October Tower Call 48/10 T T h h e e T T o o w w e e r r C C a a l l l l Newsletter of Zion United Church of Christ Vol. 48 No. 10 October, 2009 From the Ram’s Den This month I’m going to revisit the question: “What does the name Zion mean?” Our Church Growth Committee is properly concerned to make it as easy as possible for people to know what we’re up to and why. They’re starting to work with the Building Committee to develop signs around the church so that strangers will more easily be able to find their way. The Web-Site Sub-Committee is making great progress on producing an introduction to the church that will be literally attractive. That reminded me that our very name is one that may seem “strange” to strangers. For that matter, other than the familiar name for the gathering of people we love, it may not make much sense to some of us. I’d done some thinking about that question a few years ago. Maybe it’s time for me to review and renew those thoughts with you. I’ll give the linguistic background of the name and suggest a way we may be able to make the symbol work for us. First, in the Old Testament books of Judges and Kings, we learn that Zion was the name of the mountain on which Jerusalem came to be built. In the book of Psalms, we see many times when that connection is collapsed on itself: Zion becomes a name for Jerusalem. It was one of the “home” words of the stories of the Old Testament. The Germans who moved into Pennsylvania often named the churches they founded after that religious home. There are several other Zion Churches in the Penn Northeast Conference of the United Church of Christ. I suppose they did this for the same reason that they named communities they started “Bethlehem,” “Emmaus,” and “Nazareth” – possibly reflecting the fact they were moving into a strange country, but still wanted to be “safe at home” there. There is an added clue to meaning in those place names, however. They may each be places in Israel, named in the Old Testament, but they take on special meaning for Christians because of their role in the New Testament. Those three places were all very important in the stories of Jesus. Similarly, Jerusalem was eventually reborn in the Christian Scriptures as the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city. In other words, when we name our church Zion, we are naming it after the true home for us all, where God will be all in all. But we can’t stop there. Christian tradition makes it clear that the church on earth is not the heavenly city – that is God’s good gift for our eternal future. The role of the church and of Christian people in the meantime is to point to heaven as our true home. The saints talked about the church as the “foretaste of heaven.” I like a contemporary American idiom to express that truth. The church is a “tailgate party” in Heaven’s parking lot. So when you invite a friend to worship with you here, you can tell them that we try to live up to our name. We’d be pleased to have them join us in our Tailgate Party of the spiritual life. Bill World Communion Sunday by Dave World Communion Sunday (originally called World Wide Communion Sunday) originated in the Presbyterian Church (USA). In 1936, for the first time, the first Sunday in October was celebrated in Presbyterian churches in the United States and overseas. From the beginning, it was planned so that other denominations could make use of it and, after a few years, the idea spread beyond the Presbyterian Church. In an increasing globalized world, where differences can be divisive, sharing in the elements of the Lord's Supper is the quiet constant that unites believers of Christ — that grace, redemption and healing are afforded through the simple sharing of the sacred bread and cup. On Oct. 4, congregations across the UCC and countless other denominations will celebrate Holy

The Tower There is an added clue to meaning in those place

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October Tower Call 48/10

TThhee TToowweerr

CCaallll Newsletter of Zion United Church of Christ Vol. 48 No. 10 October, 2009

From the Ram’s Den This month I’m going to revisit the question: “What does the name Zion mean?” Our Church Growth Committee is properly concerned to make it as easy as possible for people to know what we’re up to and why. They’re starting to work with the Building Committee to develop signs around the church so that strangers will more easily be able to find their way. The Web-Site Sub-Committee is making great progress on producing an introduction to the church that will be literally attractive. That reminded me that our very name is one that may seem “strange” to strangers. For that matter, other than the familiar name for the gathering of people we love, it may not make much sense to some of us. I’d done some thinking about that question a few years ago. Maybe it’s time for me to review and renew those thoughts with you. I’ll give the linguistic background of the name and suggest a way we may be able to make the symbol work for us. First, in the Old Testament books of Judges and Kings, we learn that Zion was the name of the mountain on which Jerusalem came to be built. In the book of Psalms, we see many times when that connection is collapsed on itself: Zion becomes a name for Jerusalem. It was one of the “home” words of the stories of the Old Testament. The Germans who moved into Pennsylvania often named the churches they founded after that religious home. There are several other Zion Churches in the Penn Northeast Conference of the United Church of Christ. I suppose they did this for the same reason that they named communities they

started “Bethlehem,” “Emmaus,” and “Nazareth” – possibly reflecting the fact they were moving into a strange country, but still wanted to be “safe at home” there. There is an added clue to meaning in those place names, however. They may each be places in Israel, named in the Old Testament, but they take on special meaning for Christians because of their role in the New Testament. Those three places were all very important in the stories of Jesus. Similarly, Jerusalem was eventually reborn in the Christian Scriptures as the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city. In other words, when we name our church Zion, we are naming it after the true home for us all, where God will be all in all. But we can’t stop there. Christian tradition makes it clear that the church on earth is not the heavenly city – that is God’s good gift for our eternal future. The role of the church and of Christian people in the meantime is to point to heaven as our true home. The saints talked about the church as the “foretaste of heaven.” I like a contemporary American idiom to express that truth. The church is a “tailgate party” in Heaven’s parking lot. So when you invite a friend to worship with you here, you can tell them that we try to live up to our name. We’d be pleased to have them join us in our Tailgate Party of the spiritual life. Bill World Communion Sunday by Dave World Communion Sunday (originally called World Wide Communion Sunday) originated in the Presbyterian Church (USA). In 1936, for the first time, the first Sunday in October was celebrated in Presbyterian churches in the United States and overseas. From the beginning, it was planned so that other denominations could make use of it and, after a few years, the idea spread beyond the Presbyterian Church. In an increasing globalized world, where differences can be divisive, sharing in the elements of the Lord's Supper is the quiet constant that unites believers of Christ — that grace, redemption and healing are afforded through the simple sharing of the sacred bread and cup. On Oct. 4, congregations across the UCC and countless other denominations will celebrate Holy

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Communion. This is a day for the wider Christian Church to move beyond historical and theological differences and worship together in genuine unity in Christ. We’re planning a special Communion Service for the day in Zion approaching the Lord’s Table as some of our brothers and sisters around the world might do. Please plan to join us for this special celebration of the Eucharist on this very special day in the church year.

Bible Group Babble by Lynn Hey everyone! Start thinking about joining our Bible Group that meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 10:30! Informal, open discussion about

the scripture lesson of the day is the format each session. Our first meeting on September 22 served to help organize our schedule and our program of study for this new year. More will be detailed in our next edition of the Tower Call and posted on the bulletin board in fellowship hall. October meetings will be held on Tuesday Oct. 13 and 27 at 10:30 . Our study this year will focus on the Book of Acts, chapters 1-6. This is a “God is Still Speaking Bible Study provided to us by the United Church of Christ. The format is informal! Please join us whenever you can! Any questions? Call Lynn.

The schedule is as follows: (All dates are on a Tuesday)

Jan. 26 Oct. 13 Feb. 9 Oct 27 Feb. 23 Nov. 10 Mar. 9 Dec. 8 Mar. 23

Jan. 12 Apr. 12 Family Promise Update by Karen Ezzo As we completed our Family Promise outreach in August, 214.5 volunteer hours were logged here at Zion Lodge. This encompassed the following tasks: cleaning the area to set up for Family Promise, to tear down on the final Sunday, 7 dinners, 7 over nights and many tasks in between the Saturday through Sunday to cover our week. There may be more hours that were not logged because people make things happen behind the scenes and don’t feel their time is important enough to be logged. Logging volunteer hours is as important as fixing dinner, cutting that sweet watermelon or playing Twister with Adam and Angie. The logged volunteer hours are used as a required match for various grants to support Family Promise. I hope that the Girl Scout Troops continue to volunteer and complete their badges and that the Bats will find their niche in Zion’s outreach to Family Promise. If you have some ideas, please share them with me. Our next reservation for the Zion Lodge is Sunday, November 29, 2009 at 5:30pm. The past week in the lodge was quite challenging, but we worked through it, we’re past it, and we will gladly welcome the new families in November. The newest member to Family Promise, Rachel Mae, was born at the end of the week following Mom’s week at Zion. All is well. The needs at the day center are cleaning supplies, paper towels and laundry soap. Thanks so very much to all of you who helped to make the week a success! Relay For Life by Mary Ann Reed Thank you to everyone who signed up to walk on the Zion UCC Team in the

In This Issue of October’s Tower Call

Family Promise Page 2 Preparing to Give Page 4 Bats in the Belfry Page 5 Brainstorming Session Page 5 Pastoral Notes Page 7 October Ministries Page 9 Church Family Information Page 12

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June Cancer Society Relay for Life. We had 32 people sign up to walk for the Zion Team. The weather was not cooperative this year and the relay had to be cancelled after only a few hours. Hopefully those of you who volunteered to walk this year will be willing again next year to walk with the Zion Team. As soon as I get the total amounts of money raised, I will let everyone know!! Once again, thank you to all who were willing to walk and those who donated!!

PS. Get warmed up – plan to be part of the fun - another walk will be held next year!!! Music and Worship Committee A Search Committee has been organized as we look for a Music Director. We are in the process of interviewing prospective candidates. We anticipate having our Music Director in place by years end, if not sooner. During this time where we are without a Music Director, Claudia has agreed to wear both hats and will be helped by Elaine Shuey and Gail Stevens. Thank you very much ladies!

Catching up on Christian Education by Maureen Our Sunday morning classes

are off to a great start this year. Those of you who were fortunate enough to attend the service on Homecoming Sunday saw the enthusiasm and creativity of our students and our teachers. The children looked great as they paraded through the sanctuary, proudly waving signs proclaiming their faith, as bubbles rained down upon them! (Thanks to JoEllen and Lori for organizing the morning) It was a great way to kick off the new year. As is par for the course, I do have a change to share with all of you. Sadly, Ray will be unable to work with the Bats on Sunday mornings. He just has too much going on right now, but he is going to continue as a member of the Youth Team and he will also continue as a Consistory member. For the time being, I will be working with the teens. We (the Bats and I) met on Sunday, September 20 to talk about their lives outside of the church, their

desire to be involved in activities within the church and how to successfully juggle it all. After a lively discussion, we came to the conclusion that the best way to make everything work is to break up the month as follows:

Week One: Bats Breakfast Club…Caffeine and Character discussion Series Week Two: Work session for Bats in the Belfry Youth Ministries Week Three: Bats Breakfast Club…Caffeine and Character discussion Series Week Four: Bats in the Belfry Youth Group Meeting

It certainly seemed like a great plan to me so I brought it to the Christian Education Committee. They agreed that the priority is to keep the youth involved and that this plan is a good way to keep them focused on exploring their faith and expanding their service to the church and community. So, that’s what will be happening downstairs in the lodge each week from know on. Stop down anytime to see a great bunch of kids doing some amazing things! Finally, for my moment of the month…it’s all about our new Child Care Center! Sometimes when we make changes, it takes a while to see the benefits and to determine whether or not the change was a good one. Not this time!!! I walked out of the sanctuary to pick up the volunteers for the Children’s offering and I could hear the sound of pure joy and exuberance coming up the steps. It brought an immediate smile to my face, and then I got downstairs and walked into the child care area! There were fans gathered around the pinball machine cheering each other on…there were vacationers laying on the carpet with Barbie dolls and the “Barbie Camper” who were obviously on some kind of great cross country trip…there were architects building new worlds with the blocks…there were road masters crawling around pushing trucks…there were race car drivers speeding around Indy…there were artists at the table creating new masterpieces and there were visionaries lounging in the bean bag chairs dreaming about their bright futures. Wow! So much activity, so much fun, so much camaraderie…it doesn’t get much better than that!

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Zion’s Annual Christmas Bazaar On Saturday, November 14th we will hold our annual Bazaar at

Zion from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. This is our largest fundraiser of the year and you are all invited to come out and support our church and help in funding our various ministries. This event is always a lot of fun as well as a way to raise funds for the life of the church. There will be crafts for sale, a baked goods table, two rooms full of great white elephant items and our kitchen will be open offering soups and other goodies. In addition, we will be selling raffle tickets with many great prizes to win. Please plan to join us to support our church and our church family If you can help help us by working part or all of the day, please complete a volunteer form or contact one of our Bazaar committee members. Debbie Mancuso, Jean Moyer, Sherry Swisher, Karen Trunzo & Karen Ezzo. Harvest Home Celebration by Barbara Van Nortwick The time to decorate the sanctuary for our Harvest Home celebration is arriving quickly. Soon the church will hold the beauty of the fall harvest including all the canned goods and packaged food items to be delivered to families in need. The Zion family is very supportive of this community outreach ministry. Please begin collecting canned and packaged goods for the “Harvest Baskets”. Eight turkeys and assorted canned goods, such as, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, peas, corn, gravy, beets, instant or fresh white potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, and roasting bags will be packed in the “baskets”. “Extras”, such as beef stew, tuna fish, soups, and peanut butter are always welcomed. Please leave your non-perishable donations in the box on the Donation Station table in Fellowship Hall. Harvest Home celebration will be held on November 22nd, followed by a Linger Luncheon. So, come and enjoy the celebration of the beautiful fall colors decorating the church, the abundance of

food being offered in ministry, and the aroma of great food to enjoy and wonderful fellowship! Calling All Chefs - Linger Lunch by Gay Anne Once again, with the help and support of our Linger Lunch teams we are planning another successful year of good food and fellowship. The Linger Lunch will be October 18th right after the worship service. We are all looking forward to spending this special time of sharing our covered dishes and fellowship with our Zion family, so be sure to mark your calendar. Upcoming dates for Linger Lunch are:

November 22, 2009 January 31, 2010

Also, if you would be interested in helping with set up on Saturday (1 hr) or serving and clean up on Sunday (approximately 1½ hrs) please give me a call at 610-657-4729 as we are always looking for extra hands. I hope you are just as excited as I am for the start of another year of many exciting events which will be happening at Zion. Preparing to Give From Jesus’ fullness, we have all received, grace upon grace. That’s a quote from the first chapter of the Gospel of John (verse 16, to be exact). It’s also the theme the stewardship department of the United Church of Christ chose for their materials for use this Fall. We decided to use that theme and its materials to help us prepare for the time during Harvest Home when we make our faith promises for support of Zion in 2010. Those promises will help us plan a realistic budget for next year, but the really important part of the process is your preparation. Whenever we try to find a way to stretch financially to give a little more, we also stretch spiritually. God helps us to grow. So we’ll try to help your preparation. There will be special thought-provoking inserts in the four weekly bulletins from October 25 to November 15. We’re asking four of you to say something about ways they’ve heard God speaking to them in Zion and ways they’ve grown spiritually by giving. There

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will be a special article in next month’s Tower Call. Finally, we’ll send you a letter on the special theme letterhead with your own faith promise card in it. But the most important part of the preparation is what you do. Please make your giving plan a regular matter in your prayers from now until Harvest Home Sunday. Our prayers will regularly ask God to take advantage of this special time in Zion’s life to encourage even more spiritual growth among us. Your Finance Committee Bats in the Belfry The Bats The bats are kicking off the year with an overnight retreat on Friday, September 25th and Saturday, September 26th at the Kirkwood Camp & Retreat Center. We have planned a day and a half of fellowship, fun, food, worship, team building, etc… This year we are trying some new things in youth group. We will be holding monthly meetings in the Zion lodge. In addition, several activities, service projects and fundraisers will be held by youth team leaders throughout the year from September to June. Our next youth event is our Halloween Party/Trail of Terror Haunted Basement scheduled for October 24th. Anyone interested in helping out at the Halloween Party, please contact Debbie Mancuso. This was a great time last year and well attended, however, we are hoping to have a more gooooolish time this year. Please watch for announcements in the bulletin over the next month. Mr. Z’s Receipts Update by Mary Ann Reed Thank you to all of you who are saving the Weiss/Mr. Z’s grocery receipts. All the receipts now are Weiss and they are still participating in the cash back program. So far this year we have turned in $661.05 in receipts for the church. Keep saving those receipts. It is like getting “free money.” The receipt box is now on the Donation Station Table near the stage in the all purpose room. Thank you!!

Church Growth Update by Brenda M.

• The Website committee continues to meet bi-weekly to discuss all new content and format for our new web design

• A “Brainstorming” get-together will be held on Sunday evening, October 11th from 5-7 p.m. in fellowship hall to share ideas for the future growth of the church and church family

• An “Exploration” Sunday will be held on Sunday, October 25th immediately following worship service for all individuals or families that may have an interest in becoming a member of Zion U.C.C.

• New members will be received into the worshipping congregation of Zion on Sunday, November 8th during worship service

We are continuously striving to find ways to improve Zion’s visibility to the public and spread the “good news” that “God Is Still Speaking” here in Zion! If you, our members and readers, should have any suggestions at any time, feel free to speak to Brenda Mitstifer, chairperson. “Brainstorming” for Zion’s Future by Brenda Mitstifer Please join us on Sunday, October 11th from 5-7 p.m. for an informal “brainstorming” event sponsored by Zion’s Church Growth committee. We invite you to bring your ideas, opinions and insight as to what you feel is essential for positive future growth here at Zion. During this informal session, we will most likely break up into small groups to “brainstorm” and then bring all ideas and information to the entire group for discussion. Our future growth means not only attracting new individuals and families to worship with us here at Zion, but also to keep the “inner-vitality” of our church and church family alive and active. Again, mark your calendar and come join us with your thoughts, ideas and inspiration on Sunday, October 11th from 5-7 p.m. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak to any one of our

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Church Growth members, who are: Brenda Mitstifer, Linda Bailey, Jim Ruckel, Pam Reincke, Irene Smith, Nina Woodling, Sam Rudy, Dave Berryman, Lynn Breedy and Bill Ramsden.

Building Buzz by Dave We have the following building issues to share;

• We want to welcome Pam Rizzi as our new

Zion Sexton. Pam started working on Tuesday September 8th. If you see her scurrying about the building be sure and welcome her to our family!

• Our roofing contractor has told us we can expect them to start the second week in September.

• Our committee would like to thank everyone who worked with the Youth Team in re-painting the area next to the kitchen in the basement. The room looks fantastic and is much brighter for our Bats and our Family Promise friends when the visit. The Bats are providing new carpet for the room as well. Thanks to all of you!

• Thanks to Tony and Karen for all the yard work and weeding of out Peace Garden and the area next to Marshall Anders Office. Marshall’s staff was delighted to see Tony and Karen weeding their tomato garden. You may remember the attorney’s office takes care of our snow removal. We are blessed to have such good neighbors.

• If you become aware of any building needs, please notify one of the committee members.

Lynn’s Lines….

• Vern and Jean: “flying high” to the Penn State/Akron game.

• Jesse: walk home or wait for Mom to stop chatting.(walking is quicker)

• Matthew and Brian: newest members of the set-up and clean-up crew for Linger Lunch.

• Cathy (Rarick) Strouse: a Zion member as a youngster, and niece of Rose and Cal, now an ordained UCC pastor. Congratulations, Cathy!

• Polly and Lee: Bag Ladies on 8th St., with their cleaning supplies and buckets and then waiting for AAA to repair their car that worked!!!

• Barbara Wetmore: official pew polisher. • Irene: did you get new elastic in your

slacks??? • George Walton: thanks for the clean bag of

rags! • Ethel: 90 years old. Happy Birthday! • Ok Phils Phans- 8 games up on the Marlins,

14 games remaining in regular season, Rollins starring on defense, Howard hitting homers, Werth’s worth “off the charts,” but some injuries. Shall we begin to think World Series???? Maybe not yet!

Bundles for Bundles

by Jean The Building Committee has been

advised we need to put a new roof on the part of the church that was not

done after we had the storm damage. Our theme is Bundles for Bundles. A bundle of shingles is $100. You do not have to pledge/pay for a full bundle. You may make pledges/payments for ¼ ($25), ½ ($50), or ¾ ($75) bundles. You may make a one time gift or pledge and pay as you can during the year. We will need 250 bundles to complete the job. Thank you to those of you who have already paid and/or pledged. PRAYERS! Prayers! PRAYERS! by Lynn Just some notes on our prayer ministry… 1. When writing a prayer concern on

the form Sunday morning, please indicate whether your concern is immediate or ongoing.

2. Attention those without internet access! Would you like a phone call if a prayer concern comes in during the week for a member of our family of faith? Five members of our congregation who receive e-mail prayers have volunteered to call

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those who do not have e-mail/internet access when a special/immediate prayer request arises during the week. Those callers are Joanne Lim, Fay Perri, Jean Miller, Karen Trunzo, and Linda Bailey. If you would like to be added to the list to be called, please let Lynn know or call the church office.

3. The list of those who are our ongoing prayer concerns is updated quarterly. We’re starting a new list October 4. If there’s anyone you want on the list please make sure to submit their name this week.

Pastoral Notes by Dave As of September 22nd, this is the information we have permission to print for our church family members:

• Bill Schmidt had triple bi-pass surgery on Friday September 18th.

• Elsa Ramsden is doing much better and is attending worship again.

• Pat Doleiden is recuperating from her surgery at home.

• Jan Campbell is recovering at Pocono Medical Center.

• Tony Trunzo has told us he’ll be out of PMC by 9/28.

As you become aware of members of our Zion family who are ill or hospitalized, please notify Bill, Brenda, Dave, Lynn or Norm.

Doing Theology Together by Norm Kansfield “What’s this Theology Stuff?” The question that I am still most frequently asked is, “What is theology?” or “What does a theologian do?” Theology is, quite simply, thinking about God. Every one of us does it. Some of us think about God in very concrete ways. God may, in our minds, look like Michelangelo’s white-bearded Creator figure on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. Others of us think of God in very abstract ways – God is love. God is grace. God is truth. God is all-powerful. God is forever. And the Bible, which is a sort of source book for material about God, talks about

God in all of these ways. So, when we’re reading the Bible, and we come across some interesting thing about God, and that causes us to stop and think for a while, in that moment we’re doing theology. And when we as a congregation come to understand something about God – such as the truth that God welcomes all persons – then, when we translate that into a part of our shared life together (such as putting up a banner that announces that “Zion welcomes all”), we are together doing theology. For Christians, the way that we think about God shapes every one of our decisions. When we decide to re-roof a major part of the church, we don’t do that because it will increase the resale value of our property. We do so in order to be able to continue to carry out the work of Zion Church. We understand God as not very interested in real estate values, but very concerned about the life and work of God’s people. And when we welcome persons into our life and worship, we do so because we understand that God is welcoming and we should, therefore, be welcoming too. If our understanding of God suggested that God was rigid and narrow, then we wouldn’t have to be quite so welcoming of everyone. But we know that God is not that way, and God’s love for us calls and encourages us – in similar ways – to be forgiving, and loving, and filled with hope.

Norm Kansfield * * * * *

Thank you Notes… Thank you for your prayers, cards and flowers. They are all truly appreciated. Jan Campbell To My Zion Family, The memorial service for Norman K. Duckloe, held on August 29th was due to the great guidance of our pastoral group that serves our congregation. We were so overwhelmed by the outpouring of care and concern from the congregation. We want to wish a “special thanks” to Nicole, for that was Normans wish. So in our eyes “God is Still Speaking” in Zion United Church of Christ. Many thanks to all. God bless you all, Jean Duckloe and family

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Cherry Valley Volunteers Volunteers in Mission is looking for volunteers from the local area to help clean up at the Blakeslee Farm in Cherry Valley. If you recall, the tornado experienced the other month devastated the farm. Large groups of volunteers are meeting (weather permitting) on October 3 and 10, at the Blakeslee Farm between 8:30-9:00 a.m. If you have a chain saw, please bring it with you. The current clean-up is limited to the felled trees and scattered brush. There’s a lot to do! It is recommended you wear gloves, long pants, boots, etc. – logical attire for the work involved. Smaller groups meet during the week. Please contact Debbie Silfee at 570-629-5944 for more information or to volunteer – they need to keep track of the amount of people in the fields. Thank you!! An October Word from Your Budget Here we are at the end of September, and I’m still “whole” – a little squeezed, but much more comfortable than I was feeling last month. That means I can focus my message this month on the two things I most like to say to you: Thanks. Keep up the good work. Indeed, if you can, make your work even a little “gooder.” Our average weekly giving in our envelopes is barely keeping pace with last year, but I was built as a little more ambitious budget. So I need all the special giving you can squeeze out this year – which certainly seems to be financially difficult for everyone. Whatever you can do, Thank you!

Don’t miss the fun this year…

Bats Halloween Extravaganza is Saturday, October 24

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October 4 Communion Stewards: Doug Hilyard, Karen Trunzo, Tony Trunzo, Barb VanNortwick, Mike Wetmore September Attendance and Weekly Offerings Budget needs per week: $2500.00

October Ministries Date Hospitality Greeter Offering Ushers Counter Reader Coffee Social Child Care Acolyte & Bell

Ringer 10/04 Sam Rudy, Gay

Schroeder Candice Davis, Doug Hilyard

Mike Altemose, Lloyd Bentzoni, Vern Moyer, Bill Swisher

Linda Bailey, JoEllen Berryman, Barb Dierolf

Arlene Altemose Dot Hilyard, Kathryn Eilenberger, Nora Cilurso

Wanda DeYong, Carissa Ruckel

Cynthia Melillo

10/11 Amy Snyder, Sherry Swisher

Donna Deutsch, Deb Reish

Karen Trunzo, Tony Trunzo, Carol Underwood, Scott Walp

Leslie Berger, Jean Moyer, Barb VanNortwick

Bethany Bachelder

Linda Bailey, MaryAnn Reed

Connie McConnell, Amanda Smolak

Stanley Suprise

10/18 Linda Bailey, Brenda Mitstifer

Nancy Armitage, Bill Swisher

Mike Altemose, Larry Bailey, Lloyd Bentzoni, John Woodling

Keith Dierolf, MaryAnn Reed, Liz Ruckel


Deb Mancuso, Julie Trunzo

Alex Reincke

10/25 Jean Moyer, Bill Schmidt

Donna Deutsch, Janet Campbell

Candice Davis, Karen Ezzo, Doug Hilyard, Vern Moyer

Karen Ezzo, Ann Rogers, Sherry Swisher

Dave Crane Gay Schroeder, Gail Flory

Dawn Walp, Heather Nowosad

Jesse Mancuso

Date Last Year This Year Reg Env. Other Total 09-06 97 100 3241.00 718.00 3959.00 09-13 120 113 2064.00 780.11 2844.11 09-20 111 118 2312.00 353.70 2665.70 09-27 105

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Zion United Church of Christ Committees Building Barbara VanNortwick (secretary), Mike Altemose, Bill Schmidt, Bill Swisher, Dick Ezzo, Tony Trunzo, Erick Weirich, Ray Davis, Vern Moyer, Clyde Eilenberger, Staff: Dave

Bulletin Boards: Fay Perri, Nancy Armitage

Child Care Coordinators: Michelle Lockley and Michelle Brozusky

Christian Education Maureen Shields (coordinator), Virginia Bachelder, JoEllen Berryman, Janet Campbell, Candice Davis, Ray Davis, Lynn Gibbons, Jean Henzey, Lori Kelly, Amanda Lessig, Deb Mancuso, Brenda Mitstifer, Lori Rike, Ann Rogers, Julie Trunzo, Dawn Walp, Becky Weirich, Staff: Lynn

Church Growth Committee: Brenda Mitstifer (Chair), Linda Bailey (secretary), Larry Bailey, Jim Ruckel, Irene Smith, Nina Woodling, Pam Reincke, Sam Rudy, Staff: Bill Ramsden, Dave Berryman, Lynn Breedy

Decorating Committee: JoEllen Berryman, Janet Campbell, Deb Mancuso, Gail Flory, Maryann Reed, Liz Ruckel

Doing Theology Together Committee: Mike Wetmore (chair), Norm Kansfield, Donna Deutsch, George Walton, Pat Sayler, Barbara VanNortwick

Endowment Rob Miller (chair), Jean Moyer, Liz Ruckel, Doug Hilyard, Staff: Bill

Finance Jean Moyer (chair), Keith Dierolf, Joyce Weishaupt, Fay Perri, John Woodling, Nancy Armitage, Edna Crane, Staff: Bill

Music and Worship Gail Stevens and Arlene Altemose (co-chair), Elaine Shuey, Jim Ruckel, Mary Kansfield, Bill Swisher, Lloyd Bentzoni, Claudia Revak, Janet Campbell, Staff: Lynn.

Nominating (for Consistory) Arlene Altemose, Liz Ruckel, Keith Dierolf, Fay Perri, Staff: Lynn and Bill

Office Management Sherry Swisher (chair), Amy Snyder, Keith Dierolf, Barbara Wright, Sharon Berglund Pastor Parish Relations Amy Snyder (chair), Arlene Altemose, Dave Crane, Maryann Reed, Scott Walp, Mike Wetmore, Staff: Bill Pew Porters: Lee Detweiler, Polly Berger, Linda Bentzoni, Irene Smith Public Relations: Irene Smith Website Committee: Brenda Mitstifer, Keith Dierolf, Victory Brozusky, Jim Ruckel, Sherry Swisher, Cynthia Rau, Sharon Berglund and Lynn Breedy Youth Team Leaders: Deb Mancuso (chair), JoEllen Berryman, Victor Brozusky, Ray Davis, Barbara Dierolf, Tim Ruckel, Lowell Suprise, Dawn Walp, Becky Weirich, Staff: Lynn and Dave

October Tower Call 48/10 Page 11

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOPS M at 5:30 pm Debtor’s Anon. M at 12 noon and Th at 7:00 pm; Nicotine Anon Wd. 6:00 pm; AA Groups at Zion: 6:30am – M- Su, Main St. Group; 10:00am– M-Sa, Eye Opener Group; 8:00pm – Tu, S’burg Group

1 Staff 8:00 am Choir 7:30 pm



4 Communion Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30 Coffee Hour 11:30 Christian Ed 11:30 Youth Team 11:30

5 Keepers 7:00 pm


7 Music & Worship 7:00 pm

8 Choir 7:30 pm

9 Staff 8:00 am


11 Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30 Coffee Hour 11:30 Church Growth 11:30 Brainstorming 5-7 pm

12 Keepers 7:00 pm

13 Bible Study10:30 am Finance 7:00 pm

14 Consistory 7:00 pm

15 Staff 8:00 am Choir 7:30 pm



18 Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30 Coffee Hour 11:30

19 Keepers 7:00 pm



22 Staff 8:00 am Choir 7:30 pm

23 24 Bats Trail of Terror

25 Exploration Sunday Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30 Coffee Hour 11:30

26 Keepers 7:00 pm

27 Bible Study10:30 am


29 Staff 8:00 am Choir 7:30 pm



Zion’s annual church bazaar will be held on Saturday, November 14th from 10 – 12:00. Ticket stubs and money should be returned to Karen Ezzo. If you need additional tickets or did not receive tickets, please see a committee member. Thank you, The Bazaar committee: Karen Ezzo, Debbie Mancuso, Jean Moyer, Sherry Swisher, Karen Trunzo

October Tower Call 48/10


10/03 Dorothy Hilyard 10/04 Meghan Brozusky 10/05 Robert Yarnall

10/06 Lynn Breedy 10/08 Cindy Treible 10/10 Guy Doleiden Nicole Snyder

10/12 Betty Eckels James Ruckel 10/13 Megan Stevens 10/16 Matt Serfass

10/23 Cori Mancuso 10/27 Calvin Schoch, Jr. 10/28 Lawrence Ashton Margie Good

CONGRATULATIONS AND HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO: 10/03: Floyd and Faye LaBarre; Jeff and Rebecca Strunk

10/04: Ray and Candice Davis 10/07: Rich and MaryAnn Reed; Michael and Noreen Rosso

10/11: Eric and Marla Moyer 10/16: Chad and Denise Swisher; Art and Claudia Revak

10/28: George and Kathy Walton Special People: If anyone knows of any others, please place their name along with their address in the

Secretary’s mailbox and the list will be printed in the next Tower Call. Then you can remember them with a card. Golden Living 221 E Brown Street, E Stroudsburg, PA 18301- Florence LaBar

Pocono Lutheran Village -Dorothy Phillips 229 Poc. Lutheran Village, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Mitzi Thomas 319 Poc. Lutheran Village, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Milford Manor 2200 Milford Road, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 – Barbara Gilpin

Grace Park 1170 West Main Street, Stroudsburg – Ethel & Ronnie Dickisson

Larry Ashton, 475 Mt. Nebo Rd., E. Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Elizabeth Smith, 1055 W Main St., Apt 404, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Betty Warner, 772 Bryant Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360

Zion United Church of Christ Consistory 2009 - 2010 President Arlene Altemose Vice President Brenda Mitstifer Secretary Liz Ruckel Members Nora Cilurso, Jim Ruckel, Jean Moyer, Pam Reincke, Mike Mancuso, Ray Davis Pastoral Staff Bill Ramsden; Senior Pastor, Dave Berryman, Lynn Breedy, Associate Pastors,

Norman Kansfield, Theologian in Residence, Brenda Hobson, Pastoral Intern