Wildwater Canoeing

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  • 7/26/2019 Wildwater Canoeing




    Taking effect from 1 January , 2009

  • 7/26/2019 Wildwater Canoeing


  • 7/26/2019 Wildwater Canoeing


    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 20092


    The purpose of this document is to provide the rulesthat govern the way of running Wildwater Canoeing ICFcompetitions.


    The English written language is the only acceptablelanguage for all official communications relating tothese Competition Rules and the conduct of allWildwater Canoeing ICF competitions.For the sake of consistency, British spelling,punctuation and grammatical conventions have beenused throughout.

    Any word which may imply the masculine gender, alsoincludes the feminine.


    These rules may be photocopied. Great care has beentaken in typing and checking the rules and the originaltext is available on the ICF website www.canoeicf.com.Please do not re-set in type without consultation.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 20093



    1 AIM ....................................................... 62 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION ....................... 63 COMPETITORS .......................................... 74 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION CALENDAR ......... 85 MINIMUM PARTICIPATION ............................. 8


    TRADEMARKS ............................................. 9

    6 CATEGORIES/ K1M, K1W, C1M, C1W, C2M, ANDC2W ......................................................9

    7 BOATS-PADDLES-ACCESSORIES ...................... 10


    8 OFFICIALS .............................................. 129 DUTIES OF OFFICIALS ................................. 1410 INVITATIONS ........................................... 1611 ENTRIES ................................................. 1612 ACCEPTANCE OF ENTRIES ............................ 1713 THE START ORDER .................................... 1714 COMPETITION PROGRAMME ......................... 17

    15 ALTERATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF ENTRIES ..... 1816 START NUMBERS ...................................... 1817 INSTRUCTIONS TO TEAM MANAGERS ............... 1918 SAFETY MEASURES .................................... 1919 COURSE ................................................. 2120 TRAINING ............................................... 2221 START ................................................... 2222 START ORDER .......................................... 23

    23 FALSE START ........................................... 2324 FINISH ................................................... 2325 CLEARING THE COURSE .............................. 2426 RESCUE OF A COMPETITOR IN DANGER ............ 2427 LOSS OR BREAKAGE OF PADDLE ..................... 2428 CAPSIZE ................................................. 2429 TIMING .................................................. 2430 POSTING OF RESULTS ................................. 25

    31 DEAD HEAT ............................................. 2532 PROTEST ................................................ 2533 APPEAL TO THE COMPETITION COMMITTEE ....... 2634 APPEAL TO THE ICF BOARD OF DIRECTORS ........ 2735 DISQUALIFICATION AND ELIMINATION .............. 27

    CHAPTER IV - SPECIAL RULES FOR SENIOR WORLDCHAMPIONSHIPS ....................................... 29

    36 SPECIAL RULES RELATIVE TO THE WORLDCHAMPIONSHIPS ....................................... 29

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    36.1 ORGANISATION ................................... 2936.2 PARTICIPATION ................................... 2936.3 CATEGORIES/ K1M, K1W, C1M AND C2M ..... 3036.4 COMPETITION SCHEDULE ........................ 3036.5 INVITATIONS ...................................... 3136.6 ENTRIES ............................................ 3136.7 ACCEPTANCE OF ENTRIES ....................... 3236.8 PROGRAMME ...................................... 3336.9 OFFICIALS-ICF .................................... 3336.10 COURSE ............................................ 3436.11 TIMING ............................................. 3436.12 ANTI-DOPING ..................................... 3536.13 AWARDS ........................................... 3536.14 RESULTS AND REPORTS .......................... 36

    CHAPTER V - SPECIAL RULES FOR JUNIOR WORLDCHAMPIONSHIPS ....................................... 37

    37.1 PURPOSE ........................................... 3737.2 ORGANISATION ................................... 3737.3 PARTICIPATION ................................... 3737.4 AGE LIMITS ........................................ 3737.5 CATEGORIES/ K1M, K1W, C1M AND C2M .... 3837.6 START ORDER ..................................... 3837.7 ENTRIES ............................................ 3937.8 I.J.C.W.W. ........................................ 3937.9 BULLETIN .......................................... 39

    CHAPTER VI - SPECIAL RULES FOR WORLD CUPCOMPETITION .......................................... 40

    38.1 DEFINITION OBJECT .............................. 4038.2 ORGANISATION ................................... 4038.3 ENTRIES ............................................ 4138.4 THE COURSE ...................................... 4138.5 START ORDER ..................................... 41

    38.6 ICF OFFICIALS FOR WCWWC .................... 4238.7 DUTY OF THE ICF OFFICIALS .................... 4238.8 AWARDING OF THE WORLD CUP IN

    WILDWATER ....................................... 4238.9 AWARDS ........................................... 4338.10 CLOSING CEREMONY ............................. 4338.11 WORLD RANKING ................................. 43

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 20095

    List of Abbreviations

    COMPETITOR Male or female competitor

    FEDERATION Member Federation of the ICF

    ICF International Canoe Federation

    IJWWCInternational Judge of WildwaterCanoeing

    WWCC Wildwater Canoeing Committee

    WCWWC World Cup Wildwater Canoeing

    COMPETITIONWorld Championships, World Cups andInternational events

    CATEGORIES Kayak Men (KM), Kayak Women (KW),Canadian Men (CM), Canadian Women(CW)


    Individual Classic:K1M, K1W, C1M, C1W, C2M, C2WIndividual Sprint:K1M, K1W, C1M, C1W, C2M, C2W

    Team Classic:K1Mx3, K1Wx3, C1Mx3, C1Wx3, C2Mx3,C2Wx3Team Sprint:K1Mx3, K1Wx3, C1Mx3, C1Wx3, C2Mx3,C2Wx3


    General Rule (can only be changed by the

    ICF Congress)

    [TR]Technical Rule (can only be changed byICF Board of Directors)

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 20096


    1 AIM [GR]1.1The object of Wildwater Canoeing is to demonstratea competitor's mastery of his/her boat in fast movingwhite water, while running a prescribed course in theshortest possible time.

    1.2 Races considered to be Wildwater Canoeing arethose held from a point upriver to a point downriver. Ariver can be one that is natural, modified or artificialand must be at least class III in difficulty.


    2.1All competitions announced as international shall begoverned by the rules of the ICF.

    2.1.1 Competitions organised by a Federation or itsaffiliated associations are always regarded asinternational if foreign competitors are invited andparticipate.

    2.2An international competition must be supervised byat least one judge who holds a valid card as anInternational Judge Wildwater Canoeing (IJWWC).

    2.2.1These officials are appointed by the Chair of theWWCC from nominations submitted by the organisers. and board for these officials is paid for bythe organising Federation.

    2.3International Competitions:International Competitions are open to all Federations.

    The number of competitors is determined by theorganiser or is open.Some international competitions may be used in theWorld Ranking.

    2.3.1 The start order for international competitions istaken from the current World Ranking.

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    2.4There are three types of ICF competitions:- World Championships- Junior World Championships

    - World Cup


    3.1Only the members of Clubs or associations affiliatedwith an ICF National Federation have the right to

    participate in an international competition.

    3.2 A competitor is always allowed to take partindividually in an international competition but must ineach case obtain special permission from his NationalFederation.

    3.3.1 A Competitor may take part on behalf of theFederation in a foreign country in which he isdomiciled, if he/she obtains the authorisation ofhis/her Federation of origin. This authorisation has tobe sent before 30th November prior to the yearconcerned to the ICF Headquarters with a copy to theChair of the Wildwater Canoeing Committee. The same

    procedure applies, should the Competitor change backhis/her starting right to the Federation of origin.

    3.3.2If he has lived for 2 years or more in this foreigncountry, the approval of his Federation of origin is nolonger required.

    3.3.3A competitor may not compete for more than oneFederation in any one calendar year in the sport ofcanoeing. This rule does not apply in the case of acompetitor who leaves his country of origin to marry inanother country. He can, in this case, compete for hisnew Federation without awaiting the delay of 2 years.

    3.4The first year, a junior competitor can compete isthe year that his 15thbirthday falls in and the last yearhe may compete, as a junior is the year that his 18thbirthday falls in.

    3.5 Each National Federation shall ensure that theircompetitors are in a good state of health and fitnesswhich allows them to compete at a level commensurate

    with the competition level of the particular event andensure each competitor, team official and the member

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 20098

    federation carries appropriate health, accident andproperty insurance covering their persons, equipmentand property.





    4.1Only a National Federation may apply an event toenter the International Competition Calendar.Only members of the ICF may apply for of events to theCalendar.

    4.1.1 An application will be made using a formestablished by the ICF and published on the ICFwebsite.

    4.1.2 By the 1st of January the year before, thecalendar of ICF Competitions (WCh and WCup) will bepublished. The deadline for applications for

    international events will be the 1st

    of March the yearbefore (2 months after the publication of the ICFCompetition Calendar).

    4.2 The Competition Commission will approve thecomplete calendar of competitions. Once approved theCalendar will be final.


    5.1An individual or a team category cannot take placeunless at least 3 competitors or 3 teams from 2different Federations start in that category.

    5.2 It is not necessary for the validity of thecompetition that all 3 competitors or all 3 teams finish.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 20099


    6CATEGORIES/ K1M, K1W, C1M, C1W,C2M and C2W


    6.1 Individual Classic Events:

    Women K1Men K1Women C1

    Men C1Women C2

    Men C2

    Individual Sprint Events:

    Women K1Men K1

    Women C1Men C1

    Women C2

    Men C26.1.1 A competitor may only participate in one singleindividual event in classic races and one singleindividual event in sprint races.

    6.2Team Classic and Team Sprint Events

    Women 3 x K1Men 3 x K1

    Women 3 x C1Men 3 x C1

    Women 3 x C2Men 3 x C2

    6.2.1Teams may only be comprised of competitors whoare participating in individual events.

    6.2.2 A competitor may participate in a single teamcategory in either Classic Races and/or one teamcategory in Sprint Races.

    6.2.3A competitor may participate in a team categorydifferent from his/her individual category.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200910

    6.2.4In International competition there may be, at theorganisers discretion, Junior events in any or all of the

    above events. one boat of a team may be substituted. This change must be communicated to theStarter in writing.


    7.1Boat Specifications

    7.1.1All types of K1:length 4.50m maximum width of hull 0.60 m minimum

    All types of C1:length 4.30m maximum width of hull 0.70 m minimum

    All types of C2:length 5.00m maximum width of hull 0.80 m minimumThe seam joining the hull to the deck can be considered

    to be part off the hull for measurement. No extracomponents shall be added to the boat to enhance thedimension.

    7.1.2Minimum Weights of Boats (the minimum weightof the boat is measured when the boat is dry)All types of K1:11 kg

    All types of C1:12 kgAll types of C2:18 kg

    Note: The air bags to be taken as being part of theboat. The spray deck is considered to be an accessoryand not part of the boat.

    7.1.3Rudders are prohibited on all boats.

    7.1.4Boats must be designed to, and remain within therequired dimensions.

    7.1.5Kayaks are decked boats which must be propelledby double bladed paddles and inside which thecompetitors sit.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200911

    Canadian canoes are decked boats which must bepropelled by single bladed paddles and inside which thecompetitors knees.

    7.1.6 Boats may have only a single keel line, with asingle bow and a single stern.

    7.2Trademarks and emblems

    7.2.1Boats, accessories and clothing may carry

    trademarks, advertising symbols (with the exception oftobacco products), emblems and words.

    7.3Requirements for ICF Wildwater CanoeingCompetitions

    7.3.1 The guidelines for any advertising materialcarried on the clothing and equipment of paddlersshould be as follows:

    7.3.2All advertising material should be placed in sucha way that it does not interfere with competitorsidentification and does not affect the outcome of therace.

    7.3.3 The advertising of tobacco smoking and strongspirit drinks will not be accepted.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200912



    Depending on its nature and importance, anInternational Wildwater Canoeing Competition ismanaged by the following officials:

    8.1Competition Committee

    8.1.1Every international Wildwater Canoeing competition must have a Competition Committee consisting of3 members.Members of the Competition Committee must beIJWWC.The members of the Competition Committee are namedby the organising Federation on the basis ofnominations received from the participatingFederations.A participating Federation may not have more than oneCompetition Committee representative.The Representative of the organising Federation shall

    preside over the Competition Committee.

    8.1.2 The Competition Committee receives protestsconcerning non-observance of the rules of competitionand makes the final decision in the event ofdisagreement concerning interpretation of the rules.Decisions of the Competition Committee must be in

    accordance with ICF rules.The Competition Committee may disqualify acompetitor for the entire duration of the competition.The Competition Committee decides on all questionsraised during the competition that are not covered bythe rules.In the event of a tie vote, the Chair of the Competition

    Committee decides.

    8.2Officials (GR)International competitions are to be supervised by:

    1) Chief Official2) Technical Organiser3) Chief Judge

    4) Section Judge5) Starter6) Pre Start Controller

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200913

    7) Finish Judge8) Time Keepers9) Boat Controller

    10) Safety Officer11) Medical Officer (only for World Championships)12) Media Officer (only for world Championships)

    8.2.1Officials 1, 2, 3, 4 must be IJWWC.

    8.3 The examination for International Judges (IJWWC)

    requires that the following conditions be met:

    8.3.1 Examination:1. Examination Organization- Officials Examination is organised at every World

    Championships if there is sufficient interest.- In case out-of-World Championships examinations, only

    Continental Associations or National Federations areentitled to apply to hold an examination. This is donetogether with the application for the CompetitionCalendar using a form established by the ICF andpublished on the ICF website.Application deadlines are the same as for theInternational Competition Calendar. The ExaminationCalendar is published on the same date as theInternational Competition Calendar.

    2. Examination CandidatesOnly National Federations are entitled to nominatecandidates for examination at least 30 days before theexamination.The applications must be sent to the ICF Headquarters onthe special form designed by the ICF and published on

    the ICF website. ICF Headquarters is forming a databaseand forwarding the list of names to the RespectfulCommittee Chair.3. Examination ProcedureA sub-committee consisting of two members, appointedby the ICF Technical Committee Chair, will hold thisexamination.

    The examination will be carried out in English languagefor officials who wish to be considered as officials for ICFCompetitions and will be based on the knowledge of theICF Statutes, the ICF Competition Rules and practicalexperience.If people take the examination in one of the otherofficial languages, they may not be considered to

    officiate at ICF Competitions.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200914

    4. Officials' CardsAfter completion of the examination the RespectiveChair completes the ICF Official Examination Report and

    sends it to the ICF Headquarters, where the Official'scards for those who passed the exam are issued and sentto the National Federations.5. Validity and RenewalsValidity and renewals are subject to the TechnicalChairs criteria.

    8.3.2 Financial ResponsibilityNational Federations are financially responsible for theirOfficials (before and after the examination).For every candidate applied for the examination, aNational Federation will be charged 20 . Total Invoicewill be sent to a National Federation in the periodbetween 30 October and 30 November for the currentyear.If a National Federation is applying for an examinationout of World Championships, the Federation concernedwill cover the examination organization costs includingliving and travelling expenses of the examiners.

    8.3.3 Nomination and Appointment of the Officials forICF EventsOnly National Federations are entitled to nominateOfficials for ICF Events.The deadline for submitting proposals is the 1st ofJanuary in the year of the event.The nominations are submitted to the RespectiveTechnical Committee Chair (with a copy to the ICFHeadquarters). The Chair will present a list of Officials to

    the Competition Commission for their approval by the 1stof March.


    9.1The Chief Official directs the competition accordingto the rules.

    9.2The Technical Organiser is responsible for:Local preparations for, and conduct of, the entirecompetitionThe installation and proper functioning of technicalequipment required for the competition.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200915

    9.3The Chief Judge must assure that the competition isrun correctly in keeping with the Competition Rules. Heinterprets the competition rules and may disqualify a

    competitor or grant a rerun.

    9.3.1The Chief Judge must submit a report to the ICFSecretary General and to the Wildwater CanoeingCommittee concerning the running of the competition.

    9.4 Section Judges are responsible for the portion of

    the course to which they are assigned.

    9.5The Starter assures that the competitors are in thecorrect order and gives permission to start.He can refuse to start a competitor if the competitor:

    Fails to respect the safety rules.

    Fails to present himself at the start at the

    moment indicated after having been called. Is not properly dressed, has no start number or

    does not follow the Starter's orders.

    9.6 The Pre Start Controller confirms that both thecompetitor's boat and personal attire meet the safetyrules (safety helmet, buoyancy jacket and boat). SeeRule 18.He checks the boat carries marks approved by the BoatController.He prohibits the departure of competitors and of boatsthat do not meet safety requirements.Any time lost because of the above goes against thecompetitor.

    9.7The Finish Judge determines when a competitor hasfinished the course and coordinates with the Starter.

    9.8 The Timekeepers are responsible for keeping theexact time.

    9.9The Boat Controller assures that the dimensions and

    the weights of the boats in the competition conform tothe rules. He marks them accordingly. He also ensuresthat the boats and buoyancy jackets conform to Rule 18and may mark them.He may advise on the conformance of boats, paddles,clothing and accessories to Rule 7.2.The boat controller may refer concerning the safety of

    equipment (including the boat) to the chief judge.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200916

    9.10The Safety Officer, together with the rescue squadand according to the circumstances, rescuescompetitors who have capsized.

    He must have available the necessary safety and first-aid equipment to use in the event of a serious accident,and he must render effective assistance to a competitorin difficulty.A physician must be continuously available.

    9.11An official may assume two or more functions. No

    official may call to or in any other way give technicaladvice to a competitor while on the course.


    10.1Invitations to an International Wildwater Canoeing

    Competition must be sent 3 months before thecompetition and must contain the followinginformation:

    The date, place and type of competition

    A description of the course

    Training dates when rescue teams are present.

    The approximate hour and order of the starts of

    the runs The categories

    Details of the nature of the course and characterof the water (difficulty rating)

    Safety measures

    The address to which entries should be sent

    Amount of entry fee, if any

    The final date for entries List of challenges, prizes and conditions under

    which they are awarded

    11 ENTRIES [GR]

    11.1 Entries to an international competition must bemade by a Federation according to the instructionsgiven in the invitation.An entry must contain:

    Name of the Federation or Club to which thecompetitors belong

    First and last name, start group for eachcompetitor

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200917

    The categories in which the competitors or teamswish to take part

    The first and last name of team manager, IJWWC

    and other personnel

    11.1.1Entries may be made by telegram or facsimile ifthey have been sent by midnight of the deadline date.These entries must be confirmed immediately inwriting.

    11.2 The deadline for nominative entries shall be 14days prior to the first day of the competition.

    11.3Late entries will not be accepted.


    12.1 The organising Federation must acknowledgereceipt of the entries within 2 days.


    13.1 In the individual events starts will be in reverseorder of Current World Ranking.Where a competitor is not in the current ranking, thenhe will start at the beginning of the category.In Junior categories, the start order is based on thereverse order by Federation at the previous JuniorWorld Championships.

    13.2In the team events the starting order is taken fromthe average results of the best three competitors ofeach Federation in each category, from the Classic Raceand from the sprint races respectively. The startingorder is the reverse order of these average results. Inanomalous cases the team/s will start at the top of the



    14.1 At least 24 hours before the beginning of thecompetition, a final programme must be available toeach participating Federation, giving the name of the

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200918

    participants with their Federation or Club, as well asthe result of the draw.

    14.1.1 In organising the programme, the followingprinciples should be followed:The individual categories are run before the teamcategories.The runs of an individual category must be completedduring a single day.The order of the races announced in the invitation, and

    the intervals between races announced in theprogramme of competition are binding on theorganisers.Modifications may not be made unless the majority ofthe team managers give their approval.Sprint Races may be held on one or two days. For thoseheld over two days, it is preferable that two categoriesrun their two legs of the race the first day, and the twoother categories the next day.



    15.1Announcement of changes or withdrawals must bemade during the team managers' meeting, or in writingat least 1 hour before the first race of the programmeon the day of competition.

    15.1.1Withdrawal of an entry is final and re-entry ofthe same competitor or team is not possible.

    15.2Any change of entry must be communicated to theStarter in writing.


    16.1Start numbers must be supplied by the organisers.

    16.1.1The number figures must be at least 15 cm inheight and 1.5 cm in thickness.

    16.2They should be fixed visibly to the body of thecompetitors.

    In C2 the bowman wears the number.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200919

    16.3Each competitor is responsible for his startnumber.


    17.1Each team manager must receive, at least 5 hoursbefore the beginning of the competition, writtendirections concerning the following points:

    A list of the start orders

    Detailed timetable Time that the course opens

    Starting time

    Position of the starting line

    Position of the finish line

    The interval between starts

    The signal used by the Starter to give the start,and that employed by the Judges to clear thecourse (whistle)

    Place where the competition office and the Jury(only at World Championships) may be found

    The time and place for the inspection of boats

    Manner in which the boats are to be transportedfrom the finish back to the start, if appropriate

    Regulations concerning training

    Place for Anti-Doping Control (when required)

    17.2 A meeting of the team managers from eachparticipating Federation must be held at least one (1)hour before the start of the official training. Thefollowing points should be discussed:

    Additional instructions to competitors

    Approval of the course

    Changes and/or withdrawal of entries


    18.1AlI boats must be made unsinkable (stability wallscan be added to complement the flotation devices) andbe equipped at each end with a handle attached nomore than 30 cm from the bow and from the stern.

    18.1.1 The following are considered as handles: loops

    of rope, with handles, or rope running the length of theboat from stem to stern, or a handle that is an integralpart of the boat construction

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    18.1.2 The handles must at all times permit easyinsertion of a template which measures 10cm x 10 cm x


    18.1.3 The material used must be at least 6 mm indiameter, or a minimum cross-section of2 x 10 mm.

    18.1.4Taping of the handles is not permitted.

    18.1.5All boats must be fitted with air bags in both thefront of the boat (in front of the foot-rest) and the backof the boat (behind the seat). The minimum totalvolumes capable of being contained in the air bags areto be as follows:Front BackK1 30 litres 50 litresC1 40 litres 50 litresC2 60 litres 60 litres

    The volumes will be taken from the manufacturesstamp on the air bags. In case of dispute, the firstdecision shall be taken by the Boat Control Judge andthe second decision if appealed by the Jury.

    18.2 Each competitor must wear a fastened safetyhelmet, a buoyancy jacket (buoyancy aid) and shoes asdescribed below:

    18.2.1 A buoyancy jacket (buoyancy aid) shall consistof non-absorbent flotation material equally distributed,

    front and back, in a jacket or vest worn about theupper torso. It must have buoyancy sufficient to float a6 kg legalised lead weight or its equivalent in othermetals, and should be designed to keep a consciousperson floating in a face-up position in the water.

    18.2.2 Each competitor must wear a fastened safety

    helmet with the chin-strap under tension at all timeswhich is designed to protect the forehead, temples andears.The helmet shall at least comply with the Standardsapplicable in the country where the competition held.

    18.2.3 All paddlers must wear the shoes on their feet.

    The shoes must have a thicker sole to protect the feet.The shoes must fit in such a way that they will notcome off in a capsize or be released from a boat.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200921

    18.3 It is recommended that organisers spot-checks atboth start and finish to ensure conformance with rules

    7, 18.1 and 18.2.

    18.3.1 In doubtful cases, buoyancy of the boat ischecked. The boat must float level at the surface whenfilled with water.

    18.4 Competitors must be able to free themselves

    immediately from their boat at all times.

    18.5In the event of non-observance of the safety rules,the Starter, the Pre Start Controller, the BoatController and the Chief Judge each, according to theirassigned duties, are responsible to prohibit acompetitor from starting.

    18.6 In any event, competitors start at their own risk,neither the ICF nor the organisers bear responsibility foraccidents or damage to equipment that may occur onthe competition course.

    19 COURSE [TR]19.1The course must be from a point upstream to onedownstream.The course must be navigable for its entire length,always allowing easy passage for the boat. Two coursetypes are possible:

    1. Wildwater Canoeing Sprint Race2. Wildwater Canoeing Classic Race

    19.1.1The Sprint Course can vary from 300m to 600m.The starts are individual type, and/or Team.Results will be determined by adding the times of thetwo runs.

    19.1.2 The Wildwater Canoeing Classic course is lessthan 30 minutes. The starts are individual type, and/orTeam.

    19.2 At the Team Managers meeting before thebeginning of the competition, the course must beapproved by a simple majority of those present. If thecourse is not approved, the competition may be movedto an alternate course.

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200922

    19.2.1 K1W, C1W, C2W and Juniors may have ashortened course if a majority of Team Managers so

    demand.19.3Dangerous passages may be marked with gates toindicate the correct channel.

    19.4Portages are not allowed.

    20 TRAINING [TR]20.1 Training runs must be provided at least one daybefore the competition and under the same technicalconditions that will prevail during the competition.The water level during the official training must, exceptfor circumstances beyond control, be the same as

    during the competition.The running time may be recorded and posted duringtraining runs.

    20.2Once the bibs are distributed to each Federation,it is mandatory that all athletes wear them whentraining or racing.

    21 START [TR]

    21.1Starts may be directly upstream or downstream.

    21.2 Each boat must be held at the starting position

    until the start by an assistant to the Starter.

    21.3Only standing starts are permitted. The start willbe indicated by an audible signal.

    21.3.1 For a team start all boats are released at theaudible start signal, all competitors must pass through

    the start line within 10 seconds of the release.Definition of a start line:In the case of a gate, the passage is through the gate;In the case of crossing a river beam, it is the linebetween the beams.

    21.3.2 In any case, any special instructions of the

    starter must be adhered to.

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    21.4 Categories may be started in any order with anappropriate time interval between categories.


    22.1Wildwater Canoeing Sprint

    22.1.1For each Wildwater Canoeing Sprint events eachcategory will have a definite start time for each run.

    22.1.2The individual start times within each categorywill be variable and as directed by the starter at thetime of starting.

    22.2Wildwater Canoeing Classic

    22.2.1In individual categories the starts are separatedby at least 30 seconds.

    22.2.2 In team categories starts are separated by atleast 1 minute.

    22.3The start intervals are normally the same for theentire competition. Intervals may be varied toaccommodate Television live coverage etc.


    23.1Only the Starter is qualified to determine that a

    false start has occurred and to recall the competitor bymeans of an appropriate signal.

    23.2 The Starter determines if a second start is givenand notifies the Chief Judge.

    24 FINISH [TR]24.1 The finish line must be marked very clearly onboth sides.

    24.2 A competitor's run is complete when he crossesthe finish line. He must not cross the finish line more

    than once at the risk of disqualification.

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    24.3In the team event all 3 boats must cross the finishline within 10 seconds of each other.


    25.1 Any competitor overtaken by another competitorshall allow the overtaking boat free passage if theovertaking competitor shouts "FREE".



    26.1Since Wildwater Canoeing competition is as mucha contest against the elements as against othercompetitors, it is required that any competitor findinganother in real danger, must immediately render himrescue assistance at pain of disqualification for life.


    27.1When a competitor breaks or loses his paddle, hemay use only the extra paddle carried on his boat.

    27.2For team runs, an extra paddle may be borrowedfrom another member of the team.

    28 CAPSIZE [TR]28.1A competitor may get back in his boat after acapsize and continue the competition.

    29 TIMING [TR]

    29.1The time of a run is measured from:The time that the competitor's body first crosses thestarting line to the time when the finish line is brokenby the competitor's body (in C2, the first body thatcrosses the line).In team racing, the time is measured from the

    departure of the first boat until the arrival of the lastboat.

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    29.2 Timing of each run for each Race must beaccurate to at least 1/100th of a second, and the

    results must be reported to the nearest 1/100th ofsecond.


    30.1As soon as the results for a competitor or team are

    known, the start number and the time of the run shouldbe announced and must be posted in the designatedplace until the time for filing protests has elapsed.

    31 DEAD HEAT [TR]

    31.1 In the event that two or more competitors orteams obtain the same score, a tie is declared.

    32 PROTEST [GR]

    32.1A protest is considered only when:- The Team Manager submits it in writing- It is submitted no more than 20 minutes after the

    official posting of the results for the last competitorin the category.

    - It is submitted personally to the Chief Judge and isaccompanied by a deposit of 25 Euros, or theequivalent in the currency of the country organisingthe competition. The deposit is returned if theprotest is upheld. If the protest is not upheld, thedeposit is turned over to the Organising Committeeof the competition.

    32.2 A protest can be lodged against a decision of ajudge:

    -For a decision that is probably or manifestlyerroneous.

    - For obvious irregularity in the conduct of thecompetition

    32.3 The Chief Judge evaluates the legitimacy of aprotest. He listens to the testimonies of the Judges and

    informs himself of any other matters in dispute. TheChief Judge transmits his decision in writing.

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    32.4At the discretion of the Chief Judge, inquiries intomatters of fact or technical errors may be dealt with as

    simple inquiries (with no fee).



    33.1An appeal to the Competition Committee must be

    made in writing by the Team Manager.

    33.1.1An appeal to the Competition Committee mustbe accompanied by a deposit of 25 Euros, or theequivalent in the currency of the country organising thecompetition. The deposit is returned if the appeal tothe Competition Committee is partially or totally

    upheld. If the appeal to the Competition Committee isnot upheld, the deposit is turned over to the OrganisingCommittee of the Competition.

    33.2An appeal to the Competition Committee against adecision of the Chief Judge can be made when itappears that there is a contradiction with the rules of


    33.2.1Items of fact cannot be contested by an appealto the Competition Committee.

    33.2.2An appeal to the Competition Committee againsta decision made by the Chief Judge during the running

    of the competition can be submitted at the latest, 20minutes after the latter has announced his verdict.

    33.3 An appeal can be made to the CompetitionCommittee protesting the right of a competitor toparticipate in a competition if this protest has beengiven to the Competition Organiser at least an hour

    before the beginning of the competition, but nodecision has been made on the subject.

    33.4An appeal to the Competition Committee against adecision on the right of a competitor to participate in acompetition can be made until the beginning of thecompetition.

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    33.5 The Chair of the Competition Committee mustimmediately reconvene the Competition Committee if alegitimate appeal needs to be dealt with.

    33.5.1The Competition Committee must make its owndecision known within 60 minutes after thecommencement of the meeting.

    33.5.2 The decision of the Competition Committee isindicated with justifying arguments in writing to the


    33.6 The Competition Committee should consult theChief Judge, the Judges and other officials in order toobtain the necessary information to come to a decision.


    34.1 A participating Federation can appeal to the ICFBoard of Directors if, after the end of the competition,new facts become known that would have prohibitedthe participation of a competitor.

    34.2 A competitor has the right to submit throughhis/her Federation an appeal to the ICF Board ofDirectors against a decision of the CompetitionCommittee at the competition.

    34.2.1The ICF Board of Directors determines priority to

    give to this proposal.

    34.3An appeal to the ICF Board of Directors must be:- Settled within 30 days following the end of the

    competition in question.- Accompanied by the same deposit defined in Rule


    34.4The ICF Board of Directors makes its decision andaddresses it in writing to the complainant party.


    35.1A competitor who attempts to win a competitionby irregular means, who breaks the rules, or who

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    contests their validity, is disqualified for thecompetition.

    35.1.1 If a competitor is forced to break the rules bythe action of another person, the CompetitionCommittee decides if he will be disqualified or not forthe competition.

    35.2 If a competitor starts in a boat, which does notconform to the rules, he is disqualified.

    35.3A competitor who accepts outside assistance canbe disqualified by the Chief Judge after the latter hasbeen informed by the official judging the situation.

    35.3.1 In the spirit of this article, the following isconsidered as "outside assistance":- All aid given to a competitor or to his boat

    - Giving, passing, or throwing to a competitor a sparepaddle or his original lost paddle

    - Directing, pushing, or placing in movement a boat byanyone other than the competitor himself

    - Giving directions to competitors by means of electroacoustic apparatus or radiotelephone (e.g.radiotelephone between the competitor and anyother person)

    35.4 A competitor who is not ready to start asscheduled can be disqualified for the run if there isnegligence on his part.

    35.5 Crossing the finish line upside down disqualifies

    the run. The boat is considered upside down when thebody of the competitor is entirely under water.

    35.6 In the team event, failure of all three boats tocross the finish line within 10 second results indisqualification.

    35.7 Any competitor or official whose behaviour isdetrimental to the good order and conduct of thecompetition may be disciplined by the Chief Judge.Notice of this must be referred to the CompetitionCommittee, who may after repeated action by theoffender, disqualify him for that competition.

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    36.1.1 World Championships are only organised uponthe authority of the ICF Board of Directors and only inthe categories given in the competition rules.Championships shall be open to competitors from allcontinents but only of National Federations, which aremembers of the ICF.

    36.1.2World Championships in Wildwater Canoeing areheld in every two (even-number) years.The place and date is determined by the ICF Board ofDirectors in accordance with ICF Competition Rules.

    36.1.3A valid World Championships is held only if six

    (6) Federations from at least three (3) Continents startoverall in the competition. At the World Championshipsan individual or team event cannot take place unlesscompetitors from at least six (6) Federations start inthe events. If during the course of the event someFederations drop out or do not finish, the validity of theChampionships is not affected.


    36.2.1 At the World Championships, a Federation isentitled to enter up to six (6) boats in each category.There may be no more than four (4) boats in each

    individual event. In the team event only one team isallowed per category. The team event is allowed inboth the Classic and Sprint races.

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    36.3.1 Individual Classic Events:

    Women K1Men K1Men C1Men C2

    Individual Sprint Events:

    Women K1Men K1Men C1Men C2 A competitor may only participate in onesingle individual event in Classic races and one singleindividual event in sprint races.

    36.3.2Team Classic and Team Sprint Events

    Women 3xK1Men 3xK1Men 3xC1Men 3xC2 may only be comprised of competitorswho are participating in individual events.


    36.4.1 Wildwater Canoeing competitions are normallyheld over 4 days:To better serve the sporting needs as well as theconvenience of the public, the order in which thedifferent categories are run is left to the choice of theorganiser.

    Day 1 Individual Wildwater Canoeing Sprint Races 2runs.Starting order for the first Individual run will be inreverse order of the current World Ranking. Anomalouscases start at the beginning of the list. Start order for

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    the second run is either the same order as sprint runone or the reverse order of the result after sprint runone. The start order to be used will be agreed by a

    simple majority of the team leaders at the team leadersmeeting held before the sprint events.Day 2 - Sprint Team EventsDay 3 - Classic Individual RacesStarting in the reverse order of the World Ranking ListDay 4 - Classic Team Events

    36.4.2 A tentative programme of the championshipmust be sent to the Wildwater Canoeing Committee,one (1) year before the date on which theChampionships are to be held.With the permission of the ICF the programme may beextended or varied.


    36.5.1A Bulletin setting out the details for the WorldChampionships must be sent out to all Federations 8month before the start date of the Championships.

    36.5.2 Invitations for World Championships must beaddressed by the organising Federation to all the otherFederations in accordance with the competition rules ofthe ICF. This must be done at least 3 months before thefirst day of the competition.

    36.6 ENTRIES [GR]36.6.1 Entries for World Championships can only bemade through the National Federation in accordancewith the regulations given in the invitation.Numerical entries: at least 45 days before the first dayof the competition

    Nominal entries: at least 14 days before the first day ofthe competition The entries will only be accepted frommembers of the ICF. Entries for all World Championships will be

    done on the form designed and provided by the ICF,which will be available on-line for each discipline. The

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    form for each discipline is designed in agreement withthe respective discipline Committee.

    36.6.2 Entries will contain unique identity number ofcompetitor according to following formula:

    DIS NOC G ddmmyyyy 01

    DIS - abbreviation of the discipline (CSP, CSL, CAM, CFR,DRB, CAP, WWC, CSA)

    NOC National Olympic CodeG Gender: 1 for Male, 2 for Femaleddmmyyyy Date of Birth (date, month, year)01 - Number of athletes born on the same day in thesame country In crew boats the names of the competitorsmust be in order that they race in the boat. The firstname at the top must be the competitor at the front ofthe boat (except for Dragon Boat).

    36.6.3 All entries should be made using the on-linesystem approved by the Technical Committee andprovided by the competition organiser. In any case theentry form provided must be completed and sentthrough the on-line system, e-mail or typed form by fax(handwriting not accepted).

    36.6.4 Late entries or entries that are not on theofficial entry form cannot be accepted.

    36.6.5Submitted lists must give the name of the head

    of delegation, team manager, as well as other officialsof the team.Note: - each participating Federation should provide atleast one current IJWWC, holding a valid card. Thename of these IJWWCs must be sent to the Chair of theICF Wildwater Canoeing Committee by the 1stJanuary inthe year of the World Championships for him/her to

    present a list of Officials to the CompetitionCommission.


    36.7.1The Organising Federation must acknowledgereceipt of each entry.

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    36.8 PROGRAMME [TR]

    36.8.1At least 1 month before the opening of a World

    Championship, each participating Federation mustreceive the provisional programme with an approximatetimetable, and containing the number of registeredboats in each category from each participatingFederation.

    36.8.2 The proposed programme must be sent to the

    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Committee 6 months before theWorld Championship races. With the permission of theICF the programme may be modified.

    36.8.3 The final programme must be received by theparticipating Federations no later than eight daysbefore official training. Changes may be made at the

    Team Managers Meeting. programme must contain:The complete programme of events and the timetablefor the events, the name and Federation of eachparticipating competitor and their start numbers.

    36.9 OFFICIALS-ICF [GR]/ [TR]

    36.9.1 Jury [GR]

    During the World Championships, the supreme authorityrests with the Jury.The Jury consists of up to five (5) persons. The ICFBoard of Directors appoints members of the Jury.One of these is named Chair of the Jury.The Chief Official and other technical officials aresubordinate to the Jury.Appeal against decisions made by the Chief Judge mustbe presented in writing and submitted with a fee of 25Euros (or the equivalent in the currency of the countryorganising the competition) to the Chair of the Jurywithin 20 minutes of the time that a decision is given bythe Chief Judge. The decision of the Jury is final. Thefee will be returned if the claim is justified.

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    36.9.2 Officials [GR]

    World Championships must be managed by the officials,listed in Article 9 of the Competition Rules, under the

    directorship of the Chief Official. Officials may assumetwo or more functions. They may not also assume anyNational team obligations, such as Team Manager,Coach, Trainer.The name and details of these officials must be sent bythe Federations to the Chair of the ICF WildwaterCanoeing Committee by the end of March in the year of

    the Championships for him/her to present a list to theICF Board of Directors for their approval.The expenses for room and board during the wholecompetition is the responsibility of the OrganisingFederation, for the following Officials: Jury, ChiefOfficial, Technical Organiser, Chief Judge.

    36.10 COURSE [TR]

    36.10.1The course at World Championships will consistof a course for Wildwater Canoeing Classic and a coursefor Wildwater Canoeing Sprint. The course for theClassic team event is held on the Classic course. It is

    allowed to have a shorter course within the Classiccourse with new start and finish points. The course forthe sprint team event is held on the Sprint course.

    36.10.2 The course is supervised by one official fromthe Organising Federation recommended by the WWCcommittee to the ICF Board of Directors for their


    36.11 TIMING [TR]

    36.11.1 Timing at World Championships must becarried out both by a photoelectric system (accurate to0.01 of a second) and stopwatch. In any case, the bodyof the competitor must be used to both start and stopthe clock. (See rules 29.1).

    36.11.2In the calculation of results, the photoelectricsystem has priority.In the event of failure of the photoelectric system, the

    backup times are used.

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    36.12 ANTI-DOPING [GR]

    36.12.1 Doping as defined in the Olympic Movement

    Anti-Doping Code is strictly forbidden.Anti-Doping control shall be conducted in accordancewith the ICF Anti-Doping control regulations under thesupervision of the ICF Medical & Anti-DopingCommittee.

    36.13 AWARDS [GR]36.13.1 The championships awards are given in theform of medals according to the Olympic protocol.The medals to be awarded shall symbolise gold, silverand bronze.They are provided at the expense of the organisingFederation, which obtains them upon application fromthe ICF.

    36.13.2The medals are awarded as follows:For Wildwater Canoeing Classic CompetitionFor Wildwater Canoeing Sprint CompetitionFor Wildwater Canoeing Classic Team Competition

    For Wildwater Canoeing Sprint Team Competition Championships:1stPlace - Gold2ndPlace - Silver3rdPlace - Bronze Championships:1stPlace Team - Gold to each member2ndPlace Team - Silver to each member3rdPlace Team - Bronze to each member

    36.13.3In the C2 category, both members of the crewwill receive the appropriate medal.

    Only these medals and no other prizes shall bepresented at the awards ceremony.The organising Federation on some other occasion maygive other awards or gifts.In no case shall the award be given other than to theperson winning, or his official representative.

    36.13.4 To maintain the solemnity and dignity of thepresentation ceremony the competitors receiving

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    medals must wear proper clothing (training suits ornational uniforms).

    36.13.5 ICF Nations Cups for Classic and SprintCompetitions Eight overall cups will be awarded. 4 xClassic Race 4 x Sprint Race.The cups will be awarded to the Federation with thehighest points as follows:

    One for: K1 Men / K1 Women- 1stPlace 20 points- 2ndPlace 19 points- 3rdPlace 18 points etc.

    One for: Combined C1 - Men and C2 - Men (Addedtogether)- 1stPlace 10 point- 2ndPlace 9 points- 3rdPlace 8 points etc.

    One for: Over-All winning FederationOver All winning Federation Points added togetherfrom K1-Men; K1-Women; Combined C1-Men and C2-Men

    In case of a tie the cup will be awarded as follows:The Nations will be ranked based on the combinedresults of Mens K1.If there is still a tie it will be based on the combinedresults of Women K1.


    36.14. 1 A copy of the detailed final and official resultsof the World Championships, reports relevant to theprotests, from the organising Federation, Chief Officialand from the Chief Judge and all other relevantdocuments must be sent to the ICF Secretary Generaland to the Chair of the Wildwater Canoeing Committee,within 30 days after the closing of a WorldChampionship.

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    37.1 PURPOSE [GR]

    In order to extend the practice of Wildwater CanoeingChampionships for Juniors will be held in every two(odd) years.


    Championships for Juniors may be arranged only withthe consent of the ICF Board of Directors. JuniorChampionships are open for competitors from all

    continents, however only for National Federation-members of the ICF. Junior World Championships are tobe conducted every two years in each ODD year at thetime and place agreed upon by the ICF Board ofDirectors and in accordance with ICF rules. Charges mayonly made in the contract between the ICF and theorganising Federation.

    A valid World Championships is held only if six ( 6 )Federations from at least three ( 3 ) Continents startoverall in the competition. At the World Championshipsan individual or team event cannot take place unlesscompetitors from at least six ( 6 ) Federations start inthe events. If during the course of the event someFederations drop out do not finish, the validity of the

    Championships is not affected.


    At the World Championships, a Federation is entitled toenter up to six (6) boats in each category. There may be

    no more than four (4) boats in each individual event. Inthe team event only one team is allowed per category.The team event is allowed in both the Classic and Sprintraces.

    37.4 AGE LIMITS [GR]

    The first year a competitor can compete in a JuniorWorld Championship is the year that his 15th birthday

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    falls in and the last year he may compete, as a junior isthe year that his/her 18thbirthday falls in.



    37.5.1Individual Classic Events:

    Women K1

    Men K1Men C1Men C2

    Individual Sprint Events:

    Women K1

    Men K1Men C1Men C2 competitor may only participate in onesingle individual event in Classic races and one singleindividual event in Sprint races.

    37.5.2Team Classic and Team Sprint Events

    Women 3xK1Men 3xK1Men 3xC1Men 3xC2 may only be comprised of competitorswho are participating in individual events.

    37.6 START ORDER [TR]

    37.6.1 The course at Junior World Championships willconsist of a course for Wildwater Canoeing Classic and acourse for Wildwater Canoeing Sprint. The course forthe Classic team event is held on the Classic course. Itis allowed to have a shorter course within the Classiccourse with new start and finish points. The course forthe sprint team event is held on the Sprint course.The Classic Races will take place before the SprintRaces.

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    37.6.2 At Junior Wildwater Canoeing WorldChampionships, the start order for the Classic Non-stoprun is the reverse order by Federation of the results of

    the previous Junior Wildwater Canoeing WorldChampionships in Classic.Federations which did not participate at the previousChampionships will be placed at the start of the list.Entries from Federations must therefore rank theirentries in each category so that the organiser canallocate them to the correct starting positions.

    The start order for the Sprint run is the reverse order ofthe results of the Classic Race. Federations which didnot participate at the previous Classic Race will beplaced at the start of the list.The starting order for the Team events will be the samemethod as for Senior World Championships.

    37.7 ENTRIES [GR]

    Entries for a Junior Championship can only be made byNational Federations and in agreement with theconditions listed in the invitation. The inscription formmust include forename and family name, sex, date of

    birth, and name of the competitors Federation. Beforethe competition the Team Manager has to present anofficial document such as a passport, identification cardthat includes a photo, for age confirmation purposes ofthe competitors.

    37.8 I.J.C.W.W. [TR]Each participating Federation should provide at leastone I.J.C.W.W. holding a valid card.

    37.9 BULLETIN [TR]

    A Bulletin setting out the details for the WorldChampionships for Juniors must be sent out to allFederations 8 months before the start of theChampionships.

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    38.1.1World Cup Competitions in Wildwater Canoeing(WCWWC) are organised every year for the purpose ofpropagating the sport. award is made in each of the event:K1-Men, K1-Women, C1-Men, C2-Men, bearing the titleICF Wildwater Canoeing World Cup. WCWWC normally consists of a series of 6events in a maximum of 3 continents: 3 Sprint Races, 3Classic Races in 3 different places.The Fifth and Sixth Races, Sprint and Classic, count asthe Final. It is obligatory that they be titled as Finals.

    38.2 ORGANISATION [GR]/ [TR]

    38.2.1 Candidatures for World Cup Competitions mustbe proposed to the Chair of the ICF WWCC before the1stSeptember of year X for a competition to be held inyear X+2, by the National Federations.By the 1st of January the year before (ie X+1), thecalendar of ICF Competitions (WCh and WCup) will bepublished.

    38.2.2 The WWCC selects from the candidates forWorld Cup participation. These selections are endorsedby the ICF Board of Directors.

    38.2.3 These events must be specified as WCWWC inthe ICF calendar.

    38.2.4 The same competition course may not be usedmore than three times in succession as a WCWWC.

    38.2.5World Cup Competitions are not valid unless atleast 5 Federations start.

    38.2.6 The competitions must be conducted in

    accordance with the ICF Wildwater Canoeing Rules,except as modified herein.

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    38.2.7WCWWC are only open to Federations who aremembers of the ICF.

    38.2.8 With the permission of the ICF WildwaterCanoeing Committee, legs of the World Cup may beheld on one or several days.

    38.3 ENTRIES [TR]

    38.3.1 The Federations may enter up to 6 boats percategory to take part in the WCWWC. There will be noteam event held.

    38.3.2Entries must be received by 14 days before therespective World Cup Competitions.

    38.4 THE COURSE [TR]

    38.4.1The course must be approved by a simplemajority of the team Managers present.

    38.5 START ORDER [TR]

    38.5.1 The establishment of the start order in eachcategory for the first WCWWC must be in reverse orderof the previous years World Cup ranking. Competitorsnot on the World Cup Ranking List will start beforeWorld Cup ranked paddlers in reverse order of theprevious year World Ranking List with any otherpaddlers with no ranking, starting at the beginning ofthe list.

    38.5.2The starting order for the following WCWWC isthe reverse order of the current World Cup Ranking.

    38.5.3Timing Timing at World Cup Sprint events must becarried out both by a photoelectric system andstopwatch. In any case the body of the competitor mustbe used to both start and stop the clock (see rule 29.1).

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    ICF Wildwater Canoeing Competition Rules 200942 In the calculation of results, photoelectricsystem has priority. In the event of failure of thephotoelectric system the backup times are used.


    38.6.1The WWCC nominate 1 ICF Delegate for each ofthe WCWWC events. The travel expenses, room and board of thedelegates of the ICF are paid by the organisingFederation.


    38.7.1 The delegate of the ICF supervises thecompetition. He has the right to attend and vote at allmeetings. must, in co-operation with the organisers,

    oversee the production of the current World Cupresults.

    38.7.2After each WCWWC the delegate of the ICF mustsubmit a report to the ICF Secretary General and to theChair of the ICF WWCC concerning the sporting natureof the competition.



    38.8.1On the basis of the final results of each of theWCWWC, the Cup ranking in each category isestablished. of the participating competitors receivespoints in the WCWWC as follows:K1 Men - 1st place 100 points, 2nd place 95 points, 3rdplace 91 points, 4thplace 88 points, 5thplace 86 points,6thplace 85 points, etc.

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    K1 Women, C1 Men, C2 Men, - 1st place 50 points, 2ndplace 46 points, 3rdplace 43 points, 4thplace 41 points,5thplace 39 points, 6thplace 38 points etc. all the competitions are concluded, thefinal ranking is established by adding together the bestfour results whether the competitor has competed inthe finals or not.

    38.8.2The competitor with the highest total points is

    the winner of the World Cup in his category. In the event of a tie in the final ranking,higher ranking is given to the competitor having thebest result in the finals.If there are two races at the final of the final of theWorld Cup, then the best results is produced by addingtogether the result of the two races. If there is still a tie, the higher ranking isgiven to the competitor with the best result in the firstfour races prior to the finals.

    38.9 AWARDS [GR]38.9.1The following awards are furnished by the ICF.5 Cups for individual categories

    38.9.2Medals or prizes must be awarded to the top 3competitors in each category at each competition.


    38.10.1 The final results must be announced and theWorld Cups awarded in a manner according to thestatutes concerning ICF-Competitions.

    38.11 WORLD RANKING [TR]

    38.11.1The objective of World Ranking is to establish aranking system for top athletes in Wildwater Canoeing.

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    38.11.2 Ranking points will be given at WorldChampionships, World Cups and InternationalCompetitions (maximum of 13 events in all) selected by

    the ICF WWCC. A ranking is given in all categories.

    38.11.3 The results will be obtained by a computerprogramme produced by the ICF WWCC which will begiven to the organisers of the designated events. Theorganiser must send the current world rankings to theWorld Ranking Manager at the latest by the day after

    that competition.The results will be distributed after each race. The finalWorld Ranking of the season will be made by the end ofNovember after the World Championships or the WorldCup Finals. Any organiser not submitting the results tothe ICF WWCC may have the competition eliminatedfrom the following years calendar.

    38.11.4The World Ranking is taken from the best threeresults of each competitor during that year. Thefollowing point system will be applied:


    World Championship 1000 500World Cup Race 800 300International Races 500 100

    Points are given based on the results of the athletes.The winner receiving the Maximum points and 10 pointsare deducted for each subsequent position on theresults.

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    ICF Headquarters

    Maison du Sport InternationalAvenue de Rhodanie 54

    CH1007 LAUSANNESwitzerland