Performance Measurement of Health Care Organization in United States BY Chichi Everhart December 12, 2013


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Performance Measurement of Health Care Organization in United States


Chichi Everhart

December 12, 2013


Approach to enhance responsibility in health care

Quality indicator Definition of performance

measurements(PMs) Consequences of PMs use

Problem Statement

98,000 patients in United States hospitals die each year because of serious medical occurrences (Stelfox & Straus ,2013).

Aim of health care quality:To increase twice the yearly rate from the present 2.3% to 4.6% by 2016 (Blumenthal, 2012).

Purpose Statement

Research study objectives Importance of research

How the data from the study may affect business social change?

Conceptual Framework

theory of constraint by Eliyah Goldratt (1984) :, theory of constraints (TOC) improves

system performance through leveraging the constraint(s)

Jay Forrester (1956) system thinking, and Deming’s 14 steps model:

Provides improvement areas that could facilitate the use of standardized endorsed performance measures by various end users

Significance of the Study Contribution to Business Practice :

Helps in Decision and policy making in health care organization

Implications for Social Change:Enhancing quality-performance

measurement. Data will further guide people and

healthcare organizations toward preference significant to health care payers.

Research study might influence positive social change by providing better understanding of performance measurement evaluation and increasing organization awareness of common variables that influence healthcare quality and cost.


Responsibility for an effective performance measurement in healthcare organization falls on different administrative sector.

Performance Measurement (PM) is an instrument for managing organizational performance and that there is evidence that PM initiatives have the capability to produce a major organizational impact and that they affect a multitude of organizational processes

The data from the doctoral study might influence social change by enhancing quality-performance measurement. Guide people and healthcare organizations toward preference that are significant to health care payers


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