What is the Lightbody

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  • 7/30/2019 What is the Lightbody


    aBy Anrita Melchizedek

    The Light Body/Merkaba is a living, Divine Intelligence powered by your Christed mind

    working in alignment with Mother/Father God. It is the Ascension Vehicle of Light used

    for interdimensional travel, taking you in Soul consciousness into the higher

    dimensions; and as you step further into Self Mastery, you experience the possibility of

    physically being able to travel in this Ascension Vehicle or Merkaba Vehicle of Light

    beyond the speed of common light.

    The word Merkaba translates as Mer, means counter-rotating, Ka, spirit and Ba, body

    or reality. Thus the counter rotating fields of light, or wheels within wheels, of the

    Merkaba create this Vehicle of Light. The Light Body/Merkaba field extends

    approximately 54 feet/16.2 meters in diameter around you when fully activated and

    holds all the codes for the activation of the dormant DNA. This activation further assists

    in creating a radiant, etheric, electronic body of Light, the perfect Adam Kadmon

    blueprint. Additionally, the Light Body/Merkaba field links you into the Christ

    Consciousness grid within and around the Earth plane, and into the unified hologram of

    Love of all Life on this Earth plane.

    Once the Light Body/Merkaba field is activated, the sacred geometries of the platonic

    solids are also activated, as are the higher earthly rays. The platonic solids are the

    cube, the octahedron, the tetrahedron, the icosahedron and the dodecahedron, and in

    the Light Body/Merkaba activation, you become an extension of the Christ

    Consciousness grid around the Earth plane, reflecting the exact sacred geometry and

    harmonic resonance found within the Christ Consciousness grid. In addition, through

    this sacred geometry, you hold within your subconscious the thought forms and

    patterns of each atom and molecule on this Earth plane, animate or inanimate.

    As we mentioned, you use the geometry of the star tetrahedron to experience your

    Light Body/Merkaba. The star tetrahedron exists throughout and around your body, is

    brought into being through interlocking two tetrahedrons. Two interlocking four-sided

  • 7/30/2019 What is the Lightbody


    triangular plane faces. These interlocking tetrahedrons represent the mental and

    emotional dynamic, the male and female polarity in perfect balance. The star

    tetrahedrons that are connected to your etheric, emotional and your mental bodies are

    superimposed upon one another, and are all the exact same size. Furthermore, as the

    influence of the ninth ray of Highest Potentials is reflected through the sacred geometry

    of the star tetrahedron, and the color blue-green, you will use this color when

    visualizing these three superimposed star tetrahedrons. When you activate your Light

    Body, you will spin the emotional body star tetrahedron, known as the female star

    tetrahedron, in a clockwise direction and the mental body star tetrahedron, known as

    the male star tetrahedron, in a counter clockwise direction at the exact same time and

    at specific speeds of light and fibonacci sequences with the assistance of The Light

    Body/Merkaba Coning Members. The etheric body star tetrahedron remains stationary

    throughout this process. It does not rotate. At nine-tenths the speed of light, you will

    activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the frequency of the third dimension and Planetary

    Christ Consciousness and at the speed of light, you will experience the frequency of

    the fourth dimension and Solar Christ Consciousness, Overlighted by Helios and

    Vesta. And the activation of your Light Body to the fifth dimension takes you into

    Interstellar Christ Consciousness Overlighted by the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light.


    What are these rays and how do they relate to the Light Body/Merkaba activation

    The rays can be described as vibrational frequencies of Divine Unfolding Light

    emanating from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. They bring with them

    particular qualities, colors, and sonic vibrations that are integrated within our various

    energy bodies, and allow us to be conscious of ourselves as these magical Beings of

    Light. They further assist in the activation of the dormant DNA, and the awakening to

  • 7/30/2019 What is the Lightbody


    our multidimensional memories. As such, the influence of the rays can take us into a

    deeper understanding of our Light work, as well as giving insight into particular

    behavioral patterns we may still be integrating.

    In the Light Body/Merkaba activation, the colors and sacred geometry we use at each

    dimensional level come from the related rays. The blue-green color of the star

    tetrahedron that you will visualize when focusing on this shape, comes from the color of

    the ninth ray of Highest Potentials, as this ray is related to the sacred geometry of the

    star tetrahedron. The energy of this ray aligns your will to the Divine Will of

    Mother/Father God, and further to this, takes you into the original Divine eight-cell

    blueprint, in which the shape of the star tetrahedron is also to be found. The colors

    brought through dimensionally in the Light attunements and in the creation of thespheres of Light around the body come from the related Cosmic rays. And in level II,

    when you work with the geometries of Light and these related attunements, these colors

    come from the higher rays, rays eight to twelve. The twelfth ray further brings through

    the geometry of a golden Flower of Life, and this is the three dimensional shape 54

    feet/16.2 meters in diameter around you within which the emotional and mental body

    star tetrahedrons spin at specific fibonacci ratios.

    Excerpted with permission from

    The Light Body/Merkaba Activation eBook Anrita Melchizedek

