The book that I read is called Death on The Nile written by Agatha Christie. This book is about a young girl named Linnet Ridgeway, who had everything she ever wanted. She was beautiful, young, and had all the money she ever needed, until she got shot through the head on the cruise on the River Nile. Hercule Poirot, a famous detective who happened to be on his vacation during the same time as Linnet, heard about the crime and intended to solve it. There were many suspects who had different motives to kill Linnet but only one was the murderer. Shelfari Review: 1. This book is really thrilling, smart, imaginative and an intense read. The author, Agatha Christie has written an excellent mystery book that is full of alibis and lies, which mislead the readers to think thoroughly using the clues to make different judgement of each character. 2. This book is definitely a page-turner, creating suspense for the reader to find out who the murderer is, with the help of the main protagonist of the book, Hercule Poirot. Agatha Christie describes the characters brilliantly with exquisite details to help the readers go through the plot clearly and wear the character’s shoes. 3. There is an unexpected twist at the climax of the book, which makes the book inexplicable. Agatha Christie writes the book ingeniously in creating different puzzles for the readers to solve. The amazing fact is I can never guess who the real murderer really is. Explain the Resolution. Write a response in which you explain the resolution of one or more of the conflicts you have noticed as you read your novel. Are you satisfied with the resolution? Why or why not? *Make sure that you write [spoiler alert!] if you are about to reveal the ending. The main conflict of Death on The Nile, written by Agatha Christie is internal conflict/man vs self because the protagonist, Hercule Poirot a detective who uses his mind to think out of the box by using clues and alibis to figure out who is the murderer. The resolution of the book is like a finishing a jigsaw puzzle when all of the clues fit together perfectly to find out who is the murderer. The resolution is very intense and smartly presented. Poirot uses his own intelligence to solve the mystery. Sometimes Poirot struggles

Wider Reading

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Wider Reading

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Page 1: Wider Reading

The book that I read is called Death on The Nile written by Agatha Christie.  This book is about a young girl named Linnet Ridgeway, who had everything she ever wanted.  She was beautiful, young, and had all the money she ever needed, until she got shot through the head on the cruise on the River Nile.  Hercule Poirot, a famous detective who happened to be on his vacation during the same time as Linnet, heard about the crime and intended to solve it.  There were many suspects who had different motives to kill Linnet but only one was the murderer.

Shelfari Review:1. This book is really thrilling, smart, imaginative and an intense read. The

author, Agatha Christie has written an excellent mystery book that is full of alibis and lies, which mislead the readers to think thoroughly using the clues to make different judgement of each character.  

2. This book is definitely a page-turner, creating suspense for the reader to find out who the murderer is, with the help of the main protagonist of the book, Hercule Poirot.  Agatha Christie describes the characters brilliantly with exquisite details to help the readers go through the plot clearly and wear the character’s shoes.  

3. There is an unexpected twist at the climax of the book, which makes the book inexplicable.  Agatha Christie writes the book ingeniously in creating different puzzles for the readers to solve. The amazing fact is I can never guess who the real murderer really is.  

Explain the Resolution.

Write a response in which you explain the resolution of one or more of the conflicts you have noticed as you read your novel. Are you satisfied with the resolution? Why or why not? *Make sure that you write [spoiler alert!] if you are about to reveal the ending.

The main conflict of Death on The Nile, written by Agatha Christie is internal conflict/man vs self because the protagonist, Hercule Poirot a detective who uses his mind to think out of the box by using clues and alibis to figure out who is the murderer. The resolution of the book is like a finishing a jigsaw puzzle when all of the clues fit together perfectly to find out who is the murderer.  The resolution is very intense and smartly presented. Poirot uses his own intelligence to solve the mystery. Sometimes Poirot struggles and makes up speculations that are wrong, therefore Poirot starts all over again and keeps thinking, using all his knowledge to make different assumptions.

[SPOILER ALERT!] This is an example of some of Poirot’s different assumptions that also affected other characters, “Supposing she did notice it... Supposing, even, she knew who did it... Supposing that last night she threatened to expose the whole business, and that you overheard the scene in the  saloon between Jacqueline de Bellefort and Simon Doyle and, as soon as the saloon was empty, you slipped in and secured the pistol, and then, an hour later, when the boat had quieted down, you crept along to Linnet Doyle’s cabin and made quite sure that no exposure would come...’ ‘My God!’ said Tim.  Out of his ashen face, two tortured, agonized eyes gazed dumbly at Hercule Poirot (374).  This paragraph shows that Poirot is making an assumption about this man who murdered Linnet Ridgeway because he tried to steal the pearl necklace and replaced it with a replica, but Linnet threatened to expose the whole business, therefore Tim had to shoot her with a pistol.  There are many different examples which show Poirot making many assumptions with each character to find out who is the real murderer is.  

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I was satisfied with the resolution because Poirot finally solved the mystery by giving the most perplexing resolution that made absolute sense with the case, which the readers would have never thought of. The resolution was a huge twist that I wasn’t expecting. It was a good ending because everyone on the cruise found out who the murderer was when they reached the dock and there were consequences.  

MULTI-MEDIAPut a character on the cover

Create a magazine cover that has your character on the front and has articles that are themed around key ideas from your book. What magazine would your character be on the cover of? What would the headlines and subheadlines say? Remember that you must show understanding of characterization—that is, the author’s description of the character’s physical appearance, personality (speech and action), and what other characters think about that character. For inspiration, see a great example by Prim (thanks, Prim!)

You could also look here for inspiration.  

Templates can be found here:  http://www.yourcover.com/browse-covers/ http://www.fakemagazinecover.com/

Why you chose this form.

How it links to the text.

Which literary concepts (plot, characters, theme, symbols) your multimedia piece explores.

What choices you made as you designed and constructed your multimedia piece and the reason/s why.

I chose to put a character on the cover, because Hercule Poirot is an interesting character with a sharp razor mind that can solve any mystery. I wanted to put on a magazine cover to show the readers the characteristics and what Poirot is like through a visual representation. This is an excellent way of showing Poirot’s personality by writing headlines, subtitles and quotes to portray who Poirot is. This links to the text because the magazine article describes Poirot’s personalities and characteristics to give the reader a clearer understanding of the resolution through Poirot’s internal conflict. There are many literary concepts that the multimedia piece explores, such as the plot and characters. The magazine cover shows the plot of the book through the subtitles of the cover that helps the reader understand the plot. The magazine cover also depicts the characters in the book because it portrays Poirot’s personality and his characteristics through the subtitles of the magazine cover. The choices that I made as I designed and constructed my multimedia piece was that I needed to put a detective on the front cover of my magazine. This shows Poirot with his charming mustache, wearing a neat and smart outfit, which fits his personality perfectly. I also considered putting the background like the Nile River to show the setting of the book. I added headlines and subtitles, which relate to mystery and crime solving. I also put in quotes from the book to show Poirot’s personality. Lastly Poirot is featured in the Time magazine, because Time magazine is all about the latest news and hot trends that are really interesting to readers.

Page 3: Wider Reading

Person of The Year

Meet England’s most famous detective Hercule Poirot


police officer

ObservantRazor sharp mindPoliteCourageousKnowledgeable of the human psycheCaring/empatheticCharmingCalmArrogant Proud of reputation

Hercule Poirot the perfect detective to tackle down any mystery

Stunning places to visit on the Nile

How did Poirot find out who was the murderer and thief

“Do not allow evil into your heart. It will make a home there.”

“Instinct is a marvelous thing, it can neither be explained nor ignored”

How to find out if any pearl necklace is real

Tips and tricks on taking great notes

Effective questions to ask suspects