White Paper By MetaGame Arena studio V 1.04

White Paper By MetaGame Arena studio V 1

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Page 1: White Paper By MetaGame Arena studio V 1

White Paper By MetaGame Arena studio V 1.04

Page 2: White Paper By MetaGame Arena studio V 1


Page 3 Game engine

Page 4 Theme and style

Page 5 Core elements

Page 6 Worldview settings

Page 7 Core cultural elements

Page 8 “Ragnarök” -a legacy of the New World

Page 10 Detail of Prometheus

Page 11 NFT setting

Page 12 NFT ERC — 1155 protocol

Page 14-20 NFT properties

Page 21 NFT community development

Page 22–27 Economic model:

1. Game token WP 2. Project governance token MGA

3. Estimation of the value of top cards

Page 28 The growth path of players

Page 29 Roadmap

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Game engine

Prometheus engine developed based on COCOS. Cocos 2D-X, Cocos Studio,

Cocos Code IDE, and additional frameworks and tools are integrated with

Cocos to give developers a complete set of game development options. We

chose Cocos as our development engine since it has proven to be one of the

most reliable engines in mobile game development over the last decade. It

provides trial-play technology for all three terminals (PC, mobile and web).

Cocos has 1.4 million registered developers and 300,000 monthly active

developers in over 203 countries and regions, encompassing over 1.1 billion

player devices. Cocos engine is an excellent open-source mobile game engine.

Games developed by Cocos engine cover all categories on the market, with a

global market share of 30%.

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Theme and style

Prometheus creates themes based on the exchange, collision, and fusion of

Eastern and Western myths. In the painting style, we have chosen a painting

method with a strong sense of line and color to express the gods in our hearts

and the classic fighting forces of various countries. We use this distinctive style

to draw all games’ NFT, scene map, and UI design. This drawing method is

frequently used in the “Final Fantasy” series. The overall style of the painting is

based on the elements of the Japanese comic ACG popular painting style in

recent years, adding a strong sense of comic lines, and the overall tone has an

unparalleled memory point.

Original characters in warfare has two significant benefits:

1. Use a mental shortcut. Every country globally has a unique emotional

connection to its national mythology, which helps the game gain a

remarkable degree of publicity in the early promotion.

2. No intellectual property issue.

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Core element

Grand vision

Almost all major mythological systems from the East and West

are included in Prometheus, and all mythological systems will

be connected and collided in the game. As a result, its target

audience comprises gamers and NFT fans from all around the


The attribute system that seeks to achieve a high limit

The game provides a broad range of options for gamers who

want to push themselves to their limits. Battle cards from the

same generation might occur in a variety of extreme and

regular cards. This significant difference makes sense in

pursuing super battle cards, and the value of the top tier cards

will be greatly appreciated in the secondary market.

The game’s upper limit of battle capability is practically

limitless due to the depth of the qualities and the random

range of values selected.

The warchess category’s final strategy

Warchess is the most popular game in the world. Turn-based,

cards and role-playing game components are all included in

warchess games. The game incorporates an element of action

and pushes strategy to its limit. In the process of earning,

players can enjoy the pleasure of playing and, in the long run,

release the playfulness of NFT games.

Prometheus is a different experience to play than the usual

NFT game available on the market.

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Worldview settings

The third war of the Gods began in 1660. The last battle did not wipe away the

two factions of advocating “war and punishment” and “love and pity”, and the

hatred and hostility buried 300 years later ushered in an outbreak. The ancient

gods such as Zeus, Odin, Atum and Amaterasu expanded after their divine

power was restored. They bestowed their divine power to their territory’s

ordinary people for the first time, and these ordinary people became gods

overnight. The world was devastated by this violent conflict. The conflict

concluded when Atum and Brahma were defeated, and each camp lost an

ancient deity.

The war lasted a long time, left the world with irreparable wounds, and almost

destroyed the planet. The ancient gods eventually recognized that clashing

would result in mutual and self-destruction. Thus, they signed the Jishuku Treaty

for the sake of civilization and the world’s existence. Their people had to handle

all conflicts and disagreements in a fair and reasonable Promethean war, and

gods could no longer participate in the battle. Thus, the battle of Prometheus

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witnessed by the Prometheus torch became the court for ruling everything in

the world.

Under Prometheus’ law, all of the world’s good and evil, guilt, life and death,

and reincarnation entered into symbiosis, and the earth began to repair itself.

Prometheus’ fire of hope is reignited.

Core cultural elements


Ragnarök (Fate of the Gods) refers to a series of massive catastrophes predicted

in Norse mythology, including the cause of many important gods (Odin, Sol,

Frey, Heimdall, Fire Giant, Frost Giant, Loki Etc.) The battle of death and

countless natural catastrophes, after which the whole world sank under the

water. However, the world recovered, and the surviving god and two humans

rebuilt a new world in the end. Ragnarök is a significant part of Norse mythology

and the subject of many academic seminars and theories.

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The dawn had gone from the sky, time had ceased to exist, and the scorched

ground had slid down to the depths of the billows, leaving only death’s stillness

and eternity’s blackness.

New World

Ragnarök”- A legacy of the New World

There was a blue sky that no one

had ever seen before at the

southern extremity of the

wrecked cosmos, and after the

apocalypse was done, the last

gods gathered here, and out of

the water under them rose a new

continent, a new planet. The sea

had cleansed the soil, which

sprouted greener and more

luxuriant vegetation than before,

and the land had come back to


Only two gods, Vader and Wali,

have survived. Magni and Móði,

Thor’s sons, also survived with their father’s quake. Lif and Lifbrasir, two others

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who survived by hiding in the Hoddmismis holt, are thought to be the ancestors

of later humans.

Through the beautiful river of history, the new flame of metaverse culture has

been ignited in the realm of Prometheus, flourishing beyond the light of time

and space. Prometheus derived the style distinctive of contemporary ACG and

provided fresh attractiveness to the old civilization in the cosmic meta period

while preserving traditional culture.

One of the most significant difficulties in human history has been the bonding

and unification of opposites of destruction and new birth.

We are looking forward to finding out what kind of philosophical thinking

players will experience the charm of the metaverse myth in our core part of the

PVP Arena.

War and peace, mercy and divine punishment, hatred and love, these will all be

rewritten in the myth of Prometheus metaverse, as a witness of history and a

pioneer of the vast world of hope.

You are the myth.

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Detail of Prometheus

The game Prometheus is a 5v5 NFT battle. In the game, there are

two types of game play, PVE and PVP. PVE combat between

players and NPCs, which are primarily narrative battles and daily

gameplay battles. The other is PVP combat between players,

mostly daily arena, significant events, and guild battles.

The fight is divided into two parts: pre-war planning and in-game

decisions. Depending on their battle cards, pre-war players can

pick between 1 and 5 combat units (some gameplay may require

less than five combat units). As a result, players must study the

level’s criteria before selecting combat cards for various factions

and generations.

The sequence of activities for all units in the current round is

determined by the speed attribute of all units on the present

battlefield at the start of each battle turn. Through the action axis,

players may make strategic decisions such as whether to seize

advantageous territory early in the conflict or assemble all forces

to kill the enemy’s important role. Each little accurate decision will

impact the overall condition of the war, allowing them to win in

the end.

Players are awarded in-game tokens (WP) for winning PVP and


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NFT settings

Prometheus’ NFT is broken down into three sections: collection value, advanced properties, and land.

All faction god cards are NFT, and their

collectable value will vary based on their

rarity. Battle cards with high generation

and stats have high trade values.

We’ll also provide gamers access to terrain

that is well-developed, well-used, and

well-socialized. Players can select from a

variety of NFTs based on their specific


We hope to maximize the game’s value

through rare cards, rare attributes, and

social interaction. In this process,

different players can experience the

pleasure of earning and stimulating play

in the game.

Players can finally realize their original

vision of playing the game in the world

of Prometheus.

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NFT ERC-1155 protocol

We hope to maximize the game’s value through rare cards, rare attributes, and

social interaction. In this process, different players can experience the pleasure

of earning and stimulating play in the game. Players can finally realize their

original vision of playing the game in the world of Prometheus.

ERC-1155 is a standard for Ethereum tokens. On June 17, 2018, the initial version

of the standard was uploaded to Ethereum’s Github repository. It is primarily

used in the game industry for item creation and processing, and the suggested

standard has significantly enhanced the use of NFT in the gaming sector. To

some extent, ERC-20 and ERC-721 are merged.

Its primary functions include issuing both fungible and non-fungible tokens.

Fungible tokens can be produced in various Token types, such as ERC-20;

however, wallets and exchanges do not yet accept ERC-1155 standard tokens.

Simultaneously, the ERC-1155 standard is more capable of issuing NFT, and it

can issue numerous NFT under a single contract. The ERC-1155 standard will

aid in the creation of Ethereum-based games. This standard may significantly

decrease costs and increase productivity, particularly in the production and

processing of homogenized props.

ERC-20 and ERC-721, which were issued before ERC-1155, are the two most

widely used Ethereum standards.

Its main characteristics are

1. Tokens that are both fungible and non-fungible can be issued, and this

standard can be provided without switching to other standards where there is

a requirement for both fungible and non-fungible tokens.

2. Token assets may be moved in batches. Multiple token assets can be

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transferred to various objects in a single transaction, substantially increasing

efficiency and lowering time and gas fee costs.

ERC721 can mint(cast) non-fungible tokens, and however, if you want to

manufacture a sword with the same function in a game, you’ll have to repeat

the process 1000 times. Such a procedure is highly inconvenient, and even if

automated algorithms are created to assist it, it will still take a long process to

complete. The more critical issue is that it must pay the gas fee 1000 times.

Hundreds of thousands of ETH will be burned during the height of the Gas

charge in May, unsustainable for regular businesses.

If the ERC-1155 is utilized for casting, these 1000 swords may be cast quickly

and efficiently, and the gas fee will be charged once. The price is significantly

lower as compared to ERC-721.

At the same time, the ERC-1155 standard’s transaction procedure is considerably

simplified compared to previous standards: the most significant advancement

is that it may include several tokens for package processing. However, to

execute a transaction in the ERC20 and ERC721 standards, users must go

through four consecutive stages across various contracts, which is laborious,

time-consuming, and costly. Users can bundle all of the tokens they want to

exchange into a single contract using the ERC-1155 standard, which requires

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NFT properties

Prometheus' NFT is divided into three main series: Japan, Greece, and Northern

Europe. The first NFT series we will release is the NFT collection of the Japanese


We expect the first batch of Japanese NFTs to be issued at the end of October

2021. The details are as follows:

Battle character NFT: 5000

Battle character NFTs are the basic first-generation characters.

Divine NFT :4200

Basic: 3654

Rare: 504

SuperRare: 42

Total: 9200

Greek-themed divine NFT and combat character NFT release time: end of

December 2021

North Europe-themed divine NFT and combat character NFT release time: end of

Febuary 2022

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Gods NFT card A divine NFT can be used to mint a combat NFT. Divine NFT are also the most

significant and exclusive source of combat NFT.

Every faction have 14 God NFTs

Only 300 divine NFTs are created for each God, and their rarity is determined

as follows:

Normal: 261, Possess a stand-up display

Rare: 36, Possess a stand-up display and special effects

Super rare: 3, Display with dynamic display and special effects

Each divine NFT has one skill and three to four combat units to mint. The newly

minted combat NFT will inherit the divine NFT’s abilities.

NFT in combat:

Each faction will have 15 different combat characters. These 15 combat

characters belong to 5 different professions and correspond to the elementary,

intermediate and advanced levels. The battle character NFT officially sold and

bestowed by the divine NFT will only have elementary occupations.

Intermediate and advanced occupation characters need to be obtained by

players by synthesizing two elementary battle NFT.

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Each combat character NFT will have a static painting and a dynamic 2D

combat posture.

The combat character NFT will have the following two functions:

1. In battle, use the battle character NFT to form a team of 3-5 battle NFTs to

directly engage in PVP and PVE battles to obtain token rewards.

2. Synthesis, the synthesis will consume two combat character NFTs to forge a

new possible higher tier combat character NFT.

Combat NFT's combat ability and may evolve into a more powerful advanced

combat role NFT.

Five composable and two immutable characteristics and four skill slots make up

the Combat NFT. Players can synthesize to enhance combat NFT’s

characteristics and match more relevant skills to improve combat NFT’s combat

abilities to get an advantage in battle.

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Attributes that can be changed:

HP: Combat NFT health, utilized to accept damage; combat ability will

be lost if combat NFT health drops to 0.

ATK: The combat NFT’s attack power influences the combat NFT’s ability

to deliver damage.

SPD: Combat NFT speed; the higher the speed, the higher the order of

the shot in a turn, and two dodge points for 1 point of speed.

Combat NFT skill (TEC). Per skill point, you get 3 hits and 1 crit.

DEF: The battle NFT’s defense, which affects how well it can withstand


Property that cannot be changed:

MOVE: Determines how far a combat NFT may move based on the

race and Class of the NFT.

Attack Range: defines the range within which fighting NFT may attack,

based on the race and Class of the fighting NFT.

Skill: Players will pick from hundreds of talents to create their own battle

NFT troops.

Reveal and synthesize details:

Each god card contains three or four different sorts of combat cards that may

be tapped, and you must pick which type of combat card you wish to cast each

time you tap.

As a result of the adjustments, the player will obtain a new battle card NFT after

casting the spell. This battle card NFT will have a set stat and inherit the powers

of this god card, depending on the type chosen by the player.


Gods NFT will undergo a 48-hour cooling period after casting a battle card,

during which it will not be cast again.


Both participants must be of the same generation — Synthesis

necessitates the use of both WP and MGA

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The combined units’ efficacy will be considerably enhanced.

Base composition rules

When two combat card NFTs are merged, the new formed battle card NFT’s

Generation is increased by one. The highest generation is 10.

Value of the attribute:


Where A is the battle card A’s HP value and B is the battle card B’s HP value,

A∨B is to take the greater of the two, and if they’re the same, take A.


Where A is the corresponding attribute value of battle card A, and B is the

corresponding attribute value of battle card B, A∨B is to take the bigger of the

two, and if they are equal, A is to take the smaller of the two.

MOVE: no change

Class up: the property is appended by the formula when a class up upgrade



ATK, SPD, TEC, DEF:Corresponding properties /(1+generation)

Skill inheritance :( skill count on battle card A + skill count on battle card B)

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The integer skill must appear in the composite result if the value is an integer.

If the value is not an integer, the outcome is that each of the two integers closest

to the value has a 50% chance of displaying each skill of the number. If A has

three skills and B has three skills, the skill inheritance value is (3+3) /2+0.5=3.5,

and the number of skills created in the new battle card has a 50/50 chance of

being three or four.

When Battle Card A and Battle Card B both have the same talent, that skill must

be passed down to them. Other skills have the same chance of being drawn.

There are no talents that both don’t have and no skills that are identical in skill

inheritance. If the skill of combat card A is 1.2.3 and the skill of battle card B is

2.4.5, there must be one skill 2 when the number of newly created skills is 3.

When the skill for the second slot is chosen, each skill in has a 25%

chance of being chosen. When the third position’s talent is chosen, the other

three skills will have a 33% probability.

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Homogeneity and order synthesis

Homosynthesis means that the player ’s two battle cards synthesize the same

Profession and the same Class. New combat cards generated in this case:

70% chance of retaining Profession and Class, Generation +1

There’s a 30% chance that we’ll keep Profession, Class+1, Generation


When the entry is at its maximum:

With a 100% chance of retaining Profession and Class, Generation +1

The same synthetic

Two combat cards, A and B, have the same Profession but different classes. New

combat cards generated in this case:

There is a 90% chance of retaining the same Profession and the higher

Class of A and B, with Generation +1

There is a 10% chance of retaining the same Profession, with the higher

Class of Profession A +1 and Generation +1

When A or B has reached the highest rank:

There is a 100% chance of retaining the same Profession and the higher

Class in A and B, with Generation +1

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Heterogeneous synthetic

It means that the two combat cards, A and B, have different professions. New

combat cards generated in this case:

A has a 50% chance of inheriting A’s Profession, Class, MOVE, Attribute,

and Generation +1

B has a 50% chance of inheriting B’s Profession, Class, MOVE, Attribute,

and Generation +1

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NFT community development Co-creation mode for loot based on the Prometheus NFTs We will produce a comprehensive loot version of NFT based on our divine cards

and combat cards in the future. The particular NFT loot Settings will be modified

by community players; we will consider ideas from the community, and MGA

airdrop prizes will be given.

NFT’s mortgage lending function In the near future, we will be giving NFT pledge reception. Players will pledge

NFT in exchange for MGA and WP, which will aid in the game’s cold launch and

decrease the initial hurdle for forming a solid yield guild. It also established a

decentralized exchange (DEX) for trading game tokens.

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Economic Model

The game has a dual token system (governance and game tokens). Economic

models are based on the concept of “play to earn.”

Token for the game WP: Name of in-game token: The most important prize

token in the game is Wish Power, which refers to the power obtained

through hope and is abbreviated as WP.

WP problem:

Although the overall quantity of WP is limitless, the daily production is


Based on the overall amount of additions in the game, the maximum

number of WP adds each day will be determined. The awards earned by

player PVE and PVP actions are primarily responsible for the rise in WP.

PVE activity is projected to account for 30% of overall production, whereas

PVP activity is predicted to account for 70% of total output.

WP consumption:

The consumption of WP comes from the synthesis of new battle cards, the

expansion of future player guilds, the upgrade of expansion treasures, and

other significant in-game actions. WP is the most crucial source of revenue

for P2E, and the overall currency price will be stable.

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Project governance token: MGA

Project Governance Token MGA is short for the name of our Game studio,

MetaGame Arena.

MGA will serve as a platform token across multiple games in the near future,

linking NFT resources within each game and creating link value.

MGA provides decentralized communities with the underlying technical

support for a complete project development route voting scheme.

MGA can be purchased on the open market.

The MGA was a necessary upgrade to combat cards in Prometheus games and

was an essential production resource for every player seeking advanced

combat power.

The total amount of MGA and its distribution method are as follows:

In the Yield Community,

10% of the tokens will go to the Yield Farming block. 8% of that mining

is rewarded to the player.

10% of the total token will be given to DAO governance: most of it will

be used in planning your LOOT co-creation and future pledge mining


10% of the total token gives governance and incentives to the

community. Among them, high-quality gold mining studios are

expected to allocate about 3% of the quota.

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Distribution Status Tokens Percentage TGE% Vesting

Pre Seed Concluded 1500000 5% 5% 27 months/release every 2 months

Seed Concluded 3300000 11% 10% 22 months/release every 2 months

Private 1 Concluded 1500000 5% 10% 20 months/release every 2 months

Private 2 Concluded 1000000 3% 10% 20 months/release every 2 months

Lanch Pad 900000 3% 34% 33%/33%/monthly

Advisers 600000 2% 10% 24 months/release every 2 months

Airdrop&Marketing 600000 2%

Team 6000000 20% 18 months Lock 30 months/release

every 2 months

Yield & Community 11400000 38%

Governance 1500000 5%

NFT Eco 1700000 6%

Total 30000000 100%

Players 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year

Airdrop&Marketing 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%

Yield Farming 4% 2% 2% 2%

Staking/Mining 2% 2% 2% 2%

Dao governance 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%

Yield guild 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%

NFT Eco 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 1.50%

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MGA additional note:

MGA as governance token, the total number is currently 30 million, players can

freely purchase MGA through the open market.

PVP Ranking rewards: MGA is reward to top rank PVP battle player, this can

bring great rewards and honors to top players.

MGA consumption:

When crafting battle cards, it costs MGA,

When the game starts running, the composition of battle cards cost is at ratio

of 4:1 WP:MGA. So buying MGA is the only way to get advanced cards.

MGA consumption will go into the black hole account completely, ensuring that

the overall MGA in the game continues to deflate.

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MGA Repurchase:

The MGA held by the project team will be used for stabilize and condition

the market. When the market has short-term severe inflation or deflation,

the project team will actively intervene to stabilize the market and provide

a protection mechanism for the price collapse.

POS liquidity mining of MGA:

MGA will support WP mining in the future. For players with a low-risk

appetite, pledging MGA mining is also a good investment option.

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Estimation of the value of top cards:

According to our card upgrade synthesis method, a full rank 10 card requires a

total of 1024 regular battle cards, with the original total worth of these combat

cards being around 10,000–15,000 USDT.

God cards are the only way to incubate battle cards. However, once cast, the

God card NFT goes into a 48-hour cooling phase during which it can’t be used

again. In general, upgrading to full level takes quite a long time, maintaining

the game’s general balance and playability.

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Growth path of players

Average players make up the majority of players in the game, with the

majority playing for both gameplay and P2E gold.

General players : They purchase gods cards appropriate for their economic strength in the

Market Place and then hatch combat cards according to the incubation rules

when starting the game. They may combine more complex combat cards,

participate in PVP or PVE fights, and earn WP in the game token through a

suitable fusion process.

Asset Management players: Individual NFT collectors and speculators: personal asset management players

will buy NFT when the value of NFT is undervalued, collect and maintain the

value of NFT, and take the initiative to sell NFT when the market rises to

obtain the price difference.

Professional institutions take the initiative to acquire NFT in bulk through their

asset management institutions, collect and maintain the value of NFT, and

then sell when the market increases to profit from the price difference.

Simultaneously, we work with a well-known quality guild to earn WP and MGA

through NFT pledge mining, lowering the entrance barrier for large-scale

game guilds.

High-end players: PVP top players enjoy the fun of the game. Earn MGA direct bonuses per

season by ranking in PVP.

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2021 Q4 We expect the first batch of Japanese-themed NFTs to be released at the end

of October 2021

The Greek faction of god and battle cards will be introduced in Q4 2021 on the

Prometheus continent. Western mythology’s major branch system will be

connected to the Prometheus myth metaverse system, totally detonating the

Western market.

Technically, the project will develop significant and in-depth collaboration with

BSC and Polygon to complete the chain’s architecture and contribute to the

Mythos metauniverse’s technological support.

2022 Q1 Continue Art production of the game, settings and avatar design.

Make some of the game’s line drafts, scene settings and drawn souvenir avatars

into NFTs, reward these NFT to active community member.

Players, on the other hand, are sold as souvenirs around the game.

The NFT collection of the Nordic faction will also be on sale during this time.

2022 Q2 Players can purchase land to establish a union. After establishing a union on

the land, they can obtain the yield of the land. Using the resources generated

by the land can cast construction NFT. Placing the construction NFT on the land

will gain yield gain and combat attribute gain. Help players gain an advantage

in guild battles of land competition.

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2022 Q3 We will allow players to use the official editor to create new battle scenes and

buildings by themselves and cast them as NFTs for trading in the market.

There will be 12 fixed scene modules and hundreds of building modules in the


Players can create new battle scenes based on the module, and use the new

battle scenes to replace the original battle scenes in the game.

The scene itself is also an NFT token, and players can buy battle scenes created

by others in the market to replace their own battle scenes.

Players can create new buildings based on modules, or they can generate

completely original buildings by themselves through the editor software

provide by us. The generated buildings will obtain bonus effects in the game

according to specific rules. The building itself is also an NFT token, and players

can also bring benefits for themselves through the NFT tokens they create.

2023 Q1 Open the Global Battle League

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