What is a marketing campaign?

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What is a marketingcampaign?

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A Marketing Campaign is….

Marketing Campaign is a form or promotion within the film industry. Film studios will invest in expensive marketing campaigns to maximise revenue early in the release cycle. Marketing budgets tend to equal anywhere between half or three times the production budget. Publicity is generally handled by the distributor and exhibitions.

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What factors do you look for in a film? Good and interesting cinematography- 3D, more creative camera work the more interesting the film.

An exciting plot- you want the films plot to come across it to be exciting and story that grabs the audience straight away. Emotional engagement to the audiences. Story that is new and exciting gains imagination, so you don’t get bored.

A good leading cast- This can play an important part in gaining audiences if they are well known actors and actresses viewers will be more compelled to watch it, knowing the acting will be at a high standard. Audiences gain favourite actors/actresses therefore if there is a film with them in they are more likely to go see them purely based just on the actor.

A film that gives you something to think about? – important to gain a response of a perspective, this may be caused by issues within society or social issues.

Soundtrack- Music that makes the film memorable, music that helps create the mood of the scenes helps audiences relate and understand, feel raw emotions.

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Different types of marketing

Trailers- a huge part of marketing a film, described as a mainstay of promotion, targeting movie goers everywhere. There to add maximum appeal in only two and a half minutes. FILM POSTERS there tends to be a varied amount of posters and they way they are presented, scattered around different places within cities, as well as paid advertisements in newspapers etc.

Promotional tour- when the actors or actresses and directors take part in interviews across the media, this may be through the television, radio etc.

Viral Video’s- distribution of the trailer. Links to blogs and emails to help promote the film, creation of the film based websites. INTERNET MARKETING paid advertisements online help broadcast the film, this is called social media marketing.

Merchandising- comes in different in forms example co-advertising example Aston martin associated with James Bond a product related to the film. The products help promote the bond films or competitions entice the public.