Welcome to the S outh Africa Branch Office of J ehovah’s Witnesses

Welcome We hope that you will en- S joy your visit to the ...1RobertBroom Drive East Rangeview,Krugersdorp,1739. ... animation are also produced for use in ... dom Halls. It also provides

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We hope that you will en-joy your visit to the SouthAfrica branch office ofJehovah’s Witnesses.Our branch is called Bethel, meaning“House of God.” This Biblical name isfitting because those serving here areordained ministers who have dedicatedthemselves to Jehovah God and who de-vote themselves full-time to supporting theworldwide work of Kingdom preaching.In over 230 lands, there are more than7 500 000 Witnesses of Jehovah who arecarrying out the commission Jesus gavehis followers—to preach the good newsof God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) To organize this work, thereare some 90 branch offices worldwide—allserving under the direction of the Govern-ing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.



“Go, therefore, and makedisciples of people of all thenations.”—Matthew 28:19, 20

We sincerely hope that your visit to Bethel hasbeen a rewarding one. No doubt it has helpedyou to become better acquainted with the workthat Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing to help peo-ple who are searching for a better future throughGod’s Kingdom. May your visit with us be an en-couragement to you in your efforts to learn moreabout our loving Creator and to live by his righ-teous standards.

Visitors are welcome to take a guided tour ofour facilities. Tours are available Monday throughFriday from 8:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and from1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Address: 1 Robert Broom Drive EastRangeview, Krugersdorp,1739.GPS coordinates: -26.103710, 27.835351Scan code to the left to open map.Telephone: �27 11 761 1000

sTo learn more or to request afree home Bible study, pleasescan code to the right or visit

www.jw.org.˘ 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Printed in South Africa JWSA

Welcometo the

South AfricaBranch Office of

Jehovah’s Witnesses






We hope that you will en-joy your visit to the SouthAfrica branch office ofJehovah’s Witnesses.Our branch is called Bethel, meaning“House of God.” This Biblical name isfitting because those serving here areordained ministers who have dedicatedthemselves to Jehovah God and who de-vote themselves full-time to supporting theworldwide work of Kingdom preaching.In over 230 lands, there are more than7 500 000 Witnesses of Jehovah who arecarrying out the commission Jesus gavehis followers—to preach the good newsof God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) To organize this work, thereare some 90 branch offices worldwide—allserving under the direction of the Govern-ing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.



“Go, therefore, and makedisciples of people of all thenations.”—Matthew 28:19, 20

We sincerely hope that your visit to Bethel hasbeen a rewarding one. No doubt it has helpedyou to become better acquainted with the workthat Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing to help peo-ple who are searching for a better future throughGod’s Kingdom. May your visit with us be an en-couragement to you in your efforts to learn moreabout our loving Creator and to live by his righ-teous standards.

Visitors are welcome to take a guided tour ofour facilities. Tours are available Monday throughFriday from 8:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and from1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Address: 1 Robert Broom Drive EastRangeview, Krugersdorp,1739.GPS coordinates: -26.103710, 27.835351Scan code to the left to open map.Telephone: �27 11 761 1000

sTo learn more or to request afree home Bible study, pleasescan code to the right or visit

www.jw.org.˘ 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Printed in South Africa JWSA

Welcometo the

South AfricaBranch Office of

Jehovah’s Witnesses

SPIRITUALPROGRAMSEach workday morning, the Bethel familycomes together in the dining room for morn-ing worship. A chairman presides over this15-minute discussion of the Bible. The pro-gram opens with prayer, and a Bible textfrom Examining the Scriptures Daily is read.Members of the family are assigned to com-ment on the text, and then breakfast isserved.

Members of the SouthAfrica branch preach thegood news in over 20languages

On Monday evenings, the Bethel familygathers together to study the Bible with thehelp of The Watchtower. At times, thereare special programs after the WatchtowerStudy.

New members of the family attend the Beth-el Entrants’ School and are expected toread the entire Bible during their first year.

All Bethel family members make time forpersonal Bible study and for sharing inthe Kingdom-preaching work. They are as-signed to congregations in the vicinity ofBethel. Many of them serve as elders orministerial servants.

BETHELHOMEAll Bethel family members are furnished withroom and board and a small monthly reim-bursement to assist with their personal ex-penses. They can truly be called a familybecause they work together, enjoy meals to-gether, and study the Bible together. Thoseserving here come from all walks of life andinclude a variety of ages, races, nationalities,and languages.

A number of necessary tasks are performedat Bethel. For example, some serve in thekitchen and dining rooms, providing nutri-tious meals for the entire family. Other mem-bers care for cleaning, housekeeping, laun-dry, landscaping, and maintenance. Theseassignments contribute to the family’s safe-ty and high standard of cleanliness, whichis a distinguishing mark of Bethel homesaround the world.

Many volunteers from local congregations ofJehovah’s Witnesses commute to Bethel ona part-time or full-time basis in order to helpthe Bethel family accomplish its work.

The residence buildings provide a pleasanthome for over 1,000 members of the Beth-el family.

OFFICESService DepartmentThis department coordinates the preach-ing activity in congregations throughoutSouth Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Namib-ia, St. Helena, and Swaziland. It organiz-es theocratic schools for pioneers andelders. It also compiles field service re-ports and makes territory assignments.The Service Department schedules re-gional conventions and circuit assem-blies.

Hospital Information DeskThis desk provides Hospital Liaison Com-mittees in the South Africa branch territo-ry with the latest information on bloodlessmedical procedures for surgeons, doc-tors, and nurses.

Translation DepartmentThis department supervises the trans-lation of the Watchtower and Awake!magazines and other publications into23 languages from English text that isreceived from headquarters in New York.

Regional Audio/Video CenterThis centre supports branches through-out Africa in producing audio andvideo publications. This includes sign-language publications, audio recordingsof Bible-based publications, Kingdomsongs, and lip synchronization of videosoundtracks. Photographs, videos, andanimation are also produced for use inour theocratic publications and on jw.org.

Regional Design/Construction OfficeThis office plans and coordinates con-struction projects in all of Africa. It ar-ranges the building of new branch offic-es, remote translation offices, AssemblyHalls, and Kingdom Halls.

Local Design/Construction DepartmentThis department supervises the construc-tion and maintenance of Kingdom Halls.It trains volunteers and organizes theminto teams for the construction of King-dom Halls. It also provides standardizedKingdom Hall designs, helps congrega-tions to meet local building regulations,and ensures that safety standards aremet.

Graphics DepartmentThe Graphics Department combines art-work, photographs, and text in orderto form a set of electronic files in thefour basic colors used in printing: cyan,magenta, yellow, and black. This infor-mation is inscribed by laser onto fourseparate plates for printing. This branchprepares files in over 150 languages forprinting and for uploading to jw.org.

PRINTERYOur rotary press can print two mil-lion 32-page magazines in 24 hours.A sheetfed press is used to print cov-ers for softcover books. Our softcoverbookbindery line can produce 16,000pocket-size books per hour.

Shipping DepartmentLiterature requests from some 17,000congregations in over 20 countries inAfrica are processed here. An electron-ic picking system is used to select andpack up to 25 million pieces of liter-ature, equaling 600 tons each month.Most congregations submit their literaturerequests online using jw.org.

MAINTENANCEWell-equipped maintenance workshopssupport the work performed at Bethel.These include vehicle maintenance,plumbing, carpentry, spray painting, andelectrical services. Also, there is an elec-tronics workshop as well as a machineshop.






We hope that you will en-joy your visit to the SouthAfrica branch office ofJehovah’s Witnesses.Our branch is called Bethel, meaning“House of God.” This Biblical name isfitting because those serving here areordained ministers who have dedicatedthemselves to Jehovah God and who de-vote themselves full-time to supporting theworldwide work of Kingdom preaching.In over 230 lands, there are more than7 500 000 Witnesses of Jehovah who arecarrying out the commission Jesus gavehis followers—to preach the good newsof God’s Kingdom. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) To organize this work, thereare some 90 branch offices worldwide—allserving under the direction of the Govern-ing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.



“Go, therefore, and makedisciples of people of all thenations.”—Matthew 28:19, 20

We sincerely hope that your visit to Bethel hasbeen a rewarding one. No doubt it has helpedyou to become better acquainted with the workthat Jehovah’s Witnesses are doing to help peo-ple who are searching for a better future throughGod’s Kingdom. May your visit with us be an en-couragement to you in your efforts to learn moreabout our loving Creator and to live by his righ-teous standards.

Visitors are welcome to take a guided tour ofour facilities. Tours are available Monday throughFriday from 8:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and from1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Address: 1 Robert Broom Drive EastRangeview, Krugersdorp,1739.GPS coordinates: -26.103710, 27.835351Scan code to the left to open map.Telephone: �27 11 761 1000

sTo learn more or to request afree home Bible study, pleasescan code to the right or visit

www.jw.org.˘ 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Printed in South Africa JWSA

Welcometo the

South AfricaBranch Office of

Jehovah’s Witnesses