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What Is Our Commission?

1. The Advent pioneers of the 1800s struggled with many new truths before they settled anything final as to their understanding at THAT time. We know for a certainty they did not discover all new truth at that time, but that their mission should have been one of continuing the reformation rather than ending it.

2. We also know that Ellen White has written an immense amount of material on “new light” and/or “new truth” yet to shine forth from her day. There is no indication from her - before her death - that all new truths had been brought forth, and there was nothing new to study.

3. The pioneers were responsible to investigate any new challenge – to test it and see if indeed there was truth that needed to be grafted into their belief system.

4. Because not all “new light/truth” was brought forth in the days of the pioneers, that means that WE as the pioneers of our day - are responsible to investigate NEW information. WE are not to place a blockade at the entrance of truth – especially IF and WHEN the new information goes against everything we have ever believed.


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What Is Our Commission?

5. Because we are the pioneers of the endtime generation, we must also explore as did the early Advent pioneers. Garrick has provided this platform for such a time as this. As we continue forward, I wish to convey to each of you listening today that you are so very blessed to have this opportunity to hear and read the WORDS of TRUTH as given from the Holy Scriptures. God’s WORDS are ever true, ever powerful, and ever creative. I know this study on the day-start is very new to many listening today. But, I also believe, and have faith, that when God’s WORDS are presented to you that you will know the truth of this matter and be forever set free of Satan’s burden and counterfeit. While it is true that some may grasp this truth on the day-start sooner than others, always remember that the WORDS of Scripture really do have the last WORD over every counterfeit that Satan has mustered.

6. Satan is a defeated foe. His sunset counterfeit will not stand as a beacon of the commencement of any Sabbath day for God’s people. Yes, they will be in the minority, just as God’s true followers have always been.


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Many people feel this statement is true: “The Bible is supposed to be so easy a child can understand it.” I’m sure you have heard this before. I submit to you this statement is not completely true. What I have found is that ONLY the basics of the GOSPEL message is so easy a child can understand it. And the simple GOSPEL message is this:

Yahushua died on the cross;

He shed His blood;

He gave the ultimate price for the penalty of sin,

So those that believe in Him can have eternal life with Him; not eternal separation.


True … or … False?

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Having said “that” (about the Gospel) and also relating to my own personal experience in the last 5 years, I can also testify that I do not believe many of us really understand the cross as we should – something that we will be studying throughout eternity. However, I do believe that we can understand more about the cross than we do right now. Even the GOSPEL study on the day-start brings so much more understanding to the cross than I had previously known.

But, certainly all of us know that the doctrines and prophecies contained within the pages of the Holy Scriptures are not so easy for a child’s understanding.

IF indeed it was true, that all we needed was a child’s understanding, then there would be no need for teachers, preachers, evangelists, or even prophets.

If that were true, then there would not be over 41,000 Christian denominations today – all believing that they have ALL of the truth the Word teaches.

No friend, it is NOT true that every teaching of the Scriptures is so easy that a child can understand it. That is why the Bible precisely says: “Come and let us reason together” – along with – “only the wise shall understand.”


That’s easy, isn’t it?

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It is absolutely true that sometimes the Bible is very challenging to understand, especially when we do not realize the counterfeits that have bombarded us and presented themselves as pure truth. Any counterfeit teachings that we may hold within our belief system, will eventually have to be unlearned when we figure out what they are. This can be a hard and difficult process, IF we choose NOT to believe what the written WORD has to say.

What I have to present today did not originate with me. But, I thank our Heavenly Father that He has chosen to bless me with information from a variety of sources that has provided a foundation that is solid and easy to understand. I believe every listener is in need of this very same foundation in order to diffuse the attacks of the enemy, and the accusations of your beloved friends, family and church members. We need to have our armor on. We need to know how to rightly divide the Word of Truth. We need to know what the tools are, and how to use them.



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Today, I wish to focus on some simple tools such as:

1. The WORDS of Scripture … and the “words” that we speak. While we know that the WORDS of Scripture are always true, many times the “words” that we speak actually cement us further into error. More on that later.

2. We are also going to address Biblical patterns.

3. Then we will address counterfeit patterns.

We will compare these last two points with our God given logic, common sense, and reasoning.

I wish to submit to you that WHEN we see the error of Satan’s counterfeits, then we will be able to replace those counterfeits with the WORDS of truth from the Scriptures. That’s where the individual day-start studies will come into place.

If we have time today, I will continue the Bible Testimony (Story) studies found in Ex 8 (the Locusts of Egypt) and Ex 14 – (the Red Sea Crossing). While I have a feeling that many are most anxious to hear the study on Gen 1, my opening introduction today is intended to lay a foundation for that study as well.


Some Tools for this Bible Study

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Words are Powerful, whether they are God’s words, or whether they are ours.

Our examination today in this area of “WORDS” will be specific to the day-start study, but it is also a principle that applies to any study. Let’s begin …

Ps 119:89 tells us: “For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.”

In other words: God has the last WORD, … what He said is TRUE, and it is already established. Period!

Ps 89:34 says: “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.”


1. Words Are Powerful!

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I have a few questions for you to ponder as we move through today’s lesson:

1. Would you be willing to agree with me that the truth about when the day begins would have to be found in the creation week?

2. How about the first day of creation?

3. Would you be willing to agree with me that the day-start – on the first day of creation – is a divine institution, just as marriage and the Sabbath are divine institutions that were given on the 6th day and the 7th day of the creation week?

4. Would you be willing to agree with me that the divine institution of the day-start is directly related to the divine institution of the weekly Sabbath (which will obviously also include the worship statutes of the annual Sabbaths in their time)? By this I mean that the creation day-start of all 7 days of the first week will establish the pattern for the exact commencement time of not only the “work days” but also for “the Sabbath.”

5. Would you be willing to agree with me that the creation day-start is also a “covenant” given to us by God that He “will not break, nor alter” what He has spoken?

6. And would you agree with me that God’s day-start covenant is settled in heaven, and settled forever?

These are questions I would like you to ponder as we work through the next part of this exercise.


Questions to Ponder

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There are many counterfeits for creation’s day-start. For those that are professing sunset Sabbatarians, we are going to directly address the sunset counterfeit. SUNSET is a “mountain problem” that is standing in our way hiding the truth of God’s WORD. We are commanded to remove these mountains.

I am going to claim the words of Mark 11:23 where Yahushua said:

“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain … be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”


Whose words will we establish on earth

for the day-start? God’s or ours?

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I’m going to ask each one of you today to claim this promise with me – that this “mountain problem” of the counterfeit commencement for each day will be removed – and cast into the depths of the sea (where it is truly dark). We are NOT going to doubt in our hearts, and we are going to believe exactly what the inspired WORD brings forth. This is especially so when we begin the study on Gen 1. At that time we will be doing a very thorough examination of the Hebrew definitions of many words that are used to describe the 1st day of creation. As I mentioned, this is not a study for children, but for those that are mature and willing to buckle down and examine everything very closely. You must be prepared to do some work in this area.

Every spiritual law, divine covenant, or institution that God has set forth in His WORD was for your benefit. It was designed to give you every advantage over the enemy and his cohorts. God’s WORD was never designed to hold you back or lock you into bondage. But just as Satan has perverted nature to cause storms, floods and destruction, so has he set out to pervert the covenant of God with regards to the day-start. Satan has sought to pervert this beautiful covenant in the minds and hearts of God’s people to the point where it LOOKS AS THOUGH God is the author of his counterfeits.


Claiming Promises

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In many cases:

1. The deceptions of Satan have caused an incorrect application of God’s perfect day-start.

2. He uses every one of these deceptions to load us up with heavy burdens that we were never meant to endure.

3. Satan has also used these deceptions to detour our use of simple common sense and logic.

Ask any child in grade school when they think the day begins, and they will likely say, “in the morning – when the sun gets up.” They will not say the day begins with darkness when the sun goes down – unless of course they have been trained to say such a comment which is derived from the beliefs of sunset Sabbatarians.

God’s WORD always works for the benefit of truth. When we confess His WORDS we will have truth. When we confess our words – specifically words such as: “sunset begins the day” – we allow Satan to set up a belief system in our very being that will honour him as the “prince of darkness” and the “prince of the air of this world.”


The Truth is this …

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“… as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee…”

He did not say it would ONLY work if you believed what is right. When we speak and believe words that reflect error, these words become a law in our lives. This principle connects to the sower and the seed.

Paul writes in Gal 6:7 …

“God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”

This spiritual law is based on the same basic principle of seed-time and harvest. So, the words we speak are seeds that produce after their kind. Just as sure as they are planted, you can be equally sure a harvest will follow.


In Matt 8:13 the Saviour said …

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Let us summarize this portion on the importance of our words, with these words from Matt 17:20 that again speak of a mountain problem …

“If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”

Having said this, I again claim the promise for each one of us that this counterfeit mountain that Satan has set before our eyes will be removed; that we will be given the eye-salve to see, and ears to hear the WORD of God in all truth and perfect clarity.


A Summary

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So far, Mark 11:23 and Matt 17:20 both command us by the Words of Yahushua to move mountains. Perhaps it is time to take this concept one step further.

While I was absent the last two Sabbaths and did not hear Garrick’s presentation on the Stone Kingdom of Daniel 2, my husband Richard did share with me the thought brought forward that God is also in the process of building a mountain that represents His kingdom of children. I whole-heartedly agree.

I also believe that all of us agree that because God is “doing something for His kingdom” we can be positive that Satan is also busy counterfeiting the same plan for his kingdom. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to examine this scenario further – expanding upon this “mountain problem” as put forth in Matthew and Mark. What I’m about to share with you is likely nothing new, but we will examine it from another perspective.


More on the Mountain

Deception Problem?

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We will begin with reading Isaiah 14 speaking of the fallen Lucifer.

13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

When Satan decided to exalt himself above God’s throne, it was also his aim to convince the universe to worship him rather than the Creator. Isaiah’s description of Satan sitting upon the mount of the congregation, is striking. The original Hebrew word for “congregation” is <mo`ed>, which can be translated as appointed times, feasts, or festivals. We also know the first feast listed in Lev 23 speaks of the weekly Sabbath. Therefore, we can see from this passage that Lucifer intended to take over God’s government – but with the intention that he would set up his own appointed times of worship in direct opposition to God’s appointed feasts – all of them!


Isaiah 14:13-14

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… cast out of heaven, does not mean he left his plan behind. May I submit to you the greatest controversy in this world is over the issue of worship. We are very familiar with these facts:

1. Satan’s has counterfeited the weekly Sabbath with the pagan Sunday (or any other day except for the 7th day of the week).

2. Satan has counterfeited Yah’s annual worship statutes with the pagan feasts and festivals.

3. Now for a question: Is there any reason why we should not believe that Satan has also counterfeited the commencement time of Yah’s worship statutes? Of course not! In just a bit we’re going to address this serious issue – “Does Satan really counterfeit ALL truth?” You can be thinking about that.

When the Words of Yahushua command us to move mountains, could He also be referring to this “sunset deception” as a mountain that must be removed? You see, Satan’s “mountain of meeting” will not commence at the same time as the Creator’s. Why?


Just because Satan was …

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Satan simply is not allowed to sit on

Yah’s mountain (of the mo-edim).

He must create his own counterfeit “mountain”

to place himself upon.

His usurped position has no rights

to any of Yah’s truths!

The sunset commencement is part of Satan’s

“worship mountain.”

Sunset is his designed appointed time,

or his counterfeit, that commences

every mo-ed with darkness, if you will.

Having said that, you must certainly realize that sunset is not his only deceptive counterfeit for the commencement of the Creator’s day. His midnight counterfeit works very well for Rome, of which the civil world does follow today. Here are some other counterfeits:

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In Egyptian worship, Horus is the rising sun, Ra is the noon sun and then Osiris (god of the dead) is the dying or setting sun. (http://reviewofreligions.org/2306/ancient-sun-worship/)

o I would just like you to note here, that the rising sun of Horus is a very close counterfeit to the dawn commencement. It is true there are some Sabbatarians that do honour “sunrise” rather than “sunset.” This was also the case in the days of our pioneers.

o The “noon sun” of the god Ra relates to “evening” – as noon is the beginning of “evening” or the first part of the “going down of the sun” once it passes the meridian. And, once again it is true, there are some Sabbatarians that honour the commencement of the day at noon, because of its alignment to one of the Hebrew definitions of “evening.”

o The “dying or setting sun” of Osiris relates directly to the sunset commencement that so many Sabbatarians honour around the world. This counterfeit seems to be the most popular even though it represents death and dying, rather than “light and life.”


Other Counterfeits

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He is not limited to just one counterfeit. Therefore, it only stands to reason that when investigating the day-start counterfeit, there’s certainly going to be more than one. These presentations are committed to exposing the fact that sunset is a huge counterfeit – especially for most Sabbatarians. It absolutely holds no place of truth in the creation week, especially when we know there wasn’t even a sun in the sky until the 4th day. (But, we’ll deal with that issue in the Gen 1 study.)


Satan has many counterfeits

for every Torah Truth.

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It is time now to examine Biblical Patterns. There are many Biblical Patterns that not only teach truths, but give complete clarity – sometimes in areas of incredible confusion. Many of us have not been taught to look for these patterns. However, they are a very useful tool in the study of Scripture. I believe that we have been handicapped in this area. Biblical patterns repeat for the purpose of instruction in a simple easy fashion. In fact, many of you know that the Hebrew language is cyclical – not linear as all other languages. By cyclical, I mean that there is repetition in many things (or patterns). One example is … Patterns in history open our understanding of future unfulfilled prophecy. The Book of Daniel is filled with patterns that repeat and repeat and repeat. This repetition brings simplicity and clarity to Daniel’s prophecies – exactly what they mean, and exactly where timelines belong. This is just a simple example of patterns that can be found in prophecies.

2. Biblical Patterns

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3. Patterns in the Bible Testimonies

Next, let’s look at Patterns in the Bible Testimonies.

Many of us have been taught the lessons of the Bible Testimonies, (or the Bible stories) every week in church since we were very young. Every Bible story is unique in many ways. As children, we may have only realized how God protected and provided for His followers. But, how long has it taken for many of us to realize that these precious Bible stories contain so much more than “just a good story, which we believe to be true”?

I’m sure each one of you must know that these Bible stories also teach principles of the Torah Laws, how the statutes and judgments were woven into the everyday lives of the Bible characters. Basically, these stories are illustrations through real-life experiences of the patriarchs, prophets and people – demonstrating to us as the readers - how God’s Law was to govern “fair and square” in every area of their lives, be it work, pleasure, business, health, or worship.


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David & Bathsheba


As an example, we can look at the story of King David and Bathsheba. Basically, David stole a woman that did not belong to him. His cover-up plan was unveiled by the prophet Nathan through the simple illustration of a poor man losing his one and only sheep to a rich shepherd. And you know the story of how David realized just which shepherd he represented. But, yes, the story teaches more than just the basic details of what had happened and the exposure of David’s sins. David knew that he would have to “give back” what was stolen. As a result, according to Torah Law, David knew Bathsheba’s child would be taken from him. That was the beginning of the “pay-back price.” However, when stealing, the Torah Laws not only say you have to “return” what you have stolen, but you also must pay 4 times more, to restore what was violated in order to obtain total restoration and restitution. Of course, we see this same principle again in the story of Zacchaeus.

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When we recognize that these simple Bible Testimonies have many other truths to teach us in many other areas, they begin to come alive, teaching us through simple every-day experiences of the people living before and after the cross. Because this is the case, should we not expect the Bible Testimonies to also uphold the Creation day-start? By all means, yes! Thus far, we have found about 35-40 Bible Testimonies (from both the OT and NT) that uphold each new day beginning with dawn, rather than with sunset. Every day of the week begins the same way – not just the work days. The Exodus 16 story on the quail and the first arrival of the manna upholds the weekly Sabbath as beginning at dawn just like the previous six work days. (One note of interest … this is four chapters before the Law is spoken from Mt Sinai.)

Bible Stories Teach Torah Truth

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In fact, these questions should be asked: 1. “If creation’s day-start was not found in any of the

Bible stories, would it really be that important?” 2. “If there is no support for God’s original covenant

of when the day begins in and through the experiences of His people, then would we not have to wonder why?”

However, there is no such problem in the Scriptures. We have been blessed with ample evidence through simple Bible stories that are easy to read and understand. They always support creation’s day-start with “dawn” – not sunset. They are incredible witnesses and should not be discounted!

Questions to be asked …

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4. Learn How To Discover Patterns


Discovering this pattern of the day-start in the Bible stories has been a blessing. That is why I have chosen to show you in our last two study sessions some simple Bible stories – because they uphold this Torah Law or creation covenant and institution of the “commencement of the day” which specifically affects the “commencement of every Sabbath.” You owe it to yourself to ask the question that “IF you cannot find sunset as the commencement of the day in these Bible Testimonies, then why not?” That leads to the next challenge which is – then how can we believe that “sunset” or “evening” is the beginning of the 24 hour cycle day in Gen 1? In conclusion: the Bible Testimonies must uphold all Torah Truths, including the commencement of the day! Next, let’s examine … Patterns in the Week of Creation

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We have not looked at Gen 1 yet, but I submit to you the following is the pattern you will find in the Creation Week:

1. In a 24 hour cycle, the Day Season came first. It is designated as the time for “work” on the first 6 days.

We have no record of God preforming His “creative work” during the dark night hours.

2. The night hours were designed for rest … after the work of the day.

That is the pattern for the first 6 days of creation.


4a. Creation Pattern for Work Days

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The basic pattern repeats for the rest day of the 7th day Sabbath:

1. Worship during the Day Season;

2. Rest during the Night Season.

(However, there are some other patterns we must also examine.)


4b. Creation Pattern for Worship Days

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I know there are some that believe this:

1. The mandate for the 6 work days is given as: 1st - work during the Light Season and – 2nd – rest during the following Night Season … in THAT order. (This is the perfect creation order.)

2. But for the Sabbath Day on the 7th cycle of the week, everything changes to: rest 1st on a Night Season, then – 2nd – worship on the following Day Season. The Night Season is taken away from the Preparation Cycle, shortening it to half a cycle – thus breaking the creation week pattern.


Sunset Counterfeit Scrambles the 6th Day Cycle

4c. Sunset Counterfeit Destroys Creation Pattern for the 6th & 7th Days

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Not only does the sunset counterfeit destroy the Creation pattern for the Preparation Day cycle, but look what happens to the 1st Day cycle when all is said and done.

1. The 7th Day borrowed the Night Season from the 6th cycle, ending the 24 hours at sunset on Sabbath.

2. The Night Season that follows the Sabbath sunset is given to Sunday. Sunday is considered a work day with a rest that follows. Therefore, Sunday has now inherited an extra Night Season for a total of 36 hours to adjust for the original problem so everything can get back to normal for Monday!


Sunset Counterfeit Destroys Creation Pattern for the 6th & 7th Days

4d. Sunset Counterfeit Destroys Creation Pattern for the 7th & 1st Days

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I have not found any Scriptural basis to change the order of the Day Season and the Night Season so the Sabbath can begin its cycle to “rest first during the Night Season” then “worship second during the following Day Season.” There is only one pattern given in the Scriptures – not two!

If there were two patterns each week, then the Friday Day Season of work, would not be followed with a Night Season of rest. Why? Because the sunset that ushers in the twilight and Night Season (that really belongs to the Preparation cycle) is given to the weekly rest day.

Does this sound like confusion?


Scriptural Basis for Man’s Change

Through Adopting Sunset?

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Remember, the problem is complicated even more with the Night Season that follows the Sabbath Day Season of worship. Again, consider these facts:

1. This Night Season obviously doesn’t belong to the Sabbath Day cycle once the 24 hours are completed.

2. And … if the Night Season is given to the 1st cycle of the week (Sunday), then how is it that Sunday receives 2 night cycles – one at either side of the Day Season adding up to a complete cycle containing 36 hours?

3. Here’s another challenge: Where do we find in the Scriptures permission to tamper with the positions of the Night Season – re-arranging some Night Seasons - thus violating the day-start institution set forth at creation?


Reviewing the Complications

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Please keep those points in mind for when we open the study on the Creation Week. Next we want to examine some …

Before we talk about counterfeit patterns, we need to establish some facts about the enemy.

1. Does Satan counterfeit some of God’s truth?

2. Does Satan counterfeit most of God’s truth? Or …

3. Does Satan counterfeit ALL of God’s truth?

I believe 100% that Satan has counterfeited every single truth in the Holy Scriptures.

Some counterfeits are glaring – like purgatory.

Some counterfeits are so deceiving it’s almost impossible to uncover the error – IF we are not diligent students of the WORD. (The day-start is a prime example of this.)

While the above points may sound like silly questions, the answers will lead us into understanding something very important about the commencement of any day, including the Sabbath.


5. Counterfeit Patterns

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1. If the day-start really does begin at sunset, then Satan has not counterfeited ALL truth?

2. IF the day-start really begins with the dawn twilight, then we must be on the search to find Satan’s counterfeit for it. (I know of 5 counterfeits that are common, with sunset taking the lead.)

3. If sunset is a counterfeit, then don’t you think we should find out what the truth is of this serious matter?

4. What makes us think, and/or believe, that Satan would NOT counterfeit the commencement for God’s Holy worship days, whether it be the weekly Sabbath, or annual Sabbaths?

5. Now we are back to question #1 … If the day-start really does begin with sunset, then why has Satan not counterfeited this teaching?

Friends, the truth of the matter is this: Satan is definitely going to counterfeit anything and everything he can that has to do with our worship of the True Creator. This all started in heaven, before the creation of this earth. His jealousy was over the worship being given to THE Creator of all things. He coveted this worship – including the LIGHT of DAWN. Remember – he used to be the Light Bearer named Lucifer!


More Questions to Ponder?

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Establishing Old Facts


OK, we are now going to establish some facts that you all know about. This will be nothing new, but I hope you will organize these facts in such a way that you can see what the enemy has been up to for 1000s of years.

We will address the issues that surround us right now … basically the counterfeits as demonstrated in the Papal Roman Kingdom.

I will be comparing some Biblical Patterns with Rome’s counterfeit patterns for you to discern the deception that has been before our eyes for a very long time, yet we have failed to “see” the problem. You may wonder just why have we not seen these problems before?

I submit to you it is because we have NOT been “hearing the WORD” as we should. Let’s begin:

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Established Facts #1 & #2

1. Papal Rome counterfeits the 7th Day Sabbath with worship on the 1st day of the week.

2. Papal Rome says: The civil week has 7 days. You are commanded to rest the first day, then work the following 6 days.

a. The Bible says in Ex 20:8-10 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:

b. In summary, the Bible says … in order to honour the weekly Sabbath, you are to labour six days FIRST, THEN rest.


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Established Fact #3

3. Papal Rome says: The commencement of every day begins at midnight on the day before. Therefore, the Sunday rest day begins at midnight of Saturday night. This is the darkest part of the 24 hour cycle. Papal Rome begins her rest day with pitch darkness! (Who is honoured in this way except the prince of darkness?)

a. Although we have not studied Gen 1 yet, the Bible says in Gen 1:3 “Let there be light.” “Evening” and “night” are not mentioned until verse 5. The Creator’s days begin with LIGHT every day of the week. “Evening” and “night” follow the LIGHT season – in THAT order.

b. We all know right now (and will soon discover through Hebrew definitions) that the evening is a MIXTURE of “light” and the oncoming “darkness of night.” This is easy to understand by just looking outside your window. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE EVENING APPEAR FIRST, IF LIGHT DID NOT PRECEED IT! (We will discuss this in great detail in the Gen 1 study.)

c. Therefore, the weekly Sabbath also begins with LIGHT. i. 1 John 1:5 says: This then is the message which we have heard of him, and

declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. Compare this to the counterfeit of DARKNESS:

ii. Eph 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.

iii. Rev 16:10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness.


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Established Fact #4

4. Allow me to repeat ………….. Papal Rome says: The commencement of every day begins at midnight on the day before -- in darkness.

a. Sunset Sabbatarians say: God’s weekly worship day on Sabbath begins the day before at sunset where the darkness is ushered in.

b. Question: Do you see how the sunset commencement for Sabbath aligns very closely with Rome’s commencement for their unholy Sunday? Both support darkness!!!

c. Would God ever allow His Torah Truths to align that closely with Satan’s counterfeits?


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Established Fact #5

Oh friends, just considering a few of the facts that have been before our very eyes from the Papal beast of Rome should be enough to send up all kinds of red flags about sunset commencement. Remember, we asked the question about Satan counterfeiting ALL of God’s truths. Because sunset commencement and midnight commencement both align with darkness more than LIGHT, we should have figured this out a long time ago that neither are divine institutions! We should have realized that sunset is indeed a very clever, sneaky counterfeit.

But we didn’t! Why? Because we have been taught that the Jews know when Sabbath begins and when Sabbath ends, and surely they should know, since they were the keepers of God’s Holy Oracles. These “words” planted seeds of error in our belief system. Look at the harvest we have had to reap because of our negligence. Somewhere along the way we forgot that the Jews have clung to a multitude of traditions that have no alignment with Scripture whatsoever.


Just for comparison, allow me to give one more example. 5. Papal Rome says the new year begins Jan 1 – only 11

days after the darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.

a. According to the Scriptures, God’s new year begins in the spring (for the religious calendar of feasts and festivals), with equal day and night, or shall I say, equal light and equal night!? (Even the civil calendar of the Jews is closely connected to the Fall equinox – once again, equal LIGHT and NIGHT. We know the first celebration is Feast of Trumpets on the 1st cycle of the 7th month.)

b. In fact, it’s not much of a stretch of our imagination to see that Papal Rome is indeed consistently connecting her timing of the day - and the year - to “darkness” – whereas, God connects His timing of the “day” and the “year” to “light.”

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See Any Red Flags Yet?

Oh friends, just considering a few of the facts that have been before our very eyes from the Papal beast of Rome should be enough to send up all kinds of red flags about sunset commencement. Remember, we asked the question about Satan counterfeiting ALL of God’s truths. Because sunset commencement and midnight commencement both align with darkness more than LIGHT, we should have figured this out a long time ago that neither are divine institutions! We should have realized that sunset is indeed a very clever, sneaky counterfeit.

But we didn’t! Why? Because we have been taught that the Jews know when Sabbath begins and when Sabbath ends, and surely they should know, since they were the keepers of God’s Holy Oracles! These “words” planted seeds of error in our belief system. Look at the harvest we have been reaping because of our negligence. Somewhere along the way we forgot that the Jews have clung to a multitude of traditions that have no alignment with Scripture whatsoever. Sunset is definitely one of these traditions!


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Is it true what Jer 16:19 has to say?

“Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.”

(Timeframe is approx. 601 BC – some of the Jews were already taken captive to Babylon.)


Words From Jeremiah

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Ten chapters earlier in Jer 6:16-19, we read:

16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

17 Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.

18 Therefore hear, ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them.

19 Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, … because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it.


More Words From Jeremiah

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The timeframe is approximately 612 BC, just before the first batch of Jews were taken to Babylon. But, you can easily see they already had a mindset that was stubborn and disobedient!

God did not bring evil on this people intentionally. The “evil” was a direct consequence of their deliberate disobedience. They received what their words asked for! The seed of their words produced a harvest that was not good.

Surely we do not want to repeat this pattern, do we?!


Timeframe for Jeremiah 6

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All truth passes through three stages: First it is ridiculed;

Second it is violently opposed, and Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

(Arthur Schopenhauer – Philosopher)


Something to Think About

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We are now ready for a short break of about 30 minutes to answer any questions before we take time to examine one or two more Bible Testimonies. They include: the 8th Egyptian Plague of the Locusts, and the Red Sea Crossing. Both of these stories once again honour the commencement of the day with LIGHT – not sunset.

I have planned to also examine next week - the Manna Week of Ex 16 and Ruth’s reply to Naomi after gleaning in the barley field before we delve into Gen 1. I believe that we will be well prepared to open this awesome study in October, after the meetings for Feast of Tabernacles are concluded.


Conclusion for Introduction

Question Time For

This Introduction

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Contact Information for

Questions & Comments Main Writer:

Timothy Astleford (Alberta, Canada)

Email: [email protected]

Editing & Narration:

Richard & Charlene Fortsch (BC, Canada)

Email: [email protected]

5 Sept 2015

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We are thrilled that you desire to join us in the restoration of Yahuah’s Word and we encourage you to freely use this Power Point series and/or Dawn studies for this cause. We will gladly assist you in any way possible. There are also approximately 36 separate Bible studies available explicitly on the Dawn start of Yahuah’s days.

The Power Points will also be available with the use of Sacred Names upon request.

We do have one small request: If you will please notify us of the usages so that we are prepared to answer emails or calls, this will assist us in tracking the progress, and most importantly, address the effectiveness of the Power Points and/or studies. All comments and suggestions are welcome. Thank you!