Woolmer Hill School Prospectus

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Woolmer Hill is a successful mixed, comprehensive academy of approximately 620 pupils aged from 11 to 16 years. Situated on a beautiful site on the outskirts of Haslemere, the school attracts pupils from a wide area including Thursley, Grayshott, Beacon Hill, Chiddingfold, Grayswood, Hindhead, Liphook and Churt, as well as Haslemere itself.

We have an inclusive approach to educating the whole person, based upon an ethos of mutual respect and active involvement in all aspects of school life. We believe that all members of our school community should be challenged to achieve their full potential. We place a great deal of emphasis on developing independent, life-long learners and work closely with our post-16 partners to ensure that our pupils have the qualities necessary to succeed in post-16 settings and beyond to university and the workplace.

It is important to us that the views and contributions of our pupils are valued and that they are involved in decisions that affect their school. We have an active School Council and pupil leadership group who meet regularly to discuss whole-school matters or to lead their own projects.

We make maximum use of the exceptional resources available to us on the site, including our 25 acre grounds and The Edge sports centre with its large multi-purpose sports hall and two flood lit all-weather pitches. We offer a wide range of subjects taught by specialist teachers with excellent resources whilst offering smaller than average class sizes.

Welcome to Woolmer Hill School“It is my pleasure to welcome you to Woolmer Hill. It is my belief that Woolmer Hill School provides a first rate education for young people founded upon our strong and supportive school community. It is a fabulous place to grow and learn.”MATTHEW ARMSTRONG–HARRIS (Headteacher)



Our aim in Key Stage 3 is to build on the progress our pupils have already made in Key Stage 2 and continue to develop them as successful life-long learners. We provide a broad range of subjects in each year with a view to building a strong basis for later learning. All pupils follow a pathway that includes a rich mix of Science, Mathematics, English, Information Technology, the Creative and Performing Arts, Physical Education, Modern Foreign Languages, Humanities and Personal and Social Education. All of these curriculum areas are studied throughout years 7 to 9. Supporting the curriculum is an emphasis on developing the learner through a programme of skills-based activities which is taught in stand-alone modules and re-inforced across the other curriculum areas.

Our website contains more information about the subjects we

offer at Key Stage 3.


At GCSE level our range of options include: Computing, IT, Drama, Art, Photography, Design and Technology, Physical Education, Modern Foreign Languages, Dance, Media, History, Geography, Religious Education, Leisure and Tourism in addition to the ‘core’ of English, Mathematics and Science. This offer is enhanced by our involvement in the Waverley Federation partnership which allows us to offer a wide range of vocational and specialist options provided through the Federation.

Further details about our courses are available on our website.


The core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science are at the heart of our curriculum. English offers all pupils the opportunity to study for both a Literature and Language GCSE, whilst able mathematicians are supported in working towards an Additional Mathematics qualification. Science is taught as the separate disciplines of Biology, Physics and Chemistry and is offered as a ‘Triple Science’ route for able scientists in Key Stage 4.

ModErn ForEiGn LAnGuAGES

All pupils start in Year 7 by taking French and Spanish. Learning in languages is enhanced through an exchange programme and extended at Key Stage 4 by the addition of Italian through our partnership with Godalming College.

The Curriculum“We work hard to ensure that all pupils experience a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum. We have designed our curriculum to make certain that there is clear progression in terms of the development of both skills and knowledge across all subject areas throughout Key Stages 3 and 4.” JAMIE ANdERSON (deputy Headteacher)


“Students of all ages and abilities are emphatic that excellent teaching is the key to their success and their enjoyment.”OFSTEd 2011



Our Creative Arts faculty includes Textiles, Design and Technology and Food in addition to Art and Photography. This varied curriculum area enables pupils to develop their practical design and production skills as well as refine their understanding about what makes a product or design successful.


Drama, Music and Dance help to develop the expressive talents of our young people. Their confidence is enhanced through their participation in a range of musical and dramatic productions which take place throughout the year.

The annual jazz tour gives musicians a chance to perform in exciting locations in mainland Europe.


“High expectations, meticulous monitoring of progress, and well-managed booster classes and enrichment activities ensure that students across the ability range meet and very often exceed expectations.” OFSTEd 2011


“…students have been very professional in their approach, been well rehearsed, confident and proved very talented too.”LOcAL MuSIc VENuE

ThE huMAniTiES

Geography, History and Religious Education are taught as separate disciplines and aim to develop our pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the world they live in.

inForMATion TEChnoLoGY

In Key Stage 3, Information Technology focuses on developing both general IT skills as well as the more specialised skills of the computer programmer. At Key Stage 4, pupils have the opportunity to focus on their media skills, general application skills and computing skills through a range of GCSE options.


“We were very impressed with the school grounds, the buildings and also with the friendly, happy but also productive and stimulating atmosphere we experienced! After visiting Woolmer Hill we are convinced that this is an environment in which our child would not only thrive but also be encouraged to explore his potential.”A WOOLMER HILL pARENT

“PE is not only about the physicality, but the mentality too. At Woolmer Hill we incorporate all aspects of learning to achieve the best that we can be.” YEAR 10 pupIL




All pupils have at least two hours of Physical Education every week as a part of their core curriculum. Their skills in a range of sports including Football, Rugby, Cricket, Basketball, Rounders, Badminton, Netball, Athletics, Hockey and Tennis are developed through the core programme. In addition to this, a range of additional sports can be catered for through the GCSE programme in Key Stage 4 or through the extended curriculum.

PErSonAL, SoCiAL & hEALTh EduCATion

Our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme is delivered through a range of opportunities as part of the enrichment day programme, assemblies, guest speakers, tutor periods as well as dedicated PSHE time.

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At Key Stage 4 our in-school vocational options of Media or Leisure & Tourism is enhanced by a wide range of vocational options provided through the Waverley Federation. The options available are updated to meet the developing needs of young people in the Federation, but typically include options such as Health & Beauty, Hairdressing, Motor Vehicle Studies, Equine Care, Catering and Sports & Leisure.

“Woolmer Hill may be a small school, but we are a big team. On and off the field we are always supported and encouraged to achieve our goals.”YEAR 8 pupIL

“Staff work hard to get to know their students as individuals and liaise with both families and agencies to ensure all students receive appropriate support and help.” OFSTEd 2009


Extending the Curriculum ExperienceHigh quality learning in the classroom is only part of the curriculum experience at Woolmer Hill. We believe that participation in clubs, visits and other activities are important elements of a genuinely rounded education.

Our curriculum is enhanced through a series of ‘enrichment days’ held throughout the year. These allow us to explore a specific theme, conduct some offsite fieldwork or participate in a sports’ marathon. Enrichment days are an important way to reinforce the learning that takes place within the school’s normal curriculum as well as offer a refreshing and enjoyable experience for all of our young people. A number of residential trips are organised throughout the year. Trips include our annual Year 7 Outdoor pursuits camp in Sussex, a ski trip to Austria, a Geography visit to Iceland and a History visit to the First World War Battlefield sites.

Our annual Young Musician of the Year competition offers a showcase for our best musical talents. The school’s annual production offers a wide range of roles, not just to budding singers, dancers and actors, but to those who like to help behind the scenes with the sets, sound and lighting.

In addition to enrichment days and residential trips, we offer a wide range of clubs and activities that take place at lunch times or after school. These include a range of sports, debating, journalism, film, cookery and our popular ‘The only way is Ethics’. Details of the Woolmer Hill ‘Enrichment Programme’ are available from our website.



“I’ve joined new clubs and tried new sports since joining Woolmer Hill and I’ve always felt welcome and encouraged to give my best.”YEAR 9 pupIL

Working with Pupils

“Woolmer Hill is a successful school where students feel safe and cared for and achieve well.” OFSTEd 2009


Our pupil body, the school council, is actively involved in decision making within the school whilst the Senior Prefect team and their deputies are elected by all pupils through a secret ballot.

Pastoral support for pupils is provided through a team of tutors led by a Director of Learning. Each pastoral team is supported by a non-teaching assistant who takes time to communicate with pupils and parents as and when it is necessary.

Pupils with particular learning needs are supported by a dedicated special educational needs team either one to one or in small groups. Our Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator organises a range of extension and additional activities to stretch and engage our most able pupils.

At Woolmer Hill we pride ourselves on working with our pupils on many aspects of school life.

Preparing for Life Beyond Woolmer Hill

We work closely with post-16 providers, particularly our partner College, Godalming Sixth Form College, in order to provide an effective transition to Key Stage 5 for our pupils. We also ensure that all pupils have a range of work-related learning experiences, bespoke careers advice and a programme of ‘life skills’ lessons which focuses on practical topics such as personal finance and interview skills.

At Woolmer Hill we recognise that we are preparing pupils for life beyond school. We work hard to support pupils to make the right choices for themselves when it comes to post-16 education and starting out in the workplace.



“Students have an engagingly positive attitude to learning. They are articulate, responsive and mutually supportive.”OFSTEd 2011


Sydenham School, Dartmouth Road, London, SE26 4RDTel: 020 8699 6731 Fax: 020 8699 7532 Email: [email protected]

www.sydenham.lewisham.sch.ukWoolmer hill School, haslemere, Surrey, Gu27 1QbT: 01428 654055 E: [email protected].




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