WOODGREEN COMMUNITY CENTRE ANNUAL REPORT 2002-2003 Once a neighborhood community centre…

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Annual Report for WoodGreen Community Services -- I developed the concept and wrote teh articles

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W O O D G R E E N C O M M U N I T Y C E N T R E A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3

Once a neighborhood community centre…

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Today we’re at the centre of many communities.

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President & Board Chair Message: Taking Care of Our Neighbours

We started off as an East-end neighbourhood

centre over 65 years ago and while our mission

has not changed, the breadth of our services and

the way we deliver them has evolved dramatically.

From one location at 835 Queen Street, we have

grown to 15 locations and more than 100 partners

that we collaborate with to meet the growing

needs of our clients – individuals and families

who often lack access to the essentials of life.

Our goal is to provide “total solutions” to the

challenges our clients are facing which means

helping them access the many supports they need

– whether these include housing, child care,

employment training, help with a developmentally

challenged child or care and support right in their

home. We do this by linking many of our own

services and through innovative collaborations

with our many partners.

Take our Homeward Bound project for

example, scheduled to be unveiled in

Spring 2004. This new housing devel-

opment will provide women in the

shelter system with their own apart-

ments, child care and employment

training, so that they can become

more self-sufficient.

Through WoodGreen’s immigrant services we

address the many barriers that newcomers face

in coming to Canada, including providing

them with ESL classes, and helping them find

housing, child care and employment.

We even help immigrants work through

accreditation issues through partnership

initiatives like the Care for Nurses program.

Funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges

and Universities and developed in conjunction

with St. Michael’s Hospital, Yee Hong Centre

for Geriatric Care, and Kababayan Community

Centre, the program works to get nurses that

have been trained in foreign countries through

the Ontario accreditation process and employed

more quickly. To date hundreds of nurses have

been trained through this program.

Providing total solutions to our clients also

means making our services accessible and, in

many cases, bringing services right to the

people who need them. That’s why we located

our Youth Job Centre at Danforth and

Donlands – right in the heart of a number

of high schools and easily accessible by TTC.

Last year alone we had more then 10,000 visits

to the Job Centre. Another way we will be

doing this is through a new multi-story

building that will provide housing and

supports to frail seniors, so they can access

Last year we helped more than 37,000 individuals and families through

15 locations and over 100 partners across Toronto.

everything they need in one location on the

former Wellesley Hospital site.

We also look to our clients to tell us what

they really need. Through our neighbourhood

programs, WoodGreen works to bring much-

needed resources to communities in the East

end. In partnership with the East York Rotary

Club, our newest project is in the Donlands

and Cosburn area where we will soon be

providing after-school programs, parent/child

drop-ins and more.

In many ways, WoodGreen is still the

neighbourhood centre it once was. Our

neighbourhood has really branched out and our

clients’ needs are much more diverse than ever

before. But we’re still doing what we’ve always

done best – taking care of our neighbours.

Brian F.C. Smith President


David Evershed ChairJan Goddard Vice Chair Brian Smith Secretary/Treasurer Bill Oaker Past ChairAndrew Bevan DirectorBrian Milne DirectorElizabeth Qualben DirectorJanice Paul Director Joe Deschenes Smith DirectorKaren Sasaki Director Nancy Hawley DirectorNorma Wilcox DirectorPaula Turtle DirectorReg McLean DirectorRobert Witterick DirectorValerie Mah Director

David Evershed Chair, Board of Directors

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A Year of Accomplishments

Homelessness & Housing Help ServicesWoodGreen continues to work diligently to reduce

homelessness in the city, connecting individuals

and families with the information and resources

needed to access affordable housing. Last year, we

provided support to over 4,000 people in the form

of information on available housing, access

to interest-free loans, eviction prevention,

emergency relocation services, harm reduction

programs and more.

Some of the specific projects we undertook in 2002/2003 include:• assisting 114 homeless individuals, who were

living on the parcel of land at the bottom of

Cherry Street (“Tent City”), to make the

transition from living on the streets to stable,

long-term housing – through a joint initiative

made possible by the support of the Toronto

Community Housing Corporation, the City of

Toronto, WoodGreen and Toronto Disaster

Relief Committee

• holding our first community forum on harm

reduction, which provided much-needed

public information about the philosophy

of harm reduction and the critical role of

housing in the lives of active users

HousingWoodGreen manages five non-profit, affordable

housing locations for people in east Toronto.

Our tenants are people with low incomes,

including youth aged 16 and up, seniors,

newcomers, people with disabilities, survivors

of the psychiatric system, and people who have

a long history of homelessness. Last year, we

At WoodGreen, we believe that there are certain essentials in life that everyone

should have access to, including affordable housing, regular employment, quality

child care, supportive communities and the ability to live independently. Last year,

we helped more than 37,000 individuals and families through our many programs

and locations around the city.

provided affordable housing support

to 452 households.

Employment ServicesWoodGreen provides employment support

and job training programs to youth and adults

seeking jobs. Last year alone, we helped more

than 14,000 individuals through our comprehen-

sive employment services. WoodGreen’s Youth

Job Centre and Employment Resource Centre

provide a self-help resource environment with

tools and support to job seekers, including

technology support, employment workshops,

hands-on training, and up-to-date employment

information. Job seekers can get one-on-one or

group assistance with job searches, resume

development and interview techniques from the

employment consultants at our Job Search

Coaching Centre, Job Search Workshop Program

for Newcomers, and the Youth Job Centre. The

Youth Job Centre also offers specialized job search

support and placements for youth who are seeking

both full-time employment and summer jobs.

Some of the ways we continue toexpand our offerings to clients include:• introducing new workshops for foreign-

trained professionals, and hands-on computer-

based workshops such as “how to post a

resume online”

• initiating many successful events with employer

and business groups such as Desjardins

Financial, Deloitte Consulting, Canadian

Business Resource Centre and Unilever, to help

our clients better understand the workplace

culture, how companies recruit, and the types

of jobs available in the various sectors

• combining one-on-one coaching with group

networking sessions so that job seekers can

share their job search ideas, failures and

successes with others in a similar situation

• offering both day and evening programs to

ensure that newcomers can access our

employment services, including those who

work in survival jobs at odd times or have

childcare responsibilities

• hosting quarterly events, where clients were

reunited to share their experiences, successes,

and offered tips to those who are still looking

for work

• strengthening our partnership with local

high schools, industry groups, individual

employers, the Apprenticeship Branch and

training providers to provide apprenticeship

placements to students in a variety of areas

including electrical, plumbing, automobile,

machining, landscaping, cabinet making and

hair dressing

Child Care ServicesLast year, WoodGreen’s child care services

provided high-quality, licensed child care, and

nursery school and summer camp programs to

nearly 500 children and their families. The

goal of WoodGreen’s

programs, for

children ages

0-12, is to provide

an enriching learning

experience within a

happy, caringand

stimulating environment.

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A Year of Accomplishments continued

WoodGreen is also proud to be part of an

exciting, innovative project aimed at creating

a seamless school and childcare program. The

Bruce/WoodGreen Early Learning Centre, is

one of five Toronto First Duty Projects which

aim to integrate kindergarten, child care and

parenting supports into one comprehensive

early years program. Developed in partnership

with the Toronto District School Board, the City

of Toronto and the Atkinson Foundation, the

Bruce/WoodGreen Early Learning Centre is

creating a model for the future of early learning,

where schooling and child care are more unified

in their goal of helping children develop to

their fullest potential.

Community Care & Wellness for SeniorsWoodGreen provides a comprehensive range of

essential services to seniors to help them live

independently within the community. Last year

over 6000 seniors and caregivers benefited from

our services, which include supportive housing,

meal and nutrition programs, day programs,

transportation, social work, home visits and

more. Many of the seniors we support are frail

elderly people with disabilities or debilitating

diseases who could not live on their own

without WoodGreen’s help.

Other ways we helped seniors over the past year include:• providing continued services to vulnerable

seniors throughout the SARS outbreak

• educating Mandarin seniors about elder

abuse and how to prevent it through the

launch of WoodGreen’s Harmony program

• furthering our partnership with Bridgepoint

Health to better integrate services for seniors

in our community

• working closely with the Silos to Solutions

community partners to look at ways of

providing more coordinated solutions to

the health challenges faced by people living

in South East Toronto

• increasing the number of frail seniors who

can remain in the community under the

care and support offered at our supportive

housing clusters

• continuing to provide personal support

and homemaking through the Toronto

Homemaking Services contract with the

Toronto Community Care Access Centre

Immigrant ServicesWoodGreen provides a range of services and

supports to Toronto immigrants to help them

adjust to their new lives in Canada. Last year,

we helped nearly 12,000 newcomers, improve

their English language and literacy skills,

access affordable housing, upgrade their job

skills and find employment, and connect with

other immigrants through various social and

recreational activities.

We are particularly proud of the following accomplishments:• providing hundreds of newcomers with

an opportunity to gain work experience

as volunteers in the community and

WoodGreen’s many programs

• recruiting dedicated community members

to volunteer in WoodGreen’s ESL Café to

facilitate an English conversation forum

with newcomers

• developing a successful Peer Learning Group

where a newcomer is trained and assigned a

lead role to facilitate a settlement discussion

with other newcomers in a group

• doubling the number of new immigrants

who participate in our social and networking

activities where they can connect with others

and begin adjusting to their new environment

Mental Health & Developmental ServicesWoodGreen provides a full range of services to

parents with children who have developmental

challenges, and to adults who are developmentally

challenged, socially isolated or have a history

of mental health issues to enable them to live

independently within the community.

Last year, we provided over 600 individuals and

their families with case management support,

mental health counselling, psychosocial

recreational groups, parent outreach programs

and housing. These programs have recently

found a new home at WoodGreen, in their very

own unit, Mental Health and Developmental

Services and we are excited about the future.

Some of our innovative initiatives include:• managing a unique housing program for

individuals with serious mental illness (SMI)

in which a group of men and women, who

were formerly homeless or at high risk of

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Maximizing the Impact of Your Financial Contributions

WoodGreen Statement of Operations Year Ended March 31

Where our financial support comes from

Where our financial support goes

RevenueGovernment Grants & Fees

Canada 1,302,831 1,307,662

Ontario 6,578,610 6,195,737

Toronto 3,493,147 3,206,303

Fees For Service Individuals 870,418 809,260

United Way 663,144 598,560

Investments 47,490 54,676

Fundraising & Productive Enterprises 389,832 312,917

Amortization of Deferred Capital Contributions 130,985 113,142

Service Contracts & Other 1,069,331 1,086,997

Total 14,545,788 13,685,254

ExpensesSalaries & Benefits 10,768,334 10,368,283

Purchase of Services 368,342 531,951

Building Occupancy 689,403 511,734

Programs 369,078 321,115

Training Subsidies 1,076,843 820,650

Food Services 339,407 355,464

Office and General 247,919 246,453

Transportation 179,239 133,120

Recruitment & Education 75,729 97,496

Promotion & Publicity 91,804 100,424

Amortization of Capital Assets 275,703 265,299

Total 14,481,801 13,751,989

Surplus / Deficit 63,987 -66,735

2003 2002

$ $



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becoming homeless, live comfortably and

safely, in private rooms within a cluster

setting (funded by the Province of Ontario’s

Homeless Initiative Fund)

• providing support to parents by bringing

outreach staff with developmentally

challenged children together with other

families with developmentally challenged

children throughout the City (through

the POP program)

• being interviewed by CBC Radio, where

staff and clients of the Mental Health Case

Management Program talked about their

challenges and their hopes for the mental

health system

• responding to the Toronto Peel

Implementation Task Force’s request for

consumer input, two group sessions were

held with consumer survivors and then

reports identifying needs and issues around

the future of Mental Health Services in

Ontario were submitted

Neighbourhood ProgramsBuilding on our roots of being a neighbourhood

community centre, WoodGreen continues to

branch out to provide neighbourhood programs

to communities in east Toronto. Designed to

promote community participation and build

healthier neighbourhoods, WoodGreen’s

neighbourhood programs include after school

clubs, school readiness programs, summer

camps, piano lessons, community kitchens,

parenting workshops, family support groups,

community trips, and youth leadership and anti-

violence initiatives. Last year more than 1,300

people of all ages participated in our programs.

Some of the new initiatives we introduced in 2002/2003 include:• launching an innovative intervention

project called "Kids Keeping It Together"

that combines individual counselling,

community development, and leadership

training to work with youth, aged 12-15, who

have witnessed violence at home or at school

• partnering with 4 other agencies across

Toronto to launch a new school readiness

program called “Ready 4 School” that

focuses on preparing newcomer children

for kindergarten

• training more than 30 youth, aged 10-15,

to deliver Heart Healthy information to

summer camps, their peers, and their families

throughout the community, in conjunction

with Toronto Heart Health

A Year of Accomplishments continued

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Volunteers Make Things Happen

At WoodGreen, our volunteers are critical to the success of our many

programs and services.

Thank You to our Donors

Fouad Abou-AliRuth AllenCarolyn AnthonyStan ApplebyAviva AttasMargaret BagnallMara BakicEllen BartelloPaul BennettWm. Leslie BirminghamAlberta BlackJoan BlackhallSteven BockDon BojinMary Ko BongAgnes van't BoschJune BoyachekMargaret BryceMargaret A. BullEleanor ButlerJim & Jo ButtressDonna CansfieldAnne CarruthersPat CarsonBlake CarterChung Kam ChanGarfield ChanPatti CharityStephen CheethamElaine CheungJohn ChildsHalina ChiuSoong Chun ChiuChew Nam ChongFung Sau ChowNelson & Eunice ChuTom CliffordJosephine CoblentzMiles CohenGerry ConnellyDebby CopesSara CrowderRalph CunninghamTed & Betsy CurrieEda DaviesBrian DavisF. Coulter DeaconMarie DentonVivienne DentonMeredith DesmaraisJosefina DeyAlan DickinsonBernadette DoucetteCharles DownsConstance M. DuboisEdwin DumontRoger DunitsLinda DunlapMark DuvallRebecca EastwoodRon EddingElizabeth EdwardsClifford ElliottCurtis EnmansIan ErvinePablo EscobarAnn Evans

David EvershedDerek FalkenbergThomas FergusonNancy FlemingSandra FosterCarol FoxIan FoxSandra FoxMary FranklinAlexander FraserFay FullerKimiko FurumotoMyrtle GalliJan GoddardJean GoodchildMary P. GordonVincent GoringJohn GrayPeggie GrayStewart & Eliz GraydonJoan GreenCathy GuoDaphne HarrisRobert HarrisonAl HartJohn E. HastingsJanet HaynesYu Huai HeGerald HeasmanDonna HeylandRita HiorthBrian HochmanTory HoffMabel HoganEric HongJudith HopkinsDeborah HornerPhil HornickColleen HuaJames (Haijiang) HuangKwai-Yee HuenRhoda HumpstonCharles HylandJeane InnesBrian JacksonWalter A. JamesHang JiaYun-Qin JiangJuliette D. JuncoPeter KaegiRosanna KeddieSusan KellyDian KeslerArt KingPatricia KishinoFran KiteleySteven KloseArthur & MisakoKobayashiSoy Lin KongJosie KoskitaloPui Ying KwanTerry KyritsisHoward LadermanAnn LaiKatherine LairdChui Kam Lam

Mei Yiu LamM. S. LamontMary LangGabriele LasalaHaster LauKing LauEsther LeeGrace LeeJoyce LeeRosa LeeSing Fong LeeFrank & Helen LennonForbes R. LeslieDarcy LiangShui Fong LeungEllen LevineAdelle LewisTsan Pick LiBrian LiaWen Fang LiangRebecca LingVerna ListerChu Ging LiuHsien I. LiuPamelia LockAraby LockhartGail LowArthur LoweJames & Maureen LukieWan Sau LungTrung Thu LuongMichele LupaAnh LuuJames H. MaJoe & Sheila MahValerie MahS. L. MakIrene MaklaryTerry MandzyValerie MarchShirley K. MatalasErik MathiesenFrances A. MayMargaret McCainJohn McCaugheyDavid McClearyDiane McCormickSheila McelligottAnn McgovernJanet MckenzieAnna-Lee McLaughlanKen & Jo-Anne McMathSue McMurtryMehran MehrdadiSusan MelnickGlenda MercerW A Derry MillarTing Kwong MokJames & Sheila MolloyHywel Alun MoorePenny MorrisBeatriz MunarrizGerry & Elli MunichSonya MunroMichael A. MurrayTim MurraySachi Nagano

Susan NaussFiona NelsonLeonard H. NesbitDoris NevilleRon NevilleDavid NgKar Yui NgTammy NicolaidisDora A. NippNaomi NorquayEd NotarandreaDonald O'LearyVirginia O'ReillyCathy O'TooleFlorence O'YoungWilliam OakerHaruo OikawaNobuko OikawaTetsuo OikawaToshi OikawaDiane Ouimet-SchryverIsil ParrisRoss or Ethel PatersonJanice PaulTarmo & Patricia PetersDorothy PhilipsJane PiccolottoRobert W. PidgeonLucia PizzamiglioTeresa PizzamiglioPun Ching PoonDennis PorterVivienne PoyElizabeth QualbenPaulin QuanWarren QuinnMichael M. RachlisFrances RayMike RethaziDoris ReynoldsElizabeth ReynoldsAngela RiegerLori RillieNada RistichJane RogersTyler RogersConstance RossLinda RothmanJonathan RudinAlfred J. RuthvenPamela RykertGaile SaltmirasSindhu SaneKaren SasakiIngrid Scherer-MohrDorothy SchultzMaria SharifiCatherine SigvaldasonAudrey SillickWilla V. SlykeDorothy SmilesJoyce SmilesAlice M. SmithBrian SmithKevin D. SmithMarjory SmithMaureen Smith

Molly SmithSonya SmitsRobert SmytheCarol Anne SomervillePatricia H. SouthernFrederick J. SpeerKevin SpeicherMei Yuk SsutuBetty StephensonHerbert J. StoverJulia StrattaJon A. StruykHelen SunMary TaggartHang Mei TamKen Dick TamRebecca A. TaylorIsabelle TengAnh ThaiCatherine ThomasMary E. ThornhillLuong ToKam-Po TongMichael TongJulie-Ann TooveyJohn A. ToryCheryl TowsendYvonne TravissLorraine TregenzaThanh Hai TruongSiu Kuan TuinSharon Turnbull-SchmidtCarmen V-BurnettRosa VenalainenJohn & Mary WalkerIsabel WardMouhanad WardehDiane WattAlan J. WattsTed WeberSusan WeissMary A. WelshRob WhalenLarry WhatmoreLee WhittenTony WhittenTroy WhittenNorma WilcoxA. D. WilsonLeung WongWai-Kwan WongJoseph Wong-SingMichael WorbXuyan WuWinnie YauBing Liao YeFung-Ying YeeDebbie YeungEsther YipAnna YuMaria YuAdam Zimmerman

20 yearsElaine Levy

15 yearsFrank ChaiLori GrayVione Thomas

STAFF PLATEAUS 10 yearsFannie LamFaye GoddingIngrid Freeman Kien Hong Thai Ossie RalezaTeresa Wong

5 yearsAlice LeungAlthea BenjaminAngela SukhrieBaoer DengBo King Wong Cataline BoekeeCelia ChuChristine Tse-Woo

Colleen Hua Donna WatkisElethia FrancisEvadne ChanderbahnFiona Yuen Keith ElmesKim CalberryKwan Kit ChanMargaret Mohamed

Miguel ValienteNancy Mak Patrick ChuidianPik LaiRazeena KhanSau-Wai CheungStephanie NickleTessie De VeraWenky Lem

Last year alone, more than 900 volunteers

committed a total of 60,127 hours to supporting

special events, sitting on leadership committees,

driving around the city delivering meals to seniors,

tutoring children in after-school programs,

sorting mail, assisting with day programs for

newcomers and much, much more.

Some of WoodGreen’s programs and events

literally could not even exist without the

dedication of volunteers, including the

following initiatives:

• Mail delivery between our 12 different locations

• 1,368 piano lessons that children of various

ages received through our neighbourhood

programs last year

• 22,782 meals that were delivered to seniors’

homes and the close to 3,000 friendly visits

that were made to the homes of those who

are isolated and frail

• The annual Woods and Greens Golf

Tournament organized by volunteers

• Participation in the Taste of the Danforth

event, where WoodGreen partnered with the

fire department to raise funds and to raise

awareness of our various programs

• WoodGreen is also proud to have a number of

corporate volunteer partnerships with companies

like Sears, Deloitte Consulting, Desjardins

Financial, Canadian Tire, Unilever, Korex Don

Valley and Morrison Health Care Food Services.

Last year employees from these corporations

and representatives from our service partners

– the Toronto East Rotary Club and the East

York Rotary Club – volunteered more than

1,800 hours to WoodGreen.


Al RussellBill OakerBob MenziesDavid EvershedErik MathiesenGilbert ChingHenry MillerJanice PaulJoe Deschenes Smith

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In Recognition of our Funders & Corporate Supporters Toys "R" Us

Umbra Ltd.

Van-Smith Marketing


Vinnie's Toronto Restaurant

Westin Harbour Castle

Whistler's Restaurant

Wild Water Kingdom


Yuk Yuk's Inc.

Zellers Family Fund

Service GroupsAssociation of FundraisingProfessionals

Queen East Canada Day

Queen St. East PresbyterianChurch

The Rotary Club of East York

Toronto East Rotary Club

Toronto Hongkong Lions Club

Toronto Professional FireFighters' Association

WoodGreen Cantonese EPC

WoodGreen Mandarin EPC

Employee FundsBell Canada EmployeeVolunteers Program

OPG Employees' & Pensioners'Charity Trust

CorporationsDesjardins Financial Security

Dresser Wayne

George Weston Limited

Humphrey Funeral Home--A.W.Miles Chapel

Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd.

Kraft Canada Inc.

Royal Bank Financial GroupEmployees' Charity Trust

Sears Canada (Gerrard Square)

Sony of Canada Ltd.

Sun Life Financial

Toronto Insurance Mixed BaseballLeague

Unilever Canada Inc.

Wajax Limited

FoundationsAtkinson Charitable Foundation

Brumara Foundation

Children's Aid Foundation

Chum Charitable Foundation

Deutsche Bank AmericanFoundation

E. W. Bickle Foundation

Endla and John GilmourFoundation

Harold E. Ballard Foundation

Henry White Kinnear Foundation

Hudson's Bay CharitableFoundation

Julie Jiggs Foundation

K. M. Hunter CharitableFoundation

Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma

Lunar Festival of the Arts

Mackenzie Financial(Corporation) CharitableFoundation

Marion & Frederick KammCharitable Trust

McLean Foundation

The Patrick Hodgson FamilyFoundation

Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund

Victor & Rhoda Shields CharitableFoundation

Small BusinessesChristie Appliance Service Limited

On Sight Inc.

Oris Express Canada Inc.


Event Sponsors25 Dates.com

All The Way Personnel Inc.

Baird MacGregor InsuranceBrokers Inc.

Bank of Montreal

Bill's Garden Centre

Bridgepoint Health

CARMICHAEL & company

Canadian Air Tech Systems Inc.

Canadian Network Broadcasting

Computronic Corporation

Delta Chelsea

Domus Printing

Enunciate Conferencing

Garden's Path

Granite Hill Sutton Realty Inc.

Harrison and Harrison CharteredAccountants

ICDL Canada Limited

Indoors & Out

Jan Goddard and Associate, Lawyers

Laser Reproduction

Lillian Adamakis

Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc.

Michael & Michael Auto Body

Pal Benefits

Parkwood Chev Olds

RJ McCarthy Limited


St. Michael's Hospital

TD Canada Trust

The Berkeley Consulting Group

The Counselling Foundation ofCanada

Toronto East General Hospital

Toronto Professional Fire Fighters'Association

Upper Canada Specialty Hardware

FundersCitizenship and ImmigrationCanada

City of Toronto

Department of Veterans Affairs

Health Canada

Human Resources DevelopmentCanada

Ontario Ministry of Citizenship,Culture and Recreation

Ontario Ministry of Community,Family and Children's Services

Ontario Ministry of Health andLong Term Care

Ontario Ministry of Training,Colleges and Universities

Toronto Community Care AccessCentre

United Way of Greater Toronto

Gifts in KindAji Sai

Anchor Hocking Canada

Andrews Manor Bed & Breakfast

Animal House of Toys

AVLI Restaurant

Baird & MacGregor InsuranceBrokers Inc.

Bank of Montreal

Blue Rodeo


Brian F.C. Smith

Bright Pearl Seafood Restaurant

Bulk Barn

Canadian Living

Casa Loma

Cedar Springs

Century King Restaurant


Charlotte Ip


Chris Colliton

CHUMCity Christmas Wish

City Chinese Restaurant

CN Tower

Coffee Time


Crystal Springs

Deer Creek Golf & Country Estates

Delta Chelsea

Dentyne Ice

Druxy's Inc.

Durham College

E. F. Appliances Canada Ltd.

Earth Final Conflict ProductionOffice

East Grand Seafood House

Eddie's Food Basics

Eglinton - St. George UnitedChurch

Executive Fairways Golf Centre



Factory Theatre

Famous Players

Finders Gallery

GAP Canada Inc.

Gelato Fresco

Grand Yatt Richmond HillRestaurant

Greg Masse

Hakim Optical


Here and Now

HMV Canada

ICDL Canada Limited

Ideal Bike

Il Fornello Restaurant

Illy Espresso Canada

IMAX Corporation

Imperial Toys

Indigo Books Music & More

International Plaza Hotel

Inton Gotsche

Jean Macdonald Beautiworks

John and Barbara Young

Joy Bistro

Karen Slegers

Knights Inn Hotel

Land Rover Metro West

LensCrafters Don Mills Plaza

Lexmark Canada Inc.



Maaco Systems Canada Inc.

Maple Lodge Farms

Mastermind Educational

McDonald's Restaurant

Medieval Times

Mehran Mehrdadi

Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc.

Ming Pao

Mosaic Design Jewelry

Mr. Liu

Ms. Mak


Murray Johns

My Gifted Child Inc.

Nancy Strader

Oasis Indoor Golf Club

Ontario Place

Parent Books

Parkview Golf Club

Pearl Court Restaurant

Peter Peroff

Pheasant Run Golf Course

Pizza Nova


Pretty Woman Esthetics

Random House of Canada

Roots Canada

Scholars Choice

Scholastic Canada Ltd.

SCORE Golf Magazine

Scott Mission

Sleeman Brewery

Sonsuh Educational Supplies

Spearhead Leather/Denim Social Club(Toronto) Inc.

Sporting Life

Subs and Bagels

Sun Life Financial

T-Fal Canada

Tarragon Theatre

The Bay

The Children's Group

The Thos. J. Johnston Foundation

The Wokker Restaurant

Theatre Passe Muraille

Timex Canada Inc.

Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Club

Toronto Tours Ltd.

Toronto Truck Theatre

Toronto Zoo

Town and Country Buffet

Toys & Games
