WOD - # 1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”: spec-, -spect-, -spic- meaning see, sight, look, appear, behold, examine 21 Feb. 2012 introspection (n) intro- (within) + -spec (to examine) + -tion (the act of) = the act of examining within: an examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings 22 Feb. 2012 retrospective (adj. or n) retro- (relating to things past) + -spec (to look at) + -ive (having a tendency toward) = having a tendency to look at things past: directed to the past, looking backward, an art exhibit showing representative examples of an artist’s lifework 23 Feb. 2012 circumspect (adj.) circum - (around, round) + -spect (look, examine, see) = to look around; watchful and discreet, cautious; heedful of potential consequences; well considered 24 Feb. 2012 conspicuous (adj.) con- (with, together) + -spic- (to look, see, behold) + -ous (characterized by) = characterized by looking at together <Ms. Colbert’s note – sometimes deciphering is not exact!> ; easily seen or noticed, obvious; attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualities

WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

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Page 1: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 1(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)Focus: Latin root “specere”: spec-, -spect-, -spic- meaning see, sight, look, appear, behold, examine

21 Feb. 2012 introspection (n)

intro- (within) + -spec (to examine) + -tion (the act of) = the act of examining within: an examination of one’s own thoughts and feelings

22 Feb. 2012 retrospective (adj. or n)

retro- (relating to things past) + -spec (to look at) + -ive (having a tendency toward) = having a tendency to look at things past: directed to the past, looking backward, an art exhibit showing representative examples of an artist’s lifework

23 Feb. 2012 circumspect (adj.)

circum - (around, round) + -spect (look, examine, see) = to look around; watchful and discreet, cautious; heedful of potential consequences; well considered

24 Feb. 2012 conspicuous (adj.)

con- (with, together) + -spic- (to look, see, behold) + -ous (characterized by) = characterized by looking at together <Ms. Colbert’s note – sometimes deciphering is not exact!> ; easily seen or noticed, obvious; attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualities

Page 2: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 2 Day 1(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)Focus: Greek root “bio”: meaning life, living organism

27 Feb. 2012 antibiotic (n.)

anti- (against) + bio- (life) + -ic (having the nature of) = having the nature of being against life: A substance (for example, penicillin) that can destroy or inhibit the growth of microorganisms

When you cut yourself, it’s a good idea to apply antibiotic cream to kill the germs that might cause an infection.

27 Feb. 2012 biodegradable (adj.)

bio- (life) + de- (from, down) + grad- (step, walk) + able- (able to) = able to be broken down in life/nature: able to decompose naturally

The earth stays healthier if we use biodegradable materials like recycled paper and cardboard instead of plastic which stays in the environment for years.

27 Feb. 2012 psychobiography (n.)

psycho- (mind) + bio- (life) + -graphy (written about) = written about the mind of a life; a biography that analyzes the psychological makeup, character, or motivations of its subject

There have been several pyschobiographies written about Hitler by authors seeking to understand the motivations behind his actions.

Page 3: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 2 Day 2(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)Focus: Latin root “capere”: cap-, capt-, cip-, cept-, -ceit, -ceive meaning to take, seize, or hold; to take by force or surprise

28 Feb. 2012 captious(adj.)

cap- (to take by force or surprise) + -tious (characterized by) = characterized by taking by force: intended to entrap or confuse, as in an argument; a captious question; marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults

The clever teen tried to trap his parents into giving in to his demands by asking one captious question after another.

28 Feb. 2012 susceptible (adj.)

sus- (from sub- meaning under) + -cept (to take) + -ible (able) = able to be taken under: easily influenced or affected; likely to be affected; especially sensitive; highly impressionable.

After going without sleep for several days, one might be more susceptible to catching a cold or the flu.

28 Feb. 2012 receivership (n.)

re- (again) + -ceive (to take or seize) + -er (person who) + -ship (quality, state, or condition) = being in the condition of a person who’s taken something back again court action that places property under the control of a receiver during a lawsuit so it can be preserved for the benefit of all

When the travel agency’s treasurer couldn’t pay the bills, the bank put the company into receivership so that their creditors might receive payment later.

Page 4: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 2 Day 3(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)Focus: Latin prefix con-, co-, col-, com-, cor-, cog-: meaning with, together, in association, next to, join, unit

29 Feb. 2012 reconcile (v.)re- (again) + con- (together, with) + -ile (ability to, tending to) = tending to be together again: to cause to

be friendly again, to bring back to harmony; to settle a quarrel; to bring into agreementBetty and Stan would like to reconcile, but both are too stubborn to admit they were wrong to

argue over who was the better athlete.

29 Feb. 2012 incongruous (adj.)in- (not) + con- (with, together) + -gru (fit) + -ous (characterized by) = characterized by not fitting together:

out of place; inappropriate; not harmonious in character; inconsistentThe fiery red flames of the paint job was incongruous with the traditional look of the Model T


29 Feb. 2012 conglomeration (n.)con - (with) + -glomer (grab, seize) + -er (one who, one that) + -ation (the act of, process of) = the act of

being one that seizes with; the process of seizing/bringing together; the act or process of gathering into a mass; the state of being thus collected – ALSO: “corporate conglomerate” is a corporation made up of a number of different companies that operate in diversified fields.

The apartment furniture was a conglomeration of mismatched pieces that the roommates had brought from home or gotten from family.

Corporate conglomerate Johnson & Johnson manufactures everything from shampoo and baby oil to surgical and biotechnology products.

Page 5: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 3(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)Focus: Latin root “tendere”: tendo, tend, tens, ton, tent, tense: meaning to stretch, to strain, to thin

12 Mar. 2012 extensive (adj.)

ex- (out of) + tens- (to stretch) + -ive (the condition of) = the condition of stretching out: large in number or quantity or area; having broad range or effect; great in range or scope

13 Mar. 2012 inadvertent (adj.)

in- (not) + ad- (toward) + ver- (turn) + -tent (to stretch) = not turning or stretching toward; without intention (especially resulting from heedless action); not turning the mind to a matter

14 Mar. 2012 pretentious (adj.)

pre - (before) + tent- (to stretch or thin) + -ious (full) = to be full of stretching ahead of time; making unusually unjustified or excessive claims (as to value or standing); making or marked by an extravagant outward show; disposed to lay claim to more than is one’s due.

Page 6: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 4(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)

Focus: Latin root “ponere”: pon-, pos-, pound: meaning place or put

19 Mar. 2012 component (n)

com- (together, with) + -pon (to put or place) + -ent (to form, inclined to = inclined to put together; an ingredient, a feature of, serving or helping to form

20 Mar. 2012 juxtaposed (v, past tense)

juxta- (to join, near to) + pos- (to put or place) + -ed (past tense) = the act of being placed side by side; having been side by side or close together especially for comparison or contrast.

21 Mar. 2012 predisposition (n)

pre- (before) + dis- (away from) + pos- (to place or put) + -tion (the act of) = the act of putting or placing away from; the condition of tending to act in a certain way in advance; condition of susceptibility to a disease

Page 7: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 5(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)

Focus: Latin root “gratus”: grat-, gra-, grac-: meaning joy, pleasing, pleasure, favor, thanks, goodwill, beloved, agreeable

27 Mar. 2012 congratulations (n)

con- (with, together) + grat- (joy) + -tions (the act of) = the act of expressing joy with someone; an expression of approval and commendation; the act of expressing joy or acknowledgment, as for the achievement or good fortune of another

28 Mar. 2012 gratuity (n)

grat- (thanks, favor) + ity- (the condition of) = the condition of being grateful or thankful; something given freely or without repayment; a free gift; a present; something voluntarily given in return for a favor or service as a recompense or acknowledgement; a favor or gift, usually in the form of money, given in return for service

29 Mar. 2012 ingratiate (v)

in- (in) + grat- (favor, goodwill) + -ate (to make or do) = to make oneself in another’s favor; to bring (oneself, for example) into the favor or good graces of another, especially by deliberate effort; to introduce or commend to the favor of another; to bring into favor

Page 8: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 6(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)

Focus: Latin root “plicare”: plic-, pli-, ply: meaning to fold, bend, braid, twist, weave (also plicate, ple, plex, plexity, plexus, plicate, plicity, placation, pleat, play, ploy)

9 Apr. 2012 complication (n)

com- (with, together) + plic- (to twist) + -ation (the act of) = the act of twisting together; the act of making or becoming complex or perplexing; twisting together; a confused or intricate relationship of parts; a factor, condition or element that confuses

10 Apr. 2012 replicate (v)

re- (again) + plic- (to fold bend) + -ate (to do, make, cause) = to cause to fold/bend again; to duplicate, copy, reproduce, or repeat

11 Apr. 2012 explicitly (adv)

ex- (out) +-plic- (to bend/fold) + -ly (having to do with) = having to do with folding out; in a precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable manner; clearly; plainly; without disguise or reservation of meaning; not by inference

Page 9: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 7(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)

Focus: Latin root “manus”: manu-, man-, mani-: meaning hand

18 Apr. 2012 manuscript(n)

manu- (hand) + -script (writing) = writing by hand; the original text of an author’s work, handwritten or now usually typed, that is submitted to a publisher; any text not printed; not professionally printed

19 Apr. 2012 emancipation (n)

e- (out, away from) + man- (hand) + -cip- (to take) + -ation (the act of) = the act of taking the hand out or away from; the act of freeing from restraint, influence, or oppression; to free from slavery; the act of releasing a child from control of parents

20 Apr. 2012 bimanual (adj)

bi- (two) +-man- (hand) + -ual (relating to) = relating to the use of two hands; done with or requiring the use of both hands

Page 10: WOD - #1 (Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word. Include context clues in your sentence.) Focus: Latin root “specere”:

WOD - # 8(Make sure you’ve saved this file! Create a sentence using the vocabulary word.

Include context clues in your sentence.)

Focus: Latin root “mittere”: *mis-, miss-, mit-, mitt-: meaning “to send, to do, let go, cause to go, throw, hurl, cast”

*-mis- as a root means “to send” while mis- as a prefix means “badly or wrongly”

23 Apr. 2012 emissary (n)

e- (on or in) + -miss- (to send) + -ary (relating to) = relating to sending in; agent sent on a mission to represent or advance the interests of another

24 Apr. 2012 remittance (n)

re- (back, again) + -mitt- (to send) + -ance (act of, state of) = the act of sending back; the sending of money, checks, etc., to a recipient at a distance; money or its equivalent sent from one place to another

25 Apr. 2012 admissible (adj)

ad- (toward) + -miss- (send) + -ible (able) = able to be sent toward; capable of being accepted or permitted; worthy of admission