9/13/20, 7:42 AM Will New COVID Vaccine Make You Transhuman? Page 1 of 53 https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/09/12/coronavirus-vaccine-transhumanism.aspx? - STORY AT-A-GLANCE Two years ago, in October 2018, Forbes contributor Neil Sahota, a United Nations arti>cial intelligence adviser and UC Irvine professor, warned that transhumanism is Will New COVID Vaccine Make You Transhuman? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola ! Fact Checked The goal of the transhumanist movement, or “Human 2.0,” is to transcend biology into technology, to meld human biology with technology and arti>cial intelligence " Right now, today, we may be standing at the literal crossroads of transhumanism, thanks to the fast approaching release of one or more mRNA COVID-19 vaccines " COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are designed to instruct your cells to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. It does this through a process called transfection, which is also used to create genetically engineered organisms " Transfection can have either temporary or permanent effects on the genome, and it is unclear how the COVID-19 vaccines may affect the human genome long-term " In 2019, researchers discovered the 2009 pandemic swine Ru vaccine Pandemrix caused narcolepsy by affecting a non-coding RNA gene that regulates the production of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that plays an important role in neuronal survival. If a conventional vaccine can have genetic effects, the risk of mRNA vaccines having genetic effects is bound to be even greater "

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Two years ago, in October 2018, Forbes contributor Neil Sahota, a United Nations

arti>cial intelligence adviser and UC Irvine professor, warned that transhumanism is

Will New COVID Vaccine Make You Transhuman?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola ! Fact Checked

The goal of the transhumanist movement, or “Human 2.0,” is to transcend biology into

technology, to meld human biology with technology and arti>cial intelligence


Right now, today, we may be standing at the literal crossroads of transhumanism,

thanks to the fast approaching release of one or more mRNA COVID-19 vaccines


COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are designed to instruct your cells to make the SARS-CoV-2

spike protein. It does this through a process called transfection, which is also used to

create genetically engineered organisms


Transfection can have either temporary or permanent effects on the genome, and it is

unclear how the COVID-19 vaccines may affect the human genome long-term


In 2019, researchers discovered the 2009 pandemic swine Ru vaccine Pandemrix

caused narcolepsy by affecting a non-coding RNA gene that regulates the production

of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that plays an important role in

neuronal survival. If a conventional vaccine can have genetic effects, the risk of mRNA

vaccines having genetic effects is bound to be even greater



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fast approaching — likely faster than you think.

“In the past few years, there has been considerable discussion around the

idea we are slowly merging with our technology, that we are becoming

transhuman, with updated abilities, including enhanced intelligence, strength,

and awareness,” Sahota writes.

The goal of the transhumanist movement, or “Human 2.0,” is to transcend biology into

technology. Or, as Dr. Carrie Madej explains in the video above, to meld human biology

with technology and arti>cial intelligence.

Two visible proponents of transhumanism are Ray Kurzweil (director of engineering at

Google since 2012) and Elon Musk (founder of SpaceX, Tesla and Neuralink).

Standing at the Crossroads of Transhumanism

According to Madej, right now, today, we may be standing at the literal crossroads of

transhumanism, thanks to the fast approaching release of one or more mRNA COVID-

19 vaccines.

Many of the COVID-19 vaccines currently being fast-tracked are not conventional

vaccines. Their design is aimed at manipulating your very biology, and therefore have

the potential to alter the biology of the entire human race.

Conventional vaccines train your body to recognize and respond to the proteins of a

particular virus by injecting a small amount of the actual viral protein into your body,

thereby triggering an immune response and the development of antibodies.

This is not what happens with an mRNA vaccine. The theory behind these vaccines is

that when you inject the mRNA into your cells, it will stimulate your cells to



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manufacture their own viral protein. The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine will be the >rst of

its kind. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed before. And, to add insult to injury,

they’re forgoing all animal safety testing.

Madej reviews some of the background of certain individuals participating in the race

for a COVID-19 vaccine, which include Moderna co-founder Derrick Rossi, a Harvard

researcher who successfully reprogrammed stem cells using modi>ed RNA, thus

changing the function of the stem cells. Moderna was founded on this concept of

being able to modify human biological function through genetic engineering, Madej


Side Effects Should Be Expected

As mentioned, the mRNA vaccines are designed to instruct your cells to make the

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, the glycoprotein that attaches to the ACE2 receptor of the

cell. This is the >rst stage of the two-stage process viruses use to gain entry into


The idea is that by creating the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, your immune system will

mount a response to it and begin producing antibodies to the virus. However, as

reported by The Vaccine Reaction, researchers have pointed out potential


“According to researchers at University of Pennsylvania and Duke University,

mRNA vaccines have potential safety issues, including local and systemic

inBammation and stimulation of auto-reactive antibodies and autoimmunity,

as well as development of edema (swelling) and blood clots. ”

Systemic inRammation, auto-reactive antibodies and autoimmune problems are not

insigni>cant concerns. In fact, these are in large part why previous attempts to create




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a coronavirus vaccine have ALL failed.

Over the past 20 years, coronavirus vaccine research has been plagued by one

consistent adverse outcome in particular, namely paradoxical immune enhancement.

This is caused by the fact that coronaviruses produce two different types of

antibodies — neutralizing antibodies that >ght the infection, and binding antibodies

(also known as nonneutralizing antibodies) that cannot prevent viral infection.

Incapable of preventing viral infection, binding antibodies can instead trigger

paradoxical immune enhancement. What that means is that it looks good until you

get the disease, and then it makes the disease far worse than it would have been

otherwise. As detailed in my interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in one coronavirus

vaccine trial using ferrets, all the vaccinated animals died when exposed to the actual


According to Madej, animal studies have also found the type of mRNA technology

introduced with this vaccine can increase the risk of cancer and mutagenesis (gene


What You Need to Know About the Delivery System

Madej goes on to discuss how this mRNA vaccine is going to be administered. Rather

than a conventional injection, the vaccine will be administered using a microneedle

platform. Not only can it be mass produced quickly, but it can also be administered by

anyone. It’s as simple at attaching an adhesive bandage to your arm.

The adhesive side of the bandage has rows of tiny microneedles and a hydrogel base

that contains luciferase enzyme and the vaccine itself. Because of their tiny size, the

microneedles are said to be nearly painless when pressed into the skin.

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The idea is that the microneedles will puncture the skin, delivering the modi>ed

synthetic RNA into the nucleus of your cells. RNA is essentially coding material that

your body uses. In this case, as mentioned, the instructions are to produce the SARS-

CoV-2 viral protein.

“ Synthetic genes can be patented. If inserting asynthetic RNA ends up creating permanent changesin the genome, humans will contain patentablegenes. What will that mean for us, seeing howpatents have owners, and owners have patentrights?”

The problem with all of this, Madej notes, is that they’re using a process called

transfection — a process used to create genetically modi>ed organisms. She points

out that research has con>rmed GMO foods are not as healthy as conventional

unmodi>ed foods. The question is, might we also become less healthy?

“Vaccine manufacturers have stated that this will not alter our DNA, our

genome,” Madej says. “I say that is not true. Because if we use this process

to make a genetically modiJed organism, why would it not do the same thing

to a human? I don’t know why they’re saying that.

If you look at the deJnition of transfection, it will tell you that it can be a

temporary change in the cell. And I think that is what the vaccine

manufacturers are banking on.

Or, it’s a possibility for it to become stable, to be taken up into the genome,

and to be so stable that it will start replicating when the genome replicates.

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Meaning it is now a permanent part of your genome. That’s a chance that

we’re taking. It could be temporary, or it could be permanent.”

Patentable DNA, Luciferase and Nanotechnology

Naturally, we won’t >nd out the truth about whether the vaccine causes a temporary or

permanent change for many years after the experimental vaccine is introduced, and

that’s an important piece of information.

Why? Because synthetic genes can be patented. So, if inserting a synthetic RNA ends

up creating permanent changes in the genome, humans will contain patentable

genes. What will that mean for us, seeing how patents have owners, and owners have

patent rights?

Another part of the delivery system that raises its own set of questions is the use of

the enzyme luciferase, which has bioluminescent qualities. While invisible under

normal conditions, using a cellphone app or special device, you will be able to see a

glowing vaccination mark.

As described in the journal RSC Advances in 2015, luciferase gene-loaded quantum

dots “can ehciently deliver genes into cells.” The abstract discusses their use as

“self-illuminating probes for hepatoma imaging,” but the fact that quantum dots can

deliver genetic material is interesting in itself.

The hydrogel, meanwhile, is a DARPA invention that involves nanotechnology and

nanobots. This “bioelectronic interface” is part of how the vaccination mark will be

able to connect to your smartphone, Madej says, providing information about blood

sugar, heart rate and any number of other biological data.

“It has the potential to see almost anything that goes on in your body,” Madej says.


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This will have immediate rami>cations for our privacy, yet no one has yet addressed

where this information will be going. Who will collect and have access to all this data?

Who will be responsible for protecting it? How will it be used?

Also, if your cellphone can receive information from your body, what information can

your body receive from it, or other sources? Could transmissions affect our mood?

Our behavior? Our physical function? Our thoughts or memories?

Stepping Into Transhumanist Territory

In his Forbes article, Sahota quotes Kurzweil’s book “The Singularity Is Near: When

Humans Transcend Biology,” in which Kurzweil states:

“The Singularity will represent the culmination of the merger of our biological

thinking and existence with our technology, resulting in a world that is still

human but that transcends our biological roots.”

If Madej turns out to be correct, and the mRNA vaccine ushers in the ability to alter

not only our genes but also opens the door for nanotechnology-driven interfacing

between our bodies and programmable technology, aren’t we in fact stepping over the

line into transhuman territory?

The Truthstream Media video above discusses the larger issues of transhumanism

and the race to merge man with machine and arti>cial intelligence. There are even

ongoing attempts to upload the human mind into the cloud, ultimately creating a form

of “digital hive mind” where everyone communicates via “Wi-Fi telepathy.” This,

despite the fact we still do not fully understand what “the mind” actually is, or where

it’s located.


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Neuralink — A Psychiatric Disaster in the Making?

Another transhumanist that has recently brought us to a brand-new precipice is Elon

Musk, with his latest venture, Neuralink, described in the video presentation given in

late August, above. Neuralink is a transcranial implant that uses direct current

stimulation. For now, the device is aimed at helping people with brain or spinal


Ultimately, the goal is to merge the human brain with computers. I have strong

reservations about this. There’s tremendous room for unintended psychological and

psychiatric consequences. In an interview that I did with psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin

that has not yet been published, he discussed his concerns with this technology,


“What's interesting to me is that while Musk is so brilliant, he's stupid about

the brain. That's probably because the neurosurgeons and psychiatrists he

consults are stupid about the brain. I mean they're just stupid.

He wants to put in multiple threadlike electrodes into the brain, into webs of

neurons, and put in low voltage stimulation. This is insane. The brain can't

tolerate this. He hopes to [be able to] communicate but there's not going to

be any communication.

The brain isn't going to talk to these electrodes. That's not how the brain

works. The brain talks to itself. It's not going to talk to Elon Musk [or anyone

else] and he's going to disrupt the brain talking to itself. It's a terrible thing to


I wish somebody who knows Elon Musk would say, ‘You ought to talk to Peter

Breggin. He says your consultants are stupid.’ He's already planning to try to

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get FDA approval for some neurological disorders and that'll be the beginning

of the onslaught.”

Is Transhumanism Inevitable?

Getting back to the mRNA vaccines, time will tell just how hazardous they end up

being. Clearly, if the changes end up being permanent, the chance of long-term side

effects is much greater than if they end up being temporary.

In a worst-case scenario, whatever changes occur could even be generational. The

problem is these issues won’t be readily apparent any time soon. In my view, this

vaccine could easily turn into a global catastrophe the likes of which we’ve never

experienced before.

We really should not be quick to dismiss the idea that these vaccines may cause

permanent genetic changes, because we now have proof that even conventional

vaccines have the ability to do that, and they don’t involve the insertion of synthetic


Fast-Tracked Swine Flu Vaccine Caused Genetic Alterations

After the H1N1 swine Ru of 2009, the ASO3-adjuvanted swine Ru vaccine Pandemrix

(a fast-tracked vaccine used in Europe but not in the U.S. during 2009-2010) was

causally linked to childhood narcolepsy, which abruptly skyrocketed in several


Children and teens in Finland, the U.K. and Sweden were among the hardest hit.

Further analyses discerned a rise in narcolepsy among adults who received the

vaccine as well, although the link wasn’t as obvious as that in children and



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A 2019 study reported >nding a “novel association between Pandemrix-associated

narcolepsy and the non-coding RNA gene GDNF-AS1” — a gene thought to regulate

the production of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor or GDNF, a protein that

plays an important role in neuronal survival.

They also con>rmed a strong association between vaccine-induced narcolepsy and a

certain haplotype, suggesting “variation in genes related to immunity and neuronal

survival may interact to increase the susceptibility to Pandemrix-induced narcolepsy

in certain individuals.”

In addition to that, there’s the research showing that the H1N1 swine Ru vaccine was

one of >ve inactivated vaccines that increased overall mortality, especially among

girls. A swine Ru article I wrote 11 years ago, in 2009, turned out to have a rather

prophetic warning at the end:

“The swine Bu vaccine has not been tested for safety or e\cacy, but we DO

know it will contain harmful additives. The choice, to me, is obvious. And in

the future, anytime a new ‘pandemic’ appears and o\cials urge you to rush

out and get a shot, please remember this article and ask yourself if it’s really

you who stands to beneJt from their advice.”

The Swine Flu Fraud of 1976

We can also learn from the swine Ru >asco of 1976, detailed in this 1979 “60

Minutes” episode. Fearing a repeat of the 1918 Spanish Ru pandemic, “the

government propaganda machine cranked into action,” “60 Minutes” says, telling all

Americans to get vaccinated.




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According to “60 Minutes,” 46 million Americans were vaccinated against the swine

Ru at that time. Over the next few years, thousands of Americans >led vaccine

damage claims with the federal government. As reported by Smithsonian Magazine

in 2017:

“In the spring of 1976, it looked like that year’s Bu was the real thing. Spoiler

alert: it wasn’t, and rushed response led to a medical debacle that hasn’t

gone away.

‘Some of the American public’s hesitance to embrace vaccines — the Bu

vaccine in particular — can be attributed to the long-lasting effects of a failed

1976 campaign to mass-vaccinate the public against a strain of the swine Bu

virus,’ writes Rebecca Kreston for Discover.

‘This government-led campaign was widely viewed as a debacle and put an

irreparable dent in future public health initiative, as well as negatively

inBuenced the public’s perception of both the Bu and the Bu shot in this


A 1981 report by the U.S. General Accounting Ohce to Sen. John Durkin, D-N.H.,

reads, in part:

“Before the swine Bu program there were comparatively few vaccine-related

claims made against the Government. Since 1963, Public Health Service

records showed that only 27 non-swine Bu claims were Jled.

However, as of December 31, 1979, we found that 3,839 claims and 988

lawsuits had been Jled against the Government alleging injury, death, or

other damage resulting from the 45 million swine Bu immunizations given

under the program.




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A Justice o\cial told us that as of October 2, 1980, 3,965 claims and 1,384

lawsuits had been Jled. Of the 3,965 claims Jled, the Justice o\cial said 316

claims had been settled for about $12.3 million …”

The devastating side effects of the Pandemrix vaccine should be instructive. No one

anticipated a Ru vaccine to have genetic consequences, yet it did. Now they’re

proposing injecting mRNA to make every single cell in your body produce the SARS-

CoV-2 spike protein.

It seems outright foolish not to assume there will be signi>cant consequences.

Perhaps even transhumanistic ones? The 1976 swine Ru hoax is equally instructive, in

that it demonstrates the long history of mass vaccination campaigns causing far

more harm than good.


The greatest misconception about technology is that it improves us. Technology is a helper. There are

many technologies that we have deemed essential for the miraculous assistance they can provide;

that’s >ne, provided individual choice is preserved. Technology can improve circumstances and

expand our function, but it doesn’t literally make us more than we were before; when the technology is

removed, our range of function reverts. A phone extends our communication range; remove the phone

and we immediately lose that reach, unless we’ve developed some kind of telepathic ability; the latter

would actually be an individual’s improvement.

Technological aids make us, if not weaker, then certainly more dependent. Again, that’s a choice… and

sometimes a necessity. A person in need of a crutch or wheelchair regains some mobility, but not

necessarily a restoration of previous function. Why make these distinctions? Because we now stand

on the threshold of a much deeper integration of technology into our physiology, such as with Musk’s

NeuraLink. Such schemes are invariably sold on the idea of helping people. But any society that can

mandate the injection of a drug can also mandate that we get neurally wired up, both compelled on

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ideas of the “greater good.”

Whether or not humans actually use only a portion of their brains, few can seriously argue that

mankind has reached any kind of full realization of potential, morally, intelligently, or otherwise. One

idea is that we are more embryonic to what we can become, as many of the world’s traditional

teachings seem to suggest. Arti>cial intelligence, even wired into our brains, will no more expand our

innate intelligence than a phone confers innate telepathic powers. We might choose that dependency,

but what if that choice shortchanges what we are meant to become? It would be more interesting to

build up our “God-given muscles,” to see how far that actually goes, before rushing for the crutch.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Yes, DARZOUM, we are on the black side of technologies, the technocracies that lead to

transhumsnism. We are in a new world order, the creation of transhuman man, man with patented

genes, just like transgenic seeds were patented, just like drugs are patented, communication

technologies, all are patents for the domination and slavery of humanity . GMOs, allopathic

medicines and now vaccines that modify DNA expressions will create a mentally or physically ill

civilization, a humanity in decline, without rights or freedoms, subjected to being simple machines

of a technocracy and techno-fascism, dominated by great fortunes. and the governments of the

day subject to their whims.

The dehumanization of people is governed by extreme technological advances that hypnotize us,

make us addicted and obscure our vision of reality. They engulf us in consumer adornments and

drug our desires to obtain things and waste our time on entertainments that they manipulate in the

unconsciousness of our minds.

Politicians in a large majority corrupt, allies of an extreme technological advance that observes us

that directs us, who only look after the interests of power and pro>t and the support of the

monopolies of great fortunes, are largely responsible for the dehumanization in which the world

lives on all fronts of our existence. We are so infected by the virus of unconsciousness and

passivity, and we must overcome it by being able to unite in a common front against tyranny, rulers,

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institutions and monopolies that only deserve to be despised by a true humanity. We are facing the

creation of an unequal and antagonistic world that is devastating natural and cultural wealth, with

the disappearance of diversity, the impoverishment of the poorest, and the dehumanization and

globalization of surveillance and loss of freedoms.

Posted On 09/12/2020


In "The Power of Nightmares" politicians promise to achieve a better world, but now instead of

sharing dreams, politicians promise to protect us from nightmares, from dangers, such as

international terrorism. A cluster of fantasy to restore power, the rise of the politics of fear.

Terrorism is also the politics of fear of COVID.19, because with fear the governments and the

institutions of "health", the Pharmaceutical Ma>a, want to gain power and money, start a war

against democracy, install the fear of COVID-19, impose a new world order of loss of freedoms and

economic inequalities, for the bene>t of corrupt oligarchies. Why is there not a war against hunger

in the world or a >ght against the homeless, the loss of freedom, the defense of nature… ..?

The interest resides in a technocracy of domination and corruption that empowers the strongest,

those who have promoted this false pandemic through the politics of fear. Video of "The Power of

Nightmares" at the link. https://youtu.be/dTg4qnyUGxg A new world order cannot be created by

nations without the support of the people, a democratic attitude is needed, away from the

corporatocracy and techno-fascist currents, which needs to be grounded by a world ethic that is

supported and lived by people of all ages. cultures based on human values.

Posted On 09/12/2020


The vaccine against the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 from the University of Oxford and the

pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, has had to suspend trials worldwide because one of the

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participants in the United Kingdom has experienced a serious reaction. An anonymous source told

the New York Times that the woman's symptoms were consistent with transverse myelitis (TM).

“Concerns over associations between TM and vaccines are well known. A review of published case

studies in 2009 documented 37 cases of transverse myelitis associated with vaccines, including

Hepatitis B, measles-mumps-rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and others in infants, children

and adults. The researchers in Israel noted “the associations of different vaccines with a single

autoimmune phenomenon allude to the idea that a common denominator of these vaccines, such

as an adjuvant, might trigger this syndrome.” Even the New York Times piece on the recent

AstraZeneca trial pause notes past “speculation” that vaccines might be able to trigger TM”.

childrenshealthdefense.org/news/covid-19-vaccine-participant-develops-.. (september 11, 2020)

Posted On 09/12/2020


??? {"Many of the COVID-19 vaccines currently being fast-tracked are not conventional vaccines.

Their design is aimed at manipulating your very biology, and therefore have the potential to alter

the biology of the entire human race.}" ??? Entire human race??? NO! There are those who already

falsely believe they are superior beings of Devine Right. Apparently their goal is to become Darth

Vader's & Emperor Palpatine's. Those rest of us "allowed" to exist can serve as R2D2's and C3PO's.

Actually, for the 98% more like Star Trek's Borg. Submit - Resistance is Futile.

Darzuom - {"We might choose that dependency, but what if that choice shortchanges what we are

meant to become? It would be more interesting to build up our “God-given muscles,” to see how

far that actually goes, before rushing for the crutch."} The gut says no doubt there are those who

have information from deep into the past never shared with the whole of humanity, and as you

rightly state we each have a deep well of Awareness these people actively short circuit and distract

us from ever tapping into. Gui, you are so spot on today - humans will never "own, direct or control

Creation or all the Seeds of Life."

Posted On 09/12/2020

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Well worded Darzoum. Indeed technology is a usually double edged sword and society must learn

to wield it with wisdom. Often wisdom is on the back-burner. Fortunately only 2 or 3 of the two

dozen present vaccines under study are messenger RNA's and traditionals are in the works.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Hi Guillermou, many great points. Regarding: “GMOs, allopathic medicines and now vaccines that

modify DNA expressions will create a mentally or physically ill civilization…”; and just as true, we

can say the opposite: A mentally or physically ill civilization will create GMOs, allopathic medicines

and now vaccines that modify DNA expressions. The “dehumanization of people” has been

progressing for… well, forever, instated and cultivated through propaganda from various

institutions, circumscribing thinking and behavior into quasi-predictable consumer units. The

technology is only catching up to >nish the job. The ideal of the corporation or government is to be

able to predict and standardize behavior, so as to make their jobs easier. Now they can control

search results, mine data and put the same few brands of smartphones into everyone’s pockets.

What happens when everyone’s brain gets wired with the same technology?

Posted On 09/12/2020


Hi juststeve, "we each have a deep well of Awareness these people actively short circuit and

distract us from ever tapping into"; right on! And the distraction--and the desire to

control/short-circuit--has been active for a very long time; the technocrat's technology is catching

up to the technocrat's desire. Individuals desirous of freedom--not just the illusion of freedom--will

have to reconnect and revivify older "technologies," repositories of Wisdom found "deep into the

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past never shared with the whole of humanity."

Hi hut... "Indeed technology is a usually double edged sword and society must learn to wield it with

wisdom. Often wisdom is on the back-burner." I couldn't agree more with your assessment.

Posted On 09/12/2020


And what if that choice impairs the physical capabilities we already have, due in part to constant

EMF exposure all throughout our bodies? And we think holding a cell phone to an ear or keeping it

in one's chest pocket is bad. And so one if the subjects in the UK trials evidently has transverse

myelitis, formerly known as poliomyelitis. Which vaccines probably cause more than anything else

these days. How ironic, seeing as how "eradication of polio" is parroted by vaccine believers and

propagandists as much as anything else.

Posted On 09/12/2020


I'm so thankful to have already lived most of my life before this period of time. People are all imperfect

animals. Those who want to' perfect' will wake up to an 'all dressed up with no where to go' reality.

There won't be any more life has to offer. The best I can tell, those who can't >nd contentment with the

simple blessings just complicate life. If some people with bright ideas are allowed to continue, the end

result will be earth looking like bad plastic surgery with no way to >x it. Does anyone else get the

feeling that what we are experiencing will go down in history as an unimaginable disaster?

Posted On 09/12/2020


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The trick is...people aren't animals at all!

Posted On 09/12/2020


Yes, Bluesss, a great disaster of a technology and industrialization that is destroying our planet, an

unsustainable development that bewitches the minds of people with a false existence of

consumerism and loss of ethical and moral values. The blind adherence of individuals to

technology enables the deployment of absolute control over society, the >nal phase of which is

usually the biological and / or mental manipulation of individuals to achieve a uniform and paci>ed

society directed under the criteria of globalization and corporatocracy.

The world is dominated by a compulsive technology, a technocracy that enslaves the human mind,

that does not lead to more human happiness. Despite the development of technology, people seem

to work harder than before and their life has become more stressful and with great increase in

diseases. Industrial pollution, drugs, GMOs and vaccines create unhappiness, because they make

people sick and bewitch their minds. Primitive man hunted for food, now terrorism in all areas, led

by a techno-fascism, imposes a dehumanization of man. We must empower the human mind, we

must embrace ethical and moral values to >ght against all the powers that want to enslave the

human mind and body. If we ruin this planet we will ruin ourselves too. We have to think about a

better future for ourselves and the next generations, and to reach that future, the human being

should have somehow managed to live in harmony with the planet that has seen us born, and from

which we can say that it is our true home forever.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Yes Bluesss, I feel exactly the same. The feeling of dread is appalling. The fact that they will be

able to see if you've had this vaccine by detecting 'luciferase' at the injection site is even more

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worrying - do these people not even read, or are they being blatent? It reminds me of the sarcastic

cries of the younger generation 'The clue is in the name, people!' - yikes!

Posted On 09/12/2020


Yes! So many of you on here have my thoughts exactly! I have wondered why super-mega rich

billionaires don't just want to travel the world on their yachts, enjoying the beauty of the world,

perhaps noticing the plastic pollution, hunger, bad infrastructure, etc and help out on their way!

Power is a strange concept to me personally.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Yes, I believe many do feel that way, but things are happening so fast now that there isn’t even time

for most people to think, no less respond or DO anything. I agree, i have seen the best life has to

offer, and America. Sad but true and i too am grateful im on the older side of life at this point. I

feel most sorry for those about late teens to early 40s even 50s who DO know better, but still have

almost a lifetime of this to deal With. Very sad. The very young ones will grow up not even

knowing any better. They won’t even know what real freedom is. I suppose that’s even worse. God

bless the young parents right now.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Luciferase...........interesting name. They are throwing it right in our faces.

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Posted On 09/12/2020


I know, right! My eyebrows went up on that one too...

Posted On 09/12/2020


Mark of the Beast. The Great Spirit has a way of providing signposts, but it's up to us to exercise

our free will to HEED them while we still CAN.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Agree. It’s completely a disgusting Move naming it that. If for No other reason but to get a dam

laugh about it too. LITERALLY adding insult to injury. LITERALLY.

Posted On 09/12/2020


The transhuman argument is >ctitious. The idea is to "copy" your mind into an advanced neural

network, then put that in a body that would last for a long period of time. This gives you a kind of

immortality. The problem is that you are already immortal! And your mind IS NOT a neural network!

Furthermore, your mind won't work without YOU. And you are a causative, non-material being. Sorry it

you haven't heard this news, but that's the way it is. This whole campaign they are mounting depends

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on you being ignorant of the above truth. And while this does mean that you can die out of this

craziness on Earth, it doesn't mean you can escape the craziness, as the death-birth cycle is carefully

controlled. So we are stuck here and we need to get it right if we want a better Earth. mRNA is

messenger RNA. It normally gets created in the cell nucleus and then is expelled into the cytoplasm

where it is used as a pattern to build proteins. Proteins make up biological structures. That's all

mechanics. It was invented by Spirit, but is now used to trap Spirit. The >rst step to disengage from

this operation is to know that you are a spiritual being. In the short run, this knowledge may not serve

to relieve your pain, but I hope it might increase your con>dence that we can prevail.

Posted On 09/12/2020


larry_e, you make some good points. This whole thing is a con; they are trying to sell us a fake,

defective & lesser version of what we already possess; much of that possession is in potential and

I feel that as individuals, we must do the work to demonstrate both that potential and to show how

wrong B.F. Skinner, Kurzweil et al. were. We cannot acquiesce to being treated as simple

stimulus/response machines, so we must not act that way... that awakening is our birthright, one

we must exercise.

Posted On 09/12/2020


The Daily Mail is almost a tabloid newspaper but widely read and the comments section below articles

is very active. There are almost daily articles now disparaging the support of medical freedom, of

course using the slur AVers... Censorship of comments is rife. The heat is being turned up under the

pot gradually.

Posted On 09/12/2020

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Let's remember only the jester could get away with making fun of the king. Now only a "tabloid"

can get away with printing the truth about certain matters.

Posted On 09/12/2020


So you think that the FDA and the CDC care ? Not one bit. Their goal is to create chronically sick people

to create a huge cash Row for the big pharma ma>a and ALSO mass murder a good part of you in the

name of AGENDA 21 and nice folks Henry Kissinger the American Himmler that think old people are

useless eaters. That is what people like Bill Gates think about most of us. Now imagine one second

what these psychopaths think about South America, Africa, India or China. The elites are today all

satanic. I hate to use religious overtones but it goes indeed beyond science. We are dealing with pure

evil when it comes to vaccines and genetics.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Lucifer is at war with the Almighty. He is trying to destroy God's creation, including humans; that's

what the vaccine/mark of beast is for. Why do you think the devil's name luciferase (Lucifer's race)

is in the vaccine; the light. He wants to be the light that is in his GMO non-humans. He's always

been jealous of God and Jesus. The true Christ follower will have the true light in oneself. The

devil is trying to copycat God and Christ and even the light. How pathetic...his days are numbered

and we are caught in the middle of it. It is worth losing your life to not be owned by the devil; for if

you do, you will gain an eternal life with your creator. Don't take the mark. Look to Christ. 5G will

interact with the vaccine.

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Posted On 09/12/2020


How naive we were to think that world war was over in 1945. It will never be over because of the

endless struggle between the forces of good and the forces of evil, because of the dual nature of

mankind. Great writers such as Robert Louis Stevenson brought this to our attention with his

stories of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It’s hard to accept and imagine that eugenists grew up in the

normal way, did the things normal children do, played in with their tots, kicked a football around,

sang in the school choir etc. We can analyse what epigenetic inRuences and early childhood

experiences helped shape their personalities; strangely enough some would claim even their

illnesses might be a clue to their true personalities as the late American healer, Louise Hay, wrote

about way ahead of her time. But unless suffering from an extreme mental illness, it seems we all

have a choice between good and evil at some point in our lives and the main players in the corona

virus plandemic have chosen the latter.

Posted On 09/12/2020


I would like to see Bill Gates and Dr Fauchi be the >rst to take these vaccines and positive proof that

they had done so.

Posted On 09/12/2020


It would, most likely, be saline solution used.

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Posted On 09/12/2020


True, but robpe9 did say with proof. But i agree, it wd just never happen. Its all “do as i say, not as i


Posted On 09/12/2020


Won't be at all surprised if they put on a charade and get injected with a real saline placebo. Those

would be the the only times actual saline placebos are used for vaccine trials.

Posted On 09/12/2020


I would like to see trump take this vaccine since he is the one pushing it hoping to get reelected,

might as well include barr & dejoy. Gates and Fauci do not recommend this vaccine!

Posted On 09/12/2020


I think we are on the verge of two de>nite realities right now. The road where we go to a technocratic

trans-humanist tyranny or the road where 10 percent of the population wake up and we put a stop to it

and have a world full of freedom and love and light. I have heard from different sources that we are on

a good timeline right now but I say to remain vigilant and keep spreading the news and what the global

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elites real plans are for the humans.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Yes, this humanity must know the truth of the terrorist mind of the corrupt oligarchies and the

technocracy that watches over its shadow, and keeps evil alive, Yes, we need to build better, full of

"freedom, love and light", This must be the Path of priorities, both professionally, personally, and of

effort and solidarity with others. And that can cover countless aspects, from caring for the

environment, professional development from a human potential, the sustainable technological

boom, education among the smallest, future of humanity, gender and race equality, correcting the

inequalities and >ght against hunger, safeguard our freedoms, in short the most basic and

fundamental of respect for humans and the planet.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Yes, On this Garden, Planet Earth, we are all One Life. No one person whether enhanced by

technology or whatever can ever control Creation, Creation's energy's are a collective of the whole

of that one Life, not the illusions of any person or peoples, even if they may have good intentions.

And from any observations & past history, good intentions are not even on the menu.

Posted On 09/12/2020


danshow94535, I think you are right. I have often felt there are two main evolutions going on right

now. The majority movement is downward, but I'm not willing to concede anything to it and the

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story is still unfolding....

Posted On 09/12/2020


Vital Vitamin C info for all diseases, not just CORONA ( COULD KICK IT TO THE CURB with the right

doses. it's very safe). Links to data, books, playlists and important videos ( links to take you to 70+

video's). Dr Thomas Levy says all diseases, toxins and poison are pro-oxidant process and need

massive electron exchange which Vitamin C is ideal for. Lots of scienti>c peer-reviewed literature

below. The amount of literature is massive. if this is not enough one link advises there is a resource of

> 60,000 publications which are positive. If you think any of this is useful and worthwhile to you, please

make your own judgement and circulate of your own free will. Dr Thomas Levy ( Cardiologist), Dr

Robert Cathcart ( Orthopedic surgeon), Dr Frederick Klenner, Andrew Saul , Dr Steve Hickey, Dr Suzanne

Humpries ( MD, Kidney specialist and more) , search youtube and the web with these names and

Vitamin C after the individual name www.peakenergy.com

I have read these books and so should you, plus the mainstream medical it would change health

forever, >1200 references in them on Vitamin C www.peakenergy.com/books.php . I have read Primal

Panacea, Curing the incurable and Stop America's number 1 killer. I am currently nearly >nished the

latest book on Magnesium. https://https://https://https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0x8Cx..

vit c basics by Dr Suzanne Humpries. Great intro talk. Done in NZ www.youtube.com/watch Longer

version done in Sweden. Dr Cathcart www.youtube.com/watch Treated 30,000 patients and with some

very bad illnesses doses> 200 grams/day Dr Cathcart playlist 70 video


www.youtube.com/watch Vitamin C and the great suppression www.youtube.com/watch The truth

about Vit C www.youtube.com/watch Vit C -The ultimate anti-biotic

Posted On 09/12/2020


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MITCHIND...Yes, all aspects of the electrical nature of life and the universe itself are concealed;

Root causes and effects confused...Otherwise thinking would be based on

redox/acid-base/boy-girl relationships and molecular interaction and the unseen >elds associated.

Starting there one can also recognize the values of minerals, oxygen, food contents and lifestyle

choices along with the negatory effects of heavy metals, sugars, oxidized fats and stress. Simple

applications of antioxidant electrons and electron stealing/pathogen destroying oxidizers work and

what works contains truth. These principles are unimpeachable basic science. ReRecting upon the

>ndings and using the methods of the many doctors you link, one can only conclude they are true.

The fact that our healthcare monopoly censors and forbids this information speaks to the

protection of its business model. Sometimes their drug therapies work and save lives and rat traps

are baited with real cheddar, but the price in dollars and side effects are dear. And knowing the

reality of the mind body connection, how could any physician dedicated to healing create an

atmosphere of panic and hysteria that is an exponentially greater threat than the virus??? I think we

know the answer; power and control over the human race to remodel it in their sick-minded image.

Posted On 09/12/2020


"Another part of the delivery system that raises its own set of questions is the use of the enzyme

luciferase, which has bioluminescent qualities. While invisible under normal conditions, using a

cellphone app or special device, you will be able to see a glowing vaccination mark.". Vaccination

"mark"; or "Mark of the Beast"? Did they pick the word luciferase out of a hat? I don't think so! Knowing

that this "enzyme" is coming from a Defense Contractor...an entity that is continually thinking up new

ways to harm/kill people - why would anyone trust them?

Patents and Intellectual Property Rights, is something I've been posting about for awhile; as well as

Transhumanism and how it is stealthily creeping up on humanity! I have no doubt that at some point,

the technocrats will OWN humanity, just as people own "pets"; although, I'm sure that the pets will be

much better off than the people. Everything that's going on today, I have seen coming. I'm nobody

special...I merely observe, pay attention and analyze everything that goes on around me. BTW: Another

point that I've been posting about; is the fact that the Mental Illness "Business" is another entity that

will be enriched by this covid nonsense!

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Posted On 09/12/2020


Yes RANDY, life itself is being patented. Innovation has a limit the right to continue living in

accordance with natural conditions. The conditions that we have to feed ourselves or to be treated

with a true medicine that serves to prevent and treat health. Biotechnological inventions have

consistently ranked as one of the largest technical sectors in terms of the number of patents

applied for. Patents block farmers' access to genetic material and minimize biodiversity and

species diversity, thereby increasing dependency between farmers and seed producers.

Nature itself and the goods that it directly provides us are not patentable, although production

processes can be designed, organized and put into operation based on them and subsequently

commercialized with the bene>ts that their sale can provide. However, when these goods are not

directly obtainable from nature or, even if they are, they require a speci>c handling or treatment

that transforms them into more effective products such as medicines or food, or that serves to

justi>ably associate a new activity or a new one. utility, the products derived from these treatments

may become patentable. This is the trap and the patent arises, it is about obtaining bene>ts from

nature, the plant in its natural state is not recommended but the patent.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Hi Randy, yes, that name, luciferase, should raise some eyebrows. They want their stamp on us,

and then, instead of a birth certi>cate, there will be a patent >led for each new person coming into

the world. The article is interesting... I couldn't help thinking that the the level of anxiety of the

women featured in the article represents some kind of ideal for the controllers. They need fear in

the population, and they know how to create it before they manipulate people with it.

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Posted On 09/12/2020


Thanks, Gui. Everything that's "natural" in this world, seems to be disappearing fast! The food isn't

natural; the weather isn't natural; people aren't even natural anymore. Does anyone believe that this

is going to end well? I can see clearly, even through their masks, that people are becoming more

terri>ed by this so-called "killer" virus, by the day - and they STILL fail to see how insane it all is! Hi,

Darzoum; You know as well as I do that those lamestream articles are well thought out; and

nothing changes...it's all about the fear mongering, brainwashing, conditioning and manipulation.

I'm sure that those are prerequisites for employment. Good, honest people need not apply.

Posted On 09/12/2020


The more technology you have, the more people you need to support it and the greater likelihood that

something will break down. It's one thing to do this with electronic controls in and automobile, but

quite another with the human body. The human body should not be treated like used cars that have

quit running. I am quite happy with in my ignorance with my humble life. I wonder what price tag they

will put on my happiness? I am like a turtle. The more I see of abuse of technology, the more I want to

dig in and hide in my shell. It seems we are living in a world without morals or common sense. Most

people just want to be left alone. There are parallels in nature, even between the kingdoms. If you

want to grow nice carrots, you nurture them by giving them fertile soil and feeding them good minerals.

You do not go out to your garden, poke at them, and dig them up every once and a while to inspect

them at a microscopic level. Some things are best left alone. Choose your technologies wisely.

Posted On 09/12/2020


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Yes, we need protection and >ght against the technocratic events that lead to a dehumanized

world. Cleaner energy, access to new knowledge and research, less invasive surgeries, security

systems, robotics for tedious and dangerous jobs, in short, means to improve the quality of life, are

necessary, but they do not guarantee happiness and interior peace. Amid what appears to be a

growing abundance of resources and continuous human progress, we are experiencing a mental

health epidemic, with high rates of anxiety and depression.

But technology can sometimes make us feel worse instead of better. Social media can become a

comparison tool and source of debilitating state anxiety. Increased access to goods and services,

coupled with increased consumerism, can lead people to choose totally unnecessary and

superRuous “things”, becoming trapped in a hedonistic ribbon of materialism. Tools like arti>cial

intelligence and big data can lead to a violation of our privacy and autonomy. The digital world can

take us away from the beauty of the present moment. Moving away from true "happiness" to a

general sense of well-being, gratitude, and inner peace.

The modern conception of happiness is viewed as a commodity, achieving goals that transcend

the true human condition. Our ancestors had a better vision of that, an approach of diminishing the

desires and expectations of believing themselves gods of the Universe, to achieve a harmony in


Posted On 09/12/2020


VIT C PART 4 www.doctoryourself.com/role%20of%20AA%20in%20covid%2019.pdf


www.nutri.com/.../klenner.html isom.ca/.../frederick-klenner orthomolecular.org/.../v02n02.shtml




www.seanet.com/.../ascorbate 197x/klenner-fr-j_appl_nutr-1971-v23-n3&4-p61.htm

www.seanet.com/.../ascorbate 194x/klenner-fr-southern_med_surg-1949-v111-n7-p209.htm

Polio www.seanet.com/.../ascorbate

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195x/klenner-fr-southern_med_surg-1951-v103-n4-p101.htm for Viruses

www.seanet.com/.../ascorbate 198x/smith-lh-clinical_guide_1988.htm


197x/klenner-fr-j_int_assn_prev_med-1974-v1-n1-p45.htm As a tool for preventative medicine.

www.seanet.com/.../ascorbate 195x/klenner-fr-j_appl_nutr-1953-v6-p274.htm as an

anti-biotic www.seanet.com/.../ascorbate

194x/klenner-fr-southern_med_surg-1948-v110-n2-p36.htm Pneumonia

www.seanet.com/.../ascorbate 199x/landwehr-r-j_orthomol_med-1991-v6-n2-p99.htm

www.seanet.com/.../ascorbate This is an amazing substance and as Klenner said much more

than a basic vitamin. This could slash health cost worldwide, cure so many bad diseases. Even poisons

like lethal mushroom. www.academia.edu/.../A_cure_for_mushroom_poisoning " In order to publicise

the treatment, Dr Bastien has on two occasions publicly consumed fatal doses of A. phalloides (65 g

and 70 g) and then successfully treated himself, a Ramboyant but eminently convincing

Posted On 09/12/2020


Lemmings, I mean the Sheeple, expect Big Daddy Gubment to come and save us. Rescue me, oh CDC,

because I don't want to be responsible for myself. The Ru vax they have now doesn't work. And the Ru

mutates, so anyone who thinks a vax is going to save us and we can all go back to business as usual is


Posted On 09/12/2020


Synthetic genes can be patented. If inserting a synthetic RNA ends up creating permanent changes in

the genome, humans will contain patentable genes. What will that mean for us, seeing how patents

have owners, and owners have patent rights? My research specialty is law. After reading just the >rst

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sentence without moving on, I had already surmised that the owners of the patent would then become

the new owners of the bodies of those who take the Covid-19 vaccine. If you think that black slavery

was repugnant, just imagine, once this particular vaccine is taken, the patent owners will have absolute

power over everyone after just the >rst shot, for which by "contract law," no matter what one may suffer

from the >rst shot, must take the second shot, and subsequent shots thereafter, or be in "breach of

contract," which can carry a >ne, and/or jail time.

And since the government is funding these vaccinations, it is at the very least "plausible" that the

government has a vested interest in the ownership of the bodies who take the Covid-19 vaccine. There

is also another problem cropping up that just adds fuel to the >re--the overall global economy has a

looming change coming about, which will eliminate all current exchanges in money-a cashless society.

This means many current governments can and probably will collapse to become vulnerable to be

bailed out by the IMF, which is a world bank. In previous commentaries here, I mentioned a coming

one-world government--the IMF is a quasi world government, because of it' s a world-reaching money

provider--all that is needed is a declaration of the one-world government, once the former governments

are purchased. The population of the planet will be stunned that they are all of the sudden under a new

tyrannical government. Once the patented vaccine is taken, you just entered into a contract, and then

owned by the patent holders, whether it be Big Pharma or a one-world government-- a signature is used

to validate a contract.

Posted On 09/12/2020

Pat 444

Once we are a patent of the big owners, we will not be allowed to use money, as we will just be

slaves, having to work for the owners, just like the slaves did, many years ago, without any money

due to us. Just serve, sleep in cages, wake up to serve again your owners, and work for the greater

good, (a lot worst than Communism), and just feed yourself like animals or CAFO chicken from

common containers. Oh, by the way CAFO chicken don't have to wear masks, however, we will have

to wear them, even after the vaccines are injected, as they are not effective at all against viruses.

Posted On 09/12/2020

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listen to the cadence of Musk's verbal delivery ... he sounds like a robot downloading ; note his

sinister vivisectionist pallor + vile hubristic triumphalism ...

Posted On 09/12/2020


I've thought the same when I heard his 2 podcasts with Joe Rogan. He waited an unusual amount

of time to respond to Joe's questions. Have you seen his young musician partner? How about the

name of their newborn? X Æ A-12. It refers to AI he says. This baby should be quite interesting to


Posted On 09/12/2020


Should I get rid of my iPhone and get either a Flipphone or a landline? This is frightening. I’ve been

thinking about getting rid of it for a while. Has anyone else done this? I don’t want to be tracked. I

ordered the book 1984 by George Orwell. Feels like that’s what this world is going to become. People

just want to live their lives without being forced to do things. Come quickly Lord Jesus

Posted On 09/12/2020


blarse1, Do you use a credit card? They track you using that as well as your phone. I've never had

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a cell phone, love the freedom it gives me. I only have a lap top. I had my credit card stolen once...

THEY called me within a minute because someone was asking for a cash advance and I've never

done that. There are so many eyes... I'm presently reading 1984 too. Ivanka said she wants to be

one of the >rst to take the vaccine and she'll take it on The View.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Hi 00. I feel like my cell phone is like a noose around my neck. It makes me feel sick when I use it.

Don’t have a credit card but I do use debit card. I really want to change back to a different kind of

phone. I don’t have a computer so I wouldn’t be able to read Dr Mercola’s emails. I’m going to make

a decision soon about what to do

Posted On 09/13/2020


If Gates and Musk want to become transhuman, >ne, have at it. One wonders if they already ARE. But

I, for one, will pass. I like myself and my friends quite well as we are, and I have no desire to become

an (ahem) android these monsters can control from their unreliable servers. Seeing as how Gates'

computers take 20 minutes to turn on or off, how would we expect this to work out for their believers?

Just about everyone knows the story of Dr. Frankenstein, but how many get the message?

Posted On 09/12/2020


That is not to mention what they could put in the vaccines without disclosing it at all, like the infertility

drugs with which vaccines given to African women were spiked. We must be >rm in our rejection of

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this attempt to hijack our very humanity.

Posted On 09/12/2020


You're absolutely right! Who knows what they may add to those already toxic vaccines. Since they

don't have to worry about any lawsuits, there is obviously no incentive whatsoever, to make those

vaccines "safe" or "effective" - unless you consider that they will be "effective" in making humanity


Posted On 09/12/2020


Very important point balhawk--you have to take their word for it, and take your vaccine on faith;

that only works with trust, while Pharma has already amply demonstrated its untrustworthiness.

Posted On 09/12/2020


I've sat through all of these videos to be stunned by the lack of "diversity," our current mania. If there is

no "diversity," how can we believe any of this? No one asked Elon the critical question - when will he

subject himself to his invention just like Bill and Melinda should be asked when will they and their three

kids be seen publicly injected with actual doses of vaccine? As for "saving and storing" memories,

who is to say how accurate memories can be?

When I was a kid, we had the misfortune of living in Passaic, NJ, where transmission of television from

Manhattan was tried out in a public park. I recall [a memory perhaps] my parents and I walked to this

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park where many were sitting on the lawn watching the broadcast on a large screen. We stayed around

for a few minutes, then left. After that brief experience, my mother was death on television of which

she never approved. A decade or more later the parents >nally got a set. Unfortunately. My mother

was inveigled into getting a TV set for her parents because her father loved baseball broadcasts. Her

mother, my grandmother, said it was the worst thing which happened to their relationship because

Gramps was glued to the tube instead of commenting on the game, as he often did, when it was on the

radio. Those of you who've read Julia Child's memoirs may recall her astonishment and dismay at the

enthusiastic reports about television, around the Passaic era, from her stateside acquaintances to the

Childs who then resided in Norway. Obviously she later pro>ted by the technology.

Posted On 09/12/2020


No doubt that the sheeple will run to get vaccinated, after the >rst highway billboards will get erected,

and/or after hearing the >rst vaccine commercial on radio or tv. The vaccination campaign will be

designed by the best graphic designers, and will be hard for the sheeple to resist. These are the same

people who are diligently wearing face masks outside when no people around. Screw the idiots, screw

the psychopaths like Musk and Gates and their associates.

Posted On 09/12/2020


These 'people' really have no idea what they're doing and probably do not understand the law of

unintended consequences. Be careful what you wish for. They are already treating us as the

automatons they wish we were.

Posted On 09/12/2020

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UK law changes for COVID-19 mass vaccination




Posted On 09/12/2020


And you thought the Borg was science >ction...

Posted On 09/13/2020


Barbara Loe Fisher. The National Plan to Vaccinate Every American This is a must watch.

www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=144&v=ltFJB2kEnug&feature=.. Co-founder and president of

the non-pro>t National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Barbara Loe Fisher outlines the history of

the National Vaccine Plan developed by the U.S. government since 1994 in partnership with the

pharmaceutical industry to ensure all Americans receive every federally recommended vaccination.

Also included is a review of major types of vaccine-related legislation pending in states to eliminate or

restrict voluntary vaccine decision-making.

Posted On 09/13/2020


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For most of us who are not "experts" on the subject the discussion is irrelevant. The evaded question

is: BY WHAT RIGHT AND WHO HAS THE RIGHT TO MANDATED. This is regardless of claimed bene>ts.

Here's a good example: "My body, my choice = population control in case of abortions. " NOT my body,

NOT my choice = population control in case of the vaccine. Just like the political system, the right and

the left wing of the same bird of pray.

Posted On 09/13/2020


Biblical: The mark of the beast. This is satanic!

Posted On 09/12/2020


There is something I don't think you all know.. I've had the virus and there are some strange after

effects, there is a constant high pitch buzzing squealing noise that is always there. I thought it was

just me as it's not talked about on TV, but then I found "Survivor Corps" a site where people who have

had covid can talk to each other, there I found it's not just me. Does this mean I already have some

technological thingy? I never went to the doctor or got tested as I was out of town... honestly because

I didn't want to go on some list or end up hospitalized for a false test.

Posted On 09/12/2020


I went to Survivor Corps. There isn't a comment section or info of what you speak of.

But I have heard about the buzzing sounds. I'm wondering if the "virus" could be

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actually coming from nano technology from chemtrails that interact with HARRP & 5G, since

the germ theory is not proven. Detox, detox, detox and prayer!

Posted On 09/13/2020


Every American Adult should view this documentary from Nova. It explains how man has drilled down

to the cellular level and can alter the blueprint of life which we carry in 99% of our 25 Trillion cells.

Evolution of man can be accelerated without any understanding of the consequences. In summary..

Man can now play God. You can view the documentary via Roku if you register for the PBS station via

the internet. In the video, they quote Putin who raises a grave concern. What is not discussed is how

nutrient depleted foods with chemicals create many of the ill health issues we experience in the US.

They discuss sickle cell which at the end you will discover is an evolutionary adaptive change to the

human genome, so man survives malaria in Africa. PS: The Unabomber was probably right with his

manifesto. Technology will destroy the human race.

Posted On 09/12/2020


YOUTUBE: IS THIS TORTURE? 314,683 views •Jul 2, 2020 Amazing Polly In this video I start off slow

but pick up steam as I submit the evidence and examples. By comparing our situation to the study of

torture & coercion on Prisoners of War, I believe it becomes clear that what we are being put through

with the virus response is a near-perfect parallel to the Amnesty International de>nition of torture &

Bidermans ‘Chart of Coercion.’ Amnesty International, 1 Easton Street, London, WC1X 0DW,

UKTelephone: +442074135500 Fax: +442079561157Email: [email protected] contactour

international ohcesdirectly, please visit:www.amnesty.org/.../contact

Posted On 09/12/2020

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As Robert Kennedy pointed out the vaccine developments are not going well. The Astra Zenica

vaccine was given to two monkeys and the result was the monkeys got COVID. Similar results with two

ferrets. We should all know by now that the tests in Seattle went very poorly and basically all of the

subjects became ill. Then there is the vaccine that is so unstable that it must be kept at temperatures

from 40 to 80 below freezing and must be used very quickly because it has no shelf life. If they did

work the other issue would be that a lab-created them and of course has a patent on them. If you are

foolish enough to try any of the "vaccines" you will likely become their property due to the patent. My

guess is they plan to use the vaccine to eliminate undesirables. Which would be people of color, gays,

and anyone over say 55. Sayer Ji just posted about a private just for the wealthy meeting. You might

want to check into that.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Thank you again! Dr. Mercola, associates and Top rated Posters for reporting what 'mainstream media'

refuses to even acknowledge.

Posted On 09/12/2020


If your DNA is patented and you have children is this patent infringement. Would you be >ned are sued

for you procreation

Posted On 09/12/2020

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Listening to a Del Bigtree inteview(s) on Thursday night, he mentioned that the Moderna vaccine has

distribution issues. Everyone may want to read this Aug 31 article, to realize just how cold this vaccine

needs to be kept and transported, and it is only viable for use for about 2 hrs after warming up! It

appears more of a Halloween joke, not a miracle solution:


Posted On 09/12/2020


Everyone might want to do a search: trumps political vaccine = no takers is part of distribution


Posted On 09/12/2020


I heard this video of Carrie Madej a few weeks ago and thought this is absolutely crazy!!! Are we

headed into the Pits of Hell with this crazy Transhuman BS, Human 2.0?

Posted On 09/12/2020


Can we avoid these vaccines? I am 74 and have not even had a Ru vaccine and I do not plan on taking

a Covid-19 vaccine either. I have heard of the term technocracy and technocrats. I am assuming that is

pretty much the same thing or maybe something additional to be concerned about.

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Posted On 09/12/2020


If you see ANY vaccine coming; run as fast as you can in the other direction!

Posted On 09/12/2020

Pat 444

I don't even know if running away would help, as I heard that you will not be able to do transactions

in the ATM machines, you will not be able to go into grocery stores, or in public places. So we will

be deprived of our money, not being able to buy food, not being able to send kids to school, and so

on. They just tried it on us, with the mandatory masks, they will do the same with the vaccines.

Today, Sept 12, in Paris, people are in the street, to defend their rights against draconian measures

with the masks, and anticipating the future measures to be implemented: A woman talks against

being obedient, and keeping obedient? She also says: What about my kids, what would they tell me

after a few years? that I could not protect them for their future, against what would happen to

them? @3:19 www.youtube.com/watch Also @ 3:33 she says: "C'est pas Macron qui décide"

Posted On 09/12/2020



Fauchi & Co Culled? THE EUGENICS HOLOCAUST Did Psychopath Rockefeller Create The Spanish

Flu Pandemic Of 1918? “The Truth About The 1918 ‘Viral InRuenza’ Pandemic” By Dr. Gary G.

Kohls, MD Jun 18, 2020 It started with the Rockefeller Institute’s Crude Bacterial Meningitis

Vaccination Experiment on US Troops. The 1918-19 bacterial vaccine experiment may have killed

50-100 million people. “During the war years 1918-19, the US Army ballooned to 6,000,000 men,

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with 2,000,000 men being sent overseas. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research took

advantage of this new pool of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments.” “During WW1,

the Rockefeller Institute also sent its experimental anti-meningococcal serum to England, France,

Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.” “The Rockefeller

Institute and its experimental bacterial meningococcal vaccine, contrary to the accepted

mythology may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-1919.”

Posted On 09/12/2020


We MUST avoid them. If a very large percentage of us, say 30%, or even 20% refuse, they will

either have to quietly back down or enable a HUGE story which will out more of the truth they so

desperately want to hide. Especially as hundreds of millions if not billions get sicker worldwide

from the poisons in it and the EMF exposure. This will not end well for the technocrats, whichever

way it goes. Such hubris, such foolishness.

Posted On 09/12/2020


At 74 I just don't believe they will make a ruckus. Life expectancy is 78... why create such bad

vibes >ghting older people? It would scare the kids. I'm 71 so I don't believe they'll be forcing us. I

wonder if you've already had the virus if they won't force the vaccine on you, so everybody say

they've already had it. I had it. It really wasn't that bad, just a lot of sneezing, coughing, spitting,

and hair loss and pink eye.... and a high pitch squealing noise I can't get away from, but I've had

much worse Ru viruses.

Posted On 09/12/2020

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God has created everything our body needs to be healthy naturally! Sickness comes and goes. Our

immune system knows how to handle attacks on healthy cells. The toxins we injest daily i believe are a

major reason for alot of sickness. If we are not vitamin and mineral de>cient serious illness has no

home in us! I am a believer in ph balancing of the body as well! Taking the proper measures we could

live long healthy lives. Unfortunately our rulers/oppressors do all that they can to keep infomation like

this alway from us. Cut, burn, prescribe is the treatment of the day. Pro>t over people is extremely evil!

If you are a God fearing person and I am! You can only feel sorry for these people who ruled the world

and inRicted so much damage on humanity. The Bible talks about theTRUE light. If there is a TRUE

light, then there is a FALSE light! That false light is mentioned in the article as a component in the

vaccine, LUCIFER! The FATHER of all lies! BEWARE!

Posted On 09/12/2020


It's time to read *Brave New World* by Aldous Huxley.

Posted On 09/12/2020


I am sure there will be many that will avoid a vaccine. My guess is that there will be an attempt to

force vaccines.

Posted On 09/12/2020

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Vitamin D, demand the rda rasied, have you had enough. This is the data for massive lawsuits.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20352622 An estimate of the economic burden and premature deaths due

to Vitamin D de>ciency in Canada 2010: The estimated bene>ts in disease reduction were based on

increasing the mean serum 25(OH)D level to 105 nmol/L. It is estimated that the death rate could fall

by 37,000 deaths (22,300-52,300 deaths), representing 16.1% (9.7-22.7%) of annuals deaths and the

economic burden by 6.9% (3.8-10.0%) or $14.4 billion ($8.0 billion-$20.1 billion) less the cost of the

program. It is recommended that Canadian health policy leaders consider measures to increase serum

25(OH)D levels for all Canadians. Wow and it was ignored

Posted On 09/12/2020


The Vitamin D test to see if your levels are suhcient used to be covered by the Ontario Health

Insurance Plan and the coverage has been removed. If you want to test for Vitamin D it will cost

you about $80 and that was an estimate a few years ago now. It's a favorite occupation of

Canadians to criticize the American medical system. But we still have people who will go to the

states for treatment because it isn't available here. Dealing with this Covid crisis, one option will

be Class Action lawsuits. Rocco Galati, LL.B (Constitutional lawyer), in Toronto has >led a

Statement of Claim that you can read in the following URL. Financial claim for damages is only

against CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), but the list of alleged accused is interesting (it

includes Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.)

You can >nd the Statement of Claim on this URL, under: "Press Release - Legal Challenge to

COVID-19 Measures Filed in Ontario Superior Court." Once that opens, click on "Statement of

Claim" and it will take you to the document which is extensive. There should be some activity on

this in the court in Toronto, December 2020. Mr. Galati was also interview by Rebel Media. (The

government in Canada is >nancially subsidizing main stream media and would like to shut down

Rebel Media). vaccinechoicecanada.com This is the interview with Ezra Levant and Rocco Galati:

www.rebelnews.com/rocco_galatis_lockdown_lawsuit_ezra_levant_interview.. This is the URL to

Mr. Galati's Constitutional Rights Centre Inc. www.constitutionalrightscentre.ca

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Posted On 09/12/2020

Pat 444

We all know that Vit D and Vit C are essentials for a good health, however, they will be ineffective if

you don't eliminate the cause of an exterior factor that keeps buzzing and affecting us. So, If you

get the vaccine, and the luciferase stays in your body, No vitamins will help.

Posted On 09/12/2020


vIT c PARTS 3 slideplayer.com/.../3806116 Multi C protocol


www.dougcookrd.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Ascorbate-The-Science-of.. Book by Steve

Hickey and Hilary Roberts 2004 orthomolecular.org/.../1981-v10n02-p125.pdf Cathcart, 8 pages of

very good data. nanopdf.com/download/curing-the-incurable-vitamin-c-infectious-disease.. reference

list from 1 Dr Thomas Levy book. Sepsis

www.acponline.org/system/>les/documents/about_acp/chapters/va/18mtg/f.. sepsis, see slide 5,

https/.../watch Dr Fowler who did the above study. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.../PMC4843590 sepsis

dropped deaths from 64% to 14% www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.../27162802

www.orthomolecular.org/.../v16n18.shtml China now www.orthomolecular.org/.../v16n16.shtml

www.orthomolecular.org/.../v16n12.shtml China Now www.orthomolecular.org/.../v16n20.shtml

64,000 studies and the location mentioned, plus a list of some current items.

www.youtube.com/watch China now , via USA new item. 50grams Vitamin C given to an advanced

Corona patient and the lungs start clearing in 4 hours.. www.orthomolecular.org/.../v16n21.shtml

Latest bulletin. Lots of great references cited in articles. orthomolecular.org/.../1981-v10n02-p125.pdf

Dr Cathacart , does levels page 2, 1981.

Posted On 09/12/2020

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VIT C PART 2 https://https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXs5Xzr6qCI?v=Au-mp6RZ.. Disease

a uni>ed theory - InRammation and antioxidants www.youtube.com/watch Dr Levy - Vitamin and

Infection 2019 www.youtube.com/watch 60 Minutes NZ Living Proof - Vitamin C swine Ru THIS WILL

AMAZE YOU www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5Bgdqsorg0&list=PL93PRBSFBt-6NYTMiolPPPqv.. Dr

(PhD) Andrew Saul Pdf's, some overlap, but gives a very good overview.

riordanclinic.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/6-IVC-Ehcacy-and-Admini.. 86 pages of mega info,

with clickable links. iaimsorg.>les.wordpress.com/2017/06/lecture-3-vitamin-c-therapy-manil..

www.healingtheeye.com/.../Dec_2013_Vit_C.pdf slideplayer.com/.../3806116 Multi C protocol


www.dougcookrd.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Ascorbate-The-Science-of.. Book by Steve

Hickey and Hilary Roberts 2004 orthomolecular.org/.../1981-v10n02-p125.pdf Cathcart, 8 pages of

very good data. nanopdf.com/download/curing-the-incurable-vitamin-c-infectious-disease.. reference

list from 1 Dr Thomas Levy book.

Sepsis www.acponline.org/system/>les/documents/about_acp/chapters/va/18mtg/f.. sepsis, see

slide 5, www.youtube.com/watch Dr Fowler who did the above study.

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.../PMC4843590 sepsis dropped deaths from 64% to 14%

www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.../27162802 www.orthomolecular.org/.../v16n18.shtml China now

www.orthomolecular.org/.../v16n16.shtml www.orthomolecular.org/.../v16n12.shtml China Now

www.orthomolecular.org/.../v16n20.shtml 64,000 studies and the location mentioned, plus a list of

some current items.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Covid now, then mandatory vaccines then digital tattoo/chip ( Search Bill gates + ID2020) then 5G ( all

the better to surveil you with,as if they don't have enough now,plus the health effects have not been

checked). then no cash Then present your digital tattoo to buy food, to get a house to travel, for

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health treatment, then etc. No freedom, the Digital Concentration Camp has arrived. THANKS, BUT NO


Africa little covid. see on Africa they have malaria and use lots of CQ and HCQ. Vitamin D can do all

hcq can do and more prevention wise. But if into HCQ then aad Vit D and take it from average to

amazing . Thye showed this in study in Spain. The lawyers will do well on the lawsuits from HCQ

denial. www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/08/pandemic-appears-have-spared-africa-so..










Posted On 09/12/2020


Videos on vaccines you really need to listen too. Our medical practitioners are not asking enough

questions on our behalf.

https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rrb1XwI2_JA?v=rZMn7oapJD4?v=5o.. Smallpox

1795-2005 www.youtube.com/watch Polio and DDT www.youtube.com/watch Smoke, Mirrors and the

"Disappearance" of Polio.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbnqO_vJVOk&list=PLfJbEA9NfrjtLYaU1C9BvIM7.. - Very Interesting.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZe99K12740&list=PLfJbEA9NfrjtLYaU1C9BvIM7.. Aluminium is toxic.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMdObIbP8zs&list=PLfJbEA9NfrjtLYaU1C9BvIM7.. Has medical has

lost its way.

Posted On 09/12/2020

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Right. Funny how so few seem to notice the smallpox vaccine came on the scene c. 1800, there

were massive smallpox epidemics all throughout the 1800s, including a huge epidemic in 1872 in

Europe and North America when the populations were most vaccinated, then went away just as all

other infectious diseases sharply declined concurrently with public health improvements, while

smallpox vaccination rates declined as well.

Poliomyelitis? Not even infectious, but from poisoning by pesticides and other toxic agents,

including vaccines themselves! The vaccine has been a scam and a fraud, right from the git-go,

eradicating a harmless enterovirus. Thge condition got renamed, and paralytic disease started to

decline a couple years prior to introduction of the vaccine, as the pesticide benzene hexachloride

(BHC) was withdrawn from agricultural use because (~~~drumroll~~~~) it was found to impart a

bad taste to food! Yup, the food was so toxic people could literally taste the poison!

Posted On 09/12/2020


"mRNA vaccines trick the body into producing the viral proteins itself." Humanity is doomed. Being so

eager to destroy oneself is a sign insanity has reached exorbitant proportions, or it's all about achieving

the >nal goal. If these "scientists" really believe that the virus is a threat to human kind why would they

want the body ITSELF to produce foreign proteins to >ght against? Which cells/how many cells/for how

long are supposed to be "instructed" to produce the foreign protein? Will the immune system attack -

the produced foreign proteins inde>nitely (permanent insertion) = chronic inRammation, or - the cells

that produce them = self-destruction? Will the immune system be faced with the dilemma of whether

or not to destroy parts of or its own body? (assuming the virus is an existential threat) " Vaccines work

by training the body to recognize and respond to the proteins produced by disease-causing organisms,

such as a virus or bacteria" What's this about a virus being an organism?!!? A shrewd creature whose

purpose is to kill the host without which it can't replicate, or a host producing viruses to exterminate its

own species? And If this virus is meant to ensure adaptation as doctors like Zach Bush explain, the

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so-called scientists are striving to make the body turn against its own survival,nature is unlikely to

respond. Does anyone have a sensible explanation?

Posted On 09/12/2020


40% of human genome is of viral origin already. LINE, SINE, ALU, Jumping genes etc

Posted On 09/12/2020


The deep state JFK, so they got away with that coup de'tat , they think they can do anything, have the

will of the people now in a proper election with voter ID. These 10 links are are from Douglas Horne

ohcial investigator for the review after the JFK data collection act and Evidence of revision. A better

future was stolen why let it happen again. 10 video's the whole world need to see. Not just 20K or so..



Posted On 09/12/2020


Vitamin D, demand the rda rasied, have you had enough. This is the data for massive lawsuits.

pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20352622 An estimate of the economic burden and premature deaths due

to Vitamin D de>ciency in Canada 2010: The estimated bene>ts in disease reduction were based on

increasing the mean serum 25(OH)D level to 105 nmol/L. It is estimated that the death rate could fall

by 37,000 deaths (22,300-52,300 deaths), representing 16.1% (9.7-22.7%) of annuals deaths and the

economic burden by 6.9% (3.8-10.0%) or $14.4 billion ($8.0 billion-$20.1 billion) less the cost of the

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program. It is recommended that Canadian health policy leaders consider measures to increase serum

25(OH)D levels for all Canadians. Wow and it was ignored

Posted On 09/12/2020


Wow! Was this interview with Madej for real. Is it 1 April? And my family & friends think I am crazy not

having 'my annual Ru shot'! And the name 'Lucerifase' in there, come on, we all know that is the name

of the devil! Now, I am scared, do I stop reading Dr Mercola & get on with my quiet retired life!

Posted On 09/12/2020



HEAD. Imagine loud sounds, vision and even stimulation of your pain centers to control you.

Safeguards, wake up. You would be programmed to be an organobot. Screw them

Posted On 09/12/2020


Have you talked to Dr Thomas Cowan About his research? well worth a look.

Have we been fouling our nest to the point where it is dihcult to live in? Is Regenerative and

Biodynamic agriculture part of the remedy? Have a look and tell me what you think.

Posted On 09/12/2020

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Gee, given the alternative of permanent serious damage done to various body systems (i.e. body

unable to sustain life normally), vs. the wacko "covid 19 vaccine possibility of turning you transhuman",

my vote is for a well-tested vaccine. I'm so glad promoters of the "transhuman" did not have internet

when the Salk vaccine was introduced. You could have been responsible for much more human agony

while you lined your pockets.

Posted On 09/12/2020


Viola, you've been watching too much TV

Posted On 09/12/2020


"Sub-Nature Realm of Electricity – Lucifer in the Astral Body: A new realm of cold-light that creates

illusion and sel>sh desires inspired by Lucifer in the astral body of the human being. Self-delusion

leads to “non-thinking” that is simply an animal reRex instead of freely directed higher thinking. This

type of sel>sh thinking is earth-bound, brain-bound, materialistic, and darkens the etheric realm.

Animal – Astral realm of instincts, astral-intelligence. Sub-Nature Realm of Electromagnetism –

Ahriman in the Etheric Body: A new realm of heartless, cold, clever willfulness that is devoid of

feelings and led by Ahriman.

Through continuing the illusion of Lucifer’s cold-light fantasies, Ahriman steals the warmth of the

human heart through killing spiritual thinking and feeling. Plant – Etheric realm of the plants with the

sun as the group-ego, etheric intelligence. Sub-Nature Realm of the “Third Force”- Asuras in the

Physical Body: A new realm of binary, anti-time and anti-space beings who weave a spider-web of

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electro-magnetism that wishes to make the earth into a self-functioning electrical apparatus, an

automated planet, a type of living mineral. This realm is populated by Asuras who are inspired by the

Sun Demon Sorat who wishes to steal human ego-consciousness through consuming higher thinking,

higher feeling, and higher human willpower. Mineral – Physical realm of apparent life-less substance.

The human being can ascend or descend, depending on whether they evolve or chose to remain behind

the progressive evolution of humanity. This is a free choice that most people do not know they must

make consciously. This choice is the key to whether a human will evolve into an angel or devolve into

an animal (...) Humans can rise-up through the hierarchy in a normal fashion, or can devolve into

sub-kingdoms where new beings are being created due to the human-machine interface and the battle

for the human soul." neoanthroposophy.com/.../19

Posted On 09/12/2020


CMS...I see no difference or conRict between electromagnetic >elds and spirituality.

Posted On 09/12/2020