The Training & Development Department at Gates of Praise International Cen- tre will be delivering a training programme starting later this year. The aim is to provide training, support and information to enable members of the church and community to learn and develop the knowledge and skills required to achieve personal growth and success. SERVICE PROVISION INCLUDES: CAREER ADVICE & INFORMATION CV SUPPORT & INTERVIEW SKILLS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SETTING UP A SOCIAL ENTERPRISE MENTORING MOTIVATIONAL WORKSHOPS ON BUILDING CONFIDENCE, TIME MAN- AGEMENT, BEING ASSERTIVE AND MUCH MORE . IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, PLEASE SPEAK TO PASTOR GBENGA. Counselling & Special Prayers: Please call the Church Office on 01375397219 Appointments are available: Tuesdays to Fridays between 10am - 3pm Do you have a testimony you would like to share? Interested in featuring in the next issue of Within the Gates? Would you like to advertise your business and services? Please email details to [email protected] “PROCLAIMING JESUS CHRIST AS LORD AND LIVING A LIFE OF PRAISE” Mid-week service:Tuesdays 7pm E2O Youth: Wednesdays at 6pm House Fellowship: Thursdays at 7pm (various locations) Sunday Service: 10am 365 days of prayer - everyday from 7pm - 8pm except on Tuesdays & Thursdays

Within the Gates

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Quarterly Magazine

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Page 1: Within the Gates

The Training & Development Department at Gates of Praise International Cen-tre will be delivering a training programme starting later this year. The aim is to provide training, support and information to enable members of the church and community to learn and develop the knowledge and skills required to achieve personal growth and success.











Counselling & Special Prayers:

Please call the Church Office on 01375397219

Appointments are available: Tuesdays to Fridays between

10am - 3pm

Do you have a testimony you would like to share?

Interested in featuring in the next issue of Within the Gates?

Would you like to advertise your business and services?

Please email details to [email protected]


Mid-week service:Tuesdays 7pm

E2O Youth: Wednesdays at 6pm

House Fellowship: Thursdays at

7pm (various locations)

Sunday Service: 10am

365 days of prayer -


from 7pm - 8pm

except on Tuesdays &


Page 2: Within the Gates

How long has Gates of Praise church been in ministry?

The vision for the organisation was received through a revelation in March 2000 and Gates of

Praise Foundation was incorporated in September 2001. I delayed in stepping out fully into

the vision as I was very involved as an Associate Pastor in another ministry in London and

eventually started in July 2002 with weekly prayer meetings held at Chafford Hundred

Campus for a year and the Church arm of the vision started in Grays in May 2003.

The organisation consists of three major departments which are:

• The Church – A fellowship of believers who put their trust in God through Jesus Christ.

• The International Mission – The international outreach of the organisation with plans in

place to set up mission centres in Kenya, Zimbabwe & Nigeria

• The Academy – Training and Education Department of Gates of Praise

How is the Church doing in terms of growth?

Jesus Christ confirmed that He will build His Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail

against it. I believe we have to consider growth in this context. Growth should not only be

interpreted to mean growth in numbers but also the spiritual development of the congregation,

however there is a need to get as many people as possible to know Christ. Our mission is to

focus on individual spiritual growth which will subsequently result in believers taking respon-

sibility for reaching out to the people in our community.

In my opinion, if we are spiritually developed, we will reach out to the people in need of

Establishing the high praises of Almighty God in our communities and internationally.

Building and raising a God fearing generation that will reach out to those in need of God’s love.


• Preach and teach the word of God without compromise or bias

• Disciple and train believers

• Encourage every believer to live for God


• Build and raise our families in the fear of God with total obedience to His word.

• Be our brother's keeper and show love to one another

• Pray ceaselessly for one another.

• Meet welfare needs


• Reach out to our community (local & international) with God's love.

• Evangelise our local community till everyone has the opportunity to hear the good news.

• Meet welfare needs and continue on our outreach programmes.

Below is a ‘wordle’ (word cloud) from the first chapter of J.C.Ryle’s fantastic book

entitled Holiness. Can you guess the chapter title?

The first chapter to Ryle’s book on Holiness is simply one word: ‘Sin’.

The first paragraph is a masterful quote by Ryle:

“He who wishes to attain right views about Christian holiness must begin by examining the

vast and solemn subject of sin. He must dig down very low if he would build high. A mistake

here is most mischievous. Wrong views about holiness are generally traceable to wrong

views about human corruption.”

~ John Charles Ryle (1816-1900)

Page 3: Within the Gates

Written by Pastor Peter Iyoke

Do you have daily "intimate" fellowship with God? A life of holiness in the believer

demands a life of priority, precedence, and first preference for God, such as with

David, "a man after God's own heart."

David was consumed with a love and deep passion for God, "Oh God, thou art my

God: Early will I seek You, My soul thirsts for You, My flesh longs for You, in a dry

and thirsty land, Where there is no water." Psalm 63:1-2

Developing Christian character is a work of establishing set order in our lives. The

worship of God is a spiritual discipline that exhibits the values of living holy. Spend-

ing quality time in the presence of God is how David expressed his passion.

It was the "one thing" in his day that took precedence in his life, "One thing have I

desired of the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord,

all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His taber-

nacle." Psalm 27:4.

Getting closer to God is tantamount to holiness in our Christian walk. We are too

needy a people who require God's provisions for our daily survival. This fact was

demonstrated in the lives of the children of Israel who wandered in the wilderness for

40 years when God's supply never ran out.

Each day was a total dependence on the Lord to send them fresh manna from heaven

for their daily nourishment. No one suffered lack and no one needed to be greedy.

God made enough manna every day for everyone. Yet, if anyone horded the manna

overnight, it provoked God to send worms to eat it up so the people would learn the

basic principle of dependence on Him and His grace for their daily survival.

God's sustaining provisions daily load us with benefits. Living holy is a conscious act

of discipline and a priority to make Him first in our lives.

Please study Isaiah 35:8-10

Christ’s love. As a Church, we are doing fine but there is a lot of room for improvement.

How do you plan on reaching the community?

We are in a diverse community; our plan is very simple; we believe the members have a

responsibility to reach out to friends, neighbours and people they meet within the community.

There is an evangelistic program that we do every Saturday, and every last Saturday of the

month, a food run, targeted at people who are in need, basically showing God’s love in a

practical way. That is one way we reach out to our community. We are also involved in other

community initiatives, through the council and other volunteer services. We give financial

support to homes, youth schemes etc. There are still so many things that can be done, however

we are taking it one step at a time. We have several other initiatives aimed at appealing to the

youths which include working on starting a Music Academy.

We are trusting God for a permanent place of worship/multi functional complex ASAP. This

will enable us to fully implement all of the planned initiatives such as training development,

children's programmes, marriage counselling and other initiatives associated with local

governments and different active groups. We are planning on other sports and support schemes

for the community as a whole. The youths of today are leaders of tomorrow and so the initia-

tives are targeted mainly at them.

What are your plans to expand the Gates of Praise ministry?

We have identified a lot of needs and issues within our community and we are taking steps

necessary to support existing organisations that attend to these issues.

In months to come, we are trusting God for a permanent

centre in Grays. I believe this will further the work that we

have embarked upon in Thurrock.

The other plan is to establish our International Outreach

Department. We have acquired a few acres of land in

Kenya which will be used to build a Children’s Home, a

Health Centre and a Community Church/Mission Centre.

The rest of the land will be used for farming to help sustain

the centre.

How do you feel about street evangelism?

I led evangelism teams for several years, and I reckon that every community need a Christian

Street Witness/Pastor. In fact, it’s very essential. It is another way of claiming the land for

Jesus and putting a stop to the evils in the community. The local Church congregation must

come together to establish a proper outreach as I believe we must all work together.

What do you think this community needs?

As I said earlier the community is changing and obviously becoming more and more diverse.

So the Church has to be more dynamic without adulterating the truth. In the secular world, we

hear about upgrades, process re-engineering, re-structuring etc., I believe the Church has to be

at the fore front of change. We have to understand that God is very concerned about the people

Page 4: Within the Gates

and we must allow the Holy Spirit to move within the Church. Where the Spirit of the Lord is

there is liberty.

What are your thoughts on the nation of England and current political issues?

Without a shadow of doubt in me, the United Kingdom is a great country. Yes, there are

decisions that the Government have made that are a bit crazy but on the whole they have

proved to be a leading nation. The fault is not with the decision makers but with the Church.

The Church has been too quiet and too divided for a long time and, the earlier we come

together the better for our land. We are the children of the Kingdom of God. We are here to

enforce God’s kingdom on earth. Silence and division will not get us there! This we can see in

Psalms 133

Politically I cannot comment as I’m not a politician; however I will rather do what the Bible

says; that we should pray for the leaders. All Christians are to pray for the leaders, government

and ask God to give them the wisdom required to make Godly policies.

Any advice for people who want to know more about Jesus Christ?

No Jesus, No life. Know Jesus, Know life. It is as simple as that. I do agree that life is full of

challenges and only Jesus will give you the strength you need to overcome life's challenges.

There are lots of good Churches in Thurrock today and the Christians of Thurrock have the

responsibility to reach out to the residents.

What do you think the youths of today need in this nation? With regards to the increase

in gun and knife crimes?

Simply, the youths need the love of Christ. Parents, the Church and the Government can help

make the change. The three have to harmonise efforts and strategies to reach the young ones.

The Church and Parents are responsible for the moral upbringing of the family and not the

Government, the Government should govern and ensure that resources required are available

and in place.

The Church especially should work with the government and families to address the level of

violence and immorality being fed to our children through television, games etc. These are

s imply UNGODLY. The change has to come from the Church.

What is your ultimate Bible verse?

Every verse in the Bible is very interesting as it is God speaking to us and affirming His love

to His creation. However, if I am to choose now it will be Psalm 16:8 - I have set the Lord al-

ways before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

Well in the next two months, E2O Youth will be focusing on preparing for the youth

service on the 1st of August.

Our aim is to present:

∗ GOPIC Youth Choir (rehearsals on Saturdays from 1pm - 3pm prompt),

∗ a drama presentation, (rehearsals during the Wednesday meetings)

∗ a guest speaker (TBC).

All the young people will be responsible for all aspects of the service, from the tech-

nical aspects to ushering. Every young person will have a role to play.

As you know we are raising funds for our first E2O retreat - we

have been given permission to conduct a fundraising event every

Sunday until we attain our target of three thousand pounds

(£3000). Upcoming events include car wash, BBQ and possibly

a Bric-a-Brac or Car boot sale.

The retreat will be an activity break and its aim is to develop a

stronger cohesion between the young people themselves and E2O team members,

and more importantly to encounter God. We will have activities in the morning and

afternoon and then fellowship in the evening.

We intend to depart on the 13th of August and be back on the

15th of August. Activities will include kayaking, canoeing,

rock climbing, and other similar teambuilding activities.

Our next event after the retreat will be titled the chat room

(topic will may be creation vs. evolution)

Please give a big well done to all the young people that have successfully completed

their exams. Md, Dami, Yemisi, Ope, Samuel, Rohca, Malachi, Fred and Joseph.

Do you have a testimony you would like to share?

Interested in featuring in the next issue of Within the Gates?

Would you like to advertise your business and services?

Please email details to [email protected]

Page 5: Within the Gates

T h e men’s breakfast meeting

was held at the Orsett Hall Hotel, Essex

on the 20th of March 2010.

The Men’s ministry of

GOPIC is called

‘Strength ‘and the pur-

pose of our meeting

was to provide the op-

portunity for men to

become better ac-

quainted with each

other and to plan ac-

tivities to build the

bond of fellowship.

The inaugural meeting of the revamped

men’s fellowship was informal; there

were no guest speakers. There were 12

men in attendance, Pastor Akin Laosun

was the presiding pastor and Pastor Shola

Idowu was the moderator.

We started with a full English breakfast at

9am and ended at about 1pm.

Issues discussed include the following:

∗ Vision and Mission of the Church

∗ The establishment and purpose of the

Men’s fellowship

∗ Twenty keys to success in business and


∗ Men in ministry

∗ Strength and the way forward.

We were able to establish that men are

the pillars of the family, should have un-

compromised desire for God and be lead

by the Holy Spirit at all times. We had a

wonderful time and the meeting was ad-


The next meeting would be in June 2010.

before the end of this year hopefully October.

These kids are part of our family and like Jesus

said in John 14:18 (“I will not leave you orphans'

I will come to you”) they are part of us and like-

wise we will not leave them alone to go through

all the hard times without us showing them some

love and getting them to know the love of Christ.

We love them, help them and Gates of Praise will

always sow a good seed into their lives.

God bless, Deacon Masamba

Pictures from recent trip to Kenya provided

by Deacon Herbert Masamba

Review written by Titi Babalola

Jewel, Gates of Praise Women’s Ministry held her annual Women’s Conference on

Saturday, May 8, 2010 at ‘The Centre’ Curzon Drive, Grays. This year’s conference

was tagged: ‘The Extra-Ordinary Woman’ and

Pastor Funke Laosun played host to two Guest

Ministers, Pastor Yinka Ayeni and Pastor Yinka


Both ministers delivered powerful ministrations of

the Word of God using practical examples that

women can identify and relate to in their day-to-day

activities. The women, in turn, were given the

opportunity to ask practical questions after the two


In between the ministrations, there was praise & worship provided by Gates of

Praise International Choir as well as a short drama by the Drama Department of the

church. The drama presentation was titled “Be on your

guard, put on the armour of God”. The drama

presentation highlighted the need for Christian women

not to lose sight of the importance of prayer and putting

on the armour of God daily and what happens when we

allow the busyness of day-to-day activities prevent us

from coming into the presence of God through out the


Apart from the spiritual edification, the women were

treated to mouth-watering delicacies at the end of the


Feedback from the delegates indicated that they are

already looking for-

ward to next year’s

conference, which is

expected to hold in the

month of May 2011. The date and theme of next

year’s conference will be communicated as soon as

the organisers receive direction on this from the Holy


Based on the success of this year’s conference as well as 2009 conference tagged

‘Eve in the 21st Century – Returning to God’s blueprint for every women’, it is

believed that the 2011 Conference will be equally successful and will attract more


Page 6: Within the Gates

What has God deposited in you, for you to occupy your position What has God deposited in you, for you to occupy your position What has God deposited in you, for you to occupy your position What has God deposited in you, for you to occupy your position and purpose? By Pastor Yinka Johnand purpose? By Pastor Yinka Johnand purpose? By Pastor Yinka Johnand purpose? By Pastor Yinka John

Points covered:

• Time to effect change is now - do not settle for

the ordinary

• The purpose of God can never be derailed - take

time to find out what your God given purpose is 1

Corinthians 1:26

“For [simply] consider your own call, brethren; not

many [of you were considered to be] wise according to human estimates and

standards, not many influential and powerful, not many of high and noble

birth.” (Amplified Bible)

• Everything takes preparation, consistency and submission to move to the next


• Establish a deeper relationship with God to ensure a strong foundation and receive

strength to overcome challenges.

What makes a woman extraordinary? By Pastor Yinka AyeniWhat makes a woman extraordinary? By Pastor Yinka AyeniWhat makes a woman extraordinary? By Pastor Yinka AyeniWhat makes a woman extraordinary? By Pastor Yinka Ayeni

1. Clear thinking - go back to basics! Give it more thought and for longer - Psalms


∗ Write down the problem

∗ Write down what you think the solutions may be

“So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom “ Psalms


2. Plan your time - organise and manage your time efficiently, set goals daily and

maintain a level of consistency until you have developed it into a habit, they say it

takes 21 days to break or form a habit.

∗ Identify the tasks you need to complete and highlight those you can complete


∗ Delegate or eliminate tasks you cannot do or are not important

∗ Write your list of tasks/activities the night before

3. Discipline yourself to read for 30 to 60 minutes everyday in your career or area of


“There was a little city with few men in it. And a great king came against it and

besieged it and built great bulwarks against it. But there was found in it a poor wise

man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city. Yet no man [seriously] remembered

gather water from the rain. The villagers were later fed and the clothes, shoes, bags

& beddings were distributed to them. They were so overjoyed. They rushed and

fought make sure they that they get something for themselves and their families.

When it was time to leave, it was obvious on the villager’s sad faces that they were

returning to their own reality. As the coach pulled off they ran after it with some

people waving and some crying until they could no longer catch up with the coach.

It was a complete eye-opener to see how the villagers were so eager and grateful for

our cast offs. It made me reflect on the goodness of God and made me more

determined to do all that is within me by God’s grace to help those that are in need. I

believe that it would be a good experience for everyone to become involved and to

go on such mission trips especially our young ones who don’t realise that they are

living in luxury no matter how deprived they think they are in comparison to their

peers. Story written by Pastor Funke Laosun;

Please find attached photographs of the orphanage we went to in the heart of

Nairobi in an area called Kibera slumps and they hold up to 150 children aged from 1

to 10 years old.

We support this project by supplying the

food they need on a daily basis. We also

supply them with stationery they need for

their education such as pens, pencils and

books. We work together with a sister

called Rose who is a Kenyan and she has

a full time job but she always finds time

to go down to the slumps and she has

been a blessing to our work there due to

her dedication and on-going support with

managing the place (i.e. the food,

purchase storage, feeding and managing

the people who work and volunteer there

without any pay and that goes for everyone helping at the facility. Everyone is a


Pastor Akin and his wife have been going to Kenya to be with these kids every

year for over 5 years, and so some kids who are still housed at this

orphanage recognise him and they really appreciate him and all that the members of

Gates of Praise are doing to assist them. We look forward to going back there again

Page 7: Within the Gates

As a Church, the foundation of our vision is love. This includes reaching out to

the community both locally and internally with the love of God through meeting

welfare needs and through our outreach programmes.

This is the reason why we went to Kenya. As a church we donate old clothes, shoes,

beddings and things that can be of benefit to the needy. We would usually ship this

ahead and the Pastor would go to Kenya to see to the distribution.

This time, I decided to go along to see first hand what people were facing and

particularly to appreciate God more and to be a blessing to these less privileged and

to render as much help and assistance as possible as I could.

We travelled to Nairobi Kenya. Apart from the goods the church had previously

shipped, we took with us stationery and toys. Firstly, we visited an orphanage in the

slums of Nairobi called Kibera and then we organised a trip to a village outside

Nairobi called Kithimani in the Yatta

District of Kenya.

In Kibera we met with the co-ordinator,

teachers and carers of the children and spent

some time talking to the children and found

that they also have the same aspirations as

our children and other children all over the

world. We gave them some clothes,

stationery and toys.

We organised through our contact in Kenya

a trip to Kithimani to feed the entire village.

The people of Kithimani are mainly farmers and they had suffered a great drought.

We went there on Sunday with our contact’s friends and some family members. We

hired a coach and travelled very early in the morning to Yatta. The people of

Kithimani were already expecting us and they were waving & singing as we

approached them. They crowded our coach and eventually let us out of the coach.

We spent the whole day with them leaving in the late evening. They took us round to

the village school to show us their classrooms and the poor condition and lack of

proper amenities in which they have to teach and study. Stationery was supplied to

them and they thanked the church for caring for them and coming all the way from

the UK to be a blessing to them. Pastor encouraged them all through an interpreter

Dr Kilili. We also played games with them and gave out some sports wears.

Afterwards the heavens poured down rain. It was a big surprise and a joy to all the

villagers as it had not rained in many months. They got big bowls and drums to

that poor man. But I say that wisdom is better than might, though the poor

man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heeded.” Ecclesiastes 9:14-


∗ The fear of the Lord - spend time getting to know Him and worship Him

“Charm and grace are deceptive, and beauty is vain [because it is not lasting],

but a woman who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord, she shall be

praised!” Proverbs 31:30

∗ Manage your money - SAVE! INVEST! PLAN!

∗ Learn how to speak to others and conduct yourself - your are a vessel onto

the Lord

In addition:

• There is a reward, but it must be earned

• If you want a blessing from anything you must reach down within and

receive the revelation of that word in order to apply it

• What place do you have in history? Either as a solver or a contributor?

Positive or negative?

• Self-discipline - making your self do the things you know you should do at

the time you are meant or instructed to do it = SUCCESS!!!


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Jacob’s Rachel

(Genesis 29 )

Exquisite! That was the only word that applied. As my eyes

alighted on her, my heart skipped a beat. Beautiful would be

an understatement for her eyes seemed to glow and ardour

stirred under my collar, yet this was the first time I had ever

seen her. I rolled the stone from the mouth of the well, and watered my uncle’s sheep,

for she is my uncle’s daughter and brought his sheep to the well. Normally, the stone

would have taken two men to move, but I was inspired. I kissed her, and I must

confess it wasn’t the fondness of a cousin that stirred my heart, but the flaming

embers of desire.

How does one go from the top of the world to the depths of the pit in one night? Last

night I was elated. I was marrying the love of my life… my Rachel. This morning the

world is darkest… I awoke beside Leah, her sister. How I never knew it was not

Rachel, I do not understand. They have tricked me into binding myself to another

woman, but I will yet have my Rachel… I must.

I have a son! Well, I have ten other sons and a daughter actually. This is my eleventh

son, but finally I have a son by my beloved Rachel, and I love him well. His name

Page 8: Within the Gates

will be Joseph, for God has finally added to me. I know it is strange, but before this

day my life has not felt complete. Now I have a son, the son I have always dreamed


She took her father’s idols! She knows I serve the God of Bethel, the one true God

that made a covenant with my grandfather Abraham, my father Isaac and with me.

Yet she took his idols. When her father came after us she hid them and lied and

deceived him, that he did not find the idols. And her telling of the tale to me was with

giggling. In serving her father I acquired wealth, for the Lord blessed me, yet now I

find that my prized treasure is false, and my wealth is as nought…and yet I love her.

Today I was afraid. Not so much for myself but for the mother and her children.

Today I faced my brother whom I defrauded of his inheritance, and I thought surely

he would attack us. So I set the maid servants and their children first, Leah and her

children next and Rachel and Joseph last. I wanted Rachel and Joseph by my side,

for I thought if we were attacked, maybe I would be able to save them. I figured I

would not be able to save them all. Callous isn’t it, but Rachel is my life, and Joseph,

my dream.

Today Israel became a man. The God of my fathers named me Israel a while back,

when he slew me and restored my life, but until today I remained a child. Today

Israel became a man… yesterday I buried my Rachel by the way to Bethlehem. For

the second time in my life I sit in darkness…my Rachel is gone. She died in giving

birth to Benjamin. I did not earnestly desire another son, but Rachel would have a

brother for Joseph. Now she is gone. The darkness will pass though, for it was Jacob

who buried his Rachel and set a pillar upon her grave, but now Israel must journey

forth leaving Jacob and Rachel behind.

They have stolen my dream. Joseph, my little dreamer is dead… torn by a wild beast.

The son of my beloved Rachel is gone, as she is gone. It is not he who will meet me,

but I who will meet him in the grave. I will mourn, but this too shall pass.

Finally the end has come. Joseph is returned to me,

and will place his hands over my eyes when I die. He

will see to it that I am buried in the cave wherein my

fathers lie. As Abraham beside Sarah and my father

Isaac beside my mother Rebekah, so shall I lie

beside my wife. But it will not be my Rachel, but

Leah who lies beside me. This is the Lord’s doing;

who can withstand him. I am Israel, and as a prince

have I power with God…but in this matter, he will

not be turned.

The above could very well be excerpts from Jacob’s diary if he had kept one. Jacob’s

love for Rachel is the stuff that legends are made of. He loved her completely, and

hopelessly. He loved her enough to do double time for her after being tricked into

marrying her sister. He loved her enough that had he the ability to cause her to have

children, he would have… such was his frustration when she said “give me children

or I die”. He loved her so much that his reaction to her stealing her father’s idols is

never mentioned in the bible… such was its lack of conviction. He loved her so much

that he sought to protect her and her son before his other wives and children. He

loved her so much that he set her son before the

sons of the others. Jacob loved Rachel. However,

for all he loved Rachel, God orchestrated his life

such that he had to leave Rachel in his past. It is

obvious that he loved her, but I often wonder if

God approved. Yes, He allowed it, but did He


Genesis 35:20, 21 paints a peculiar picture. The

picture is that of one man stooping to bury his

wife and set her headstone, and of a different

man rising up to face life and the future. One

picture is of the last vestiges of the old man that

was crushed at Peniel, and the other of the new man that was born a prince of God –

Israel. While Jacob buried his Rachel, Israel journeyed forth. It reminds me of the

prophet Isaiah in the year that king Uzziah died (Isaiah 6:1). Jacob loved her, but she

was the one thing he had to be divorced of, before he could come into the fullness of

the purpose God had for him.

A few other things, I have always wondered. Why did Samson commit his secret to

Delilah… might it be because he loved her? She might not have loved him but he

loved her, and to the woman he truly loves will a man yield his life. Why did Adam

eat the forbidden fruit? The Bible says that he was not deceived, but knew what he

was doing. Could it be that it was because the one who gave it to him was the one he

loved, the bone of his bone? The Songs of Solomon is replete with expressions of

love, and it alludes to the fact that a man might give all the substance of his house for

love. It is altogether very possible for a man to love a woman more than he loves

God… the result as we see with Adam and Samson is never good.

Grace preserved Jacob, and it was grace that made certain that he walked the path of

purpose. This woman he loved most, stole her fathers’ idols, turned to him for chil-

dren rather than God, and cursed her son with her dying breath. Room was not found

for her in the lineage of the messiah, or in the tomb of his fathers. She was buried by

the way, part of the journey, but not found at the destination. In the tomb of the patri-

archs, no mention is made of Hagar, or Keturah, or Bilhah, or Zilpah, or even of Ra-

chel. Abraham had his Sarah, Isaac his Rebekah, and Israel his Leah. Every other

wife that Abraham took after Sarah the bible describes as a concubine, and in God’s

perspective, the same applied to every wife of Jacob after Leah. Rachel was the wife

of his heart, but Leah was his wife of covenant. In the end, it was the wife of his

covenant that lay beside him, in the tomb of his fathers. Love is a wondrous thing but

the pursuit of God must always transcend it. The purpose of God must always be

what guides our love. Again he would ask us the same thing he asked Peter – “Lovest

thou me, more than these?” Written by Olumide Akinsola