Why Long Fingers Mean You

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  • 8/13/2019 Why Long Fingers Mean You


    Why long fingers mean you're more likely to

    be depressed and why small ears may make

    you more prone to kidney diseaseByDiana Pilkington

    Size really does matter - a new U.S. study has found that men with smaller

    testicles are more likely to be involved in childcare.

    The researchers from Emory University in Atlanta suggest that lower levels of

    testosterone may suppress a man's mating efforts, allowing him to channel all

    his energy into nappy-changing, feeding and nurturing.

    Here, we look at some other parts of the body and reveal what their dimensions

    say about your health...


  • 8/13/2019 Why Long Fingers Mean You


  • 8/13/2019 Why Long Fingers Mean You


    as it becomes more severe, you have periods where you stop breathing - some as

    long as 30 seconds.'

    A small, receding jaw bone can also play a part because the tongue is attached

    to the jaw. If the jaw is too far back, the tongue is more likely to block theairway.

    The sudden drops in blood oxygen levels associated with sleep apnoea can

    increase blood pressure and put pressure on the cardiovascular system.


    Memory loss

    The dreaded pear shape has been linked with menopausal brain fog.

    Researchers at Northwestern University in Chicago studied the body types and

    memory test scores of nearly 8,750 postmenopausal women aged 65 to 79, and

    found those with more weight around the hips had lower scores.

    The theory is that fat may contribute to cognitive problems by restricting blood

    flow to the brain. However, Nitu Bajekal, consultant obstetrician and

    gynaecologist at Barnet Hospital, urges caution when interpreting the results.

    'The study found that all women with a raised body mass index - above 30-31 -

    tend to have lower cognitive function. And in that sub-group, those with bigger

    hips seemed to score worse. But it was just a snapshot and we don't know if they

    went on to have cognitive decline.' Yet it's not all bad news.

    If you tend to store fat around your hips rather than around your middle, you

    could be better protected against diabetes and heart disease, because research

    suggests it's the apple-shaped who are more at risk of these.

  • 8/13/2019 Why Long Fingers Mean You


    Feminine hands: Men in the study with a more typically feminine finger length were more likely

    to be depressed


    Prostate cancer, depression

    The length of a man's fingers can hint at his risk of prostate cancer. Scientists at

    the University of Warwick and the Institute of Cancer Research compared the

    hands of 1,500 prostate cancer patients with those of 3,000 healthy men.

    They found men whose index finger was longer than their ring finger were

    significantly less likely to develop the disease.

    It's thought being exposed to less testosterone before birth leads to a longer

    index finger - and may protect against the disease (which is fed by testosterone)

    later in life.

  • 8/13/2019 Why Long Fingers Mean You


  • 8/13/2019 Why Long Fingers Mean You


    Pros and cons: Long toes could put you at risk of a painful foot condition, but could beadvantageous if you want to take up sprinting


    Heart disease

    Ashamed of your wobbly thighs? Take heart from a Danish study of nearly

    3,000 men and women, which found that people with thinner thighs had a

    higher risk of heart disease and premature death.

    Researchers thought low muscle mass in the area could be to blame, as it could

    affect insulin sensitivity.

    Meanwhile, researchers at Oxford University have also suggested that fat in the

    thighs, hips and buttocks traps fatty acids from food, preventing them fromfloating through the bloodstream and getting deposited in organs, where they

    may cause harm.


  • 8/13/2019 Why Long Fingers Mean You



    Beautiful as they may be, large eyes could mean you'll have to rely on glasses or

    contact lenses.

    If your eye measures even 1mm longer than 24mm (the average size) you will

    be short-sighted.

    Trevor Rowley, an optometrist from Viewpoint opticians in York, explains: 'If

    your eye is a normal length, the light will be clearly focused on the back of the


    Bug-eyed: Large eyes means you'll have to rely on glass or contact lenses

    'If it's a couple of millimetres longer than normal, the light will focus a couple

    of millimetres in front of the retina [where images are processed].'


  • 8/13/2019 Why Long Fingers Mean You



    Long, coltish legs aren't just an asset on the catwalk, they can also indicate a

    lower risk of type 2 diabetes, research suggests.

    A study at Bristol University showed that each 4.3cm increase of leg length

    resulted in a 19 per cent reduced risk of the disease.

    'If your mother was relatively malnourished when you were in the womb, you

    may have smaller legs,' says Dr Mark Vanderpump, consultant endocrinologist

    at the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust in London.

    'Once you've adapted to a low fuel state in the womb, your pancreas, which

    secretes insulin, may not be able to cope with a relatively normal amount of fat

    and carbohydrates after you're born.'Hence the greater risk of lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes in middle age.

    Read more:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2439430/Why-long-fingers-mean-youre-

    likely-depressed-small-ears-make-prone-kidney-disease.html#ixzz2gVQwbjxgFollow us:@MailOnline on Twitter|DailyMail on Facebook
