THE WESTERN CITIZEN FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 22, 1865. WINTER. BY CHARM'S D. CARDHTTE. He comes! The tanlv Winter comes! I hear his foot-tcp- s through the nights'. I hear his vanguard Irom the heights Much through ihe pines with niullled drums! His naked feet nrc on the mend: The grass blades still'en in his path. No tear for child of. Earth he hath! No iiiy for her tender seed! Thebaic oak shudders at his breath! A moment by the stream he slays lis melody is mule! A glaze Creel s o'er its dimples, as of death! I mm fettered streim and blackened moor, ') he city's walls lie silent nears; '1 he mansions of the rich he fu.iis! He sto: ins the cabins of the poor! The curtained com h. the glow itir hearth, 'J he frost rimmed C!i aybeard's powerdefy; L'e curses i s he hurries by And strikes the beggar, dead, to earth! I orcveiy gleaming liall hespnres, A bundled hearlh'ess hovels hold Hems useless, crisp with ice ami cold, Watched by a hundi cd grim Despairs! The forests grow by His coinmand Who saith,'-il- lendelh to the Lord, Who ;'iveth to the poor!" Your hoard Is His! Ye stewards of the land! Here is your mission! Ye who feed Your lavish tires! Not afar, Hut at your doors, your Heathen are! God's poor your creditors! Take heed! The path is long o l'agan shores,' Their skies are sunny. God o'er all! The Winter's deadly harvest fall Around you! Dead vour Master's stores. The Rocky Mountain News tells of an enthusiastic young Missotnian who, eulo sizing the beauty of his 'gal," said, '1' b. loggoned il' she ain't as inetty as a ret wagon It is telatcd that Senator Sumner called on 1 resilient Johnson a lew days .since, ii rit , anion other grounds (or the nnnic- - hensions with which he was oppressed, re-- b rred to the fact that in the South they continued to denounce the Union. The I'lesideti.t is lepoited to have replied: 'And n f r denouncing the Union, 1 am very son y to say that's true to a great extent in the South, but yon know they've been doing llait op in Massachusetts, too!" At the breaking of the ground for the commencement ot the Lynchburg and Ten- nessee railroad at Lynchburg, a clergyman solemnly ami slowly read a manuscript prnyr, at the conclusion of which an old ncgio man, who had been resting with one loot on his spade, and his arms on the handle, looking inteutlv in the chanlaiVs lace, straigheneit liimselt up and temarked very audibly: 'Well. I reckon lint's ,1,J first time do Lord's ebcr been writ to on de subject of rail loads." ' The waterfalls which form so imnAi-lon- t iinpoi IU11 1 a pait of the toilet of a modern lady of fash ion, are procured, it would seem, at Mm v pense of a grout deal of annoyanco to the softer sex ot Gei many. According to the European newspapeis, the whole country is in an uproar on account of the people who . go about, scissors in hand, with the ex-pie- object of cutting the hair of .every woman who walks with it dressed after the fashion of the country, i. e., hanging in long plaits over the back. Even the churches are not free from these pestilent thieves, the last case reported being that of a lady whoso hair was cut off while engaged in her devotions in the Evangelical Church ' of Linda. "Ain't it wicked to rob dis chicken roost, George?" "Dat's a great moral qtiostion, Sam; wo aiu't got time to argue it now hand down anot'her pullet." At a protracted meeting recently held out Yet, an ancient sister in the church arose and saul: "I see young ladies here who think more of gewgaws, furbelows .! (jbons, and laces than they do of their Creator. I loved them once, and adorned ' my hat with Ercncli artificial flowers, blight colored ribbons, and bky blue trim- mings; but I found they were dragging me down to desti notion, and I took them off and gave them to my sister." Maiivaux was accosted by a beggar who appeared tlie pictuie of health. 'Why,' said 'do yon not laboi? You seem "to bo well atl vigoions.' 'Ah, Monseur, the mendicant, 'if you knew hew lazy I nm .' 'Hold!' said Maiivaux 'here's a crown for your frankness. ' Lately inGeoigia, a Confederate turned ip u ...lw had been in the war and never been oec n lour times repotted dead, - and on at last coming home, found his wife had believed the reports and married an-- 1 A" oilier man. Ha determined to "Tve her un-- ' . ' ' but said he to 1 a number of f mpatlnzing . jn? Irion.l. II, I ' miiig mac sticks in my craw, gentlemen, is hermairyin' a dnrnetl conscript; et he'd a been a man and font for his coimtiy as I hev doue, I shouldn't n keored! Ho was a lyiu' up in the moun-tain- s when I war doing my duty, the in-- ; fenial cuss, and that's what's 1 "dou't like; him for dmn him!" During a marriago ceremony the Lride T was sobbing immoderately while the knot X was being tied. "What is the matter, my young woman?" aked the official. "Oh! Kir," replied the bride, "it's because it's for- - ever." "Xo, no," rejoined the parson, "that's a mistake a great mistake: it's1 not forever. Death puts an end to the en- gagement." On hearing this the bride dried her tears and was consoled. A t nifty wife wonders why the men can't do something useful. Mightn't they as well amuse themselves in smoking hams ns in smoking cigars? Lelbre "love conies in at the door" iti would be well for him to peep through the! v keyhole. Ho might see something! that would pievent him from entering. Secretary Stanton has no great love for; music. Secretary 'Wells, who is said to-b- qnite deaf, affects a great fondness for it. A professor ot music in 'Washington who! was trying to get up a series of subscription conceits in that city last winter, called up- on Mr. Stanton to get him to subscribe, and mentioned as inducement thereto that tho Secretary of the Navy bad already put his name down. "Oh," replied tho fluff head of the War Department, "If I were as deaf as lie Secretary of the Navy, I R. would subsci'be too." The Detroit Press snys that seventeen) hiindrml cords of the app'c trosjinder wiiich Oeneral Leo surrendered the army of Virginia havo been disposed of at re-- 1 iimtierative rates, it is officially announced, ihat he didn't surrender under an apple WEW LUMBER YARD HASTINGS & HAMI TON HA ING leased he lot near t lie Freight Depot, formerly occupied by B. lianis as a Lumber Yard, have now on hands a full assortment of Dooris, Sash, Vi-nilia- n Shut Trices lor Cash. HASTINGS & HAMILTON. Liimhtr, Shin fles, Flooring, ters, A: c.j at Kcduccd COAL! USIIELS POME ROY 0,000 1 to be the best (Joul Also a larce stock ITITSBUHG 300 bbls. KANAWHA SALT CHEAP. AGRICULTURAL l)LOVS, CLTL 1 A TO IIS, GRAIN I EVAl'ORATORS, &V. AVaiiled! Wheat, Wool, October G.18C5. MEXICO"! MEXICO ! 0,000,000 LOAN Of TIIE- - Elcpuhlic of Jlcxico. reu(y-yca- r Coupon Bonds in Sums oi 50, SlUO, ami 1,000. INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT, PAYABLE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Principal and Interest Payable in GOLD, 810.000000 to be Sold at SIXTY CENTS on the DOLLAR, n U. S. Currenev-thu- s vieldini an interest of TWELVE PERCENT. IN GOLD, or SEVEN TEEN PER CENT. IN CURRENCY, at the present rate of premium on gold. THE Fill ST YEAR S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The most DESIRABLE INVESTMENT ever OFFERED! Immense Tracts of Mining and Agricultural Lands; Sixty Per Cf.xt. of Port Dues, Imports, nl Taxes iu the States of Tamanlipas and San I.cis Potosi; and the plighted faith of the said Slates and the General Government are all pledged for the redemption cf these Bonds and payment of interest. THE SKCIKITV IS AMPLE. . t m L s. currency .. win ouy at .. per a. uuiu ., Bona 01 jHJ0 iin S.ioo ji;uo 1 1.000 Let every lover of RepuUicanJnslilutions buy at least ONE BOND. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by JOHN W. CORLIES &CO., and J. N. T1FFT, Financial Agent of The Republic of Mexico, 57 Broadwny, N. Y. "Subscriptions also received by Banks and Bankers penerally throughout the United States. Nov 111, 16C5. BOOT & SHOE HOUSE. in I iIIE undersicned would respectfully inform JL the citizens of Paris, and the public gener ally that they have formed a partnership under the firm name of HANEY & GAPER, Fo the purpose of dealing in and manuafac- - On turing BOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, &c. T,leir P'10P is at t,ie 'J stand of John Gaper, next door to McGlintock &. Davis' Grocery, HA1JI STIIEET, F Alt IS, They are now opening a new, lorge, and well Of selected stock of Ladies', Gents', and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, - Of Every Description, To which they calls the especial attention of buy ers, with the tull beliet that they can turuish as good an article at as low rates as any house in Ken- tucky. Mr. GAPER will attend specially to the manu- - factoring department, and will r a VLJLVL JL KJ Kj.lJJdjX kini's of work for Gents' or Ladies' wear, of tn?,very best material, and workmanship, riXamine sir stock and prices before purehas-- elsewhere Terms, strictly cash. PETER HANEY, JOHN GATER. Sept 20, 18G5 BUILDING LOTS f FOR SALE WISH to sell privately some desirable build- - mg lots, in a pleasant neighborhood, conve nient to the business part of town. Parties wishing to build w ill do well to examine before purchasing elsewhere. R. M. KELLY. Oct 27 tf. PATENT DUPLEX EllPTIC SKIRT, Large and New Shape, our win Very Flexible, Folded ea- - sily when in use, to oc- cupy a small space, making it the Which sen MOST AGRSEABtE SKIBT months' WORN. FOR SALE BY WE W. W. MASSIK. warrant Paris, Nov 24-8- w. call PICKOVER, ED. T tCKOVt.K Peckover & Son. Surgeon Dentists, harbor I North East Corner of Public Square, such the PARIS, KY. of November 10, 18C3-t- f. F. Yil- - COAL!! CO A L, from the Celebrated Peacock Mines; for (i rates and Cooking iinrponCS now in use. AND (' ANNl'.I. CO A f. IMPLEMENTS. DRILLS, SUGAR CANE MILLS, and all kinds of Produce. HASTINGS tfe HAMILTON. MUSIC AND VARIETY STORE! At V. Boos' old stand. "IX7E; the undersigned, take pleasure in in-- T forming the people of Paris, and surround-iii- ? country, that we have opened iu Mr. V. Boos' old stand, a MU$tCVABJETYeTOnE We will always keep on hand a tine lot of Pianos, Guitars Violins, Flutes, Strings, and trie newest and most favorite pieces and songs uf SHEET MUSIC, We will also keep a choice and well selected stock of rJEO a TSlT saf , And all other sorts of VARIETIES &N0TI0NS, In fact you shall find most every little .thing here from a pin of little tpy to StielT 'a Grand Piano. As to prices, the public jnay lest assured we will sell as low as the lowest. One of the firm, PROF. AMENDE, who has great experience in Piatio MuSic, will pay partic ular attention to Tuning Pianos. - - : . The Silversmithing business will still be car ned on in the same building, by an experienced worn man, lor wis. Alulli. As we have discontinued the sale of Ale and all other drinks, Ladies need not hesitate to visit the new establishment of AMENDE & BROTHER. At Mr. Boos' old stand, two doors above M Shakspeare Drug Store. Paris, Sept. 1, 1665 tf. - SPECIAL NOTICE, "VV.A.. DICKEY'S El SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. HAVING purchased the entire stock of the Dintrle k Dickev, I am now pre- pared to accommodate the public with everything my line. Saddle!;! of nil Descriptions. Particular attention paid to the celebrated SPUROEON SPRING SADDLE! this Saddle I challenge the State, having worked for years us a journeymen on them, I con- sider none superior. The McCIcIIan, California, and Kil-go- ur SaddScs, Constantly on hand and of the best quality: Side and flaiu Saddles, in great variety. Fine Buggy and Carriage Harness, superior quality. Plow Harness, of all kinds. such as Collars, JJack-bamU- , lielly-band- Humes, Chains, iilum-bruJle- &c. It 1 1 I A G Both plain and fancy; Bitts, Spurs, Blankets. Horse Covers, Saddle Bags, Curry Combs, Brushes, ic, rope, leather, and fancy . web Halters, . TRUNKS, VALISES, &C. "Leather of various kinds for sale. Cash paid for Hides, Furs, Sheep Pelts, Tallow, gs, Feathers, Beeswax, kc. W. A. DICKEY, Old stand opposite the Bourbon House. Main Street, Paris, Kv. June ilth, leGS. GROCERIES? 7i7 E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH y supply of aEOCERIES, consisting in part of New Orleans Sugar, very nice, 1 Yellow Refined Island Sugar, Stewart's very best Crushed, Granulated and Pulverised Double Refined "ugars, Sugar-Hous- e Molasses, ic, Syrup, a superior article. Coffee, as good as it grows, BUCKET, TLBS, BASKETS& BROOMS, in Tea, brown and black, a No. 1 article. Also, Powder, Shot, Caps and Lead, Window Glass, assorted, Candles, Star and Summer Pressed Tallow, for Dried Peaches & Apples, Together with a complete stock which w e offer to custom ers and the public as low as the market aiiow incse war tunes. McOLINTOCK k DAVIS. HARDWARE. "1TTE have also received in addition to our for- - T mer stock, a well selected stock of HARDWARE. we invite the nublic to HuninK . :n low tor casn or to punctual customers on 6 time. Accounts to fall dun l,.i ..! .ie Jllnuu'T- - McC. & D. COAL OIL '4 COAL OIL LUMPS! keep always a good stock of the best Coal Oil, also, Coal Oil Lamps, which we to give satisfaction. It is useless to enu- merate; r I we would just say, if jou want anything, JL first on. McC. k D. ing Januarv IB, 18G3 ' cept Violators of Law Attend. the HEREBY inform all persons who have, or shall hereafter employ, hire, trade with. nr any slave or slaves of mine, that I will to full extent of the law, prosecute for even. offense the person who so violates the laws Kentucky. PETER BRAMBLETT. Oct 27 3uip. BOURBON MARBLE WORKS, Cor. .11 a in A: Locust Sis. PARIS, KY. HILL & HOLT, E ALE1IS IN FOREIGN AND AMERICAN MARBLE MONUMENTS Tombs, Tablets, Vaults, Mantles, Furni- ture Tops, Flower Vases, Foun tains &c, kc Ma ft, im;5-- u NEW GROCEIIY! JJAS OPENED A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF GROCERIES jat Griffing' olil stanW?pposite the Western Ho-- tel, which lie is selUrtg e clieap as the cheapest. Also, Fresh Fish, Oysters, Game, &c The liis-fie- market pric paid foXjll kinds ol ProdKCe, Rags, Scrap-iron- , bheep Ski Oct 28, 1864. SADDLERY AND HARNESS. OUR new stand: W. H. WAINRICHT & CO., PURCHASED THE LARGE HAVING room in which the Fost Otliee was recently kept, would respectfully an- nounce to the citizens of Paris and surrounding country that they have greatly enlarged their stock with every thing connected with the Saddle & Harness Business, Such Spurgeon's celebrated Spring Saddles, Mixers' Spring Saddles, Side Saddles, Killgore Saddles, Plain Saddles, Military Saddles and Equipage, also a large stock of Bridles, Whips, Spurs, Collurs, Blankets, &c, &c. A good assort- ment of ' BUGGY AND CARRIAGE HARNESS. and various other articles too numerous to men- tion whioh they w ill selj ns low as any other house in Central Aeniucky lor the cash. . They ish to purchase a large lot yf, 9; DRY AND GREEN HI PES, Sheep-Skins- , and all kind of Furs, fohcl:iiy will pay the very highest market price in cash. done with neatness and despatih TEUMSSTlitlCTLV CASH. W. H WAINKIGlfT Paris, June 16, J3C5 f.." ; H ' I G !10 C E R I ES & I! A H DFAll E. E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE w and well selected stock of Which we offer to ourcustciprersatid. the ,tobfic generallj. We intend keeping our,stpck cqinpfeie aiid ifff Sip very besl qui$tyjwjiich yih will'seli. s low as the lowest, itrM wilftase pfesureisliojVj-in- g our goods whether you purchase or not. Coifrf1 try Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for oods. IN. Ii. KlUN . Clover Sc Timothy Seed. 4 LARGE LOT; JUST RECEIVED AND V. for sale by N.B. RION February 12, 1864. SUGA.RS. O. SUGAR, LOVERING'S CRUSHED, N. Granulated and Powdered Sugar, just re ceived and for sale by N. B. RION. COFFEE. LAGUYRA, AND JAVA. JUST IIO, and for sale by N.B. RION, SYRUP. BARRELS, 4 BARRELS, AND KEGS IN Just received and for sale bv ' N. B. RION. MACKERAL. TN BARRELS, J BARRELS, i BARRELS 1. aud Kits. Just received and for sale bv N. B. RION. CUTLERY KNIVES, BUTCHER KNIVES I)OCKET "Jf cutlery, Just received and fo sale by N. B RION. COAL OIL rF THE BEST QUALITY. JUST RE- - V ceived and for sale by N. B. RION. CEDAB, W-AJFLI- E. CHURNS, TUBS, AND BUCKETS. JUST KJ received and forsale by N. B. RION. IsT-A.IJi- .s. TTORTY KEGS, ASSORTED SIZES JUST received and forsale by N. B. RION. NOTICE. IF v ING determined to continue the business of E. Muth.dec'd, for the benefit of his family, I have employed one of the best workmen the west, and will be able to give general sat- isfaction. All repairing done at short notice, and all Watches warranted to give satisfaction. A complete assortment of Jewelry on hand and sale at panic prices. ADOLF. AMENDE. Paris, May tf. THE PARISCiEANIHG STORE. I JOllM FORD HAS opened a Cleaning Store, on Main Street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, where he will clean all kinds of rer Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothes. be arge Bv close attention to business and low prices Hopes to receive a liberal share ot public patronage. (CTDont forget to call at the Paris Cleaning Store. June 16, 18G5 tf. Legal Noliee. HE undersigned hereby forewarn all persons from tresspassing upon their farms, bv pullx aown lences, riding or hauling through, cj-- . cuted by regular passways, hunting either in day- time or at night, as they are determined (A put law in force against all stich offendws. PETER BR AMBLETT. Sept. tf. HIRAM NORTON. PHOTOGRAPHS & ALBUMS! l VERY RICH STYLES OF ALBUMS IN rans variety, Call ad sec our new stock. insure J, S, t ltlJ,L, A CO. Oct. !S63. 0". W. LOWEY, tESEHU FOltWAKDUG, COMMISSION & PRODUCE MERCHANT, And Agents for (he sale of I WILL PAY THE Hi ghest Market Price For all grades of WHEAT, Tl YE5 And oini(r) lroluce General!-- . Strict Attention Given to all Cou- - sigiimcnts. HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE 75 brls. of Bourbon Whisky, From one to four year old. June !)th, 1865-Ja- n. 1. GREAT REDUCTION IN KEADY-MAD- E CLOTHMO, Gents' Furnishing Goods, HATS & CAPS, CARPET BAGS, HE undersignedwould announce io his cus T tomers and the public in general that he lies just received a splendid stock of Fall & Winter Clothing, Consisting of every part of Kcntlemen'i wear, which he has selected auionft the gieatest houses in Cincinnati, and is determined to sell as low as possible, and cheaper than any house in the city. It would be well for every body to look at my Stock before purchasing any where else, as I have the most complet stock of Goods ever brought to this market before. "Garments made to order any time and on $rke shortest .notice. i BemcmbV tfie jitirO, OppjQSifC Tal tflltt'S 110lCl;fimtotore on r " 1 ilAZAJRUS PRICE. .' jParis, Sept. 6,18 'f--i i-- ' "' N. B. fjtrso keep-of- l' liantla g6o3 stockf. f Ulotns, bassinets, uassliuers o. - L. P. 1D1 I, QUEEHSWARE, GLASSWARE STORE TAYLOR & WARREN FORMAN i BRENT'S HAVINooUGHT ifbc&OFGOODS, WILITCONTINUEVTHE IIardvare, Qncensvvarc and Glassware Btisiness atViie OLID Si'.A.lST-ID- . They have just purchased a pw addition to the old stock, and havqyilso alVge asscrtmentof IIOUSEKIEPErvV GOODS, WOOEAMMRE, WILLOW-'WAR- PLATEDVWARE, COAIs OIL LAMPS With the improvement for tilling witlrbut taking the burner Oil", and hundreds of other little con- - veniences uAuuiiuuoxiu xxiJjiK even if you d6 not want to buy. 'I'hey will talie pleas- ure inliowing their Goods. An hourean be pleasrfntly spent in looking through their store, as they have a great many new artieles, as well important improvements on old ones, not Bfreto urre keot in the citv. - TKKItlS STItlCTI.Y CASH. Paris, Feb 17, 1BG5 tf. WILLIAEVl M- - mnTon -- DEALER IN- - AVATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AXD SILVER PLATED WARE. AIN STREET PARIS KY. T RESPECTFULLY invite atten JL tion to my large and complete assortment ot WATCHES, "W ETCHES, Ihave on hand a fine assortment nf R,.ll Swiss and American Watches, in Gold and S?lver Cases, which 1 will scllat the very lowest prices. J;E "W El L RY In Rich and elegant designs of Coral, Game Etruscan, Lava, and other styles, in variety anda prices to suit purchasers. sen az: jai ej oz: uck. sss A fine assortment of eight day and thirtv hnn uiock, oi various patterns ana prices. have a large assortment of gold, silver and st frames with Perifocal glasses to suit all ages. JL SILVER AVRIi:. Ikeepconstantly on hand a fine assortment of Sil Ware, of our own make, which we warrant to of finersilver than any in the market. Also, a assortment, of SILVER PLATED WARE. consisting in part of fine NEW ST TLX, C ASTOaS. Castors and Fruit Baskets Together 4 1 Spoons and Forks, with a variety of other good JST'Repairing of Watches, Jewelry. &.cT. ex said with neatness and dispatch. april 13, lfc'GO tf W. M. HINTON. REP UB LICT 'pHISFINE JACK WILL STAND THE present season, at my tarm, 3 miles from on me w incnester road, at eight dollars to 11 a mare with foal. B J CF.AY. AprilSl, 1865. WEBB, SPEARS, & CO, GROCERYSTOllE. UNDERSIGNED II AVE AT TIIIER THE Room, on Main Street, nearly oppo- site the Court House, a complete stock of Groceries and Hardware, which have been selected with great care, with a view of suiting the wants of all. Our stock will always be kept complete, and wc hope by strict attention to business, and bv selling GOOD GOODS AT FAIR PRICES, to merit an J receive a liberal tli;ire of the patron- age of the public. We will be pleased to .mIiovv our goods to all, w liether they buy or not. liiv-u- a call. We will take in exchange all kinu of country produce. W EBB, SPF.AUS, k CO ?OR SALE BY W. S. k CO. Cliecsc and Craekers! DRY 11F.EF and BEEF TONGUES. A good For sale by W.S. k CO. Timothy and Clover .Heed, Oi? SALE nv I w. S. iCO. COAL OIL, I AliU UlL,LIJ9L,UinL, For sal bv W. S. k CO. Can Fruits. THRESH PEACHES, Raspberries, Assorted Preserves, " Jellys, Brandy Peiehes, ior sale by Vf. S. i'CO. Pekoes. A SSORTED ENt LISS PICKLES, Xjl " Amei can " Tomato Catsup, Walnut " Worcestershire Sain e, Gelchrest Bros. FrgluhC'ub Sauce, For sale by W. S. &CO. Tobaceo and Cigar: TOBACCO, ALL GRADES, " " For sale by W. S. t CO. STOIE WARE, fILK PANS, 11J. Stone Jars, every size, " " Jugs, " for Fruit, Jars " " For sale by W. S. &CO. Cedar Ware. TUBS, BUCKETS, by AND CHURNS. FOR W.S. &CO. Hardware. ,4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Hard ware. For sale bv Pocket Knives. KNIVES AND Forsaleby FORKS, AND BUTCHER W. S. t CO. Sugars. LOVERINGS' CRUSHED, GR ANULA-W.- D White. N. O. Sugar. Foi sale by W. S. k CO. Dried Apples, i ND PEACHES. For sale by A. W. S. &CO. We expect to keep the best goods that the mar ket affords in our line. Call and examine. W.S.&CO. Paris, Sept, 8, 18C5. Mackeral, TN BARRELS, ). BARRELS, AND KETS X New crop. For sale by W. S. & CO IRON & HARDWARE. Havingjust replenished my stock of IKON, HAltDUAIir, Wagon & Plow Material, I am prepared to suit mv customers in any thin" in my line, at'LOW PRICES POS CASH Such as BARIR0N,0FALLKINDS Horse Shoe Iron, Mule Shoe Iron, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rod, Horse Shoes, Mule Shoes, Horse Shoe Nails, Mule Shoe Nails, SLABS, WINGS, SHOVEL 3I0LES, Carriage Bolts, Babbett metal, Plow Steel, of all kinds, kc, kc. I have also, a superior lot of Wagon and Plow Material, Such as Wagon Hubs, Spokes and Fellers, Plow Handles, Ox Bows, CORftI SHELLERS, And a general assortment Coarse Hardware fact, the public may expect to find in mv store sueh artieles ha is kent in an erituhlishmpnt nf rhtc kind. 1 expect to supply the wants of the com- - niunity in my line, and merit its patronaee by the manner of conducting my business. I expect to so as to jusiuy persons to ouy irom me. XEUItlS STHICTLY t AMI. H. F. LOGAN February 3rd, 1865. COAT, OIL LAMPS TN GREAT VARIETY AT 5 FRIZELL &CO'S. Nov. 6, 1863. 6 9 rnTTiTvn c , . nnf . - . j-j'.- v 'roin a to, auo pioturcs, Jor Ale, At Kcdiiccd Prices, the At the. PARIS BOOK STORE. NOTICE!" LL persons indebted to ts.e etato of Peter V. Hedges, are required to make immediate payment, and all persons ha Hedges, will present them duly authenticated the for payment JO. M.ITCHELL, kx. Paris, March 24, leGo. WHEATI JrVHEAT!! FEW THOUA'SD BU?IXELS OF GOOP White Wheat, forhich Uie lugQ-cs- mar- price will.be given V W..SHAVy. and Nor.' 1 1'6 tf. set NEW STOCK OF FURNITURE' JOHN T. HIMO.MS. ALSO Mattresses, d: Window Shades. T HAVE JUST REPLENISHED MY STOCK X and will sell low dow n, nersons in need of such articles would do well to call and examin my stock before purchasing. Also, . r i in an its oranclies. , lie may be found at liii New Ware Rooms on Main Street, ounosite tlm Post Oiiiee. JOHN T. HINTON. August. 19, IRG4 UNDERTAKING!!- - THAVE A NEW HEARSE, AND KEEP L on hand a lurge assortment of . mtk guviat (STartrtA And PLAIN C ASES of all sizes, suitable for the smallest infant or the largest grown person. I ALSO, KEEP READY-MADE- , WOODEN COFFINS, Of all sizes, from the finest to the commonest Ne. groColh'n. 1 will give nly To this branch of" business, hoping mv efforts t please will merit a fair share of public'patronage, I solicit the same. He may be found at his Nevr Ware-Room- s on M ain Street, opposite the Post Office. JOHN T. HINTON. RD3MOVAL. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY! DANIELS & HOLLIDAY, VVTOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM THE T public, that they have removed their estab- lishment to the buildings On Plain Street, Pari Ky., on the corner of Main and Georgetown Streets, op- posite the upper Livery Stable, where they are prepared to carry on the business in all its branchei, They will make to order CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ETC. THEY WILL GIVE ESTECIAL ATTENTION TO liEPAIKING, which will be done in the best and most durable manner. They are regular and experienced work- men, in the business, and hope, by prompt atien tion and faithful workmanship to merit a liberal shareof public patronage. Pari, Ky., Oct 2, 18C3 tf CEO. W. DAVIS' FURNITURE WARE ft MM Main. St. near CKld Fellows' Hal; I HAVE A NEW STOCK OF Furniture, Chairs & Mattresses ' on hand, and am selling so low down, that it "wont pay to go to Lexington or Cincinnati to buy. Those in need of such articles will do well to call and see for themselves. , oo GEORGE W. DAVIS. - ' marcn zof lou. C. W. DAVIS, UNDEETAKEE! KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HANDS OF best quality, gtctatic gnviat Gm&ttt,; .; PLAIN BURIAL CASES, AND . WOODEN COFFINS. Has also, a fine HEARSE to attend funerals. Charges moderately. JJEO. XV DAVIS. . April 17, 1863. KENTUCKY CENTRAL car jatvi: O : . Winter Arrangement 1865-'6o- V f"IHE only direct route from the interior ol JL Kentucky to New York, Boston, and alt other Eastern Cities and Towns- - Decidedly t Comfortable and Reliable route for passeu-ger- s going South, West, or Northwest. CLOSE COINECTIOS Being made at Cincinnati with Express Train via the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, for Cairo, St. Joseph, New Orleans, KansasCity, St. Louis,. Pike's Peak, and all Western Towns. And with the Trains, via the nH Cincinnati, and Cincinnati. Hamilton. mid l)vtn Railroads for Chicago, St. Paul, Detroit, Galena. Springfield, Toledo, Milwaukie, Lafavette. Bloomington, and all other NorthwestemCities-an- Towns. But one change of cars from Lexington and Nicholusville to St. Louis and Chi u i .i r "bIu; wnereas oy any otner route two chang" arc made, both alter night . i (.Se3pQi.c,n.r. t. itio uuuu leave Janvine, lr- - . rodsburg, Riehraond, Lancaster, Mt. Sterling, or Winchester, in the morning, and arrive in St. Louis or Chicago in time for breakfast next morn- ing. - .. ... Tw o Passenger Trains Leave Lexington, daily, (Sundays excepted) at 30 . m. andl 15 p. m. ' Leave Covington, daily, (Sundays excepted) at 00 a. m. and 1 50 p. M. Morning Train from Covington, and Evening Train from Lexington, connect with the Nicho-lasvil- le Trains tgTThrough tickets can be had at the Ken- - tucky Stage Offices in Danville, Bryantsville, Winchester, Mt Sterling and Richmond, and at Olhncs of the Kentuqky Central Railroad irt Nicholasyille, Lexington, Paris and Cvnthiaua. G.H. GEDGE, General Manager. LEGAL NOTICE. rHE, u,nd,crsigncd hereby forewarn all persona tresspassing upon our farms, by pull- ing down fences, hunting or fishing, as we shall put la,, in force against all offenders. WM. P. Htl.ME-DAVI- Jl. HUME. FRANK P. CLAY. ROBERT CLARK. HEDGES. Feb. 7, 1862:tE NOTICE!! WE ARE ANXKK'STO CLOSE TP ALL, accounts amf notes owing s. We there- fore requests ON E AND ALL, to come forward settle, us Jurhrr mdnhjrne can' not he qiven G.ARUKTT,eSPKARS k CO, t r 7 ) ft L 1 t ( i

WEW LUMBER W. LOWEY,nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cc24qkd0n/data/0058.pdf · I reckon lint's,1,J first time do Lord's ebcr been writ to on de subject of rail loads." ' The waterfalls which

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Page 1: WEW LUMBER W. LOWEY,nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7cc24qkd0n/data/0058.pdf · I reckon lint's,1,J first time do Lord's ebcr been writ to on de subject of rail loads." ' The waterfalls which





He comes! The tanlv Winter comes!I hear his foot-tcp- s through the nights'.I hear his vanguard Irom the heights

Much through ihe pines with niullled drums!

His naked feet nrc on the mend:The grass blades still'en in his path.No tear for child of. Earth he hath!

No iiiy for her tender seed!

Thebaic oak shudders at his breath!A moment by the stream he slayslis melody is mule! A glaze

Creel s o'er its dimples, as of death!

I mm fettered streim and blackened moor,') he city's walls lie silent nears;'1 he mansions of the rich he fu.iis!

He sto: ins the cabins of the poor!

The curtained com h. the glow itir hearth,'J he frost rimmed C!i aybeard's powerdefy;L'e curses i s he hurries by

And strikes the beggar, dead, to earth!

I orcveiy gleaming liall hespnres,A bundled hearlh'ess hovels holdHems useless, crisp with ice ami cold,

Watched by a hundi cd grim Despairs!

The forests grow by His coinmandWho saith,'-il- lendelh to the Lord,Who ;'iveth to the poor!" Your hoard

Is His! Ye stewards of the land!

Here is your mission! Ye who feedYour lavish tires! Not afar,Hut at your doors, your Heathen are!

God's poor your creditors! Take heed!

The path is long o l'agan shores,'Their skies are sunny. God o'er all!The Winter's deadly harvest fall

Around you! Dead vour Master's stores.

The Rocky Mountain News tells of anenthusiastic young Missotnian who, eulosizing the beauty of his 'gal," said, '1'b. loggoned il' she ain't as inetty as a retwagon

It is telatcd that Senator Sumner calledon 1 resilient Johnson a lew days .since,ii rit , anion other grounds (or the nnnic- -

hensions with which he was oppressed, re-- b

rred to the fact that in the South theycontinued to denounce the Union. TheI'lesideti.t is lepoited to have replied: 'Andn f r denouncing the Union, 1 am veryson y to say that's true to a great extent inthe South, but yon know they've been doingllait op in Massachusetts, too!"

At the breaking of the ground for thecommencement ot the Lynchburg and Ten-nessee railroad at Lynchburg, a clergymansolemnly ami slowly read a manuscriptprnyr, at the conclusion of which an oldncgio man, who had been resting with oneloot on his spade, and his arms on thehandle, looking inteutlv in the chanlaiVslace, straigheneit liimselt up and temarkedvery audibly: 'Well. I reckon lint's ,1,Jfirst time do Lord's ebcr been writ to on desubject of rail loads." '

The waterfalls which form so imnAi-lon- tiinpoi IU11 1

a pait of the toilet of a modern lady of fashion, are procured, it would seem, at Mm v

pense of a grout deal of annoyanco to thesofter sex ot Gei many. According to theEuropean newspapeis, the whole country isin an uproar on account of the people who

. go about, scissors in hand, with the ex-pie-

object of cutting the hair of .everywoman who walks with it dressed after thefashion of the country, i. e., hanging inlong plaits over the back. Even thechurches are not free from these pestilentthieves, the last case reported being that ofa lady whoso hair was cut off while engagedin her devotions in the Evangelical Church 'of Linda.

"Ain't it wicked to rob dis chickenroost, George?" "Dat's a great moralqtiostion, Sam; wo aiu't got time to argueit now hand down anot'her pullet."

At a protracted meeting recently heldout Yet, an ancient sister in the churcharose and saul: "I see young ladies herewho think more of gewgaws, furbelows .!

(jbons, and laces than they do of theirCreator. I loved them once, and adorned '

my hat with Ercncli artificial flowers,blight colored ribbons, and bky blue trim-mings; but I found they were dragging medown to desti notion, and I took them offand gave them to my sister."

Maiivaux was accosted by a beggar whoappeared tlie pictuie of health. 'Why,'said 'do yon not laboi? You seem "tobo well atl vigoions.' 'Ah, Monseur,

the mendicant, 'if you knew hew lazyI nm .' 'Hold!' said Maiivaux 'here's acrown for your frankness. '

Lately inGeoigia, a Confederate turnedip u...lw had been in the war and never been

oec n lour times repotted dead, -and on at last coming home, found his wifehad believed the reports and married an-- 1

A"oilier man. Ha determined to "Tve her un-- '

. ' 'but said he to1

a number of f mpatlnzing. jn?

Irion.l. II, I 'miiig mac sticks in my

craw, gentlemen, is hermairyin' a dnrnetlconscript; et he'd a been a man and fontfor his coimtiy as I hev doue, I shouldn'tn keored! Ho was a lyiu' up in the moun-tain- s

when I war doing my duty, the in-- ;fenial cuss, and that's what's 1 "dou't like;him for dmn him!"

During a marriago ceremony the Lride Twas sobbing immoderately while the knot Xwas being tied. "What is the matter, myyoung woman?" aked the official. "Oh!Kir," replied the bride, "it's because it's for- -

ever." "Xo, no," rejoined the parson,"that's a mistake a great mistake: it's1not forever. Death puts an end to the en-gagement." On hearing this the bridedried her tears and was consoled.

A t nifty wife wonders why the men can'tdo something useful. Mightn't they aswell amuse themselves in smoking hamsns in smoking cigars?

Lelbre "love conies in at the door" itiwould be well for him to peep through the! v

keyhole. Ho might see something!that would pievent him from entering.

Secretary Stanton has no great love for;music. Secretary 'Wells, who is said to-b-

qnite deaf, affects a great fondness for it.A professor ot music in 'Washington who!was trying to get up a series of subscriptionconceits in that city last winter, called up-on Mr. Stanton to get him to subscribe,and mentioned as inducement thereto thattho Secretary of the Navy bad already puthis name down. "Oh," replied tho fluffhead of the War Department, "If I wereas deaf as lie Secretary of the Navy, I R.

would subsci'be too."The Detroit Press snys that seventeen)

hiindrml cords of the app'c trosjinder wiiichOeneral Leo surrendered the army ofVirginia havo been disposed of at re-- 1

iimtierative rates, it is officially announced,ihat he didn't surrender under an apple


HA ING leased he lot near t lie Freight Depot, formerly occupied by B.lianis as a Lumber Yard, have now on hands a full assortment of

Dooris, Sash, Vi-nilia- n ShutTrices lor Cash.HASTINGS & HAMILTON.

Liimhtr, Shin fles, Flooring,ters, A: c.j at Kcduccd

COAL!USIIELS POME ROY0,000 1 to be the best (Joul

Also a larce stock ITITSBUHG



AVaiiled! Wheat, Wool,

October G.18C5.


0,000,000 LOANOf TIIE- -

Elcpuhlic of Jlcxico.

reu(y-yca- r Coupon Bonds in Sumsoi 50, SlUO, ami 1,000.



Principal and Interest Payablein GOLD,

810.000000 to be Sold at SIXTY

CENTS on the DOLLAR,n U. S. Currenev-thu- s vieldini an interest of

TWELVE PERCENT. IN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER CENT. IN CURRENCY, at thepresent rate of premium on gold.




Immense Tracts of Mining and AgriculturalLands; Sixty Per Cf.xt. of Port Dues, Imports,

nl Taxes iu the States of Tamanlipas and SanI.cis Potosi; and the plighted faith of the saidSlates and the General Government are allpledged for the redemption cf these Bonds andpayment of interest.


tm L s. currency

.. win ouy a t..per a. uuiu., Bona 01

jHJ0iin S.ioo

ji;uo 1 1.000

Let every lover of RepuUicanJnslilutions buy at least

ONE BOND.Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by

JOHN W. CORLIES &CO., andJ. N. T1FFT, Financial Agent of

The Republic of Mexico, 57 Broadwny, N. Y."Subscriptions also received by Banks and

Bankers penerally throughout the United States.Nov 111, 16C5.


inI iIIE undersicned would respectfully inform

JL the citizens of Paris, and the public generally that they have formed a partnership underthe firm name of

HANEY & GAPER,Fo the purpose of dealing in and manuafac- - On


BOOTS,Shoes, Gaiters, &c.T,leir P'10P is at t,ie 'J stand of John Gaper,

next door to McGlintock &. Davis' Grocery,HA1JI STIIEET, FAlt IS,

They are now opening a new, lorge, and well Ofselected stock of

Ladies', Gents', and Children's

BOOTS AND SHOES,- Of Every Description,

To which they calls the especial attention of buyers, with the tull beliet that they can turuish asgood an article at as low rates as any house in Ken-tucky.

Mr. GAPER will attend specially to the manu- -

factoring department, and will

r aVLJLVL JL KJ Kj.lJJdjXkini's of work for Gents' or Ladies' wear, of

tn?,very best material, and workmanship,riXamine sir stock and prices before purehas--

elsewhereTerms, strictly cash.


Sept 20, 18G5


FOR SALEWISH to sell privately some desirable build- -

mg lots, in a pleasant neighborhood, convenient to the business part of town.

Parties wishing to build w ill do well to examinebefore purchasing elsewhere.

R. M. KELLY.Oct 27 tf.


Large and New Shape, ourwin

Very Flexible, Folded ea--

sily when in use, to oc-

cupy a small space,making it the Which



WEW. W. MASSIK. warrantParis, Nov 24-8- w.


Peckover & Son.

Surgeon Dentists,harborI

North East Corner of Public Square,suchthe

PARIS, KY. ofNovember 10, 18C3-t- f.

F. Yil- -

COAL!!CO A L, from the Celebrated Peacock Mines;for (i rates and Cooking iinrponCS now in use.AND (' ANNl'.I. CO A f.


and all kinds of Produce.HASTINGS tfe HAMILTON.


At V. Boos' old stand.

"IX7E; the undersigned, take pleasure in in--

T forming the people of Paris, and surround-iii- ?

country, that we have opened iu Mr. V. Boos'old stand, a

MU$tCVABJETYeTOnEWe will always keep on hand a tine lot of

Pianos, GuitarsViolins, Flutes, Strings, and trie newest and most

favorite pieces and songs uf

SHEET MUSIC,We will also keep a choice and well selected

stock of

rJEO a TSlT saf ,And all other sorts of

VARIETIES &N0TI0NS,In fact you shall find most every little .thinghere from a pin of little tpy to StielT 'a GrandPiano. As to prices, the public jnay lest assuredwe will sell as low as the lowest.

One of the firm, PROF. AMENDE, who hasgreat experience in Piatio MuSic, will pay particular attention to Tuning Pianos. - - : .

The Silversmithing business will still be carned on in the same building, by an experiencedworn man, lor wis. Alulli.

As we have discontinued the sale of Ale andall other drinks, Ladies need not hesitate to visitthe new establishment of

AMENDE & BROTHER.At Mr. Boos' old stand, two doors above M

Shakspeare Drug Store.Paris, Sept. 1, 1665 tf. -




HAVING purchased the entire stock of theDintrle k Dickev, I am now pre-

pared to accommodate the public with everythingmy line.

Saddle!;! of nil Descriptions.Particular attention paid to the celebrated

SPUROEON SPRING SADDLE!this Saddle I challenge the State, having

worked for years us a journeymen on them, I con-sider none superior.

The McCIcIIan, California, and Kil-go- ur

SaddScs,Constantly on hand and of the best quality: Side

and flaiu Saddles, in great variety. Fine

Buggy and Carriage Harness,superior quality. Plow Harness, of all kinds.

such as Collars, JJack-bamU- , lielly-band- Humes,Chains, iilum-bruJle- &c.

It 1 1 I A GBoth plain and fancy; Bitts, Spurs, Blankets.

Horse Covers, Saddle Bags, Curry Combs,Brushes, ic, rope, leather, and fancy .

web Halters, .

TRUNKS, VALISES, &C."Leather of various kinds for sale.

Cash paid for Hides, Furs, Sheep Pelts, Tallow,gs, Feathers, Beeswax, kc.

W. A. DICKEY,Old stand opposite the Bourbon House. Main

Street, Paris, Kv.June ilth, leGS.


y supply of

aEOCERIES,consisting in part of

New Orleans Sugar, very nice, 1

Yellow Refined Island Sugar,Stewart's very best Crushed, Granulated and

Pulverised Double Refined "ugars,Sugar-Hous- e Molasses, ic,Syrup, a superior article.Coffee, as good as it grows,


Tea, brown and black, a No. 1 article.Also, Powder, Shot, Caps and Lead,Window Glass, assorted,Candles, Star and Summer Pressed Tallow, for

Dried Peaches & Apples,Together with a complete stock which w e offer to

custom ers and the public as low as the marketaiiow incse war tunes.


HARDWARE."1TTE have also received in addition to our for- -

T mer stock, a well selected stock of

HARDWARE.we invite the nublic to HuninK . :n

low tor casn or to punctual customers on 6time. Accounts to fall dun l,.i ..! .ie

Jllnuu'T- - McC. & D.

COAL OIL '4 COAL OIL LUMPS!keep always a good stock of the best

Coal Oil, also, Coal Oil Lamps, which weto give satisfaction. It is useless to enu-

merate;r I

we would just say, if jou want anything, JLfirst on. McC. k D. ing

Januarv IB, 18G3 'cept

Violators of Law Attend. the

HEREBY inform all persons who have, orshall hereafter employ, hire, trade with. nr

any slave or slaves of mine, that I will tofull extent of the law, prosecute for even.

offense the person who so violates the lawsKentucky.



Cor. .11 a in A: Locust Sis.



MONUMENTSTombs, Tablets, Vaults, Mantles, Furni-

ture Tops, Flower Vases, Fountains &c, kc

Ma ft, im;5-- u



STOCK OF GROCERIESjat Griffing' olil stanW?pposite the Western Ho--

tel, which lie is selUrtg e clieap as the cheapest.Also,

Fresh Fish, Oysters, Game, &cThe liis-fie- market pric paid foXjll kinds olProdKCe, Rags, Scrap-iron- , bheep Ski

Oct 28, 1864.



PURCHASED THE LARGEHAVING room in which the FostOtliee was recently kept, would respectfully an-

nounce to the citizens of Paris and surroundingcountry that they have greatly enlarged their stockwith every thing connected with the

Saddle & Harness Business,Such Spurgeon's celebrated Spring Saddles,Mixers' Spring Saddles, Side Saddles, KillgoreSaddles, Plain Saddles, Military Saddles andEquipage, also a large stock of Bridles, Whips,Spurs, Collurs, Blankets, &c, &c. A good assort-ment of '

BUGGY AND CARRIAGE HARNESS.and various other articles too numerous to men-

tion whioh they w ill selj ns low as any other housein Central Aeniucky lor the cash.

. They ish to purchase a large lot yf, 9;

DRY AND GREEN HI PES,Sheep-Skins- , and all kind of Furs, fohcl:iiywill pay the very highest market price in cash.

done with neatness and despatih


Paris, June 16, J3C5 f.." ; H ' I

G !10 C E R I ES & I! A HDFAll E.

E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGEw and well selected stock of

Which we offer to ourcustciprersatid. the ,tobficgenerallj. We intend keeping our,stpck cqinpfeieaiid ifff Sip very besl qui$tyjwjiich yih will'seli. slow as the lowest, itrM wilftase pfesureisliojVj-in- g

our goods whether you purchase or not. Coifrf1

try Produce of all kinds taken in exchange foroods. IN. Ii. KlUN .

Clover Sc Timothy Seed.4 LARGE LOT; JUST RECEIVED ANDV. for sale by N.B. RIONFebruary 12, 1864.

SUGA.RS.O. SUGAR, LOVERING'S CRUSHED,N. Granulated and Powdered Sugar, just re

ceived and for sale byN. B. RION.



SYRUP.BARRELS, 4 BARRELS, AND KEGSIN Just received and for sale bv' N. B. RION.

MACKERAL.TN BARRELS, J BARRELS, i BARRELS1. aud Kits. Just received and for sale bv


CUTLERYKNIVES, BUTCHER KNIVESI)OCKET "Jfcutlery, Just received and fo

sale byN. B RION.

COAL OILrF THE BEST QUALITY. JUST RE- -V ceived and for sale by



CHURNS, TUBS, AND BUCKETS. JUSTKJ received and forsale by



TTORTY KEGS, ASSORTED SIZES JUSTreceived and forsale by


NOTICE.IF v ING determined to continue the businessof E. Muth.dec'd, for the benefit of his

family, I have employed one of the best workmenthe west, and will be able to give general sat-

isfaction.All repairing done at short notice, and all

Watches warranted to give satisfaction.A complete assortment of Jewelry on hand and

sale at panic prices.ADOLF. AMENDE.

Paris, May tf.


IJOllM FORDHAS opened a Cleaning Store, on Main Street,

opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall,where he will clean all kinds of rerLadies' and Gentlemen's Clothes. be

argeBv close attention to business and low pricesHopes to receive a liberal share ot public

patronage.(CTDont forget to call at the Paris Cleaning

Store.June 16, 18G5 tf.

Legal Noliee.HE undersigned hereby forewarn all persons

from tresspassing upon their farms, bv pullxaown lences, riding or hauling through, cj-- . cutedby regular passways, hunting either in day-

time or at night, as they are determined (A putlaw in force against all stich offendws.



variety, Call ad sec our new stock. insureJ, S, t ltlJ,L, A CO.

Oct. !S63.



MERCHANT,And Agents for (he sale of


Hi ghest Market PriceFor all grades of

WHEAT, TlYE5And oini(r) lroluce General!-- .

Strict Attention Given to all Cou- -



75 brls. of Bourbon Whisky,From one to four year old.

June !)th, 1865-Ja- n. 1.



Gents' Furnishing Goods,


HE undersignedwould announce io his cusT tomers and the public in general that helies just received a splendid stock of

Fall & Winter Clothing,Consisting of every part of Kcntlemen'i wear,which he has selected auionft the gieatest housesin Cincinnati, and is determined to sell as low aspossible, and cheaper than any house in the city.It would be well for every body to look at myStock before purchasing any where else, as I havethe most complet stock of Goods ever broughtto this market before.

"Garments made to order any time and on$rke shortest .notice.

i BemcmbV tfie jitirO, OppjQSifC Taltflltt'S 110lCl;fimtotore onr" 1 ilAZAJRUS PRICE. .'

jParis, Sept. 6,18 'f--i i--'

"' N. B. fjtrso keep-of- l' liantla g6o3 stockf. fUlotns, bassinets, uassliuers o. -

L. P.






IIardvare, Qncensvvarc andGlassware Btisiness


OLID Si'.A.lST-ID- .

They have just purchased a pw addition to theold stock, and havqyilso alVge asscrtmentof



COAIs OIL LAMPSWith the improvement for tilling witlrbut takingthe burner Oil", and hundreds of other little con- -


uAuuiiuuoxiu xxiJjiK evenif you d6 not want to buy. 'I'hey will talie pleas-ure inliowing their Goods. An hourean bepleasrfntly spent in looking through their store, asthey have a great many new artieles, as wellimportant improvements on old ones, not Bfretourre keot in the citv.

- TKKItlS STItlCTI.Y CASH.Paris, Feb 17, 1BG5 tf.





T RESPECTFULLY invite attenJL tion to my large and completeassortment ot


"W ETCHES,Ihave on hand a fine assortment nf R,.ll

Swiss and American Watches, in Gold and S?lverCases, which 1 will scllat the very lowest prices.

J;E "W El L RY In

Rich and elegant designs of Coral, GameEtruscan, Lava, and other styles, in variety andaprices to suit purchasers.

senaz: jai ej oz: uck. sssA fine assortment of eight day and thirtv hnn

uiock, oi various patterns ana prices.

have a large assortment of gold, silver and stframes with Perifocal glasses to suit all ages. JL

SILVER AVRIi:.Ikeepconstantly on hand a fine assortment of Sil

Ware, of our own make, which we warrant toof finersilver than any in the market. Also, a

assortment, of

SILVER PLATED WARE.consisting in part of fine

NEW ST TLX, C ASTOaS.Castors and Fruit Baskets Together 4

1Spoons and Forks, with a variety of other good

JST'Repairing of Watches, Jewelry. &.cT. ex saidwith neatness and dispatch.

april 13, lfc'GO tf W. M. HINTON.


present season, at my tarm, 3 miles fromon me w incnester road, at eight dollars to 11a mare with foal.

B J CF.AY.AprilSl, 1865.



site the Court House, a complete stock of

Groceries and Hardware,which have been selected with great care, with a

view of suiting the wants of all. Our stock willalways be kept complete, and wc hope by strictattention to business, and bv selling


to merit an J receive a liberal tli;ire of the patron-age of the public. We will be pleased to .mIiovv

our goods to all, w liether they buy or not. liiv-u-

a call. We will take in exchange all kinuof country produce.



Cliecsc and Craekers!DRY 11F.EF and BEEF TONGUES. A good

For sale byW.S. k CO.

Timothy and Clover .Heed,Oi? SALE nvI w. S. iCO.


For sal bvW. S. k CO.


Raspberries,Assorted Preserves,

" Jellys,Brandy Peiehes,

ior sale byVf. S. i'CO.


Xjl " Amei can "Tomato Catsup,Walnut "Worcestershire Sain e,Gelchrest Bros. FrgluhC'ub Sauce,

For sale byW. S. &CO.

Tobaceo and Cigar:TOBACCO, ALL GRADES,

" "For sale by

W. S. t CO.


11J. Stone Jars, every size," "Jugs,

" for Fruit,Jars " "

For sale byW. S. &CO.



W.S. &CO.


ware. For sale bv

Pocket Knives.KNIVES AND


W. S. t CO.


White. N. O. Sugar. Foisale by

W. S. k CO.

Dried Apples,i ND PEACHES. For sale byA. W. S. &CO.

We expect to keep the best goods that the market affords in our line. Call and examine.

W.S.&CO.Paris, Sept, 8, 18C5.

Mackeral,TN BARRELS, ). BARRELS, AND KETSX New crop. For sale by

W. S. & CO

IRON & HARDWARE.Havingjust replenished my stock of


Wagon & Plow Material,I am prepared to suit mv customers in any thin"

in my line, at'LOW PRICES



Mule Shoe Iron,

Round and Square Iron,Nail Rod,

Horse Shoes,Mule Shoes,

Horse Shoe Nails,Mule Shoe Nails,

SLABS, WINGS, SHOVEL 3I0LES,Carriage Bolts, Babbett metal, Plow Steel, of all

kinds, kc, kc. I have also, a superior lot of

Wagon and Plow Material,Such as Wagon Hubs, Spokes and Fellers, Plow

Handles, Ox Bows,

CORftI SHELLERS,And a general assortment

Coarse Hardwarefact, the public may expect to find in mv store

sueh artieles ha is kent in an erituhlishmpnt nf rhtckind. 1 expect to supply the wants of the com- -

niunity in my line, and merit its patronaee by themanner of conducting my business. I expect to

so as to jusiuy persons to ouy irom me.XEUItlS STHICTLY t AMI.

H. F. LOGANFebruary 3rd, 1865.


FRIZELL &CO'S.Nov. 6, 1863. 6

9rnTTiTvn c , . nnf . - .

j-j'.-v 'roin a to, auo pioturcs, Jor Ale,

At Kcdiiccd Prices, the

At the.


NOTICE!"LL persons indebted to ts.e etato of Peter

V. Hedges, are required to make immediatepayment, and all persons ha

Hedges, will present them duly authenticatedthe

for paymentJO. M.ITCHELL, kx.Paris, March 24, leGo.


White Wheat, forhich Uie lugQ-cs- mar-price will.be given V

W..SHAVy. andNor.' 1 1'6 tf.




Mattresses, d: Window Shades.

T HAVE JUST REPLENISHED MY STOCKX and will sell low dow n, nersons in need ofsuch articles would do well to call and examinmy stock before purchasing. Also,

.r iin an its oranclies. , lie may be found at liiiNew Ware Rooms on Main Street, ounosite tlmPost Oiiiee.

JOHN T. HINTON.August. 19, IRG4


THAVE A NEW HEARSE, AND KEEPL on hand a lurge assortment of .

mtk guviat (STartrtAAnd PLAIN C ASES of all sizes, suitable for the

smallest infant or the largest grown person.


WOODEN COFFINS,Of all sizes, from the finest to the commonest Ne.

groColh'n. 1 will give nly

To this branch of" business, hoping mv efforts tplease will merit a fair share of public'patronage,I solicit the same.

He may be found at his Nevr Ware-Room- s onM ain Street, opposite the Post Office.




T public, that they have removed their estab-lishment to the buildings

On Plain Street, Pari Ky.,on the corner of Main and Georgetown Streets, op-posite the upper Livery Stable, where they areprepared to carry on the business in all its branchei,They will make to orderCARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ETC.


liEPAIKING,which will be done in the best and most durablemanner. They are regular and experienced work-men, in the business, and hope, by prompt atiention and faithful workmanship to merit a liberalshareof public patronage.

Pari, Ky., Oct 2, 18C3 tf


Main. St. near CKld Fellows' Hal;


Furniture, Chairs & Mattresses '

on hand, and am selling so low down, that it"wont pay to go to Lexington or Cincinnati tobuy.

Those in need of such articles will do well tocall and see for themselves.

, oo GEORGE W. DAVIS. - 'marcn zof lou.


best quality,

gtctatic gnviat Gm&ttt,; .;


WOODEN COFFINS.Has also, a fine HEARSE to attend funerals.Charges moderately.

JJEO. XV DAVIS. .April 17, 1863.


O : .

Winter Arrangement 1865-'6o- V

f"IHE only direct route from the interior olJL Kentucky to New York, Boston, and alt

other Eastern Cities and Towns- - Decidedly t

Comfortable and Reliable route for passeu-ger- sgoing South, West, or Northwest.

CLOSE COINECTIOSBeing made at Cincinnati with Express Train viathe Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, for Cairo, St.Joseph, New Orleans, KansasCity, St. Louis,.Pike's Peak, and all Western Towns.

And with the Trains, via the nHCincinnati, and Cincinnati. Hamilton. mid l)vtnRailroads for Chicago, St. Paul, Detroit, Galena.Springfield, Toledo, Milwaukie, Lafavette.Bloomington, and all other NorthwestemCities-an-

Towns.But one change of cars from Lexington and

Nicholusville to St. Louis and Chiu i .i r

"bIu; wnereas oy any otner route two chang"arc made, both alter night . i(.Se3pQi.c,n.r. t.itio uuuu leave Janvine, lr-- .

rodsburg, Riehraond, Lancaster, Mt. Sterling, orWinchester, in the morning, and arrive in St.Louis or Chicago in time for breakfast next morn-ing. - .. ...

Tw o Passenger TrainsLeave Lexington, daily, (Sundays excepted) at30 . m. andl 15 p. m. 'Leave Covington, daily, (Sundays excepted) at

00 a. m. and 1 50 p. M.Morning Train from Covington, and Evening

Train from Lexington, connect with the Nicho-lasvil- le

TrainstgTThrough tickets can be had at the Ken- -

tucky Stage Offices in Danville, Bryantsville,Winchester, Mt Sterling and Richmond, and at

Olhncs of the Kentuqky Central Railroad irtNicholasyille, Lexington, Paris and Cvnthiaua.

G.H. GEDGE, General Manager.

LEGAL NOTICE.rHE, u,nd,crsigncd hereby forewarn all persona

tresspassing upon our farms, by pull-ing down fences, hunting or fishing, as we shall put

la,, in force against all offenders.WM. P. Htl.ME-DAVI-


HEDGES.Feb. 7, 1862:tE


accounts amf notes owing s. We there-fore requests ON E AND ALL, to come forward

settle, us Jurhrr mdnhjrne can' not he qivenG.ARUKTT,eSPKARS k CO,





