Welcome to those who have worshipped in this place for years. Welcome to our first time guests. Welcome to all generations, families, single people and couples. Welcome to those who have no church home, need strength, have doubt, want to follow Christ or do not believe. 304 Broad Street (corner of Broad and Stone) Oneida, NY 13421 CHURCH OFFICE Phone: 315-363-7590 HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. GENERAL EMAIL oneidafirstpres @oneidafirstpres.org WEB SITE oneidafirstpres.org Do not put your trust in princes, In mortals, in whom there is no help. Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, Whose hope is in the LORD their God. Psalm 146:3,5 Our Mission Statement The vision of the members of Oneida First Presbyterian Church is to LIVE God's plan for our family, our community and our world. TOGETHER with God's grace and guidance, we will reach out and sow the LOVE of Jesus Christ. PASTORAL STAFF Pastor - Michael Yeoman 315-761-2721 [email protected] Choir Director - Stephanie Gwilt 315 - 886-6858 CHURCH STAFF Office Secretary - John Merritt 315-527-2939 Sexton-Jennawade Skellham 315-664-3886 Treasurer -Frank Kordziel 315-263-1474 Organist - Melinda Phoenix-Heart 315-247-9201 Financial Secretary - Pat Thorpe 315-363-8948 Clerk of Session -Pat Thorpe 315-363-8948

Welcome to those who have worshipped in this place for years

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Page 1: Welcome to those who have worshipped in this place for years

Welcome to those who have worshipped in this place for years. Welcome to our first time guests. Welcome to all generations, families, single people and couples. Welcome to those who have no church home, need strength, have doubt, want to

follow Christ or do not believe.

304 Broad Street (corner of Broad and Stone) Oneida, NY 13421


Phone: 315-363-7590 HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

GENERAL EMAIL oneidafirstpres @oneidafirstpres.org

WEB SITE oneidafirstpres.org

Do not put your trust in princes,

In mortals, in whom there is no help.

Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob,

Whose hope is in the LORD their God.

Psalm 146:3,5

Our Mission Statement

The vision of the members of Oneida First Presbyterian Church

is to LIVE God's plan for our family, our community and our

world. TOGETHER with God's grace and guidance, we will

reach out and sow the LOVE of Jesus Christ.

PASTORAL STAFF Pastor - Michael Yeoman 315-761-2721 [email protected]

Choir Director - Stephanie Gwilt 315 - 886-6858

CHURCH STAFF Office Secretary - John Merritt 315-527-2939

Sexton-Jennawade Skellham 315-664-3886 Treasurer -Frank Kordziel 315-263-1474 Organist - Melinda Phoenix-Heart 315-247-9201

Financial Secretary - Pat Thorpe 315-363-8948

Clerk of Session -Pat Thorpe 315-363-8948

Page 2: Welcome to those who have worshipped in this place for years

The Church At Worship

First Presbyterian Church of Oneida Sunday, October 31, 2021 10:00 a.m.

23rd Sunday after Pentecost


PREPARATION FOR WORSHIP LECTIONARY: Ruth 1: 1-18 Psalm 146 Hebrews 9:11-14 Mark 12:28-34 PRELUDE In the Garden Austin Miles

arr. By Lyndell Leatherman


INTROIT Bless Us Now This Day Douglas E Wagner

CALL TO WORSHIP (Responsive) Leader: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. People: Lord, let this be. Show us how.

Leader: And love your neighbor as yourself. People: Lord let this be. Take us where we surely need to go.

Leader: Let your love be the lens that lets us see, the power that enlivens our lives, light that points to the path, and the very grace that saves us. People: Kindly fill us with your love.

.*FIRST HYMN Fight the Good Fight #307

)God Sings Over You [God] will rejoice over you with singing.

Zephaniah 3:17

Seventeen months after our first child - a boy - was born, along came a little girl. I was overjoyed at the thought of having a daughter, but I was also a bit uneasy because while I knew a few things about little boys, this was uncharted territory. We maned her Sarah, and one of my privileges was rocking her to sleep so my wife could rest. I’m not sure why, but I started trying to sing her to sleep, and the song of choice was “You Are My Sunshine.” Whether holding her in my arms or standing above her in her crib, I quite literally sang over her, and loved every minute of it. She’s in her twenties now, and I still call her Sunshine. We usually think about angels singing. But when was the last time you thought about God singing? That’s right - GOD singing. And furthermore, when was the last time you thought about Him singing over you? Zephaniah is clear in his message to Jerusalem, “The LORD your God” takes great delight in you, so much so that He “rejoice[s] over you with singing” (3:17). Although this message speaks directly to Jerusalem, it’s likely God sings over us - those who have received Jesus as Savior - too! What song does He sing? Well, Scripture’s not clear on that. But the song is born out of His love, so we can trust it’s true and noble and right and pure and around lovely and admirable (Philippians 4:8) (From “Our Daily Bread” October 29th, 2021)

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*PRAYER OF THE DAY (Unison) Blessed are you Father God, Creator of all. To you we bring our praise and glory forever. As this day dawns, reenergize us and bring light and life to all. May we rejoice in this day that you personally have made; and may we see your presence in all that we do. Strengthen our hands to do your will that the whole world may rejoice and give you praise.

*CALL TO CONFESSION *PRAYER OF CONFESSION We are hesitant to confess, Holy God, how hard it is to love as you wish. It is easy to love you with all that we are, except when you ask us to love our neighbor with all that we have. We find it hard to love our neighbor, when it is linked to the way we love ourselves. And it is difficult to love anyone—even You— more than we love ourselves. Forgive us Father we pray. Help us to love others compassionately, to love ourselves genuinely, and to love you as completely as you love us. AMEN


* GLORIA PATRI Glory Be to the Father #579 * PASSING OF THE PEACE (Socially Distanced Greetings)



ANTHEM Move that Mountain, Lord Robert Clatterbuck

SCRIPTURE READINGS OLD TESTAMENT READING Deuteronomy 6:1-9 OT Page 157 PSALM Psalm 146 OT Page 549 GOSPEL READING Mark 12:28-34 NT Page 46

This is an early reminder that you and your child can begin now to collect items that will fit in a shoe-box. This month, as you’re out shopping, pick up one or two items at a time and gradually fill up your shoebox. Gear gifts for each box to a boy or girl. Ages per shoebox are 2-4 years, 5-9 years or 10-14 years. There are brochures on the Stone Street table which give you ideas what to put in your shoebox, and what are items that you can’t put in. This is the best time of year to pick up school supplies, as they are all on sale. This year we have an anonymous donor who will pay shipping for the boxes. If you de-cide that you still wish to pay postage, it is $7, put it in the box, and put a sticky note on the outside of the box saying the postage is inside. We will have OCC shoeboxes available in the board room, over by the coffee pot, and there will be new brochures on the Stone Street table very soon. If you use a regular shoebox, wrapping is not neces-sary; however, do put a label (found on the back of the OCC brochure) denoting boy or girl and age on the shoebox and put a strong rubber band around the box. If you wish to wrap the box in brightly col-ored paper, please wrap the top and bottom of the box separately and put the label on it denoting boy or girl and age with a rubber band around it. Don’t include breakable items, liquid items, chocolate, perishable items or toy weapons, etc. We will collect them on or before November 21st. More details to follow.


This year you can help local Seniors who do not have anyone to

spend Thanksgiving with. First Presbyterian and Karing

Kitchen are providing a Thanksgiving meal to any senior who

will be by themselves this year. A $21.00 donation will provide

a Turkey and all the fixings meal to local seniors. The goal is to

reach 300 Seniors. You can send in your donation to the church

with Thanksgiving written in the memo area of your check.

This Year’s package will include: Turkey Loaf (1lb tin), Stuff-

ing Mix 6oz, Instant Mashed Potatoes 13oz, Turkey Gravy 15 oz, Corn 16oz, 2 cans; Sweet potatoes

16oz, Apple Pie 22 oz., 1 Pork tenderloin, 1 lb of Italian Meatballs, 1 lb of Breaded Fish, and 2 fresh


Page 4: Welcome to those who have worshipped in this place for years

SERMON “Struggling with that 4-Letter Word Called Love” Pastor Mike *SECOND HYMN Here I Am Lord #525

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Scots Confession—Chapter 1—God We confess and acknowledge one God alone, to whom alone we must cleave, whom alone we must serve, whom only we must worship, and in whom alone we put our trust. Who is eternal, infinite, immeasurable, in comprehensible, omnipotent, invisible; one in substance and yet distinct in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. By whom we confess and believe all things in heaven and earth, visible and invisible to have been created, to be retained in their being, and to be ruled and guided by his in scrutable providence for such end as his eternal wisdom, goodness, and justice have appointed, and to the manifestation of his own glory


DIRECTIONS OF OUR GIFTS AND OFFERINGS *OFFERTORY PRAYER *DOXOLOGY #592 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER (unison) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our `debtors; and lead us not into tempta tion but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen *CLOSING HYMN Lord, I Want to Be A Christian #372

Barb Arnold Bill Ausman Bryce Bechtel (friend of Zach Thompson) Steve Blair (friend of Ginny Pendleton) Anthony Bonacci Eleanor Breckenridge (Sue Borchardt’s mom) Bob Butler Pam Carrigan Scott Colvin Glade Cook Jr. (nephew of Warrens) Jonathon Eastman Maria Erdo John Ferguson Jillian Felt Pat Grabow (Chrissy Thompson’s Mom) Becky Grasso Sherry Harrison Joyce Helms Jamie Hubbard Wendy Holtz Susan Johnson (Nancy James’ niece) Millie Johnson Horace Keller Jean Kowalik

Ester Ladd (Friend of the Church) Florence LaRock Janice Lisbon (Friend of the Sweets) Maribeth Matthews Jason Maycock (Sandy Glynn’s brother) Tom Panasci Mary Patricia Dan & Claudia Rayome Doug Rosekrans Rich Snyder (Jennifer Colvin’s neighbor) Eugene Sweet (Jim’s brother) Judy Sweet Harold Thompson Matthew Thornton (Sue Borchardt’s Nephew) Betty Thorpe (Jim’s aunt) Janet Turbee Grace Warren Jan Whiting Bev Eriole (Michelle Yeoman and Becky Ewen’s sister

Richard Prior Michelle Yeoman and Becky Ewen’s dad

Bill VanValkenberg (Friend of the Church) Christopher Wuest Jerry Karen Michelle Angelia Anthony


Marjorie Fuller (Stephanie’s Grandmother)

If you have a prayer need, there are cards in the pews. Fill it out and hand it to an usher. If you know of anyone who is sick, in the hospital, or in need of our prayers, PLEASE call the Church Office, 363-7590. Please let us know also when they are healed and can be taken off the prayer list.

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Rose Lockwood Doug Lockwood Kathy Nichols

CLASS OF 2023 Paul Mancarella Nancy Rinehard Jan Whiting

CLASS OF 2022 CLASS OF 2021 Becky Williams Randy Bonville Doug Lippert Carol Wells Lucille Merriman Mike Merriman


John Merritt Jennawade Skellham Cindy Bonville Chrissy Thompson


Robert Phoenix (Friend of Nancy James) SPECIAL CONCERNS: All first responders, nurses, doctors and healthcare professionals dealing first hand dur-ing this global pandemic.

Pray for those who are serving overseas: the U.S. Armed Forces in Afghanistan; and our Po-lice/Fire Safety personnel. PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS: Pray for those who are stationed in non-combat zones: Sebas-tian Powers, Stephen Cafalone, Kiernan Mas-ner, Jack Sharkey, Mark Sia, Howard Bantle, Nicholas Young, Philip Messina, Ryan Geer, John Goodwill, Errol Crossman, Corey Reed, Michael McMahon, Andrew Fargo, Jim Jen-nings, Colin Whitcome, Michelle Ludwig, Peter Thompson

MISSION EMPHASIS: Three Voices: Cochran Memorial, Oneida Castle; Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church, Vernon; First Presbyterian Church, Verona




POSTLUDE BWV 556 Johan Sabastian Bach

*Thank you for worshiping with us today. Please join us in the auditorium for refreshments and fellowship following the service.

Page 6: Welcome to those who have worshipped in this place for years

LOCAL CHURCH NEWS The First United Methodist Church will be holding a coat giveaway on Saturday, November 13th. New or gently used coats can be given to Pastor Mike by Novem-ber 7th and he will get the coats to the Methodist Church for set up on Monday, Nov. 8th. The Oneida Area Council of Churches has decided to cancel this year's Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service. They will be preparing a Thanksgiving Booklet which will be distributed to all area churches. The booklet will feature Thanksgiving-oriented scripture verses and prayers. The booklet will be available to church mem-bers on Sunday, November 14th.

These Days for October, November and December are

in and can be found in the Narthex, Sanctuary and

Hall way outside the Boardroom.



(formerly Peacemaking Offering) will start on

September 12. Please support the efforts of the

Presbyterian Church so that peace may abound

throughout the world. As you contribute to the offering

consider the difference your generosity can make.

Offering envelopes will be available in the pews.


Andy Williams has met with Pastor Mike and shared his passion for starting an inter-generational Bible Study Program. Initial plans call for an interactive gathering to kick off on Sunday, November 7th right after service in the parlor. If you want to par-ticipate but find this time not convenient, please see Andy after church. As we encounter God’s Word together, we have a wonderful opportunity to share our different perspectives, insights, questions and struggles with one another and broaden our appreciation for God’s Word and spiritual nutrition. It is through the Word of God that we gain faith. What a great opportunity as a family of faith to grow our faith together!!!


What does hunger in

central and northern New

York look like? 1 in 8 individuals is food insecure.

The New Life Assembly of God Food Pantry serves between 800 to 1,000

people every month, which is approximately 200 - 240 families, giving

them enough food for 9 meals. They also give a loving ear to listen to

problems and broken hearts. They pass out information on accessing

social services: SNAP (food stamps), HEAP, Community Action, etc.

They are open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Page 7: Welcome to those who have worshipped in this place for years

The Presbyterian Women’s Christmas Luncheon will be held Tuesday, De-cember 14th @ Noon. Where? Ebeneezer’s in Sherrill. $20 per person. Chicken and Biscuits will be served. Please RSVP to Carol Miller or Donna Ausman by December 7th. Please make out all checks to the Presbyterian Women.


Sun - Carmen Joslyn Sara Vrooman Mon - Melanie Orzechowski Tue - Becky Lehman Thu - Mike Yeoman Fri - Jane Jennings Sat - Mike Merriman

Upcoming Blood Drives for September

Tuesday, November 2nd; Seventh Day Baptist Church

Verona, NY.

1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 4th; First Presbyterian Church

Cazenovia, NY.

1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Friday, November 5th; Munnsville Fire Department

Munnsville, NY.

1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Thank you, from Jan Whiting

I want to thank the people of the church for the many cards, pray-

ers and acts of kindness during my rehabilitation from my stroke.

At this point I am able to walk without the help of any assistance.

The stroke has affected my speech, reading comprehension, and

writing. All of which are getting better with continued rehabilita-

tive classes. I miss my church family very very much and will be

back as soon as I can get back .

Love, and miss you all. Jan

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Calendar for Oct31st - Nov 7th Sunday, October 31st 10 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Church Staff Meeting Monday, November 1st 6:30 p.m. Cub Scouts Tuesday, November 2nd

Wednesday, November 3rd 6:30 p.m. Boy Scouts Thursday, November 4th 3:30 p.m. Connection Friday, November 5th 5:00—9:00 Youth Halloween Party Saturday, November 6th

Sunday, November 7th 10 a.m. Worship Communion

First Presbyterian Church of Oneida Guidelines for Church Services

Entry – All entries will be open for your convenience.

Masks – Masks are to be worn if you have not been fully vaccinated. Collection plates – Collection plates will be at all entry and exit points. Hand Sanitizer – There will be hand sanitizer at all entry and exit points. There

are also individual bottles in the pews. Communion – Communion will resume in September. Drinking Fountain – The drinking fountain will be covered and unavailable until

further notice. Coffee Servers – Coffee hour will resume on July 11th. Nursery – Nursery services are available. Parents must accompany their children

while they are in the nursery. Live Streaming – You can still watch the service on FB live. The IT committee is

currently working on a way to broadcast services for live streaming. We will update the progress of that in the future.

HEPA filters - There are 4 filters located in the Sanctuary that filter and exchange the air every minute.

The staff of First Presbyterian Church of Oneida welcome you back to worship.

We will do all that we can to make your worship as stress free as possible. If you have any questions concerning these guidelines feel free to email the of-fice [email protected], or call 315-363-7590.

Our Daily Bread for September, Octo-

ber, and November is now available in

the Sanctuary, Narthex and Hallway

Page 9: Welcome to those who have worshipped in this place for years


Nov. 1 Melanie Orzechowski Nov. 2 Becky Lehman Nov. 4 Mike Yeoman Nov. 5 Jane Jennings Nov. 6 Mike Merriman Nov. 10 Chenell Fox Nov. 11 Betty Wesseldine Nov. 13 Hayley Fox Nov. 14 Dave Schellhase Nov. 16 Randy Bonville, Kristina Tooker Nov. 17 Millicent Vidal Nov. 19 Dolores Dryer, Sherry Schellhase Nov. 20 Shane Todd Nov. 22 Phyllis Lighthall, Florence LaRock, Grace Todd, Roger Warren Nov. 23 Nat Smith Nov. 25 Penny Giraud, Shannon Anderson Nov. 26 Gail Lehman Nov. 27 Vic Johnson

Anniversaries Nov. 16 Nat and Melissa Smith Nov. 20 Penny & Ernie Giraud Nov. 22 Bob and Becky Williams

Festival of Christmas 2021

Saturday, November 20th 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Luncheon: Chicken and Biscuits Tickets: $10 Served 11:30 – 1:30

Booth Chairpersons:

Cottage 304 – Carol Miller – 762 – 4224

Needs decorative/holiday items (has wreaths/trees to use)

Cookie Walk – Becky Williams – 280 -0284 Needs cookies and your suggestions, sign-up sheet coming soon

Harriet’s Boutique – Becky Ewen – 363 – 1678

Needs Hats, purses, items that kids can buy (or want)

Candy Shoppe – Chrissy Thompson – 363 – 7201 – Stephanie Thompson Needs fudge and your favorite candy

Pins & Needles – Laura Reckentine – 495 – 7019 (Sue Kordziel)

Needs sewing, crochet, and knitting items.

Polly’s Pantry – Needs a volunteer to work the booth Needs jams, jellies, pickles, etc…

Bake Shoppe – Cathy Opperman/Amanda Burdick – 361-4106 (Cathy)

Needs pies and breads

Kitchen/Luncheon Staff Volunteers – Frank and Janet Sarensky 363-4365

Sign-up sheets coming soon


Quilt -“Labyrinth Walk” (Laura Reckentine & Sue Kordziel & Sharron Warren) Painting -“Autumn Waterfall” (Tom Donegan)

Tickets available from Rachelle Mancarella starting Oct. 10th

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat





5 6

7 10 a.m. Worship Communion

8 9



12 13

14 10 am Worship






20 FESTIVAL OF CHRISTMAS (11 am - 3pm)


10 am Worship Operation Shoebox dedication 11:30 am Deacons Meeting



23 24


Office Closed




10 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Staff Meeting


7 p.m. Session Meeting