What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA Inspection William Krycia MPH, CIH Cal/OSHA Updated January 2017

What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

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Page 1: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant



Page 2: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Overview

•  Typesofinspections•  Inspectionbasics•  Itemsofinterest,agriculture

•  Appealsrightsandprocedures


Page 3: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Overview

–  Cal/OSHA•  Consultation

•  Atemployerrequest,nopenalties•  Areaoffice

•  Enforcement•  EnforceTitle8,penalties

•  Districtoffice•  LETF(LaborEnforcementTaskForce)•  HighHazardUnit•  PressureVessel•  ProcessSafetyManagement


Page 4: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Typesofinspections

–  Complaint–  Accident–  Self-referralor“Programmed”


Page 5: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Complaint

–  Formal•  Siteinspection

–  Informal•  Mayget“letter”inlieuofinspectionunlessheat/waterrelated

•  Stillcriticaltorespondtoaletter


Page 6: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Accident

–  Eitherbasedonyourreportofaseriousaccident*•  Firstresponderreport•  Newsmediareport•  Family/concernedindividual/organization

–  Timely,directresponse–  Additionaldocuments

•  Doctor’sfirstreport•  Manuals,trainingrecords,sds’s•  Programs:lockouttagout,righttoknow,heatprevention,confined



Page 7: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Self-referralor“Programmed”

–  LETFdoesprogrammed,everyoneelsedoes“self-referral”•  Oldterm:“sweep”

–  Selfdirectedbasedonsurveillance•  Mayfocusonaparticularindustryinageographicarea•  Utilizekeyvisualindicators

•  Maystillinitiateinspectionwhenvisualindicatorssuggestcompliance

–  Weather(heat)driven•  NOAANWSheatwatch,warning,orspecialweatherstatement


Page 8: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Cal/OSHAInspection101:

–  Theapproach–  TheOpeningConference–  DocumentRequest–  SiteVisit–  EmployeeInterviews–  Photos,samples–  ExitConference–  ClosingConference–  Appealsprocedures


Page 9: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Theapproach:

–  Directifcomplaintoraccident–  Possiblyindirectoncoordinatedinspection

•  Dependent,toadegree,onsitesurveillance


Page 10: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Theopeningconference

–  ID–  Explainthepurposeandscopeoftheinspection–  Employeerightshttp://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/Complaint.htm–  Walkaround–  ReviewIIPP,poster


Page 11: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Theopeningconference

–  IDworker’scompprovider/ex-modifapplicable–  Reviewlog300–  Permits,registrations,licenses,variances–  IsspecializedPPEneededtoconductinspection–  Consenttoinspect


Page 12: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Documentrequest

–  HeatIllnessPreventionPlan•  Provideduponrequestatthesite

–  IIPP•  Providedwithinareasonabletimetocsho

•  Doesnothavetobeonsite*


Page 13: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant


Page 14: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Sitevisit

–  Lookingforhazards–  Lookingforemployees

•  “exposure”•  Forinterview

–  Establishprocess“flow”–  Establishthatrequiredelementspresent

•  Toilets,drinkingwater,guards,shade,etc.*

–  Evaluatecomplaintitems–  Evaluateaccidentitems


Page 15: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Employeeinterviews

–  Oneveryinspection•  Establishemployeremployeerelationshipordirectionandcontrol•  Contactinfo•  Lengthofemployment,jobtitle•  Training•  AwarenessofIIPP,responsibleperson•  Otherpertinentquestionsifcomplaint/accident

•  E.g.Wereyouherethatday,whatdidyousee,whoelsewashere,whatwassaid,etc.


Page 16: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Photos,samples

–  Photosandvideo’soneveryinspection•  Highlightbothcompliantandnon-compliantitems,establishand


–  Samplesordirectreadings•  Toestablishexposurelevels,content,materialsstressors/failures;etc.•  Temperatureatsiteovervarioustimes•  Rememberthereisapossibilityofacitationifemployerfailstoevaluate



Page 17: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Exitconference

–  Summaryreporttotheemployeronwhatwasfound,whatwasestablished,whatmightrequirefurtherevaluation.Shouldalsoreviewdocumentsrequested.


Page 18: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Closingconference

–  Scheduledwiththeemployer•  Inpersonorbyphone•  Formalreviewofinspectionandresults

•  Citations,abatements,penalties,rightsofappeal•  Incompliancereport


Page 19: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Appealsprocedures

–  Alwaysremembertimelyresponseiscritical–  InformalconferencewithDistrictManager–  Pre-hearingconferencewithALJfromAppealsBoard–  FormalhearingwithAppealsBoard


•  2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 300

•  Sacramento, CA 95833

•  (916) 274-5751

•  FAX (916) 274-5785


Page 20: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Informalconference•  Followingreceiptofacitationornotice,anemployermayrequestadiscussionwiththeCal/OSHAdistrictmanager.Aninformalconferenceisconductedwithin10workingdaysofcitationissuance.Ifanappealisfiled,theconferencemaybeheldanytimepriortothescheduleddateofanappeal.


•  Theemployermaydiscussrequestsforextensionofabatementdates,andpresentationofevidencewhichindicatesthatnoviolationexists,orthattheproposedpenaltiesareinappropriate.

•  WilliamKryciaMPH,CIH

Page 21: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Appealsprocedures

–  Nowonline!•  PressreleaseonOctober4,2016•  Newsystemnamed“OASIS”•  Website:http://www.dir.ca.gov/OSHAB/oshab.html


Page 22: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Appealsprocedures•  WhatisOASIS?OASISistheOccupationalSafetyandHealthAppealsBoard'sfree,


•  AnyonemayregistertouseOASIS.RegisteredOASISusersmaylocateaparticularappealbysearchingonanemployer’sname,orbyDivisioninspectionnumber.Registereduserswhoarecaseparticipantsmayview,submitordownloaddocumentsin,andmayobtaincaseschedulinginformationabouttheappealsinwhichtheyareaparticipant.RegisteredOASISuserswhoarenotappealcaseparticipantsmayviewonlythetimeandlocationofanappealhearing.

•  TheOccupationalHealthandSafetyAppealsBoard("OSHAB")hasdesignatedtheelectronicappealcasefilemaintainedinOASISastheofficialrecordofallappealsofDivisioncitations.


Page 23: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Appealsprocedures

–  Groundsforappeal•  Thesafetyorderwasnotviolated•  Theclassificationoftheviolation(i.e.serious,willful,repeat)isincorrect•  Theabatementrequirementsareunreasonable•  Theproposedpenaltyisunreasonable


Page 24: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Appealsprocedures

•  AffirmativeDefense•  Providedbyappellant(you)•  Mustbeprovidedinatimelymanner•  Becomescomplicated•  OnekeyfactoristhatyoumusthaveanIIPPthatisimplemented


Page 25: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  ItemsofInterest,Agriculture

–  ReferencesheetsattachedtoCal/OSHAP&PC-46•  http://www.dir.ca.gov/DOSHPol/P&PC-46.htm

•  FieldSanitationchecklist•  AgriculturalSafetychecklist•  AgriculturalHealthchecklist•  Note:underrevision,donotincludeheatillnesspreventionitemsat



Page 26: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  ItemsofInterest,Agriculture

–  IIPP•  Writtenprogram•  Requiredelements•  Documentationoftraining•  Evaluateeffectivenessduringemployeeinterviews

–  HeatIllnessPreventionProgram•  Inwriting•  Availableuponrequestinthefield•  Requiredelements•  Ifmodelprogram,hasitbeenfilledout?


Page 27: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  ItemsofInterest,Agriculture

–  FieldSanitation•  Toilets,washwater,towels,soap,cleanliness,access

–  HeatIllnessPrevention•  Water•  Shade•  Training,employees,supervisors•  Emergencyprocedures•  Highheatprovisions•  UpdatedwithMay2015revisions


Page 28: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  ItemsofInterest,Agriculture

–  ConfinedSpaces•  Writtenprogram•  Training•  Othercriticalelementsofprogram

•  TreeWork•  Emphasisprogram


Page 29: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  ItemsofInterest,Agriculture

–  TractorsandotherAgEquipment•  Preuseinspections•  Training•  Guarding

•  PTO•  Safeoperation•  Lighting•  Safemaintenance,repair,adjustment•  ROPS,includingseatbelt


Page 30: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  ItemsofInterest,Agriculture

–  Guarding•  Pinchpointsonbelts,chains,conveyors,etc.•  Rotatingshafts•  Electrical•  Waterhazards

–  Chemicalhazards•  Exposurelimits•  Eye,face,skinprotection•  Eyewashandshowers

–  Noise


Page 31: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Variouschecklistsoutthere,makesurethey’resuitedforyourjob.

•  Don’tjustrelyonapre-printedchecklist–  RememberyourdutyunderyourIIPP!

•  Think“bestpractice”andremembertheregulationsarethebottomline–  Astimeandthesituationpermit,pleaseexploretheconceptsof



Page 32: What to expect on a Cal/ OSHA InspectionWhat to expect on a Cal/OSHA Inspection • Photos, samples – Photos and video’s on every inspection • Highlight both compliant and non-compliant

WhattoexpectonaCal/OSHAInspection•  Questions?
