What You Focus on Expands

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focus mind lessons

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WHAT YOU FOCUS ON EXPANDS:"The mental power of a real devil is nothing in comparison with the Original Man." - except taken from Lost Found Muslim Lesson Number 2 ANS # 32.As an Original Man / Woman, Your Mental Power is infinitely greater in comparison than any one else's. Therefore the power of Your focus, visualization & concentration is greater than anyone else's.Here's a little Mind-Science. The best way to attract success, attract abundance, and attract people who add to Our Lives is to focus on, visualize & concentrate on success, abundance, and people who add to Us.Now here's the flip side. To focus on, visualize & concentrate on misery, lack, and people who take away from Us by way of constantly fearing and / or worrying about it - this will most certainly attract it to Us and / or cause it to materialize & expand in Our lives. This is because what We focus on, We cause it to expand. This stands true especially for those removing the "rusty locks (toxins)" from their Brains & body via purifying & living a clean lifestyle. Their mental power becomes "unlocked" & magnified. Power can transmit through a new battery. Yet "rust" will b-lock that power from being transmitted, until that battery is cleansed & "rust" is removed from it.Eating Right (positive) & purifying must be accompanied by Thinking Right (positive) in order to get both the best physical results and also the best mental & spiritual results - as what is on the spiritual & mental plane eventually manifests onto the material plane."Work cheerfully and FEAR NOT! You are the Righteous, the Best and the Powerful." - Master Fard Muhammad (Emphasis added).