f PLASTI CS AND COAL CH EMlCALs D| V/S/ON A new name for the same reliable supplier of quality plastics and coal chemicals you've known for years as the Barrett Division. We've changed our name! When you order from Plastics and Coal Chemicals Divi- sion, you'll be doing business with the same people who have served you in the past. You'll have the same tech- nical assistance and research facilities at your service. We have changed our name and organized our opera- tions to concentrate solely on production, research and market development in coal-tar chemicals, industrial tar products, and plastics and resins. For everything you need in these fields, you'll find we can serve you better than ever. Order now from Plastics and Coal Chemicals Division Chemicals Tar Acids Tar Acid Oils Phthalic Anhydride Maleic Anhydride Fumaric Acid Phthalonitrile Plasticizers CUMAR® Resins Resin S Rubber Compounding Materials "A-C** PolyetHylene Lubricants Naphthalene Anthracene Tar Bases Niacin (Nicotinic Acid) Acetone Acetophenone Alpha-Methylstyrene Cumene Glycols Ethanolamines Aromatic Industrial Solvents Ethylbenzene Flotation Agents Pickling Inhibitors Tar Distillates Industrial Tar Products Creosote Oils Industrial Pitches Industrial Coatings Pipeline Enamels PLA3KON© Plastics A Rosins Urea, Melamine, Alkyd and NI y Ion Moldingj Compounds Alkyd, Urea and Melamine Protective Coating Resins Phenolic» Polyester and Urea. Industrial Resins PLASTICS AND COAL CHEMICALS DIVISION Formerly part of the Barrett Division Allied Chemical Corporation 40 Rector Street, New York 6, Ν. Υ. 6 C&EN JULY 2 1, 1958 Allied Chemical

We've changed our name!

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D |V/S/ON A new name for the same reliable supplier of quality plastics and coal chemicals you've known for years as the Barrett Division.

We've changed our name! W h e n you order from Plastics and Coal Chemicals Divi­sion, you'l l b e doing business with the same people who have served you in the past . You'll have the same tech­nical assistance and research facilities at your service.

We have changed our name and organized our opera­

tions to concentrate solely on production, research and market development in coal-tar chemicals, industrial tar products, and plastics and resins. For everything you need in these fields, you'll find we can serve you better than ever.

Orde r now f r o m Plast ics and Coal Chemica ls Division C h e m i c a l s T a r A c i d s T a r A c i d Oi ls Ph tha l i c A n h y d r i d e Ma le i c A n h y d r i d e F u m a r i c A c i d Ph tha lon i t r i l e P las t i c i ze rs C U M A R ® Res ins Resin S R u b b e r C o m p o u n d i n g Ma te r i a l s " A - C * * PolyetHylene L u b r i c a n t s Naph tha lene A n t h r a c e n e

T a r Bases N iac in (N ico t in i c A c i d ) A c e t o n e A c e t o p h e n o n e A l p h a - M e t h y l s t y r e n e Cumene G lyco l s E thano lam ines A r o m a t i c I n d u s t r i a l So lvents E thy lbenzene F lo ta t ion A g e n t s P i ck l i ng I nh ib i t o r s T a r Dis t i l la tes

Industr ia l Tar P r o d u c t s C r e o s o t e Oils I ndus t r i a l P i tches Indus t r i a l Coat ings P ipe l ine Enamels

P L A 3 K O N © Plastics A Rosins U r e a , Melamine, A l k y d and NI y Ion

Moldingj Compounds A l k y d , U rea and Melamine Pro tec t i ve

Coa t i ng Resins Phenolic» Po lyes te r and Urea .

I ndus t r i a l Resins

PLASTICS AND COAL CHEMICALS DIVISION Former ly part of the Barrett Division

Al l ied Chemica l Corpo ra t i on 4 0 Rec to r Street , N e w Yo rk 6, Ν. Υ .

6 C & E N J U L Y 2 1, 1958

Allied Chemical