Welcome to the unit. As we all know, we human beings are often stricken by natural disasters. Can you name some of them? flood,fire,volcano,earthquake,typhoon,

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They share one common feature, that is, they cause a great deal of damage to buildings and hurt lots of people.

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Welcome to the unit As we all know, we human beings are often stricken by natural disasters. Can you name some of them? flood,fire,volcano,earthquake,typhoon, hurricane,tsunami,desertification,sandst orm,tornado, drought They share one common feature, that is, they cause a great deal of damage to buildings and hurt lots of people. Would you ask for help if you were involved in a natural disaster? Which person would you turn to for help? What organizations do you know of that can help with the people in trouble? Mercy Corps Global Partner Ireland s Concern French Tear Fund AMDA (World Vision) The whole world is a large family. We make every effort to help the people in trouble, no matter who theyre. Can you guess from the caption what the main tasks of peacekeeping soldiers are? Do you think these soldiers play an important role in maintaining the world peace? Do you think this kind of job is very demanding, challenging and risky? Why or why not? When you grow up, would you like to do this kind of job if you had the chance? Why or why not? What can you see in the picture? Can you imagine what will happen to these hungry children if nobody helps? How do you feel when you see this picture? How can we help them? Suppose your home was struck by a flood, what would your life be like? Would you still live a normal life as before? What would happen if there was not enough water for farming? What factors can ensure a good harvest? Why do you think that doctors and nurses need to go to poor areas or countries to help? What is the doctor in the picture doing? Can their daily necessities be guaranteed? If not, what will happen? Do you think children can receive good education and good medical care in poor areas? Have you ever helped people in need? What did you do to help them? Yes, I have. I remember when I was in primary school, the teacher asked us to donate our pocket money to Project Hope. I gave all my pocket money that I saved a long time. Though it was not much, I still wanted to do something to show that I cared. I also had a pen friend from a rural area in northern China when I was in junior high school. Apart from exchanging information about our lives with her, I occasionally mailed her some of my spare books and stationery. During the Spring Festival, I also shared my red packets with her. 1. especially: adv. very much; particularly; She's not especially interested in sport. I love the country, especially in spring. This is a especially good wine. They invited her to speak especially because of her experience in inner cities. specially adv. for a particular reason: , I chose this specially for your new house. I came here specially to see you I made it specially for your birthday. (NMET 2000) It s always difficult being in a foreign country, ___________ if you don t speak the language. A. extremely B. naturally C. basically D. especially After 12 years of Republican presidents, the US went Democratic in go wrong go v. [L only + adjective] going, went, gone to become: , The idea of going grey doesn't bother me, but I'd hate to go bald. Her father's going senile/blind/deaf. If anything goes wrong, you can call our emergency hotline free of charge. situation n. [C] 1) the set of things that are happening and the conditions that exist at a particular time and place: the economic/political situation Her news put me in a difficult situation. "Would you get involved in a fight?" "It would depend on the situation. I'll worry about it if/when/as the situation arises (= if/when/as it happens). 2 FORMAL the position of something, especially a town, building, etc: The house's situation in the river valley is perfect. situate v. [T usually + adverb or preposition] to put in a particular position: They plan to situate the bus stop at the corner of the road. To understand this issue, it must first be situated in its context. situated adj. [after verb] SLIGHTLY FORMAL in a particular position: . The school is situated near to the station. [+ to infinitive] With this new product, we are well situated to beat (= we have a good chance of beating) our competitors. How are you situated for time (= How much time do you have)? (06 ) School children must be taght how to deal with dangerous_____________. A.states B. conditions C. situations D. positions shortage n. [C] when there is not enough of something: There's a shortage of food and shelter in the refugee camps. The long hot summer has led to serious water shortages. short (LACKING) adj. lacking: to be short of space/time We're a bit short of coffee - I must get some more. The bill comes to 85, but we're 15 short. I'm a little short (= I do not have much money) this week - could you lend me ten dollars? Welcome to the unit 1.Collect more information about international organizations helping people in need. 2.Prepare the Reading part.