R M jC B .Hflr IIVKH J . . V m , mb r r ."v w v x: XsV 1 VOL. No. 65. n XXXVI, HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 13, mni.-SKMt.VE- EKLY. WILL PHY WARRANTS Registered Claims to Meet With Cash. BANKS ADVANCE NEEDED MONEY Tax Returns Will Be Increased One Half This Year Income and Expenditure. lCUlSTERED(warrants of the Ter ritory are to be- - paid In ten days. This decision was reached yes terday by Treasurer Wright, after he had held consultations with the Execu- tive and local bankers and arranged with the latter for accommodation un- til tax moneys come in. Notice has been given that all war- ranto from No. 1 to No. 2009 will be paid August 23d, upon presentation, and that interest will cease upon them on that day. This notice Is according to law, which gives ten days for the figuring of the Interest and arranging for the payment. The amount of tho outstanding warrants 'Is $167,802.28. Ibtlr payment has been arranged by securing from the banks of a loan of $15d,000. This money is to be loaned to the Territory at 6 per cent Interest by the Bank of Hawaii and Caua Sprock- ets & Cc. The few thousand additional will be taken from the. cash in the Treasury, as the receipts now are of such txtent that they will tmet all thu aim leu und pay thesa claim ag we'L The derision to make thU auauge-me- nt for the paymenfof 'the .warrant watt reached after, long and frequent discussions and the i argument which prevailed finally was that there ere many holders of the warrants who were losing money by them, In that the banks were only lending money on the security of the demand, and the interest which was charged was great- er than that paid by the Territory. This will set afloat In the Territory, and principally In this city, the amount of the warrants which under other condl-tion- n would have remained tied 'up un- til the middle of No ember ut least, and perhaps later. Now there will be no difficulty In the way of those who huu tied up theli warrants, as they will have their cash next week. The money thus seemed from the banks will be held according to the outlook and anticipation, only until the taxes begin to come In. which will be about November 15th. This will mean that there will be due to the banks when the money Is repaid. In Interest, some $2,250. Had the entire amount of warrants which are putstardlng been allowed to remain In the hands of the mon to whom they were riven or to whom they have been transferred, the Territory would have had to pay $1,- - 972 In Interest, so that the total cost to the Territory of this putting of this sum of money Into circulation will be only $278 I$y this Investment there will be given to the people of the Teriltory re- lief from at least $1,000 In Inteiest, as it Is understood that a large amount of money has been borrowed fiom banks for which the bow w era are paying high rates of Interest, In Borne cases double tint which Is paid by the Territory. Treasurer "Wright has made up hlH estimates of the receipts. and expendi- tures of the Territory, authorized amounts which may be drawn and es- timated receipts on the basis of pre- vious years. These may be put In the following tables: Unpaid warrants, July 1 $ 17G.4M 4S Salaries under Act No. 3 2,145,851.00 Current expenses under Act No. 4 3.48.2450 Unpaid bills 95,70109 Ilalances from last period. Ex- penses of the legislature .... 24,223 2S Contracts 2S.37J-- Flro Claims Commission .. 14,750 93 Emergency road fund 22.72S B Expenses, Buffalo exhibit 1.6C2 ST Appropriation, fire claim war- rants 1,600,00001 Total $7,1W,J5S Estimated Internal reehue. Taxes '. $2,700.000u Licenses 200,000 00 rtecnue stamps 200,000 00 Conveyance Bureau 39,000 00 Tines and costs 141,00003 Water rates, Honolulu 170,000 90 Water rates, outside of Hono- lulu 12.00000 Honolulu Market 25 000 00 Public works office 1S5.O0O9O Wharfage and pilotage, Hono- lulu .,, SZO.OOtM Wharfage and pilotage, Hllo .. S000W Commission of Public Lands.. 200,000 00 Keroaene and powder storage .. M.000 09 Public Instruction 8,000 00 Government realizations 60,000 00 of Interest from the . United States 150,000 M Total -.- .$4,263 000 00 Cash on hand, July 1, 1901 75.W4 IT Grand total revenues ..,...$4,344 tM7 But there Is no probability that these estimates will go through either In tha S9996 . , i . . I HE COMING AGRICULTURAL FAIR im mm w ,'fisRSL; JfirV -- r flfa I JJIL Mr V0wiiliifflli!ll flf h lHrfaiTT I I 'WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U f&bHL 1 rS VTiJIaT iIi llllliWIII III VcvllUv! iVHlHEZ WBiKPw UiiJA tWSWt IllluIIUis w?- - 1 Crif- - BS B?9 assss Income or outgo end. There will be, an attempt made to put off lh lssu- - ance or nre-ciai- m warrants, bu the' taxes will be greatly In exceBs .of the former years' returns. According to the 'reports to the Treasurer from the Tax Assessor the returns from the Tax Bureau will be at the least CCper cent above what they were under the former regime. This is a small estimate for here In Honolulu there are Instances V iwnere property assessed at twice the vaiuo piacea upon jt in former tlmeB 'ni he ., ' employe of the ,Works, met Wry taa Vi&a.. ....Ami tZ ,t.A k . am.w Mfn.. !. "" . (l, &. ? -- . ..... ..... . . . a .. 1i.i.u iau ouu mo laiLCB accepiea oiuucqi taic aiternoon by the owner. The the while returning home from his work oa r .- - to avo,d .fc. $1,800,000 from this source Is a small slftr""n ililvenby to-l- - one. It Is expected that there will be (1!ts on the wiong side of the street. mucn larger reiurp next lie ran Into the on Beietanla Tronolicnp XT1t.f ..1,1 Inc. A. .n..l . -- ... ,,..,. 0,u luol street near the oHIpm ut nr u'nigr. "The decision to pay oft the warrants now rather than make the people wait was made for the reason that thetu was a call for the money on the part of the people. So It was best to secure the cash from the banks and pay our owing only one or two men, rather than havlnir hundreds of some are "'s Dr. tho money. The cost no small that the benefit will greatly 1 iron being a A .Majs to young bxtnmk-- r ,was car-ile- d to Mrs. Ij. creditors, of whom In need of un is illslor W"op h.n,v: UI,mi John ellee wno, held they that there ti,'rlbl' crossing trouble period. With turn receipts consciousness and. street. Frequently there money when Ve done Fort men will stop and nave the Income well. an pleared w!h the oatl bellee that will hae little trouble with finances from time. expect that with tax col- lections able to show million half wmil ,f1 & Gear about wound up, been reached made three will carry along lines amount among those knew. which hns been look ing Genr est malnlv &aimuKi place t; debts, h,wn 'grade m,.i nrHn U.d..i:. yesieruny sidewalk thought pitched violently Into fence and rendered ciowd quickly called attend the i.ian. Identlllcd and his home W. John- - where Ma made an and found tho sufferer seriously Injured, his left iiiiciiuii injury. Such accidents this frequent There stock, havlne house, street, Wilcox No. 4S, JI J hJf l .., it ytcw uniicuii control nis wneei he ,to to to but he to when he to a' hair's escaped colli- sion the front could Almost day' one obsere narrow this kind, whereas those drive vehicles would turning might, safety, tho streets. It be compelled to disastrous v.. . , ".;.. ";. shoulder belnc fitt.l n,, rll. ...i,., . . . u,o Kstatu :"" r"" " vxr "y ?cer uie un. m. , ;:.,'" 7" "" .1 y u ui iiUKU-.ic- n i that ' " " - ii- - iuriver 01 venicius Iook- - the will be to be '" ,aperulpi. and his being. Ing around to see whether or not al, and will be no bruised. Hlu path, will sud- - during coming waR nenrl' a half-ho- before Mr. jdenly about to Into mld- - the of the glen J"1"1810" reeoercd of one may will be al. In- - . un.8 Buerlng painfully seen this and streets. t .. . . - niirMt It la fnnrn1 !. 1. ... . ... provemenis are w . , " ' u hj peoe converse ars tax I greatly ink nnd we our this I the we will be i btl- - nnce of """"' a nnd II ,, & are the to occurrence. great nf left -- T ) u nnd the ""' Ht nuinr one are of too Is us so If Is a to save ,., .1 or law If so on 111RT If to as as to or Ice and drive Honolulu, Iglnneo great on the narrow und some tn those care In cities of to wiuer sireeis i ue Ttte . are n VUU111IUI1 unci; lie la This wm.d lndlps the "f i, H accltlen.t heedlessness w, ,0 worX in of wrong stupidity enlightened American II I3STATK. -- . GEAR LANSING'S The affairs of Lansing to be an I to creditors having be trustees, ana assented. Inquiry of w. support BICYCLIST RUN DOWN BY ACARRIAGE AND BADLY HURT IIXIAM JOHNSTONE, se- - reportiiifrom gathered blcjcllst he at simple friends driving behind, causing account danger stieets, greater happen be passing. Chinese exercised. awaken the street paying no heed to of th an. and danger portative they other people. drivers are of feminine Johnstone wns on CPTTI "VVVVVVyyvMVWMMWWVWVvWvVvW arrangement satisfactory assignment developed unconscious. unconscious Punchbowl examination TALKED OF EXTRA SESSION Acting Governor Cooper Is at work ( upon his report to Secretary n " rigorous T,.l ... ... miHi vVHOLE He established Hii,hnuVejfIjJenty thatwajr dangerous ex- asperating constitution die authorized, "uajnnci-- resuming Inconve-wher- e, hatk-drlve- rs Incoherence subjecting CMCMT THE cor- - the business Gear & Lansing Territorv dfarln h n. 'JX? ": "till persists In Fran- - " morougn o,..n naa heads supervision iSiVi streets 'L,P'rimenis matters Federal iX .J., ,, uti,iA, property Messrs. Gear finished suggestion would the creditors to see They had fec,ln broke onco Three tnat air. had these a great The the the Some even were fast sex. liniillit over conference oer hot nrln clpal Hawaiian matters and Mr. Cooper said yesterday was glad to find that Delegate sympathy with most his plans nnd had nromised him hi .nm. the affairs T.nln Dr. Insnlro -- " t of Rmi.i. W n " ...... conversation when la'n.l wth io a a w "" 1, n' a n nt -- .- .. U. l.OOper ... j... dcilllB nnrl rnn the First National national matters ended" "ec,lon of Incoming H. & Co H. Balrd Mr. There & .Henry extra ''r i -- - ..w... Holmes, attorney the Bishop Estate, that could see no Gear & Lansing In a large , "" ",' I business and undertook big unforeseen They hurt by the delln- - tlngencies. tho usual Yankee fnsh- - subscribers to Mn CooPer asked Mr. Wilcox what sugar the of they lh,UM' DeleBat "ld were promoting; and '" money .pent ""Ke up his on suburb was fw deal not Droed lucrative despite prospects a dence. a heedless tt w a hospital surgeons Bank, (Jeo. several should quency there, discussion, nnth Ing and subject there drop- ped. Mr. Wilcox was to In- fluence the Executive seem'nrlw, was official asking advice. ntfuiL-wiiii- i. states thut endeav ored turn first the right, accord-lu- g the rule, the lady driving turned the left, nnd turned his left, become confused nnd turned .also. By breadth the bicyclist with wheel the car- riage liut not tscape running Into the high sidewalk. every a escape from some situation of master tho rule of to the bi- cyclists with some ven- ture upon most thing to leap from a wheel inc mute wiltiout body the get tho the for the King umi with partake cream sodas upon their will film rlpht nni'liM 1tl.i,if deal of nlence who than snouia vehicles most Mr. riding of II... that of glad him. before consists "c" SPREAD OF THE between All them !... casus pas-o- f Wilcox """Tv8"!8.1" TJL to of of of reported from ) THREE ADDITIONAL ANSWERS FILED Claims Pearl Harbor Suit So Filed Aggregate Nearly a Million. own- - one dol- lars. Tho Government (.unclaimed, damages claimed ".''""" kv. riM iv: "u.."i,u ."mtho uii'i'iiie onyone's statement who The Illshop sumo LSTATK. Tho IROIMIP" LSUUVSIllVt taln Co lU.nhnM San iiio .., of iM.h.J...". le'; nam,!f thn he P.IDia be ho w. T-- Zlt'lX the did of In were of wcro and were In of In tfnnir ,,ii Iho rlol of and Ltd of Th. Mr. In 5 of In not ao in an to up of on hv PRINCE IS iFTERJEMS Cupid Would Make Investments in Diamonds. COLBURN WILL FLOAT LOAN Kapiolani Estate Wants Investment Africa. D MINES Investment of John V. rtnrtn,- - to Francisco, a high as at of go to purchase captivated been Kapiolani Estate, In Transvaal. from who of of tremendous to properties. buy, went see. It to representations to to arrangements to have gone to to negotluted, It of of may llllng threo an-- ,' "c ""." " for yesterday of )"" ot so If thero ers und of land required by ,onn 'l upon Government for notes of corporation. naval Tcarl sreaahctd, T. advance upon TSari Francisco Is aggregate of put of but on the und thu by traveling haa'found Investment. t ..."i """ "" many investments tha .inrnminni. - .1. of so fur up In as all lh,U ..' ne 0f tho respondents havo not as that I corPoration said yesterday Of filed Ilia in" lon"s is of damages In each Is aa ,a to of Colburn lows: to only he Plantation , with money markets, hut Oahu Co Hallway und Ac as Ouliu Su gar Co THE BISHOP answer he ho mo.ooo.wlll he uy 75.000 Keohokalole, of of when he Knlnt.. "'. tlU K.'"ut0.ot what to Bishop, O ...... 7 r. Allen O Smith is Bamuei w' nv.t In under of ,very 8ly8 "ometlilnB It; deceased, was Blnco Bome in London It eight Investment lions In to he pressing It us. respondents' clear of such a character hi tracts and that It was decided to send Colburn . ., iiii;u u nf fh tn Run ,.,i.--- ., i ,.. . M T " ue the who painful se- - to ChrlstKn ."i. 1, . i"r.4H of .communication the mean we would be nble to do rlous careless- - bicyclists, ble a the Improvement ly of driv- - T,n' JonN If thero no of the ers to which Invective. of such , 'rases the a the .. , the that r...o. .,..,n..i.... tin,, of of of answer John 11 thero lie Invoutmnni wus M. In shares." Its secntary, valuo respondi-nt'- s tu BISHOP & of Co. alleges Oahu Co. leasehold property sought to bo lu Wl nfirt l.n .,.. ...! ... Am IF lnn1 wouid depreciate tho valuo rLMVJUL of remainder of assets tha Oahu Co. that by Indenture, dated October July the twn.n iiiahnn rn -- i.i X.. a.. measures of precaution bu- - ar tlm saM on which P'f,B"o to be as no nM- - 11. of In nn.l of to A. Co. In trust tho . . - ud or r,t n- -. . ......... was with Chinatown under tho of of of yesterday that Bishop Es- - upon these authorities was completed on Im dpnn.riiA demanded that tho personal long talk DeIe. Juno 22 no of the .p. the lant Is taion In to tho cleansing Lansing the Executive been when the firm long reticence committee suburban 'Will Congress In a- ft l..l ' . thT, arjse shares There discovered July and July fatal hospital nearly every the world. United States murine, .JlTntlf Ihi.n 1TI ...v. IV. rpnnhpl Ha .lna. .... Blld 1.0X8 ln. Rodlek cusslnn outgoing Hackfeld asked the Acting Governor Dawe. Co. Vat about ? - him " . V"' there Muunale! the that the Tfnimt,i mind. n resi 'nnrwr the was was minutes led was trying nor the who, China. Plague r Far the the claims oonas, tho tho nearly million figure $IC,SO0 land needed ,..,i answers Hugur lO.ihu tho talked exciuslvn by mill An him the Kstato. doubt slgntd Hullou, the $75,000. Bishop the Sugar lias thn tho Sugar . . sejerai dlseaso umomt called resDonse process, which which right, 6 1 . a , I , , ..- . i . a h , I, u a t a ., w for " " .. ..., the the " .,. , i College Hills Pumps Arrive. engines and pumps as quickly as rounuaiions are all ready ror the but out W. for the Placing, water bo furnished as as possible to the --. Mn A or coffpo a will attended meeting at Kullua nt wiucn a general of tho A San Fran cisco Cash for South IAMOND In South will bo the Princes. Colbiirn. ,jhls present visit will cnueavor to negotiate loan, which by has been placed ns $300,000, and least part this money will the Interest In South Africa which has I'rlnco Cupid. Prince Cupid ever landed In London has anxious to persuade the Limited, to la- test tho He In mon South Africa tho greatness the mines and tho values which attached Prince began to In prospect, linnlly to Every letter hus hud In some- thing about the splendid ehanco new fortunes by putting money the mines there. At length made such that tha company sent Hb treasurer Francisco for the loans which would enable tho Prlnco his wny In this matter. estate company has not farther than authorize tho loans be and take the rati- fication the board directors to put through deal which Colburn With of additional "a ueen Pulsion swers tho aauan tlmt lessors tho ttny will be made United Btatis the necessity station at Harbor, the which the Prince' necessary for his While lllal-- timiA V.n.. "" win $332.a. set answer, Ea memm tho ! jet. there was difficulty in making the already amount tno for Th,ere clulnud case two-fol- d end the visit Const, for not will bo In Co J30O.O0O touch tho Land Co Co Cleaning where can reach the Prince . cub e If necessary. 872,200 Morris Kahal one tho memuers or the Estate cornoratlon. jmooo ye8lerday ftlmlt"l visit Colburn .was to raise ensh. but said that tho ,n Uornlce decide was be done. hl and Jounh . Carter Win Wm more man Carter ' '"ou" diamond mines, trusteis tho will siild Ilenilco lelter about Pauahl Bishop, Med yts- - m,'t lcople ttrdiy. udmlts llrst allega- - wno flrst of tho to und unswer tho tmth "aver him has been upon that free und Interest Tho last letter wns parcels land and Mr. uppuritnances. 1,'r,. , nuiiiuuii .... ..iw, tuuiu woj-ns- s new year. causl and the profunltv of ot,U!ra' with Prlnco ca- - that sine esterday were but the and ' He endeavor oat ()an driving afong on the side of (there and is uone ls will Lansing nnd the and went con-deal- s. Honolulu Thn sJo will Inn-- n jtsttrday, Sidney tho diamond and sets lntircst CO. The answer that condemned Rl PI greatly Further 1900, Bishop ...,...-..- .. . reported conferences ni the and tate had ad cases Pcared during of & the more. who was of Into stvri he for lon the and. for may part had and less were fine be Africa Lon- don muke make renortcd Ho he by tho .ini- -, IlttU - TBe Col- - set up nnd will soon held time in the next San some met told him the Tho nnd Into Han tho The will any The the he ss.uuu tho ivnni,i ...,.... said into line lllid and emeu, That Prlnco Cunld Is more than anx ious to have diamonds Is said to be a fact by those who, know of letters here, and In fact there are some per- sons who Insist that he has taken a filer In the stocks and that what he now wants Is largo Thu many investments of the estate here are said to furnish nnother reason for of this attempt to se- cure the loan In San Francisco. Co- lburn ls expected to return by the So- noma. . WILL UELL SEED Arrangements wero made by J. P. Cooke, while on Maul, to of movable property of the Nahlku Plan- tation Company. These plans will be somewhat Interfered with on account reported to tho marine service lege Hills water station arrived In oC thu necessity of continuing the cul- - ir!i,,.t'. bark jesterduy. They wero tivatlon of the seed enne for which boIncP0.aVneCorrnTr'a'"y,rrf,b"- - be !": Ash.!ey " rlsund wll, there has. been found ready sale. As nimosi wyii ..., Ltd. an for Canton, a tho answerod ronvoed possible. new suburb, CoIF.ih Discouraged. number Kona planters discussion since these here. the i,o.,.. .ti..j. his already a interest. the making CANK. dispose tho the KaluIa"l The soon ns this Is off there will be no fur- - thelr ther attention nald to the nlantatlnn until there Is a 'decided Improvement in the local conditions, which would lead to a fair outlook thut assessments would be paid on the stock. The various supplies of tho plantation will be disposed of to the surrounding-- ' plantations, Spreckelsvllle getting ..un ut.1.-,- . cBWCVimil RCVl'MJ lH II1H CILlOB OI VIII UUH IUT Illft St flHOn 1 ntU n nKA HTdmv .n... . .1 ... - , .. . . ... Tung Kun and Sheck Lung o the Bast of the grower, have been dTscoue4 fTah.ku In the maUer of V.SSS "SS-- . is also reported from many clt- - Srr'e''", 'SSj?Z Z 5.", tbe les In Egypt, from British India. Maur- - has a membership of nearly 3ud growi-- s and onner3 ot amount of Itliis, Cape Colony and West Australia Hlln Herald. ' the stock are of opinion that In two or and Queensland. The epidemic is In- - three years there w III come & time when creasing alarmingly In Formosa, and A LOVER W mptoou the estate may be made available. The Japinese ports are so dangerously threat-- 1 tufcuoa. j lands are of Government lease. There' hrn .thv ' aCt!V8 Banltary measures have -- what do you think of American la now a pUli Bald to be un&r consld-Ri- n, m . i .. ... . . freedom now?" jeratlon to Incorporate the estate with nis. in H,n.rt-- f ?h m honlc I "n to flne'" answered Agulnaldo. with " "t the near by plantations, but the hold It Intact.

WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U · 2015. 6. 2. · R M jC B.Hflr IIVKH J.. V m , mb r r."v w v x: XsV VOL. XXXVI, No. 65. HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 1n 13, mni.-SKMt.VE-EKLY. WILL PHY

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Page 1: WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U · 2015. 6. 2. · R M jC B.Hflr IIVKH J.. V m , mb r r."v w v x: XsV VOL. XXXVI, No. 65. HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 1n 13, mni.-SKMt.VE-EKLY. WILL PHY




B .HflrIIVKH J . .


m , mb r r ."v w v x: XsV


VOL. No. 65. nXXXVI, HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 13, mni.-SKMt.VE- EKLY.



Registered Claimsto Meet With



Tax Returns Will Be Increased OneHalf This Year Income

and Expenditure.

lCUlSTERED(warrants of the Territory are to be-- paid In ten days.This decision was reached yes

terday by Treasurer Wright, after hehad held consultations with the Execu-tive and local bankers and arrangedwith the latter for accommodation un-

til tax moneys come in.Notice has been given that all war-

ranto from No. 1 to No. 2009 will bepaid August 23d, upon presentation,and that interest will cease upon themon that day. This notice Is accordingto law, which gives ten days for thefiguring of the Interest and arrangingfor the payment. The amount of thooutstanding warrants 'Is $167,802.28.

Ibtlr payment has been arranged bysecuring from the banks of a loan of$15d,000. This money is to be loaned tothe Territory at 6 per cent Interest bythe Bank of Hawaii and Caua Sprock-ets & Cc. The few thousand additionalwill be taken from the. cash in theTreasury, as the receipts now are ofsuch txtent that they will tmet all thuaim leu und pay thesa claim ag we'LThe derision to make thU auauge-me- nt

for the paymenfof 'the .warrantwatt reached after, long and frequentdiscussions and the i argumentwhich prevailed finally was that there

ere many holders of the warrants whowere losing money by them, In thatthe banks were only lending money onthe security of the demand, and theinterest which was charged was great-er than that paid by the Territory.This will set afloat In the Territory, andprincipally In this city, the amount ofthe warrants which under other condl-tion- n

would have remained tied 'up un-

til the middle of No ember ut least,and perhaps later. Now there will beno difficulty In the way of those whohuu tied up theli warrants, as theywill have their cash next week.

The money thus seemed from thebanks will be held according to theoutlook and anticipation, only until thetaxes begin to come In. which will beabout November 15th. This will meanthat there will be due to the bankswhen the money Is repaid. In Interest,some $2,250. Had the entire amount ofwarrants which are putstardlng beenallowed to remain In the hands of themon to whom they were riven or towhom they have been transferred, theTerritory would have had to pay $1,- -972 In Interest, so that the total cost tothe Territory of this putting of this sumof money Into circulation will be only$278 I$y this Investment there will begiven to the people of the Teriltory re-

lief from at least $1,000 In Inteiest, as itIs understood that a large amount ofmoney has been borrowed fiom banksfor which the bow w era are paying highrates of Interest, In Borne cases doubletint which Is paid by the Territory.

Treasurer "Wright has made up hlHestimates of the receipts. and expendi-tures of the Territory, authorizedamounts which may be drawn and es-

timated receipts on the basis of pre-vious years. These may be put In thefollowing tables:Unpaid warrants, July 1 $ 17G.4M 4S

Salaries under Act No. 3 2,145,851.00Current expenses under Act

No. 4 3.48.2450Unpaid bills 95,70109Ilalances from last period. Ex-

penses of the legislature .... 24,223 2S

Contracts 2S.37J--

Flro Claims Commission .. 14,750 93Emergency road fund 22.72S BExpenses, Buffalo exhibit 1.6C2 ST

Appropriation, fire claim war-rants 1,600,00001

Total $7,1W,J5SEstimated Internal reehue.

Taxes '. $2,700.000uLicenses 200,000 00rtecnue stamps 200,000 00

Conveyance Bureau 39,000 00Tines and costs 141,00003Water rates, Honolulu 170,000 90Water rates, outside of Hono-

lulu 12.00000Honolulu Market 25 000 00Public works office 1S5.O0O9OWharfage and pilotage, Hono-

lulu .,, SZO.OOtMWharfage and pilotage, Hllo .. S000WCommission of Public Lands.. 200,000 00Keroaene and powder storage .. M.000 09Public Instruction 8,000 00Government realizations 60,000 00

of Interest from the .United States 150,000 M

Total -.- .$4,263 000 00Cash on hand, July 1, 1901 75.W4 IT

Grand total revenues ..,...$4,344 tM7But there Is no probability that these

estimates will go through either In tha




. .


im mm w ,'fisRSL; JfirV -- r flfa

I JJIL Mr V0wiiliifflli!ll flf h lHrfaiTT I

I 'WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U f&bHL 1

rS VTiJIaT iIi llllliWIII III VcvllUv! iVHlHEZ WBiKPw UiiJA tWSWt IllluIIUis w?- - 1 Crif- - BS B?9

assssIncome or outgo end. There will be,an attempt made to put off lh lssu- -ance or nre-ciai- m warrants, bu the'taxes will be greatly In exceBs .of theformer years' returns. According tothe 'reports to the Treasurer from theTax Assessor the returns from theTax Bureau will be at the least CCpercent above what they were under theformer regime. This is a small estimatefor here In Honolulu there are Instances V

iwnere property assessed at twice thevaiuo piacea upon jt in former tlmeB

'ni he .,' employe of the,Works, met Wry

taa Vi&a.. ....Ami tZ ,t.A k . am.w Mfn.. !. "" . (l, &.


-- . ..... ..... . . .

a.. 1i.i.u iau ouu mo laiLCB accepiea oiuucqi taic aiternoonby the owner. The the while returning home from his work oar .- - to avo,d .fc.$1,800,000 from this source Is a small slftr""n ililvenby to-l- -one. It Is expected that there will be (1!ts on the wiong side of the street.

mucn larger reiurp next lie ran Into the on BeietanlaTronolicnp XT1t.f ..1,1 Inc. A. .n..l .--... ,,..,. 0,u luol street near the oHIpm ut nr u'nigr."The decision to pay oft the warrantsnow rather than make the people waitwas made for the reason that thetuwas a call for the money on the partof the people. So It was bestto secure the cash from the banks andpay our owing only one or twomen, rather than havlnir hundreds of

some are "'s Dr.tho money. The cost no small thatthe benefit will greatly 1


being a

A.Majs to young

bxtnmk-- r

,was car-ile- dto Mrs. Ij.

creditors, of whom In need of un


illslor W"oph.n,v: UI,mi John

ellee wno,held theythat there ti,'rlbl' crossing

trouble period. With turnreceipts consciousness and. street. Frequently

there money when Ve done Fortmen will stop and

nave the Income well.an pleared w!h the oatl

bellee that will hae littletrouble with finances fromtime. expect that with tax col-lections able to show

million half wmil ,f1


Gearabout wound up,

been reachedmade three will carry

along linesamount among those

knew.which hns been look

ing Genr est


&aimuKi place



h,wn 'grade m,.i nrHnU.d..i:.




pitched violently Intofence and rendered

ciowd quicklycalled attend the

i.ian. Identlllcdand

his home W. John- -where

Ma made an and foundtho sufferer seriously Injured, his left

iiiiciiuii injury.Such accidents this

frequent There






No. 4S,

JI J hJf

l.., it ytcw uniicuii controlnis wneei he

,to toto but he

towhen he to

a' hair'sescaped colli-

sion the frontcould

Almost day' one obserenarrow

this kind, whereas thosedrive vehicles would

turningmight, safety,

tho streets. Itbe compelled to

disastrousv.. . , ".;.. ";. shoulder belnc fitt.l n,, rll. ...i,., . . . u,o Kstatu:"" r"" "vxr "y ?cer uie un. m. , ;:.,'" 7" "" .1 y u

ui iiUKU-.ic- n i that ' " " - ii- - iuriver 01 venicius Iook- -the will be to be '" ,aperulpi. and his being. Ing around to see whether or notal, and will be no bruised. Hlu path, will sud- -

during coming waR nenrl' a half-ho- before Mr. jdenly about to Into mld- -the of the glen J"1"1810" reeoercd of one may

will be al. In- - . un.8 Buerlng painfully seen this and streets.t .. . . - niirMt It la fnnrn1 !. 1. ... . ...provemenis are w . , " ' u hj peoe converse

ars tax Igreatly ink

nnd weour this

I thewe will be i btl- -

nnce of """"' a nnd II


& are



occurrence. great



--T )




""' Ht nuinrone are of too




Is a

to save ,., .1or

lawIf so


Ifto as as

toor Iceand drive

Honolulu, Iglnneo greaton the narrow und some tn those

care In cities of towiuer sireeis i

ue Ttte . are n VUU111IUI1 unci; lie laThis wm.d lndlps the "f


accltlen.t heedlessness w, ,0worX in of wrong stupidity enlightened American II I3STATK.

-- .


The affairs of Lansingto be an I

to creditors havingbe


ana assented.Inquiry







se- -



blcjcllst heat



driving behind, causingaccount danger

stieets, greater happen be passing. Chineseexercised.


the street paying no heed to of th an.and danger portative

they other people. drivers are of feminineJohnstone wns on









Acting Governor Cooper Is at work(upon his report to Secretary


" rigorousT,.l ... ... miHi









authorized, "uajnnci--


Inconve-wher- e,

hatk-drlve- rs



cor- -

the business Gear & Lansing Territorv dfarln h n. 'JX? ": "till persists In Fran- -" morougn o,..nnaa heads supervision iSiVi

streets 'L,P'rimenis matters Federal iX .J.,,,uti,iA,property Messrs. Gear finishedsuggestion would the

creditors to see They had fec,ln broke onco Threetnat air. had

these agreat





fast sex.


conference oer hot nrlnclpal Hawaiian mattersand Mr. Cooper said yesterdaywas glad to find that Delegate

sympathy with most hisplans nnd had nromised him hi .nm.the affairs T.nln



-- " tof Rmi.i. W n " ...... conversation





w ""






-- .- ..U. l.OOper ... j... dcilllB nnrl rnn

the First National national matters ended" "ec,lon of IncomingH. & Co H. Balrd Mr. There

& .Henry extra ''ri -- - ..w...Holmes, attorney the Bishop Estate, that could see no

Gear & Lansing In a large , " " ",' Ibusiness and undertook big unforeseen

They hurt by the delln- - tlngencies. tho usual Yankee fnsh- -subscribers to Mn CooPer asked Mr. Wilcox what

sugar the of they lh,UM' DeleBat "ldwere promoting; and '"money .pent ""Ke up hison suburb was fw

deal not Droedlucrative despite prospects






hospital surgeons

Bank, (Jeo.

several should


there, discussion, nnthIng and subject there drop-ped. Mr. Wilcox was to In-fluence the Executive seem'nrlw,was official asking advice.

ntfuiL-wiiii- i.

states thut endeavored turn first the right, accord-lu- g

the rule,the lady driving turned the

left, nnd turned his left,become confused nnd

turned .also. Bybreadth the bicyclist

with wheel the car-riage liut not tscape runningInto the high sidewalk.

everya escape from somesituation of

master thorule of to the bi-

cyclists with some ven-ture upon most

thing toleap from a wheel

inc mutewiltioutbody

the get thothe

for the Kingumi

with partake creamsodas upon theirwill film rlpht nni'liM 1tl.i,if

deal ofnlence who





thatof glad him.


consists "c"


betweenAll them

!... casus

pas-o- fWilcox """Tv8"!8.1"TJL





reported from



Claims Pearl Harbor Suit So

Filed Aggregate Nearlya Million.


one dol-lars. Tho Government

(.unclaimed, damages claimed

".''""" kv.riM iv: "u.."i,u ."mthouii'i'iiie





Illshop sumo



Co lU.nhnMSan

iiio ..,of iM.h.J...".

le'; nam,!fthnhe










wereof wcro and were

In of In

tfnnir ,,iiIho rlolof and

Ltdof Th. Mr.















Cupid Would MakeInvestments in




Kapiolani Estate WantsInvestment



Investment ofJohn V. rtnrtn,- -

to Francisco,a

high asat of

go to purchasecaptivated

beenKapiolani Estate,In Transvaal.

from whoof oftremendous

to properties.buy, wentsee. It



to arrangements

to havegone

to tonegotluted, It

of ofmay

llllng threo an-- ,' "c ""." " foryesterday of )"" ot so If thero

ers und of land required by ,onn 'l uponGovernment for notes of corporation.

naval Tcarl sreaahctd, T. advance upon TSari Francisco Isaggregate ofput of but

on theund thu by

traveling haa'foundInvestment.

t..."i """ "" many investmentstha .inrnminni. - .1.of so fur up In as all lh,U ..' ne 0f tho

respondents havo not as that I corPoration said yesterday

Of filed Ilia in" lon"s isof damages In each Is aa ,a to of Colburnlows: to only he

Plantation , with money markets, hutOahu CoHallway und

Ac as Ouliu Sugar Co




mo.ooo.wlll heuy

75.000Keohokalole, of


he Knlnt.."'. tlU K.'"ut0.ot what toBishop, O ...... 7r. Allen O Smith is

Bamuei w' nv.t Inunder of ,very 8ly8 "ometlilnB It;

deceased, was Blnco Bome in LondonIt eight Investment

lions In to he pressing It us.respondents' clear of such a characterhi tracts and that It was decided to send Colburn

. ., iiii;u u nf fh tn Run ,.,i.--- ., i ,.. .M T " ue

the who painful se- - to ChrlstKn ."i.1, .

i"r.4H of .communication themean we would be nble to do rlous careless- - bicyclists, ble a

the Improvement ly of driv- - T,n' JonN If thero no


the ersto which Invective. of such

, 'rases thea

the ..,









answer John 11 thero lie Invoutmnniwus M. In shares."Its secntary,

valuo respondi-nt'- s tuBISHOP &

of Co. allegesOahu Co. leasehold

property sought to bolu Wl nfirt l.n .,.. ...! ...

Am IF lnn1 wouid depreciate tho valuorLMVJUL of remainder of assets thaOahu Co. that by

Indenture, dated OctoberJuly the twn.n iiiahnn rn -- i.i X.. a..measures of precaution bu- - ar tlm saM

on which P'f,B"o

to be



nM- -





to A. Co. In trust tho. . - ud or r,t n- -. .......... was with Chinatown under tho of of ofyesterday that Bishop Es- - upon these authorities was completed on Im dpnn.riiAdemanded that tho personal long talk DeIe. Juno 22 no of the .p. the lant Is taion

In to tho cleansingLansing the Executive been when

the firm long







ft l..l '.





discovered July andJuly fatal


nearly every the world.United States murine,

.JlTntlf Ihi.n 1TI...v.IV. rpnnhpl Ha .lna. .... Blld 1.0X8 ln.

Rodlek cusslnn outgoingHackfeld asked the Acting Governor

Dawe. Co. Vat about ?-him

" .V"'there

Muunale!the that

theTfnimt,i mind. n



the was


minutes ledwas




China. Plague



thethe claims oonas,

tho tho

nearly millionfigure

$IC,SO0 land needed




tho talked




him the Kstato. doubtslgntd

Hullou, the$75,000.

Bishopthe Sugar lias






dlseaso umomtcalled resDonse process,





1 . a ,I

, ,

..- .










wfor" ".. ...,

the the





College Hills Pumps Arrive.engines and pumps

as quickly asrounuaiions are all ready ror





for the

Placing, water bo furnishedas as possible to the--.

MnA or coffpo

a will attended meeting at Kullua ntwiucn a general of tho


San Francisco Cash for


IAMOND In Southwill bo thePrinces. Colbiirn.

,jhls present visit willcnueavor to negotiate loan, which by

has been placed ns $300,000,and least part this money will

the Interest In SouthAfrica which has I'rlncoCupid.

Prince Cupid ever landed InLondon has anxious to persuadethe Limited, to la-

test tho He Inmon South Africa

tho greatness the mines andtho values which attached

Prince began toIn prospect, linnlly toEvery letter hus hud In some-

thing about the splendid ehanconew fortunes by putting money

the mines there. At lengthmade such that thacompany sent Hb treasurerFranciscofor the loans which would enable thoPrlnco his wny In this matter.

estate company has notfarther than authorize tho loansbe and take the rati-fication the board directors to putthrough deal which Colburn

With of additional "a ueen Pulsionswers tho aauan tlmt

lessors tho ttny will be madeUnited Btatis the necessity

station at Harbor, the

which the Prince'necessary for his Whilelllal-- timiA V.n..""win

$332.a. set answer, Ea memmtho !jet. there was difficulty in making

the already amount tno for Th,ereclulnud case two-fol- d end the visit

Const, for not will bo InCo J30O.O0O touch tho

Land Co



where can reach the Prince. cub e If necessary.

872,200 Morris Kahal one thomemuers or the Estate cornoratlon.

jmooo ye8lerday ftlmlt"l visit Colburn.was to raise ensh. but said that

tho ,nUornlce decide was be done. hl

and Jounh .Carter Win Wm more man

Carter' '"ou" diamond mines,trusteis tho will siild Ilenilco lelter aboutPauahl Bishop, Med yts- - m,'t lcoplettrdiy. udmlts llrst allega- - wno flrst of tho to

und unswer tho tmth "aver him has been uponthat free und Interest Tho last letter wns

parcels land and Mr.uppuritnances. 1,'r,. ,

nuiiiuuii .... ..iw, tuuiuwoj-ns- s new year. causl and the profunltv of ot,U!ra' with Prlnco ca- -

that sine esterday were but the and ' He endeavor oat ()andriving afong on the side of (there and is uone ls






con-deal- s.


Thn sJo will Inn--n

jtsttrday, Sidney tho diamondand sets


The answerthat


Rl PI greatly


Bishop...,...-..- .. .

reported conferences nithe and

tate had ad casesPcared during

of &

the more.

who was of





















.ini- -,



TBe Col- -

set up

nnd willsoon




the next





the Thonnd


















That Prlnco Cunld Is more than anxious to have diamonds Is said to be afact by those who, know of lettershere, and In fact there are some per-sons who Insist that he hastaken a filer In the stocks and thatwhat he now wants Is largoThu many investments of the estatehere are said to furnish nnother reasonfor of this attempt to se-cure the loan In San Francisco. Co-lburn ls expected to return by the So-



Arrangements wero made by J. P.Cooke, while on Maul, to ofmovable property of the Nahlku Plan-tation Company. These plans will besomewhat Interfered with on accountreported to tho marine service lege Hills water station arrived In oC thu necessity of continuing the cul- -

ir!i,,.t'. bark jesterduy. They wero tivatlon of the seed enne for whichboIncP0.aVneCorrnTr'a'"y,rrf,b"- -be!": Ash.!ey " rlsund wll, there has. been found ready sale. As

nimosi wyii...,

Ltd. anfor Canton,






new suburb,

CoIF.ih Discouraged.number Kona planters



these here.






a interest.

the making


dispose tho


The soon ns this Is off there will be no fur- -thelr ther attention nald to the nlantatlnn

until there Is a 'decided Improvement inthe local conditions, which would leadto a fair outlook thut assessmentswould be paid on the stock.

The various supplies of tho plantationwill be disposed of to the surrounding-- 'plantations, Spreckelsvllle getting..un ut.1.-,- . cBWCVimil RCVl'MJ lH II1H CILlOB OI VIII UUH IUT Illft St flHOn 1 ntU n nKA HTdmv .n... . .1 ... - , .. . . ...

Tung Kun and Sheck Lung o the Bast of thegrower, have been dTscoue4 fTah.ku In the maUer of V.SSS"SS-- . is also reported from many clt- - Srr'e''", 'SSj?Z Z 5.", tbeles In Egypt, from British India. Maur- - has a membership of nearly 3ud growi-- s and onner3 ot amount ofItliis, Cape Colony and West Australia Hlln Herald. ' the stock are of opinion that In two orand Queensland. The epidemic is In- - three years there w III come & time whencreasing alarmingly In Formosa, and A LOVER W mptoou the estate may be made available. TheJapinese ports are so dangerously threat-- 1 tufcuoa. j lands are of Government lease. There'hrn .thv ' aCt!V8 Banltary measures have --what do you think of American la now a pUli Bald to be un&r consld-Ri- n,

m . i .. ... . . freedom now?" jeratlon to Incorporate the estate withnis. in H,n.rt-- f ?h m honlc I "n to flne'" answered Agulnaldo. with " "t the near by plantations, but the

hold It Intact.

Page 2: WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U · 2015. 6. 2. · R M jC B.Hflr IIVKH J.. V m , mb r r."v w v x: XsV VOL. XXXVI, No. 65. HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 1n 13, mni.-SKMt.VE-EKLY. WILL PHY



BIDs f'r


! rrJ t r " -- -- ...- -..- - - MJ t IH 9 H latttlTftltt




Japanese HavePermission to

Come.(Krcim Monday's dall) )

the reception accorded a

number of Japanese Immigrantswho are expected to arrive here

cither In the Onellc tomorrow or theHongkong Mnru Tuesday of next weekwill depend the consent of the JapaneseGoernment to permit the Immigrationof subjects of the Emperor to proceedunrestricted It Is reported that therewill b from lift) to one hundred andfifty men In the company

The new Immigrant!) who are now

taking thl country are said to beunassisted either by tin Ir Gov-

ernment or by an immigration company. Keports which hae been re-

ceived here Indicate that their caseswere thoroughlj Investigated beforethey vveie allowed to leave their homes,that the result of this Investigation wassuch as to piove that the men had se-

cured the nione) to make the tripeither from their savings or fiom thesale of their little holding, and thatthey have been led to come through themany icpoits of the money to be mudehere, carried back to Japan b) return-ing laborers.

The piohlbltion against the comingof more of the Japanese workmen toAmerica has been lifted to the extenttlat the Government will allow thisparty to come and If the) aio able toland and stay here, without the oidcaltlnough which they must pass beingtoo severe upon them, then othei appli-cants to make the change will be giventhe required permission. Should the

now on the way be unable topi'ss the customs authorities, there willbe no more permits issutd foi men toleave Japan bound for these Islands, atlirhcnt.

Even snip which has tome iccetitl)i.Cf hod In Its cimipnii) a number ofJapanese and, as well, each trans-Pacifi- c

ship passing tlnough has had sev-

eral deported men In Its returning steer-ap-e

list. Theie have been so mail) attempts to pass the Immlgintlon olllcersthat the examination now Is quite rigid. Kully three-fourth- s of the recentcomers have attempted to pass them-selves through on the plea that theywere merchants. This It Is thoughttin result of the prohibition at homeruther than with the Idea that thestory would be suteessfull told here.

ii ..i i M'W"j',y'.''Tii"'i)iiCTgB'aWMKl



Have )Ou seen the ailet ofarticles now lispln)ed In ourf'pnt window"

Following Is a p.utlil listHose llrtidlng CagesSprinklers Parrot CagtsPost Pans ami W W Ilrushes

Uruslus Whisk ilroomsDusters Hand BillowsPaint ltrushis Hunting KnivesFloor Hrooms Hutchor KnivesCash Hoxes Kitchen KiiIksAxes Alonki) WrenchisHatchets I.t mnn Sqticez.rsSto Polish Cirp'-nt- i r's S iwsStove Hrmlus Pumll) Jh.it SnwsPlctuie Hooks Hutihir SuilesPicture Wire Spring HnlmieisCurl) Combs K.imll) ScalesMiuhlne Oil Hlnl Cigc-- Springs HShoe Blacking Carpenter's Hules 9

mSllvir Polish Harness Soap na

Sa polio Harm ss lllackingbllexo Ch imols SkinsIlutcht r Steels Meat CliopiH'rs

Ice Chlppers Uutcher's CleaversIce Shaves Family CleaversRat Traps Garden TrowelsWood Saw-- Gnrden Forkslie Sans Tea StrainersButchir Saws Chandelier HooksCane Knives Squegee IlrushesIce Tongs Tobucio CuttersCork Screws Axle GreaseCan Openers Tape MeasuresHarness Oil Shelf Ilratkets

'Sponges Scrubbing BrushesCoffee Mills Upholstering NailsHammers Washing AmmoniaCall Bells Horse BrushesScissors Wire Door MatsStrew Driveis Bird Cage HooksTacks Hooks and K)i-- s

Ice Picks Fruit PressersGrass Shears Pruning ShearsBird Cages Shoe Brushes

Family Grind Stones



UTENSILS.Bole Agents for the




-- - ...... .ft. ft.........i if i he time who went back In theCoptic last Siiturda) two told thistt le They wele sons of mtuufucliu-(r- ,

the) said, and their fatheis hadsent tl.em ovu lieie to sp) out theland preparatorv to Inning them goInto business The) ttdinitttl thatthe) had their pang paid bj theirfathtrs nnd thej claimed that the)had part of their stock with themWhat the) had was very little. Usuallywhen this stni) Is told, the stoek intrade Is found to amount to $J!i woithof drugs In the case of the two Inquestion tin) told a stor) on the secondexamination whleh was totall) at va-

riance with their fltst one, den)lng thatthey had said they were si nt b) theirfathers They were not allow i J to seeauv thing of the country.

All of the reeent Immigrants have-ha-

moie or less money, the usualamount being $4.1 This Is not In cashbut In the shape of an order on thelocal agents of the sttnmshlp companyfor that amount. This It Is believedthe) have to pay to the Menmshlp com-pan- v

upon sailing for the itason thatIn ease they should be refused landing,the) would have to be taken back atan) event, and so the compan) has InIts hands enough to pay the expense of

well the f' of tlll. ,,;

t, to tint tin re Ishe be as lo fro1" hatt is" a eu success

lroj. O. .V Co ,

tm- - ......K ..- - . ,i m.gecmtage of the Jnpanese are women.

coming with their husbands anil .

man) meet husbands til- -. ml. 1...... MM... .. .. ..i....u' .u...., "Hi v."-- ,

, s "", sevete, and of the women

"s.e tZ hnin I

thX I 1?.?"t- -

in nre honestK who Is the repie-sentntl-

of the Immlguitlon Bui can..... p..... les.iiunv mere nave

b.ennmnv Japanese tiling , nfi nill'i. to,., ,,,d ..Mm J,- e t be sntImik 'Ihe have mnnei some it themseveral hundmls if . v T, iPVwain to ionic hi r. l.id It Is .mlv whentheie nil Indications that the havenot iome with theli own means thatthev nre rejeited re Is no sit sumof ni.uii) h tin Iminlgrnut musthue thougii theie a a itenieiUmade In eaih, prlncipall) foi theliurpnse of making up the statlsllisto of inonei linn Is lnmielit

iVaiheaui'thut t'e.e me"lW Japan- -ese In the Gaelic While theiewill be a assistant c Ifthey all come fiom one .INtrli I. theie'..in i... .i i . ... ......in u.- - in,;..' - Minium 1..1to at what are the its In eachcase

-A New Virtuoso.

NRW 2 -- Aecoi ding to '

the World, Daniel Frohman, whojust from Uurope, has de-- ,parted fiom his usual custom In en- -gaging n musician, Kubellk.plained, however that Frohmanhnd heard while abroad Kutiellk.Whose work IIS II llnlllltst unrnrluo.liAindon, wns disengaged and In Uusslnwhen- -

...-.. he... wns in 1,1 .for inllltm jv iu.ri'i,.

ting him. will appear thiscity first week In December

pla) In New York and Bostonwhen will go on tourwest

8tatiou at WiumaualoIn connection with uork of

tTO.lSI Clt Ail A Kurv fv n mnirtiuil,! en.

.HftH '''M'H



Work on Hospitalfor Incurables

to Begin. .

Tin miiIjm i iln i.s the fund thelong tnlked of Hospital for Incurableshave givtii up the tas,kof the enormous sum JJOO,-00- 0,

and lealilug the urgent presentneed of such an have de-cided to begin the work with the fundsat hand. This Is a by no means smallutitiitlttt fin t tic rlv tks tmtlflmw nf- -

and equipment fund has.luithed a total of J61.000. with u '

thet ptomlso of J10.000 one oforiginal subitilbeis, who the pres- -out nt IfMiut tli.uli. a litu lili.Mittv t, vn

. " "" '" "."",nl" ,l seciet. i oiigiuni plan upoii"hlcl1 lho HUbseilptluns were asked'""" condition that they should1()t bo ,,, 1ntl, ft tntn of J::ooooo

was lenehed Nearly all of theseluive agreed to stand

by their subscriptions and waive

transportation as as cost of(f()tH ,m. )IOIJloterb






. .,, .ii.Mit.tij11. ..1,1,1. ,1... .1.... ..Ill .i,.i,ul, .,.i .i...





insince Inception ts certain of

sucttss, thattime

Speaking of likelihmd of...... '" " (""

thegmitl. better In

tZl "il'Ldoned .ifen.blne-- '

subscrlbeisasked til Willie ftOll ....n.llllnn

of this A large

tll,( blIt offeIS n(,(1 his,.i,.,miv HiibHerintl.m .i,,

thut shniicarried In

nuetlng of subscribers will

trilt.1ssou t...unciIll IIP Pll In A 1.


E RE s I

have been considered )et, buthave Investigating mnttei nndhave numerous reports from

Institutions In the UnitedStates and in Kngland. Our Ideas Intills matter villi probably submitted

an architect after the ItImpossible to estimate the cost of

the pioposed structure until we knowexactlv how much money we will have

the pmpose. Part fund I

requited to clear grounds.and the site the building j

The new win take in incur--n Villi a if txn nv sift n n trcourse, lepers. It will placeof the Victoria In a measure, that ln- -stltution having been to overthe temporary necessity caringincurables, hospital Isbuilt."



Delightful Localityp the Thorough


The leient eompletlon of ther.i ...,. u ...,

tll nonoliilu nubile a souice ofand toad, whleh

" eompleted In the Gov eminent In- beginning of this ...

Jf st.etches aro;id fiom the end

Knplolunl past lighthousedistance nbout llute miles In all.rf this. I nne-elirli-

... f.. - .'tlive, fiet deep The ii.ut

e, n the -- covered''" "f W Diamond Head slope" rifts, chnsms and bold. Jutting

irocks iigainst and on other t

In 1i7 uiltna nirnlnut tlilshore, sometimes dashing In gieatwhite foam cascades ngnlnst the dark-brow- n

of ancient How. ofand sometimes rolling dreamilysmooth white sund.

A little farther nnd lands widenwhere Kuplklpiklo shoots pointIn Juxtaposition Koko Head on the

ul.li. nf v 11..,.. gmnnmlwnvlng vegetation of algarobn and u

., n,.... i.,., .1.. ..m...... ..niiriiiiif."

ad others, and new lots being I

pared at present I

eonumou uttacneu, so Hint worn upoh , , ""Kht be nothingpioj.ct may begun as soon w",rkM ,,.,, fu,r "lm ""' I'uWIChfelt that enough funds on ,' 7 enen,) Prince Victor

ml "lnl"-- t',e h ml w sof the Napoleon, who, b) viu. recentlyct a eertnlnt). bull b Me-ssi-s Uelsei ,,,, ..VIUol... lllld , no, .uhlretd

somecoming to



J Brown,







presumption of


YORK. Augusthas

Is e- -Sirthat





sub- -sctlbeih




ii lias consequent!) uoen ueciueil iinciors, nisi memoes mosi PiniPj j'ince Napoleonhi gin on the realization of the much of the heavy us the 'nle Pall Gazette rtcentli had idiscussed plans the and walls, the tulveits, which all Hdltufous stoi) about great Bonapirt-wlt- hthis object In a meeting crote, and lllllngs, which at plaees plot against rtpubllc Inv...u ,,vjv Ulll--I IIUUII.

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Mr. Frohman release nnd W nrmn'succeeded get- - Magoon. C. one



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? C" hat!" "".?. "????'.uui,wj nwn

wvii iut aiH.tti. uuutu inis onutlon will be Installed at Walmnnalo. b) 'vlll also be selected. In all "unl 8UPP"eu- -

I'rof John A Fleming, who nrrliedfrom nt the same meeting None has been At th present time water Is beingWashington via the Sierra He will re- - decided UK)n at the present time, supplied by the Government throughmain with the station for about )ear 'though one considered In every way pipe with Walklkl. but later.Prof Power, who was here )car ago, suitable can be The subscrib- - when the reservoir, which Is under con-biga- n

the preparation of the for l'i"s despali the government tender- - structlon on Diamond Head, flnish-th- estation, which are to completed lnK '"d for the purpose, nnd have ei, water will be supplied from thisby Prof. Fleming. The location selected suitable lu which will be pource. Owing to lack of money, theis mar llarber's Point at Turner's suggested at next Mondav's meeting. Government workProf, riemlng went down to Wai- - and can Keo no why Instl- - !! L ?.this, but haveownersmanalo )eterday to examine loca- - tutlon should not equipped nnd

tlon. nnd work will commence as soon "' to patients within a advanced the necessary cash, aas the contractors put In acceptable bids. If all goes well, perhaps lu nine without Interest, to be repaid the

months Is In funds again, and"The stand at present: reservoir is thus expected to flnlsh-Fro- m

countr) law officers fund. J67.6J0. with ed In sixcomes the decision that no offlelnl ther promise on condition Jto.OOO ll " u' nP honed tnat tne paitmeniany department a dec slon The building equipment fumtof and on this the amounts to sundry ""t watering carts as soon as hecase of the Issuance of certificate of amounts piomlsed In addition reservoir is

to the son of Won How, is "I feel confident the' limit of ts now '" condition, villi soonin favor of the Chinese infant. 100,000 for the will be terlorate Into dust, the

General Knox says that reached before building are finish- - vailing dryness, and be literally blowndecision all persons born In ed, and that, building and away by s, on

.... .Jte,s ma7 b? cltlien. must will also increased the part where the roadbed Isd"plte eontrorr opin. before mone required. posed coral rock. If water is secti-ons oy asenu. js0 oVtmite plans for the bulldln ed. however. Honolulu will soon able

boast of new and splendid reportthose who love "the

winds and the song of the murmuring



DuKe of Surrounded byHis Own Little


PARIS, August The moment searce-1- )seems opportune for the Orlcanlsts to

to cause trouble In Trance, but thereno doubt that the French Government

that something Is afoot and the)doing their best to discover exactly

what that something Is. Special reportsbeen ordertd from agents of the

Government In nearly every capital ofEurope and strict suivelllonce has beenInstituted over the leading Orleanlsts In

The Duko of Orleans Is some-where In the on boaid the)ucht Marousbla, on which keeps averitable court. The crew Is armed and

olllcers wear swords nnd uniformssimilar to those In the French nav). Thoolllcers and men wear medals bearing

"""" " rojal house, which arcalso all about the )acht and the tlttlngs.But most temarkablo of all thetarrks breeeh-Ioadln- g guns and machineguns.

It Is the knowledge of this ap-In- u

of soicrelcntv that has enusfil thnuneasiness of Fnnch Golernment.

who know the chararter of theOuko of sav the Government

nf l.iltllw J.tt.n!.rttt Tl... anpurt inKe. victor is the he-i- d of thefamlli and Is devotedly attached tohim.

Jailor Crow ell has been busy packingP the effects of the ga lery and stor- -

tn"n ln th,; sPrlff care atJail

The property on which the-- galleryStamlH liellltlirv tn .Inhn rumlisi on.l

ns .i, shnxb .m;..i xtV. T. Itobiiisoii will begin the erection

a commodious suite- - of single-stor- y

otllces In their stead. The new officeswill oicupv forty feet front on Main"v"' w,ni a depth or thirty feet, and

"' nllve a '"1rfe veranda In front. Mr.'?.b ns2" .?.'" Ji'1'..?1 s'd.ewalk fr?" the

'"... "Il.r i l"e IIOS premises to"ou "tVi property

now ns suli Wt lease of., .. J.uuum mree vears vei 10 un.

Proposed b) Mr. Robinson, for thereason thnt it Is In the heart of the,non wl" occupy, one or both of the

Is not a boom by nn) means, but slm-pl- )natural expansion of a henlthv

tow n Maui New s.

Nahiku'a Collapse.The closing of Nahlku as a sugar plan-

tation does not argueagalnsttlie sugar Industry on Maul, butslmpl) dimonstrutes the folly of tr)lngtovtart plantation without proper f-

inancial backing Maul will not suffer bylapse of Nahlku, as the water supply

of Nnklhu will doubtless be made avail-able for the Irrigation of the vast plainsof central Maul, where there are thou-sands of acres of excellent cane land,slmpl) waiting for the magic charm ofwater. Maul News

Judge Lacombe, of the United StatesCircuit Court, has rendered a decisionagainst tht. compellingthem to pa their creditor ji oneand millions.

'" " "neiesiuu uue uoi ueen luie, "...... ,,. ..,., ,,., ,i,.i i,, rmiim. ,,u u ,i,...u n,..,i...i, !,....... ImDmni.iit nr.,i,.vXntly" "' FnTTl V?' " "'" J''" reetXlHU.nru'-'".- " of e' s'eUne wh"hcou t h b'y the' taT h'T' Photo- -mute -

Mr Alexander Young, one W'ihC" ev" tlle e soon to torn downn .. as n of surrounding seen- - away. During






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It Is certainly a delightful loo.illtv.i?UB"u's. the town. Rob- -

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George Freeman Succumbed to

Heart Disease While

Bathing at Waikiki.

Down b) the Hawaiian Hotel Annex'at Walklkl on Saturday afternoon abather, Otorge Freeman by name, methis death In six Inches ofwater.

I About 5 ui lot k In the afternoon the'dei eased man hired a bathing suit andIshortl) afterwards entered the water.No one seems to have observed him until hi" dead body was found In the shoalwater n foot or so from shore.

The Bcrilces of Drs. Murray and Herbert were requisitioned but It was toolate Jor them to be of any assistance.

Tne boay was taken to tne morguem d an autopsy performed by Dr. McDonald showed that death was attrib-utable to heart disease.

Until yesterday morning the Identityof the deceased man remained cloudedIr doubt. There was nothing In hisclothes or effects to reveal who he wasor from whence he came. It was rumor-ed nt first that he had arrived in Ho-rn lulu on the transport Kllpatrlck.

Yesterday the body was Identified bya friend as that of George Freeman, nnative of Devenport, Kngland. Hecame to the Islands In the bark Olym-pic. Up to Saturday afternoon he wasworking for Hackfeld & Co. on theYoung building. He drew his money atnoon and told his friend that he in-

tended to work overtime. Feeling tired,however, he changed his mind, andafter partaking of a couple of glaseof beer went to Walklkl for a swim.

The dead man was mlddte-nge- d andhis name was found tatooed six InchesIn length on his right leg.

How great are the possibilities of Ha-waii, as a fruit and vegetable growingcountr), will be understooJ when It be-

comes known that four crop of pota-to- shave been produced In succession

on the same piece of land within twelvemonths become edible ten

!Jns fer soiling Strawberry vinesbear fruit all the )enr. The berries nrethe finest flavor.

Cabbage grows all the ).or, and It ap-parently makes no difference whether ItIs planted In the spring, summer, au-tumn or winter. Parsle) once sowngrows forever, apparently. Lima beanscontinue to grow and bear for over n)car, nnd they have to be gathered every week after starting to bear. Cucumbers bear the entire )enr and so dotomatoes, which, with proper attention.bear for )ears Raspberries bear for sixmontliB.

Pineapples come Into bearing when theplants are four months old and near inabundance for years. Lettuce can beplanted at any time and It developesquickly. The same Is true of celery.Fruit Trade Journal and Produce Record

A lame shoulder Is usually causedby rheumatism of the muscles, andmay be cured by a few applications ofChamberlain's Pain Balm. For sale byBenson, Smith & Co , Ltd , generalagents, H. T.



DWill KeepYour Premises,IStables and



PUREN And in

Good Condition.

F jujiji

One Pint will make aBacket of the best dis-

infectingEr Medium

Price 25c per Pint.

jut 1T Pat np in gallon, 5

gallon and barrel con-


N ..imih lira IN

E Fort Street.




Page 3: WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U · 2015. 6. 2. · R M jC B.Hflr IIVKH J.. V m , mb r r."v w v x: XsV VOL. XXXVI, No. 65. HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 1n 13, mni.-SKMt.VE-EKLY. WILL PHY



Washington Re-

ports Full ofErrors.

(Special Correspondence )

D. C. Jul 27.

WASHINGTON,first results of theIn Ha-

waii, as eldenced here, has been theworklncs of a news bureau, whichseiii- - to huve for Its object the dtstrl-butto- n

of concerningthe people and things of the Islands.There seems to be some connection be-

tween the Humphreys faction and theoperator of this agency, for nothing hasbeen printed from this city which atsome point does not contain a compll-menta- rj

mention of the Judge of theFirst Circuit.

Some dajs past there was circulatedhere, and It seemed to be more than anaccident, for the men into whose handsthe papers fell were those whose du-

ties made them eager to see all thatwas printed about the new Territory,copies of the New Orleans Times-Democr-

containing an interview withJudge Abram S. Humphrejs, in whichhe took occasion to cast aspersionsupon the methods of the sugar plant-ers in connection with the new labor-ers secured for the estates. This wasplaced In the hands of many personswho would take notice of It, and theImpression created was far from good.

Newspapers now coming back to thiscit hae in them special reports fromthe men here, which show the samebias, and It appears to friends of theislands that there must be an agencyat work to spread abroad Inaccurateand totally misleading reports con-cerning the political conditions. Therealways has been up to this time a de-gi-

of fairness In the handling of Ha-waiian matt ei 8 from here, which madenoticeable the open enmity of a fewpapers Now there Is eieeplng Intojournals which alwajs before haeshown good-wi- ll statements which ateknown here to be at variance with thefacts, and which could hae been dis-

proved by any attempt at investiga-tion This again Is taken as an el-den-

of the workings of a Hum-phre- js

propaganda, which, seems tohae for Its motto "Rule or Uuln."

The special story following, from theIloston Post, Is one at point, where thefacts could hae been learned by theslightest Inquiry. That there are manyletters recehed by each mall at the

arlous departments from oMcials InHawaii, Is true, but there are not morethnn have been expected by the heads ofdepartments, who know something ofthe many questions which arise In ad-ministration, under new conditions, ina Terrltpry which Is so far away fromthe seat of government There haebeen protests from public assemblies,but thete hae been so few In numberthat they hao not been taken as afactor In the situation by the officials

More ridiculous than any other state-ment Is that which sajs that there Is apetition from the Bar Association Infavor of the retention of Humphrey Inofllce Man protests have been re-ceived against him, not only that fromthe Bar Association, but from Individ-uals who say they hae had businesswith the courts, but the petition whichIs on file here In faor of the Jurist isnot from the Bar Association at all,but is an entirely unofficial one. Thosehfte who hae heurd about the practi-cal unanimity with which the Bar pro-nounced against the Jurist would notbe misled by the report printed In Bos-ton, but there are many persons t"whom the false statement will appeila correct.

Th2 conclusions atrlted at In thedispatch are peculiar In that no onehere ever heard of such a suggestion,ecept pel haps when made by one oftlif opposiM-- he only commissionvj. ch Is prortable i one which wouldsupplement the work of the arlous de-partments which Is now undei waj, asthat of the Fish Commission, or theCoast and Geodetic Suney, or the Ag-ricultural Department, by making nnInqulrv into the land question and theeducation and labor problems. Thehitter Is the most probable, for whileCommissioner Wright has sent a manto the Islands he may find it necessaryto go Into the matters more deeply Inthe future, now that he has data fromwhich to work. In observing changedconditions Inquiry at the White Housefalls to develop nny suggestion onwhich might be founded the conclusionof the writer that Governor Dolewas in hiding or wanted to resign, nfact, Secretary of the Interior Hitch-cock, before leaving for his vacation,knew Just where the Governor was andwhat was his condition.

Inquiry at the Attorney General's De-partment shows that there has beenbent to that ofllce a mass of matterwhich will be considered In connectionwith the Humphreys case, and that ap-peals to be the only case where thereIs any trouble, which Is not to be ex-pected, and which Is at all difficult ofadjustment. The conclusion reached bythose friends of the Islands who havelooked Into these reports is that themen interested In sending out themisstatements are acting In the Inter-est and probably under the pay ofHumphreys, Jo create an impressionthat all conditions In the Islands arebad, and that the only way in whichthey may be bettered Is to place himand his faction In control. The follow-ing 13 the article printed in the BostonPost, under date of July 24th, from thiscity:

The newly made American citizens oftho Territory of Hawaii are having a ser-ious time with their political affairs. Ifmatters do not Improve It may ba neces

sary for the Prrtddrnt to irrd tornMront mn to the lilnmU In oe hfprohlrm The rhnl faction wvio at limtaccount! flKhtitiR mori blttrrli than r r

Th trouble romn from rlalr livinthe 'nuthr anil mlMlnnim elementsIn I he llmwilliin population Guv Doleand u majority of the excruthe olllrtulof the lxlanu In long to the mlxnloiinr)tin and arc dcteMtd, olltlrally, by tinimthe and li Hie people who work thethe unlive In politic. The discordantelement In the two Moused of the Territorial t.rRbdiiturv hilW' Ik ell IlKlltlmcalnco early hint winter, the remit lielnifthat the I.t clulnuire Iuin Ik in In nlmotconMiint iK'!on, niul the only work donehaa been to pan resolutions culling uponIreldi lit Mi Klnle to remote GovernorPole ami another set of revolution or

Acting-Govern- Cooper, who Is aDole man, from the tloor of the Houe ofItepresentntives

Karl In tho spring things became ancomplicated, and Gov Dole worrkd aboutthtm so much, that he was ordered byhis phslclnns to leave Honolulu nnd goto the mountains of the Inlands for arest. He went aw a, none but his physicians knowlp-- r where, and although thatwas three or more months ngo. he hadnot returned when the last mall forWashington left Honolulu two weeks ago. I

Nuliodv seems to know where the Gov-ernor Is, except that be Is off somewhereritlng.

In hi absence Socrctnrj Cooper hasbten appointed acting governor the ap-pointment coming from Governor Doleand this act hv the" Governor has Ik onattacked on the ground that be cannotlaw full ilelegnte bis nuthorltv to anperson Complaints have roailml the

department concerning the absenceof; the Governor and the official acts ofthe acting governor.

The leader of the forces opposing theDole administration Is Judge A 'S Hum.phresf who holds office on the Hawaiianbench undir appointment from PresidentMcKlnle. Two ears ago, seeing thepolitical storm coming on, Judge Hum-phreys, who 1 a wealthy mill, estab-lished a dalli iiiwspaper at Honoluluand starteil In with his dally newspaperon the anti-Dol- e campaign. Dverv thingthat Dole wanted IIumplirevH did notwant and would not have.

A short time ago there was a meetingof number of the Honolulu bar, who areHinpatli!zers with Dole, and a petitionwas s'gned and forwareled to Washing-ton, protesting against theVeiippolntmrntof Humphreys as Judge In the Islands.The protest was forwarded to Washing-ton, where It was placed In the handsof tho President, and In coure of timea commlttie of the Honolulu bar macome to Washington to back up the peti-tion

Judt,e Humphrr , howevir, has asmany membe-- r of the bar on his side astheie are iigalnst him: and still anotherbar association petition has reached here.this one upholding Judge Humphrevs Inthe strongest term The Judge himself,It Is announced, will come to Washingtonby the next steamer and press his casefor leappolntment before Ihe departmentof Justice, and afterward go to Cantonto see tho President on the same errand.

At no point In the light In Honoluluhas uny serious harm been done to theronimunlt It Is merely like a lot ofhalf grown bos trlng to play at politics,not knowing the limitations of the gamenor the code that governs 1. The busi-ness of the Islands Is not suffering. Whena public crisis like the appearance ofplague, develops, the people all get to-

gether and work for the common weal.Hut they cannot run their llttlo government In peace.

It is not Impossible that the Presidentrpny bo compelled to send "n new gover-nor to Honolulu for Governor Dole Isvery likely to resign soon or a commis-sion there to llnd out what Is wrong withthe stcm they have and apply a rei-ned. The present tumultuous politicalconditions cannot be allowed to continue,because they are a nuisance to the gov-

ernment nt Washington. Dvery mallfrom Honolulu brings to all depirtmentsof the government a Hood of petitions,protests and remonstrances fiom everypublic assembly that has met In Honolululor two weiks before the steamer sailed.

Nothing has appealed In print aboutHawaii of recent jenrs wlilih con-tains a greatei number and vntlet ofmisstatements. D C I

goo1in fair shape

The work of dealing the biseinenCofthe wrecked Hull building of waterwas begun yesteiday morning whenGeorge Paris set up a gasoline pump-ing plant, which was run all day. Theclearing away of the debris about theengine and djnamo was'carried on un-til the hitter was taken out not badlyInjured The gasoline tank was foundIntact under the stdewnlk.

The woik of salvage was carried onall day, much stock which was badlyelamaged being found. Investigationmade shows that the shelves tilled withpipe llttlngs In the basement were noteven broken by the fall of the llooiupon them, and the supposition Is thattheir contents are Injact. Only iccentlythere had been put on the shelves acarload of fittings representing an in-

vestment of about $7,000, which wouldmean a consideiable amount of sal-vage In Itself. The same Is thought tobo true of tho stock of carriage andmachine bolts.

The work of taking out the goods isgoing on under the direction of the In-

surance adjustei, an accounting beingkept for his guidance, nlthough the lossof the firm being so much greater thanthe insurance, all the stock which Isrecovered will be the property of the.corporation. The Insurance companiesare making every arrangement to set-tle the loss at once so that there willbe no delay in the Insured getting theuse of the money to which they areentitled.

The work of straightening out thestock of Lewers & Cooke goes on Inthe same way. In the new store roomshelving Is being prepared for the ear-ning of a fair stock at once, then!being already in the room many sortsof shelf goods. The mass of the simi-lar stock in the old building Is beingfound worthless, but there Is somewhich will be salable. It Is the opinionof the members of the Arm that twomonths will elapse before the old storeroom will be In shape for occupancy.A new roof will have to be put on thebuilding and a new upper floor laid. Inaddition there will be much time lostIn cleaning out the evidences of thefire. The insurance adjuster is hardat work and the losses will be paid assoon as possible.




Plumbers to Re-

sume Work onNew Scale.(From Saturdt'9 dally)

The pluinbeis' strike which has beenIn progi ess for fourteen weeks, to thegreat damage and discomfort of thepeople of Honolulu, has finally beenamicably adjusted, and the Journey-men pluinbeis will go to work for theirformer employers Immediately. Theplumbeis stiuck May 1st for an ad-

vance In wages of from live dollars tosix dollais per day, and the compro-mise was made at $5 30 per day, whichIs accepted as satisfactory by bothniiistei plumbeis and Journeymen.Thiit-tw- o men go buck to woik undeithe new scale, which Is to be effectivefor one enr, though a good manyotheis who went out on the strikeoilginally have left the clt, man re-

turning to San Francisco and othersgoing to Mnnila.

Tlie settlement was reached at ameeting of the arblttatton committeesfrom both sides, held Thursday at noon,niul the agreement signed by the com-mittees was accepted b Local Jour-n- e

man's -- Union No. 223 at a meetingheld the snme evening. The agree-ment was ratllled by the Master Plumb-ei- h'

Association at their meeting lastevening Membeis of both oiganlza-tlon- s

and of the respective arbitrationcommittees were seen esteulav by anAdveitlser reporter, but neither seem-e- el

unlouH to tliscus the matterthough freely admitting that the strikewas ended nnd that the settlement wassatlsfactoiy. Aside from the admis-sion of the compromise ami the scaleagreed upon, little Information was giv-en out.

The members of the arbitration com-mittee foi the mastei plumbers weieMessrs. Bath, Gerlng and Davidson;for the striking Journemen, O'Donnel,chairman; Heed and one other mem-b- ei

whose name could not be learned.The meeting of the two committees atwhich the compi onilse was leacliedwas held Thursday morning, after anumber of Ineffectual attempts toreach a settlement had been made

Uv the terms of this agreement theJouinpjtuen plumbeis aie to receive auniform rate of $5 50 per dny of eighthouis The journeymen were receiv-ing live dollars pel day and demandedsix.

The second part of the agi cement Isto the effect that the master plumbersshall employ no one but iiiembois ofthe Journeninn's union, and the Jour-iieiue- ii

agiee to work foi no one nota member of the Master Plumbers' As-

sociation.The thlid clause In the agreement

pi ovules that the new M'nle Is to takeeffect Immediately and to be In forcefor one year from date.

The stllke has been In foice sincethe first day of May on which datethe ultimatum served on the masterplumbers went Into effect The strikehas lntei fei e'd seilously with ninnyinipinveiiientH contemplated hut whichcould not be completed because offailuicto suppl plumbing connections.The extension of the sew ei age sstemb the Board of Public Works hus alsobeen Impeded by the strike, and thereare hemes of applications foi sewerconnections on file which could not bemade because of failure to secureplumbeis to do the wotk

To one very unusual feature of thestrike is due the fuct that conditionshave been no worse than they were.The strikers, or at least as many us re-mained In Honolulu, went to work ontheir own account, and some of themopened small shops, from which theyexecuted orders. The settlement of thestrike In a manner perfectly satisfac-tory to both sides will be a source ofgreat gratification, as many Improve-ments delayed because of the strikecan now be accomplished It Is ex-pected also that the settlement of thestrike will cause the lnllux of enoughmore plumbers from the states to sup-ply the demand for their services

T. F, Davison, speaking for the mas-ter plumbers Inst evening, said1 "Thestrike Is settled In a manner satisfac-tory to both sides, and I do not thinkany moie need be said than that Thewage scale as agreed upon was agiee-all- e

to both Journeymen nnd masterplumbers and the men will go to workui der the new scale Immediately,"

Mr Reed, a memher of the arbitra-tion committee for the Journeymen,said: "The strike has been settled andsome of the men staited to work to-day. The scale was accepted at $5 50at a special meeting of the union heldInst evening and was satisfactory toou men. We do not care to discussthe affair In the newspapers, except tosay that the terms of arbitration areacceptable to us."

Some of the men went to work yes-Urd-

but the majority of the strikerswill not return to their places beforeMonday

GOOD MEDICINR FOR CHILDREN.If you have a baby In the house you

will wish to know the best way tocheck any unusual looseness of thebowels, or diarrhoea so common tosmall children. O. P. M. Holllday, ofDemlng, Ind who has an elevenmonths' old child, saya: "Through themonths of June and July our baby wasteething and took a running off of thebowels and sickness of thestomach. His bowels would movefrom five to eight times a day. Ihad a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and DIarrhoe Remedy in thehouse, and gave him four drops In ateaspoonful of water and he got betterat once." For sale by Benson, Smith& Co, Ltd.. general agents, H. T.

The popular and able Ecuadoranconsul In Chile was recently founddead In the street with both ears cutoff and a bullet wound In his head.


I 8T"1. Altl STI t) in tho Mm k innrkt' l'h. n- - inn i heI.Sni.itu) (ii'UiKh ii Hi iii the nun mean li t hut the will tint

KU intii the market hi iwl) Whttlur mi n't i i ause t the uimei-ti- lcondition of the labor market, or the stale of I in augur market in the

Unst. or the fear that there will be tariff tlnkeiing no !. mil tell but thefatt remain Just Ihe same. The buying width is dune appears to be of largolots and the purchase are being made l the colbl men. thoe who now havelarge holdings Almost every broker In the street has unlet to lw of theold stock Some of these are at figures which ate much below the pieseutrate, but they indicate that those who know the stocks will not allow themto go outside. The sale of Ewa, which was made at 25, was to a large hold-er of the stock, mid it Is said o nauthurlty 1 onis of the lunkciM that therewns nothing of distrust which caused the sale, only a necessity to realize

Once more the week's quotations allowed a gradual decline, though theiewere not heavy transactions except at one meeting. In Ewn There weiesales of this stock at 25 and later small lots sold at 21 S There are bii-iu- g

orders In for this stock so that It Is hardly probable that there will bemiith greater decline While 2t 2 I bid tor the shines now, the holdingsare weak at 2". Mcllide is fairly sluing nt 8, a decline of M dining theweek. There were sales of Oahu at a llgure below the opening quotation of13., the shares ending the week at a decline of 2 points hid. Walalua.went oft from SI with a sale at SR to SO bid. The mercantile stocks andthe various bonds were In stiong hands and the prices are firm. Theie Is ex-pected some sagging of MeHnde as the lltiul assesiinent of $3 a share hasbeen called Konit Is In the market to Increase Its stock by one-hal- f, andissue bonds, and the leaders In the stock ate confident of success If theshuns sell

W1LLIAMS-DIMON- D CIRCULARSSAN FRANCISCO. July 31. Sugar No changes since 25th Instant In

the local maiket, or for cxpoit to Honolulu, dry gianuhited for local con-sumption still being quoted at 5 21c

Basis July 25th, no sales, 2Cth, spot sale, 1,000 tons at I 27th, nohales; 20th, spot sale, 1,000 tons nt 4 since w hleh no sales, establishinghints for centrifugals In New Ymk on thnt date, 4.15Gc. SanFrancisco, 3,781c.

London Heets Jul 25th, s SH, 2ith, 9s 3d, 27th to 30th. 9s 3d.Dry Granulated New York Unch ungttl List pi Ice, 6.30c, established17th Instant, still prevails Arbuckle and Howell, ten polntN lower,

London fable Julv 20th. quotes Java No 1." V. S, 10s lOV&d; fair refining,ss 9d, against 11s Hd and 13s, respectlvel. mine date last year. Augustbeets. 9s 3 VI, against 12 0d, same peilml last .vein.Eastern and Foielgn Markets Since our Inst a tinner feeling In the rawsugar market has become manifest In New York, nnd while latest advicesunder date of 26th instant reveal slight offerings nnd n scarcity of transac-tions, nevertheless, the sales tereiitly olTeetid Indicate lenewed strength andfirmness. A featuie has been the unusually early arilwil of new crop Javos;the first cargo leached the breakwater mi the 2.".d Instant, being subse-quently sold at lis 3id C. 1 F. pei luiiulifd weight, a pilce equivalent to13-l- landed tenns. A gradual decline In quotations for European beets hasoccurred, but they are still above the pultv of our maikets Beneficial rainsthere have dissipated the diought fnrmeilv pievalllng. In refined a largebusiness ha.s been done with the privilege of delneit dellvei. Although theirregularity In list prices of u fined Mig.u mittimus, puicluiscrs are pro-tected at the lowest level or nnv rellner In one wny or another.

Free Trnde With Potto ltlco The pioelamntlon Issued by Presidenton the 25th Instant, declining free timle between the United Statesand Porto Rico, places Porto Rlen plnuteis In u most ndvnntagentis position.

Latest Statistical Position Wlllett & Ginv repent, Julv 25. United Statesfour ports, In all hands, estimated Jul 21, 273,611 tons, agaliiht 137,701 tonssame time last ear Sl piluelpU pons Cubi, estlinuted July 23. 111,500tons, against 17,820 Ions same period last eai Total stock In all principalcountries by cable, July 25, at latest uneven dates, 1,376 119 tuns, against 1,031,-91- 3

tons, Inrtense over last ear, 311,171 tonsP. S Our Intest sugut telegiam at hand this p in from New Yoikdated July 31, 1901, reads as follows'"Cost and ficlght sales today, GOO tons Cuba ccntilfugals, test,at 4 Granulated unchanged Beets, ) 3c "Consequently, basis for centrifugal In New York continues at4,156c; San Francisco, 3.7Slc.SAN TRANCISfO, Aug 2 Sugar No changes since ,, 31st ultimo In

the,local market or foi export to Honolulu, prices. etablluhel 15th tilt stillbeing In force.Basis August 1st, spot Halo. 1,500 tons at 4 MtabllHlilug h isis forcentrifugal In Now Yoik on that date, 1 USo, San Francisco



Another Report on Doun'.s Hackache Kidney I'ills.

If your poor back still aches,If you toss all night racked In pain,If you cannot bend over or straight-

en up,Depend upon It, It's your kidneys.And kidney disorder raroly leaves ot

It's own accord.Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are a

goal kidney medicine.They cure kidney complaints.This Is how thoy fulfilled It with a

Honolulu citizen:Mr. A. J. Cahill, of Fort street, this

city, night watchman In the employ ofMessrs. T. H. Davies & Co , Ltd., says:"Whilst a young man I wnB a sailorand at one time worked for the InterIsland service. I was, however,obliged to give up sea life on accountof severe suffering from my back andkidneys For this I hai tried variousremedies, but tho one which restored Seattle will bo given on Monday and thome to health was Doan's Backache Oriental ships will bo turned over a.s fusttKidney Pills procured nt Holll8tcr's1as tiity airivo In port.Drug Store. They relieved me com- -' a,1 consideration paid for tbesu shipsplotely nfter years of suffering. If any ls J.0l.w. which leaves about Kl.Ji

should get same medicineWhich helped Mr. Cahill. See that thefull DOAN'S BACKACHENEY PILLS ls the wrapper and


('"so any imitntion.Doan's Backncho Kldnor Pills are

sold by nil chemists and storekeepersat 50 conts por box, six boxes 2.50. orwill be mailed on receipt of price byhe Holllster Drug Co., Honolulu,

wholesale agents for tho HawaiianIslands

Buy Government TransportsTnu combination Is ripld-I- v

acquiring a gnnt licet of occ.ni ear-lier for the Oriental as well as theco ist trade In addition to the steamersnlread bought of Dodwell & Co. thoUnited Stntes transports soon to bu puton the market by the Government willbo acquired Tho whole of tills greatlleet will by operated In connection withthe Northern Paclllc and Orent Northernlallroads.

'1 official announcement of the pur-chase of Dodwell & Co ' OrientalTacoina, Ol and Victoria and theirconst steamship City of Seattle, now hi

,'tiu Northeast! m Alaska trail.., wnsrunde today. Possession of tho Cltv of

Is to used as a nucleus of a linothat will control Alaska rates and husl- -"ess, which has heretoforo been some--what demoralized Cxamlner, July 30


Sprinklers and

annlymV"! SMiM Zl OrlenTal" liners bU.u,-- n.t V.a "'a' f lrLy..tQnin2,tOl)er.f0Ud.at.X.an,v'll,,,l,loo The City of Seattle, pur--

ri,,,i i,v n,.. m, !,.. r,.ni i. iuYou the

name KID- -on re- -



said, bo


COLLEGE AND BBMINAHTlCourses; Muslo nnd Art: excsltaBt ad- -i

nntnge. A refined, Christian bom; for young Indies. Fall term ktclnaAugust 7. 190L For Information, ddress MRS. C. T. MILLS, Mills Col-- 1lego Postoillce, California.

I .


Incorjxiratcd Under tho Laws of lasRepublic of Hawaii.CAPITAL iCOO.MO.M

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Chns M. Cooke PresidentP. C. Jones Vice PresidentC. II. Cooke CashierF. C. Athcrton Assistant Cashier

Directors Henry Waterhouse. TomMay, F. W. Mncfarhmc, E. D. Tenaey,J. A. McCandlcss.

Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor-porations, Trusts, Individuals, and willpromptly and carefully attend to allbusiness connected with banking en-trusted to It. Sell and Purchase For-eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit.


Ortlnlnrv nnri Term TVnnnalta nwinlwijnnd Interest allowed In accordance withruics and conditions printed In vbooks, copies of which may be hadapplication,

Judd Building, Fort Street,

Irving-ton-, California.


beautiful; clatmate all thatcould bo desired. A military school ofhighest grade, and at the same tlsoa pleasant home.

Only one-ha- lf hour's ride by raHfrom Mills College.


The Famous Tourist Route of theWorld.

In Connection With theSteamship Line

Tickets are IssuedTo All Pointa in tho United States

and Ciinnda, viu Victoria andVancouver.

MOUNTAIN RESORTS:Band', Glncier, Mount StephonB

and Fraecr Canon,

Empress line o steamers from' Vancouver.

Tickets to All Points In Japan, China,India and Around the World.

For tickets and general Informationapply to

THEO. H. DAVSES& CO., LTD.Agents S. 8. Line,

Canadian Paclflo Railway.

B 41 PIUSI'alna in thn tinrlr anrf all lrln.1.1plaints. Free from Mercury. UstablUhoupwaras or u years, in Doxea is. H.each, of all Chemists and Patent Med I

venuura mrougnom me wormPrnnrfAlnra Th rin.nln a... ftfi.,1......Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, En- -



ER. A gas balance for Indicatingcontinuously the proportion ot car-bonic gas In the flow ot the tumacsgases, and which enables the engineerto get the best result from the fuel.

These machines are now In use atthe Oahu 8ugar Company, PioneerMill, Kekana Mill and the KukmlatMill, Hawaii.

GEORGE OSBORNB,Kukatau, Hawaii, Agent for the

Hawaiian Islands.

.....- i


Ten Thousand FeetOF HOSE


In to our Brands of Ho.--o. which have given suchwe ofler and J? inch Garden Hose at Low Prices.

In Fireproof Safes


The Bank HawaiiLIMITED.



Canadian-Australi- an

Canadian-Australia- n


How Save Fuel





addition Speuial general--.atiafaction, Specially

wbhave THE HALLIt is poor economy to buy a poor safe. Get a Hall and Get the Best. f

Second-Han- d Safes at Barqains. i

Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd. I

Page 4: WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U · 2015. 6. 2. · R M jC B.Hflr IIVKH J.. V m , mb r r."v w v x: XsV VOL. XXXVI, No. 65. HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 1n 13, mni.-SKMt.VE-EKLY. WILL PHY

.yauSif " zsmf




auwiiau(rHutlUiiej-r-d at the Postofflce of Honolulu,

H. T Second-clas- s Msttlr,SEMI-WEEKL- Y.

lroll 11KSDAYS AM) FltlllAlb


Hl'HSClUPTION 11ATK8P Month ...I .50

m- - Mnnth. Foreign 76

r Year .. DtOO

JVr Vi.ir, Foreign 8.00

Parable Invariably In AdTance.

A. W. PEAKSON,Manager


The mil or the strike-- of loc.il plumb-

ers will be welcomed by nil who havethe health ot the city at heart. Sani-tary things hnve cone badly for wantf plumbing unci relief comes none tooooa.


Mews from the seismic center will bewaited here with Interest, the tidal

wave at Kallua being an ulmost sure-sig-

of an earthquake at ft distance.Opinion Is divided between SouthAmerica and Japan as the scene of thedisturbance, either place having a rec-

ord for displays of earth's convulsiveforces which marks It high In the list

f suspects.-

11 Dr. Jural Smith will find a curi ,

lor the aore-hea- d sease which kin somany fowls, ull v. Ill be forgiven. Cheappoultry nnd cheap eggs would be oursto command save for the mysterioushen malady Dr Smith has begun anInvestigation and, happily, will have theentire scientific resources of the Depart-ment of Agriculture at his command tomake It successfpl

Honolulu Is us well adapted to a'rlokshaw service us Is Yokohama orKobe but oddly enough the local Jap-anese coolies. een If they pulled 'rick-shaws at home, cannot be got to do Ithere. They think the work degrading.Yet there would be plenty of money for

he little brown men In a llf teen-ce-

'rickshaw line, as people would sooncome to appreciate Its convenience. '

The two great Republican pnpeis ofCalifornia the Chronicle and the Call,are waging an effective w at fareagainst the Republican Stale otgunlzu-tion- ,

which f conti oiled by Dan Humsand his parasites It Is sometimes thehighest purtv duty to oppose the puitmachine, a fuel which wo IllustratedIn California when the Chronlile andthe Call defeated Hums for the UnitedStates Senate The present campaignfor reform Is curried on with a relent-less vigor which piomlses to giveHums another finishing touch

The Roman f'nthnlli Church whichwith all rpspecl to Its lellglous polllv.is one of the stiougest police forcesknown to the woild. has a gie.it dutyyet to perform In these Islands to-

wards Its younger I'm tugues,. commu-nicants lt Is undeniable thut a hugenumber of the'e boys are growing upas thieves. They ate responsible forthe most of the petty pllfeilng done InHawaii and especially In Honolulu.The police can do little with them, butthe church, with Us powerful hold upontheir Instincts of obedience, could do agreat deal JjVc know of no publje orspiritual sei'Vjce Uie c)iuiill could' per-

form In these parts of nioie Importancethan the reformation of the lads whoare now doing theli best to nmient- -ly group themselves with the ci Imluiilclasses.

i, ... i.. .,,. ...nnilM .r,i., il, ,n uiv iineuna curium iiiuiWest will h ave Us w , about the renew -

of the law.getting lfhtl, rrled Hawaii,

lno).Ib the to

die West theie Is always a. shoitnRu.during harvest time, of while toilersThe South begins to realise that. If itis to develop Its rc"ouices and get rich,it must have bettei manual seivlce.than the negroes glse Even Californianeeds cheap and reliable labor on Itsfruit farms and the cmrylng out ofrailioad und Hume entei prises, and, theJap being unreliable, the Chinumaii Isall that 'tilTers. We do not believe, ofcourse, that tin? country, however press-ed for labor, would open the Hood-gate- s,

but It ought to be practicable toso amend the cjcluslon law as to per-mit the entrance of a ceitaln numbet ofChinese eveiy year foi a ? lecllled termof years

The good news that the LouisianaBtate Uoard of Health has taken offthe restrictions dn Porto Rlcan labor,bound fpr Hawaii, will probably be fol-

lowed by the further news that theImportation of these, people has beenresumed. Owing to good reports sentback to the West Indian Island there Isa general destie nmong the laboringpoor to come here, and nowstands In tne way That the health ofthe Porto Iticans or rather, their free-dom, fromtjlnfectlous diseases Is opento no doubts may be conceded on allsides, now that the Louisiana Hoard ofHealth has to It, for any ex-cuse to cripple our sugar Industry thatwould hold wate'r Is always eagerlyitelzed by the Loulslanlans JudgeHumphreys made a strenuous effort atNew Orleans to keep the Southernplanters up to theirwork but as usual he scored an Igno-minious failure.

A Humphreys penny-a-line news bu-reau at Washington says that a Ha-

waiian Bar Association memorial Inhis favor been received in that cityAs the Association has not reversed ornn llfled its vote thirty-seve- n toBeen against the branded Judge,story is untrue enough to havewritten by Humphreys himself Pos-sibly the minority seven, five of whomare either his relatives or employes,have resolved themselves into new-Ba- r

Association and endorsed the cor-rupt "Jurist:" or perhaps the sixteenunlettered native legislators whomHumphreys turned Into "lawyers" with,

examination after they had passedhis notorious Bailiff act, are pretendingto be somebody. In either case it will

take the real Bar Association longto expose the humbug and exhibit num.pbreya Washington in a new seriespetty frauds.


t'NDlU.Dfl of thousands i f wiukinmH plover, an many more fort id Intofrom lark of demand

1.ikki theirIdlent-- fr Hit want the ftnishtd

product eir for thn raw material, trado I.Iim Wedby tlr-up- s of the ordinary .hnnni. Ultimatums mid Html ilttipantle-- - tlieiemark the first year of the century. Indelibly Willi the Ironworkers nnd theirbillion-dolla- r trust lh struggle will In; n hard on. If the latest reports are not changed when the next news c.Jincii from the iene of thetrouble, while the minor disturbance will be lust to night In the erpi-cUv- e

that great struggleThen- - Is one point which hould li"t ewape lee In that general dlH- -

motion which has followed the strike of the steelworkers That Is the effectupon the workman the constantly neurrlng reports of the vast Rains to hiscmplover which, hnve no corresponding effect upon hl returns This shouldbe considered In the light of the past history the organizations of Irori inulMeelwnrkers and may shed n light Upon the general tendency of the times.Since the das the Bons of Vulcan, the first of the organizations of Iron-workers, there has been at the head of that order and Its successor, theAmalgamated Association, a man whose leading characteristic has been cau-tion and firmness. In the past these leaden have risen to positions of promi-nence through force of character, and while maintaining their adherence tothe order have become the heads of many great enterprises. Kuch a manwas John Jnrrett. the most skillful the rollers of his day, and after thatthe successful president of the tlnphite manufactory which was the pioneerIn this country Such a man again was William Welho, nnd so on through thelist of the men who made the organization which Is now pitted against thegreatest aggregation of cnpltal In modern history.

There hae been great struggles ln u,e ,mt. and the men who directedthem are still living On the other hand there are new hands at the helmsof the various corporations whlrh nre opposed to the workers What will bethe result cannot forecast, but that as It may, there are Indications thatIf the men of money force the Issue to Its ultimate conclusion, the battle ofwage-earner- s which hns been the theme of the hnranguer for a quarter-centur-

will follow There are good grounds for this fear, when it Is taken Intoconsideration that nn absolute stoppage of the Iron and steelworkera canhave only one result, a shutting down of the mines and the transportationlines which are mnlntnlned to supply the furnaces would mean thatthere would be an nlmost complete stnppngo of work In n half-doze- n States,with all the attendant disorders.

'Die capitalists have nt stake their vast Investment, stocks held In many'lands, the men will risk their futures, for now that theie Is but one employ- -. ..,. .., .,,. .... t.trtc-Vcl- t t If the nmtm.n) ,,, l(1 reIlr(. for tn,. flltreable mass in the way or tin- - irrosistliili. force That there nre not enoughworklngmen has been shown the pa,t veur In many wnys There has beena stor of the same Import from evry corner of the Union Crops to har-vest, materials to be worked up and Improvements to be made and few mento do the work It would win then that the question would fiomsource Is to be diawn the non-unio- n men to break the strike Were It nnla mill heie and then- It would be different, but where It means all the steelmills of eapiclty In the country the problem Is more complex

aside the merits of the RtiJkc there appears a question of ethicsMillions made Ify the nieie action of consolidating companies, adding nothingto their equipment oi no greater eiipni ty to their fiirnnee.s nnd lolls, haeroused the men who are responsible the output of the mills to think thatthey, whose tialnlng has made such fortunes possible, should hnve ri enter :

turns Hven the gie.itest of modem benefactions, the millions given to libra-ries bv Andic-- Carnegie have eie, t(, n rouse In the minds of his 'ownworkmen, who linn- - benefited most y ),H llberalltv. the thought that per-haps the millions which are now ieturned to them nnd their children shouldlille come to them dlieet In the shnir of wage, for their Individual use andeiijuynu lit

In this xleu then tin I r-- ma be prcelplloted by this light n contest whichwill hae to do with the dealing of the all between the two factors of Ameri-can industrial life, a battle which will leid to a bettei understanding betweencapital and labor, one which will lcn. the contestants with more of respectfol the positions of each


Tin n Is an Aesop fable about theman who w mined a vlpei at his hearthotih to h.ne It tin n and sting liliuwhich is recalled by the attmupt of thehi niidcd Judge. Alirnin S lluinphieys.to disci edit the siigiii liulusti whichh.ir lclded hlui neai ly all the monevIa ivu Hindi , 'and to mid to its laborclilT'culllcp.

Pefoie ItavliiK lieie llumphies soldthe moHt If not all or his sugar stockand on ai living at New Orleans, theiiMile or the competing Ouir State su-

gar industiy, he undertook to cut downthe value of the stock to the puiehuH-e- r

and the alue of all other sugarholdings heie His weapon was nn in-

terview full of falsehoods as Inexcusable;

,s wcitv those for which he was recent-it.- -

hi nnilcd bv the San PiaimlscoChionlcle, the te.l of which l uemg posllloii or judge, will come iroinsent broadcast by Umlslana p.ipeis. !eeiy coiner of the group to look 'i,tnnHere me some of the Miniple lies nbout) the. erQwplnij furmt nnd the princelythn treiitincnt given the Pol to Rlcnn ' pluenpple, o test the guiiMi and the.. Ihnmlginnts

ln.v"tuiiitis nearly all airlMil In

an nnnemlc condition. due to the pofli

lusulllclint nourlshinent the wereaboard the ships on uie trip

""- - the Pacific I do not thin 1. the

",X, Vn"" JrVn' H.con,.,



8tl the Porto Hicans imoi not "'n

al Chinese occlusion Kami f' ,;',, po am, WOl.f,,iiyproblems me serious 111 s,n,(. t,t,y In both

the East and the liouse-servai- it piob- - ja) tn thc, ,,.,. w,.r,. promised andlem a grave perplexity. In Mld-'tn- i, iu,iirs tlie were work I under--




















anil ,......-,may



too ato

It Is to ,iIn their ami no.


.Vow that we ait a part ot thetin I iw Is en- -

In Itas ln portions ofso we can no draw--

mse Japanese for

upon as aa and lg- -

Imposed andA time ago a ar- -

In Honolulu containing S00

men, and children, nnd outof the notof a half If put toImmediately, so and were

lackto Spanish-America- n

warperlodlcialb of our in picthe reconcuntrado

In to viewthat


S. Humphreys, who ha.sto

and In columns hisnaturally to the same

has any to

traveling of

at em- -


be be


. (,,.,. ti.i.. onesTh ,.,,, to the

the Angeles as to thetreatment of the Ten to Rleans on thetrain from Louisiana to California, andwe of tin-i- t treatment heie So

llumplucs imt he tobeat witness, at nocost to Hawaii, simply to his

and It Is nt lint fouls Its own nest and Iluin-phte.i-

,i eonsldeied. Is one ofthe mi ever

to Hawaii.


the cuiumhei fiiiniami the beet from Kimul,

thethe Mitkao, the

for the willtied ulturlsts, men who

bem iIh to for

and the and the eggplant.And the acquiescent Oriental peihapswill come to look on uhd go tohis nlle acre and the same oldillmlutitUo vegetable, andwho has not his own orwill eat It pi for It will

all that may be hud theHut will be the

of agrlcultuiiil and hortlcultuialorodiicts Commissioner

to If the fi lilt and eg"- -

"","- - ":. ,. "" ,' V,'-- ' """ i" " inn-u- , nm.i ... w.v.

of size or succulence. hasiieen none may lie none more

be a splendid dls- -

thought nnd core to the development ofitl,er an

,() v a SI,t.cIlltv fo. tlu, xll.adapted naturally o the development"' icgetnbles and

Is and theof the Commissioner of Agriculture anilrorestry, to In the cul- -tlvatlon of the n"garden the willbe well the


ficr more a of workingfor telegraphic connection theMainland some pros- -

,a man In the committeeownershln. and who nl.

was any attempt toa Government ownershipDuring the Fifty-fift- h Con

gress wiih a theprivate ownership standpoint, and that

ba overlooked la tbt the Hou

i my ..... " - ..". ,pnld the promised them,haw bun to n longt r time jriouslv. An honest exhibit ofthan original!) held out to be grown will do to thethej left people Insistent upon the bent,

"The plontetH promised to educate Ih'and us well let the sm ill seechildren, hut thuv are also to mit i, done with Industiy andbreak woid In this regard, with the rri, ,,,u of exhibitions

that much education Is ()f s fll lm, showrun.- the Latin rhe plan ershold that better keep the I orto ii m..i,i r,.,mItlcaus natmol conditioneleiate them from their condition

unueiiSiatts ulltn contract laborforced the isnnuis a nc,piny the who nave

the other our country,that longer upon Liu

and our labor. Con- -

Porto lllco country fromwhich they might draw timidnorant easily uponsubdued shortrhed Porto

womenentire lot fifty were capable

doing day's Inbor workweak exhausted

they from of food."Just prior the

Harper's, Leslie's and other Illustrated countryturlng camps aroundcltlts Cuba exposed dying

lnhnr-- n. iinnoinio




little aboutwlml(, place

los Times good


false matter what

spite malice cllity blid


pilzeMaul gieat

monstei melon from Wuhlawn nndhottest peppei from

bluv ilbbuii wuge.Leu ngrli willglow them

tpiiiiRn onion



motley.theie good fiom expo-


"",."iway What

onceThere might made

would hnvemmk,

rertalnfiults should plans

amusewhat knows

resultworth effort.



there seems good

strong who

keeps back push

measurethere good bill fiom


wagesmade l.ibor what

before much maketheir homes.




Hawaiian people given



clasping to barren breasts fam- - .pects a cable will be authorized bylulling babes 1 then these pic- - the Fifty-sevent- h Congress That thistures were from the pen driven by fev- - nn8 not been ,lonc before must be lit-er, d Imagination, but 1 have seen sub- - ,trUultctl t0 mnn. ri.(lmm8f ,wrhap;, ,."T!Z .h "IS, ?K.ChiZ mon factor being the one.

nothesitated speak falsely from the

the of ownpaper,method when he criticism

Immov- -






qualify the







truck," succeed







Z ,,ent




inane 01 men anu inn-rea- tmu ne t did not pass was due to the war feel-kno-

to distrust and despise him ing and the sudden springing up In theHence the false statements quoted. Hemse of the Corliss bill, with a mostHumphreys knows as well as the next dramatic speech by Its author, whichman that the Torto Iticans, who left blocked matters for the season, as thetheir impoverished country 111 and time was too limited to permit

were treated well on the ough argument of so radical a depart-wa- y

here and are being treuted well u,reon the plantations. Sugar men do not The bill which has most friends Is thepay the passage of laborers from Porto senate bill, which differs from theRico to Hawaii for the sake of destroy- - House measure only In some minor de- -Ing their henlth and thereby their ca- - tails. According to this nlan the eni,ipaclty to make good the expenses they win be laid by the Navy Departmenthave caused and assure profits to their and will be turned over to the

That Is not a part of the olllce Department for operation. Thisgame. It Is for the planters to save the means, of course, the construction of amen they have brought here at large ship for the purpose of laying the ca-co- st

and treat them so well that they ble, and of such repair ships as wouldwill draw others from the same local- - be needed. All of which would meanlty.-- Tnat Is precisely what has been the spending of a larite sum by theand Is being done. We have the testl- - Navy. Another feature which oftenmony of the correspondent


ScrofulaThis root of many evlliGlandular tumors, abscenei. pimples

and othar cutaneoui eruptions, sort '

ears, Inflamed eyelids, rickets, dyspep-

sia, catarrh, readiness to catch cold

and Inability to get rid of It easily, pale-



nervcusness and other ailmentsIncluding the consumptive tendency

Can be completely and permanentlyremoved, no matter hov young or old

the sufferer.Bood'i 8 tnaptrllU tu airan Xht duihUr

of 6Um Vernoor . Wwriln, N. T who badDrtknn mt with scrofuU tortt all orar hert uct bfJ. To Bnt bttl halpctd hertn.l hen h. liJ taken tLx the aorei wera allhrnled and h'r few too'.th. 11 write!thl eh hai nerer tbown aoir tiara ei theerofula ntnmlni

Hood's SarampmrillmPromises to cure and keeps thepromise. Ask your druggist for tt

today and accept no substitute.

of Representatives will not pass nnybill without the clause providing thatthe cable must be of American manu- -facture. It was this clause which ledio muni, of thn trmi)ii. evith...... tim..... Rervin......... I- --- .. .'- - ...v. ..w...ser company, for It was undeistood atthe time that corporation made Itshardest fight for the cnble bill that Itthen hud under contract cable for thelaying In England.

Peihaps there could be nothing mineopportune than the pilgrimage to the I

Far East this summer of so many Dem- - i

oa.itlc Congressmen. They have beenfrom time immemorial opposed to anysubsidies or special grants. They mustsee the need for a cable When thereach heie they will find a Tenltoiywhich Is moie thnn any other Territorythe United States ever hos accepted Inthe powers granted to It, and yet theyv lit be cut off from communicationw'th their fi lends. This privilege thevli id while in far-awa- y Manila, hutHonolulu is shut off. The object lesson '

will be well worth the while mid theiecan be no doubt of the result

The letter-cairle- may not get ilehoff thei. pay but the Aniei lean customiwhich leads every family the haveserved to give tnem a cuxu pieseni onNew Year's Day will, If cariled out, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATwith liber.illtj. make the lot the twelfth and final assessment of 15

the curriers a not unhappy one. per cent (J3.00 per slime), levied on. assessable stock of the McDryde Sugar

Co., Ltd , Is due on September 2, 11)01,Regatta Da Is ami til- - aml wit )(, delinquent on September

ready there me some signs of the 6, 1901,customed festivity of the occasion. stockholders will please make promptPlans which !me been mnde Indicate payment at the olflce of Messrs. Theo.a mine than attractive pio-i- Davies & Co., Ltd.gimn, mill the thousnniis who gamerfor the day's sport will have amplereason for theli enjoyment.

Kianeis Murph will be heie mkiii iinihis wa to Pan Fianclsco. It Is quitelikely that he may be Induced to stopoer and do more work for the blue,ribbon cause. What he did before, Ii4s.pi oved of such lasting value hero th.ittlicie Is u public wish to hear him.again and to Induce him to extend his1luhois to tlie other Islands

1 ' '- -


t..i,t il.lu Iw.iimu utt uiritltl irromlllLrbind to llnd.

Governor A S hns recover-- ied fiom his teceiit Illness. '

A duughtiT was born to air ana .misClarenee A Cooke on August 11,

Vied J Clay, bookkeeper for theOlau Sugar Company, Is in town

rfain Mahuka has been appointed tosucceed. Piiaklki as cieput sheriff ofK011111 ionma.

Chief Justice Frear and Attorney1iener.1l Dole leave Honolulu on thesame bo,it for the States, August 27.

C Pollitz, formerly of Honolulu, hasgone to Manila to study the. questionof Filipino laborers for the plantations.

Consul Wing Wei Pin is very mucht.le,ii.eil with the methods of the lire

claims,Jured Smith, of the depamnent ot

iigrlcultuie, Is making a special studyof the. prevalent eye dlsense the ,

domestic fowl.Tlie rails were laid over the it.ipid

Transit Hallway's steel bridge aciossNuuunu stie.un la.l ti.itui.lny and con -neot.sl with the main line. '..... ,

The metrical wot kentneir jieiiiion lor an l'jkiiiu" ""J t"their employe-i- s jesterday They areto lecelie an answer August 26.

Work Is uroKrvsblni; rupldlv on the

stieum. The bridge will be u hand-some, safe structure when completed.

the tide was higher atWulklkl beach it has been before



on theThe



or bjimuei 1 arnc-- r 10 urn j

is able be again, havforego his trip

to Hawaii because of the Injury.Professor Koebele. ento

mologist, returned Sunduyhe went tne

that postnumerous than on previous visitswhich the ofthe Isle.

Prof. Curtis J Ujons of opinionthat the wave last Friday didnot come front Japan, but thinks thntIt came Java, or the Pa-cific. It reached Kallua at the same'time tha did and itcome from Japan It have reach-ed first. I

The of the HawaiianCompany crated

and put aboard the Albert rorSeattle, be

to the factory. company tsthe replac-

ing the machines vehicles.but according to the statement made!by J. Atherton, the

to no ac



Honolulu, Onliii, August 1, 1501.

J. IlATCIIliLOR has this daybeen Inspector of Licencesfor the Territory of Hawaii.

Honoluluof the

uppiimchlngac- -





WM. II.Treasurer.



Treasurer's Utllte,Honolulu, August 13. 1W1


Notice Is herebj given to holders ofTreasury W.r..n,; numbed: '

ed from 1 to 2009 Inclusive to presentthem for payment at the olllce of theTreasurer In Honolulu on or after August 23d, 11)01, on which date Interest

cease. WM. II.C93i Treasurer Territory of Hawaii.


THE KOHALA TELEPHONE CO.,Ltd.. at their annual held atthe Kohala clubrooms this 30th day ofJuly 1801, the following off-icers and directors:

Mr. John Hind, President.' Mr. E. C. Bond, Vice President.

George P. Tulloch, Secretary nnd

Mr. W. C. Auditor.Directors Mr. John Lennox, two..... ... m, ,, .. ..

:., ' ti r . n i,.i . ..jtiiio, 'i. i. iiuiiu. Hint: jcuio,GEO. P.

Sec'y Kohala Telephone Co , Ltd.2301 Aug. 6, 9.


THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVINGbeen duly appointed administrator ofthe estate of James Munden, late ofKolon, Kauai, deceased, notice Is here-by to all persons having, claimsagaliibt the said to produce

vouchers to the atKealla. Kauai, within six months fromditto heieof, or they will he fin everbarred, and all persons indebted tosaid estate are requested to make Im- -mediate payment to the undersigned. I

J- - W. NEAL,Administrator of the Estate of Jas,

Kenlla." Kauai, August 6. 1501.2301 Aug. 6, 13, 20, 27; 3.

lNroBRY)E SUGAR CO., Ltd.1

l-- M.Titasuier Mcliryde Sugar Co, Ltd.

Honolulu, August 7, lliOl.


By the MissionChildren's a


MISSIONARY ALBUMsketches ot 1S2 Prot- -

to Hawaii, andhair-ton- e of 132 of them

The b((jk ,s nchP8i hns u0and weighs, when w tapped for

mailing, 3 pounds.

Drli-- s Kmittri In ,4 flnlh CC lt '

r ,tc '" n 'l,, J'- -'

itlMOrOCCO, 7.50 I

lostage, 25c. lxtra.

Sample copies may be seen at ThrumsBook Store, Fort St.

Orders will be filled upon application

or P. O. box H3.,MMM11IMMMM.,MMM,

During the absence of AttorneyUeneial Dole the business of the de- -

partmeiit will be conducted by Mr.thcnl1' " Ar,tl "K ,AvUoln,uy

The story published the Bulletintlu. 'es, "f thuf "" "" i,"

'ctmiblned those hecretarj Coop- -

er i erl0rThe 'Historical Mlssicmarj Album, '

containing bilef sketches of 1S2 Iiot- -..u..i, ,tpulfi.il..i ,., Unix, ill ......nn,i lftI..IIIII1 111 I.IOIIIIIII I I. C .V v,..,., ..,.. ,, ., h..n

book, nnd should lie in eveiy family.Mr It W Andrews, of hasthis work in his charge, to whom allordeis should sent Particulars can

,wrt,y.H etter the confine.ment of United States prisoners yes-terday Heferrlng to the section of thestatute quoted by Lowrey, Mr.Dunne writes. "I have tne nonor to

out that in tiny discussion of thelaw ot commutation, this section Is

A moment's reflection willsatisfy you that the scope of this

is limited to 'Internal' disciplineand treatment, the section has nothingwhatever to do with commutation."

The harbor is rapidlythe stage when it can be called empty.Vessels are slipping away for theSound and San Francisco, and few-- areentering The Hallway wharf Is

kiu'ii for three whlrhare discharging coal. Several of thecraft are ready to sail toduy, and morewill be ready Monda. The sugar sea-son Is over, aud most of theships are going 1n ballast. The barkAlbert Is being loaded with the

of the HawaiianCompany, which are being shippedback to the manufacturers to be re- -fitted with better motor batteries. Shemay get away today.

claims court In the mutter of Chineieto It. W. Andrews, telephone Hlue 1032,


lleietmiia sti-ce- t bridge across Nuu.inu,.h. .. , . ' . valuable


in The waves Hashed up over k, had by consulting the ad elsewheie.ba.nc a. the Annex on to the lavvn.

Sedgwick, of the experimentalThe woik of demolition of the od tuton who returned from his

runic- - on roit slieet oppos te (1()n , lhu nJU, a experiencothe fin- - station Is going ahead rapidly. b alwi. of . 8trlke at Snn Francisco.

will be.replaced by the handsome ,. plftnned to Bhlp householdbuilding to bo erected by N b. Sachs, j ROO(,h to Honolulu sume boat,

new postotllce at Huuula wllL iu)(j iuj his furniture packed on ashortly be with Moses Aulona vun rolujy for shipment. The van wasan Mall will be sent anil blockaded by strikers, and the furnl-forward-

from lile at the present by J turo WUH not placed on board thespecial service, but later n regular steamer. He Is anxiously awaitingroute will !o established. word now from family as to the

Prince David, who severely sprained ultimate of the van.his. while accompuni lng the re-- 1 ..... , , Dunnt. leplled to Mrmains .Mrs.bouti to ubout

boon compelled to

governmentfrom Kauat,

where cane oor-e- r.

He repoits the is less

he made to plantationsGarden

Is thetidal of

from South

It Honolulu, luuiwould


Automobile have beenship-

ment to to forwarded fromthere Theconsidering advisability of

with other

B. president, huecome conclusion yet.







will WRIGHT.





proper undersigned





containing briefestant Missionaries



oftW"UIJ ua











Malli1ekert.nl vessels


auto-mobiles Automobile


vaca-- f81prn

They his





I.YLI3 A. DICKi:V.-Attor- ny at lmnnd Notary 1'ubllc, '. O. Ihix TM. Ho-nolulu, II. I., King and IlelhM Bta.

II. HACKri:i.D A CO., I.TD.-Oene- rml

Commission Agents, Queen 8t, Honolulu, it, i,

F. A. SCIIAKFKR &and Commission Merchants, Houolu-lu- ,

Hawaiian Islands,

LKWnitS & COOKE. (Robert lwers,r. J. Lowrey, C. M. Cooke,) Import-ers and dealers In lumber and build-ing materials, Olllco, 414 Fort 8L


Alle" S,s' ollef Co"Agents.

HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.of every descrltlon made u


WILDER'S STEAMSHIP COMPACT.Freight and passengers for s4!

Island ports.

Castle & Cooke.L1MITED.- -




New Englonn Muluot iile Insuronce Gr


Una Life Insurance Company




DownHgainIn prices la tne martut tmiflour and feed, and wt tollerIt closely.Sent) us your orders aud tks?(rill be nlled at the lowtnmarket price.The matter of 6 or 10 ewuupon a hundred pounds t

feed should not conesra yoas much as the quality, apoor feed Is denr at any prist

We Carry Only the BestWnrn 70U want the Best HjFeed or Grain, at the RlscPilces, order from




will sail from NEW YOHK for HONO-LULU, on or about

SEPTEMBER 1, 1901,If sufficient Inducements are ottered.

For freight rates apply to

CHAS. BREWER & CO..tl Kllb St., Boston,

C BREWER & CO-- . LTD.Honolulu.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,LIMITED.

Fire and Marine Insurance A'gts.

AGENTS FOR THBHoys! Insurance Company ot LiTeryeol,Alliance Assurance company 01 Lion-do- n.

Alliance, Marin and General JUsoraneco., iao., or ijonaon.

Scottish Union National tnsnraneCompany of Edinburgh.

Wllhelma ot Madf ebuxB Oenarml Insur-ance Company,

Associated Assnrans Co., IAdu of Mu-

nich nd Berlin.

MetropolitanMeat Company

NO. 507 KING ST.


Shipping and Familj


. J. WALLER, Manutx.

Highest Ifarket Rates pale tat 910,Bklns and Tallow.

Pnrreyoni to ' Oceanic as PastMall Steamship Companies.

1v& iP!--iSjfPTT


Page 5: WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U · 2015. 6. 2. · R M jC B.Hflr IIVKH J.. V m , mb r r."v w v x: XsV VOL. XXXVI, No. 65. HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 1n 13, mni.-SKMt.VE-EKLY. WILL PHY





Honolulu, Augtmt 11, 1OT1

rjtUMK l eit)Us i OM'lUi el'ia Alt o



aa "V- -


N.BJtthn'I)rriK4"!Hiowcr.li I'o .I.UUO.CW) , ICC 125 o

X The In

United andCircuit Courts


i.. ... ll.l,. . r..l...





T ".

iun umieu aim Clrcult'the New orK .lournai of Commerce oicourts adjourned yesterday momlllK Jul. ,,, iti,ll,.ni.t tin Intluences that are I TllL' nuoe '. the caption of a recentbecause of Annexation Day Judge Ks-- 1 nrtlcle In the Mncknj Standard of an cd- -tee Issued naturalization papers to two.JVit ,,",.1" secure the annexation of ltorlal dlscustlng the debates now goingapplicants, and then adjourned with ,"'.'-- . 1 he large amount of American otl thu new Australian Federal parlia-th- e

remark that the Federal Court ,;''11' "' " s doubtless mcnt on th(. queBtlon of u Wliltc Aus- -would observe the anniversary of the 'ulni; " Influence to reach the con-tru- u T,0 In northimday the Hawaiian republic became a xummutlon of annexation, and we can Augtrnln an1 mhorc lirtculurly Inpart of the United States. Judge Gear t?" 'r?",r,.V,,i" .Pni.".!."! have at un early date

court after asstgntng crlm- - "wi. . n!' L a,r n,?J cure from their home goNen.ment theInal eases for time. - ''"'"..21" .l"l PriUkBo of securing Indentured kanaka

CIRCUIT COURT.I Judge Geur opened court In the old

courtroom yesterduy morning, the Su-preme Court having taken poisesslo.iof their own quarters. He set the

criminal cases for trial nextMonday:

Anclon. W H. Thone, as-

sault with weapon; Misuml, vnumnev;Matsuo, procuring; Manuel Souza. soll-In- ff

liquor without license; Ah Four,assault and battery; Kawamoto, selltnKadulterated food; Ah Soon, obstructingJustice, Autnue Richard Jri hcIIIiii;adulterated food i

ADJOURNS ANN13XATIONDAY.The court then called In the (jr.iud

Jury aild adjourneil coutt because of1 Annexation Day, an anniversary which

he thought "should lie observed by ev-ery citizen of Hawaii In dismissingthe grand and trial Juries rtoni furtherduties yesterduy, the court said

"Gentlemen of the Grand Jury Thecouit had occasion .i few moments agoti refer to the fuel that today is the j

annlversaiy of Flag liaising Day, theday known as Teultoilal Day. m Kingltalbing Day Two yenm ago on theanniversary of this day all governmentothers were eliMil I. . .. ..... ...,.",... ... xu..,iitemeu u lining aim piopei. i nuei tnec ictlmstanees, to keep up that cus- -loin, wm (.n vmis not kent in nisi vearthe dny fall ng on Sunday 1. have notobserved anordu fioin Hie tovern- -IIIUUl UlllUi:S III llll ClllJUl, IIUL llllOcourt, as It has remaiked, ileems it e:

and nroner. this belnu the annl- - I

tli of sugarof on vvhlnli weadmitted Into the United States, thatwe should adjourn.

"On that day.nll Hawaiian bum werechanged from HnW'allans to Americansand given the full rights of Americani Itl'eiis, of claiming America as theirland, and of having the light to becalled Americans. While they have notlost their aloha for theli old ling, It Ishoped they have acquit ed a love ror theAmerican flag, which means moie tothem than was thought. It meant thatevery one of us, from the lowest tothe highest, whether Chiln.se, Japaneseor of what nationality, were entitled toall the benellts deilved fioin being citi-zens of the United States. It was agreat and glorious tiling for every onehere.

"This court has bud the pleasure ofdeciding In eases brought before itthat vva the right of every personhero on the 12th dav of August. Theday should he celebrated, and there Isno reaRon why It should not be celebrated every year, and the court wishesto keep In the minds and Hearts of allthat It Is the Mag of all of us, that ItIs our Hag, to he levered and loved

stated itsleisure etc,

time today on their hands it would Delilting for them to read the Constltu -

of the United States and find outthe privileges that we aie entitled to

it, and that no libuity canbe taken without dm process law.and that every defendant Is entitled to.t Jury trial, that we are all enti-tled nil the benellts which anyAmerican receives under the constitu-tion So, gentlemen grand Jury.I deem It pinner excuse you theday tomorrow morning ato'clock, j j ufMinl of convening,and court takes great Indoing so I trust It will cause all ofyou to think more of the American Hagand of A.ncricau lnstiutlons.

"Gentlemen of the Jury Three yearsago today the American flag was rais-ed over these Islands, nnd whatknown as Territorial or Hag raisingday inauguiated The followingyear the day was observed by gov-ernment, all government cilices beingclosed. East year the day fell on Sun-day and no notice was taxen or ItThe court believes It was n gooft Idea.Some one has marked on my calendar"Flag Raising Day The courtthat It Is a day that should be gen-erally observed.

"People lire all too prone to foi getthat the American Hag waves here, andthat when it went we were entitledto all liberties mid the benellts nccorded American citizens It madithose who were Hawnllann Americans,"

and conferred upon, them the birthrlirht of American This cnur(deems It proper and fitting thatcourt should adjourn today. It being

of the Hag raising. Allminor matters having been disposed ofthat will be done.

"In one way the court Is sorry that Itwill pot be able to proceed with theIlve nnd the Sister Albertlnacase, of which cases are In prog-ress and witnesses present, but, asc6urt remarks. It deems it proper "a15tilting to adjourn today.

"Three years ago for the first time,nnd for all time to come let us hop,America's national emblem arose overthese Islands If any of the Jurorshavo a few hours to spare today thecourt would suggest that no betterway to spend them could be foundthan by studying the constitution ofth United States, which is somethingwe should know, and which at thattime. If' riot before, abrogated und annulled all laws Inconsistent with thoconstitution of the United States.

"The court takes great pleasure Inbeing to adjourn this court at thistime because of its being anniver-sary of Flag liaising Day. Thehad the pleasure of being present at

time, and saw tears wrtllmuch repolcing. The court does

know why there should not be theume rejoicing today. Perhaps the Am-

erican flag coming here has Injuredmatters as as our being ablekeep laborers under contracts, and has

had the effect that norm supposedif would have, but despite this t


Tho ulJ..itie-e- l article tnken from....


T .1 V . .

.. .1i



r."cub,1:n!)SCl,P,"erS th,"k- - bV'OU8 lJuSrarSerand0?.n,dl,inSX:l,es" "ri" c.t Indlw s.cu.ed the prlvlkgoAll forget, however, thai '" C0O"L' labor from ,nni,0-th- eas far a sugar Is concerned, they kill

goose that lays the golden egg. "'when they annexe Cuba and bring Cu-- I ,Thl? n.L;w grottl Anglo-Saxo- n ftdera-ba- n

sugars Into the United States tree,tlon HendspHeru ls ap--

Cuba J;cntly destined to work out a splendidduty. can readily produce farmore sugar than the United States has future, and its stattsmen may well pon-ee- r

yet consumed. Cuba Is practically der piously the race question and tinexpediency, or inexpediency of malnton-alread- yun undeveloped country, and yet has

produced over a million tons l"B their already considerable sugar Inof sugar for expoit Idustry on a foundation of colored labor.

'" Louisiana are confronted with tin.When tho cane sugar Industry of the,WoSouthern States, and the beet sugar In- - ""e Problem, but our labor 1b enllielydustil. s of the north and west shall frce-- Thcro Is no Indenture, no iiuprt

been destrovod bv the competi- - "eeshlp, no ten years' term of servitudetion of Cuba. Cuba would have a mo- - un(Ur whlch 'ntttcr conditions the coolknopoly of the market, but the level of a"'l Kanaka labor s.vstem Is thus farvalues of sugar would bo reduced to lascd.the common level of the world, and the have no doubt that tho Australianpiollts of many millions herembelow Federal Parliament will decide upon therefer led to, would nevci materialize, matter In tho end, but at present thoIt Is oorlnlnlv far the sirrar Queensland sugar planters nre veiy muchIndusliv of the Unllid States that t'u- - eri.i(-.- eoncirnlng It 1. A Planter

M.iH.irv tin. ilnv werpj1"1' glow


liu lemnln a sepaiate iiatum undi rthe protection of the United Stntts If

ou ilease. but not a eompoiunt partof the Union

The Join pal of Omnium c savs:J lie follow ing stateiuent lrom n 10- -,, , ..... .... ... ..

.41IIIMNI MM, Kfllll(, II1III Ik llt. II nakliiga

' Vof ine sui,ar siiationrr in tnetinitltilrt of pnxliictlon has been glv- -

en journal foi puniic. ition li Is"f pniticuhu interest lit moment,in view of the ,iihI.KSi.m of ih.. .!.,- -

of Cuba to the United Stiiten'" Some striking llgiues on the

productionrub. i Porto lth o and the HawaiianIslands, iceentl.v made public bv theHilii an of Statistics, are wotthy of thesei Ions consldei.itlon of peoplewho are demanding that I'tibn cut

hi If loose f lorn the United Stalesand set up as an Independent govern- -mcnt These olllelal nglires show that

Hawaiian Islands, which nave hadthe pi ivilege of sending their sugar in- -

Ito the United States fiee of duty sine"lisTfi have lnei eased their sugar pio- -(luetlou twenty-fol- d In that time, whileOulia and Pcy-t- Rico have In that timemade hut a trilling Increase, even intheli best vents or pi odiictlon. Theenne siigin production of the wholewin Id has Increased but SO. 57 per centIn the past quaiter of a century, jttHawaii, which has had the exclustvi

Ivilege of n fiee entry Into Unit- -ed States, has increased her prodile- -tlon 2,00i) pel cent and has received forher siiKm pijjduct.s $.T0,QOO,O0Q duringllntt time.

' The leason of this great prospeiliyIn the Hawaiian siigin pioductlon Ispeifietly nppaieiit The sugar of thoseIslands has come into the United

j 'ml" ,l "ul "' r""1 ' C,,U "' : t,,,tH'" '' '"'"j"1 T,",'" " H,,,, ,,ml ,m'P'"t "I the Hawaiian producers exceeiled that of the olhei i an. sugar

.... .

abolition be-tween and

soHy free,

into sell- -,,.uat.thr.-M,,me.nr-

!c"" n"

'i n. uuij,will

. i Ill In ...--. M....B..



the demandthose werebecame v






bun says Tho stockholder ofIlcllnliig Company will receive

hi a or two a fiointhe of which It Isl,"Eetl ,hnt tho stockholders auth..rlze the1,sm ot of Mnpk 0,l l!K

The coniinuulcatlou willnt to cacn or ll.twu stocKliolders art

soon ns t comes the printers. Thetel ot the document ls as follows

the Stockholders ot AmericanRellnlng Cumpaii

It Is proposed to ?15,o00,0Q0

of company, one-ha- ir commonand -- half preteirtd, pa.vubh In cashat par, and to give tho to subscrlbtto tho prefeirod to tho holdersprefencd, and the common to"e holdi rs common, In the"f tln.Ii holdings, llvushines old, Tim ol dlieetoix havepasted a icsolutlun such

advfsublo and have tohike such a tin clingor the. stockholder", common and

he calltd 1Mb"t - , nt the the company in

aulhoti.ee the ofrequites that two-thir-

In of each class btoekkholdirs-- hnli voto In of It.

It Is the opinion that thisIncrmso is the of both"f stockholders and that right 'tosubscribe bo given as hereinbefore

Tho company, at organizi- -ot MU.CKiO.tiuO

moitgagc bonds It lb propobedbonds and igcs be

cumilhdThe ixi.tuikd In the c- -

"v,r 'S.WO.OOO. This has luiiellted botholabses " stockholders, tin, i red

tho added stonily hasgiven, ami tho common In the udd

avauanie itsHen with the dlre lors enclose pioxiis,

which, so far as given, willthe proposed Incnasi the illue-toi- s

desire that alockliuMirs shouldto their own ..iiiIgniMii,

l,,.. r. . I I.... i,t.. i I ..i...-- !.... t.. ... i.oPu,,ui, slockhoUIrs mtl.d Vhuthix actio , I'lSpiCtfllilv


is in thoand as soon as suf--

mi. ..,(11. .....

As the to the other Jurcrs'rSl,,U's f"'" "f !" llut '""' llilM 1,""" ,Mllsltlon of propel ty buslmss, pir-I- f

nnv of the irrand Jurors have '" '" competition with sugai that mancnt Improvemtnls, the sum of


under man'sof

andto of

of theto ror

and until 10hour

the pleasure






the anniversary





that many asas not

far to









in the



piociuceis uy practically tile amount or eel vnlue or tho propel ty or the companythe duty which the and Poi lo and In d ror the transIthnns had pay and which the Ha- - action or Its business The Jtf.OOO.O'"!vv.illaus did have to pay Tlu cane which the proposed lucnasi will biing

ii odii i rs had a hard lo the treasury of the will liest In the pist twenty-tl- vi yeni iisea business puipus... A, cup-el i hugely li. the I'licourigement Ital It w II bcrielit pn fened Mockholdirsvvll-- biel 'Uini to odiictlon has ir- - in jnoniutlng the picfcrcittlul value ofceived Iii Euiope, and the sltgar grow- - their stock. the common stockhold.ers or the West 'Indies grown ers are Interested that tho increase shallpoor under that competition, while ,u made seems, to dint tors bethose of the Hawaiian have manifest. 'grown rich by selling then products Increase of the business risiuhcof duty in the In the trease of capital. The sir. nglli of thoworld, the United States, In competi- - business consist in is fromtlon vv in other sugars which weie mortgage debt and Its enti.e picunlarycompelled pay the duty. Independence. The entire .iinoiuu real-I- tIs doubtless the knowledge of izi,d from the now will conn, Intothis met that has led the astute Porto the of thetreasury and will beTrlf.flllU (.1 .,,. 1,1 1,. tdlrn rwll. in.,..., nf ............... ,......,,.., j ,...- - uu.u.iiuhvnu- - jijiiii j.iviiii .iui unu (lunmilll moImmediate of all dutie

that Island the UnitedStates And they are wise In

obtaining entrance for theirsugar the United Stntes und

thp CVbi'nmiiivii tin

prolit of the Porto Rlcan producersbe wormously Increased. TJhe rate












or on raw sugar ranges The meeting ot hoard ot directors,about 1 per cent per pound upward, at which the lssuu of tho above eommuni-mi- d

tnis sum to the small mar-jtatio- n approved wa held last Wed- -gin which the duty-pai- d sugar nowlntsday. The dncument"gives to the producer, will make the hands of printer,proilt of the Porto means a very neicnt copiesun..... 1.1. ft V. ft.,....-- .....--. ...iu '" ""iw ""' ne sent to stockholders. The dlrec-mak- ethat Island rich and sugar tora of npProved theproducers mllllona res, as has the ItnroposUIon nrc. 0. navcmeycr.C'J,n thP Hawaiian Wash'Senff, Arthur Donner.of Cuba throw !,., It Thomai, John K.

' ' "". . tutu Lowell I'almcr. Tho prcsthe

a,',0t; hS,S'?n"'.r1.'lt!0n8hl?;.,OWar2 & "'"ol f theBriJSTi.SugarHawaii now They "o""'" ?"L i'" V0,inir tirosnerltv arid M.hl When President

expennfe'n't ofant" W"S n!,k"d a,wut tho clrcu-Islan- d

republic, of which they an ..icn,v,i' uM u . iexample in the sister Island Haytl. knwn" unt" after tho stockholders hadcTasDlnc- - at shanow of

or hnow 1',' V' f d'i,tCuba The tt.,i.,i States Is ?""" "the greatest

prosperous.sugar market in the f"rV,kPnZ"; " "om kln ot a

Its annual consumption of sugar Is '7' a''0"1 the ,r?I0Bltl'n n4.000.000,000 pounds, or twice as much I Lentd'fthlt11hl Z, L,RLT tTmas product In ner most , !"? La,llvT ?

With free admission ,?m n,'"l!,i', " a, ?' ,hofor her sugar into a her.0""" P!1"'"planters would rich, while similar "" ff tZl ".V" T"fre '" not aadvantages for her tobacco and "V'X '," 'Ufmtnu ?hoand tropical products kinds In im" ,ca," f ,r""nlnB ICo,,nia" oe

"'"5"jii.iiitum ul Kremesi and chest.,::(union in ine woriu vvouiu suc-cess to of producers and

prosperity as the Islandhas The Hawaiian

He miles thecoast, and miles from the greatconsuming centers of the UnitedStates,' they beyond,1 from

through admission of ontheir products Into our markets.

see this thatthey greater advantages

of proximity to our greatnot believe there l anyone iwtaatJ business centers, they crulckls we a part United I to access to those mar-Stat- ea

and that who nottkets. Will Cubans away thisAmericans, by I opportunity 7 they reject ub-- rt

ot aoaexaUaa. l a shadow?' "




tin. Ainei-Ica- n

d communicationboard dlrt-ctot- s pro

itiiorjoouo "L"bo


To tin

lstuo newtho


stock of

ot proportionone slum new foi


Is dliecUd that,about It,

pre- -

ferrxl foi mher next,m of

Jersey City. To Issuetho new

Interest orfavor

the boardInterest


Itsan Issue

Ihesi ilia moilg

company has

prof,which It


lor business

be voted foi



I.OAIH) ill'




Cubans increas. fadlltlesnot

suiar have cumpuiyicgle for Its



anbest markettnedoin




duty from tho

nuuea was

thehand- - can he

..'"; thoIts tho cornllanybeen

Islands Charles H.people are ng iarsons Johnii uaji;i M.

enjoy. are sacrltlc- - 'i?"

haveof nboutThev are the

1Cuba's average

years n"w.such market


of all ,f",-- ', :?.."''.. ""i'"- -iiie


suchnever known. Isl-

ands 3,000 from Pacific,6,000


yet have prospered our snt""es, you might comemeasurer free Pretty near hitting the nail the head."

ThePorto Rlc.ins and see

have even because their

but and wereglad are of free

the throwbefore such tiic Will

stance for





























- ' "v .....ci hi; ubo eur any moreproperties. And this Includes tlmWe have made no settlement

with them and have no Intention of mak-ing one. If you were to say that r

Trun had In mind sorno oiierationsIn fields outside tho United States, but

"Do you mean Cuba,. Porto Rico andHawaii?" asked thu Sun man.

"Hawaii ls too far away," said Mr.Havcmeyer, "but they grow pretty goodsugar in Cuba nnd Porto Rico. The su-gar Industry In Cuba wl", boom whenthey get tho tariff fixed right. Whattlipy want in Cuba and what tho beetsugar men and the oan sugar grower

Crude PetroleumMay Be Used In-

stead of Water.

c Rl'UK- - iietroleuin Is to be used Inplace of water upon tho streetsof Honolulu as a. dust-dtsttxo- ci

If the experlinents orderid by the Ex-

ecutive Council yesterduy morningpiovc successful. According to theclaims of Its advocates oil ls not onlymuch better adapted for this purportbut Is lilso less expensive than commonwater. The tests soon to be made un-

der the direction of Superintendentllojd of the Department of PublicWorks will prove the truth oi falsity otthese claims.

While ell his not been used to anygreat extent in laying the dust onstree's In the States, it Is now being

ullllzid by the great ralltoadsybteluii of the United States upon theirlondbeds, which n not only hat dens,but also eradicates flying dust-clou-

which have always been a souico ofmuch annoyance to liuvelers.

Superintendent Hoyd favors the newplan If upon Investigation the utilityof petroleum foi the purpose ls proven

"I am In favor of the use of petro-leum for spilnkllng stieets,' he sal'yesteiday. ,

"It is clalnnd that one 'dousing' oftho stieets with crude oil will keepthem fiee fioin dust foi six months Ifthis Is true then- - inn be no doubt ofpetroleum being eheapei than water,for It will not only do away with theexpense of watct hut also with the needof a huge fotee of men and hoises foiloi.g peilods

"At present each sluet is spiiuklelfour times n day and even then somem the toads ate dusty dining these In-

tel vals.' It is claimed that the oil not only

keeps the-dus- t down, hut also hardens'the roads. This is of itself a sttongjoint n Its favor, and one tlint comtninclr- itself to tin lUpailmenl The j

annoyance caused by the passage ottt,' sprinkling wagons would also ioclone away with under the new dustilcdtrryer1 1 think the experiment vveil

worthy of a trial and after consultationwith Mr Teiinej will decide upon winsp cot the test shall be made If It Issuccessful petroleum will piohahly beused on all the stteels of Honolulu"

The 'xp ilinpntM aie to be made as ii (Milt of an offer made yesteiday In nletter from E. D. Tenney, stntlng thath! had seveial hairels ot crude petro-lii'-

which lu was willing to donatefor the Use of the Dnp n ttnent of Pub-lic Works Bethel street will prohiblybe the scene of the tests.

OTHER MATTERS CONSIDEREDI The application of William Matsonfor pevi.jlsslon to build a jetty at thimouth of'Walakea river nt llllo wasgranted He n.sked that he be reim-bursed later bv the Teltltory. hut theCouncil decided that all such Improverr.ents should he made by the UnitedStates Estimates und recoinmeiida-- .tions to that effect will be sent to theSecretnij' of the Interior

j The plans of the Honolulu Rapid(Transit Company for the extension ofltu lines fimn I.lllhii street to Wulpllo-- 'pllo roid to the Fertllber Works wer5appi oved

i The application of J E Silva of Wal- -

luku for a lhiuor license was refused

i In tho eountry would not object to Is

the admission to American ports of raw'sugar fiom Cuba and Porto Rico free ofIduty. What ihe growers lure waul Is a

tin ill on li.llin d sugar. UlVo tliem a lar-II- T

on tUr ri fiin d product of halt a cent.Tlml will take earn of them and we canget tho rnw sugai tinin C ' anI PoitoRico Winn tin tariff Is adji. alongthese llibs, the sugar Industry ulnand Porto Rico will bo woith wa -And Congress will vo us that ku i

u tariiT."Vou will nolle.! holm thing In that 1..

tor ulsjut the caiicellat.ua ot JlO.OOO.&o oimortgage bonds Those bonds wire '

' tliorizcd, bur never Issiied. Wo wait tt cancel tin anllioi Uatlnn and get I' mlof the wuy And there Is one i ungmore. 1 hav noticed In the r" ' re.ee'ntly that the Tiust as Uiek otnnd Interested lu the likiil whloli Spreck.els Is making against Oxnard out lu Cal-ifornia. Our company bus nothing hat-ov- er

to do with that light. The light wasbrought about through the consumptionof beet sugar not equaling tho produc-tion. Oxnnrd wants to work on some ofhis superfluous product and hu thinks Ifho can make It appear that he's lightingtho trust, he'd get rid of some left-ov-

beet surcar. Our company Is not at alllntcrcbiod In that fight, but 1 know soma,thing about tho fighting qualities ofSprccktls and I don't think Oxnard wiltwin."

It was stated In tho sugar district yes-terday that both tho American and tinNational Sugar Redoing companies hadadvanced their actual selling prices forsugar 10 points, or to tho of Sucents a pound ror granulated Tho

up to the close of business hadnot followed tho advance.


Court of Tax AppeaU.The case of most Interest beforo the

tnx nppeal court yesterday was that ofthe Mclntyru Ilulldlng Co The valuationof the property at King and Port streetswas rilurnid at (30,000 and Increased to$(j0.0") l'i the nssossor The appeal wasmade upon JM.nOO

The appellants argued that J30.000 wasthe riRiiro returni d upon the land, whlloIn January 1st, this year, tho propertywas vacant.

The appeal In tho valuation of tho Tes-ta property was on $3,000. The valuationwas Increased from 13.000 to W.OOO.

Several other appeals were considered,after which the court took up cases Inwhich the evidence had been presentedNo eticfslons were rendercsl,

tThe nvork ot clearing awuy debris

from he Hall corner Is well underway, .ia brick are blughauled for


Co,, Mil., . tJO.OUO IPO ICO

U U. krtt A to , LU yfl.OOJ II


KK , . . iC.C0C.CC0 , 23 HHJOrt

lint- - Artlctiittit) t'oll.au.COO ' too !0Sllm-.i'o- . BUk. t'o ' a.W.WJ IW ...UftYtMllMl OUkl CO ,.! 2.UM.VIU , 0 . 31L.Itn tnran i.i.ik, ' HV 'Hcnokn H.tW.lU) 20 I Mllrlkn... . MO.IIU 100

KiJinkn . . . W.aw w .9klbcil'ldn Colt '3,(M,pto 60 11

klli.ulu iwooo 100,KoW oro 100 "iioKcnr Stinar t)o. '?, 100

McBrydo 8. tlo M. . 1 ' 02.im so ?l'dlrt np l.MO.iXV OT ii

S.hUuBufturrti 20ysiniipn 110

c.inibUKKi oo ...... i s.uxi.as; 100 in iiioiontt. i.ono,wx) 30 21OrkaU 600,000 30 18K01m Pnrr Co tcA tu.tno 20 3

tkldlip ..wo,oi 70

Olorflll 1M.KX) 100laiinSinRiiF.Plan.tla fi.000.000 50

ItHCifiC SO0.0CO 100 2C0

rir ou,uw looPtreec I '60,000 ino 115Pioneer 3,000,000 100 ns 1C0Pioneer Mill Co As . UVX0 IPO 31tVPIMmi Apr uo M,N"J,UUU 100 7,Mtttllukl' 700,(i0 100

Wtlmatalo , 2&2.COO !E "WiWlme UJ.OOO

BTXAMtutr cotL Wilder S B Co. MM.COC

lutui-UUc- B8K 500,000


HcTllan Klectitc ( n.f ?M,000 ItWHon, Rp.1r.4Ld.Col H),000

Muiuhi Teltpuonc Co n 0000. R. A L. Co . . 2,000,000 100

VrloIro5i Rcl Co liO.OOO 8V


First National Hunk . 110

tint Am. BaTluitr, Ilt.lt Trust tlo 1112

Haw fievt i jicrcint '.. Oil...tlllO K. li. CO. BIH31 CI. i ICO

I nu H.T.iLI.Co 100ITtTC I'lantallon f, L..C 10' ...0 It A 1, Co A. invi. .flnbii Plant, b p i. lCue,,lC2Jiniaa vihii i c ....I

S ainlua As Co i p, o in ifoji

llllo and Puna Ulv.SALES.

Aflciuooii session Thirty Ewa, 1160


HY ORDER OF MESSRS. THEO. II.Davles & Co., Ltd., mortgagee's undeilliui ceriillll liiuriguge uaieu juijt a,

,18U8, made by George McDougull, Wll- -

limn McDougall and George W. Mc- -

Dougall, doing business at Kallua, luthe Islnnd of Hawaii, under the firmmime and style of Geoigo McDougallAt Sons, and recorded In the Registryof Conveyances In Honolulu, In liberISO, on pages 321 to 324, and by theconsent of said mortgagors, and of allpurttes In Interest, I will offer for saleat public auction at my salesrooms.Queen street, Honolulu, on the 24th dayof August, A, D. 1901, at 12 o'clocknoon, all of the property situated Inthe district of North Kona. Island ofHawaii. Territory of Hawaii, known Mthe McDougall Ranch and Coffee Plantation, containing an area of acresmore or less, described as follows, towit:

All of those certain pieces or parcelsof land situate at Kallua and llono-knha- u

(2), Island of Hawaii, aforesaid,and more particularly described as fol-lows:

1. The ahupuaa of Hletialoll 2d, andbslng apana 6. of L. C. A. 771S, andconveyed by deed dated July 21, 1BS5,from Charles R. Bishop and Samuel M,Damon to George McDougall, of rec-ord In said registry in liber 94, on page314, containing an area of about 201acres.

2. All of that laud situate at Papaa-koko- ,

Hunokahau 2, containing 60.60acres, and more particularly descrlbodIn Royal Patent (grant) No. 3456, toGeorge McDougall, Issued August 10.1889.

Together with all and singular theeasements, tenements, hereditamentsand appurtenances unto the same be-longing or In any wise appertaining.

The above two plecea being subject toa certain mortgage dated March 2, 169

from George McDougall to the estateof W. C. Lunalllo, deceased, for thesum of two thousand dollars, with interest at 7 per cent per annum, of rec-ord In said registry In liber 170, paneII.

And also all of those certain Inden-tures of lease of lands In North Kona,

I Island of Hawaii, aforesaid, viz:I 1. That certain Indenture of leastfrom Lllluokalant to George McDougallof the land known as Keahuolu. de-scribed In I. C. A. 8452. It, P. C851, dat-i- d

the 31st of March, 1892, of record Insaid registry In liber 134, on pages463-46- Area, about 4,071 acres. $600per annum to March 31, 1912; $700 perannum to March 31, 1922.

S. That certain Indenture ot leasefrom Francis Spencer to George Mc-Dougall of the land known aa Hono-kohaulk- l,

dated January 6, 1897, of rec-ord In said registry In liber 169, onpages 24-2- About 600 acres. $300 perannum to January 6, 1912; $4041 per an-num to January 6, 1927.

I. That certain Indenture ot leasefrom the trustees under the will ofBemlce Pauahl Bishop to George McDougall of the land known aa Puaa lit,together with fishing rights, dated May2, 1887, of record In said registry luliber 103, on pages 325-32- About 869acres. $100 per' annum to May 2, 1102.

4. That certain Indenture of leasefrom Mrs. Kau KeaweualanI to GeorgeMcDougall and Sons of homesteadlota 10 and 20, In Kealakehe, datedMarch 1, 1896, of record In said registry In liber 16L on page 288-28- 9. contalnlng an area of 45.91 acres, more orless. per annum to March 1, lflL

Together with all buildings ana im-provements made upon or put up anderected upon the land In said leasesnamed and described, also all coffeetrees crowing thereon, the area of saidcoffee lands being; as follows:

About 160 acres of planted coffee.About 60 acres of wild coffee.And also, all of the herd of cattle be

longing to said mortgagors runtime atlarge In said North Kona, numberingeVuMlt Ath ArA asnstA 1&avvsuv vw (Ua MUIC Jl TT.

JAME8 F. MORGAN.Auctioneer,

TERMS Cash, United State goldcoin. Deeds at expense of purchaser.

For further particulars, apply toHatch & Sllllman, attorneys for mortgagor, or to Messrs. Theo. H. Davleeac Co., Ltd.

Dated Honolulu, July It, 101.Mii-n- ot

i- - n

One inie

ooa Slock k

TJu "0n LAOIBb' DRESSING MIRRORC ft very handsome article, tdth; elided frame Just what In nwstr fted by n ladies' tullor. Prios txr $"7 tremely cheap.

oo Mahogany0-- CabinetsO For music sheets; finestX finish

The ever welcome.... c4

o RecliningChaira. aa with adjustable back: In0 wood or wicker.


"f Rugs nI A full line at th lowest prtetLin town.


T.O Portiere--a X

Divans u-- v-

nma VARIETY (of tin best VorC the money)


Furniturezr. Coveringso, Cmnc Trimmings to match.--0 '

M h O. Qt A Hrcr- ..-..- . aantrCi na ale KINDS OF REPAIRCKJ C"




iKir.g and ,Bethel Sts.x2

I. H0PP A CO. J. H0PP A Ct




ULOOD from all Impurities fromwhatever cause arising.

For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, SMI cjUniood Diseases, lllackheads, Plmplrs siySores ot all kinds. It Is a never railing ilpermanent cure. It

Cures Old Sores.Cures Sores on the Neck.Cures Sore Legs.Cures Blackhead or Plmplae oa VU

Pace.Cures Scurvy.Cures Ulcers. 'Cures Illood end Hkln DlseasecCures Glandular Swellings.Clears the Blood from all Impure trail.From whatever cause arising.It Is a real apeclfio for Gout and ItWmutlo pains.It removes the cause from tb Bhaand Bones.As this Mixture Is pleasant to Uus insu,and warranted free from anything brjurV

ous to the most delicate constitutioneither sex, the Proprietors solicit sufCsroto give It a trial to test Its value.



,.CTrko'J.?,00i1I,lttUT ' l a sottfas.each, and in cases contains etatimes thea permanent cure In the crest ataJtut'r-Uon'f',Undlnj- r

By ALIi OTEKIBT nd PATENT MBDlCIWH2S2, throughout the world. ProprteSu,

R LINCOLN AND MIDLAND CO?H?-T1K- SCOMPANT, Lincoln. Bo,-lap- d.Trade mark-"BLQ- OD MDmiRlB


Cuhoui L"?the genuine article. Wertttatwirrllatlona and aubstltutea arepalmed oft by unprincipled vendotsT tw-word- s

Lincoln and MldlaiidCoLrBaSDrug Company. Lincoln. England." !.engraved on the Oovernment stamp, tut"Clarke's World Famed Bloodblown In the bottle, WITHOUT VBVSNONE ARE QENUINH.

Castle & Cooke, ltd,HONOLULU.

Commission Mtrchanfe.'!SUGAR FACTORS.


The Ewa PlanUUon Co.The Walalua AgTicultural Co., btThe Kohala Bngar Co.The Walmea Sugar Mill Oo.The Fulton Iron Works, at. fcaanx,

MaThe Standard Oil Oo.The George F. Blake Bteam PsaisvWeston's Centrifugals.The New England Mutual lAtm tw

iurance Co. ot Bogtos.The Aetna, Fire Insurance Oe 'Hartford, Oonn.The Alliance Aeeoranee Oe. ef buy

(los. aj J $v"

Page 6: WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U · 2015. 6. 2. · R M jC B.Hflr IIVKH J.. V m , mb r r."v w v x: XsV VOL. XXXVI, No. 65. HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 1n 13, mni.-SKMt.VE-EKLY. WILL PHY







Bivalves Possible

at PearlHarbor.

UK proposed plan of oyster plant- -

ins at Pearl Harbor Is receivinga great deal or attention from

those who have homes at the penln-aul- a,

Mr. Henry Wnterhouse anJ Act-

ing Governor Cooper being especiallyInterested.

When the subject was broughtievera'l months ngo a resolution.irivn mi and circulated about


city, being In the following terms:"We, the undersigned, being desirous

nt nreventltig the wanton destructionof the food fisheries living In the vv litemof the food fishes lllng In the watersing that much can be done to Increasethe number or fishes lit for food bothby the Intelligent propagation of thesixties now living In these waters and

Importation or otherby a Judiciousspecie from the waters or the Main-

land, hercbj ugieo to form ouiselveInto an association under such constitution and as ma hereniter

by the subscribers hereto."Over eighty of the leading business

men of the Teirltorj hlgned the paper,tlie list being traded by Acting Oo --

enior Cooper, and the subscribers laterformed themsilves Into a nutlet) forthe purposes named. While no detlnlteaction ho heretofore been taken In thematter, the Interest has not decreased,and activity is now contemplated b

the subscribers.Some time ago Mr. Coop--r souglit m

advice or Mr. Allnn Herbert, tinpert authority on tlsheries, who wn

fnr n creat many V



ears nonoraru mis,(1, ,,y M,lt.

Herbert lias jusi 1Vlt ofones

k.j.m mnltltiL' nliaei atlons or the SanFrancisco and other oyster grounds,and Is very anxious to see the matteror oyster-plantin- g taken up. With thisIn view he has compiled with MlCooper's request Tor Infoi .nation, andbelow is a part or his t tothe society mentioned above.

In legal d to oyster culture in theseIslands, I should say that there are fewr.lmi.si mure fiivoiable to It. The con

glowsiv milted to ovster crow th. and themillions of old shells there show thatat one time It was a pinpeinils imtui-al.be- d

for oysters The theor thatojsteis were destiojed by some con-

vulsion or nature Is a mistake, It beingmo;e that overcrow ding kill-

ed the oysters the suivlvlug o.vsteisbeing left above the watei by recedingtides, as they cling to the of

other shell!' and thus the species wasexterminated.

T,oday the oyster Inteiest Is one of

the most Important Industries In P.u-ro-

as well as In America, It givesto thousands of

and millions of of capital aieinvested In It. Thcie Is a constantlygrowing demand ror oysters lly theapplication of modem methods theostcr grounds are made to produce analmost unlimited iUitntlty

In my early dnvs when n buv or tenyeais, slty jeurs ago, the mKs andInlets the sea coast of New VnikState abounded vv Itli a tine iimllt ofoysters. My good wire often tells ofhow at her birthplace on Htnlen Isl-

and, when she was a little gill she.with other children, used to wade outat low tide and plclt up oy.steis andopen them with two stiuies, for theirluncheon, until the fishermen drovethem away, and how the people usedto store them In their cellars forChrlstmns. The rapid Increase In thepopulation of Staten was chief-ly due to the encouragement and

of the oyster-plantin- g IndustryPrince's Bay, on the Island, so

long ngo as lRri3, there were 3,000 of theInhabitants of that Island dependingupon this business for support

"The exportation of se'ed oj sters fromChesapeake Ha for planting In Con-

necticut wns carried on for a numberof years In 1S79 510 000 bushels of seedosteis were taken from Chesapeakebay to be planted in Connecticut, and




swimming nnimals. nnd nre disInto the water in countless

to be swept dis-tances the currents thisthey are small to be seen withouta when shellsplaced In the barren spaces the

young ones will cling to them."Oyster Is placing or small,

or ov sters. bottoms whichfavorable growthninny bottoms where there are no

natural oysters, because thereIs nothing them to upon,because spat beenthere. Planting also adds greatly!to their as grow more rap-Idl-

of better quality.hole secret culture U

to furnish bodies at-tachment young. Many

doing been devisedemployed. The following method Isstill employed In Sweden: Upon the

mud constructedthere rockeries of thrownInto elevated toproiecieu deposits or mudslime. Upon these rocksdeposited. rockery

by a circle stakes. The stakesare united a fromto are

bwifn rh two tnkrs a pmnll bun-dle of twigs flouting In the water ata ihort dlstnnce from thu bottom.

"When the fishing season arrives theMake itiul bundle n of fagots are Uikenup. Tlnwo o)stcni nre us.d which aresuitable for market, nnd then thestakes are replaced About fifty yearnago some Wwedlsh llsherinen in the

river, in New York began prac-

tical experiments In this line and I

see no reason wh) Mr hooper and Mr.Watei house should not make a likesuccess in front of their homes at PearlHarbor In 18.S the French

I naturalist. Caste began Investiga-tion nnd In Frame He

I stated that out of twenty-thre- e bedsjwhlch formerly constituted a greatisuuree of wealth, eighteen had been

destrojed when begantin. or icplcnlslillig toe einaust-e- d

on the coast. In an area de-

pleted dredging, wheie the hadbien so completely destnoeil that theyeould not provide spat, six long bedsof osters were ami buoyed



There art


out. The oniioms iirotiiiu inese , , , , ,.,, of ConBrcli!!i nc. .

"weie then thoroughly with the i ........shells of oysters and other mollusks "on will taKcti tnai win ienu 10 uiellundles or twigs, six to ten feet long, ' construction by the Government or a ca- -.

were then fastened by stone anchors j,u llle Mainland to Hawaii, andon w , . ., - a.

bundlc'N were fouml to be complete! This Is conclusion by every-covere- d

spat, ami twenty 0u uho returned rrom the Capitalouiig weie counted one recently. While there was somu cnanee

bundle. I for the construction of the cable by I

"Two cn eminent raniis were es- - u..i,rvinser Company, three years ago.tnbllslied. a force of one hundred that to hao passed, and

and an niea of acres wiih there looks to be only bills beforestocked in In 1SC3, dur- - Oorlls 'tame wa Congress and , m .Ing six tid x lfi.0CU,0"O "f were hill, which provide for the IA OV i AA ICtaken, I.iu.d was ledtd b the !., the cable by Government. ,MvW - I QA la?government to linltvliluuls, anil one The tie-u- p on cable matters heretoforeaiea of 4f,n nm-- was in n few ears nnM eeii ,i tho House, where thestocked with ) stem valued at JS.OOO,- - iaUB of private ownership always000. and all 1I1W n il ex- - llllAC nnd tne majorit) or votes In theiKTlment "f une man committee on Interstate and Foreign

"Mr Cm utro tells us the Commerce, anil the of thoosttr en u Is iiuallj prosperous In Sco-mse- r was prevented only thePortugal, aid t tint lar'e nuniilltl'-- s are wnr an1 the consisjucnt reeling thnt theshlmKil t. iiilnn, Hulln a d Paris. mmm vhoula mk. uo the mattir.

"Mr .Mail, ItnbliiHiiii ,i'i a s mat U(K.(nt priate Information received Inhe well ri members hearing ln rather Hcrjtns.-- r Compuny. three years ago,tell or the pen I lihhirj at Pearl Har- - onl 0,)positlon to Government ownership

uri hondiisls of tons of r... .1... nru.u nKiA miu.emptj veter at I earl Harbor ,,um,Hi wUri the that If I ttti law passed by

-. .... -- 1...1 the IK'.irl I.. '" M? at '!.m" v.trnmcu' The to the.. i,i m.n.il.. will uhnnrinn th..company with the late Abraham Ter- - )l( a sllort whlll. und 1HC lll0 tu.j opennandes and W. I. Oreene op n- - for ,,., opinton been ex- -Inn was that osters had been kill- - )r,hM naval officers who have alled by some convulsion of nature, but , f.lVored the Invlng of cable by.1.... ... .. .!.. n 1... 't... nnllt.nl K...1 n :mill in II ininiuit tin- - IIIUUIUI . V4 ,Ttin rock The bntindarli .s ofthis nx'k are usually well defined, and M tr.... ... ... V... tmin.t iKii'nnil I t v "l ......... .,

.111.,-iiri- . ...- - - . ,.... ntcri.8tlj matters tne pastiiitiiih .11 iia il i iiiiiihii lilt u.nu'inwere packid so near together that theyI'oulil not Hat hut grew vertically, u'ur of' ,u ao(rnrnt.nl building a

necled with tne local agneunui.i. ,n,. loh-ne- ss 1 sopartment. Mr. . the growth one oysterturned from the Coast, where he has prevented adjneeiit opening

given repot









advo- -


theli shells, and thus themout and i xtermlnated them On natu-ral nvster rocks, nearlj ever one or

living oysters is toopen or flee end nf a shell, andoften a pile or live or six shells Isthus united The when young,fastening to the end of the Hist,getting a little above the TheHist die, the second continues to de-velop and then a rastens Itselfto shell and so on, until the chain

dltlons at Pearl Haibor are pnrtletilai --' out of the water, and the re








ding tide living one outof the to die, which means ex-t- c

i initiation'Theie Is leason why a splendid

sin cess should not be made of replant-ing Peu Hut to oysters"



mearlllleiy wl,h

Is the MajorIIuIm. It In said, wants a tor the

peisons K.re ln(j ts the hend- -

illtaiteiH of the depot nt SanFraiiclsio ate that one will bo sentas soon ,ts possible Should this bedone leietnonv at

to the tl It Is

the designation or McKlnle.v asa post.

The batteries athave to their


have been a ofolflceiH.

Is also a thefoiee of men here

always a force--

here until sending of majority

theie an addition will made thefotee stationed

A WORK."I had a severe of bilious

got a ofColic, Cholera and Dlarihoea

brought a that In wns for a had





oysterfor the













cruise.during time con-Mnu- e

atIs expected return





Congress Ex-

pected PassBill Soon.

excellent dur- -





thu bill tho

the the









the ov rnment depart- -

linnupil A ullr. h.ly 1....n..,.x. .u..w for



decade, when asked as to the yesterday, said: Is a strongmcable and I hope to hee It successful. Ifirst became Interested In the cablejeurs ngo, whin hudagritd to pn one-thir- d or the then es- -tlmatid eost or the construetlon or a ci'









with thou- -






The therepresentation





APPEALEDwith sums

1.000the Hale





Up SupremeCourt.

tothe for

thehhells matter thu Leglsla-,n?.- ?'

V"8 'he. court made























first-name- d

the amount by the Wal-me- a



made the

Is thelr the United States would the Court,

put the. list j The agreed Tacts are bilef as ll,

and I then got thu peopli Iuvvh: Plaintiffs paid towho were In a cable and hUm IIK)Iu.y heroin specllled anddclded to ahead All the prominent Its return on thebiislmss wire In the matter and I , , t to- -havlng nielved from London ..... ..,.., ,.i"" of the atlon Isas to eost the to goto the Un'ted tSatis to If there could Blven i,r..0.40 for the eur endingb. a for a 30th, and for Mr It Is

I found that tlure was then iniiih In- - as It nettirist in the This was In lwi, that the letuin of the so paid hasthe Hoiifc, after a long In .been revised.

decided that my plan a The alleges that the Iss.ibsld if .iK,iP0 fur lirtien ears should 'unconstitutional, that the tax is

Th' re was u ,, uhi,i,i ,i ,niiiilSemite, and I shall






always ,.,., ,,,,.,,,. thnt the Isthe fill In re of the project was duu

to piiMiiml Jealousies lather than thuvalue or thu plan. 1 In was leganv mane ami mii.uii.wink on this mutter and the or It as

RF AHHFH I mncli Thu local the case lndiv Iduals the leasons--V I UL nUULU votnl a and weru set by attorneys ror Jlr. Rob- -

hotiitul th.it shuuhl have en the specl- -

A military the post ,Um ihv Coast before many a purt the reioid

tstntilin fiom

theie willtached gnat and


two Camptalscd full






Sl Mais uttti, I again interesttil In the i ublc und then, us the. euiin- -

I the Company,foi a i omission lot and secured

what wus Tills wus nn exclusivetight to a cable huie. This conces-sion in exlsti nee when the

was sent hero to consider thu ss- -

leui of und thulrmulct stood the will be H"t the ftanehl'-- elosed wus Tol



sub- -



that llftuntliall with company, the

,1 had i looking



2iiiti rests ugo der Is InconsistentI tO L'tl tO US ., I.l. l,n ,t,l

10x men. The re'tiriMiutatlvo the Oovernment to ,,.iit ir Punstltutlnn nf the Unitedlick is expected to bilng second watch Its I to

tor service him that I 3, provisions the uct rar asterle-s- , w ror months act tor the as I had t In taxutlon the salaries of


possibility thatstatlonid

wasthe tht










lowed Since time,1'omuetlon cable

afterhero until two whin

.iskld llfl.,ntl, ...nenil.limit

Then wrotewith

hlch past othercomie-ction- s at the Since thattime I have hnd no

' with theI show ing I have nlwas

favor or Government ownership, while1 wus in Washington, utter a fora eoiniMtiy, in which I thon inter- -

or 10 anei uie prospeci idtid, the suggislton was made by aIs that with reduction or the troops number or tho House committee on



attackcolic, bottle


such sick week,






Ivlliat- -


terstote Fori Ign that thoOoi eminent should own the line. 1 atiiiioi- - iisseiitisl, thnt wantedwhs the cable, that woutld likesee It by the United j turns the assessor miy

have beforo otllcer a ora I I

make before comnier- - romnanv to..., ... 1,1.1, . ..,. li- - . . . .. .. .."""'""' i unuer oaintook dosestwo was cur- -ed." savs Rev of Hm- - "".";'" " .. "? ror. a ---

three veuts good management porta, "My across the ",,",,, '"'"fcl. ,

.l.. f lC1 n.. -- ,, .1H..IV.1 t.i nr Mir.... I.Allleo nf m...llnll. ' e lllliorillll IiaSOCetl1R.000.000 or ouiig the used them thtee or '' t ,

" ?,ters, which been reared the four days relief, called ! ": i,V, lt ,' '" lConnecticut ovster farms, nnd were In doctor who him for ,", . ,',,",, At ,a, m""orused for on the Pacific some gave him no relief, so ; V Washington, a Hawaiian

happened to b H Piaticlsco 'discharged hltn. I went over to ,, .l "'',he

,,'I10(i,lu,,u ' 'j'f dcf- -

IKsS when this si,iment nriived. him next morning. He said Ills do

and In ought a hundred here. Wo. bow els were In n they ,,,ouor ror,

Territory, and tollingplanted them nt but n been running off so long that it ,' !! c,imi; ll;r Je.us ago a sailor,freshet from the stream them wns a. llux. I asked him J. 'J?1,'""1 so"verstloii

ilf had tried Chamberlain's IJInrr- - on cable and"The oyster enormously , hocu. and said. 'No.' 1 ," ",t hnd

a single one birth In one sea- - home nnd brought him my bottle u" as counsel for thoson many of jo'irmi Under , and gave him one dose; told him ptHiple While lna of o sters take dose ln fifteen '"BiO" 'st I did not appear beforeare botn each one which grows ' if did not llnd but sommitteelnihat at

The o sters are . took more and entirely cur- -'


numbers, nwnvtime

toomicroscope, are



for fasten orthe not

theynnd are

"The-- vv ofproper

ot methodsof thU have and

nre here andrough

heaps sufficiently beirom or

areEach surround-

ed orcord one

another, to which suspended



completely he



both build- -





i" ....









ui,i,i i.to





i tnitiK 11 tne i, saillnirhave ever tried." stle by Benson.I

competition f. OUt r lcsim, ., -, ,..nn-- m ,.,-.- ..... ww.. Mtw., a". ..- - .....,! ti, X'. e--H. New York.

San nnd hasNorth Atlantic Bquadron. ,10t as

trips the sugarNEWPORT. Aug The would be made The present

sels or the North Atlantic squadron ar about 50,000Monday for tons gone the Horn.

month's Admiralson proposes that to

land drills Nantucket. Thsquadron to to New-po- rt

early In September to participatein maneuvers.

Out th Tombs,August 2 -- Dvla 1.

R. the














ei.... . .. ,w ..... . ... , ,,L. service

' l s

I. vis- - thoughtare

aniosi in wnicn was cnrrlnl by steam- -

Next year to letthe again have a

a will be onfor The by sailwill be J2 a

-- ..

to OurDE 2.

;to the efforls ,lf Ule States Mlll- -mr i 7 ! ' 7 " ter her.-- . Page pro- -

with thAlbert T, Tatrlck, connection' ' tarlfr toof a will of

Marsh Rice, were from the ' and byTombs today on of 115,01 wih I and Argentine

ail. They had ben u thu TotuW been in llraslll'tnMarch 3Kh. CongresB.

I .Grayson, club-- 1

man and operator of SanCisco, dead.







on return to Ho-nolulu, will a few week withAllan at Kalihl

S M W W S K S 5 M ? H 8. , ny Income to tax to addi i humlrrd r c-- amount of the

Purgeon tVymon ofhonpllal to-

day received notice thatHoard of

hud agreed to laborer onwny from Porto Hlco to

Hawaii to pass throughquarantines detention.

actloh was uponof the

Genera! that Porto It freefrom Infectious disease

for was-- Washington Star

. V UitUU Ti S ii '


or Ithen 0f




wa madeCourt

a decision on legality of

Iture. appeal ia


from the under protestCollector Pratt, of taxussehsed H. Robertson,

an individual and ngalnst the.Sugar Mill Company a

The tax was paidmorning by the to

of $130.91 andIn the of In

both cases W. Pratt, as andof taxes First Taxa

tion of Territoiy ofarid

of the utjieed statement offacts to three

ble,up too in

togetlur Collector Pratte'tlle nt

go .lumanded giound thatmen The

or cable, decided Incomes.-- as

cable. June Uobettbongiven $fi,.'tr..fi3. fui lb

projeit tax

eummlttee, plaintiff law

inishiil hard lightact

constitutional ns- -

put haul ,sessmentfailure siana

Ml vny government In otIT hud subsidy all out

we eommunlca- - civ followingbund foi years. made of







few that






and valid, and that





niltted the com tI o Motis only one

dollars ftomthe iiRgrfg.ite aiinunl Imonie riom

tubers of oneor both anil or more minor

and wife, thuease a of two or more minor

a giiaribnn oT two in more minorsIn fnmllv Ineun-iste- nt with the

have hnd no fourteenth and




Constitution the United Stubsvears one dollars


two Mr. Istatisthe and told no Thu so

many longer concern,without full







tne menthe


und towherobv



Power, V?L"U ,M."r?neighbor ,.,

change.,.,rranclsco doctor. Hnw"- -



terribleKalihl. heavy

covered almost bloody ,m.wiy"nor, matters,

Is Remedy, connectiongiving slllc,millions

nature, millionsminutes, relief, connection





mctiicineLrll ,LlV




expired,Newport having around



It pioposedsailing vessels

chance,purpiwe saving

Favorable Oommirer,JANEIRO, August Owing

UnitedChailes lliyan.

alleged forgery William "mm1, 'hnng.-M- . pujudlclalreleased commerce favored

deposit British, Italian interests,lM!hnve defentrd

Robert Samuel Parker,biK'tid


Oeneralmarine service

Iiulslanu Healthpermit






OKMAI. applicationSupreme yesterday


against GiorgeWaJ-me- a

corpora-tion. esterday



Division Ha-vvu-


presented membersSupreme





lllegal-b- i



allowingdediiitlou thousand

family composedpatents

ihlldten, husbandguardian


nrovlslon exempting incomes un- -

WjHllltll-tOI- I

lieutenants orresulting

absolutelythe Chief Justice Associate Justices

the SupiTme Court Judges of thoCircuit Courts of the Territoiy or Ha-

waii are inconsistent with section Si

the Organic Act other laws of thoUnited Stati-- s

1 ot the act so turas resulting the taxation bonds oftho United Suites Goertimeiu Incon-sistent with the Constitution lawsot thu Unlteel States.

3. tho act relating toor rerusni or ntgiici 10 m- -

owiiid States Since lawfullythat time I never appeared summon nuvan) committed advocating cable. any person possession of the booksdid an the of thn Droduce tho.i.,tentirely '"" iiuiaueipiiin years to give testimony

A. A. ?''Kan. the ''"'"5

frnmSan ovs- - He for f T ""

had on then

planting days andSan see t'ly

In the everything Infix, ",0

had asany

upprolific. he ",m

to to In 1S37 Wash- -

or or anyfnr to nil.

xoung no was












en. nestFor

T.1,1 theifnro "Vrtti.T. between


will next




Fran-- ,



ers Is



V In ,7



M S liable twoto







collector the





of oneall

nn of oneone

nnd Inof

i.i-- e ofone



W.lS tileof or the

bat- - Inof





undof and


The provisions inin of


The provisions ofcases inane


same andand iwo





mmsssskjrff:tfWnuii'' it


"Why not lookjilting ? There's



genuine jdeas- -uro in holding

back KathurTuno flf- -

Youcan do it

ius llyAvcr's

Viuiir, for itall that dark

nuil rich to thol li.tlr which belongs to


Aver'sHair Vigor

mited Htates






Yon know tlio story how RoodQueen ltess, pointing to tho beautifullialrof a iiea-a- nt girl, said, "There's areal myal ctown. would trade mygolden one for it." That was long ago.Now 011 can liavo real roj al crownof jour own, simply by using Aycr'sHair Vigor. It m.iKes tlto hair growthick and long and stops it falling out.

When uiir hair is rich and heavy,and when the closest fails todetect a tduglo gray hair, you will cer-taiu- ly

look a great deal j ounger, andyou will be much better satisfied with

too. Isn't that so ?

Prcputd kr Dr. J. C.7) cr Co.. Uivcll, Mm.. U. 5. A.


, tax In cane of fraudul.nt return. 1. In-- ionslslrnt with the fourth, fifth or slith

V. of the Comtltutlon of the;

Haid act arbitrarilyand exempt.




" "j n





' unlawfully


unreasonablyper.ons and

property from taxation' 7 Said act Is unconstitutional as rsuiting In duplicate taxation ror the rei--

son that the Income gains and profits! derived rrom all rial and personal prop- -

erty situate In .aid Territory Is taxedi, i pursuant to section 17 and G) ot act 51 or

the Sessions law or 1K3, hentoforc pasfeji und now standing unrepealedli v That the whole act Is unconstitu

tional, Invalid, Inoperative and void byreason ot the Invalidity of the many pro-

visions thereof Inasmuch as It would re-

sult In a subversion of the Legislative in-

tent to enforce only the remaining provisions ot said act.

9. That said Act Is otherwise unconsti-tutional, null nnd void.

10. Thnt said Income Tax law Is basedon no rule or uniformity, nor is it basedon a rule or apportionment, such as theConstitution requires or taxes Imposed byCongnss upon the States or ne UnitedStates, and Is, therefore, Inconsistentwith the Constitution or tho United sStateas well as with the Organic Act givingthe Constitution tho same rorce and

ns elsewhere In tho United States11 That said Income Tax law author-

izes taxation which Is not uniform and Isnot proportionate taxation within i..eTerritory of Hawaii, and, therefore, isInconsistent with the Constitution of theCnlted States.

The reasons given by the plaintiffcorporation differ only In the first twoprovisions, which nre as follows:

1. The provisions taxing corporationson total net Income without the exemption of the $1,000 allowed Individuals Is Inconsistent with the fourteenthor fifth amendments to the Constitu-tion of the United States.

'L The provision totally exempting Insurance companies on a percentage ofthe premiums under the authority ofanother act is an unwarranted discrimination and Inconsistent with thefourteenth or fifth amendments of theConstitution of the United States.

The petition Is signed by A. S. Hart-we- ll

and Smith & Lewis for plaintiffsand by Robertson & Wilder for defend-ant.

The case will be argued before theSuDrcme Court Monday afternoon orTuesday, the habeas corpus cases hav-ing been given the right of way.




Hook Kim Smote Him With

Brick and an OfficerHooked Him.

Hook Kim is in the tollH for droppinga bilek rrom n height onto the head ota countryman of his, Sick Poon byname. The brick made connections andeoiiiplnlnnnt Is a very sick Poon lnlonseiiuence. Defendant was workingwith complainant on Mnunakea streetv hen, uccoidlug to Sick I'oon, he di tip-

ped a brick from the top of the build-ing onto hltn, severely Injuring his armuul back.

This nettled complainant, who saidthat sueh things were not right. Lateron In the day the friends met again Inti lestauiant and there being o btlcksniimly Hook Klin attacked Sick Poonv ith an lton bar and made quite a holeIn his good aim, after which Hook Klinwithdrew. In the course of the day awin Hint was Issued and a, policeman

onked Hook KimComplainant avers that his assailant

is trying to create a vacancy In theof carpenters In aider that he

may Introduce a fi lend.Willie Sung Fook was arrested

Tor Impersonating 11 police ofll- -

cer On him were round a cluu, revot- -vi- - and badge, emblems of authorityrWendant was formerly a member "ofRobinson's patrol and Is suspected ofhaving piled the gentle art of extortionamong his neighbors.

Deputy Sheriff Chllllngworth raideda pnl kati game In Pauoa valley yes-terday afternoon nnd bagged firteenCelestials, who will face the music inJudge Wilcox's court this morning.

Sadie Muller, who has frequentlygraced the Police Court on liquor sellingcharges wns taken unawares at Iwllelon Sntuidny night while illicitly slakingtin' thirsts of a transport crew, linn- -lie! Phillips wns arrested on a similarcharge.

Other arrests were: Kalehul, Kllea,malicious Injury; I. Sllva, commonnuisance; Anton Tnvosh, needle's driv-ing. W E. Terwlllger, necky Knleau-kel-

Antone Pleores, adultery. Ah Hoy,Mnnuel Per re I rn. Cieorge Smith, inves-tigation, N.igsita. Teknlo nnd two na-tives drunkenness

. ..a.



The Block and Residenceposed of at Private


Dis- -

Tho rCHliuuce of J. P. Hackfeld, whichui copies the square bounded by Lunalllo,

I Kaplolanl, Hackreld and Green streets,has been sold to Dr John T. McGrew.

.The consideration was $25,000 cash. ThoI carpenters nre now at work making re

pairs nnd additions to tho house, whichwill be ready for occupancy the first ofSeptember. It Is understood that tho saleor his residence, means that Mr. Hackfeldwill not return to Hawaii from Germany,vs here he is now living.

The residence Is about seven cars old,and Is a very stoutly built h6use. Thegrounds are well laid out, and, exceptingthat they have not had the best of careduring the absence of the owner, are Ingood shape. It Is the Intention or Dr.McGrew to occupy the residence as soonas It Is ready, seeking greater privacythan Ik possible at his pre&ent home.

Bund Scholar Bead.NCW YOHK. August -Dr. Stephen

Poss, formerly a practicing physlc'anand a Greek scholar, is dead at his homeIn Urookljn, aged 76. He lost his eye-sight on account ot constantly poringover Greek manuscripts and for the lastfive or six cars hab been totally blind.


Theo. H. Davies & Cc.(Limited.)


Northern Assurance Company,OP LONDON, FOR FIRE AND

LIFE. Established 1836.Accumulated Funds .... 3,375,00.

British and Foreign Marine Ins, Go


Reduction of Rates.Immediate Payment of Claims.



HamDuro - Bremen rife iosiik

The undersigned havlnir been nn.pointed agents of the above composare prepared eo insure nsu againstfire on Stone and Brick Buildings andon Merchandise stored therein on themost favorable terms. For particularapply at the office of


German lloyd Marine Insure CaOF BERLIN.

Fortuna General Insurance ftOF BERLIN.

The above Insurance Compute hartestablished a general agency here, andthe undersigned, general agents, anauthorized to take risks against thedangers of the sea at the most ruiun.able rates and on the roost farorabUterms.

F. A. SCHAEFER ft CO..General Agent.

General Insurance Co. for StRiver and Land Transport,

of Dresden.Having established an agency at Ho-

nolulu and the Hawaiian Islands, thundersigned general agents are authori-zed to take risks against the dangersof the Bea at the most reasonable ratesand on the most favorable terms.

F. A. SCHAEFER & CO.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


Capital of the Company andreserve, relchsmarks (,000,MI

Capital their reinsurance com-panies 101,850,001

Total relchsmarks

Jorth German Fire Insurance C

OF HAMBURG.Capital of the Company and

reserve, relchsmarksCapital their reinsurance com






relchsmarks 43,830,001

The undersigned, general agents ofthe above two companies, for the Ha-waiian Islands, are prepared to InsureBuildings, Furniture, Merchandise andProduce, Machinery, etc.; also Sugarand Rice Mills, and Vessels ln the har-bor, against loss or damage by fire onthe most favorable terms.


DR. .. C0LIIS BlOim

ChlorodyneIs the Original rd Only



Br. J. Collis Browne's CnlorodysV1f..Oh.sllori3IK W PVrt woplj

litkllcli la court tlmiriR J OOl.Ua K.tOJJnt fnVii11j th INYINTOK of J1I! OW

DTNK that the ble story of tb dcf'.d at,Fnrmtii w. dfllb-ml'l- T iinVroe, D! e m.l4ftOM7tthidBeaB.BWi.tu to rircYSjr T"a.Jalt 1, 11.

Dr. J. CoWs Browne's ChlorpdywI Him! mf(tielm hlh .ir" rVII4 n

EVXfcY KIKD, iiinli . calai. relr;-iii- ii

WITHOUT UKADACnK. i.d IKTIOOtA'fWibr- unv.iuf )lrm wlien rihituteif M

Oreat Spoolflo for Cholorn. Dyttory, Dlarrhcoa.

To Oencrll Board ot Menlih Uniom, --

pKt. that It ACTS u CHARM ; oce dew. rrrally .flclnt.

Dr Olhbnn. Amy Mriltsal BtC CkUMvw

iuUii 'Two doMt fmlrfy tmttidUnhtM "

!M J. Collis Browne's CnloratytIt lk TDI riLUATJYB lr

Neuralgia, Oout, Cnor.Toothaoh. Hhuinti.

Dr. J. Collis Browne's Ortortdya.ftaptdly cats (bait all attack of

Bpllepcy. Spasms, Colic,Palpitation, Hrattxsja.

IMPORTANT CAUTION. - Tat Umeu.e sale of tali tt.iartj bti slwa H v

Diaa; Uatctapaloaw ImlUttao

If. B Xrrrj Bttla 4 nilar Ckrania-- .kaan aa l uTrraaiMt aiu ikr naatt flaataraatM. Dr J. Colli Browrrn 4la bcttlaa, la. . Ja. N. and 4 Ad . r alckamliU.

ftola Maaafaatanr.

J. T. DAVENPORT,S3 Great Rtueell BL. London. W. 0

rf if


Page 7: WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U · 2015. 6. 2. · R M jC B.Hflr IIVKH J.. V m , mb r r."v w v x: XsV VOL. XXXVI, No. 65. HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 1n 13, mni.-SKMt.VE-EKLY. WILL PHY



The Drouth DoingConsiderable


(Slclal Correspondence.MAUI. August 10. Thu drought set'ms

to be RPttlnR uorse Instead of better.The atmosphere Is Retting hotter iinddryer. The thermometer is constantlyIn the 80's. For the last three or lourdays the trade-wind- s have censedblowing, thu making the heat of thesummer sun more Intolerable Kama-alna- s

state that never within the his-tory of the East Maul ditches has thererion In the vicinity of their head-- n

a tern been so dry. The plantationsdependent upon the Hamakua and thetwo Sprockets ditches are sufftrlnRkeenly. One of the Spreckels Meditches is dry: In the other and theHamakua ditch, the vvatervvny thatupplies the Pala and Hamakuapoko

plantations, there are but a few Inchesof water. The water In the Iao valleyis also very low, but the Waihee ditchhat- - a better supply.

genihial notes .

It Is rumored that llamoa planUtlimin liana dlstilct Is soon to cluse up. Itthis is true, the pi rv ailing high pricesfor labor and the el

drought aie the probable causes of dis-

continuance.In Walluku, on the 9th, a team "t

Inn sos attached to a delivery wagoni .tn away and threw the Japanese dil-v-

out, cutting him badl.In spite of a rathei small attendame

of auditors the discussion by theDebating Society, held In the

parlors of the Pala Foreign Church lastevening, went oft" fnlrly well. The sub-

ject debated was, "Resolved, That fourjcars spent In trael is more'benellcfalt" a young man than the same lengthof time devoted to a college course."

Messrs. W. E. Iteckwith and 1 EAiwatei led In favor of "travel" andwon opr Messis W O. Aiken and JJones, who contested In favor of a col-

lege education. The subject for nextmeeting Is, "Unsolved, That the annex-ation of Hawaii to California will beconducive to the best Interests of theformer."

By the Ilelene of the Sth Mr. and MisJames Fleming of Grove Ranch return-ed from a trip to Oregon. By the samehteamer Mrs. John Waterhouse of Ho-

nolulu arrived on Maul and Is a guestof the H. 1'. Baldwins of Haiku

By the Sierra, Miss Addle Dow die, thesister of S. U. Dow die of the Kaupaka-lu- a

School, arrived In Honolulu. Shewill reside In Makawao.

The Italians on Spreckelsvllle arefirst-cla- ss laborers. They, however, didnot-com- e direct from Italy, but wererecruited In St. Ixiuls and speak Eng-

lish like native Amei leans.During the fitli, Maul people teamed

of the E. O. Hull & Son Hie by uln-lc-ss

telegraph All hall, Maieonl!Kahului haiboi shows a olenn ex-

panse of hniboi water, there being only-on-

vesi-t- l at anchor theie, the OtellaPeterson, a foul -- masted schooner thatarrived from Ullo last week, bringingliH tons of nillroad Iron foi the Kahu-li- u

Uailroad Company. She Is loadingsugar.

By the steamer Helene, which sailstomorrow, Mesdames H A. Baldwinand F. W. Hardy dep.ut for a shortvls.lt to Honolulu Miss Maggie Walk-er who has been visiting In Kula, re-

turns home, and Miss Mary Green, whobus been n gue.st at Grove Uanch, alsodeparts.

Last week Hon. C. H. Dickey madehis Jubilee or fiftieth trip to the eiater

f Haleakala. Next!During the 8th, Mrs J. P Cooke and

children went to Ollnda House for aleng stay.



Sugar Plantation Mauugfeis onthe Big Island Have


The manageis of the sugar planta-tions on this Island will hold a meet-ing at Fruman's Hall today to conferw.th Mr. Iike regarding biinglng In iilarge number of Porto Hican laborers.Mr. Eake has lived in Porto Illco for ar.umlM-- r of years and Is thoroughly fa-

miliar with the Island and the people.lTe will make a proposition to the man-ager wh'ch he believes will have fa-

vorable consideration. Uegardlng thePotto Means Colonel I,ake says:

"In my opinion a little better careshould have been used In the selectionof the people who were sent herethough In many Instances some gotaboard without our knowing it. Ad arace they have been pretty vvell starvedIn their own land for generations, butmy exr"'enct! nas been that once themen are fed up they become good woik-me- n.

On the pubic works In Ponce wehad thousands of them employed andas a rule they gave satisfaction

"There Is one thing, however, thatthe employers of Porto Means shouldbear In mind. The customs of the peo-

ple there were, un U the United Statesassumed control, the opposite to thecustoms In any well regulated commu-nity of white; their moral standardwas far below ebb and If the employ-ers here will remember that disciplinewas not in their curriculum at homeand that they must be brought up toa realization of It by degrees, the re-

sult will be more satisfactory. In otherwords, until the Porto Ulcfn gets ac-

customed to his surroundings he mustbe treated like a child. The starvingout process ha had the effect of mak-ing some of them covetous and a


Thtre a Rood many people japplnRr.l.n.1. Ihn Inram. .i v. Ilhr.nl Wnnu.lr.i- -

wnt'inrr wir minB i sum mrum." or,not," wild the Early Hlser.

"I suppoe ou are digging at me," saidithe Kicker. "1 object to it on generalprinciples Why should we have to tellthe government that our Income Is bomuch and our exjienses overrun our In- -come' It seems to me like giving out alot of Information that Is of a strictlyprivate nature, lou can't tell who Is go--frig to get hold of it and It appears tome as though n fellow was injuring hiscredit. Up here In the assessor's office1 noticed that when a man turned In hisreport and someone was standing nearthat the assessor covered It up so theother fellow couldn't see It. But In otheroffices they may not be so particular,and the will be that this privatewlreles Information will be like the duetIn Honolulu all over town."

"The trouble Is that men who havebeen posing as Incomers will be shownup as being on the other side," said theCheerful IJar. "The fellow whose returnshowB that he must pay a dollar and aquarter income tax after all exemptionsIs the one who can wear his hat on thetide of his head and smoke cigars."

"And have people running after himwanting to borrow money at easy rates,"said the Early Hlser. "Mebbo that's thereason why so many of us kick againstmaking the return. Another reasonIs because It seems to be decidedly un- -American. In my opinion It Is like tryIng to gag the press It's a bluftnhat theSupreme Court won't stand for. You willm" in get their heads together that theywill mij nit to the proposition. We allknow that a higher rate of taxes Is nee- -essnr) to run the government, and it waswithin the power of the Legislature to fixIt In n way that there would have beenlets kicking than with an odious Incomeia I'copiu wno live in the back1 coun- -try, the hornesteaileis, aie crvlng for

i , .... ' .

.- -



,Be.Kel encouragement irom i;onKress. it uuil vu uulcklv find out that It P.was another case of 'I will' until a mora ',,,.. .. .. hlu," J,,b torpowerful body came along and complet- - ,ttJ "'?,",,,,ed the sentence with 'not.' It the Legls- - mc" C!,,n,""1 as els, i.ml

"" ' dvti' "u"c l'tove that tnejlature had been of a bettei make-u- p wemight have had a show, but the election oan r 8I1' "K-il- that we mini ' V

'spoilt It. Washington whs kmt well ml- - foi men. The men tluil h

lu.iui, nen uni n in insiaiices, una iina u win lane nnotner .Nonli andIn tome Instances Improvements to old another flood to convince some of theones. Wo of Hllo see where streets need Homo Itule members that thej are

and know Hint It cannot be,dldates for th.e queer ward In tho Terrl-don- o

without money. I do not believe. Initial bug house," said the Clueiful Mar,then, that many of us would have kicked , "Some of them actually believe that thevIf the tnx on piopertj had been raled vvero Inspired by Divine power to do nsto two per cent. The)o would have been they did. To my mind It was a case ofno question ns to the constitutionalityof the act, nnd things would hnve gone.iiuiiK nniiiiiiuiiKiy. As u Is, we seem tobo up against It, for the reason thatthe income tax law will probably beklckid out and the lax levy lemalns asIt wan liefoie Tim condition I speak of,regarding roads, does not exist on thisIsland alone. There's Honolulu, wherepiovNIons have been mude for some bigimprovements, which, owing to lack ofmoney, and no provisions for betting It,the woik must stop. Every Island In thegroup Is In the same condition; a con-dition that could have been avoided bythe passnge of a loan bill and the changeIn the tax levy. 1 wouldn't be surprisedto hear that a special session of the Leg-islature would bo called for the purposeof handling these two mattcis."

"And for the purpose of piovidlngmone) for the Legislating and, possibly,cmplovment for Colonel Mnzuma," saidthe Kicker. ''Excuse me! We have hndabout nil we want of this Legislaturewithout adding another session. If youhave wntched things you've noticed thatme M'li oni lasted snout flu lnnc no thunpproprlatlons for expenses held out; I

there-- was no attempt mude to reversethe ordir and have tho appropriations'wvwl'A'llllvvvlchicken is mighty tempting.

talked to theI .to Hleais and they expic--s them- -selves being sa wl I. their new

n,'..,C. V co,nl"""Ll belnthe living, expenses. Some of

he store inanngeis Inform me thatthey w import a cheaper grade ofcommodities for their use and If thisis dune I am quite sure theie will be noluniiei- - iiiiiiiuiiiiii. i ne meeting onThuisday will be for the pin pose ofiliscuslng labor and deciding uponw lint class will next be tried. Some ofthe managers are Inclined toward thepioposltlon to bring In negroes but Ibelieve a majority will oppose It. I am


""coiouei i.ase is a tesioeni ot uiiio anil

lias been In sevQtnl wars. He servedtlnee j ears during the American CivilWar, was In South Aft lea and

served in Cuban-Spanis- h warJtetinnlng to Ohio when war was

against Spain, he recruited aregiment of volunteeis nnd ap-pointed colonel After being musteredout he located at Ponce for nenrly

years was engaged In publicworks department. Hllo Herald


Looking Into Means of Fire Pro-tection

Mr A. Gutrey, secretary of theHoard of Underwriters of the HawaiianIslnnds, been for the pastvieek In making the ofllclal surveyof Walluku of the Board ofUrderwriters Heretofore In fixingrates of fire Insurnnce Maul, eachcompany been solely byuch conditions as presented themselves

in KUI.-I- I iiiuiuuuui tnf iiiiu ua usuit no fixed rates on the classesor property have been the rule, butarbitrary rates have been fixed.

The principal object Gurrey'svisit to Island was to survey thesugar mills for of dlscov- -ering If anything could be done In thematter of lowering mill Insurance,oitnough ne lias so far examined only

tnese es ess r skv vvh ch win

- ..r.

AUGUST It, 1vi




hold out an Ions in th oomlot) rontimtodIt Villi J? till" MU11" If lineltlior tCllOIl III

tailed, and It wi.l end with tlvit line as me iari no Mmu,inIU, Tl...majority of mtn In the l.oKlslaUiro wentthere with a kick against the Dole of- -

' "cia- - nn ' "" '7'1 '" theirbonnets tliej wanted to make It unplca- -

t fof ,,,, no tIlatlcr wlmt ,llc cost totho publ.c That Is one reason why 1

j kick, their Interests were selfish, theywere vlnJ, tve, and the Idea of 'publicgood" In their mind consisted In kickingagainst n tUme wall It inaj be. thatsome day the will realize theii mistake,n the votus who have sent them therehave realized It."

"It was a case of 'I will' with uvery- -' one of them," said tho Korly Itlier, "and J

when they went there with that sort ofbutton In their coat It meant that they' would bounce the government, whetherPresident McKinley would have It so or

' not. What was tho result? Ask n.tentative Becklcy, who went to 'Friscoto Interview tho President. Why, hedidn't stay over there long enough towait for a regular steamer; he cameback deadhead on a transport, and 1 'res-ident McKinley sent him. They say thathis tall was gracefully curved betweenhis legs as ho left the Scott mansion,where the President was sojourning.Take the other proposition. Statehood,which I consider the quintessence of fool-ishness. Delegate Wilcox left the Islandsfor Washington with tho idea flrmlv root.ed that ho could have the Territory madea State, and this, too, after the dls- - !

graceful session. He, too, back I

with the statement that the presidentwouldn't stand for it, nnd that he could

vled of the affairs of Hawaii by men ofinfluence, and the lcsult Is what everyane man might have expected"..... .. ... . . :. . . .

White chicken, toast pig and tl haves.If they were living down South everyone

Jof them would be wearing a rabbit's footto keep off the hoodoo is bound tofollow them the rest of their lives."

"And Mr. Dole remains Governor?"ttBke-- tho Kicker. "Has nil) one heardfrom him lately"

"I bellcvo he Ib somewhore on MnunaKea," sold tho Early nisei. "The last 1

heard was that with soveral others howas from Low's place over thetrail. The cool atmosphere of the moun- -tain has helped him very much, nnd hewill soon be ready for official duties. Hohas been hunting wild hogs and wild cat-tle In a neighborhood away from (ubtelephone and wireless ti legrapli,""Mithnt nls mind has been fien fromoffice cares. It was the best medicinehe could have, and he Is ImnruvlnL- -under the treatment. Acting GovernorCooper, in the meantime. ploddingalong, taking a full night's r.-- and notbothering himself veiy much over theattacks made upon him by some of the... . .rw.u nun llll, lie 18 Illllllgtne nmen nhnuf ua un I D ..- -i

udlced man could ask for. You willthat Mr. Cooper U all right wlnreveriou put him." Herald.

Of course. It makes no tiartlciilnr ,ilf- -

w he her the property Insured Is sllghtlvor highly hazardous, to, the reason that'hey establish the of itiMiiance a-.-cording to the risk Involved. The pi op- -trty owners are tho on.-- s to be benefitedb lessening the hazaid of anpiece of property.

Aa in, 'Vernll..!.,, ,.,,.f . n..-- -, I .. , .1.....n ,,UIlunu, v..,. ., nun nineit Hydrants were placed fn the wateimains and a hose call and HOO feet ofhose'were provided, the rate of Insur- -ance on Walluku property would bematerially lowered, nnd he expressedsurprise that the citizens of Wallukuwho insure have not taken steps to

property, i ne resuu 01 ins worK willdoubtless prove beneficial to those hav- -Ing property to insure.


Not Need Much Money ButWants a Little Very


The regular monthly meeting of the

I linw wltji n number (inference lnsuninco rmiiti..nt.



to At dele- -to of

to be.,







Association held utMonday feeling

fairly large attendance. Chair- -L. M. Baldwin presiding.

minutes of regulur meetingof June approved, therebeen no meeting owing to of

quorum. From reports ofsecretary treasurer it appearedthat there Is large amount of un- -paid money In the,iicunury, nau measuresadopted to collect

executive committee reportedI that baseball diamond at Wells

Is completed thatare in fairly good condition agame of ball, although It require

or to settlepack In outfield. A

may be August

.. . ...- - i .. . ........ . . . .ot msur- - leu in tne nnnds of the executive coin-aiic- e.

i emoval of a dangerous mlttee.wire, bringing In of a water George Cummlngs was electedas as many other minor tain of Walluku nine, W.changes In given piece of U. manager. temporary

to be Insured, have much weight stand Is to provided visitors. TheIn determining of insurance be brought tobe examination of to finishsuch property Secretary' Gurry fre-.o- n

results suggestions for less-- j Members know themselves to behazard thus arrears to be

rate- - . "seen," shouldGurry been Secretary settle A

requested many of owners of large Is needed, smallon Maui to visit amount Is ImpenttAely required us

property and make as possible collect It.aloug thee lines. NeTsi



Best LaborersOur Sugar

Farms.Hamakua, Hawaii, Aug. .

Editor' Advertiser: I think verygenerally admitted that whit?ranui't work in fields of Ha-

waii as laborers. At least, thatbeen experience of nlne-ten'- 'i

of planters lu past, Is lia-

ble to be so in the future. It there-fore evident that we else-

where for who can do this class oflabor, unless we want to sec this Indus-try ruined. Now what I want is to seeeveiy one wake up to this fact, for afuel it certainly is, lu spite of an tiling

lunvuiie- - cun against it. Whenof white men working In the can

Held ol a tropical country theydon't know what they are talking of.

'and we think. If they to try0f wink lor a slnglo dav, they

ploved theius.elves to be the iuliito class of wink foi nils

. i i ..! ii,i Hi,, i.ms.- - "" "tumble ate the Chinese Anil as js

u wo eveij one to use thenbest IntlUL'iice to btlng Cmiglcss to lonveHawaii out when attemptsto pass n new exclusion law againstpcimlttlng Chinese m

And what I want to see Is amonster petition gotten up b allclasses incn of the Islands have

to Congiess to piove to tin 'iiIs a thing Is

nee essiiry for piogiess HawaiiIf 1 think It Is inoi-th- an

likely United States Cong!1"'would sec the nee esslt of levislng I Inlabor laws of Hawaii.

And as eveibod, fiom the Imnki rsagents down to smallest bust

ess or tradesman, me dependent upontin- - plantations roi support, wethink there would be no dllllcult) Inpetting up petition. most of

thinking men know tin t should thep'antiit'ons fall, the u uss wouldLu (vowing in the Mreets of Honolulu,

disaster ruin would soon bestoring us In face, fiom one ofIlnvvnH to the other,

Tnls Is no fancy picture that I hnveattempted to draw, but it Is liable to

the grimmest kind of utiles., , .,.. I..I,,....,,.., I,.. ,,..!,. . .1.,.

islands In the future. alreadytheie Is of closing up of thuphuitntlniiH, nnd, though a few mightHinvive, whnt could they do towardssupporting the population of Honolulu''No one thnt knows anything of the eon- -

,.f .i.... i ...... 4

lht. ,. Inlelv,t of lt nt h(.nrt, ,,,.pnte point Therein... Is toi,()P,l that all work together forUlP K(M)(i of M, Wlli the exception . tFUBfir H lU(. v Industrv

lt M,.onls ndnpted to elinu.te. billIt , litlieeil tri ,. Impossible... to carr.v

-t on present for

the hick of Inboters second tor Hieow pi Ice of coffee, Theipfore we should

In petition a clause prnvlngCongiess to a dutv on coffei' so

this oountrv. ns as all ofUncle Sam's possessions, may In

tinH tn the !,... mt.nnim'.. . mis

ubli. name. There should he aappointed from evei.v !'

trade profession one "ivIndustry or enterprise that If ' Inabusiness nnywheie on these Islai '

I remain, ver ttulv yoursOnSEHVl l:

Lookingpapers are dlseuflng the

question of whether or not Hie ticentLegislature un a fnllure 'llitu It wasan abject fit Is too

. patent discussion, as a matterI of fact, no one clique or party, not i'ven

the Home Holers, are wholly to blamefor Public feeling was In a ferment

Much of has passe.1 off In froth,"" PFl gencrully have to

their sober senses. Consequently tho"!: V"K 'Hla'uro '? t0 hoped for rathor

.U Vut' vX.. !LrL"y.fIV. ,.!. .'. .?.

feollnir will tm.i ti m.. r ihpeople arrajed solidly against It. Wohave done politics In Legislature,l,uv wu win uo ousinss in tno next

-- Mnul News.-- sV

To Oall at HonoluluA report butn received from la

arrangements are on fora of steamships bit Java

const of the United States,where Francisco be the port ofentry be under the con

and .lnn.in,M harbors be madeof call, as welt as Honolulu,.

IT SAVED BABT."My baby terribly sick with

diarrhoea, we unable towith assistance, aslast resort we Chambrelain'sColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea nemedy,"says Mr. J. II. Doak, of Williams, Ore."I am happy to It grave immediaterelief and a complete cure." Balaby Benson, Smith Sc Co., , generalagents, H. T.

A per cent dividend been de-clared by New York FirstBank.

In the employ the Planters' Assocla- - prod Government Into making such H!, measure that will benefit allHon will go whet ever they decide provisions. cl.fses. It Is that all classesme. the meeting three Gurrey was called to Honolulu . take ,i hand In getting up es

be represent the on account the recent fire, but tltlnn Theie 0ionld be n manassociation at the general meet- - as as possible return to Muul pointed for everv district whose bill-ing in Honolulu on tho 10th resume the Inspection of insurable be't should to st cure ov cry nvail- -

fightingalso the


tlnee the



on behalfthe


re- -same









Maul when they electedcourt house of

with aman

Thewere havingJuly lack


adues and little

uecisiveunpaid dues.


Park nnd thea

willheavy rains and

the loose dirt thegame played on







was thethe niss was


the the



12,Hana, Kipahulu. probably the of the Uoynl Packot Company of Ha-ne- er

Mills, he been able to make Spreckelsvllle teams, A small admls- - tavla, whose representatives have beensuggestfons In the matter of slon fee be charged, the entire' negotiating the Oovern- -

nronert of lhi. nrie .,.!.. wr buhik unm iu mm enei. enireuuee tne rate

The elec- -the

well the Dr.Boote A grand

will be forthe rate to road roller will soon up

the the and used theby the

In whoenlng the reducing in should not wait

but at once look upFor this reason Mr. has and up.

by the sum not aInsured property such

recommendations ner Maui




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bested anil

i,nv, i.Kmi.tills

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n.l Mr. thiswill willsoon unci

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Athletic were and blttc--- i

last evening rampant.




the Walluku and Plo- - between Walluku and the'trolhas

making will with Ifatavlanmanagement i,.,onrai


tile cap-pip- e,

andnny property

charged, and grounds putdiamond.

quentlyand the
















SAVE YOUR SKINHow to Preserve Purify and Beautify

the Skin and Complexion.To preserve, purify, nnd beautify the sllti, anil prevent plmplca, blotches,

WacRhcads, redness, roughness, yellow, ollr, inothy skin, eh.ipplnir, andnnuy other forms of skin blemishes, no other skin or complexion ioap lafor a moment to bo compared with Coticuka Soap, lieeniuo no other soinreaches thu cauRC, lz., the clogged, irritated, or tiflamed condition of the Toiies

SAVE YOUR HAIRHow to Prevent Falling Hair Scalp

Humours and Dandruff.Oeanoe the scalp and hair thoroughly lth a warm shnmnoo of Ctm-CDR- A

80 ap, rinse with warm water, dry carefully, nnd apply a ikht dreaaJncof Coticura. purest of emoUlents, Bcntly rubbed Into the scalp. Thissimple, refreshing, and inexpensive treatment will ole.ir tho scalp and hairof crnlt, scales, and dandruff, soothe Irritated, Itching surfaces, stimulate thehair follicles, supply tho roots with energy and nourishineut, and make tlwnair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, and healthy scalp, when all else fallv

YOURHow to Make the Hands Soft and

White in a Single Night.Bathe and soalc the hands on retiring in a strong, hot lather ot CdtictoaSoap, pry thoroughly and anoint freely with Cuticdka. Ointment, thegrejt skin euro and purest of emollients. Wear during the night old, loose

kid glovos with the flugci ends cut oft" For red, rough, cliapped hands,dry, fissured, itching, feverish palms, sliapeleis nails, with painful finderends, this one night treatment Is simply wonderful and a blcsslne to "altallucted with sore, chnppcd, rough, or tender hands.CuticuraComP,et6 External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour.

Conrtntlng of CTrriocn Poap. toclcnmo thenklnof crime, unit will,..The Set nJonciitlietlilckeneilciuirlo,riiTicrnointiiiei.t,iolii.Uiitlj alliy'"'."'"K. Il'i"''lnn nn.l Irtltiitlon, and noiitl mill h nl.nnii Ci ionii.7. .!'.. ...,i ."",l rlpiuiii! Hie ti mill, A M Mil k 8t la olten mnicli nt n.nitl''"Ktt'"B. " liumllltlii(fkln. .call., mxl Mn.nl Inimourii. 111 ilo pliil '.' .eie mil" tlm norM. Aunt, be put t 1!. lnM s, e'o , Milnrt. N. b. . sotAVitvii.s: bklB' 6c,,p- - 'n" 'u,r'' po't

- ' -


F VOl'


L- iivii -


G N. WILCOX, President.



Hardware, Bicycles,Ship Chandlery,

Sporting Goods,Paints, pils, Etc.

E. 0. HALL & SON,


K. HACKFKLD. Vice PresldenLK. SUIIIl, Secretary and Treasurer. T. MAY, Auditor



We Are Prepared to Fill All Orders for




Special attention given to analysis uf soils by our chemist.All goods are GUARANTEED In avcry respect.For further apply to

DR. W. Manager. PdClflC G 021110 (111(1 VtlUiiltl COIDPUI

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

Occidental & Oriental S.S. Co.and Toyo Risen Kaisha.tcmra of the above will call at Honolulu and leave this port

ta er about the below mentioned:FOB CHINA AND JAPAN.



For apply to

H. Hackfeld












aaral Information


P. M. S. B. Co.

& Co., Ltd

Page 8: WIN HllflBnfc a 1U U · 2015. 6. 2. · R M jC B.Hflr IIVKH J.. V m , mb r r."v w v x: XsV VOL. XXXVI, No. 65. HONOLULU, H. T., TUE80AY A;fclj?T 1n 13, mni.-SKMt.VE-EKLY. WILL PHY









AimtVBD.Friday. August 9.

tKr. llannlel, Piderson, from Maka-mv-

Koloa and Wolmea, nt C.15 a. m.,will, 8,100 bags sugar, 6 packages sun-

dries.prh. Mllle Morris.

Saturday, August 10

V. 8. A. T, Kllpatrlck, Rogers, nliiodays from San Francisco.

Am. schr. F. S. Redlleld, Jorgenscn,.twenty-fou- r days from Port Ludlow.

Sir. Claudlne, Parker, frcim Hllo andwar poTts.

Schr. Matolo, from Kauai.Sir. Leliua, Napala, from Molnkalstr Knlulanl. Dower, from Hawaii.Am. bk. ArcliL-r- , Hurduick, eighteen

-- days from San TrancWco.Str. J. A. Cummins, from Oaliu ports.Am. pp. Henry Vlllard, Lewis, from

.Seattle.Sunday, August 11

Str. llelene, Nlcholen, from Maulports (Claudlne's run). I

Monday, August 12.

Am. bk. Kalulanl, Dabel, sixteendays from San Francisco.

Am. bkt. Skagit, llolilnson, seventeendays from Gamble.

Fr. bk. Henrietta, Duris, forty-tw- o

days from Hakodate.

DEPARTED.Friday, August 9

8. S. Coptic, Hinder, for the Orient,M noon. '

Oaso. sell. EcllpMj. Tounsend, for a.

IClhel. Makenn, Kiillua. Napoo- -




from two

himself verywith





poo 3 p I seed cane It a a it theSir. James Makee, for Kn ilcros vihh ;, Vui first planted, the

pa; . ... . . Uoed with It wasKir, J. A. cummins, iui j"" :.





Sntumny August iu.

Am. bk. Albert, tor Htonil UiH they have nlnndvAm. Nokomls, lianson, iuv -- itillt for 1.T00

lUakclcy. und r.n-n- nowJI.H.aiioiiiaM. Mnrllt for theAm str. cut. tnsoibel lat ,,!,. luivmg a


f onlv idcven inntlis ., ..... l..if.rPii41111. -

Tranclsco.Monday, August l:

8tr. J. A Cummins, Searle, for Oaliuporta.

Str. James Mukee, Tullett, for lvn-pa- a,

4 p.Str. Noeau, Wynion, for Lnlialnn,

Kaanapall and Punnluu, ut 5 p. in.Sir. Lehua, Napala, for Halawa,

IVnllua. Kuulapapii, at B p.- -- - ....tu (If





In or


at in. pa

P. m. lilnnti-t- l


in. I,. 'is .. ,



.i. ror

ut in.



takingof of


nilsuciose, pur-It- v



sclir. ii ..-..- . i imu ., nn , t01v,' for IMuulU lent to plant I acies

forty of rnnekaa at 4 mSchr. Mulolo," Hnnalet Kallhl- - giouml at mill. It to

vral. at 4 p. m. v hi live tons toMllle Koolan ports, nddltlon In enne taken In

4 in. otlier wnrdi, enne would yield- the ane It all glouiid


.. v. n i in



to rin1i i

uir -- -.. I r.l ... .,.j- - .,, um .

ti,. fiMM.ru I took nl. ice utMaUlei ccmeter)., Thomas Smith, Sr . x n , Is

father Tom "''".tmihwas amn I mi


of ill nfinni rcslilcni in iionoiiiiu IllKat,m peilod of almost

big attendance .a .1Rlontll. e.f

.imiv .iA .....i......:..innThe deciiihed, who enteriO on mn '" '"'- - " '"' "" '

a native Stirling, should iiMilbe 20 to

Und, ami was an Iron fomi.ler of wlde.tons at a estimateregnid to the the

tie nrst canio to Islands on a water vaile--

six to his sons. mi in- - n,ty mlllloiiH of perof Hawaii so how- - i,(, (, mn,1(, during divestU.at slaving years in Ids fuitlier develop- -

no uitiuv-- iw cii.-i- i i muof Ills laH in Honolulu, am, 10- -



Q, "'"'( . 1 1 tf nfhe his with IUsi"'ui " '' ' "Btcphui gallons pel prospect of

Smith ligt.re Im reusing It millions.Scolch ofwlf to all who him bj h.s kindlymannerHe as a Scotcliniun of tin hest

has 11- 1- "lovedit home. leverid abroad." and he

bo grentli missed bj all were priv-ileged to him as friend..





.,,,,,and and






water InStato Inut t Mevatlon

Maiia. 2

oi ncpuuuru ier- - .1i i. u nliiu ntSamuel Parker Parker me along 1,

plot at Mana, Hawaii. i ran lei isarrival ami being

rral Kuwaltme volcano.was to In all will reach a point on

that retainers of family andmight pay

The It Unites wcro profuseKarly on Tuesday processionfonmul. starteii Kawalhao along

n'ashore up tho ascent whichto the grassy plateau of Walnien,

where funeral !arty fusleili o'clock und hundreds of others gatheredwith tributes. Tho ar-rived at at 10.3) o'clock, and thocasket was placed In undera bowtr of llowera In dlnlit; room oftho Parker residence A continuous pro-cession of people beat lng (lowers and letsvUlted caket, body beingIn Its Sunday

The latest i industry Isimitutimi n.-- potatoes

thing Is N told In PopularScience follows In the sea-son, arc

the gardener plants aand potatoes. The

i has bee n chosen and- U opportune a yield small

toes frosts of winterdown the gardenei s tiuck patchThese potatoes are and burled Inheaps In the andspring and the new-potat- o

arrives. At the proper the heapsnnd tho potutots sorted ac-

cording to In the meantime nlarge kettle Is set In the ad-

jacent to the potato heaps, and mndefilling water and adding

sulllclent Ije toof the potato into

solution A andbasket rigged so the dip-

ping cannew potatoes are turned

out Is effect of dipping any potato, no matter how

boiling lye solution Is to crackand the skin, and atit hardens or makes; potato muchmore firm, so its to a

potato Is so near It would beto the

alone, a basketgenuine article After po-tatoes are rinsed In anotherspread to In the sun, and

perfect new potatoes,work Is It Is stated by

Digest the Imitation veg-etables over the West,

of them reach Hawaii?

II H who re- -

tiitned a lsltto on last, was

yesterday In regard theOlaa and Puna sugar cropH, and he ex-

pressed as much pleasedthe piospecti the cane at

placesPlum," said he, rttheie about

500 1h alreadyto the Sugar Company to be de-

livered at the mill December Jan-uary. At ulna.theie aie to

to ground 'at Wnliikea mill-Ther- e

Is 2"0 wasplanted In tin- - and toweledIn July. II oilglnnlly plnnti-- tor

and Hookena, or 7,000Tullett, .mil



rnthei ii... the -- tlinale made by ex- -

letter. forGrllllth. SaUe-- gather

schr. iilnntluKthe plen being

awnauiunuuxahniit one-ha- lf

tons this nine to make one ton

'They now off fiom thee'nne tasscle-- July

2091. 111.71; glucose-- ,

in thernne that has not tusseled,

20 11. 18.76: 718;

purity, This Held 250ivavvaiiaiu, iVK. fmln

Mol. Hono- - sullle 250 aboutper acie to be

for the promisesthe acre In

ficlir. Morris, for the for seed.at p. the seven

(tons to If were for


"There lie .i iiu aciesbe crilllllil-


ThcSpIcndid Water Ex-Cons- ul General



G, D,


Sheds NeededLiht.






Humnhreys admitted ..'.;luoMjtuisu.u"!--- - lion,cane 'V"". whatever ,tutl,, the only

missionarythe ileh, dnik green.

....-...- .,.- shnwliig naiiii.iiHiiro duilngof nii;iirn.n ,,y 1ItlIllplP(1,.lltl. estimate,

;i.---- -- -",,,, '!?'::had " ''---

year, was Scot- - imp fiom 22,000

conservativeexperience "In supply,

the In lS'jo developed thatmonths' f gallons

orle-- j were plc.iriint. sKver, after lsf.!1M1111 townnls

nnitvt' lunu, iiu Is and on'I til of How

.tltln.tdaughter, made home iniii"-- '-

sou day. witha In tout leastgnntly eiideurcd him- - IKlghtein miles have hi'en

knewand ever-cluerf- dlspusitlon.

t)xi which Hinduwill


INTERKED SUNDAY.pure been devi'loped



bodyparty Wednesday, from

body stuto day,

their theirfloral




again state

state until



after other cropsway, Into

good-keepin- g timefrom experience,



open Held untilopens season




fckin when dippedcrane met-

al thatdone expeditiously,

way thatastonishing. The

old,thiscurl same

that resemblancethat

hard pick Impostor, fromfrom

vat anddry


Literary thatsold



acres cune, sold


nni'H t'lnt

from correspondent's

field tlint Ilrix..574,

Also from same Heldstanding:



"K;lrwin annul more


Hd.i.i tlie andthe

colorthe suiiicie uiunuiii



ho theW()llb.'lng iiriiscrulid.

August thethe

was eased andItillllll

theMr. (lfteen

circles and built

the lacu

Including miles of the main HumeIWlth the ojipaelty to inny llfteen mll-- I

lions nf gallons perN'o wn'er Is ieculrei on tllaii plan- -

la for inlgatlon. the' laiufall beingIaiii.le fni The mlniiniim'supply of wnlei fiom the piesent soul oo'will he ample Homing cane and

put poses This enormous supplyof has the

Mrs. Parkor'8 Remains Lay m jKllU, (lf an ofat 000

As to lnh'ii. eonsidei lug the stinnai rues ,.,.. ii,.. of the situation, the plantationsMrs. In tho getting well.Siurinl lie roan ironi lino

Upon of tho and the fun- - In operation the road builtat on Hllo towards tlie

left lie. .which the gradedthe old thedescendants

morning thoup

thu and

the break ut



tho tho lefton



out of thoof




or vut

byeffectuallv the

the 'boilingare


the timethe


appearance of thedipping, the


are Do





Of.. of








for for

Tnc wire




mail within nine miles of Kllauea, Isinp'dly progressing. It Ir expected thatthe road will be complete and in opera-tion bv Kebruniy 1st."


In- -


B. and Nottlo doi HoisUnited in Marringo.

Mr S H Hniiv nnd Miss Nettle tinsItt-I-s wire married at the home of thebride's patents 111 Nnhlkll. Island ofMaul, on August 10th. at 1 4r. p inThe continetlng parties are qultuknown on Maul and their numei oils'fi lends extend hearty congratulations i

to tin; happy couple. The groom Is theW.illuka plantation's cnipcnter Thebride H tin daughter eif Mr. andMrs. John tins Itels of NahlUu.served as teacher In the Na-'i- ll

school during the last school year,ll quiet wedding. bride's

I areiits family nnd a few immediate f i lends weie present. roomsweie tnstlly decorated with fernstlowirs so uirangid ns to plainly signify the purpose of the gntheilug.



were driven to Hana In carriage amithere they boarded the steamer Heleneen route to their Wat-luk- u

Trolley Oano Carrier.The Pacific Sugar Mill is able

hut two days wiek, as there Ii no wa-

ter to tho mill Man-ager Torbes Installing trolley Bystemto cane to and when It Isln working order the congestion willgreatly relieved. Were not fortrolley, tho would havo lo stopHllo Herald.

.4A Chilean reports plant

that only breathes coughssneezes. least prookescough, and tho turns red, shake- -

and out soundexactly like that sneezing


The following Interview conctrnlng adispatch In the Huston Advertiser,' sentout by the Humphreys penny;a-lln- e newsbureau. Is from Hon Gorhnm D. Qll- -

riiifnnrl iriiw.nllnii Consul Gennri'ni ih rnnltnl: deeds filed record

I have seldom sien so false- - 7, 1901:

In so little space' Gil- - Party. 2d. . .. n , T Tt ......... . T "..- -. IbIiihInto Hawaiian consul lur iuu, u. u. ..,. ..inngliitid. relative to tno

from Washington concerning Ha-

waiian domestic troubles.In the Islands Judge Hum-plirt- js

pones as the friend of the people,but as soon as lie lands In Ban Fran-cisco he advocates the annexation of theIslands to California as now county.

"When of Humphreys proposedplan, as outlined In San Francisco papurs re.iehul Islands, tho Legislaturevigorously conduuneil It. On tli.it pointat least there Is unanimity."

.Mr Oilman mid to the writer anli ,,ut a Hawaiian...,. ii.,,. it ''y ' movement annexation








has ever In en lie'ard of here. It Is whollyInvention of Humphreys, Ills own

purposes All extept tmplojes of arooppoed to the

Mr Oilman only denies tho stnte--,.,,, there Is a 'j:"!::,::.,,'!, lth companies crin III it i iti in u j iiir4 - .....MiKlnley In Sun Francisco on tho suhJret, president sent him aboutbusiness.

Mr Oilman lias a will-d- e. lined opinionuf Judge Huniphrevs, who to bellie le.ulci of the anti-Dol- e puty.

Mr Oilman says."Judge Humphries' sentencing of Gen-

eral Ilartwell for contempt courtaroused n great storm of Indignation, andH7 incnibeiH of the bar association, out ofa mi nihershlp of 54, have signed

tltlon to the president for his removaOf other members of the nsso-- 1

elation si'Veial would have signed the pe-

tition, not be reached ut

"As for the counter petition, of whichn much Is said, tho character and

weight of petitioners may con- -.. iiiii. jreiorni ie leineiiiuereu llllil JAunv. ,'..,..,i"uii..n cniiMilliin



remarkably by














man.New 1'riss




he- -mmeun ui Lieineji


"i- -






lug the oilglimtors of trouble," contlninMr Oilman, "It Is the carpet-ha- g

me nt. the foielgn adventurers, coiublnedllie old rovnllst iiarty, that Is fo

menting all the disturbancegisiniure, matter,

IMirunr, rendy anyjust

discussion After before

hill was that inklnn- Maul Hawaii.vvlili provided for the payment of

"At the end dins bill imposingfemale dogs had been enacted.

Inci few imosures of



ante The absolutelynece'ssurv rarrlng tho

been touched.'liiivernoi Dole continued this Legisla-

ture ihlrtv das longer, but better re-

sults wele obtained."Strong thin brought

obtain an elia session, the reason,iipiient enough

reprcseuta-tlie- .

'Tlie etra apjieiired, withprovision tint business should bo limited

of appropriation

"Tin hills have been passed.but



much with tho beingconnected hv wireless telegraphy.

wasacting governor sign wariauts pay

Legislature, but when they foundnot bend him their

then they attacked authority,"The inlsslon.il element,

nally Hindu up ofmany of hnvo no

ntllllatlon with any church whatever."llovtrnor has the esteem of

people, thereiloubht that conservatives lv



ltninyplan havi fnclll-t- li

ntlcned severalmonths was consummated yesterdaywhen Doik waswith 11. president; Aug-ust Humberg, president;treasurer, setrctiiry, It.

Guard, auditor These C. Ken-ned W C.impbill, constitutethe boaid directorsllttf.OM, divided into 1,tV) shares of $100

leiuh At tho JiO.&n) weru

been liorformetl tlie happy couple mmcIh may He alongside dUchargotlnlr cargoe. The thoHallway Company will built the

front thocargoes be. tocars the possible expense.Herald

Philadelphia.I'lllI.ADni.I'HIA, July of



August 6. No. Kahananul to 8.K. Hul; one share In hul land of Ka-han- a,

Kaanapall, Considerationj:o.

No. 502 S. K. Hul ct al. to C. It.Lindsey; one-ha- lt In hul land ofKahuna, Kaanapall, Maul. Conkldera-tlo- n


No. 503 C. Lindsey and wife toM. Louis; Interest In hul of Ka-han- a,

Kaanapall, Maul. Consideration(150.

No. 614 J. It. to W. L. Peter-son: piece of Hamakua-pok- o,

Maul, Consideration 100.

No. 617 J. A. M. and wife toM. G. lots 39, 40, 41 and block

(21,000 square feet), Puunul tract, Ho-

nolulu, Oaliu. Consideration $450.

List of deeds filed for record Au- -

gust 7. 1401:

1st Paity. 2dJ. H. Schnack and wife C. F.


MnsR.ipliusPtLs of for Au- -Bust

hoods soys G. I). 1st Partyumerui iij. .........





hut thetime





DMaullawn et . ..

of Panopolis. DMnpuhaulnni D. Anna DKankau J. KelllpuolePalolo Land Imp. V.


List of tiled recordgust 1901:

Party. 2d Party.C. and wife F. JesusC. Achl and wife Lahapa


Wilder and Inter-Islan- d Consolida-tion.

Wllder's Steamship Company .vtid theSteam Navigation Compa-

ny may become corporation anreached between





clusion that there Is biiMness enoughonly company Willi economythe operating line of

steamers cveiy Island, the group.Hoth companies, thioitgh their presi-dents, claim tho ex-penses heavy, and tlint profits

coriespondlngly nt minimum.The expense of maintaining oillcu

both companies, it contendedolllceis of the two companies, would

comnensato the combination ofj1 ! terests glclng profits more In kecp- -'

lug with the amount of business donethe hteameis of .theproposed consolidation, Mr. Mc-

Lean of Inter-Ishih- d

mlil the elliectnis had as yet takenolllclal cognizance, but the matter hadbeen dlscus-e- d stockholderseonnectlon with stockholders ofWlleki r'nmpnny. Pieslnetu WightXhos. amltn, ai.roua.uoui.mOUiu. Judge the bar .',''... i,i,ir'" " ',.... .... "'''".'..( .up,, iiiiniwrii, iniuiuiu fllVomi)Iij to


looking " "n examination that Is way whichini'of , a
















ellie Biin;iiiiiiiieiM would leullze

expenses of ruunl







lng sothat little prolli is beingJohn Mr. Wight, lepiesontltigthe stenmer have had

ine rieeni i.i canen logciner confefniice over theIn limited session of id not yct to make elennitediivs, imtla r act, statements ns to what pioposltlonssinned days in endless .m laid the stockholder,more, tlian sixty days had passed "Wilder Company opqiates vesselsthe only that enacted !n Molnkai. land

mem-h- trs

of KO nn t.i on

a similar Import- -appropriation hills,foi on ei

hud not


pnssuie tofor

which It meantaiintliir tJrtl a piece to evii

smslon tho

to . iinslileratlou thebills.


to to


thethe will




out on




DM". Cnbrol




one Ifcan the

'- -''''con

for oneas for

aie too

onefor Is bythe


by all two


by thothe

to. muci ijr,elIs





pto tits Hoare



the con- -

linlf the ti,was









til the Islands of Knuat Nliliau,the most of Its attention to

the Island.....Wntorsells llonokia at

two wagons kept busygood trt the time hauling

feed hard to git nsd.ilrj are dry other stockbecoming poor and Youngcane the only that Ins not

thus but Itstand much longer withe ut seriouslcsults us lo No rain hasfallen since thu weeks In andnot great deal that month. A water

is now the How Innlo and tlcurlnir on tho cost of ill. ins

so Is the outlay ordered 'possibilities of getting the same up on thethai Is not re'Venuo enough In j bluffs In to be, of anyto piovlde tliu money. uso to the plantations others In such

.in ii.r i.nvernor uoie s wnereaoouis times as this. Hracklsh water Is In com.....(.... ... .. tl....lug Is vvhila ,, ,,..., nn,i n r,,n hivurvhe Is In seeking recupera- - that exls'ts In thu of fewHon, he Is hire can bu continuously 'of the "oldest Inhabitants." HUn Her- -In affairs, Islands

"Acting Governor Cooper a good

llu will

Istho decent,

population, whom

Dole alland Is no



Capital.The mod. whnrfs, nn In paper

Co organized,P

vice Peck,A Scott, nnd

T with Cand C

The Is

tracks of Hlloalong

liter wharf thathandled






land, Kuau,




H. Keaoull al.Bishop



ngii'enient be














while Company takesand


at PremiumWater dollar

hogshead, arco'f Green

Is and consequencecows going and

weak. plant's about thing

suffeictl far, cannot

futuro crops.last April

expert measuring Wal- -and

extravagantthen- - sight quantities

untrue.mountains memory




lnter-Islnn- d


Inter-Inlan- d

I r.1.1

BamakuB Coifee.A reporter was shown sample of cof-fe- u

grown In tho Hamakua district byAbe Loulsson. The berry Is most ex-cellent oni, known ns the peaherry. Mr.Loulsson will take off over twenty tonsthis year ns Ids llrst crop and will shipIt to the San Pranclsco market. Thecoming season he expects to take off 100

tons of tho same quality of his own, andalso to handle for others another 100 tons.Thoso who hnve stayl-- with tho coffeegrowing Industry af thu Hamakua dis-trict hnvo every reason confident ofsuccess. W. S. Terry, who cleaning

'several tons of Mr. I.oulsson's coffee, pro-- A

Dock Company Organized at; tho ' nounccs It tho hu has ever seen





meeting sub- -


ino uenns aro pcueci in snape ana snowfclgns of careful cultivation nnd


Stcatners in a Bad Way.Hoth Island steamer companies are

experiencing period of hard luck TheWilder stenmcis Maul und Mo-kol- ll

nto laid up for geneial repairs,Mokollt also being un the "out of

commission" list. Thu Inter-Islan- d

Company's steamer Walaleale Isawaiting on the Mnrliu- - Hall

Eupt'iie Oapellas served us best ami an appl i.itlnn will at once bo way, owing to leak hotnowhere In herman and Mlts Eliza dos Hels, a sinter ror cluirttr mull. Une or two otheis have not beenof the bride ' as maid of honor " '" "ll Intention of the company to making regular tilps, but been

The nr.-i- immediately proce. d with the conatruc-- j in the hands of the superintending en- -Ires", ,,f 8"llll'n' glneer. The probabilities thatthel"011 l'.rfage to accommo- - arenf white Swiss nll I . . ., ,, tJnl of ossein will be detained

In ...... ,.,,,.,, to t..- - ,i.patent ullt (he is n charged"'the the er passenger Is unpaid tenl.ad




to thoIs a


It the

botanist anot


spasmodically, a








J Kliiali,




Ulinitl annAM ,M.- - tA







.- -D



nil a

Of the

ov. ,.,

.i ...i.i. in ms




ant a a







to beIs



eiv in at

Promoting Apother Steamship Lino.Ellsworth Carey, representing

riilllpplnc Industrial edition of the SanKranclseo Bulletin, passenger on

United States anny transport Kll-patrlck, which departed yesterdaymorning for Manila. He goes to Ma-nila, not only ns newspaper representative, but as the promoter of

Tfn-- I --.... iiuiviiwi-oiuii- ui

trance TValrmoun, and conUgu-- I ftT Mr', Car?' ,l,11,n,1Tc"U

the,neighborhoods. The of the "slneV,Cl.Tn.t Philippines wouldcrjMnls was ery was properly explo then, wasPH.sIng of nneMrlft. but was

snow, the tailing tho middle vTiono ,'ulu nretty'muciithe hottest summer on record. .Yne 'with ThnrchUl mmnga


various aspurty of Alpine climbers "ell as being tourist attraction.

cently and were an Carey thlnkshat wouldAlpine chasm. of neprtjecu-- u new

We Make it Easy IFor you to Order by Mail.

Our Mail Department is abundantly able to takecareof all orders, shipping them in most ca9e theeaine day they are receivod.

We Pay Freight to your nearest Landing onorder's of $5.00 or more, thus practically putting youon the same footing as those who 'come into ourstore.

ye pladly send Samples on Request, and we arewilling to open up Monthly Acouuia with respon-sible customers.




Pacific Vehicle & SupplyDay Block, Derotania Street. Honolulu.





heavy soles are Just right

for rainy weather Tou

may pick from box or Russia calfshoes. These are In blacks and rus-

sets. The shape Is full generous

winter last Is protective asas pleasing. We have all sizes and all


Aifel? m IIJ i 3

and Mottled on and afterJULY 1901


THE UTH ASSESSMENT of 2H or60c. per share called to be due andpayable 20th, 1001; said assessmentIs now bearing interest at the rate of

per month.15TH ASSESSMENT or

per share was called to be due andpayable July 1001; assess-ment Is now bearing Interest at the rateof per cent per month.

THE 16TH ASSESSMENT 24 orEOc. per share has been called to be duegroin wa liecomfngly . ,,,,. 1,i..wi this week owlnc slnck Th(..j. ., mm

suit of black and leather shoes f,.,.t lnt0 , ,M w ,,0 bu,u on 8UBar nbout ln ,,ort from the otn. i"

onSoon after marriage ceremony nilo side of Klnau wharf so that Islands, and the tralhc ments (10) daysand UBIU.



flumo cane

carry mill,


hutThe dust





w andvessel

rt hImIi













B. ais a


aalso a

rn IV nf It. a ..?.,,,.!. I iiiiuxf.li n ito 'Park W 'ons flight tiny thebrief it like a ed f acloud It

jus, same, ,l

oflarge tmde with countries,

A five re- -' a Mr.fell plunged into this city b

I a port



With the

kind wear.





THE of 2W

50c.20th, said




after thesame are due at the rate of 1 per centper month from the date on which suchassessments are due.

The above assessments will be pay-able at the office of the B. F. DillinghamCompany, Limited, Stangenwald Build-ing. ELMER E. PAXTON,

Treasurer Olaa Sugar Company, Ltd.Honolulu, T. H July 20, 1901. 2301


ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBYwarned frcm tresspassing on the landtof the undersigned, situate InKona, ot Hawaii, and more par-ticularly the lands known as Kauma-Utmal-

Holualoa and Kaupulehu.J. A, MAGUIRE.'

Kona, Hawaii. Junet, 1WL S6

S2S9, So Aug. 30.


Phaetons, Surreys,Buggies, Runabouts

Harness, Varnishes

Carriage Material)

Iron Horse Shoes.


OUR $4.50 SHOES!


o- 1




Brewing and Malting Comp'y, Ltd.


Draught Heer Delivered

MONDAY, 1st,

Island Orders Promptly Filled.


drcssctl hnslnes



Huehue, North


bhould be ln the pocketwearer of a Watch.

of GVGfel

Many years' handling of WatekMconvinces us, that price considered, tfElgin Is the most satisfactory of Amerlcan 'Watches.

Cased 'in

Nickle. Silver, Gold

and"We have a full line and sell thea at

right prices.ELGINS reach us right.ELGINS reach you rightElgins stand for what is right ln tfeM

keeping and lasting qualities, audi thatIs why we are light In pushing tkaElgin Watch.,

FinedSolid Gold.


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