'^ i = sm ?8m m \ j S?"'* . iaturdays. iply on board, o; R PHILAI and Amhoy Rail Rood and FOR PHILADELPHIA, imioy Rail Road and 3V«ii Company. r have completed a track t M s £ ^ 4 ii'aajaSSSisrt • Amboy, and proceed irom Aence by the rak steam boat on the Delatpre at Bordentpwn, ley will arrive at Philadelphia early in the af. \ . I !’E D -A n American woman that understand; daily line of steamboats and stages to and from Nc 'KD—A Lad in a Lawyer’s Office, to w h ^ “I oi Jam, lull compensation will be paid. A note in the iw years in the best manner, and in lern stylo, with elegant marble mantels, &c. in evety roepect convenient for the accommodation of alaraefatfli- !y. On the rear of the lot there is a handsomely nnished wood house corresponding in appeara ' ’ the lots adjoining—Vaults front and brick cistern in the yard. the S story brick ^ they a{^ei ronago IS respectfully sofii terms apply at the LiW ry. idsomoly hni pearance with those o drear, and a larg eet deep, biiitt within a few years in lh« best mannci. and in the modern style, with elegant marble mantels, &c. On the rear of tlie lot is a handsomely finished wood house, corresponding in appearance with those adjoiining on each side—V aults front and rear, and in the yard, which is snacious and well laid out, a Well of excellent osi, wjHbe attended tc is snacious and well laid and a large brick rislem. Tho Utles are indisputable, and a considerable portion of tho money may remain on mortgage, at an interest of 6 percent, per annum, for several years. For further ii formation, apply to B L. W oolley , ss Front st. or , Dr. BENJ. R. ROBSON, 30 East Broadway, dlO ts Executors. The poll will open at 10 o'clock, A. M ., ' THEO. B. SATTERTHWAIT. ^ Secretary* ORK GAS light company .—N otw^ ' g!v<n lhat anclecliun for thirteen OIreo Cumpany for the msuing year, will be held , th. f.iirteenlh day uf January next, jatlle t.’ompanv, No. 102 Cciilre street. !^ill ..pin at 11 o’clock, A. M. aad close at I- n.frr Books will be closed fourteen days prior , E. E. W EED, Secretary. 'loKK EUrnABLE IN^SURANeE PANY.—The President and Directors of the Kyiiitahic Insurance Company have declared a Thre.- anil one H.aif per cent, on the Capital ibli- at iheir office, No. 48 Wall street, on and J.uiuarv ne\l. r,. CHAPMAN. Seerelary. ■R's KIRR INSUKA.NCE AND LOAN p.\.\ \ .—The Board of Directors have this 'i a diMOi nd uf ihrec per rent un the Capital ah'e .111 and after the second ilay of January nsf r Books w dl he closed on the 27Ul inat. cii on the -Jti Janiiarv, JOHN KING, Secretary. rk. n . c. 22 10.J2. _ dSd4 2w ^T.y II -SAN I) 'tX)LLARS~TO'LOAN Of the sale at aucuon, on Monday the28lh day u fj aiiuary jiext, the following property, as designated on their map, now eihibiied at the Mercliants Exchange sales room. Blocks No. 1 and 2, situated between 6th and 7th sis., and between Lewis and Tompkiics streets, now ocrupied by Picket & Thornes as a ship yard, together with the priviledge of the water grant. Also, Block Nos 6 and 7, between 8'h and 9th streets, and hoiwecn Lewis and Tompkins sts, together wiUi the priviledge of the water gram. Also, Eleven lots in block No. 6, six of which D, m e e t front corner of 9th street, whic the other 6 arc on 9lh st 6, six of which are on 1 SO feet deep, except the 24 feet 11 inches front, s s s s s s : n r ^ ' ’t;’a s ¥ E R ''& (II IKS, A.VNtIAL.s. A I.B t'M S, &c. &c~ L-ciMd, 111elegant liinduigs, adapted for Pro- 4- Vo. ortVr fur .sale an extensive assortment ami Amtnran Bonks, Jim; Albums, with \ bound ; JnvriiiN- Books, also all the Annu-> , many of which have now become scarce, ag may still he had of Peabody & Co, No. 2l9 >^r. the must popular of the Annuals, cop- siiperb plates, engraveil by ciiiinent artists i! paiiiiiiigs, and bound in erimson silk. /-'.I oj/hina, die favorite annual of the sea- y Iwnnd in Arebe.sque morocco, gilt leaves, >as usual, 12 beautiful engavings thefollow- affiftion's tnhmc, Friendship's Qfering, dent elo<]uenre, more rich than words, the fJiver’s fiulh and truth in absence, Forgtt Me Not r' Landscape Annual, Heath’s Picturesque Iisun in.iroceu and nch plates: W atls’ Lite- ’tarl. Comic Offering Young Lady’s Book,' , Klura’s Dictionary, elegant binding, Rog- ' superb plates ; a collection oft talian books, ch, oppesile the Marble buildings. • " 'S N tfioH N 'T dter 82 William gt. New Yorl T KECHKS.—.4 lot of line healthy Leches, just re- i_j cciveil Irom Havre, .and for sale by the hundred, d.zon, or smaller quaiitdv, by N. B. Every attention paid Leeches no reasonable terms. lui to alt order* for X ti"' Also, in Block No. 12, 3 lots adjoining a house belong- ing to John Iloany, on lOlh street 22 feet front, and 75 feet deep. Also, m Block No. 11,4 lots on lOlh street, comer of Dry Dock street, 21 feet front and 75 feet deep, logolher witli 3 houses thereon. Also, 111 Block No. 16, 4 lols and houses fronting o llih street, at the corner of Dry Dock si reel,21 fccifror by 75 feet deep. Also, 4 lots on the same block, on 12th street, cot " T of Dry Dork street, 21 feet front and 75 feet deep. For further imormaiion, apply to the President of die ' !r ol^venue 1), and lOth St QOXE'S hive ISYIU'P, careftiHy jnepared by the supfrwr 10 every other form of Hive Syrup for common dulUs. « hooping coughs, .and other alfections of that na- .1 . "I n.w.LL. ^ * ro s ■ Moore, has been dissolved by iniitiial cnnsciil. All per- TJ" AI.E’S ELI XER for the cure of FEVER AND sons imlcbied to the firm are requested to make payment I J , A tinE .—The propnetor of tins prep.aration, tho to John Carow, who is authorized to settle the busii Kev.Dr. Halo, h.as strong confidence in offering this JOHN CARO Kev. Dr. Halo, h.as strong confidence in offering this cumpuimd to all persons laboring under this distressing ind oftenliiiies otislmaW disease, as a remedy mitrival- ling every other preparation extant,fo the pcrmanent(not iialhative) enre of it. It has for the last four years been m extensive use in irop*'. ami has been signally beneficial in a great va- Ey of painftii and protracted cases, which has obsti- fifty of pai fiatcly resisted the ci The peo^ietflfs assurance of its ^fficacy has been id and confirmed by a number of respei imomals and certificates of its virtues, from per- sons who have been restored to health by its use, as well a.s the testimony uf several physicians, who pre- scribed it in practice—one of which is subjoined from Stockl. xnd, Aug 8th, 1832. Dear Sir—Your favor of tlic 12th inst. requesiing my lion of your remedy for Fever and Ague, I had the sional engagements hav^ prevented me from njjlying to on the sional engagements have prevented me from n^lying to It, I know of no deleterious effects it has ever produced, , believe it to be a most invaluable es, which they offer for sale at very reduced hristmas and Now Year’s presents ; the U- ■refur», do well to call early and make their 9 they are determined to make it an object hand, and receivmg daily from France and great variety of new styles Fancy GoodZ .loi.d lace dresses, veils, scar6, sleeve*, and .)T all widths, elegant ball dresses, embrca- iescription and newest pattern, embroidered imrls hair dresses, shawls and scarft, silk India camels hair long shawls, a good assort- nsh furs, nch silks for walking and even- and hat-s of every style and descnptioo, to- a g<x>a assortment of staple goods, such lien diaaers, table cloths, and napkins, rose . plush for hatters use, mole skin for gende- niouriiing articles of every kind, &c, StC» ties are invited to caH and examine. . h'. & Co. have also constanUy on hand, 1dfc Cologne, warranted first quality. ;;k/.:rVhe=TsX'2nerffie’'; ^ ^ . lean instmne for the two past years, and Druggists the^^tliber- iiutacnirers and Importers of Perfumery,’ •;KPS.\KK, landscape annual '. *(», au.l alE the Enghsh and American A ai the lowest prices, by .NCK & T R IM B L E , offer for sale— •' Valiev and Harris’ Manufac- ) aiid dS iiii h Beaver, Coventry, and Lafay- inofaciunng Co. and others of approved’ma- id < 96 and 2S inch bleached and brow^ ami Prinlms Cloths, of the Phenix, Provi- I.ippiii, Farmers arid .Mechanics, Scuuatc, •en die, and Bcitlemiiu's manufactories. ■s. 4-1 9-9 and 5-4 Sea Island bleached dOj lis descriptions and qualities—some very su- . Iiiladelphia Plaids, Stripes, Furnitures, and •lit col Inn Osnabnrgs ipka’s best and medium Rouens ni'yville 4-4 Tieks, and white and brown Flannels and Moleskins, variou.s niialities. IV .j and three colored Common Prints and igh rolorcd embossed Fiimiture Cambrics, raw, blue, brown, black, green, olive, crim- h, and other colored Cambrics, variously as- llcn’s superior white Cambrics, .4-4 and 9-8 >linen fold P. iVI. C. Shirting •1-st vt and diamond 7-8 cotton Drap* rv. le Romal and Madras Hdkfs. -I.r^ed Twrst and Pilling, numbers varying s;l ipiality, white and mi.xerl Iciutun^ Cotton, ill numbers from 14 to 20 common brown Btiekram ice of drab, brown, and lavender striped ■ford, blue, mixed, corbeau, fancy colors «nd veH S.tto.ets, assorted, pimon stout negro Satinets ignment of iii.hg.v Broadcloths ■ases writing and wrapping Paper, &c. ' preference to Kenine, Pipet medies of the day. I „ a,, ^ ^ To the Rev. John Hale. The above is for sale at the Druggist store, 79 Fulton, urnerof Gold street. o24 WM. SIMONSON. ■irALDABLE DISCOVERY.—Elixir PectoratcT. V Vegetable Pectoral Elixir.—The discovery of this inestimable Elixir was the result of ten years close study in ord^ to discover the causes, symptoms, and cure for til those formidable diseases that prey upon the organs of the chest, namely, consumption, asthma, catarrh, colds, and event species of oppression at the chest. In all cases where his Elixir has been duly administered, lou^ that consumption is not incuraWe, if properly a W hat is consumption ? It is in the commencement, slight irritation on the membrane that covers the lungs. It 19 next an inflammation, when the cough is a little more noticeable, but rather dry. It then becomes a local fever, and the pulse is more frequent, the cheeks are flush, and chilb are common. In tU next increase, the external part of the lungs themselves bemn to par- ticipate in the fever, the sUeiigth fails, the flesh wastes, and sweats are common. As the debility and eraacia- (ii.n mcreases, small ulcerations, or white hard speck* appear, the bowels become irregular, the sleep is dis- turbed, and m the last stage, violent coughing, profuse cold sweats, constant diarrhoea, and hiccoughs, close the I Hovr dbeg the Elixir Pectorale operate to cure the ebove complaint? It determines atl morbid irritation and inflammation from the lungs towards the .surface, and finally expels them from the system by Otherwise. It facilitates expectoration, the patient feora a load of tough phlegm, otherwise be altogether eliminated from the system. It heals the ulcerated surfaces, and relieves the cmigli and breathing. It supports the strength, while at the some tune it reduces the fever. ^ ^ . For sale by the Proprietors Aaents, Sil.-is Chyle and Nephew, eornerof Fulton and Water streets, Marsliall C. Slocum,corner of Duane street and Broaitway^ Pat- ner of William street—whe tends to have as good an assortment of all kinds of Cakes as any in the vicinity, for the season. Being aware I Hobday Parties are near, and such as Plumb, Poe Paucy.Spunge and Scotch Cakes will be wanted.he wt inform his patrons that they may be supplied with sc the qui THOMAS HOUSEWORTH. I.F.NLN T1IRF.AD, for Export__ A tew Otsl quality Nuns Thread, a.-.Korled num- by THOMAS SUFFERN, 244 Pearl streot. (EETl.NG.s & LAWNS—A few cases .Illy Sli.-rlin; ; also, fine I.awns, suitable onis, for sale bv TliOMAS SUFFERN, 1 j ___________________ g44 Pearl street. | lI-LIKCi, for E.rport.—A few cases wbito « »"«™. ^AoM istoF'S-RN , " " ____________________ 244 Pearl street, ’ j j HL & C A N D L E S .—2000 gallons p r i m * ‘ t {sras"" . R ttm lo ii ""'VEDEmckR.SroW. ;; ' 128 Front st. O N D B IU .O N ^U |L^-.S.e„ ' . ISOBfoadwtty. « A ST E . or Pectoral Gum—for cioughiy , Just received from France, a small qnan- icn known to fad, when used according ta | Sole Agentin New York. d7 r3 -rS ? = ,; THE UNION CAKE FOR NEW-YEAR’S DAY, ind Broadway, And at Forty Lispenartl street, Large and plenty, rich and swe t'nion Cake shall be its nan To remind tho glorious fame Of this great Confederation ; Antidote to Nullification. p t EORGE W. MILLER, at No. 40 Lispenard st., \JT rscoinmcnds himself to his friend.s and the public at large, with the choicest variety of his micqiialleil and fa- inuns Cakes, which he offers for sale, fresh bako^^for E R ’S famous make. F “S=?o,S\':7vR°A“R T i4 ?^ ^ Hudson street, has just received a general assortment of Fanev Goods. Toys, Perfumery, Jewelry, &c. of various descriptions, many of which are calculated for Christmas and New Year’s Present ; including splendid Work Boxes, Ornaments of Dress, Cosmetics, Implements for Games of Skill, Stocks, Gloves, and Stockings, Toy Books and Bwiks for presents, with almost every other description of French faqcy goods, selected with the greatest attention to their quality, and offered at equita- ble prices. dl3 3w TO HOti tp H E SUBSCRIBER has received per late arri- J „ vals from Europe, a full assortment, consisting of .ble and desert knives and forks; Dixon and Son’s Dtitania metal teapots; do do, in full setts, with coffee pots to match. Also, coffee urns of various patterns ; elegant flat and high plated candlesticks, with snufferi and trays to match ; do plated castors ; a l^ silver pla- ted cake baskets; butter knives ; plated table dessert knives and forks ; table and tea spoons, plated on steel; fine Gothic pattern tea trays, with rich gold borders and fine ground hacks ; Britania and brass lamps of various patterns ; brass and copper coal hods ; brass fire setts of the latest patterns, and manufactured of the best ma- terials ; together with a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention ; all warrantt d to be of the best quality, and for sale on the lowest terms by DANIEL E. DELEVAN, ol8 tf 489 Broadway cor Broome st. f^AMPHOR CREAM —A pleasant remedy for Irost- VD ed feet, chapped hands, lips, &c. and recommended to the public as a cosmetic particalarly adapted to the sent state of the weather, for sale by . TANNER & BLACK, J^em isuk Druggists, cor. Broadway & Gra«d s t w dw ^ o'adci .■“ —Hand & Perris have uid (»Iorrd Broad CI black and (»Iorrd Broad d o J«ersharas, &c. for sale wholesale an( id r e t ^ tt BAlso on hand, a large ai ■fiees. of best Quality; TTtiMAN TEETH,—For *»l iX menl of Human Teeth, by "A! sale, a beautifnl assort- VSTLE, Dentist, rj Broadway, N. New York, 22d Dec. 1832. TpDINBURUH T oOTH-ACHE BAS JLi celebrated article is constantly reccivm poriablt’ ct ifiTE.—Tins mg fri-sh proof of Its excellence by numerous respeelable cerUficates.— If faithfully applied according tothe direciions, and a cure not effected (os sometimes from various causes it may so happen) the money will be refunded on returning Hit- box. For sale wholesaD^and^r.a^l by 38 Cedar, ror William st. person, at the Drug and Chemical Store of f MFROVED DOiMESTtC INSTRUMENT—By J. wliiih Cosliveness may be instantly removed, and it.- consequenees prevented, by tlie application of warm ater only. A few of these valiiable Instruments 4f-injeciion, of superior English manufacture, just lived and for sale by RU s HTON L ASPINWALL^, D™|gisls, T T E N E T IA N R E D — 100 barrels, for sale by V HOFFMAN, BEND & CO. d21 61 ____________ 52 Pine st. K/TENSRoyal Ribbed Extra size Drawers IV i do do do raediurn do do do do do extra do Undervests do do do medium do do Also Cvnton Flannel. Flannel and Lanibiwool Draw ors and Dndervt^sts, for sale by SAM’L WHITMARSH. 116 Broadway, iposite City Hotel ions, for lale by JOSH. STAJ •NLEY & 00,418 Broadway. ^ ,8 , _ irces, &c. &c., for s_. E. B. CLAYTON, No. 34 E.xcnange Place. fllYHE NOVEL.IST MAGAZINE,a semimonthly JL publication—to be commenced 1st January, 1838. SubscnpUona.at the low price of five dollars per annum, E. B. CLAYTON, No. 54 Exchange Plaea. NEIV haven HARTFORD STEAM n p H E steamboat SPLEN lSio. Cant. Beecher, leaves X the steamboat place, foot of Beckman street every place every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornihg, JOHN SAXT^ n '^IT'^CO.!*'^ (18 114 South street. For M ARSEIIAJiS. »pH E fine fast sading brig RICHARD ALSOP, Capl. JL Taylor, has three-fourths of her cargo ready to go on board, and can take a few more packages of liglit freight, and accommodate more passengers. Apply to d20 DE FOREST Si SON, 82 South st. EW YORK & BOSTON STEAM BOAT CO. FOR NFAVPORT ^ PROVIDENCE. ^ e l^uisiana and Now York Lhi. Pa|ket of 28lh inst ill leave iho foot of Court- rovidence at having super! st. wharf, or Leave New York at Leave Providenci 4 ''VD, k. P. M. 12 o’lUx-k, .M. Wednesday, Dee. 19. Friday, Dec. Monday, 24. Wednesday, ” Fnlay, 28. Monday, o . i n f o r m a t i o n , apply at tho ( or tutlie Ca|>lain onboard. STEAM BOAT AND BOSTON COMPANY. JL Roh.Tt S. Eiuiikt r, will leave the f**ot ofCourtlandiR ob.Tt J -iirt'cijN, R. viz; NVw York, 4 P. M. Friday, Pecember 7 S -C ’’ I’ Monday, Leave Providence, 12 M. Monday, Dccuniber 10 wfc.,, 15 For further information, apply at tho office, No. 14 Broad .st. or to the Captain on board. d6 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. the Merchant’s Excliange, on Thursday, the Sd day of January next, alI2 o'clock: PiHE S tbeet. 1. The Messuagp and Lot of Land known a* No. 39 Pine Street—21 feet 8 inches in width, and 75 feet in length, more or less. nax- PER,66 Cliamher street, mthin two doors of Broad- X Capt. Seth Thayer, will leave the fixil of Fulton st. E. R. fur Newport and Providence as follows, untilTur- Leaves New York. Tuesday, Dec Stre.t—28 feet in width, and 130 feet in length—there i.- a convenient two story Dwelling House on the rear of this 3. The Lot North of and adjoining to the lost—27 feel 2 inches in width, and 130 feel in length. 4. The Lot North of and adjoining to the last—27 feel 2 inches in widili, and 130 feel in length. There is * Stable on the rear of this lot. 5. Tho Lot next but one above the last—27 feet 3 inches in width, and 130 feet in length. iCT* Each of the four last mentioned Lots is bounded in the rear by Cross Lane, which is 20 feet in width. La F avette Place. m the Easterly sid« ofLa Fayette Place, I Great Jones Ig to the last—29 feet lining to the last—29 A FE W Dozen new style wuiter Gloves,just received X I. and for sale by d21 S. W HITMARSH, 116 Broadway. T7MBROIDERED STOCKINGS—A few dozen P j black and while embroidered and clock’d silk stock- ings, also a few dozen embroidered white do, elegant “’iS i'N 'o . MERRELL, 30 Maiden lam EN BED TICK of the best quality received i r sale by JOHN G. MERRELL so Maiden lane. Y wd) come HOMA! gAGQ-K Ptgri Q I L AND CANDLES—2000 gallons prime quality 3000 do prime quality Fall Sperm Oil 2000 do Elephanl Oil 2000 do Refined Whale Oil “i'i’ . & i case now and fashional for sale at 421 Broadway. PETER C. BOWNE. •QLAGK merino cloth of superior quality, T 7L A N N E L a— A general assortment of Flannels, X* from low priced to extra superfine ; also a superior quality of rose blankeu, for sale very low at 421 Broad- quality of ros PETER C. BOWNE. ble residence for a eenteel family ; house 26 by 46 feet. lot 26 by 90 feet. The principal part of the purchase money may remain on mortgage at six per cent per an- num. Enquire on the prcmi-ses, or al No. 46 Water si. Hiness maybe done by proper attention—the fixtums arc nlegantand every thing in go xl order. For further in formation, apply at the olficc of the Eveiung Post. O A M B R IC HDKFS—A large assortment of Linen .9 . W , ^ ^ L A N E ’S , , 11 and 18 Maiden lane. O PA N ISH PIG LEAD.—40tons Spanish Pig Lead, b X CO. ,«« 134 Front street. market prices, by g GRAHAM, 38 Cedar, corner ofWilliam wav. corner ofDuane s t. ________________________ ^ [and & Ferns oiler for dsome assortment of pOPPERPLATE PAPEK-Jusl rccei^d rw sale, R7 William st. UD SttirJ. 57 William st. up sttirJ. SSSE5S5E£g£= TER, Now York, New Orleans, La Baltimor*, Md. Pittsburgh, Pa. o; Nashvilla,Tenne N ^ k 192 Chatham square.—The public are informed that the Capital Slock of tins Company amounting to $200,000, has been subscribed and paid in, agreeably to the terms of the Act of incorporation. The President and Direc- tors are therefiire prepared to insure against loss or ilamage by fire, Dwelling Houses, Ware-houses, Build- ings in general. Merchandise, Shi|)s in port, and their cargoes, household Furniture, and every species of per- sonal property, on terms as favorable to the assured, as ho.so of nnv other office m this city. Apphcalion-s accompanied by a particular description .and situation of the property to be insured, will be prompt- ’> Samuel Akerly James W . Ek)nmiick John Andorson Henry Erben Wm. N. Chadwick John Sampson S 5 ’M T L .b N ,« Lewis Seymour Samuel N. Dodgo Nicholas Dean Isaac K. Jessup John Redfield John Levoridg# Thomas Triw\ow William Scott a*l?E'iA*kLV,FW,d.,.L ..d MoMp-or unincumbered real estate in this city, or such other securi- ties as allowed by the charter, in sums to suit applicants. Apply as above. ^ ___________ d21 3t 'T^OLOAN, on real estate m thus city, from one losu pars, 83,500. Apply to J. H. Lee, 92 B^kman . 6. T h e *^1. v>. fviuw \*i i.jtA 1-a jf n idencc. being tho comer of La Fayette Place and Grc Dec. 13 Street—30 feel m width ana ISO feel in length. 18 7^ The |ot North of and adjoining to the last- in width, tnd 120 feet in length. 8. The Lot North of and adjoii feet in width, and 130 feet in lengih. 9. The Lot North of and adjomino to the last—35 feet 4 inches m width on La Fayette Place—21 feel 10 inches 111 width m the rear, and 120 feet m length Great Jones S treet. 10. The Lot on tlio Northerly side of Great Jones Street, Easterly tf *nd adjoining to the above mentioned La Fayette Place Lots—27 feet in width, 106 feet 1,0 inches in lengih on the Easterly side, 109 feet 10 inches on the Westerly side. 11. The Lot Easterly of and adjoining to the last—27 feet in width, 103 feet 10 inches in length on the Easterly side, and 106 feet 10 inches on the Westerly side. 12. The Lot Easterly of and adjoining to the last—26 feet 9 inches in width, 100 feet 10 inches in lengffi on the Easterly side, and 103 feel 10 inches on the Westerly The title to the above properly is unquestionable, and the same will be sold free of all incumbrances. Warrantee Deeds witlifull Covenants will be given. Terms of Sale.—Five per cent, on the day sale—15 per cent, upon the delivery of the Deeds, which will be about ten days after the sale—80 per cent, may remain bond and mortgage for seven years, or any short York Lottery drawn in this city last evening, ticket com- biiialion 3 ^ 7 ^ < ^ ffie capital ^iri’^^of^S10,000, with pn- &r, kr. were all Jislrihulcd from the ever fortunate olfi- It will also be recollecteii lhat only three weeks since Bush sold and paid to an industrious mechanic of this i ity, 3 56 57, the splcnald Capital Prize of S35,000, anc^ informer luttenes capital prizes amounting to mit- N. B. Orders from city or country meet that same 8000 Spanish dollars. For sale by S. & M. ALLEN, dI7 35 Wall st. assortmeut of thi*« much improvod artirlo of all jttze«, and “• EVAn"^ d3 489 Broadway, c Broome st about 25 by 100 feet, near Wail st suitable for the erec- lionofa warehousD. Enqmraat No. 17 Merchants Ex- hand Dorihle Damask Ihiblo Diaper, by the yard; also, Doublr Dama.sk Tahle Cloths, handsome patlcrns; Cotton Table Cloths, &c. for sal c patlcrns; also, lo at 30 Maiden superfine from 5-4 to T2-4 in width. Also American and English Colton Sheetings and Shirtings, in great variety, for sale very low at No. 421 Broadway, 1 door above Canal^^.^^ very low at J C. BOWNE. phor Cream, Cold do, Almond Soap, Musk do, Stryreine, Morphine, Emetine. An assortment of genuine articles ” S S S e R i B L » . O h™ .. X D, d7 corner Broadawy & Grand st. worth the attention of tailors and hi dies will find it to thcir interest to examine previ making purchase. Also, gentlemen’s and ladies Gloves, of different kinds and first quality,imported at reasonable prices. Also, a quantity of soiled long and short, white and coloured Gloves and Mitts, at half the usual prices. ,N MER- ' assortment ■Ig o f rpo SOUTHERN AND WESTERI , X C H A N T S—An extensive and splendid ofPerfomery is offeri^ by the_snbscribers, cc Cologi rich varieties, and in sizes adapted to all purposes^be douljly perfumed in combination with their durability merchants and.families, who study comfort and eco ray, a .single trial will establish their permanency.— Merchants and families are resjjmtfiilljr j n t^ in sizes i n combk and. families, who study- iai will establish tl . ______ , families era respactfully invited to SNYDER It CO. W holes^ and reuii Perfiimers, 31 Cedar, comer William i t iRISTLBS.—10 catl SHIPS. NNELL Jk GO., 134Frositjrtreet. E.86C.H. sllp,nrto T E R , 76 South Bt. . character of Michael, Mrs. Sharpe ; C athor^, Miss . ... , ----- — cargo on boara, and will sail as above. For freight or passage, having extensive accommodations, auply on board, east side oTBurlmg slip, or to GEO. SUTTON, 181 Frontst., corner Burling sU{ For S A V A N N A H — On VUh imt. IE new ship CONSTITUTION, J. L. Wilson, X master, will positively sail as above, wind and weather permitting. For freight, which will be taken low, or passage, her accommodations in the cabin, for ladies and gentlemen, being equal to any ship out ofport —lies oast sMe Peck slip—apply on board to the master, or to JOHN H. HOWLAND, •124 _______________________ 168 Soutli st. ide on board at Old slip, oi DAVID ROGDRS k SON, 314 Washington street. ibove. P'or freight oj passage, lodations, apply on boar4. at Pino E. K. COLLINS, 68 South st. new ship A. J. DONELSON, • 5URROW6, 76 South 8l. corner Maiden lane. ------------------ -- , ro, Count of Mouialio, and partizan of jCing Manfr now chief of the Pirates of Argonesi, Signor Montres Itnlbo, companion ofGuahiemo, Signor Placi: Gorredo, tutor to Guaiticro, now a Solitary, Signor Sapignoli; Imogine, wife of Ernesto, formerly in love willi Gualtii ro, Signora Pedroiti; Adele, Lady lof honor to Imogen^ ^'sT^NCm TORNASARI, Prime B.asso, Absolute of the Italian Gpela, most respectfully announces to his PIRA t ’/ ^ ^ ‘Jesirp) will 1 CHRISTMAS holidays . VisUorsTo-mor bp the late John Scudder in 1810, and from that time has constantly been inerea.sing and extending by tho most unwearied exertion and immense expenditure of capital. Unlike other establishments, it alone holds out sources of a sterling character. Here the philosopher can even re- ceive information by contemplating the millions of i Grand Cotmorama. irama has recently been changed, and now le visiter on enure new set of pieces, cm- or many beautiful and romantic places in , Asia and Aihca, executed at a great ei^cnse hy t eminent artists in France and Italy, and of infi- nite superiority to any thing of the kind ever exhibited in America. Admittance 25 cent*. jars, or any si Interest 6 per term at the option of the purchaser,” per annum, payable half yearly. Possession of all the property, except that in Pine street and the three first raenboned Lots on the Easterly side of Broadway, will be given on the delivery of the Deeds. Possession of the Pine streot property, and of those three Lots in Broadway, will be given on the first day of May next—the rents ol}thal property from the first of Fe- bruary next to bo received by the purchaser. Maps of the property may be seen at tho office of D. to the receipt of their goods. d21 the Capital Stock, patmble on and after the 2d Jan. next. By order of eBrard.^ FALLS, Cashier, sc. 21,183L____________ d21 tJa2 O FFIC E OP THE ATLANTIC INSURANCE KJ COMPANY of New-York, 20th Deceiiiber, 1832. The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of six per cenUon thcCapital stock for the last sG months, pay- able on and after llio I4lh Janiuiry next. d21 4w____________JACOB R. PE:NTZ, Sec'y. QUPERIOITR SIBERIAN FANCY FURS.- Smiirrt;! Capes and Manriilas Fitclict Mantilla.s and Muffs to match I.ynx and other Boas Tivo very elegant blue fox Muffs, Boas, and Mantil- las to match Fitchet Robes for gentlemen’s cloaks Astraclian Boas for gentlemen Squirrel Rubes and Rabbit Linings for ladie** cloaks For sale by A. SETON, J21 Iw 176 Water St. rpH R EE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO LOAN this city, at lix per rcnl. per’annum. Apply lo o30__________ WALTER BICKER, 27 W ery lo subscribers, by E. B. CAYTON, dl7 No. 34 Exchange place •pA ISIN S IN CLUSTERS—Received per Ros- 7 boxes Real Bond sBch as go exclusive- i T EUHORN GOODS—BeceivL and just landed from tlie Adeline, macaroni, vermicelli and capel- lini, of a bettor quality than i.s put up for the American Parmesan cheese, the real Lodi Pure Virgin oil, Uio droppings of the olive An as.s(irtment of tlie most rare cordial: (irtment of tli Lred in tlie Co Is, maraschina, T U S T received on elegant lasortment of Plate Warm d.arb?’'- •'nr'i'wKn'lC" d22 At his Furnishing Store, 56 Maid.n lane. D''s"r£ on hand a full assortment of double damask table Clatlis, from 2 to 5 yards jong, some of very superior quality,— damask naphins, pillow case, linens, 1 do slurting linens, and 1 do veay fine for collars and bosoms, also fine long npREATU X ful and oi_______ ^------- c ---------- ing forest trees, &o. &c. from the Farmers Library ofUseful Knowledge, Ibrsalcby G. & C. & H. CAl •RVTLL, Broadway. TJOSIERY and GLOVES.—Just received An ex- XX tensive assortment of English, Italian and French silk hosiery random ribbed, embruiaered and plain : also received men’s ladies and misses cotton, raw silk and worsted do in great variety,for sale low at 42LBroadway. dl9 PETER C. BOWNE. p iH A M P A IG N E W m E —500 baskets of Sparkling V-/ Champaigne, of chqce quality, Comet brand, rec’d direct from Rheims, and for sale by GRACIB&CO.2OB1 iims, and for sale by GRACIB & CC Orders received, and the Wine ibrwardod i Ig aud Wrapping Pa I TRIMBLE, 51 Pine street. lily expected ___ from the celebrated “ Diamond Vein” Of the Dela- ware Coal Company. As the Schuylkill canal is now imnavigable, and no prospect of a reduction of price*, purcbwers would do well to apply immediately. ClinUm Goal Yard,;cor. Catherine & Madieoa streets. d22_____________ THOMAS EDDY. Puesday, Dc I THE HE] SCOTLAND, with new sceneiy, &c.—Principal char- STfSlfiHI ; Kate, Mrs wsmwm Mrs. Mangeon. To-morrow Even'mg—Christmas Night—On which cocasion Mr. Booth, Mr. Hamblin, and the Ravel Family will appear. A CARD—MISS HUGHES’ BENEFIT.—Miss. evening next, Dec. 27th, when will be presented, first lime in America, a new opera entitled NADIR & ZU- LEIK A , principal characters hy Messrs. Jones, Rich- ings, Placide, Miss H ugl^, &c. with other entertain- ments. .qj d24 of the immense expense incurred by making the great al- terations for the accoi aenejn, on wnicn occasion uie 1 neatre win bill of fare to his friends such as he hopes will him that liberal patronage he has for so n ceived and always endeavored to dotforve. many years re- be performed the opera of REAT ATTRACTION AT PEAL’S MUSE- \jr UM it GALLERY OF THE FINE ARTS, Broadway, opposite tho Park,—In addition lo tho exten- sive and valuable collection of the works of nature and art, the proprietor lias made arrangements to gratify his numerous visitors with many noveluet. Master N ELLIS, a boy of 15 years of age, who was born without arms, has such perfect use ofnis feet that he can open and wind up a watch, open and shut a knife, write, draw, «hoot with a bow and arrow, cut various handsome devices with the 8Cissors,&c. using his toes as others would their fingers. He exhibits during the day and in tho evening—dances a hornpipe to the astonish- ment of every beholder. During the evening, besides good music, the following extra amusements are given, to which day visitors are admitted without further charge.—On Monday the Great ANACONDA is fed with a living Rabbit. He is per- fectly docile Monday, Wednesday and Friday the W ALLACE FAM ILY give their amusing Concerts; and on Ti nitlance 25 cents—children 121 cents- patrons, that he will give a Grand Ball on Monday next, being Chr^tmas Eve. During the evening, Master Alfrep T rd' xt, (pupil (f Henry J. Trust) will, by de- sire, execute with Mr. Patierson, a Duo on the Flute and Harp. Tho Band will be augmented, and the ' ~ ning amusements continued to a late hour. Tiiriir •idmit I gentleman and 2, ladies f I each. Gentlemen intending to introduce LatUes must pre thcmsclves.with tickets to secure their admission. Season Tickets will be admitted this 'evening. next, 3Ist in.st. (being New Years eve) for which occa- sion a good band of music is engaged. Tickets one dollar, to admit a lady and gentleman every extra lady fif.ji cents. Tho dancing willcommeni 5s:dT ,”»,sa ss-ra; band is engaged—leader Mr. Brown. Bcliolars and Sulweribersadmitted as usual. Dancing to commence at 8 o’clock precisely. Price of Transient DANCING SCHOOL. young gentlemen, and from 7 until 10 P. M'. for gcnllo- Terms ofTiiitioii—$10 per quarter, including Waltzing lessons. The ColiUion Parties will take place every Thursday evening, commencing on Thursday, Uic lltli Gentlemen wishing to .subscribe will please call i L. as above, or at his rc.sidence No. 351 Grand street, when tho terras will be made known. The 3il rla s for for new beginners will commence on Friday, the 30th inst. Mr. Lannay will attend Seminaries, or give privatt !a ? « i abgsi r * - " w ErM“xrK n “s , .... dusk; for a few days only. Admittance 25 • •PTURE—Tw. . W AN TED .—Wanted to purchase, a few goes of best quality Sclinylkill Coal. Inquire of FYLEK DIBBLEE & SON, . ^____________________ Dry Dock. pers T ^ r |7 H E subscriber imforms his" friends and custoj X that he is constantly receiving a full asst TO HOUf riber imforms _ constantly receiving________________ _ useful articles for winter, consisting of elegant Bras: Fire Setts, of different patterns; Brass and Coppci Coal Hods, of all sizes; Brass and Iron head Shovels and Tongs ; Steel and Brass Pokers ; Copper Tea Ket- tles ,• Brass and Copper Chaffing Dishes ; do do Rum- ford H eatersF ire Carriers ; Brass and Iron Trivetts ; Hearth Brushes;plain and fancy Bellows, &c. &c. &c, which he offers for*aleon the most favorable terms. DANIEL E. DELAVAN, 189 Broadway, corner Broome st i ."^OR SALE OR TO LET-'^The tWo-story brick X House, No. 140 Fourth streeL the fifth house west of Broadway—it js completely finished throughout, with foldmg doors, marble mantle pieces, grates and fenders, inside shut of the mo way, and ors, marble mantle pieces, grates a itters, outside blinds, &c. Thesitui st desirable in the city, being close by ] — of_ the princinal avenues to WasI HAND t PERRIS. ____________ ___________________ II^ER M ATCHES.^A small invoice, just PUBLIC SALES. JULY Y ;*-Sidr^8: - Spiendid Roaks^ Prnents, A t« o’clock, con*i»tingof^e yicldries gf Napoleon, in# yols. plates; the v a tt^ . S vol*. plate*; keepsdte^ind valuable French Hooks, China fohey articles, toys isn segars, imperial rugs, &c. «- r 7 r 46 Gentlemen’s and isadies. «^«wweyances, al page 228,” together with, the apptir- iclies, clotli and cambi,,, gY^ HAGGERTY, AUSTIN Jk fC P I. T. DOUGHTY’S^r^^M fsales of Pttrm- 7 crork‘‘ t r s : .j .“^ t e & ^^ new aud second hand, sent in to be sold at auction. neseloo table, and Chinese porta- tlLfSL'aS.) Wednesday SheriffSale, at 12 o’clock—by order of tlie Sheriff, at e WEshingtou Hotel, the balance of tlie furniture re- aiiiiiig unsold. ' Also, -tho bar room furniture and fix- res, wines, &c." A t Private Sale, The modern built 3 story brick house and lot of gr.ouni No 296 Bowery, between Houston and Bleeckerstreet! on the easterly side of lot 2j feet front, by JOOfpetdeep ' s 24 by 42 feet, built by days work in the most faith aimer ; lias sliding doors, marble mantles and grate ighout. Balconies m the rear covered with an elc gant grape vine. The garden and yard handsomely ar- ranged, and is well stobked with choice fruit trees aiid plants, The house may be seen from 11 A .M rto4P.M . For particulars apply at the Auction room. An Organ, will be sold low or exchanged for a Piano XX from May next (Lease from Trinity Chureh) wiili- rh'K.SHo'iirsvbV'sEir front and rear, and about 100 feet deep, witli a brick and slate roof work shop in the rear, 25 feet square, built by ^’he property will be sold low, as the owner is abi emoving from the city, the principal part of the purcht money can remain on mortage. For particulars apply lSthof*A^^U,“ m%hen“'bt*sold“^^^^ change._____________________________________ dl4 U D A R D IN G —A bed room and parlour, will be X j canton .the first of January, at No. 40 Courtlandt street,where two gentlemen or a lady &gentlcman can be comfortably accommodated with board and lodging—terms moderate—apply between 10 and 3 o’clock. 114 2tawistlJ A N T E D , a^oungworaai '■woman lo attend children, i d»’ street, near the Battery. umbrellas. Apply at 71 Chambers st. . d213t* Apply at 71 Cht JOARlTwANTi^r TYOARD W A N T E D —^A gentleman and wife wish IJ to procure board and lodgmg in. a genteel private fM*ily in this city where (hey can be accommodated for t n whiter, with a furnished .or unfurnished room and bed jaom. A line addressed to K. and left at this office will be attended to. d22+lt ■pOOK-KEEPER W AfJTED.-A first rate Book- J j Keeper is winted in an auction store—he must be very expeditious and correct, and devote his whole time id attention lo the business of his employer—on* con- Jrsant with the auction business would be preferred. iUmoniats as to chars Address H. Box versant with the aucti The most unquestionable test and capacity will be required. Post Office. rpO DRY GOOD MERCHANTS.- L who is a good accountant, ind set of Books V tail dry good store the last 3J yet :_e----- -----please apply to Mr. Pearl streot. sa." i.—A youngman lake charge of a .......... has been in a re- rs m Balliniore. For Thomas SufTerfi, tho buement to the second story, and mahogany dOTrs in the parlour; ha» a sping of good water conduct-. 11 inches; tho housG25by46 fi^e^^Porfurlhej^p^^^ 5 Maiden lane. dies; tho I ipply at Job 64 11 41 37 34 44 20 1 57 54 Schuyler’s Oonrl ofFortune, as usual, ahead ofwery tiling! having sold several of $1000,500,300,160,^zc. too numerous lo mention. Thus it is that he continues to scatter the prizes among his customers. Next week anotlier good scheme, and well woftliy the Iho sccOT^'graiulcai’iiai ^$sm, lo’an oW c u s l ^ c r ? ” " ihT iL l; rbS?.rai,%S For une. Having made an engagemcntjwith her Imperial highness for tlie season^ she will preside witli all her dig- nity and glory, scattering her golden favors with an un- sparing band, fo all persevering applicants; and, more- over, she would inform all persons that are in wantofthe rino, to call at her only residence, 22ft Broadway, witli- out delay,where she intendsto satisfy them to tlieirhearts content. All sc R u ^ er ““ ®‘* d20 6t New York. Also, one case of extra heavy Potilx de Sole, and one do of a good quality at very reduced prices ; one doGros de Naples and Gros do Swiss, of the most desirable ... . -------- J - de Soie, wat’d, first qu!' 1“ MPERIAL PAPER—250iFeams superior No. 1, . manufactured from the best linen stock, for sale by 422________ GRACIE & CO. 20 Broad st. W'So7?ar;rt“ K t/ ' GRACIE & CO, 2 Also, Madeira Wine, in pipes, hhds and ‘randed Howard, Mardi & Co. iks, 8 half do do of, 20 Broad st. quarter casks Opodeldoc, British Oil, Turlington’s,’Bateman’s CmUi Oils ( while,) with a general assortment of Apolhecarit r-i---- -jjjg lowest market prices by .PRALL & RAY, Di fPECAC—300i ‘Apotheci noT m -m S IS . lbs Red Ipecac, for sate by PRALL Jc RAY? Druggist* No. 83 M«'iden lane. TTATIAN books .—Peabody «t Co. have just rc- __ 1 cCivedfirom Florence, (Italy) a consifjnment ofvalua- iSO ” 448 Broadway. ** w r use, comprising every variety ofcolors and quality, which will b* sold on the Kbst favorable termis bv ----------------- S.4& Pearl st. Iposite 'WilHam st. , .u-------'—efficient e.t ----------- ' theyare'ai d22^ ■■or sale only at T. MILHAl t e.xpectorant and promote gentle per- sneh Pharmaeiy, I^S Broadway. site tile new French Chur,% 26 fceib7fco. 270 bfajls Clarit,^!^Uti^d to- d r t ^ r e > and ™««=l>ants and dealers w,ouJd do well to »aU c: AIXfl^oVkKr l»» -.'i- - - THOMBBOh.- j lOTWELL, FOX & 'ca-Stor. 172PaarI Tuesday, At i past 8 o’clock, from the sht lent of seasonable Dry Goods. st assort. jB ^ C O R U p , HAYDOCK &. CQ,--rSt%i 1«T; ? Dry Goo*.—At 8J o’clockrit their auction room, « - I irge and valuable^ssortoent ofseasonable PryGOodr. : the best materials pn the modern stylo. The Wholesub- sriisr-vir ' cotron yam ; steel m tore of till amendment of the chart Paled New York, te, a t its neXtsessipri/fts thetreatmen* - ■ rfrittn iSTATE for ; SALE.r* : 41 37 34 44 20 to the adjustment and appheation af these Trussq*; b r ' H'£gy°°bbgm^g?ag:giagf’^ ___ .SY’lvester ’S, 130 Broadway. New York. ’ lUeiy.regu- . piials—no.less ihari'. ■ !loroe.rs-- wo of $10(W weresent by him to o modaUng terms, by applying at 12 Maiden Jane, a OS or at 3S3 Hudson sireof, the nextdouHo hbcck in on mdrtgago. premia^ or to l»g U.9, d9m., ibih», cn„, ,aio otto. ,,i.7aiSS

wj h a v e n - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83030384/1832-12-24/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Comic Offering Young Lady’s Book,' , Klura’s Dictionary, elegant binding,

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' ^ i

= s m ? 8 m m \j S ? " ' * .iaturdays.

iply on board, o;

R P H IL A Iand Amhoy R ail Rood andFO R P H IL A D E L P H IA ,

imioy R ail Road and 3V«ii Company.

r have completed a track

t M s £ ^ 4i i ' a a j a S S S i s r t• Amboy, and proceed irom Aence by the rak

steam boat on the D ela tp re a t Bordentpwn, ley will arrive at Philadelphia early in the af. \ .

I!’E D - A n American woman that understand; daily line of steamboats and stages to and from Nc

'K D —A Lad in a Lawyer’s Office, to w h ^ “I oi Jam,lull compensation will be paid. A note in the

iw years in the best manner, and inlern stylo, with elegant marble mantels, &c. in evety

roepect convenient for the accommodation of alaraefatfli-!y. On the rear of the lot there is a handsomely nnishedwood house corresponding in appeara ' ’ ’the lots adjoining—Vaults front and brick cistern in the yard.

the S story brick ^

they a{^ei ronago IS respectfully sofii terms apply a t the L iW ry .

idsomoly hni pearance with those o

d re a r, and a larg

eet deep, biiitt within a few years in lh« best mannci. and in the modern style, with elegant marble mantels, &c. On the rear of tlie lot is a handsomely finished wood house, corresponding in appearance with those adjoiining on each side— V aults front and rear, and in the yard, which is snacious and well laid out, a Well of excellent

osi, wjH be attended tc

is snacious and well laid and a large brick rislem.

T ho Utles are indisputable, and a considerable portion of tho money may remain on mortgage, at an interest of 6 percent, per annum, for several years. For further ii formation, apply to

B L. W o o l l e y , ss Front st. or, D r. B E N J. R . RO BSO N , 30 E as t Broadway, dlO ts Executors.

T he poll will open at 10 o'clock, A . M .,

' T H E O . B. S A T T E R T H W A IT . Secretary*

ORK G A S l i g h t c o m p a n y .—N otw^' g!v<n lhat anclecliun for thirteen O Ireo Cumpany for the msuing year, will be held , th. f.iirteenlh day uf January next, ja tlle ■ t.’ompanv, N o. 102 Cciilre street.!^ill ..pin at 11 o’clock, A. M . aad close at I-

n.frr Books will be closed fourteen days prior

, E . E . W E E D , Secretary.

'lo K K E U r n A B L E IN ^SU R A N eEPANY.—The President and Directors of theKyiiitahic Insurance Company have declared aThre.- anil one H.aif per cent, on the Capital

ibli- at iheir office, No. 48 Wall street, on and J.uiuarv ne\l.

r,. CH A PM A N . Seerelary. ■R's K IRR INSU KA .N CE A N D LO A N p . \ . \ \ .—The Board of Directors have this 'i a diMOi nd uf ihrec per rent un the Capital ah'e .111 and after the second ilay of January

nsf r Books w dl he closed on the 27Ul inat. cii on the -Jti Janiiarv,

JOHN KING, Secretary.rk. n . c. 22 10.J2. _ dSd4 2w^ T .y II -SAN I) 'tX )L L A R S ~ T O 'L O A N

Of the sale at aucuon, on Monday the28lh day u f j aiiuary jiext, the following property, as designated on their map, now eihibiied at the Mercliants Exchange sales room.

Blocks No. 1 and 2, situated between 6th and 7th sis., and between Lewis and Tompkiics streets, now ocrupied by Picket & Thornes as a ship yard, together with the priviledge of the water grant.

Also, Block Nos 6 and 7, between 8'h and 9th streets, and hoiwecn Lewis and Tompkins sts, together wiUi the priviledge of the water gram.

Also, Eleven lots in block No. 6, six of whichD, m e e t front

corner of 9th street, whic the other 6 arc on 9lh st

6, six of which are on 1 SO feet deep, except the 24 feet 11 inches front,

s s s s s s : n r

' ’t;’a s ¥ E R ''&

(II IKS, A.VNtIAL.s. A I.B t'M S , &c. &c~L-ciM d, 111 elegant liinduigs, adapted for Pro-

4- Vo. ortVr fur .sale an extensive assortmentami A m tnran Bonks, Jim; Albums, with \ bound ; JnvriiiN- Books, also all the Annu-> , many of which have now become scarce, ag may still he had of Peabody & Co, No. 2 l9

> ^r. the must popular of the Annuals, cop- siiperb plates, engraveil by ciiiinent artists i! paiiiiiiigs, and bound in erimson silk./-'.I oj/h ina , die favorite annual of the sea- y Iwnnd in Arebe.sque morocco, gilt leaves, >as usual, 12 beautiful engavings thefollow-

affiftion's tnhmc, Friendship's Qfering,dent elo<]uenre, more rich than words, the fJiver’s fiulh and truth in absence,

Forgtt Me N ot r 'Landscape Annual, H eath’s Picturesque

Iisun in.iroceu and nch plates: W atls’ Lite-

’tarl. Comic Offering Young Lady’s Book,' , Klura’s Dictionary, elegant binding, Rog- ' superb plates ; a collection o f t talian books,

ch, oppesile the Marble buildings.

• " ' S N t f i o H N ' T d t e r82 William gt. N ew Yorl

T KECHKS.—.4 lot of line healthy Leches, just re- i_ j cciveil Irom Havre, .and for sale by the hundred, d.zon, or smaller quaiitdv, by

N. B. Every attention paid Leeches no reasonable terms.

lui to alt order* forX t i " '

Also, in Block No. 12, 3 lots adjoining a house belong­ing to John Iloany, on lOlh street 22 feet front, and 75 feet deep.

Also, m Block No. 11,4 lots on lOlh street, comer of Dry Dock street, 21 feet front and 75 feet deep, logolher witli 3 houses thereon.

Also, 111 Block No. 16, 4 lols and houses fronting o ll ih street, at the corner of Dry Dock si reel,2 1 fccifror by 75 feet deep.

Also, 4 lots on the same block, on 12th street, cot" T of Dry Dork street, 21 feet front and 75 feet deep.

For further imormaiion, apply to the President of die ' !r o l^venue 1), and lOth St

Q O X E 'S h i v e ISYIU'P, careftiHy jnepared by the

supfrwr 10 every other form of Hive Syrup for common dulUs. « hooping coughs, .and other alfections of that na-

. 1 . " I n . w . L L .^ * ro s ■ Moore, has been dissolved by iniitiial cnnsciil. All per-

TJ" AI.E’S E L I X E R for the cure of F E V E R A N D sons imlcbied to the firm are requested to make payment I J , A tin E .—The propnetor of tins prep.aration, tho to John Carow, who is authorized to settle the busii Kev.Dr. Halo, h.as strong confidence in offering this JO H N CA ROKev. Dr. Halo, h.as strong confidence in offering this cumpuimd to all persons laboring under this distressing ind oftenliiiies otislmaW disease, as a remedy mitrival- ling every other preparation extant,fo the pcrmanent(not iialhative) enre of it.

It has for the last four years been m extensive use inirop*'. ami has been signally beneficial in a great va-Ey of painftii and protracted cases, which has obsti-fifty of pai

fiatcly resisted the ci

The peo^ietflfs assurance of its ^fficacy has beenid and confirmed by a number of respei

imomals and certificates of its virtues, from per­sons who have been restored to health by its use, as well a.s the testimony uf several physicians, who pre­scribed it in practice—one of which is subjoined from

Stockl.xnd, Aug 8th, 1832. Dear Sir—Your favor of tlic 12th inst. requesiing my

lion of your remedy for Fever and Ague, I had the

sional engagements hav^ prevented me from njjlying to

on the

sional engagements have prevented me from n^lying to

It, I know of no deleterious effects it has ever produced, , believe it to be a most invaluable

es, which they offer for sale at very reduced hristmas and Now Year’s presents ; the U - ■refur», do well to call early and make their 9 they are determined to make it an object

hand, and receivmg daily from France and great variety of new styles Fancy GoodZ .loi.d lace dresses, veils, scar6, sleeve*, and .)T all widths, elegant ball dresses, embrca- iescription and newest pattern, embroidered imrls hair dresses, shawls and scarft, silk India camels hair long shawls, a good assort- nsh furs, nch silks for walking and even- and hat-s of every style and descnptioo, to- a g<x>a assortment of staple goods, such lien diaaers, table cloths, and napkins, rose . plush for hatters use, mole skin for gende- niouriiing articles of every kind, &c, StC» ties are invited to caH and examine.. h'. & Co. have also constanUy on hand,1 dfc Cologne, warranted first quality.

; ; k / . : rV h e = T s X '2 n e r f f ie ’' ; ^ ^ .lean instmne for the two past years,

and Druggists th e ^ ^ t l ib e r -

iiutacnirers and Importers of Perfumery,’

•;KPS.\KK, l a n d s c a p e a n n u a l '.

*(», au.l alE the Enghsh and American Aai the lowest prices, by

.NCK & T R IM B L E , offer for sale—•' Valiev and Harris’ Manufac-

) aiid dS iiii h Beaver, Coventry, and Lafay-inofaciunng Co. and others of approved’ ma­

id < 96 and 2S inch bleached and brow^ami Prinlms Cloths, of the Phenix, Provi-

I.ippiii, Farmers arid .Mechanics, Scuuatc,•en die, and Bcitlemiiu's manufactories.■s. 4-1 9-9 and 5-4 Sea Island bleached dOj lis descriptions and qualities—some very su- .

Iiiladelphia Plaids, Stripes, Furnitures, and

•lit col Inn Osnabnrgsipka’s best and medium Rouensni'yville 4-4 Tieks, and white and brownFlannels and Moleskins, variou.s niialities.IV .j and three colored Common Prints and

igh rolorcd embossed Fiimiture Cambrics, raw, blue, brown, black, green, olive, crim- h, and other colored Cambrics, variously as-

llcn’s superior white Cambrics, .4-4 and 9-8 > linen fold P. iVI. C. Shirting •1-st vt and diamond 7-8 cotton Drap* rv. le Romal and Madras Hdkfs.-I.r^ed Twrst and Pilling, numbers varying

s;l ipiality, white and mi.xerl Iciutun^ Cotton,ill numbers from 14 to 20common brown Btiekramice of drab, brown, and lavender striped

■ford, blue, mixed, corbeau, fancy colors «ndveH S.tto.ets, assorted, pimon stout negro Satinets ignment of iii.hg.v Broadcloths■ases writing and wrapping Paper, &c. '

preference to Kenine, Pipet medies of the day.

I „ a ,, ^ ^

T o the Rev. John Hale.The above is for sale at the Druggist store, 79 Fulton,

urnerof Gold street.o24 W M . SIM O N SO N .

■irA L D A B L E D IS C O V E R Y .—E lix ir PectoratcT. V Vegetable Pectoral Elixir.—T he discovery of this

inestimable Elixir was the result of ten years close study in o rd^ to discover the causes, symptoms, and cure for til those formidable diseases that prey upon the organs of the chest, namely, consumption, asthma, catarrh, colds, and event species of oppression at the chest. In all cases where his Elixir has been duly administered,

lou^ that consumption is not incuraWe, if properly a

W hat is consumption ? I t is in the commencement, slight irritation on the membrane that covers the lungs. It 19 next an inflammation, when the cough is a little more noticeable, but rather dry. I t then becomes a local fever, and the pulse is more frequent, the cheeks are flush, and chilb are common. In tU next increase, the external part o f the lungs themselves bemn to par­ticipate in the fever, the sUeiigth fails, the flesh wastes, and sweats are common. A s the debility and eraacia- (ii.n mcreases, small ulcerations, or white hard speck* appear, the bowels become irregular, the sleep is dis­turbed, and m the last stage, violent coughing, profuse cold sweats, constant diarrhoea, and hiccoughs, close the

I Hovr dbeg the Elixir Pectorale operate to cure the ebove complaint? I t determines atl morbid irritation and inflammation from the lungs towards the .surface, and finally expels them from the system by Otherwise. I t facilitates expectoration, the patient feora a load of tough phlegm, otherwise be altogether eliminated from the system. Itheals the ulcerated surfaces, and relieves the cmigli andbreathing. It supports the strength, while at the sometune it reduces the fever. ^ .For sale by the Proprietors Aaents, Sil.-is Chyle andNephew, eornerof Fulton and Water streets, MarsliallC. Slocum,corner o f Duane street and Broaitway^ Pat-

ner of William street—whe

tends to have as good an assortment of all kinds of Cakes as any in the vicinity, for the season. Being aware I Hobday Parties are near, and such as Plumb, Poe Paucy.Spunge and Scotch Cakes will be wanted.he wtinform his patrons that they may be supplied with sc

the qui

T H O M A S H O U S E W O R T H .

I.F.NLN T1IRF.AD, for Export__ A tewOtsl quality Nuns Thread, a.-.Korled num- by T H OM AS S U F F E R N ,

244 Pearl streot.(EETl.NG.s & L A W N S —A few cases .Illy Sli.-rlin; ; also, fine I.awns, suitable onis, for sale bv

T liO M A S S U F F E R N , 1 j ___________________ g44 Pearl street. |lI-LIKCi, for E.rport.—A few cases wbito

« » " « ™ . ^ A o M i s t o F 'S - R N , " "____________________ 244 Pearl street, ’ j jHL & C A N D L E S .—2000 gallons p r im * ‘ t

{ s r a s " " .R t t m l o i i

" " 'V E D E m c k R .S ro W . ;; '128 Fron t st.

O N D B I U . O N ^ U | L ^ - . S . e „

' . ISOBfoadwtty. «A S T E . or Pectoral Gum—for cioughiy , Just received from France, a small qnan-

icn known to fad, when used according t a |

Sole Agentin N ew York. d7

r 3 “ - r S ? = , ;


ind Broadway,And at Forty Lispenartl street,Large and plenty, rich and swe

t'nion Cake shall be its nan T o remind tho glorious fameOf this great Confederation ;Antidote to Nullification.

p t EO RG E W . M IL L E R , at N o. 40 Lispenard st., \JT rscoinmcnds himself to his friend.s and the public atlarge, with the choicest variety of his micqiialleil and fa-inuns Cakes, which he offers for sale, fresh bako^^for

E R ’S famous make.

F “S = ? o ,S \ ' : 7 v R ° A “R T i 4 i « ? ^ ^Hudson street, has just received a general assortment of Fanev Goods. Toys, Perfumery, Jewelry, &c. of various descriptions, many of which are calculated for Christmasand New Year’s P re sen t ; including splendid Work Boxes, Ornaments of Dress, Cosmetics, Implements for Games of Skill, Stocks, Gloves, and Stockings, Toy Books and Bwiks for presents, with almost every other description of French faqcy goods, selected with thegreatest attention to their quality, and offered at equita­ble prices. d l3 3wTO HOti

t p H E SU B SC R IB E R has received per late arri- J „ vals from Europe, a full assortment, consisting of

.ble and desert knives and forks; Dixon and Son’sDtitania metal teapots; do do, in full setts, with coffeepots to match. Also, coffee urns of various patterns ;elegant flat and high plated candlesticks, with snufferiand trays to match ; do plated castors ; a l^ silver pla-ted cake baskets; butter knives ; plated table dessertknives and forks ; table and tea spoons, plated on s te e l;fine Gothic pattern tea trays, with rich gold borders and fine ground hacks ; Britania and brass lamps of various patterns ; brass and copper coal hods ; brass fire setts of the latest patterns, and manufactured of the best ma­terials ; together with a great variety of other articles too numerous to mention ; all warrantt d to be of the best quality, and for sale on the lowest terms by

D A N IE L E . D E L E V A N , ol8 t f 489 Broadway cor Broome st.

f^A M P H O R C R E A M —A pleasant remedy for Irost- VD ed feet, chapped hands, lips, &c. and recommended to the public as a cosmetic particalarly adapted to the sent state of the weather, for sale by

. T A N N E R & BLA CK ,J^ em isu k Druggists, cor. Broadway & Gra«d s

t w d w ^ o'a d c i.■“ —Hand & Perris have

uid (»Iorrd Broad CIblack and (»Iorrd Broad d o J« e rsh a ras , &c. for sale wholesale an(id r e t ^ t t

BAlso on hand, a large ai ■ fiees. of best Quality ;

TTtiMAN T E E T H ,—F o r *»l i X menl of Human T eeth, by

" A !

sale, a beautifnl assort-

V ST L E , Dentist, rj Broadway, N .

New York, 22d Dec. 1832.T pD IN B U R U H T o O T H -A C H E BAS JL i celebrated article is constantly reccivm

poriablt’ ct

if iT E .—Tins mg fri-sh proof

of Its excellence by numerous respeelable cerUficates.— If faithfully applied according tothe direciions, and a cure not effected (os sometimes from various causes it may so happen) the money will be refunded on returning Hit- box. For sale wholesaD^and^r.a^l by

38 Cedar, ror William st.

person, at the Drug and Chemical Store of

f M F R O V E D DO iM ESTtC IN S T R U M E N T —By J . wliiih Cosliveness may be instantly removed, and it.- consequenees prevented, by tlie application of warm

ater only. A few of these valiiable Instruments 4f-injeciion, of superior English manufacture, just lived and for sale by

R U s H T O N L ASPINW ALL^, D™ |gisls,

T T E N E T IA N R E D — 100 barrels, for sale by V H O F F M A N , B E N D & CO.

d21 61 ____________ 52 Pine st.K /T E N S Royal Ribbed Extra size DrawersI V i do do do raediurn do do

do do do extra do Undervestsdo do do medium do do

Also Cvnton Flannel. Flannel and Lanibiwool Drawors and Dndervt^sts, for sale by

SA M ’L W H IT M A R S H . 116 Broadway, iposite City Hotel

ions, for lale by JO SH . STA J•N L E Y & 0 0 ,4 1 8 Broadway.

^ , 8

, _ irces, &c. &c., for s_.E . B. CLA Y TON ,

N o. 34 E.xcnange Place.fllYHE NOVEL.IST M A G A Z IN E ,a semimonthly JL publication—to be commenced 1st January, 1838.

SubscnpUona.at the low price of five dollars per annum, E . B. C L A Y T O N ,

N o. 54 Exchange Plaea.N E I V h a v e n H A R T F O R D S T E A M

n p H E steamboat S P L E N lS io . Cant. Beecher, leavesX the steamboat place, foot of Beckman street every

place every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornihg,

JO H N S A X T ^ n '^IT'^CO.!*'^(18 114 South street.

For M A R S E I I A J iS .» p H E fine fast sading brig R IC H A R D A L SO P, Capl. JL Taylor, has three-fourths of her cargo ready to go

on board, and can take a few more packages of liglit freight, and accommodate more passengers. Apply to

d20 D E F O R E S T Si SO N , 82 South st.


^ e l^uisiana and Now York L h i. P a |k e t of 28lh inst

ill leave iho foot of Court-

rovidence at

having super! st. wharf, or

Leave New York at Leave Providenci4 ''VD, k. P. M. 12 o’lUx-k, .M.

Wednesday, Dee. 19. Friday, Dec. Monday, ” 24. W ednesday, ”F n lay , ” 28. Monday,

o . i n f o r m a t i o n , apply at tho ( or tutlie Ca|>lain onboard.


JL Roh.Tt S. Eiuiikt r, will leave the f**ot ofCourtlandiRob.Tt J-iirt'cijN, R. viz;

NVw York, 4 P. M.Friday, Pecember 7

S - C ’ ’ I’


Leave Providence, 12 M.Monday, Dccuniber 10

wfc.,, 15For further information, apply at tho office, No. 14

Broad .st. or to the Captain on board. d6

R E A L E S T A T E FO R S A L E .

the Merchant’s Excliange, on Thursday, the Sd day ofJanuary next, alI2 o'clock:

PiHE S tbeet .1. The Messuagp and Lot of Land known a* No. 39

Pine Street—21 feet 8 inches in width, and 75 feet inlength, more or less.

n a x -PER,66 Cliamher street, mthin two doors o f Broad-

X Capt. Seth Thayer, will leave the fixil of Fulton st. E. R. fur Newport and Providence as follows, untilTur-

Leaves New York.Tuesday, Dec

S tre .t—28 feet in width, and 130 feet in length—there i.- a convenient two story Dwelling House on the rear of this

3. The Lot North of and adjoining to the lost—27feel 2 inches in width, and 130 feel in length.

4. The Lot North of and adjoining to the last—27 feel2 inches in widili, and 130 feel in length. There is * Stable on the rear of this lot.

5. Tho Lot next but one above the last—27 feet 3 inches in width, and 130 feet in length.

iC T* Each of the four last mentioned Lots is bounded in the rear by Cross Lane, which is 20 feet in width.

L a F avette P lace. m the Easterly sid« ofLa Fayette Place,

I G reat Jones

Ig to the last—29 feet

lining to the last—29

A F E W Dozen new style wuiter Gloves,just received X I . and for sale by

d21 S. W H IT M A R S H , 116 Broadway.

T 7 M B R O ID E R E D S T O C K IN G S —A few dozen P j black and while embroidered and clock’d silk stock­

ings, also a few dozen embroidered white do, elegant

“’i S i 'N 'o . M E R R E L L , 30 Maiden lam

E N B E D T IC K of the best quality received i r sale by JO H N G. M E R R E L L

so Maiden lane.

Y wd) comeHOMA!

g A G Q - K Ptgri

Q I L A N D C A N D L E S —2000 gallons prime quality

3000 do prime quality Fall Sperm Oil 2000 do Elephanl Oil 2000 do Refined W hale Oil

“ i ' i ’ . &

i case now and fashionalfor sale at 421 Broadway.

P E T E R C. B O W N E .•Q L A G K m e r i n o c l o t h of superior quality,

T 7 L A N N E L a — A general assortment of Flannels, X* from low priced to extra superfine ; also a superior quality of rose blankeu, for sale very low at 421 Broad-quality of ros

P E T E R C. B O W N E .

ble residence for a eenteel family ; house 26 by 46 feet.lot 26 by 90 feet. T he principal part of the purchasemoney may remain on mortgage at six per cent per an­num. Enquire on the prcmi-ses, or al N o. 46 W ater si.

Hiness maybe done by proper attention—the fixtums arcnlegantand every thing in go xl order. For further in formation, apply at the olficc of the Eveiung Post.

O A M B R I C H D K F S—A large assortment of Linen

. 9 . W , ^ ^ L A N E ’S, ,11 and 18 Maiden lane.

O P A N IS H PIG L E A D .—4 0 tons Spanish Pig Lead,

b X CO.,«« 134 Front street.

market prices, by g GRAHAM,38 Cedar, corner ofWilliam

wav. corner ofDuane s t . ____________________ ____ ^[and & F erns oiler for dsome assortment of

p O P P E R P L A T E P A P E K - J u s l rcce i^d rw sale,

R7 William st. UD SttirJ.57 William st. up sttirJ .

S S S E 5 S 5 E £ g £ =

T E R , Now York,N ew Orleans, La Baltimor*, Md. Pittsburgh, Pa . o; Nashvilla,Tenne

N ^ k192 Chatham square.— The public are informed that the Capital Slock of tins Company amounting to $200,000, has been subscribed and paid in, agreeably to the terms of the Act of incorporation. T he President and Direc­tors are therefiire prepared to insure against loss or ilamage by fire, Dwelling Houses, Ware-houses, Build­ings in general. Merchandise, Shi|)s in port, and their cargoes, household Furniture, and every species of per­sonal property, on terms as favorable to the assured, as ho.so of nnv other office m this city.

Apphcalion-s accompanied by a particular description .and situation of the property to be insured, will be prompt-


Samuel Akerly James W . Ek)nmiickJohn Andorson Henry Erben

W m. N . Chadwick John Sampson

S 5 ’M T L .b N ,«Lewis Seymour Samuel N . DodgoNicholas Dean Isaac K. JessupJohn Redfield John Levoridg#Thomas Triw\ow William Scott

a * l ? E ' i A * k L V ,F W ,d . , .L

. .d M o M p - o runincumbered real estate in this city, or such other securi­ties as allowed by the charter, in sums to suit applicants.Apply as above. ^ ___________ d21 3t'T ^O L O A N , on real estate m thus city, from one lo su

p a r s , 83,500. Apply to J. H. Lee, 92 B ^km an

. 6. The *^1. v>. fviuw \*i i.jtA 1-a jfnidencc. being tho comer of La Fayette Place and Grc

Dec. 13 Street—30 feel m width ana ISO feel in length.18 7 The |ot North of and adjoining to the last-

in width, tnd 120 feet in length.8. The Lot North of and adjoii

feet in width, and 130 feet in lengih.9. The Lot North of and adjomino to the last—35

feet 4 inches m width on La Fayette Place—21 feel 10 inches 111 width m the rear, and 120 feet m length

Great Jones S treet .10. The Lot on tlio Northerly side of G reat Jones

Street, Easterly t f *nd adjoining to the above mentioned La Fayette Place Lots—27 feet in width, 106 feet 1,0 inches in lengih on the Easterly side, 109 feet 10 inches on the Westerly side.

11. The Lot Easterly of and adjoining to the last—27 feet in width, 103 feet 10 inches in length on the Easterly side, and 106 feet 10 inches on the W esterly side.

12. T he Lot Easterly of and adjoining to the last—26 feet 9 inches in width, 100 feet 10 inches in lengffi on the Easterly side, and 103 feel 10 inches on the Westerly

The title to the above properly is unquestionable, andthe same will be sold free of all incumbrances.

W arrantee Deeds witlifull Covenants will be given. Terms o f Sale.—Five per cent, on the day sale—15

per cent, upon the delivery of the Deeds, which will be about ten days after the sale—80 per cent, may remain

bond and mortgage for seven years, or any short

York Lottery drawn in this city last evening, ticket com- biiialion 3 ^ 7 ^ < ^ ffie capital iri’ ^of^S10,000, with pn-

&r, k r . were all Jislrihulcd from the ever fortunate olfi-

It will also be recollecteii lhat only three weeks sinceBush sold and paid to an industrious mechanic of thisi ity, 3 56 57, the splcnald Capital Prize of S35,000,anc informer luttenes capital prizes amounting to mit-

N . B. Orders from city or country meet that same

8000 Spanish dollars.For sale by S. & M . A L L EN ,dI7 35 Wall st.

assortmeut of thi*« much improvod artirlo of all jttze«, and

“ • E V A n " ^d3 489 Broadway, c Broome st

about 25 by 100 feet, near Wail st suitable for the erec-lionofa warehousD. Enqm raat No. 17 M erchants Ex-

hand Dorihle Damask Ihiblo Diaper, by the yard; also, Doublr Dama.sk Tahle Cloths, handsome patlcrns;

Cotton Table Cloths, &c. for salc patlcrns; also, lo at 30 Maiden

superfine from 5-4 to T2-4 in width.Also American and English Colton Sheetings and

Shirtings, in great variety, for sale very low at No. 421 Broadway, 1 door above C anal^^ .^^

very low at J

C. BO W N E .

phor Cream, Cold do, Almond Soap, Musk do, Stryreine, Morphine, Emetine. An assortment of genuine articles

” S S S e R i B L » . O h ™ . . X D,d7 corner Broadawy & Grand st.

worth the attention of tailors and hi

dies will find it to thcir interest to examine previ making purchase.

Also, gentlemen’s and ladies Gloves, of different kinds and first quality,imported at reasonable prices.

Also, a quantity of soiled long and short, white andcoloured Gloves and M itts, at half the usual prices.

,N M E R -' assortment

■ ■ Ig of

r p o S O U T H E R N A N D W E S T E R I , X C H A N T S —An extensive and splendid ofPerfomery is offeri^ by the_snbscribers, cc Cologi

rich varieties, and in sizes adapted to all purposes^be douljly perfumed in combination with their durability merchants and.families, who study comfort and eco ray, a .single trial will establish their permanency.— Merchants and families are resjjmtfiilljr j n t ^

in sizes i n combk

and. families, who study-iai will establish tl . ______ ,families era respactfully invited to

S N Y D E R I t CO. W h o le s^ and re u ii Perfiimers,

31 Cedar, comer W illiam i tiR IS T L B S .—10 catl


N N E L L Jk GO.,134Frositjrtreet.

E .8 6 C .H . s llp ,n rto T E R , 76 South Bt. .

character of M ichael, M rs. Sharpe ; C a th o r ^ , Miss

. . . . , ----- — cargo onboara, and will sail as above. F or freight or passage, having extensive accommodations, auply on board, east side oTBurlmg slip, or to

G E O . SU T T O N , 181 Frontst., corner Burling sU{

For S A V A N N A H — On VUh imt.I E new ship C O N S T IT U T IO N , J. L . Wilson,

X master, will positively sail as above, wind and weather permitting. For freight, which will be taken low, or passage, her accommodations in the cabin, for ladies and gentlemen, being equal to any ship out ofport —lies oast sMe Peck slip—apply on board to the master, or to JO H N H. H O W L A N D ,

•124_______________________ 168 Soutli st.

ide on board at Old slip, oi D A V ID R O G D RS k SON,

314 Washington street.

ibove. P'or freight oj passage, lodations, apply on boar4. at Pino

E . K . C O L L IN S ,68 South st.

new ship A . J. DONELSON, •

5URROW 6,76 South 8l. corner Maiden lane.

------------------ -- ,

ro, Count of Mouialio, and partizan of jCing Manfr now chief of the Pirates of Argonesi, Signor Montres Itnlbo, companion ofGuahiemo, Signor P lac i: Gorredo,tutor to Guaiticro, now a Solitary, Signor Sapignoli;Imogine, wife of Ernesto, formerly in love willi Gualtiiro, Signora Pedroiti; Adele, Lady lof honor to Imogen^

^ 'sT ^ N C m TO R N A SA R I, Prime B.asso, Absolute of the Italian Gpela, most respectfully announces to his

P IR A t ’/ ^ ^ ‘Jesirp) will 1

C H R IS T M A S h o l i d a y s .


bp the late John Scudder in 1810, and from that time has constantly been inerea.sing and extending by tho most unwearied exertion and immense expenditure of capital. Unlike other establishments, it alone holds out sources of a sterling character. Here the philosopher can even re­ceive information by contemplating the millions of i

Grand Cotmorama.irama has recently been changed, and now le visiter on enure new set of pieces, cm- or many beautiful and romantic places in

, Asia and A ihca, executed at a great ei^cnse hy t eminent artists in France and Italy, and of infi­

nite superiority to any thing of the kind ever exhibited in America.

Admittance 25 cent*.

jars, or any si Interest 6 perterm at the option of the purchaser,”

per annum, payable half yearly.Possession of all the property, except that in Pine street

and the three first raenboned Lots on the Easterly side of Broadway, will be given on the delivery of the Deeds. Possession of the Pine streot property, and of those three Lots in Broadway, will be given on the first day of May next—the rents ol}thal property from the first of F e ­bruary next to bo received by the purchaser.

Maps of the property may be seen at tho office of D .

to the receipt of their goods. d21

the Capital Stock, patmble on and after the 2d Jan. next. By order of e B ra rd .^ F A L L S , Cashier,

sc. 2 1 ,183L____________ d21 tJa2O F F I C E O P T H E A T L A N T IC IN S U R A N C E K J COM PANY of New-York, 20th Deceiiiber, 1832. The Board of Directors have declared a dividend of six per cenUon thcCapital stock for the last sG months, pay­able on and after llio I4lh Janiuiry next.

d21 4w____________JACOB R . PE::NTZ, Sec'y.QUPERIOITR SIBERIAN FANCY F U R S .-

Smiirrt;! Capes and ManriilasFitclict Mantilla.s and Muffs to matchI.ynx and other Boas Tivo very elegant blue fox Muffs, Boas, and Mantil­

las to matchFitchet Robes for gentlemen’s cloaksAstraclian Boas for gentlemenSquirrel Rubes and Rabbit Linings for ladie** cloaks

For sale by A . S E T O N ,J21 Iw 176 Water St.


this city, at lix per rcnl. per’annum. Apply loo30__________ W A L T E R BICKER, 27 W

ery lo subscribers, byE . B. CA Y T O N ,

dl7 No. 34 Exchange place

• p A I S I N S IN C L U S T E R S —Received per Ros-

7 boxes Real Bond sBch as go exclusive- i

T E U H O R N GOODS—BeceivL and just landed from tlie Adeline, macaroni, vermicelli and capel­

lini, of a bettor quality than i.s put up for the American

Parmesan cheese, the real Lodi Pure Virgin oil, Uio droppings of the olive An as.s(irtment of tlie most rare cordial:(irtment of tli

Lred in tlie CoIs, maraschina,

T U S T received on elegant lasortment of Plate W arm

d.arb?’'- •'nr'i'wKn'lC"d22 A t his Furnishing Store, 56 M aid.n lane.

D''s"r£on hand a full assortment of double damask table Clatlis, from 2 to 5 yards jong, some of very superior quality,— damask naphins, pillow case, linens, 1 do slurting linens, and 1 do veay fine for collars and bosoms, also fine long

n p R E A T UX ful and oi_______ ^------- c ----------

ing forest trees, &o. &c. from the Farmers Library of Useful Knowledge, Ibrsalcby

G. & C. & H. CAl•RVTLL,Broadway.

T J O S I E R Y a n d G LO V ES.—Just received An ex- XX tensive assortment of English, Italian and French silk hosiery random ribbed, embruiaered and plain : also received men’s ladies and misses cotton, raw silk and worsted do in great variety,for sale low at 42LBroadway.

d l9 P E T E R C . B O W N E .p iH A M P A IG N E W m E —500 baskets of Sparkling V-/ Champaigne, of chqce quality, Comet brand, rec’d direct from Rheims, and for sale by

G R A CIB& C O .2O B 1iims, and for sale by

G R A C IB & CC Orders received, and the W ine ibrwardod i

Ig aud Wrapping Pa

I T R IM B L E ,51 Pine street.

lily expected___ from the celebrated “ Diamond Vein” Of the Dela­ware Coal Company.

A s the Schuylkill canal is now imnavigable, and no prospect of a reduction of price*, purcbwers would do well to apply immediately.

ClinUm Goal Yard,;cor. Catherine & Madieoa streets.d22_____________ TH O M A S E D D Y .

Puesday, D c I T H E HE]

SC O TL A N D , with new sceneiy, &c.—Principal char-

STfSlfiHI; Kate, M rs

wsmwmMrs. Mangeon.

To-morrow Even'mg—Christmas Night—On which cocasion Mr. Booth, M r. Hamblin, and the Ravel Family will appear.

A C A R D —M ISS H U G H E S’ B E N E F IT .—Miss.

evening next, Dec. 27th, when will be presented, first lime in America, a new opera entitled N A D IR & Z U - L E IK A , principal characters hy Messrs. Jones, Rich- ings, Placide, Miss H u g l^ , &c. with other entertain­ments. .qj d24

of the immense expense incurred by making the great al­terations for the accoi

aenejn, on wnicn occasion uie 1 neatre win

bill of fare to his friends such as he hopes will him that liberal patronage he has for so n ceived and always endeavored to dotforve.

many years re-

be performed the opera of

R E A T A T T R A C T IO N A T P E A L ’S M U SE - \ j r UM i t G A L L E R Y O F T H E F IN E A R T S , Broadway, opposite tho Park,—In addition lo tho exten­sive and valuable collection of the works of nature and art, the proprietor lias made arrangements to gratify his numerous visitors with many noveluet.

M aster N E L L IS , a boy of 15 years of age, who was born without arms, has such perfect use ofnis feet that he can open and wind up a watch, open and shut a knife, write, draw, «hoot with a bow and arrow, cut various handsome devices with the 8Cissors,&c. using his toes as others would their fingers. H e exhibits during the day and in tho evening—dances a hornpipe to the astonish­ment of every beholder.

During the evening, besides good music, the following extra amusements are given, to which day visitors are admitted without further charge.—On Monday the G reatANACONDA is fed with a living Rabbit. H e is per­fectly docile

Monday, Wednesday and Friday the W A L L A C E FA M IL Y give their amusing Concerts; and on T i

nitlance 25 cents—children 121 cents-

patrons, that he will give a Grand Ball on Monday next, being Chr^tmas Eve. During the evening, MasterA l f r e p T rd'xt, (pupil (f Henry J. Trust) will, by de­sire, execute with Mr. Patierson, a Duo on the Fluteand Harp. Tho Band will be augmented, and the ' ~ning amusements continued to a late hour. Tiiriir•idmit I gentleman and 2, ladies f I each.

Gentlemen intending to introduce LatUes must pre thcmsclves.with tickets to secure their admission.

Season Tickets will be admitted this 'evening.

next, 3 Ist in.st. (being New Years eve) for which occa­sion a good band of music is engaged.

Tickets one dollar, to admit a lady and gentlemanevery extra lady fif.ji cents. Tho dancing willcommeni

5s:dT,”» ,sa s s -r a ;band is engaged—leader Mr. Brown.

Bcliolars and Sulweribersadmitted as usual. Dancingto commence a t 8 o’clock precisely. Price of Transient


young gentlemen, and from 7 until 10 P. M'. for gcnllo-

Terms ofTiiitioii—$10 per quarter, including Waltzing lessons. The ColiUion Parties will take place every Thursday evening, commencing on Thursday, Uic llt li

Gentlemen wishing to .subscribe will please call i L . as above, or at his rc.sidence No. 351 Grand street, when tho terras will be made known.

The 3il rla s for for new beginners will commence on Friday, the 30th inst.

Mr. Lannay will attend Seminaries, or give privatt

!a ? « i a b g s i r * ” - " w

ErM“x r K n “s , ....dusk; for a few days only. Admittance 25 •


. W A N T E D .—W anted to purchase, a few goes of best quality Sclinylkill Coal. Inquire of

F Y L E K D IB B L E E & SO N , .____________________ Dry Dock.

p e r s T ^r |7 H E subscriber imforms his" friends and custojX that he is constantly receiving a full asst

T O HOUfriber imforms

_ constantly receiving________________ _useful articles for winter, consisting of elegant Bras: F ire Setts, of different patterns; Brass and Coppci Coal Hods, of all sizes; Brass and Iron head Shovels and Tongs ; Steel and Brass Pokers ; Copper T ea K et­tles ,• Brass and Copper Chaffing Dishes ; do do Rum- ford H e a te r s F i r e Carriers ; Brass and Iron T rivetts ; Hearth Brushes;plain and fancy Bellows, &c. &c. &c, which he offers for*aleon the most favorable terms.

D A N IE L E . D E L A V A N ,189 Broadway, corner Broome st

i ."^OR S A L E OR TO L E T -'^T he tWo-story brick X House, N o. 140 Fourth streeL the fifth house west of Broadway—it j s completely finished throughout, with foldmg doors, marble mantle pieces, grates and fenders,inside shut of the mo way, and

ors, marble mantle pieces, grates a itters, outside blinds, &c. T hesitu i st desirable in the city, being close by ] — of_ the princinal avenues to W asI

H A N D t P E R R IS .■ ____________ ___________________

I I^ E R M A T C H E S .^ A small invoice, just

PUBLIC SALES.JULY Y ;* - S id r ^ 8 :

- Spiendid Roaks^ P rnents,A t « o’clock, con*i»tingof^e yicldries gf Napoleon, in # yols. pla tes; the v a t t ^ . S vol*. pla te* ; keepsdte^ind

valuable French Hooks, China fohey articles, toys

isn segars, imperial rugs, &c. «- r 7 r46 Gentlemen’s and isadies.

«^«wweyances, a l page 228,” together with, the apptir-

iclies, clotli and cambi,,,g Y ^ H A G G E R T Y , A U ST IN Jk

f C P I . T . D O UG H TY ’S ^ r ^ ^ M f sales o f Pttrm-

7crork‘‘ trs :.j.“^ t e & ^ ^new aud second hand, sent in to be sold a t auction.

neseloo table, and Chinese porta-

t l L f S L ' a S . )Wednesday

SheriffSale, at 12 o’clock—by order of tlie Sheriff, at e WEshingtou Hotel, the balance of tlie furniture re- aiiiiiig unsold. ' Also, -tho bar room furniture and fix- res, wines, &c."

A t Private Sale,The modern built 3 story brick house and lot of gr.ouni

No 296 Bowery, between Houston and Bleeckerstreet!on the easterly side of lot 2 j feet front, by JOOfpetdeep ' s 24 by 42 feet, built by days work in the most faith

aimer ; lias sliding doors, marble mantles and grate ighout. Balconies m the rear covered with an elc

gant grape vine. The garden and yard handsomely ar­ranged, and is well stobked with choice fruit trees aiid plants, The house may be seen from 11 A .M rto 4 P .M . For particulars apply at the Auction room.

An Organ, will be sold low or exchanged for a Piano

X X from May next (Lease from Trinity Chureh) wiili-

rh'K.SHo'iirsvbV'sEirfront and rear, and about 100 feet deep, witli a brick and slate roof work shop in the rear, 25 feet square, built by

^’he property will be sold low, as the owner is abi emoving from the city, the principal part of the purcht

money can remain on m ortage . For particulars apply

lSthof*A^^U,“ m%hen“'bt*sold“ ^ ^change._____________________________________ dl4

U D A R D IN G —A bed room and parlour, will be X j canton .the first of January, at No. 40 Courtlandt street,where two gentlemen or a lady &gentlcman can be comfortably accommodated with board and lodging—terms moderate—apply between 10 and 3 o’clock.

114 2 taw istlJA N T E D , a^oungworaai'■woman lo attend children, i

d » ’ street, near the Battery.

umbrellas. Apply at 71 Chambers st. . d213t*Apply at 71 Cht J O A R lT w A N T i^ rTYOARD W A N T E D — A gentleman and wife wish

I J to procure board and lodgmg in. a genteel private fM*ily in this city where (hey can be accommodated for t n whiter, with a furnished .or unfurnished room and bed jaom. A line addressed to K . and left at this office will be attended to. ■ d22+lt■ pO O K -K E E P E R W A fJT E D .-A first rate Book- J j Keeper is winted in an auction store—he must be very expeditious and correct, and devote his whole time

id attention lo the business of his employer—on* con- Jrsant with the auction business would be preferred.

iUmoniats as to chars Address H . Box

versant with the aucti The most unquestionable test and capacity will be required. Post Office.r p O D R Y GOOD M E R C H A N T S.- L who is a good accountant, ind

set of Books Vtail dry good store the last 3J yet:_e----- -----please apply to M r.Pearl streot.

sa."i.—A youngmanlake charge of a


has been in a re-rs m Balliniore. ForThomas SufTerfi,

tho buem ent to the second story, and mahogany dOTrs in the parlour; ha» a sping of good water conduct-.

11 inches; tho housG25by46 fi^e^^Porfurlhej^p^^^

5 Maiden lane.

d ies; tho Iipply at Job

64 11 41 37 34 44 20 1 57 54 Schuyler’s Oonrl ofFortune, as usual, ahead ofw ery

tiling! having sold several of $1000,500,300,160,^zc. too numerous lo mention. Thus it is that he continues to scatter the prizes among his customers.

Next week anotlier good scheme, and well woftliy the

Iho sccOT^'graiulcai’iiai ^ $ s m , lo’an oW c u s l^ c r ? ” ’

"ihTiLl; rbS?.rai,%SFor une. Having made an engagemcntjwith her Imperial highness for tlie season^ she will preside witli all her dig­nity and glory, scattering her golden favors with an un­sparing band, fo all persevering applicants; and, more­over, she would inform all persons that are in wantofthe rino, to call at her only residence, 22ft Broadway, witli- out delay,where she intendsto satisfy them to tlieirheartscontent. All s c R u ^ e r ““ ®‘*

d20 6t New York.

Also, one case of extra heavy Potilx de Sole, and one do of a good quality at very reduced prices ; one doGros de Naples and Gros do Swiss, of the most desirable . . . . -------- J - ■ de Soie, wat’d, first qu!'

1“M P E R IA L P A P E R —250iFeams superior No. 1, . manufactured from the best linen stock, for sale by422________ GRACIE & CO. 20 Broad st.

W'So7?ar;rt“ K t/ 'G R A C IE & CO, 2

Also, Madeira W ine, in pipes, hhds and ‘randed Howard, M ardi & Co.

iks, 8 half do do of,

20 Broad st. quarter casks

Opodeldoc, British Oil, Turlington’s,’Bateman’s CmUi Oils ( while,) with a general assortment of Apolhecaritr-i---- -— jjjg lowest market prices by

.PR A L L & R A Y , Di



noT m -m S I S .lbs Red Ipecac, for sate by

P R A L L Jc RAY? Druggist* N o. 83 M«'iden lane.

T T A T IA N b o o k s .—Peabody «t Co. have just rc- __ 1 cCivedfirom Florence, (Italy) a consifjnment ofvalua-

iSO ” 448 Broadway. ** w r

use, comprising every variety of colors and quality, which will b* sold on the Kbst favorable termis bv

----------------- S .4 & Pearl st.Iposite 'WilHam st. ,

.u-------'—efficient e.t----------- 'theyare'ai


■■or sale only atT. MILHAl

t e.xpectorant and promote gentle per-

sneh Pharmaeiy, I^S Broadway.

site tile new French Chur,% 26 fceib7fco.

270 bfajls Clarit,^!^Uti^d to- d r t ^ r e >

and ™««=l>ants and dealers w,ouJd do well to »aU •

c: A IXfl oVkKr l»» -.'i- - -TH O M B B O h.- j

lO T W E L L , FO X & 'c a - S to r . 172PaarITuesday,

A t i past 8 o’clock, from the sht lent o f seasonable Dry Goods.

st a ssort.

jB ^ C O R U p , H A YD O CK & . CQ ,--rSt% i 1«T; ?

D ry G oo* . —At 8J o’clockrit their auction room, « - Iirge and valuable^ssortoent o f seasonable PryG O odr. :

the best materials pn the modern stylo. T h e Wholesub-

sriisr-vir '

cotron yam ; steel m

tore of till amendment of the chart

Paled New York,te, a t its neXtsessipri/fts

thetreatmen* - ■ rfrittn

iSTATE f o r ; SA LE.r* :

41 37 34 44 20

to the adjustment and appheation a f these Trussq*; b r '

H'£gy°°bbgm g?ag:giagf’___ .SY’l v e s t e r ’S , 130 Broadway. N ew Y ork. ’

lU eiy.regu- .

piials—no.less ihari'. ■!loroe.rs--wo of $10(W w eresent by him to o

modaUng terms, by applying at 12 Maiden Jane, a OSor at 3S3 Hudson sireof, the nextdouHo

h b c c k

in on m drtgago.prem ia^ or to

l»g U.9, d9m., ib ih», cn„, ,a io otto. ,,i.7aiSS