Welcome to Welcome to Podcasting Podcasting 101! 101!

Welcome to Podcasting 101! podcasts.pdf · Welcome to Podcasting 101! What is a Podcast y Audio file(s) y Download to play on computer y Download to play on an MP-3 Player (iPod)

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Welcome to Welcome to PodcastingPodcasting


What is a What is a PodcastPodcast

Audio file(s)Download to play on computerDownload to play on an MP-3 Player (iPod)Subscribable – series, not just a stand-alone audio fileNot ‘course bound’ – reusable for other courses/purposes

There are also video versions called ‘vodcasts’

Why would you use Why would you use PodcastingPodcasting??For traditional classes that are web-enhanced◦

Replace lecture time in class to allow more time for discussion/active learning activities◦

Provide access to lectures for review◦

Provide a ‘class wrap-up’

after the class has


Guest Lecturer◦


Why would you use Podcasting?

Online classes –◦

Adds a personal touch –

provide a voice to

go with the instructor name◦

Provide course elements that appeal to auditory learners◦

Enhance permanent course materials with current event or updates as new information or knowledge emerges during the trimester◦

Add your own elements to a publisher course

Why would you use Podcasting?

Program/Organizational information◦

“What’s happening in…”

Individual – personal/professional platform

Why would you use Podcasting?

Pedagogical benefits - allows students to control◦

When they listen◦

Where they listen ◦

How they listen

How Do I Get a Podcast?Link to existing podcasts available on the Internet◦

University of California Berkeley


Ed-Cast The Higher Education Podcast





Educational podcasting

for teaching and learning


Educational Podcasts



Search for Podcasts

Google …


+ “subject”


Create your own Podcast

using the Wimba


It’s as easy as 1-2-3

1. Add the Podcasting tool to your WebCT shell

2. Record your Podcast

3. Publish your Podcast

Part 1: Setting up the Podcaster

The following steps are completed under the Build tab

in your course.

Click on the folder for Horizon Live Tools (Create a

folder if you do not have one)

Click on the folder for Horizon Live Tools (Create a

folder if you do not have one)

Step 2. button to display link options.

Then click on the Add

Content Link

Then click on the Add

Content Link

Then click on the Add

Content Link

Then click on the Add

Content Link

Click on Create Wimba


Click on Create Wimba


, as shown in the graphic below, then click Continue.

Enter a relevant name as a Title

Enter a relevant name as a Title

Step 6. to complete the Podcaster


Click the Continue buttonClick the Continue button

The “Spring-Summer” Podcaster has been added

to the course

The “Spring-Summer” Podcaster has been added

to the course

Once the Once the PodcasterPodcaster

Tool has been added Tool has been added to the course, your are ready for to the course, your are ready for ……

Part 2:

Creating an Audio Podcast

Click the “Teach”

tab ...

You will create your Podcast

in ‘Teach’


Step 1. In Teach mode -

click on the Horizon Tools folder to open it up.

Click on the Horizon Tools


Click on the Horizon Tools


Click on “Spring-Summer” icon to open the Podcaster Click on “Spring-Summer” icon to open the Podcaster

The “Spring-Summer” Podcaster you created in Part

1 opens

The “Spring-Summer” Podcaster you created in Part

1 opens

If you have not previously used the live classroom,

you will need to click on the “Setup Wizard” to prepare

you computer to create your Podcast.

If you have not previously used the live classroom,

you will need to click on the “Setup Wizard” to prepare

you computer to create your Podcast.

Once your Computer is ready click on “New”

Once your Computer is ready click on “New”

Enter a “Subject”

(title) and a brief


Enter a “Subject”

(title) and a brief


Click the Bullseye Button

to begin recording.

Click the Bullseye Button

to begin recording.

Record your podcast: Maximum of 20 minutesRecord your podcast:

Maximum of 20 minutes

Elapsed timeElapsed time

Step 7.

Click on the black square button to end

your Podcast recording

Click on the black square button to end

your Podcast recording

Click on the triangle button to preview your recording before publishing your


Click on the triangle button to preview your recording before publishing your


Click on the “Send” button to publish

your podcast.

Click on the “Send” button to publish

your podcast.

Your Podcast is Published and ready to be played.Your Podcast is Published and ready to be played.

Let’s See it in Action….

First, Chris is going to open up WebCT and add the Podcasting tool to a course. Then he will create an actual podcast


you can see how quick and easy the process is.

Take it away Chris!

Playing Podcasts

(or what do I tell my students to do?)

Step 1. Click on the Horizon Tools Icon.

Student View

Step 2. Select the Current Podcast


There are several ways a student can listen to your Podcast.

The PodCast screen appears:

Playing the Podcast

within WebCT.

Students click on the name of the Podcast - highlighting it.

Then they click the black triangle PLAY button to hear podcast

Students play Podcast

from within iTunes.

Students click on the 1-click button to load iTunes and download the Podcast.

(Students will need to have iTunes installed and set as the default media player.)

When students click on the1-click button, iTunes

will download the Podcast

all information attached to that

Podcast. a) Course name

b) Podcast

name c) Podcast


Now Chris will demo:

Take it away, Chris!

When to Podcast

and other options . . . .

So What Tool Should I use?

Things to Consider:◦

Length of presentation◦

Prep-time needed◦

Need graphics or illustrations?◦

Need to edit presentation?◦

Need to reuse presentation in subsequent class?◦

Need to have presentation portable?

Consider the Options: Consider the Options:

Other Horizon Tools:Voice Recorder◦

Brief audio file; no graphics or visuals

Voice Board◦

Audio Discussion Board

Voice Email◦

Send Audio Email message

Voice Presenter◦

Audio annotation used in conjunction with web pages.

Other software: Captivate

Options for adding◦




Sound Tracks

Advanced Editing Capabilities◦


Easy conversion of PowerPoint slides; option to add audio narration

Compare Capabilities:Compare Capabilities:

Short Prep-




Will you Reuse?

Be able to edit?

Add graphics?



Voice RecorderVoice BoardVoice EmailCaptivate

Would you use Podcasting to:Would you use Podcasting to:

Present an animated sequence (such as cell division)?Comment on an assigned web page?Notify Class of Changed Assignment?Present lecture material?Offer a Course Tour?Narrate a walking tour of a museum?Highlight Important Chapter Ideas?Provide Instructions to Groups?

Need more information?

Podcasting Advice & Tutorials◦

The Free iPod Book 3◦

How to Podcast

Plan, Produce, Promote



What is Podcasting?◦


Search Engine for

Audio/Visual podcasts


Free Academic Podcasts

Links to RSS feed of

class lectures: Earthquakes in your Backyard?


Thanks for attending Podcasting 101!

This presentation will be available on the Faculty Resources pages!