Wing Chun to Jun Fan to Jeet Kune Do

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  • 7/29/2019 Wing Chun to Jun Fan to Jeet Kune Do


    Wing Chun to Jun Fan to Jeet Kune DoThe Evolution of a Fighting Art


    Lamar M. Davis II

    Bruce Lee developed a fascination for fighting at a very young age. It is a well

    known fact that wing chun gung fu was the art that Bruce Lee studied in Hong

    Kong from age thirteen to age eighteen. Some of his training was with grandmaster

    Ip Man, but the person primarily responsible for teaching him was the late Wong

    Shun Leung. It has also been said that Cheung Chuk Hing (William Cheung) also

    worked with him quite a bit. Bruce Lee liked wing chun because it was such a

    direct and effective fighting system, and it was the greatest fighters from the wing

    chun clan that inspired him the most. It was said that he often engaged in the

    famous "roof top fights" of the time period. He loved fighting, and spent most of his

    spare time training to be a better fighter. The rest of his spare time was spent

    dancing, as he had a fascination for the cha cha, and won the Hong Kong Cha Cha

    Championship in 1958.

    His parents continuously worried about his education, due to the fact that all he

    wanted to do was train in wing chun and dance, so they decided it would be best to

    send him to the United States to continue his education. Since he was born in San

    Francisco, California, he actually had dual citizenship. They made arrangements

    with Ruby Chow, an old friend of the family, for her to allow Bruce to work at her

    restaurant in Seattle, Washington. Bruce Left for the United States in April of 1959,

    at the age of eighteen.

    Upon his arrival in Seattle, Bruce Lee enrolled in Edison Technical Institute to

    continue his education. While attending school, he worked at the restaurant and

    actually lived in a room above the place. As soon as people started finding out that

    he was a martial artist, they began seeking him out for possible instruction. Some of

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    his first students during this time were Jesse Glover, Ed Hart, Skip Ellsworth and

    James DeMile.

    Since he had not learned the complete wing chun system, he decided to call what

    he was teaching Jun Fan gung fu, due to his Chinese name being Lee Jun Fan. So,

    essentially, by calling it Jun Fan gung fu, he was pretty much calling it Bruce Lee's

    gung fu. Jun Fan gung fu consisted primarily of wing chun gung fu, but also

    contained a few elements of other martial arts that Bruce had explored at the time.

    Many still refer to Jun Fan gung fu as modified wing chun, as the bulk of the

    curriculum came directly from wing chun.

    Bruce Lee's reputation as a fighter spread rapidly through the martial arts

    community in Seattle. He was giving a gung fu demonstration one day and a

    Japanese karateka that was in the audience began speaking badly of Bruce, who

    was highly irritated by his comments. Word was going around that the Japanese

    fighter wanted to challenge Bruce Lee to a fight.

    On November 1, 1960, Bruce Lee decided that he had put up with the talk long

    enough, and the two departed to a nearby handball court. Jesse Glover had a stop

    watch, and was designated as the referee for the fight. When Jesse said go, Bruce

    and the Japanese fighter began to size each other up. Bruce attacked with a rapid

    series of centerline straight punches, catching the karateka full in the face with the

    punches. He then followed up with a hard straight kick to the face that nearly

    turned him a full back flip! The fight was over. From the time Jesse Glover had

    punched the stopwatch to the time the karateka hit the court, only eleven seconds

    had passed!

    Due to encouragement from others Bruce Lee decided to open an actual kwoon in

    Seattle. He acquired quite a few students, and after a very short time had to move

    to a larger location. Taky Kimura became his assistant instructor for the Seattle

    kwoon, which was called the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute. The curriculum there was

    predominantly wing chun gung fu, including the sil lim tao form, centerline rotation

    striking, chi sao, reference point trapping hands and mook jong training.

    It was obvious to everyone that Bruce Lee appreciated the practicality of the

    wing chun system. Even though he did add a few things from other martial arts,

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    wing chun gung fu and it's core principles remained the nucleus of his system. To

    Bruce Lee it was all about self defense, and the directness of wing chun made self

    defense much more practical.

    During Bruce Lee's time in Seattle, a young woman by the name of Linda Emery

    started attending his gung fu classes. The two fell in love, and were married.

    Shortly after, they moved to Oakland, California, where Bruce had been

    corresponding with a well known martial artist named James Yimm Lee. Taky

    Kimura became the instructor of the Seattle Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute in Bruce's

    absence, and Bruce and James opened a school together in Oakland.

    Before leaving Seattle, Bruce had traveled to Oakland on several occasions to

    meet and get to know James Lee, and the two became fast friends. They had

    already planned to open a school, and James was accepting students in preparation.

    Bruce and Linda lived with James during their stay in Oakland, so Bruce and

    James had daily opportunities to train together, and work on furthering the Jun

    Fan gung fu curriculum.

    Through his close friendship with James Lee, Bruce Lee met the late, great

    Edmund Parker, master of kenpo karate. Ed was fascinated by Bruce Lee and the

    skill level he displayed in the art of gung fu. He was so impressed that he invited

    Bruce to participate in his 1964 Long Beach Internationals, a world renowned

    martial arts event. Daniel Inosanto, a very prominent student of Ed Parker and

    highly skilled martial artist, was assigned the duties of taking Bruce Lee around

    during his visit to Long Beach. The two formed a fast friendship, which lasted for

    the rest of Bruce Lee's life.

    The Long Beach Internationals was Bruce Lee's debut to the martial arts world,

    and his awesome demonstration at this event captured the attention of many

    prominent martial arts personalities, as well as some prominent people in the

    television and motion picture industry. Although the art demonstrated was

    considered Jun Fan gung fu, the wing chun influence was there for all to see! Still

    not fully content with what he had, yet inspired by the response to his

    demonstration, Bruce continued to develop his martial arts ideas and abilities.

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    Bruce Lee's brother, Peter, had been a fencing champion in Hong Kong. Bruce

    had always liked the fencer's ability to quickly close the gap on the opponent using

    very direct, economical and explosive footwork. He also noticed some similarities to

    wing chun gung fu. Wing chun has the four corners. Fencing has what they refer to

    as the four quadrants. These principles are very similar in both idea and definition.

    Bruce's interest in fencing caused him to start experimenting with combining his

    wing chun hand tools with the fencing footwork. It was also at this time that he

    realized the importance of placing the power side forward, making your strongest

    hand closer to the opponent. This greatly increased his non-telegraphic striking


    Combining the directness of the wing chun punch or finger jab with the power

    side forward and the fencing lunge made it almost impossible to stop his entry. He

    worked on this until he had perfected the movement, with the emphasis on

    intercepting the opponent's initial movement, or even their initial intention to strike.

    Another striking art that Bruce Lee took an interest in was boxing. He liked the

    quickness of the boxer, as well as the evasive movements, light, quick footwork and

    the applications of angular power punching. He liked the way that the boxer

    applied their whole body in the mechanics of their punches, using the legs, waist and

    hips, thus giving the punches amazing power. The thing that he didn't like was the

    fact that boxing was a sport, and therefore prohibited the use of other striking tools

    as well as foul tactics. The common practice was to put the power hand to the rear.

    Bruce Lee used to watch old boxing films through a mirror to see what the

    techniques would look like if applied with the power side forward.

    From boxing, Bruce Lee took the hook, the uppercut, the shovel hook and the

    overhand hook. This gave him more versatility in his hand striking tools. He also

    liked boxing evasive tactics such as the slip, the duck, the snapback and the bob and

    weave. Some of the footwork from boxing could also be applied in certain


    During this time, Bruce Lee composed a letter saying that he was creating a new

    martial art, composed primarily of techniques from wing chun gung fu, boxing and

    fencing. He stated in the letter that this art was going to be IT, meaning the

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    ultimate art. He would name this art Jeet Kune Do, the way of the intercepting fist.

    This was around late 1965.

    Due to the start of his acting career and increasing television appearances, Bruce

    Lee decided it would be best for him to move to Los Angeles, so that he could be

    closer to the studios. He had maintained contact with Daniel Inosanto, and Inosanto

    had become his student, even though he was still teaching kenpo for Ed Parker.

    Together with Dan Inosanto, in 1967 Bruce Lee opened the Los Angeles branch of

    the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute. Dan Inosanto was considered Bruce Lee's assistant

    instructor at this location, and taught all of the classes in Bruce's absence. The

    school was located at 628 College Street in Los Angeles' Chinatown district. This

    was the location of the last Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute, and probably the most

    famous of Bruce Lee's schools. It was this school where Bruce Lee taught such well

    know Jeet Kune Do practitioners as Bob Bremer, the late Jerry Poteet, Steve

    Golden, Daniel Lee, the late Herb Jackson and the late Ted Wong.

    By this time, Bruce Lee's art had fully made the transition to Jeet Kune Do, but

    wing chun gung fu still remained the nucleus of the system. As a very well educated

    and longtime instructor of Jeet Kune Do, it is my opinion that Jeet Kune Do is

    composed of 50-60% wing chun, 15-20% boxing, 15-20% fencing, and 5-10% taken

    from other disciplines. Of course, the most important part of the equation is the

    brilliant mind of Bruce Lee!

    There are those who still try to discredit the wing chun, even going so far as to

    say that there is no wing chun, or very little wing chun left in Jeet Kune Do. On the

    contrary, nothing could be further from the truth! Wing Chun gung fu is, and will

    always remain, the very foundation of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. Those who say

    different are very misinformed. Those who leave out the wing chun are definitely

    missing the most important part of the equation, and the primary element that

    makes jeet kune do the direct, effective and devastating martial art that it is.

    Without wing chun gung fu, Jeet Kune Do would have never existed! That, my

    friends, is the bottom line!