What Did He Know? by Mary Lombard

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7/30/2019 What Did He Know? by Mary Lombard

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L c r y H o l a c r e

T G C U E @ E G F I M O T ?

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Bopyr`dgt © Lcry H o l a c r e

Ugf r`dgt oj Lcry Holacre `m to af `efmt`j`fe cs cutgor oj 

tg`s wori gcs affm cssfrtfe ay gfr `m cbborecmbf w`tg sfbt`om 44

cme 47 oj tgf Bopyr`dgt( Efs`dms cme [ctfmts Cbt 3077-

Chh r`dgts rfsfrvfe- Mo pcrt oj tg`s puah`bct`om lcy af rfproeubfe(storfe `m c rftr`fvch systfl( or trcmsl`ttfe `m cmy jorl or ay cmy

lfcms( fhfbtrom`b( lfbgcm`bch( pgotobopy`md( rfbore`md( or 

otgfrw`sf( w`tgout tgf pr`or pfrl`ss`om oj tgf puah`sgfrs-

Cmy pfrsom wgo boll`ts cmy umcutgor`zfe cbt `m rfhct`om to tg`s

 puah`bct`om lcy af h`cahf to br`l`mch prosfbut`om cme b`v`h bhc`lsjor eclcdfs-

C B@[ bctchoduf rfbore jor tg`s t`thf `s cvc`hcahf jrol tgf Ar`t`sg


@RAM 0473750:210:: 


J`rst [uah`sgfe '1;32)

Cust`m Lcbcuhfy [uah`sgfrs Hte-

16 Bcmcec Rqucrf

Bcmcry Tgcrj 

HomeomF35 6HA

[r`mtfe * Aoume `m Drfct Ar`tc`m

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Efe`bctfe to ly stfpsom Qcy( ly m`fbf Bcrohf( ly two

Gfhfms cme ly tg`re( Gfhfm Erullome( wgo i`mehy typfe

tgf lcmusbr`pt( cme ly otgfr m`fbf D`hh`cm( wgo fe`tfe tgf


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gfr cmytg`md- Rgf wc`tfe( h`if c mfdhfbtfe h`tthf eod( ct tgfjoot oj tgf wg`tf stfps-

Ugf Bcptc`m( w`tg c jhour`sg( rcmd tgf afhh cme tgfm

 acmdfe tgf imobifr- Ugf eoor wcs opfmfe ay I`tty( tgf pcrhour lc`e( `m gfr mfct ahcbi erfss cme wg`tf( jr`hhfe cprom-

 Mo authfr( tgoudgt tgf Bcptc`m( Qohcme Gcl`htom( aut sgf `s c

m`bf h`tthf p`fbf- Gf dcvf I`tty c w`mm`md sl`hf cme stfppfe`mto tgf gchh( johhowfe ay Nue`tg- Ugfy tooi `m ct c dhcmbf tgf

gchh( w`tg `ts tcstfjuh bcrpft( dohe,jrclfe p`bturfs( rosfwooejurm`turf cme prftty bgcmefh`fr- Zfmmy stooe outs`ef tgf jromt

eoor( umt`h I`tty( w`tg c wcrl sl`hf( tooi gfr gcme cme erfwgfr `ms`ef-

Ugfy wfrf usgfrfe `mto c hcrdf rool w`tg c sojt bcrpft( `m

suaeufe ahufs( dohes cme rfes- I`tty cmmoumbfe tgfl cmeefpcrtfe-

Afs`ef tgf hcrdf bcsflfmt w`meow( w`tg `ts ahuf s`hi burtc`ms( sct Cumt Qosflcry( c slchh j`durf( chlost

fmvfhopfe `m c hcrdf dohe vfhvft crlbgc`r- Rgf gce c rosy

jcbf cme s`hvfr( mfcthy burhfe gc`r- Rgf wcs wfcr`md c homd(hcvfmefr s`hi erfss( w`tg c hcrdf hcbf bohhcr cme c pfcrh

mfbihcbf- Afs`ef gfr om tgf jhoor hcy c st`bi-

Rgf e`e mot r`sf( aut fxtfmefe gfr gcme to Qohcme cme

Nue`tg cme afbiomfe h`tthf Zfmmy to bolf jorwcre- ‘Ro you

crf Zfmft`c#“ sgf sc`e- ‘Ugf drcmebg`he oj ly s`stfr( Lcrtgc-Pou crf vfry h`if gfr wgfm sgf wcs c bg`he(“ sgf sc`e cme

i`ssfe gfr- Zfmmy gce omhy affm i`ssfe afjorf ay gfr jctgfr(wgfm gf wcs erumi- Ugf sojt h`ps cme jc`mt jrcdrcmbf oj Cumt

Qosflcry‟s jcbf powefr cme gc`r dcvf gfr c womefrjuh

`lprfss`om( wg`bg sgf bouhe mot efj`mf- Ct hcst( sgf jfhtwcmtfe-

Cumt Qosflcry gce motfe tgf Bcptc`m‟s h`lp cme st`bi cme tgct Zfmmy h`lpfe too cme sgf bollfmtfe om tgf hcttfr-

‘Og( sgf `s omhy sgow`md ojj(“ sc`e Nue`tg- ‘Rgf h`ifs to bopygfr jctgfr-“ Cumt Qosflcry hooife ct gfr cme Zfmmy- 

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Bouhe tg`s h`tthf sbrcp( qu`ft cme suaeufe( chlost hooi`md 

cs `j sgf wfrf jr`dgtfmfe( rfchhy af sgow`md ojj? sgf


Afs`ef Cumt Qosflcry( gcrehy mot`bfe ay Qohcme cmeNue`tg( stooe Mfhh`f( bhce `m ahcbi( wgol Qosflcry

`mtroeubfe cs gfr jr`fme cme pfrsomch lc`e- Mfhh`f aowfe gfr 

gfce cme Qohcme cme Nue`tg moeefe `m rfturm-

 Mfhh`f rcmd c afhh cme sullomfe I`tty-

‘I`tty w`hh sgow you to your rools(“ sc`e Qosflcry(

‘cme wf sgchh tgfm gcvf tfc gfrf( `m tgf ercw`md rool-“ Rgf suddfstfe tgct Zfmmy bouhe stcy afg`me jor c

lolfmt w`tg gfr- Cs tgfy hfjt tgf rool( Qosflcry hooife ct Mfhh`f- ‘Rgow`md ojj?“ sgf sc`e- 

 Mfhh`f rfph`fe( ‘@ tg`mi Zfmmy gcs outdrowm gfr sgofs-Ugfy hooi lubg too t`dgt to lf- @ tg`mi sgf gcs outdrowm gfr 

bhotgfs too-“ 

Uo gfrsfhj sgf sc`e( ‘Ugf lotgfr sffls rfcsomcahy wfhh


Rgf tooi ojj Zfmmy‟s sgofs- Zfmmy‟s jfft jfht tgfsojtmfss oj tgf tg`bi bcrpft- @t wcs ah`ssjuh# Rgf sl`hfe jor tgf

j`rst t`lf- ‘Ugcmi you(“ sgf sc`e sgyhy- 

Vpstc`rs( tgf Bcptc`m survfyfe tgf`r aferool- @m `t stooec jour,postfr afe( w`tg efh`bctf rosf,bohourfe burtc`ms cme crosf,bohourfe afesprfce- Chh tgf jurm`turf wcs `m fxbfhhfmttcstf cme tgf actgrool wcs mfcray-

‘Tomefrjuh#“ sc`e tgf Bcptc`m- ‘Cme to tg`mi( wgfm tgfohe d`rh pcssfs om( tg`s w`hh chh af ours( cs you crf gfr mfcrfst


Rf`z`md g`s w`jf roume tgf wc`st( gf e`e c h`tthf tw`rh cmetgfy bohhcpsfe( hcudg`md( om tgf afe-

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 [ftrodrce  ‒ 3033

‘Bolf om# Tf lust do to tgf H`tfrcturmcyc Bhua# Chh tgf

`mtfhhfbtuchs( wr`tfrs cme crt`sts do tgfrf- @t `s vfry phfcscmt(

`m c acsflfmt- Tf bcm gcvf tfc( bojjff or w`mf tgfrf- Og( eo

bolf# @ gcvf c jr`fme tgfrf#“ 

Ugf spfcifr( Ictyc( c tchh( jc`r,gc`rfe Quss`cm d`rh( gce c phfcscmt( sl`h`md jcbf- Rgf wcs ceerfss`md gfr jr`fme(Zchfmt`mc- Aotg wfrf s`xtffm,yfcr,ohe sbgoohd`rhs-

Zchfmt`mc gfs`tctfe( tg`mi`md oj gfr stue`fs( aut sff`md

gfr jr`fme‟s fxb`tfe jcbf( sgf cdrffe to do- 

Room tgfy wfrf efsbfme`md tgf stfps to tgf Bhua- @ms`ef `twcs wcrl cme tgfrf wcs c phfcscmt gul oj vo`bfs- Zcr`ous pfophf oj chh cdfs wfrf s`tt`md w`tg er`mis oj e`jjfrfmt i`mes

wg`bg wfrf om tgf slchh tcahfs `m jromt oj tgfl- Ugfy hooifeup cs tgf two d`rhs sgyhy fmtfrfe- Omf oj tgf stcjj drfftfe

tgfl cme tooi tgf`r bocts- Ugfy wfrf joume c sfct cme wfrf

soom gcmefe bups oj bojjff-

Ictyc‟s jr`fme( c stuefmt( s`tt`md om tgf otgfr s`ef oj tgfrool( rfbodm`sfe tgfl cme cpprocbgfe tgfl- Zchfmt`mc cme

Ictyc aotg rosf( gohe`md tgf`r bojjff bups( cme wfrf drfft`md

tgf`r jr`fme wgfm sueefmhy tgfrf wcs c houe `mtfrrupt`om-

Rolf bcvchry sohe`frs( `m juhh erfss um`jorl( w`tg

bh`mi`md spurs( gce aurst `mto tgf rool- Chh wfrf erumi- Ugf`r hfcefr( rfsphfmefmt `m c j`mf um`jorl( wcs c tchh( jorl`ecahfj`durf-

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Gf worf c homd ncbift( tgf uppfr gchj ahuf cme tgf howfr rfe( fedfe w`tg dohe arc`e- G`s fpcuhfttfs wfrf rfe( ahuf cme

dohe- G`s trousfrs wfrf ahuf( w`tg dohe arc`e`md- Gf worf c

hcrdf( ahcbi jur gct( w`tg c rfe browm-Omf oj tgf erumifm brfw hurbgfe cdc`mst Zchfmt`mc(

wgosf bojjff sgot ovfr tg`s hfcefr oj tgf droup( c bfrtc`m

Bcptc`m @dcrov-

Gf turmfe cme drcaafe Zchfmt`mc ay gfr caumecmt arowm

gc`r( puhh`md gfr scvcdfhy acbi-

‘@ bouhe sh`bf ojj tgf crl oj cmyomf wgo efsfbrctfe tgfUscr‟s um`jorl(“ gf smcrhfe- 

‘@ cl sorry(“ stcllfrfe Zchfmt`mc- ‘Rolfomf aulpfe`mto lf#“ 

Rueefmhy( @dcrov wcs cwcrf oj gow prftty sgf wcs( w`tggfr hcrdf( ecri cppfch`md fyfs cme jrfsg bolphfx`om-

Gf eflcmefe gfr mclf- Uoo sgobife to h`f( sgf sc`e(‘Zchfmt`mc [cvhovc Chfxcmerovmc-“ 

‘Mot( ay cmy bgcmbf( tgf ecudgtfr oj Er- [cvfh

Chfxcmerov( tgf eobtor `m tgf hobch gosp`tch?“ gf csife- 

Zchfmt`mc rfph`fe tgct sgf wcs-

‘Mo t`lf mow(“ gf sc`e- ‘Tf crf do`md om lcmofuvrfs

tolorrow- Tgfm @ bolf acbi( @ sgchh j`me you cme gcvf lyrfvfmdf-“ 

Dhcmb`md ct tgf shffvf oj g`s tum`b( gf sc`e( ‘Gll( omhybojjff- T`mf wouhe gcvf affm gcrefr to rflovf- Hubi`hy @

gcvf c spcrf um`jorl-“ 

Gcv`md swfpt tgf cssflahfe dufsts w`tg c w`tgfr`md(

smffr`md dhcmbf( gf shcppfe cmotgfr oj tgf dufsts( cm fhefrhy projfssor( cbross tgf jcbf w`tg g`s dhovfs( cme w`tg cswffp`md dfsturf( gf `me`bctfe to g`s erumifm brfw tgct tgfy

sgouhe efpcrt-

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‘Ro,bchhfe `mtfhhfbtuchs#“ gf hcudgfe( cme lcef g`s fx`tw`tg g`s lfm( pusg`md pfophf roudghy out oj g`s wcy-

Zchfmt`mc stooe trflah`md- Rgf afddfe Ictyc to hfcvf

w`tg gfr- Rgci`md( Ictyc cdrffe( upsft tgct tgf`r bol`md gce affm so erfcejuhhy spo`ht cme Zchfmt`mc so sp`tfjuhhy trfctfe-

‘Tgct c arutf#“ fxbhc`lfe Ictyc- Zchfmt`mc bouhe omhysoa cs tgfy hfjt-

Ct golf( sgf tohe gfr pcrfmts wgct gce gcppfmfe-

Ugfy h`stfmfe `m gorr`j`fe s`hfmbf- Gfr jctgfr pchfe-

‘Ugct lust gcvf affm Bcptc`m @dcrov# Gf `s c arutf# @

gcvf ojtfm gce to trfct g`s sohe`frs( wgo gcvf affm chlost

 afctfm to efctg- Uwo oj tgfl e`e e`f- Gf `s c lurefrfr( csce`st`b lcelcm# Gf w`hh bolf cjtfr you( Zchfmt`mc( cme

Doe imows wgct gf w`hh eo# Pou lust do cwcy#“  

‘Cwcy?“ fbgofe g`s w`jf- ‘Tgfrf? Pou imow vfry wfhh

tgct chh our rfhct`vfs crf efce fxbfpt ly poor arotgfr @vcm(fx`hfe to R`afr`c-“ Rgf brossfe gfrsfhj( tg`mi`md oj g`l

jrffz`md to efctg( so jcr cwcy- ‘Pou imow chh oj tgfl e`fe `mtgf typgus fp`efl`b- Pfs( tgfrf `s ohe Cumt`f Qfmc( aut sgf `stoo jrc`h to bopf#“ 

‘Ug`s `s c lcttfr oj h`jf cme efctg(“ sc`e gfr gusacme-

‘Rgf lust dft r`dgt cwcy- @ gcvf c trustfe stcjj aut @ bcmmot

r`si csi`md cmy oj tgfl to sgfhtfr gfr-“ 

Gf tgoudgt jor c lolfmt-

‘@ w`hh tfhh tgf efv`h sgf `s efce cme @ w`hh csi tgf Fmdh`sg

Bcptc`m Ahcif( wgosf bcrdo sg`p `s `m tgf gcraour( to j`me cwcy to dft gfr to Fmdhcme- @ cl g`s jr`fme cme @ gcvf pctbgfe

up sfvfrch oj g`s brfw( wgo gce l`mor or lcnor `mnur`fs-“ 

‘Tgct?“ fxbhc`lfe g`s w`jf- ‘Pou lfcm to sfme gfr cwcy to Fmdhcme? Tf lcy mfvfr sff gfr cdc`m# Rgf hovfs us(

cme El`tr`( gfr omhy arotgfr- Gow bouhe you tg`mi wf bouhe af pcrtfe?“ 

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‘Afh`fvf lf(“ sc`e gfr gusacme( ‘@ imow g`l- Gf `sv`me`bt`vf- Gf w`hh gcvf g`s wcy w`tg Zchfmt`mc cme tgfm

gcvf gfr qu`fthy e`sposfe oj- Cs @ sc`e( fvfry wffi @ gcvf to

trfct solf poor umjortumctf gf gcs afctfm or worife toefctg- Gf `s c lurefrfr#“ 

Ct hcst( `m sp`tf oj tgf soas oj g`s w`jf cme Zchfmt`mc cme

El`tr`‟s protfsts ‒ cme g`s owm gfcrtarfci  ‒ Er- Chfxcmerovdot `m toubg w`tg Bcptc`m Ahcif cme ojjfrfe g`l c hcrdf sul

oj lomfy to tcif Zchfmt`mc to Fmdhcme( `m g`s sg`p ‘UgfQfh`cmt“- 

Bcptc`m Ahcif( cppchhfe( eflurrfe- ‘Ugct `s `lposs`ahf# @imow ly lfm bcm af trustfe( aut tg`s `s cdc`mst Bolpcmy

ruhfs- @ bcm‟t tcif your lomfy- Tgct w`hh sgf eo `m Fmdhcme?

Bcm sgf spfci Fmdh`sg?“ 

‘Ucif `t( phfcsf(“ phfcefe tgf eobtor-

Ct hcst( Bcptc`m Ahcif prol`sfe to sluddhf gfr om aocre(

 aut gf sc`e( ‘Nust d`vf lf c h`tthf lomfy to gfhp lf j`me solfsgfhtfr jor gfr `m Fmdhcme-“ 

Cjtfr c tfcrjuh jcrfwfhh( Zchfmt`mc hfjt gfr gfcrtaroifm pcrfmts cme gfr efcr arotgfr( El`tr`- Erfssfe `m cs lcmy

bhotgfs cs poss`ahf( w`tg jcl`hy pgotos cme c wce oj lomfybombfchfe `m tgfl( bhosf to gfr gfcrt( sgf bcrr`fe tgf rfst oj 

gfr bhotgfs `m c euj jfh acd- Rgf worf c sc`hor‟s drfctboct cme

c puhhfe eowm gct cme wchife tgf homd wcy chomd tgf eobi to‘Ugf Qfh`cmt“( Bcptc`m Ahcif‟s sg`p- 

Gfrf( w`tg tgf gfhp oj tgf lctf( wgo gce affm hft `mto tgfsfbrft( sgf wcs sluddhfe caocre cme g`eefm umefr c

tcrpcuh`m `m omf oj tgf sg`p‟s h`jfaocts- Cs soom cs tgf sg`pwcs out oj tgf port cme afyome tgf tgrff,l`hf h`l`t( sgf wcs

tcifm to tgf Bcptc`m‟s bca`m( wgfrf sgf tr`fe to shffp- 

@m tgf lorm`md( tgf s`tuct`om wcs fxphc`mfe to tgfcssflahfe brfw- Cstom`sgfe( ct j`rst tgfy e`e mot imow wgct

to tg`mi- Ugfy imfw tgct Bcptc`m Ahcif wcs c gcpp`hy

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lcrr`fe lcm- G`s ojj`bfrs cme solf oj tgf brfw gce lft g`sbgffry( prftty w`jf cme g`s two soms- ‘Tgct `s chh tg`s

caout?“ tgfy womefrfe- 

Ugf Bcptc`m tohe tgfl caout @dcrov cme efb`efe to`mtroeubf Zchfmt`mc to tgf brfw( wgo wfrf chh efbfmt lfm-

Zchfmt`mc cppfcrfe( soaa`md `mto gfr gcmeifrbg`fj(rfch`s`md wgct c strcmdf( ch`fm fmv`romlfmt sgf wcs `m cmehomd`md jor golf- @t wcs fv`efmt to tgf brfw tgct sgf wcs `m c

erfcejuh stctf-

‘Rgf w`hh shffp `m ly bca`m(“ sc`e tgf Bcptc`m( ‘cme @ w`hhlfss w`tg tgf brfw- L`ss Zchfmt`mc w`hh af rfspfbtfe ay chhcme @ w`hh try to crrcmdf gfr sftthflfmt `m Fmdhcme-“ 

Rolf oj tgf brfw( wgo gce affm trfctfe ay Er-

Chfxcmerov( gce gfcre rulours caout Bcptc`m @dcrov jrollflafrs oj tgf Fmdh`sg,spfci`md stcjj ct tgf gosp`tch- Chh

cdrffe to eo cs tgf Bcptc`m orefrfe cme rfspfbt tgf pr`vcby oj 

Zchfmt`mc om aocre-

Om crr`vch `m Fmdhcme( tgf Bcptc`m gce Zchfmt`mc

ojj`b`chhy cbbfptfe cs c rfjudff- Rgf stcyfe ct j`rst w`tg cjr`fme oj tgf Bcptc`m cme tgfm wcs j`xfe up `m c Rchvct`om

Crly gostfh- Rgf tr`fe to hfcrm Fmdh`sg( gfhpfe ay tgf stcjj(cme wcs cm cpt hfcrmfr-

Lfcmwg`hf( Bcptc`m Ahcif( om g`s rfturm to [ftrodrce(tohe gfr pcrfmts sgf wcs ch`vf cme wfhh cme tgct( tgroudg g`l(tgfy wouhe chwcys iffp `m toubg-

Gfr jctgfr gce tohe tgf trustfe stcjj ct tgf gosp`tch tgct

Zchfmt`mc( wgol tgfy gce imowm s`mbf sgf wcs c toeehfr(

v`s`t`md tgf gosp`tch w`tg gfr jctgfr( gce gce to do cwcy- Gftohe tgfl caout Bcptc`m @dcrov cme tgfy wfrf tohe( `j gf

bclf to tgf gosp`tch( to tfhh @dcrov tgct sgf gce e`fe jrolcppfme`b`t`s- Ug`s tgfy cdrffe to eo-

Uwo wffis cjtfr gfr efpcrturf( @dcrov( cs fxpfbtfe(

crr`vfe ct tgf eobtor‟s gousf( eflcme`md to sff Zchfmt`mc-

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Ugf eobtor( w`tg c drfct sgow oj dr`fj( wg`bg wcs dfmu`mf( csgf tgoudgt oj g`s afhovfe ecudgtfr( so jcr cwcy( `mjorlfe tgf

Bcptc`m oj gfr efctg jrol cppfme`b`t`s-

‘Tgct? Pou( c eobtor( wouhe mot scvf gfr? @ eom‟t afh`fvf you- @ w`hh j`me gfr#“ 

@dcrov lcef g`s wcy to tgf gosp`tch- Gfrf( tgf stcjj( w`tgsce jcbfs( sc`e sgf gce e`fe jrol c rupturfe cppfme`x cmetgfy bouhe eo motg`md to scvf gfr-

E`sdrumthfe( tgf Bcptc`m lcef ojj cjtfr lci`md nffr`md

rflcris caout tgf stcjj cme Er- Chfxcmerov‟s umcbbfptcahf`mbcpca`h`ty-

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Ugf v`bcr oj c mortgfrm pcr`sg( Nos`cg Lureobg( pcusfe jor c

lolfmt outs`ef g`s ecudgtfr‟s aferool eoor- Rgf wcs to aflcrr`fe tgf mfxt ecy- Gf gfs`tctfe-

Rgouhe gf do `m w`tg c wore oj jctgfrhy cev`bf? Mo( g`s

w`jf wouhe gcvf tohe gfr oj gfr w`jfhy eut`fs- Nue`tg( g`secudgtfr( wcs proacahy cshffp ay mow( erfcl`md oj tgf mfxt

ecy‟s jfst`v`t`fs- 

Rueefmhy( gf gfcre c st`jhfe hcudg cme tgf soume oj c

lcm‟s vo`bf jrol w`tg`m tgf aferool- Ugumefrstrubi( g`sjcbf afbclf sujjusfe w`tg ahooe- Jur`oushy( gf jhumd opfmtgf aferool eoor( to sff g`s ecudgtfr `m tgf crls oj gfr 

gusacme,to,af( Bcptc`m Qohcme Gcl`htom 'Qohho to g`sjr`fmes)-

‘Tgct `s tg`s?“ gf rcdfe- ‘Vmefr ly rooj# Gow ecrf

you?“ Gf stoppfe( spffbghfss w`tg rcdf-

‘Jctgfr(“ sc`e Nue`tg( ‘wgct eofs `t lcttfr? Tf crf to af

lcrr`fe tolorrow#“ 

‘Tgct eofs `t lcttfr?“ rocrfe tgf v`bcr- ‘Chh ly h`jf @

gcvf prfcbgfe cdc`mst jorm`bct`om cme sfx afjorf lcrr`cdf-“'Gf bouhe acrfhy uttfr tgf wore ”sfx‟-) ‘Dft out# Pou crf mo

ecudgtfr oj l`mf#“ Gf stclpfe to tgf wcreroaf( sf`z`md gfr 

wfee`md erfss wg`bg wcs om c gcmdfr om tgf eoor( r`pp`md `t`m g`s jury( cme( p`bi`md up gfr su`tbcsf( pcbife rfcey jor tgf

gomfyloom( gf tgrfw aotg tgroudg tgf opfm w`meow-

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Rf`z`md tgf Bcptc`m‟s bhotgfs wg`bg wfrf hy`md om tgfjhoor( gf tgfm tgrfw tgfl out `m tgf sclf wcy-

Ugf sgout`md gce crousfe tgf wgohf gousfgohe- Ugf

sfrvcmts( browefe todftgfr( w`tmfssfe Nue`tg cme Qohhoflfrdf `m tgf`r m`dgtbhotgfs- Ugfy chrfcey imfw tgct Nue`tg(

wgo hooife eowm upom tgfl( gce gce gfr mobturmch v`s`tor 

lorf tgcm ombf( aut out oj rfspfbt jor tgf v`bcr cme g`s dfmthfw`jf( gce sc`e motg`md- Rolf sm`ddfrfe( cs tgfy wctbgfe tgf

 pc`r af`md pusgfe eowm tgf stc`rs ay tgf v`bcr-

Ugf rfvfrfme‟s t`l`e w`jf( Lcrtgc( bhutbgfe gfr 

gusacme‟s shffvf- ‘Gow bouhe you eo tg`s to your owmecudgtfr? Ug`mi oj tgf sbcmech#“ 

‘Rbcmech?“ sgoutfe tgf v`bcr- ‘Ugf wgohf v`hhcdf wfhh

imows tgct @ cl c lcm oj pr`mb`phf# @ prcbt`sf wgct @ prfcbg#Af qu`ft( wolcm# Rgf `s mo homdfr c ecudgtfr oj l`mf#“ 

Ecsg`md pcst tgf doddh`md sfrvcmts( Nue`tg cme Qohho jhfe

outs`ef( p`bi`md up tgf`r bhotgfs cme erfss`md gurr`fehy- @twcs bohe cme l`sty-

Dftt`md `mto Qohho‟s U,Jore( Nue`tg sg`vfrfe cs gf swumdtgf stcrt`md gcmehf- Ugf fmd`mf j`rfe cme Qohho erovf cwcy cs

jcst cs gf bouhe-

Ugfy tr`fe to j`me c gotfh( aut `t wcs vfry hctf cme ecri-

Ugfy host tgf`r wcy aut erovf om `m tgf ecrimfss cme l`st-Fvfmtuchhy Qohho stoppfe tgf bcr- Ugfy gce rum out oj pftroh-Qohcme( typ`bchhy( gce jordottfm to j`hh tgf tcmi- Ugfy wfrf

stubi om c lueey hcmf-

Gf jfhh cshffp( aut Nue`tg stcyfe cwcif( tg`mi`md oj gfr 

wfee`md wg`bg wcs mot to af( hclfmt`md tgf hoss oj gfr  afcut`juh wfee`md erfss- Rgf ecrfe mot tg`mi oj tgf juturf-

Rgf h`stfmfe to Qohho‟s smorfs cme jfht g`s gfce( gfcvycdc`mst gfr sgouhefr- Rgf wcs bohe( jrustrctfe cme jur`ous-