Dannenburg islilt uueouiuiiot- i j s n- a nvrloQ arnncandidates iur wuuuuuoI lf 4 rt- C

    you is Don c stano in me ctjof progress Call on the Treas-urer immediately

    a young man but is very success-ful in his line of work He willsail for China September 21st onthe steamship Corea where heexpects to give his life to mis-sionary activity While in

    t Uni- k mar

    arships in the amereuuwere prepared at the Universityof Oxford in England and werebrought to this country by aspecial representative of that in-

    fin Tim nanprs submittedProsperity is upon us Good

    weather has ushered in two baseball victories in one week Andtlipre are more to follow The Ktt Vio vcirions candidates at the Wooster Air uanuenuuigwith the missionary committees

    of the two Associations and byhis council and planning madehis visit here of special value tothem As he leaves his na-

    tive land for the home of thestranger we unite in saying

    time of examination have beenforwarded to Oxford for correc-tion and grading After thegrades have been decided uponthe commission appointed forthe purpose will meet and decide

    Vr Vipt nnalifipfltionS of

    University of West Virginiagame comes off this week Thiswill be themost important as wellas t he fastest game played on thelocal diamond this year Per-haps we will not make as good ashowing against them as that of God be with himU1JUU UIJC XL

    the candidates Final appomti 1 1 J 4

    Princeton a little later m uein the year That doesnt makeany difference The team will doitsbest and look at the scoreafter the game

    The way things look now thechances seem to be about even

    men ts will be maae eany msummer

    For Sale One good surreypole and shafts Inquire of

    The Committee of the Centrallumni Association met Monday-

    evening to complete arrange-ments for the Alumni BanquetCommencement week

    IVeiSLtl J1 WO


    Orio Entertains

    Prep Societies Meet at Conserva-tory

    general discussion which followedwas a decided improvement overthe meetings of the past fewweeks which were held in theLatin room

    Remp Will Speak

    Essay Lehman The Ameri-can Flag

    Original Story Myers HobosDiary

    Debate Resolved that weshould have compulsoury ar-bitration of the labor questionAff Love and Thompson NegChapin and Stentz Parliament-ary Drill


    Orio Literary Society in returnfor the hospitality of Lowell last

    Committee Arrange for alumniBanquet

    term entertained the latter so-ciety at the Conservatory of Mu-sic Friday night Refreshmentsconsisting of ice cream maca-roons and Nabisco wafers wereserved A variety of games af-forded the entertainment of theevening

    Literary Societies

    The executive committee of theAlumni Association held a meet-ing last week to make the pre-liminary arrangements for theAlumni Bmquet which is held onthe Wednesday evening of Com-mencement week A part of theprogram was decided upon Thecommittee chose Martin Kemp asthe representative of the class of1904 on the banquet programAs has been the custom in thepast the Juniors will be askedto serve the banquet

    Irving met as usual on Fridayevening In the absence of thepresident and vice president Wil-der was elected president proteinAfter the usual business the fol-lowing program was rendered

    Allen spoke on the prominentalumni of Wooster many ofwhom were members of Irving

    Campbell addressed the societyon Our Chances at the KenyonMeet The following extemporespeeches were given HearstsCandidacy for Nomination toLead Democratic Ticket Zinnig-er Republican Possiblities forVice President Murray Essen-tials of Good Extempore Speak-ing

    The program was intensely in-teresting and the spirit of thewhole program as well as the


    Lincoln society was called toorder by Pres Co u ley and led inprayer by Cliapin

    Mower was received as a mem-ber of the Society

    On the extempo class Yawbergspoke on Current Events BhitThe good that will be received byattending the St Louis Exposi-tion Crossman The Prepara-tory Girls

    Recitation Moore Two Pic-tures


    I V PITT VliU RCi PJIJt 4


    h The Baltimore Fire Iemphasizedt the necessity of having your fire insurance in a strong company

    v That being true of fire insurance where you can readily change from one 5company to another without loss how much more true is it oT Life Insurance where a contract is to be kept in form for life or for a long period ofyears

    h The Equitable Life 5stands out as the strongest organization of its kind in the world

    2 Is that too good for youf Surplus 7365857800

    Let me figure with you

    f L C KNIGHT Agt gWooster Ohio

    HMany college men have found good positions in tlie service

    of the Equitable There may be a place for you Writef John D Fackler Supt of AgenciesP 204 Garfield Bldg Cleveland Ohio


    Among the Exchanges

    waat Viro- inia University has

    DrsStoll RyallStollOffice No 36 N Market

    Offloe Honrs 1230 pm 4 p mDr J H BtoUs reaidence 119 Beall A ve

    U W Kyall to N MarketOfHee Phone 10 Dr H J Stoll Beall Ave

    Hospital accommodation for eight personaplayed three games this seasonand won them all

    The team meets the WoosterCollege team at Akron next weekiirT onH ovnpcts to Win


    Continued from page 2

    and Jacobsnow on Comptonwill divide the Varsity games

    The game was not a swift oneThere wa- t too little oppositionto make it really fast At timesthe Varsity let down and playedas sloppv a game as the Buchte-lites But with a man on firstthe ball was gilt edged Noth-ing was too hard or too swift forour men to handle As theAkron papers put it they put upa o- nmp inst fast enough to keep

    flp JSTold goeteel DentistOfHce over Hookways Tailor Establishment

    Case after having been defeatedEve and EarDr H A HART

    Office in the Downing BlockOftle and Hoirs- 8 to 12 a 111 130 to 5 p inFormerly AiBt Surff N Y Opthalmic Aural


    by Central and ttasc Jriign sunuuaof Cleveland defeated Woosterlast Saturday 12 to 6- TheBuchtelite

    During the past week Denisond- feated Kenyon by a score of 6to 5 and Hiram gave Oberlin ascare holding the lead in a gameuntil the seventh inning but fin-ally surrendering the honors bya score of 5 to 2

    their opponents from scoringand did not overworn wiieu uracwas no necessity of it As a con-sequence the score was onlyfiftoon tr nnthino

    H N MATEER M DCor Buckeye and North Sts Phone 16

    Otfloe Honrs J 80 to 430 630 to 8 p m

    THOMAS A ELDER B S A M EDiseases or the Eye Ear NoBe and Throat

    Spectacles Office over Laubach BoydsDrug Btore Public Square

    Compton distinguished himselfFriday by his juggling 01 smi-ngly impossible flies He hadflvoflmiifps and accented them No Trip for4Choristers Dr J V Stahl Dentist

    Opposite Archer House Wooster OhioTeiepnone iae

    all with out an error One ofthem was a running catch of alnn- drive inst a moment before First Appearance in

    Wooster NearCommencement WALLACE SMITH

    Confectionery Ice Cream Soda Ice Cream

    Phone 238 20 E Liberty StThe College Choristers wereTanivorl this venr with the in

    LUCE a ARMSTRONGtention of taking them on an ex Transfer and Livery

    it reached the groundThe score

    Wooster AB K H 0 A EWhitcrafts 4 12 12 1Graham m 4 1110 0BlaserS 2 0 14 1McOonnell 1 5 12 1110Abbevr 4 2 110 0Bingiand 2 4 3 1 3 2 1Compton 1 5 2 2 5 0 0St John c 4 2 1 4 7 0Jacobs p 4 10 0 0 0

    Students Baggage a Specialty Phone 73


    tended trip The time wnicn wasconsumed in picking the mem-bers however and the manyother musical events which havelimited the time for practice havemade it impracticable to takesuch a trip Manager Fitch hasbeen negotiating with severalm riaa nop r Wnnstor for dates to

    Polytechnica school of InstituteENGINEERING TOy NYLocal examinations provided for Send for a Catalogue

    1539 10 27 16 3H 0 A E take the place of those on theItAB

    nnrror rrin r ls ruuau b uiao1 v rn 1 4 n I IADHERBERT JUSTIN ALLSUPJiucyrus win ue ctiuuug uucjixcoWaiter Tho Ohoisters will make

    STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRITERtheir first appearance in Woos

    4 0 0 2 4 14 0 113 0 13 0 0 3 0 03 0 0 2 0 33 0 0 1 0 23 0 0 2 3 03 0 0 1 4 11 0 0 10 03 0 0 2 3 3

    TotalsBuchtelParshall 2Smith 1Crist 1lleynolds 3Brown mSimmons cChapman pSp angler rWelsh s


    Mimeographing duplicating and circular letterwork a specialty

    ter some nine ntui vuuiiucuvc-ment when they will give an

    Phone 518300 N Bever Streetevening S program

    On College Hill

    27 0 1 27 14 11 Egbert Haves broke one of thebones in his hand while playingSUMMARY

    Tlirao Imco hit Afpflnnnpll 2 ball last weekThe members of the Kappa

    Alnha Theta Sorontv wereentertained at dinner at the home of

    H e rald17 PrintingI Co 1




    r urn 1 ii i iji


    Two- base hit Compton Stolenbases Whitcraft 2 Blaser Ab-bey St John Sacrifice hit-Graham Left on bases Woos-ter 5 Buchtel 3 Bases onballB off Chapman 3 off Jacobs2 Hit by pitched ball byChapman 3 by Jacobs 1Struck out by Jacobs 4 byChapman 1 Time 150 Um-pire Dorrance and St JohnAttendance 100

    By InningsWooster 40010811 015

    Miss Lucy Warren on Saturdayevening

    Announcements have just beenreceived of the marriage of MissMae Maharry to Mr Fred Stew-art Haven Miss Meharry wasat one time a student in the Con-servatory of Music Mr andMrs Haven will make their homeat Joliet 111


    TEACHERS WANTED Some of Our Vacancies for SeptemberHlph School Prinelpalships sererol JSOO to IS00High School As- lstantB Latin Herman Knullsh Siiiuoti MathemntUH COO to 12HState Normals Collets ami U iversitles M at hemntlrs Seienee Hist rv NP0 to 12HIHmary Intermediate and iriinuuar Mill ID MOOTHDRSTON TKACHKIW AGKNCY Anna M Thurston Mkt 87S Wall si Ave OhloatfOtree Kcgistrntlon until June 1st Scnil or circulars

    K s


    Geo A Brewer 02 of Prince-ton was a Wooster visitor re-cently

    Prof L C Knight and familywere CoDgress Ohio visitors lastweek

    Mr David Chaddock recentlyreturned from his orange farm inDeland Florida

    Frank E Beatty 04 will at-tend Princeton Theological Sem-inary next year

    J H VVhitcraft was elected amember of the University Debat-ing Club at its meeting last Mo-ndy night

    Rev I W Campbell of SalexAcademy Maryland was a visit-or at the University Tuesdaymorning

    Wooster Alumnae Association

    The Authority of the English- S peaKlng WorldThe New Edition of Knlish Kmiraphy Cconiiitiv Kirtion etc


    contains 25000 New Words etc New Gazetteer of the Wuriil with over25000 entries based on the latest census New Bioprnphicol Dictionary lvi lttfcivinsbriet facts about 10000 noted persons Kdiled hyWT U arris Th hLLA United States Commissioner ot Iihnaiion INew 1 lales Kbmdines 2So Ouarto Ta- es mvxd Illustrations

    LET US SEND YOU FREEA Test in Pronunciation Illustrated pamphlet also freeG 6 C MERRIAM CO Sorlnftfield Mass I WFHSITUS

    INI fcKNATIONAL i 1 rnrnMi mu WwTrtM- rJmA IMGARD

    Best and Cheapest Tailor in TownKull Lino of Sum pliH on linml

    Cleaning Mending and RepairingDowning IlloeU N IS 81 lu Square

    OnlurHlefl nt resldiiiee 7f 1 on II Ave- Cor Kowimiil

    A GERLACH DEALER INFresh and Salt Meats Bolognas Sausaces etc

    N IS Cor Beyer and Henry Sts


    R L MORRISON Hot and Cold Until30 East Liberty St Opr Archer Hum


    Wooster Steam Laundry2 N Bever Phone 52

    Best Work and Prompt Delivery


    For Best BreadPies and Cakes

    Phono 187

    HUNSICKER7 IE Liberty St

    of Kappa Alpha Theta metTuesday at the home of MissNina Given

    James Seiler who has beenvisiting friends in Wooster forthe past ten days has gone toHillsdale Mich

    Elmer C Slater of Orrville astudent here last year was avisitor for a brief time at theUniversity Tuesday

    J 0 Welrlay 05 will deliverthe address at the commence-ment exercises at Streetsboro 0High School May 20

    Miss Auna Silk of Canton whoassisted at Miss Nell McMan-igals recital Thursday eveningwas the guest of friends in thecity last week

    Born Sabbath May 1 to Mrand Mrs Howard Jefferson atMadison Mills a daughter Mrs


    West South St Wooster O Telephone 152

    Ufe AlbertTeachers P Agency


    378 Wabash Ave Chicago

    We are every day reeoniniend-ing teachers for flood jiosilionHin High Schools SecondarySchools and Colleen Colludestudents in demand Send nowfor Nineteenth Year Hook

    E P SBORMEPortraits Through Photography

    Fobs Block South Market St

    THE ARCHERSpecial Attention to Student Parties

    The McCormitk Theological SeminarySituated at 1060 North Halsted Street Chicago

    Affords flue opportunities for scholarly work and training in the practical duties of

    the ministry The Faculty consists of eight Professors and one instructor The

    students are constantly trained in methods of study and investigation while the

    spiritual side of their mission is always kept foremost The Virginia Library con-

    tains a growing collection of books on all theological topics as well as files of the

    leading theological journals The position of the Seminary in a large city and the

    presence of a well organized Missionary Committee oiler exceptional

    advantage for practical religious work The large dormitory buildings provide

    comfortable rooms with all modern conveniences Lor further information address

    the Secretary

    Jefferson was Miss PaulineGreenlee 03 whose parents re-side on Beall Ave

    Mrs Bertha McManigal- Boydof Princeton a graduate of theConservatory in 98 and after-ward a music teacher in the Un-iversity was the guest of her sis-ters Misses Nell and Maud M-cManigal last week

    Miss Margaret Stowe MissCaroline Bartles and Miss EthelEnoch of the Cleveland School ofArt were the guests of Miss Be-rtha Warren ex- 05 at her homeon North st over Saturday andSunday

    For Sale One second- handTypewriter Jesse McClellanTreasurers office

    QTFAH LAUNDEast Liberty St Wooster O

    KgwRT IIavis 08 AgtWegather anddeliver

    laundry every day Phore 38


    Gem Gallery tzSZlAnd everything In ihe amaleur line

    Photos 25 to 50 cent pe rdozenIf you are a new student inschool you should know that ALCOCK a SON

    GRANITE WORKSKat 8outh Street near P Ft Wj- ne A C R


    The Alumni Editor had thepleasure of visiting East Liver-pool a few days ago and met anumber of Wooster friends andheard iome Wooster newsGrace 15 Morgan 94 Pearl CWilliams 03 and Martha JCooper 00 are teaching in theschools George A Gaston ex-99 was visiting his parents over

    Sabbath Mr Gaston is meetingwith large success in the practiceof law in Cleveland where he isproctor of University School

    DAWSONSis the place to go for





    t7 unimand if you have been here I i m n h sa mm m w nbefore you know it aireauyIra Broz

    rl I4jfr The R8CEnized StandardI ft I The Name is I1 stamped on A ff

    f1everloop jil

    V Arfl cushionI j W BUTTON

    Successor to Robertson Droz

    Coach k Transfer tin

    secretary ot tne stuaeoaKer wand holds a number of otherpositions Robert Pete Halland his brother known to oldWooster friends as Chug suc-ceed to the business interests oftheir deceased father MissLucile Jones ex- 9T holds an ex-cellent bu- iness position and wasentertaining her sister Josephineex- 97 of San Francisco

    The current journals tell of theexcellent work of Dr ThorntonA Mills 78 in the pastorate ofthe First Presbyterian church ofSan Jose California

    H DIitchard ex- 99 has beenstudying in the law offices of

    J C 1 Dealer in ChoicerL eOnarU baal Fresh Meats etc 1 KSFiZ ClolNnUBri f rliK2K SNds Tears nor UnfastansOysters and Poultry in season A nil line oir Plinii 1 ftfl

    77 and 79 Bast Liberty St i KlSiS4iiS SaniplrpnirSilkr0cCottoni5iferJgBfe V Mailed on receipt of prircSgfcjfeigfBff Boston Mass USA




    92d Annual Commencement May 10th 1904

    College graduates of all denominations welcome Faculty of seventeen Modernmethods of Instruction Theological Library containing 102000 bound volumesChoice of extra curriculum courses and privileges of advanced study in PrincetonUniversity A strong Y M C A An address each week by men prominent inaggressive Christian work Annual conference of leading Christian workers Threefine dormitories

    The ninety- third session opens September 16th 1904

    Opening address in Miller Chapel September 16th

    Address all correspondence to



    Arrel McVay Tayley inYoungstown

    Levi Ranson x 99 is prosper-ing


    in the Standard Oil businessin Sistersville West VirginiaTwo boys make tilings lively for

    rrhn 11fl V y 11 Q sole iTRiwiroR3 tor The

    Home ofVI 11 LI if mAKcnsoNivyoRKrtAKLRSNVyRKfcrtiM fiond flnttiinn Si V COPYRIOIiTf 1904

    him in his homeThe Rev Samuel C Moore 98

    who has spent three years inRoberts college Constantinopleis on his way to America Hewill make a tour of great Britjanand on his return take up thework of the ministry

    Prof A C Baird 99 is Mc

    Spring Suits Rain andTop Coats for Men j

    Our large show window now reflects the verylatest models in the above garments and this display is only ahint of the manv o- ood thinas we have inside to show yon dome

    Keesports High Schools athleticrepresentative in a big league ofHigh schools about Pittsburg

    The Rev Joseph W Angell91 has just taken charge of thePresbyterian churches of Monroeand Oconee Nebraska

    A splendid report of the Yearswork of the Castellar Streetchurch Omaha of which theRevWalter H Reynolds 86 is pa-

    sWilliam Shibley JewelerDealer in Fine Watches

    Diamonds Clocks etcFlno RnpalnnK giigravinp andSpecial Order Work a Specialty

    in and do a little trying on and note graceful hang and perfect litof our clothing

    Price 1500 and UpS H4 All the newest shapes are here andpring OatS renienil1 that our u a v pooguaranteed hat is absolutely the best hat made for t he money inboth Derby and Alpine styles

    Sole Agents for the celebrated Dnnlap Hat

    Bennet Fish39 to 41 Eticlid Ave Cleveland OVoostr Ohio23 EL Liberty St

    djiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiuii iiiiimiuiiiiiiiiimiiiiimMiiiiimiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Hung

    h 1 In

    4 r



    System of


    Stokii jr

    in the


    of Wooster



    ieneral Officemrnnrcn CTHkFP CO Of AlTienCa Marquette Bldlt ChlcKI nn UiNUCKrCr17 y x pttsburKi ph1deIphl St Pa Oenver

    Koston tieveianu ttMiiuniMiiuiuiiuiiiiiHiim 1111117llimlIlllllimMnmiMHMniMHiiinm1uuM5iiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniim im llin



    Tan WC Kern Co411 E 57th St Chicago

    Caps and Gowns made toorder and rented

    Pennants for all colleges andfraternities carried in

    stockClass Pins Class and Team

    CapsSend for Catalogues

    tor appears in the current num-ber of the Interior

    A well known superintendent ofschools in Ohio a graduate of adenominational college says

    VVooster has the reputation ofsending out the best teachers inthe state of Ohio Far betterthan a school in a nearby largecity far better than her sisterdenominational schools AWooster diploma is worth from10 to 25 dollars a month moreto the graduate expecting toteach than a diploma from anyother school of any sort in Ohio

    Clyde B Kenty 97 is workinglaw and insurance in Lisbon 0and is making it go


    j StudentsBuy your Drugs Perfumes fCombs Brushes and Fancy fToilet Articles of J



    A complete line of the nob-biest effects in Suitings andTop Coatings at popularprices

    Kampfert Garsun

    Tailors Who Progress148 Superior St Cleveland Ohio

    Over Leader Office

    On the Square S E Side

    DeWitt the Florist KOSeS ailU Will uuLiuua vuiCorner Bowman and Beveripnrn l-lm m- tnn





    The College of WoosterOpen Works5-9-1904

    Wooster voice. (Wooster, Ohio), 1904-05-09Wooster Voice EditorsRecommended Citation
