What means FREE TIME for young people, but also for those who are advanced in years? For us, FREE TIME means that part of the time that we attribute for

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What means FREE TIME for young people, but also for those who are advanced in years?

For us, FREE TIME means that part of the time that we attribute for our spiritual and cultural development.

There are little things in life that make you go away, to forget the stress at work, the date of projects, the exams that you have to go the next step. An hour spent in the park, shopping, a weekend in the mountains or the sea can relax and get you ready for the next day at work.

Learn to see your free time not as a fad, but simply as a necessity. Benefit of the advantages of your little free time as you like: let yourself carried by the sun outside the park or a picnic out of town or, if you like, rest a day on the couch in front of the TV or reading a good book.

In days off , people enjoy watching a play or a good movie, because "sometimes you need a drop of food for the soul and mind" and sometimes, a flamenco show is just right. Because the show is intended it to test the limits of our patience and we demonstrate that we are stronger than we have imagined.

Leisure, a luxury?

Leisure unfortunately become for most of us

a luxury. This is because the pace is more

alert today, working more than our

program, we have strict limits termens for

the projects wich don`t care of our free



An hour at the opera

An hour with our friends

An hour for reading

An hour to practice sports

An hour for a good movie or a play

An h

our at t

he muse


An hour when you can enjoy your hobby

= 7 hours on a day (things to do in free time) + 7 hours for sleeping+ 7-8 hours at school or work + 2 hours to clean your house== 24 hours ( a day)

Opinions of different people in spending their free time :

"When I manage to 'steal' a few hours,the most I like is to relax by the pool and swimming in because the water has a beneficial effect, relaxing and anti-stress.When I swim is just me with my thoughts”.

For hours and free moments I prefer to see my friends and, as they

do, often we like to go to the theatre together, we see a good piece to give

us the opportunity to exchange views, make

comments ".

One of the oldest hobby but difficult to maintain because of the scarce free time is equity. I love horses, their elegance and also their wisdom, their eyes large and expressive, their freedom. I like to ride sometimes through the woods.

“I like to spend my free time through a marathon of quality movies or reading a good book on Mozart's music, surfing the Internet or simply changing channels on television looking for a program that would not be in the third replay.”

Today we dare you to relax: when you escape from the office/school, give a call to your friend, go shopping or come out to a movie, a concert or a play. Or just do what you like the most! The projects can wait for you still tomorrow, on your desk.