Climate of old world (Chan Ka Yee 140096366) The vine growing in old world is the region's Alsace, France. Alsace is located in the northeastern of France. There is Maritime climate. The range of the temperature is 0-35°C. About the climate of planting the vine are provide protection from the prevailing westerly winds, but also cast a rain shadow over the area, contributing to the low rainfall of its continental climate that just 550 mm of rainfall per year Weather of old world (Chan Ka Yee 140096366) Alsace also has lower rainfall levels than the neighboring regions. The Alsatian climate is semi- continental, with major variations according to the time of year. In autumn at September to December, the temperatures are between 14.7°C to 4.7°C and 52.3mm of average rainfall.

Wine of old world

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Red Wine and White wine for old woyld's information.

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Page 1: Wine of old world

Climate of old world (Chan Ka Yee 140096366)

The vine growing in old world is the region's Alsace, France. Alsace is located in the northeastern of France. There is Maritime climate. The range of the temperature is 0-35°C. About the climate of planting the vine are provide protection from the prevailing westerly winds, but also cast a rain shadow over the area, contributing to the low rainfall of its continental climate that just 550 mm of rainfall per year

Weather of old world (Chan Ka Yee 140096366)

Alsace also has lower rainfall levels than the neighboring regions. The Alsatian

climate is semi-continental, with major variations according to the time of year.

In autumn at September to December, the temperatures are between 14.7°C to 4.7°C

and 52.3mm of average rainfall. In Winter at December to March, the temperatures is

between 1.9°C to 0°C. And then, Spring at March to June, the temperatures is

between 14°C to 5.2°C and 35.2mm of average rainfall. In Summer at June to

September, the temperatures is between 17.2°C to 18.8°C and 49.4mm of average

rainfall, out on the plain, temperatures frequently reach 30 or 35°C and 72.8mm of

average rainfall.

Page 2: Wine of old world

Soil of old world (Chan Ka Yee 140096366)

This is rich earth -- silt, chalky with clay-silt and volcanic ash that allows cultivation

of all the Gewurztraminer varietals, it's on 60% of the winery's growing; the Alsatian

Crémant and the Grands Crus represent respectively 10% and 20% of the total surface

area. It is expression of the soil and the savors it provides is optimal. Also there are

provide fertile soil for grapes and attract adequate nutrition. There are higher the lime

content, the more acidity is brought to the wine. If the acid content is high, the grapes

may be harvested quite late which gives a good chance of making a wine that

combines body, complexity and storage potential.

Topography of old world (Chan Ka Yee 140096366)

The Alsace vineyards extend across the hills of the Vosges at between 200 and 400

metres high, over some 14,000 hectares of grapevines which produce an average of

150 million bottles of wine.

Vilification of old world (Chan Ka Yee 140096366)

The grapes go directly into the press, without passing by the pump. This method, using pneumatic pressure, provides greater respect for the delicacy of the fruit and allows the extraction of the richest juices, resulting in an extra finesse in the wines.

The use of stainless steel or old wooden barrels for 90% of the tanks makes it easier to regulate the temperature of the wine during fermentation, which static must settling, Alcoholic fermentation in stainless steel tanks with individual heating/refrigeration system as well as providing greater precision in tracking the freshness and purity.

Fermentation is the object of particular vigilance, as it is done with indigenous yeast plus selected yeast from the Alsatian vineyards, conferring style and complexity to the wines. The Maturation on the lees: 9 months

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Comparison different between old world and new world Gewurztraminer

Gewurztraminer is grown all over the world such as the old world has France, the new

world have New Zealand. Gewurztraminer viticulture areas have different taste,

appetite and sweet. So that, let's to comparison different between old world and new

world Gewurztraminer.

The Old World of Alsace France The New World of New Zealand

Climate Maritime climate

The range of the temperature: 0-35°C


550 mm of per year

Continental climate

The range of the temperature: 16-30°C


Roughly 2140 of per year

Weather In Summer:

17.2°C to 18.8°C

(the plain reach 30 or 35°C)

In Winner:

1.9°C to 0°C

In Summer:

16°C to 23°C

(occasionally rising above 30°C)

In Winner:

8°C to 12°C.

Soil Main soil:


chalky with clay-silt


Main soil:



Topography the hills

Between 200 and 400 metres


Having different main islands:

The North Island

volcanic crater

South Island

separated by the Southern Alps

Vilification Passing method:


Use of stainless steel

Passing method:

Old-fashioned foot stomping


Use old wooden barrels

Page 4: Wine of old world

About the Climate, The Old World of Alsace France is Maritime climate, which a

more cold in winner and less rainfall, but also the New World of New Zealand is

Continental climate that more rainfall of per year.

About the Weather, the Old World of Alsace France is colder than The New World of

New Zealand. And also, The Old World of Alsace France is hotter than The New

World of New Zealand.

About the Soil, the Old World of Alsace France main soil type is granular material

and rock. The New World of New Zealand soil type is rock type and metamorphic

flake structure.

About the Topography, the Old World of Alsace France is the highland area. The New

World of New Zealand is made up of two main islands

About the Vilification, there are same to use old wooden barrels and passing method

is same using technology. A different, The New World of New Zealand passing

method has more Old-fashioned foot stomping method.

Page 5: Wine of old world

White Wine   ( Chan Ka Yee 140096366 )

Producer: Zincy estate winery of Terroir Gewurztraminer

Grape: Gewurztraminer

Region: France (Old World)

Vintage: 2013

Flavor: In medium body, floral (Chrysanthemum), fruity (Litchi, Peach, Pear), Mineral and

especially have honey

Matching dish: Munster cheese

We suggest Munster cheese to pairing the white wine of gewürztraminer, because

Munster cheese and Gewurztraminer is a classic match, It is a soft paste cheese and

Terroir Gewurztraminer is sweet white wine, it will become sweet and salt, it helps to

think of either complementary or contrasting flavors. As you begin to experiment,

taste the Munster cheese first by itself, to get a sense of its taste, and then put another

bite into your mouth with some wine to mix that prefect match.

Page 6: Wine of old world

Simple Gewurztraminer Wine   – Old Would (Chan Ka Yee 140096366)

Terroir Gewurztraminer, Zincy estate winery of France, 2013 is a old world and it is

sweet white sweet wine. The wine is making by gewürztraminer from Terroir, Alsace,

France, Alsace is located in the northeastern of France. The wine is selling $162 in

Hong Kong. The bottle is a standard 750ml volume of wine and including 13.5%

alcohol by volume.

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(Chan Ka Yee 140096366)

Wine: Zincy estate winery of Terroir Gewurztraminer

Grape Variety: Gewurztraminer


Clarity clear - dull

Intensity pale - medium- deep

Colour White



lemon - gold - amber

pink - orange

purple - ruby - garnet - tawny


Condition clean - unclean

Intensity light - medium - pronounced

Aroma characteristics fruit - floral - spice - vegetal - oak - other

Aromas: fruity (Litchi, Peach, Pear)

floral ( Chrysanthemum)

other (especially have honey)


Sweetness dry - medium - sweet

Acidity low - medium - high

Tannin low - medium - high

Body light - medium - full

Flavour characteristics fruit - floral - spice - vegetal - oak - other

Flavours fruity (Peach)

floral ( Chrysanthemum)

other (Mineral, especially have honey)

Page 8: Wine of old world

Length short - medium - long


Quality poor - acceptable - good - very good - outstanding


Page 9: Wine of old world

Gewurztraminer Terrior , Old Would - Wine Tasting Analysis  

(Chan Ka Yee 140096366)

The Mission state winery of gewürztraminer is come from France, which is new

world. After tasting this wine, we understand the feature of this wine from

appearance, nose and palate areas.

In appearance, the clarity is clear, and the intensity is medium and the color is gold


In nose, the condition is clear, and the intensity is medium minus. Also, we call smell

it having fruity, floral and other such as Litchi, Peach, Pear Chrysanthemum and

especially have honey.

In palate, the wine is sweet that is medium. The body is medium. The different

between smell, we can taste it having fruity, floral and other such as Peach,

Chrysanthemum, Mineral and especially have honey.

To sum up, it is good since the prices of the wine are $162 which can taste

Gewurztraminer characteristic and fruity.

Page 10: Wine of old world

NFC system (Chan Ka Yee 140096366) and (Tse Wing Yee 10211791)

In the technology society, the new technology integrated into our life very soon. We

can find a NFC tag in some wine bottle.

What is NFC?

Let’s introduce the NFC system, the new technology integrated into our life very

soon. We can find a NFC tag in some wine bottle. What is NFC? In 2011, the NFC

system is join into the wine market. We can through the NFC tag and the smartphone

app to know more other information about the wine. It can help more wine tasting for

beginners and enthusiasts learn more and convenient of search wine information.

How to use NFC?

NFC is stand for near field communication, this is a form of contactless

communication between devices like smartphones or tablets, for example, an NFC

tag, if the wine bottle add an NFC tag, the user can through the NFC tag to search

some relate information of the wine. Such as the wine a history and story. Also, the

customer can through the NFC tag to verify quality conditions.

In addition, eProvenance was established in 2007 and already works with a number of

leading Bordeaux négociants and châteaux, estates in Burgundy, wineries in

California, importers in Hong Kong and wine merchants in London. When this system

become more popular, some small winery can join the NFC system, which the global

wine market, it has a positive effect. In 2011, eProvenance cooperate with NFC. They

have adding NFC temperature sensors to cases of wine. So having some wine have an

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NFC tag on each bottle under the back label that is connects relate information of

winemaker. The user can check the quality of buying.

Also, the NFC tag can detect fake wine. The growing threat of counterfeit wine sold

worldwide. Having survey that said some 20% of wine sold worldwide is counterfeit,

and up to 50% in some Asian countries, especially for high-end French wines. So

then, if some wine has the NFC tag, it can make sure that the wine is real and reduce

buy fake wine opportunity.

Finally, the development of NFC tag is very important for the wine industry since the

NFC can more convenient to provide some information of wine, ensure the wine

quality and buyer can differentiate wine is real or fake.