Aiming high, achieving our very best

Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College Prospectus

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Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College Prospectus

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Aiming high, achieving our very best

Page 2: Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College Prospectus

Welcometo Hodge Hill Sports & Enterprise College

We aim to develop these attributes in each and every student to ensure that all achieve their full potential both personally and academically. We believe that these attributes will foster creative and enterprising individuals who will succeed in life, making a contribution to our local, national and global community.

To secure this achievement we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which not only develops knowledge but also life skills, supporting learning and the transition into adult working life. Students at Hodge Hill also engage in a broad range of enrichment opportunities which allow them to extend their horizons through creative, enterprising and sporting activities.

This is an exciting time to join Hodge Hill where dreams can become reality: come and join us in this journey.

Aiming high achieving our very best

At Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College we believe that all of our students can achieve if they believe in themselves, work with a clear focus and actively engage in learning.

“To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” Anatole France

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CourtesyOne of our strengths...

Aiming high achieving our very best

Every year group is led by an Achievement Coordinator, responsible for tracking and monitoring the progress of all students in their year group. They are supported in their role by their Assistant Achievement Coordinator, who focuses on attendance issues and removing any barriers to learning. Together, the Achievement Coordinator and the Assistant Achievement Coordinator work with their tutor team to ensure that the highest quality of pastoral care is maintained, all day every day.

As we seek to further improve our pastoral provision, this year we launched our pastoral brand - CARE - Courtesy, Achievement, Respect and Empathy. We see these core values as the foundations upon which young people can build a happy, healthy and wholesome school career.

In our last OFSTED inspection the quality of pastoral care that we provide at Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College was highlighted as one of our strengths.

Staff and pupils will be polite.COURTESY

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“Staff learning and development at HHSEC is impressive and very well managed.” IIP Gold Assessment Jan 2013

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Students are divided into two broad ability bands on entry to the school based upon their KS2 data. Pupil groupings are reviewed using ongoing assessment data. There is also a transition group in Years 7, 8 and 9 for those students who require additional support.

At KS3, students study a range of subjects including: English; Mathematics; Science; ICT; PE; Humanities; Art; Music; MFL and Design Technology. In Year 9, students begin their GCSE programme of study in English, Mathematics and Science and also have an introduction to Business Studies.

At KS4, the curriculum becomes increasingly personalised for students. During Year 9, students are guided towards suitable pathways based upon their ability and interests. There are two

learning pathways. Pathway 1 is our more traditional ‘Ebacc’ route and Pathway 2 allows students to explore a wider range of more creative as well as vocational subjects. Our learning pathways allow students to study subjects from the four entitlement areas of the arts, design and technology, the humanities and modern foreign languages.

We also host a small satellite sixth form in partnership with Birmingham Metropolitan College. The school runs a wide range of extracurricular activities to further enhance and enrich student experiences. Our curriculum also includes PSHE and Citizenship education through ‘Learning for Life’ lessons, visits from external providers and a series of planned theme days.

Aiming high achieving our very best

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum for our learners.

We will work together to provide opportunities for success in all aspects of school life.ACHIEVEMENT

We aim to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students at our school and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

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Respect Behaviour for Learning and Rewards

The school relies upon each individual student following a responsible code of behaviour as well as specific school rules. The Behaviour for Learning policy is available to view in the parent section of the website: (http://www.hodgehill.bham.sch.uk/Parents/Policies/) and is reinforced regularly to students. The school believes in rewarding good conduct and work through its system of rewards.

Rewards: We use ‘Vivo Miles’ to reward our pupils.

What are ‘Vivo Miles’?

‘Vivo Miles’ is an online rewards system which motivates students to work hard.

Teachers may award ‘Vivos’ (electronic points) to pupils for

positive behaviour and actions such as: excellent progress, extra-curricular activities, being a model citizen, showing a consistently positive attitude and many more.

Students can save and spend their ‘Vivos’ on the rewards they want from an online catalogue in the ‘Vivo’ Shop.

Students can check their ‘Vivo’ balance by logging on to their account through the vivomiles.com website or the Vivo App (for Android and iPhones). The ‘Vivo Miles’ online shop offers pupils the chance to redeem their hard-earned ‘Vivos’ on a range of approved goods such as: a mobile phone ‘top-up’; stationery; sports equipment; computer equipment and games; key rings and jewellery to name just a few.

Aiming high achieving our very best

Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College has clear and effective discipline policies.

Staff will be fair and consistent in tutoring students and students will take responsibility for their own actions.RESPECT

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Empathy “Our school is what brings us together, as students, peers and as friends. Without Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College our lives would be completely different: we wouldn’t have made the bonds of friendship and academic ‘leaps’ that have taken us to where we are now. This time in our lives will shape us into the people that we will grow to be; we are proud to say that our school will be the one to take us there and are extremely proud to represent our community and younger generation.

Our school always encourages us to aspire to high expectations and to be successful in all that we do. We are motivated to ‘smash’ our targets and successfully complete any challenge placed before us. Our school brings us together as a community and a family, which makes us stronger with every step we take.”

Year 9 Pupil Champions

Aiming high achieving our very best

“It’s a big school, but feels like a small one, it’s like a big happy family.”

We need to understand how our behaviour shapes people’s opinions of us, our families, our upbringing...EMPATHY

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“Students are proud to be part of the school and are developing positive personal characteristics.” OFSTED 2010

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Sports & EnterpriseSport plays a vital role within Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College, enhancing the experiences of pupils as well as providing opportunities for pupils to achieve their very best across a range of subjects.

The school has an excellent sporting tradition and an extensive extracurricular activity programme. Pupils regularly represent the school and the local schools network in a wide number of different activities, as well as taking a leading role at a number of city wide competitions. We also strongly believe in giving pupils memorable experiences through sport, attending a wide range of elite level sporting events as well as numerous educational visits, both in the UK and abroad.

Enterprise education is also at the heart of our school and through challenge days, careers events and work with business partners, we bridge the gap between school and work, raising student aspirations and helping foster a ‘can do’ attitude.

We aim to create a learning environment that provides opportunities that foster pupil initiative, creativity, problem-solving, team-work and leadership skills.

Pupils are also given the opportunity to lead social enterprise activities raising money for charities, planning and organising social gatherings and working with businesses to develop projects within the school.

As a specialist Sports and Enterprise College, we use sport and the sporting ethos as a catalyst to raise standards and support the aims of the School.

Aiming high achieving our very best

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We believe that learning takes place both within and beyond the classroom, we therefore provide a wide range of after-school activities. These activities help to build character and provide positive experiences for our pupils.

Beyond the school day

We like to help our pupils get in touch with the outdoors. Students can undertake the ‘Shropshire Summit Challenge’, an immense thirty-five mile walk over six summits during one weekend! In addition, students can attend a camping residential at Burwarton Cottage, developing their independent living, team-working and survival skills. Students can also participate in international residentials such as our joint History and PE Departmental visit to France.

Beyond the school day, we also have popular clubs such as ‘Master Chef’; cricket training; a film club; football training and our Olympics club.

Outdoor activities

The Music Department also provide a wide variety of after-school provision, helping pupils to enrich and enhance their cultural experience. Students can compete in annual competitions such as the ‘Battle of the Bands’ and to participate in school productions such as Bugsy Malone and the Talent Show.


We provide optional revision classes for all core subjects, ensuring our students have the opportunity to further their knowledge and broaden their understanding in preparation for their examinations.


“The range of extra curricular activities and educational visits provides good opportunities to enhance students’ enjoyment and experience of school.” OFSTED 2010

Aiming high achieving our very best

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• Anti -bullying policy

• Behaviour for learning policy

• Charging & remissions policy

• Child protection policy

• Governors statement of general principles with regard to behaviour

• Home school agreement

• Equalities statement & Equal opportunities policy

• Exclusions policy

• Restraint policy

• Sex education & relationships policy

• Special educational needs & disability policy

SCHOOL POLICIES The following policies are available in the parent information section of the website. Hard copies are available by request from the school office.

“Together we create a safe, caring and successful environment, committed to empowering students to

achieve their full potential.”

“The school is a well-oiled machine that runs with efficiency, due to strong leaders and managers who support and

empower staff and pupils.” IIP Gold Assessment Report Jan 2013

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Hodge Hill Sports and Enterprise College . Bromford Road . Hodge Hill . Birmingham B36 8HB Tel: 0121 783 7807 . Fax: 0121 464 7517 . E-mail: [email protected] . www.hodgehill.bham.sch.uk

Headteacher: Mrs A. Andersen . Chairman of the Governors: Mr. M.F. Sparkes CIPD

Photography by Katie Dancer, Martin Fu, Peter Andersen. Prospectus designed and produced by WavePrint 0121 454 9441 [email protected]

“The multicultural nature of the school enables students to develop a good understanding of different faiths and cultures so that there is a strong sense of shared values.”OFSTED 2010

Sports Hall front entrance