We lc ome H o me 2009 A guide to services for tenants

Welcome Guide

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Document from Phil Brown

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Page 1: Welcome Guide



A guide to services for tenants

Page 2: Welcome Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Crisis Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Quick Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

Tenant Rights and Obligations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

Living on a limited budget ABCs of Coupon Clipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Bicycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Community thrift stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10

Computers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Food – see Meals in services section

Furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Haircuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11

Things to do – see also Community Centres, Toronto Drop-in Network Brochure,

and Toronto Public Libraries in services section

• Attractions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

• Event and festival listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

• Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Where to get services in your communityAboriginal Services and Housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Addiction Services

• General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

• Recovery and harm reduction programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

• Withdrawal management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Bed bugs - see Pest Control

Community Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-18

Drop-ins (Toronto Drop-in Network brochure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-33


• General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

• Apprenticeships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35

• Community Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

• Reading, writing, math and computer skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-38

• Toronto District School Board (TDSB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Employment Resource Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-42

Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009


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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

2Financial assistance/income

• Canada Child Tax Benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

• Canada Pension Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

• Employment Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

• Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

• Guaranteed Income Supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

• Old Age Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

• Ontario Child Tax Benefit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

• Ontario Disability Support Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

• Ontario Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-45

• Credit counselling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

• Trusteeship programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


• General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

• Assistive devices and special diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-47

• Dental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47-48

• Health centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-51

• Heat alerts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51-52

• Home care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-57

• Hospitals with emergency rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Housing and Housing Help Centres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Income Tax Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Internet Access (see Toronto Public Libraries)

Legal Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-63


• Allotment and community gardens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-66

• Community kitchens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66-68

• Farmers markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69

• Food banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69-70

• Free and low cost meals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71-74

• Meals on Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Mental Health Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-77

Pest Control: Bed Bugs (Toronto Public Health Fact Sheet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78-80

Settlement and Newcomer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Tenant Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81-84

Toronto Public Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84-90

Voicemail/email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Volunteering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Table of Contents

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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009


Living on a tight budget is hard—ask thousands of Torontonians from students and seniors to single parents and newcomers. The secret is to take advantage of all the services available to you at little or nocost. The good news is that we live in a city where community-based and city services are plentiful and exceedingly accessible—if you know where to look.

Enter Shelter, Support and Housing Administration’s first guide to services for new tenants. We workedwith clients and the staff of community agencies and other city divisions to develop the content. The intentis to provide a one-stop source of information that will help you become more comfortable in your home.We really do believe that home is where it starts. The listings represent key areas of interest, such ashealth care information, legal supports, employment resource centres, and ideas about where to go toconnect to others in your own community for these and other services. We’ve also added a section onwhere to get stuff cheap.

Services for homeless people are listed in our 2009 Guide to Services for people who are homeless.

This guide incorporates material from a variety of community and city sources and we would like to thankall contributors.

If you have questions or comments about the guide, contact us at [email protected] or 416-397-4328.

More comprehensive listings of community and government programs can be found at www.211Toronto.

The City of Toronto has an easy-to-use web page that lists city services, www.toronto.ca/torontohelps.

Important note We tried hard to ensure the information in this guide is accurate, but please call ahead to verify times ofoperation and other important details.

Please note that all addresses are in Toronto unless otherwise indicated.


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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

4 Crisis/Emergency Information

Dial 9-1-1 for all emergencies (police, fire, ambulance)

Crisis LinesAssaulted Women's Helpline 416-863-0511; Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 416-535-8501 ext. 6885 Distress Centres of Toronto 416-408-HELP (4357) Gerstein Crisis Centre 416-929-5200 Kids Help Phone Toll Free: 1-800-668-6868 Toronto Rape Crisis Centre 416-597-8808

Quick Reference

211 phone serviceDial 2-1-1 for information on community, social, health and government services or go online atwww.211toronto.ca

Access Toronto416-338-0338; TTY: 416-338-OTTY (0889)Email: [email protected]: 416-338-0685Call Centre is open from 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday except for some holidays

• Access Toronto is the public information and referral service for the City of Toronto government.• Service is available in person at City Hall and the civic centres from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Government of Ontario General Inquiry: 416-326-1234; Toll Free: 1-800-267-8097TTY: 416-325-3408; TTY Toll Free: 1-800-268-7095www.gov.on.ca

• Information on provincial services, including health services and income assistance.

Landlord and Tenant Board416-645-8080 24-hour information linewww.ltb.gov.on.ca

• Information on the Residential Tenancies Act and Board processes. • To speak with a real person call Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. • No legal advice is offered.

Telehealth Ontario1-866-797-0000; TTY: 1-866-797-0007 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

• A free, confidential telephone service for general health information or advice from a registered nurse.

• Callers do not need a health card.

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Tenant Hotline, Federation of Metro Tenants’ Association 416-921-9494www.torontotenants.org

• Trained staff can explain tenants’ rights and obligations, while providing advice on matters ranging from rent increases to maintenance and eviction. FTMA does not offer legal advice.

• Counselling services are available in 150 languages through a telephone interpreting service.• Online Tenant Survival Manual and Guide to Tenant Rights (in 12 languages).

Service Canada Toll Free: 1-800-622-6232; TTY: 1-800-926-9105www.servicecanada.gc.ca

• Information on Government of Canada services.

Toronto Employment and Social Services Client Services and Information Unit: 416-392-2956; Toll Free: 1-888-465-4478www.toronto.ca/socialservices

• Toronto Employment and Social Services delivers the Ontario Works program for youth and adultsin financial need.

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) 416-393-4636www.toronto.ca/ttc

• Information on bus and subway fares, routes and schedules. WheeltransTrip Reservations: 416-393-4222 RideLine Automated Touch Tone Service: 416-397-8000 Priority Line: 416-393-4311 TTY Service: 416-393-4555

• Customer Service and Wheel-Trans Registration, weekdays from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., call 416-393-4111 or email [email protected]

Toronto Police Services Non-emergency number: 416-808-2222www.torontopolice.on.ca

Tenants Rights and Obligations

Information below is adapted from Information for New Tenants on the Landlord and Tenant Board website,www.ltb.gov.on.ca. Landlords must provide this information to new tenants on or before the date the tenancy begins.

The LawMost residential tenancies are covered by the Residential Tenancies Act (the Act). This law:

• gives landlords and tenants specific rights and responsibilities, • provides rules for increasing the rent and for evicting a tenant, and • creates the Landlord and Tenant Board (the Board).


Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

Quick Reference

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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

6 Tenants Rights and Obligations

Most residential rental units are covered by The Residential Tenancies Act, with the exception of co-ops.However, many of the act’s rules about rent do not apply to non-profit and public housing.

If you need answers about the Residential Tenancies Act, contact the Customer Service line for the Landlord and Tenant Board at 416-645-8080 or toll free 1-888-332-3234.

The Role of the Landlord and Tenant Board is to:• inform landlords and tenants about their rights and responsibilities under the Act, and • resolve disputes between landlords and tenants through mediation or adjudication, or by providing information.

Tenant Rights and ResponsibilitiesYou have the right to:

• security of tenancy – You can continue to live in your rental unit until you give your landlord proper notice that you intend to move out, you and your landlord agree that you can move, or your land-lord gives you a notice to end your tenancy for a reason allowed by the Act.

Important: If your landlord gives you a notice to end your tenancy, you do not have to move out. Yourlandlord must apply to the Board to get an order to evict you and you will have the right to go to ahearing and explain why your tenancy should not end.

• privacy – Your landlord can only enter your rental unit for the reasons allowed by the Act. In most cases, before entering your unit, your landlord must give you 24 hours written notice. There are some exceptions, however, such as in the case of an emergency or if you agree to allow the landlord to enter.

You are responsible for:• paying your rent on time. • keeping your unit clean, up to the standard that most people would consider ordinary or normalcleanliness.

• repairing any damage to the rental property caused by you or your guests – whether on purposeor by not being careful enough.

You are not allowed to:• change the locking system on a door that gives entry to your rental unit unless you get your landlord’s permission.

Landlord Rights and ResponsibilitiesYour landlord has the right to:

• collect a rent deposit – It cannot be more than one month’s rent, or if rent is paid weekly, one week’s rent. This deposit must be used as the rent payment for the last month or week of your tenancy. It cannot be used for any other reason, such as to pay for damages. A landlord must pay interest on the deposit every year.

• increase the rent – There are special rules that limit how often your landlord can increase the rent and by how much. In most cases, a landlord can increase the rent only once a year by the

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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

Tenants Rights and Obligations

guideline that is set by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. A landlord must give a tenant atleast 90 days notice in writing of any rent increase and this notice must be on the proper form. Exceptions: New units, non-profit and public housing units, residences at schools, colleges and universities, and certain other accommodation are not covered by all the rent rules.

Your landlord is responsible for:• keeping the rental property in a good state of repair and obeying health, safety and maintenance standards.

• providing you with a copy of your written tenancy agreement within 21 days after the day you signed it and gave it to your landlord. If your tenancy agreement is not in writing, your landlord must give you written notice of their legal name and address within 21 days after your tenancy begins.

Your landlord is not allowed to:• shut off or deliberately interfere with the supply of a vital service (heat, electricity, fuel, gas, or hot or cold water), care service or food that your landlord must provide under your tenancy agreement. However, your landlord is allowed to shut-off services temporarily if this is necessary to make repairs.

• take your personal property if you don’t pay your rent and you are still living in your rental unit. • lock you out of your rental unit unless your landlord has an eviction order from the Board and the Sheriff comes to your rental unit to enforce it.

• insist that you pay your rent by post-dated cheque or automatic debit. These ways of paying your rent can be suggested, but you cannot be refused a rental unit or evicted for refusing to give them.

Living on a Limited Budget

ABCs of Coupon Clipping

• According to recent U.S. stats, the typical family saves $5.20 to $9.60 a week using coupons—that’s $2.6 billion a year for packaged goods alone.

• Coupons are available in-store, in newspapers, in magazines, and in your junk mail.• There are a growing number of internet sites where you can sign up for free and have access to printable coupons: shopathome.com; couponsense.com; ppgazette.com; grocerycoupons.net; frugalshopper.ca

• Some grocery chains have coupons on their websites (e.g., www.freshobsessed.com)• Read grocery store flyers for special weekly deals.• Combine weekly specials with coupons, if possible.• Note the coupon expiry dates.• Some manufacturers will send coupons on request. Phone the 1-800 numbers on the labels to enquire.

• For more information about coupon usage and coupon clipping tips visit: www.couponmonth.com

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8 Living on a Limited Budget


Community Bicycle Network416-504-2918761 Queen Street Westwww.communitybicyclenetwork.org

• Buy, rent, volunteer hours in exchange for, or even receive a donation of a bicycle.

Cleaning• Baking soda is a relatively inexpensive cleanser for kitchen, bathroom, floors, walls, countertops, potsand pans. It is also said to be good for laundry and effective in keeping cat odours in check when sprinkled in the litter box before putting in kitty litter.

• Vinegar is relatively inexpensive and has antibacterial properties in addition to being an effective cleaning agent for just about anything, either full strength or diluted with water. It is a good deodorizer(try putting a cup down smelly drains, letting it stand about 30 minutes, then running cold water).

• For windows, try five parts water, one part vinegar in a recycled spray bottle. Wipe off with newspapers.

• Both vinegar and baking soda are cheaper than household cleaners and are far better for the environment.

• One part dish soap to five parts water in a spray bottle is another all purpose cleaner.• For a disinfecting solution, mix one part bleach to 100 parts water. Mix only as much as you need. Discard any unused solution. Wear gloves.

• Old clothes can be cut-up and re-used as cleaning rags.

Community Thrift Shops

Double Take Clothing Store 416-925-7198Yonge Street Mission 310 Gerrard Street Eastwww.ysm.on.ca

• Gently used clothing store that focuses on interview and career apparel.

Pegasus Community Project Thrift Store416-913-2544970 1/2 Kingston Road

Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Thrift Shopswww.ospca.on.caNorth York416-635-5687298 Wilson Avenue

Scarborough416-266-77162232 Kingston Road

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Salvation Army Thrift Stores www.torontosalvationarmy.caJane Street Thrift Store416-247-05051675 Jane Street

Bloor Street Thrift Store416-533-95531219 Bloor Street

Parkdale Thrift Store416-536-33611447 Queen Street West

St. Clair West Thrift Store416-651-2825665 St. Clair Avenue West

Parliament Thrift Store416-955-0362252 Parliament Street

Kipling Thrift Store416-746-35002291 Kipling Avenue

ScarboroughEglinton Avenue East Thrift Store416-752-29291921 Eglinton Avenue East

Kingston Road Thrift Store416-724-55504568 Kingston Road

Kennedy Road Thrift Store416-751-80501225 Kennedy Road, Unit D1

Goodwill Clothing, Furniture and Toy ShopsGoodwill Store Coxwell 416-465-8569293 Coxwell Avenue

Goodwill Store Overlea416-422-099860 Overlea Boulevard

Goodwill Store Parliament 416-921-3396306 Gerrard Street East

Goodwill Community Donation Centre Toronto416-363-3041231 Richmond Street East

Goodwill Store Dufferin416-782-39133302 Dufferin Street

Goodwill Store Roncesvalles416-534-168628 Roncesvalles Avenue

Goodwill Store St. Clair 416-656-5550585 St. Clair Avenue West

Goodwill Store Weston Road 416-248-69812625C Weston Road

Value VillageBloor Street416-539-05851319 Bloor Street West

Danforth416-698-06212119 Danforth Avenue

North York416-499-61772776 Victoria Park Avenue

Queen Street416-778-4818924 Queen Street East


Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

Living on a Limited Budget

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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

10Rexdale416-675-745045 Woodbine Downs Boulevard

Rogers Road416-247-7372605 Rogers Road, Suite C1

Scarborough416-439-44643701 Lawrence Avenue East, #1

South Scarborough416-752-00601525 Victoria Park Avenue

Wilson416-633-26231030 Wilson Avenue


Little Geeks416-367-4660www.littlegeeks.org

• Helps families and children up to 18 receive used computers and free internet when in need.

Regent Park – Family Computer LiteracyProgram 416-363-7026417 Gerrard Street East, 2nd Floorwww.dixonhall.org

• Helps adults, families and children learn computer skills, and the ability to earn a computer.

Food — see Meals in the services section


Furniture Bank416-934-1229 200 Madison Avenuewww.furniturebank.org Call for an appointment.Need agency referral.

Habitat for Humanity ReStoresNew and used housing items and renovationmaterials at discounted prices.Proceeds go to the charity.

ReStore North York416-783-06861120 Caledonia Road

ReStore East York416-755-802329 Bermondsey Road

ReStore Etobicoke416-259-92207 Queen Elizabeth Boulevard


Avola College of Hairstyling and Esthetics 416-967-1800282 Dundas Street Eastwww.avola.ca

• $6-12 Haircuts

Barbarino's Hairstyling School Inc. 905-856-27777007 Islington Avenue, Unit 18 and 19www.barbarinoshair.yp.ca

• $7 Haircuts

Michael Kluthe Salon 416-925-6306 1428 Yonge Street www.michaelkluthe.com

• Free haircuts on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.• Call ahead

Living on a Limited Budget

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Marca College of Hair and Esthetics416-698-25582902 Danforth Avenue and416-531-3131900 Dufferin Streetwww.marca-college.com

• $7 Haircuts

Things to do for free in the city

—see also Community Centres, Toronto Drop-inNetwork Brochure, and Toronto Public Libraries in the services section


Art Gallery of Ontario 416-979-6648317 Dundas Street Westwww.ago.net

• Free on Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

Bata Shoe Museum416-979-7799327 Bloor Street Westwww.batashoemuseum.ca

• Pay what you can on Thursday from 5:00p.m.-8:00 p.m.

Harbourfront Centre416-973-4000www.harbourfrontcentre.com

• Art exhibits, festivals and music.• Lots of free events.

Riverdale Farm416-392-6794201 Winchester Streetwww.friendsofriverdalefarm.com

• Free

Royal Ontario Museum416-586-8000100 Queen’s Parkwww.rom.on.ca

• Free Wednesdays from 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. • Half price admission Fridays from 4:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.

Event and Festival Listingswww.toronto.ca/special_events

• Check the City of Toronto website for a listing of festivals and events in the city.

• Many are free.

NOW magazinewww.nowtoronto.com

• Free magazine comes out every Thursday.

EYE magazinewww.eye.net

• Free magazine comes out every Thursday.


Toronto Parks and Recreation416-392-1111www.toronto.ca/parks/parks_gardens.htm

• Go online for a complete listing of parks, gardens and trails.

Toronto Public Swimming Pools416-338-POOL (7665)

• Free


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Living on a Limited Budget

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12 Aboriginal Services and Housing

Aboriginal Services

Aboriginal Legal Services Toronto416-408-3967415 Yonge Street, Suite 803

Anishnawbe Health Toronto416-360-0486 225 Queen Street East

Anduhyaun (Native Women's Shelter)416-920-1492106 Spadina Road

Council Fire Native Cultural Centre416-360-4350439 Dundas Street East

Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment andTraining416-591-2310167 Gerrard Street East

Native Canadian Centre of Toronto416-964-908716 Spadina Road

Native Child & Family Services416-969-851030 College Street

Native Men's Residence (Na-Me-Res)416-652-033414 Vaughan Road

Native Women's Resource Centre416-963-9963191 Gerrard Street East

Spirit of the People Supporting AboriginalEx-Offenders647-436-4310360 Bloor Street West, Suite 306

2 Spirited People of the First Nations416-944-930014 College Street, 4th Floor

Aboriginal Housing

Gabriel Dumont Non-Profit Housing Corporation416-286-52774201 Kingston Road, Unit 114A

Nekenaan (Second Stage Housing)416-243-7669 1296 Weston Road

Nishnawbe Homes Inc. 416-975-5451244 Church Street

Wigwamen Inc. (Native Housing Main Office)416-481-4451 25 Imperial Street, Suite 310

Wigwamen Terrace (Seniors Housing)416-925-916514 Spadina Road

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General information and referral

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health 416-535-850133 Russell Street and 1001 Queen Street Westwww.camh.net

• Specialized treatment and prevention related to alcohol and other drug abuse.

• Outpatient and day programs.• Information and referral.

Metro Addiction Assessment Referral Service 416-599-1448175 College Streetwww.camh.net

• Information sessions on addiction treatment options and in-person assessment.

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Infoline Toll Free: 1-800-565-8603www.dart.on.ca

• Information about treatment services. • Confidential.

Recovery and harm reduction programs

Alcoholics Anonymous 416-487-5591; TTY: 416-487-5062234 Eglinton Avenue Eastwww.aatoronto.org

• 12-step recovery program. Call or visit website for list of open meetings.

Cocaine Anonymous416-927-7858; Toll Free: 1-866-622-4636www.ca-on.org

• 12-step recovery program. Call or visit website for list of open meetings.

Gamblers Anonymous416-366-7613www.gamblersanonymous.org

• 12-step recovery program. Call or visit website for list of open meetings.

Narcotics Anonymous 416-236-8956www.torontona.org

• 12-step recovery program. Call or visit website for list of meetings.

Overeaters Anonymous416-588-6134; Toll Free: 1-888-221-5061www.oaontario.org

• 12-step recovery program. Call or visit website for list of open meetings.

The Works416-392-0520 (collect calls accepted)277 Victoria Street, Main Floor www.toronto.ca/health/sexualhealth/sh_the_works.htmOffice hours: 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday-FridayVan hours: 6:00 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday

• Needle exchange program run by Toronto Public Health.

• Services include distribution of condoms, needles and other materials, methadone maintenance, testing for hepatitis A, B and C, HIV, and syphilis.

• Client support and referral.

Addiction Services

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14Withdrawal ManagementCentral Access: 1-866-366-9513

• For admission to a detox, or withdrawal management program, call the central access number.

Toronto East General Hospital 416-461-2010 Information; Central Access: 1-866-366-9513 985 Danforth Avenue

• Residential withdrawal management, assessment and referral.

• Day-tox (outpatient) withdrawal management.

Toronto Western Hospital Ossington Withdrawal Management Centre416-533-7945 Information; Central Access: 1-866-366-9513 16 Ossington Avenue

• Residential non-medical alcohol and drug withdrawal management for men over 16.

Toronto Western Hospital Women’s Own Withdrawal Management Centre416-603-1462 Information; Central Access: 1-866-366-9513 892 Dundas Street West

• Residential non-medical alcohol and drug withdrawal management for women over 16.

St. Joseph’s Health Centre 416-530-6400 Information; Central Access: 1-866-366-9513 30 The Queensway

• Residential alcohol and drug withdrawalmanagement, assessment and referral.

St. Michael’s Hospital Withdrawal Management Services at MaxwellMeighen Centre416-864-5078 Information; Central Access: 1-866-366-9513 135 Sherbourne Street, 3rd Floor

• Residential withdrawal management, assessment and referral.

• Day-tox (outpatient) withdrawal management.

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health416-535-8501 ext. 7296 or 7297501 Queen Street West, Main Floor

• Medical and psychosocial withdrawal management services.

Community Centres

For a complete list of available activities and resources, including adult, family and 60+ activities, please visitwww.toronto.ca/parks/torontofun or visit your local community centre for more information.

The City of Toronto has a Welcome Policy that allows you to join recreation programs even if you can’t afford the fees. To find out more about applying for a Welcome Policy membership, visit your local communitycentre for an application, call 416-338-2000 or visit www.toronto.on.ca/parks/welcome_policy.htm.


Bed Bugs — see Pest Control

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Etobicoke York District

Community Centre Address Phone NumberAmesbury CC 1507 Lawrence Ave W 416-395-0145Annette CRC 333 Annette St 416-392-0736Bloordale CS 10 Toledo Rd 416-394-8699Centennial Park 256 Centennial Rd 416-394-8750Centennial RC West 2694 Eglinton Ave W 416-395-6040Chalkfarm CC 180 Chalkfarm Dr 416-395-7802Domenico DiLuca CC 25 Stanley Rd 416-395-6673Edenbridge Centre 232 Edenbridge Dr 416-392-2451Edgehill House 61 Edgehill Rd 416-397-4428Elmbank CC 10 Rampart Rd 416-394-8671Fairfield Seniors Centre 80 Lothian Ave 416-394-8687Falstaff CC 50 Falstaff Ave 416-395-7924Gord and Irene RiskCC 2650 Finch Ave W 416-395-7953Hilltop CS 35 Trehorne Dr 416-394-8701Hollycrest CS 630 Renforth Dr 416-394-8703Horner Avenue Seniors Centre 320 Horner Ave 416-394-6000Humber Sheppard CC 3100 Weston Rd 416-395-6127Humberwood CC 850 Humberwood Blvd 416-394-5700Islington CS 44 Cordova Ave 416-394-8705Islington Seniors Centre 4968 Dundas St W 416-231-3431James S Bell CS 90 Thirty-First St 416-394-8707John G Althouse CS 130 Lloyd Manor Rd 416-394-8709John English CS 95 Mimico Ave Rm 100B 416-394-8711Joseph J Piccininni CRC 1369 St. Clair Ave W 416-392-0036Keele CC 181 Glenlake Ave 416-392-0695Kingsview Village CS 1 York Rd 416-394-5540Mt. Dennis Community Hall 4 Hollis St 416-394-2747Norseman CS 105 Norseman St 416-394-8719North Kipling CC 2 Rowntree Rd 416-394-8679Ourland CC 18 Ourland Ave 416-394-8673Park Lawn CS 71 Ballacaine Dr 416-394-8713Pelmo Park CC 171 Pellatt Ave 416-394-2747Smithfield CS 175 Mount Olive Dr 416-394-8715St. Marcellus CS 15 Denfield St 416-394-5490Swansea CRC 15 Waller Ave 416-392-6796The Elms CS 45 Golfdown Dr 416-394-8722Thistletown CC 925 Albion Rd 416-394-8717Thistletown Seniors Centre 925 Albion Rd 416-394-8869West Acres Seniors RC 65 Hinton Rd 416-394-8680


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Community Centres

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16North York District

Community Centre Address Phone NumberAncaster Park CC 41 Ancaster Rd 416-395-6057Antibes CC 140 Antibes Dr 416-395-0475Armour Heights CC 2140 Ave Rd 416-395-7848Banbury CC 120 Banbury Rd 416-395-6101Barbara Frum CC 20 Covington Rd 416-395-6123Bedford Park CC 81 Ranleigh Ave 416-392-0618Broadlands Park CC 19 Castlegrove Blvd 416-395-7966Cummer Park CC 6000 Leslie St 416-395-7803Driftwood CC 4401 Jane St 416-395-6019

416-395-7944Earl Bales Park CC 4169 Bathurst St 416-395-7873Edithvale Park CC 7 Edithvale Dr 416-395-7827Fairbank Memorial CC 2213 Dufferin St 416-394-2473Flemingdon RC 29 St. Dennis Dr 416-395-7972Flemingdon Park CC 150 Grenoble Dr 416-395-6014Glen Long CC 35 Glen Long Ave 416-395-7961Goulding Park CC 45 Goulding Ave 416-395-7826Grandravine Park CC 23 Grandravine Dr 416-395-6171Irving W. Chapley CC 205 Wilmington Ave 416-395-6016Jenner Jean-Marie CC 48 Thorncliff Rd 416-396-2874Lawrence Heights CC 5 Replin Rd 416-395-6120Ledbury CC 160 Ledbury St 416-395-7962Mitchell Field CC 89 Church Ave 416-395-0262North Toronto Memorial CRC 200 Eglinton Ave W 416-392-6590Northwood CC 15 Clubhouse Court 416-395-7876Oakdale CC 350 Grandravine Dr 416-395-0484

416-395-0488O'Connor CC 1386 Victoria Park Ave 416-395-7957Oriole Park CC 2975 Don Mills Rd W 416-395-7968

416-395-7969Pleasantview CC 545 Van Horne Ave 416-395-6006Roding Park CC 600 Roding St 416-395-7964Seneca Village CC 1700 Finch Ave E 416-395-7858Trace Manes Park CC 110 Rumsey Rd 416-396-2853Viewmount CC 169 Viewmount Ave 416-395-6021

Community Centres

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Toronto and East York District

Community Centre Address Phone NumberAdam Beck CC 79 Lawlor Ave 416-392-0741Balmy Beach CC 14 Pine Ave 416-392-6972Beaches RC 6 Williamson Rd 416-392-0740Bob Abate CRC 485 Montrose Ave 416-392-0745Brown CC 454 Avenue Rd 416-392-6826Earl Beatty CC 455 Glebeholme Blvd 416-392-0752East York CC 10811/2 Pape Ave 416-396-2880Fairmount Park CC 1757 Gerrard St East 416-392-7060Frankland CC 816 Logan Ave 416-392-0749Hillcrest CC 1339 Bathurst St 416-392-0746Holy Family CC 139 Close Ave 416-392-6695Jimmy Simpson RC 870 Queen St E 416-392-0751John Innes CC 150 Sherbourne St 416-392-6779Main Square CC 245 Main St 416-392-1070Masaryk-Cowan CRC 220 Cowan Ave 416-392-6928Matty Eckler CC 953 Gerrard St E 416-392-0750Maurice Cody CC 181 Cleveland St 416-392-0747McCormick RC 66 Sheridan Ave 416-392-0742Niagara CC 700 Wellington St W 416-392-0743Parkdale CRC 75 Lansdowne Ave 416-392-6696Regent Park North RC 415 Gerrard St E 416-392-0753Regent Park South CC 203 Sackville Green 416-392-5790S.H. Armstrong CRC 56 Woodfield Rd 416-392-0734Scadding Court CC 707 Dundas St W 416-392-0335Secord CC 91 Barrington Ave 416-396-2857St. Lawrence CRC 230 The Esplanade 416-392-1347Terry Fox CC 2 Gledhill Ave 416-392-0199Trinity CRC 155 Crawford St 416-392-0743Wallace Emerson CC 1260 Dufferin St 416-392-0039Wellesley CRC 495 Sherbourne St 416-392-0227

Community Centres

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18Scarborough District

Community Centre Address Phone NumberAgincourt RC 31 Glen Watford Dr 416-396-4037Berner Trail CC 120 Berner Trail 416-396-4527Birchmount CC 93 Birchmount Rd 416-396-4311Birkdale CC 1299 Ellesmere Rd 416-396-4069Burrows Hall CC 1081 Progress Ave 416-396-4670Cedarbrook CC 91 Eastpark Blvd 416-396-4028Cedar Ridge CC 225 Confederation Dr 416-396-4026Centennial RC 1967 Ellesmere Rd 416-396-4057Commander Park 140 Commander Blvd 416-396-4024Curran Hall CC 277 Orton Park Blvd 416-396-5156East York Curling Club 901 Cosburn Ave 416-396-2816Ellsemere CC 20 Canadian Rd 416-396-5536Goldhawk Park CC 295 Alton Towers Circle 416-396-7757Heron Park CC 292 Manse Rd 416-396-4035Jack Goodlad Centre 929 Kennedy Rd 416-396-7566L'Amoreaux CRC 2000 McNicoll Ave 416-396-4510Malvern CRC 30 Sewells Rd 416-396-4054McGregor CC 2231 Lawrence Ave E 416-396-4023Miliken Park CRC 4325 McCowan Rd 416-396-7757Don Montgomery CC 2467 Eglinton Ave E 416-396-4043Neilson House 1575 Neilson Rd 416-396-4526Oakridge CC 63 Pharmacy Ave 416-338-1966Port Union CC 5450 Lawrence Ave E 416-396-4031Scarborough Village RC 3600 Kingston Rd 416-396-4048Scott Westney House 180 McLevin Ave 416-396-4071Stan Wadlow Clubhouse 373 Cedarvale Ave 416-396-2842Stephen Leacock CC 2520 Birchmount Rd 416-396-4040Tall Pines CC 64 Rylander Blvd 416-396-4350Tam Heather CC 730 Military Trail 416-284-9251West Rouge CC 270 Rouge Hills Dr 416-396-4147West Scarborough CC 313 Pharmacy Ave 416-755-9215

Community Centres

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34 Education

General Information

Metro Toronto Movement for Literacy 416-961-4013; Literacy Hotline: 416-961-5557344 Bloor Street West, Suite 306www.mtml.ca/lan.htm

• Major online referral database of classes, programs, schools and tutor associations for adults.• Telephone information and referral for adult literacy, upgrading and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs.

Ontario Ministry of Education and Trainingwww.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/welcome.html

• Website contains information on education/training programs and practices.• Also has up-to-date information on how to access local programs, and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about everything to do with education and training.

ILC – Independent Learning Centre416-484-2704 (English); 416-484-2722 (French) 2180 Yonge Streetwww.ilc.org

• Provides a distance education program in English and in French for Ontario residents who want to earn secondary school diploma credits, upgrade basic skills, or study for personal development.

• Also offers an elementary program for children temporarily living outside Canada.

GED Information and Testing Centre 416-484-2737; Toll Free: 1-800-573-70222180 Yonge Street (Independent Learning Centre)

• General Educational Development (GED) testing program allows adults who have not finished high school to show that they have acquired the knowledge and skills associated with, and comparable to,high school completion.

• Successful GED candidates earn the Ontario High School Equivalency Certificate.

Toronto District School Board (for a full listing of services, please see TDSB section)General Line: 416-397-3000Continuing Education and ESL: 416-338-4000Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC): 416 925-5462Key to Learn, Virtual School (E-learning): 416-396-8481www.tdsb.on.ca

Continuing Education – Night High School ClassesGeneral Registration: 416-338-42222 Trethewey Drive, 3rd Floor


Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Ontario, Apprenticeship Program 416-326-5800 625 Church Street, 1st Floor

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www.ontario.ca/employmentontario• Website has information on scholarships for youth and on the job apprenticeship training.• Also has information on pre-apprenticeship programs and how to get started.

Toronto Community Colleges• Provide training in a wide range of practical and technical skills. • Programs are planned in co-operation with industry to provide maximum employment opportunities.


Humber College – Various Campuses416-675-5000www.humber.ca

North York

Seneca College – Various Campuses416-491-5050 ext. 2800www.senecac.on.ca


Centennial College416-289-5000; Toll Free: 1-800-268-4419www.centennialcollege.ca

Toronto/East York

George Brown College – Various Campuses416-415-2000; Toll Free: 1-800-265-2002; TTY: 1-877-515-5559www.georgebrown.ca

Reading, writing, math and computer skills


Belka Enrichment Centre416-744-3430; Toll Free: 1-888-344-34301977 Finch Avenue West, Suite 212www.cablomissions.org Monday-Saturday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

• Open to all, focus on African and Caribbean Canadian communities.


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36Lamp Community Health Centre 416-252-6471; TTY: 416-252-1322185 Fifth Streetwww.lampchc.org Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

• Free one-on-one and small group tutoring in reading, writing and basic math.• Participants must be over age 19 and fluent in English.• TTC tickets and childcare costs can be covered.

The Learning Enrichment Foundation 416-769-0830 116 Industry Street http://lefca.org

• Provides skills training and job placement services to adults age 16-30.

Toronto/East York

Alexandra Park Neighbourhood Learning Centre 416-591-7384Scadding Court Community Centre707 Dundas Street West, Room 2 www.apnlc.org

• Offers Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) programs to adults free of charge.• Assistance is available to anyone who needs to improve reading, writing, math, or basic computer skills.

Canadian Hearing Society 416-928-2532; TTY: 416-928-2519271 Spadina Roadwww.chs.ca/offices/toronto

• Eligibility: deaf, deafened and hard of hearing adults with limited English or ASL.• Educational support for part-time post secondary studies is available in the form of Sign Language Interpreters, Computerized Notetakers and Assistive Listening Devices.

Centre for Community Learning & Development/Neighbourhood Information Post416-968-6989Parliament Library 269 Gerrard Street East, 2nd Floorhttp://nipost.org

CNIB 416-486-2500 ext. 82861929 Bayview Avenue www.cnib.ca

• Programs available for individuals with impaired vision who are out of school.


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Davenport Perth Neighbourhood Centre 416-656-8025 ext. 4211900 Davenport Roadwww.dpnc.ca Monday-Thursday 1:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

• Available to individuals age 19 and older with no high school diploma.• Literacy program helps to improve reading, writing and math skills. • Tutors, group learning and afternoon/evening classes.

Dixon Hall, Regent Park Learning Centre 416-363-3920417 Gerrard Street Eastwww.dixonhall.org

• Programs include the Literacy Program for basic skills, the Family Computer Literacy Program (19 computerworkstations with tutoring and internet access) and Social Enterprise and Employment Development (SEED).

East York Learning Experience416-425-2666266 Donlands AvenueMonday-Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Thursday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

• Adult skill development and enrichment programs in literacy, basic math and computer skills.

Frontier College 416-923-359135 Jackes Avenuewww.frontiercollege.ca

• Operates a variety of literacy programs across the city.• One-to-one tutoring with adults and ESL for new Canadians.• Beat the Street program includes literacy upgrading, a GED preparation course and computer skills training.

Parkdale Project Read 416-531-63081209 King Street WestMonday-Wednesday 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Thursday 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. www.nald.ca/ppr

• Drop-in learning times, small group or one-to-one tutoring learning methods are available to adults for reading, writing, basic math and basic computer skills.

• Specialty learning groups include science and history, women’s studies, seniors and community in action.

St. Christopher House 416-848-79801033 King Street WestMonday, Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Tuesday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.www.stchrishouse.org

• Programs include one-to-one and small group learning for reading, writing and math skills.• GED & ACE Upgrading Program.


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Toronto District School BoardAdult Learning Centres

• Day programs which allow credit completion of grade 9-12.

• Credit options include ESL, English, math, science, co-op, hairstyling and pre-apprenticeship classes.


Burhamthorpe Adult Learning Centre416-394-7130500 The East Mallschools.tdsb.on.ca/burnhamthorpe

North York

Emery Adult Learning Centre416-395-32253395 Weston Roadwww.emeryadult.com

Yorkdale Adult Learning Centre/SS 416-395-3350 38 Orfus Roadwww.yorkdale.net


Scarborough Centre for Alternative Studies(adults) 416-396-6921 939 Progress Avenuewww.scasonline.com Toronto/East York

City Adult Learning Centre (CALC) 416-393-97401 Danforth Avenuewww.calconline.net

Adult Literacy and Basic Skills(LBS)


Burnhamthorpe Collegiate Adult LearningCentre416-394-3809500 The East Mall


Pharmacy Adult Learning Centre416-396-69041641 Pharmacy Avenue

Toronto/East YorkBickford Centre416-393-1995777 Bloor Street West, Room 214B

Ed• Reduced fees music school.• Bang the Drum (internet access and tutoring).• ESL for new immigrants and refugees.

Street Haven at the Crossroads416-392-9230Adelaide Resource Centre for Women67 Adelaide Street East, 3rd FloorMonday-Thursday 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. (some program hours vary)www.streethaven.com

• Provides programs to women 19 years and over.• Basic skills in reading, writing, math, computers and job search techniques are taught in small groups or one-on-one.


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For a more comprehensive listing of employmentservices and programs, visit www.211toronto.ca

Employment Resource Centres are also located ineach of the Toronto Employment and SocialServices offices listed on page 44.

Employment Resource Centres• Access to computers, internet, fax,photocopiers and telephones

• Job boards and resource materials• Assistance with resumes and job search


Costi, Caledonia Centre416-789-7925700 Caledonia Roadwww.costi.org

Learning Enrichment Foundation, Action Centre for Employment416-769-0830116 Industry Streetwww.lefca.org

Dixon Community Services416-243-51541735 Kipling Avenue, Lower Level, Suite Awww.dixoncommunity.com

Community MicroSkills Development Centre416-247-7181; Toll Free: 1-877-979-39991 Vulcan Streetwww.microskills.ca

Humber CollegeRexdale Employment Resource Centre416-748-72001620 Albion Road, 2nd Floorwww.erc.humber.ca

JobStart416-231-2295; TTY: 416-251-27232930 Lake Shore Boulevard Westwww.jobstart-cawl.org

Toronto/East York

Acces Employment (see also p. 40)416-921-1800489 College Street, Suite 100www.accestrain.com

Humber CollegeSt. Clair West Employment Resource Centre416-654-55661345 St. Clair Avenue West, 2nd Floorwww.erc.humber.ca

Neighbourhood Link Support ServicesCommunity Employment Resource Centre416-691-74073036 Danforth Avenuewww.neighbourhoodlink.org

WoodGreen Community ServicesEast York Employment Centre416-615-15151450 O'Connor Drive, Building 1, Unit 4 www.woodgreen.org

WoodGreen Community ServicesEast Toronto Employment Resource Centre416-462-3110 ext. 23161080 Queen Street Eastwww.woodgreen.org

Fred Victor Centre416-364-8986100 Lombard Street, Suite 102www.fredvictor.org

Times Changes Women’s Employment Service416-927-1900365 Bloor Street East, Suite 1704www.timeschange.org

Centre for Education and TrainingNo phone number available, walk-in595 Parliament Street, Main Floorwww.tcet.com/ercs

Employment Resource Centres

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40Centre for Education and TrainingNo phone number available, walk-in21 St. Clair Avenue East, Suite 600www.tcet.com/ercs

Project Work416-481-22112221 Yonge Street, Suite 100www.projectwork.ca

Toronto Community Employment Services416-488-00842221 Yonge Street, Suite 403www.tces.on.ca


Acces EmploymentScarborough Branch416-431-53262100 Ellesmere Road, Suite 250www.accestrain.com

Goodwill TorontoKennedy Employment Resource Centre416-285-8876 ext. 2402425 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 300www.goodwill.on.ca

Centre for Information and CommunityServices of Ontario416-292-75052330 Midland Avenuewww.cicscanada.com

Centre for Information and CommunityServices of OntarioToronto Integrated Service Centre416-292-75103850 Finch Avenue Eastwww.cicscanada.com

Seneca CollegeEmployment Resource Centre416-293-37223660 Midland Avenue, 2nd Floorwww.senecac.on.ca/cms/community/etbs.jsp

YMCA of Greater TorontoEmployment and Community Services416-609-962210 Milner Business Court, Suite 600www.ymcatoronto.org

YMCA of Greater TorontoEmployment and Community Services416-335-54905635 Finch Avenue Eastwww.ymcatoronto.org

YWCA TorontoEmployment and Skills Development416-264-57883730 Kingston Road, 2nd Floorwww.ywcatoronto.org

North York

Centre for Education and Training(No phone number, walk-in only)RBS Building, 1090 Don Mills Road, Suite 406www.tcet.com/ercs

JVS Toronto, Sheppard Avenue East416-756-0202Atria 1, 2255 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite A120www.jvstoronto.org

Career FoundationLawrence Square Employment Resource Centre416-789-5877; TTY: 416-789-9334Lawrence Square Mall, 700 Lawrence Avenue West,Suite 433www.careerfoundation.org

JVS Toronto, York Gate Boulevard416-514-0900Yorkgate Mall, 1 York Gate Boulevard, Lower Level,Suite 136Awww.jvstoronto.org

Toronto District School BoardChesswood Employment Resource Centre416-395-95593701 Chesswood Drive, Suite 100www.tdsb.on.ca

Employment Resource Centres

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YMCA of Greater TorontoEmployment and Community Services, Etobicoke416-741-8714Albion Mall, 1530 Albion Road, Suite 83www.ymca.org

Tropicana Community ServicesAlternative Youth Centre for Employment416-491-7000505 Consumers Road, Suite 102www.ayce.on.ca

JVS TorontoYouth Services416-636-2481Jane Finch Mall, 1911 Finch Avenue West, Unit 3www.jvstoronto.org

YMCA of Greater TorontoEmployment and Community Services, North York416-635-96224580 Dufferin Street, 2nd Floorwww.ymcatoronto.org

Operation SpringboardAris Kaplanis Centre for Youth416-615-07882568 Lawrence Avenue Eastwww.operationspringboard.on.ca

Youth Job Action Centre416-286-16601371 Neilson Road, Suite 113www.youthjobactioncentre.org

Yonge Street MissionEvergreen Centre for Youth416-977-7259 ext. 245381 Yonge Street, Basementwww.ysm.on.ca

St. Stephen’s Community HouseEmployment Resource Centre416-531-46311415 Bathurst Street, Main Floorwww.ststephenshouse.com

Youth Employment Services416-535-84481610 Bloor Street West, Main Floorwww.yes.on.ca


Metis Nation of Ontario416-977-988175 Sherbourne Street, Suite 222www.metisnation.org

Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment and Training416-591-2310; Toll Free: 1-877-980-6961167 Gerrard Street Eastwww.miziwebiik.com


Ethiopian Association in the Greater Toronto Area416-694-15222064 Danforth Avenuewww.ethiocomm.org

Skills for ChangeEmployment Resource Centre416-572-07901139 College Streetwww.skillsforchange.org


Canadian Hearing Society271 Spadina Road416-928-2533; TTY: 416-928-2519www.chs.ca/offices/toronto

Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario416-422-5644 ext. 245; Toll Free: 1-877-422-1112Lyndhurst Centre, 520 Sutherland Drivewww.cpaont.org

Toronto District School BoardScarborough Centre for Employment Accessibility


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42416-396-8100; TTY: 416-396-80953478 Lawrence Avenue East, Unit C006www.accessibleerc.com

Mental health employment services

Canadian Mental Health AssociationToronto Branch, Employment ServicesLawrence Square Mall, 700 Lawrence Avenue W., Suite 480416-789-7957 ext. 297www.toronto.cmha.ca

Canadian Mental Health AssociationMarkham Road Site, Employment Services

416-789-7957 ext. 2971200 Markham Road, Suite 500www.toronto.cmha.ca

Centre for Addiction and Mental HealthEmployment Support and Development416-535-8501 ext. 4876250 College Street, Suite G201 www.camh.net

Toronto East Counselling and Support ServiceWork Initiative Program416-462-04612 Pape Avenuewww.tecss.com

Canada Child Tax Benefit Toll Free: 1-800-387-1193www.cra-arc.gc.ca

• A tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under age 18.

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)Frequently Asked Questions: Toll-Free: 1-800-277-9914; TTY: 1-800-255-4786www.servicecanada.gc.ca

• Retirement Pension• Disability Benefits• Death Benefit• Children's Benefits• Survivor's Pension

Employment Insurance (EI)Frequently Asked Questions: Toll-Free: 1-800-206-7218; TTY: 1-800-529-3742 www.servicecanada.gc.ca

• Regular Benefits

• Maternity and Parental Benefits• Sickness Benefits • Compassionate Care Benefits• Fishing Benefits• Workers and/or Residents Outside Canada• Family Supplement

Financial AssistanceGST Credit Toll Free: 1-800-959-1953www.cra-arc.gc.ca

• A tax-free quarterly payment that helpsindividuals and families with low and modest incomes offset all or part of the GST or HST they pay.

Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) Toll Free: 1-800-277-9914; TTY: 1-800-926-9105www.servicecanada.gc.ca

• Provides additional money, on top of the Old Age Security pension, to low-income seniors living in Canada.

Financial Assistance

Employment Resource Centres

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Financial Assistance

Old Age Security (OAS) Frequently Asked Questions: Toll-Free: 1-800-277-9914; TTY: 1-800-255-4786www.servicecanada.gc.ca

• Old Age Security Pension• Allowance Program• Allowance for the Survivor• Guaranteed Income Supplement• Old Age Security Identification Card

Ontario Child Benefit Toll Free: 1-866-821-7770; TTY: 1-800-387-5559www.gov.on.ca/children

• Eligibility is based on the number of children under age 18 in your family and your family net income.

The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Toll Free: 1-800-808-2268www.mcss.gov.on.ca

• ODSP is designed to meet the needs of people with disabilities who are in financial need, or who want and are able to work and need support.

ODSP Offices:

North YorkGeneral Inquiry: 416-325-5900; TTY: 416-325-58461870 Wilson Avenue

ScarboroughGeneral Inquiry: 416-325-0123; TTY: 416-326-7290770 Birchmount Road, Unit #30

Toronto/East YorkGeneral Inquiry: 416-314-6514; TTY: 416-314-652147 Sheppard Avenue East, 6th Floor

DowntownGeneral Inquiry: 416-314-5700; TTY: 416-314-3393385 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor

Ontario Works (OW) Toronto Employment and Social Services Client Services and Information Unit: 416-392-2956www.toronto.ca/socialservices

• Toronto Employment and Social Services delivers the OW program for youth and adults in financial need.• Applications can be made in person, by phone or online. You will need to attend an in-person follow-up interview.

• Use the online eligibility estimator to find out if you qualify for OW or ODSP

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Office Address Service Area by Postal Code

Scarborough West 1225 Kennedy Rd, Unit 1, Scarborough M1P 2L4 M1K M1L M1MSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-392-2800 M1N M1P M1R

Intake: 416-392-2725

Scarborough North 5639 Finch Ave E, Scarborough M1B 5L1 M1B M1C M1ESocial Services General Inquiries: 416-397-1000 M1G M1H M1J

Intake: 416-397-1010 M1S M1T M1VM1W M1X

North York East 20 Lesmill Rd, North York M3B 2T5 M2H M2J M2KSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-392-2850 M2L M2M M2N

Intake: 416-392-2811 M2P M2R M3AM3B M4N M5M

North York West 1860 Wilson Ave, North York M9M 3A7 M3L M3N M9LSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-392-6500 M9M M9N

Intake: 416-397-0185

North York Central 1117 Finch Ave W, North York M3J 2P7 M3H M3J M3KSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-397-9450 M3M M6A M6L

Intake: 416-397-9451

East York 1450 O’Connor Dr, Bldg 1 Unit 33 M3C M4A M4BSocial Services North York M4B 2T8 M4C M4G M4H

General Inquiries: 416-392-3400 M4J M4K Intake: 416-392-3421

East Toronto 1631 Queen St E, Toronto M4L 1G4 M4E M4L M4MSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-392-3200

Intake: 416-392-3213

Central Toronto 150 Eglinton Ave E, Suite 900, Toronto M4P 3E2 M4P M4R M4SSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-397-1800 M4T M4V M5N M5P

Intake: 416-397-5100 M5R M6B M6C M6E

Downtown Toronto 111 Wellesley St E, Toronto M4Y 3A7 M4W M4X M4YSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-392-5300 M5A

Intake: 416-392-5100

High Park / Parkdale 1900 Dundas St W, Toronto M6R 3B6 M6J M6K M6RSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-397-7800

Intake: 416-397-7900

Metro Hall 214 Wellington St W, Toronto M5V 3C6 M5B M5C M5E M5GSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-392-2600 M5H M5J M5K M5L

Intake: 416-392-2635 M5S M5T M5V M5WM5X M6G

Etobicoke North 220 Attwell Dr, Unit 4, Etobicoke M9W 6T9 M9R M9V M9WSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-392-6400

Intake: 416-392-6405

York/Humber 605 Rogers Rd, Toronto M6M 1B9 M6H M6M M6NSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-392-6200

Intake: 416-392-6242

Etobicoke South 779 The Queensway, Etobicoke M8Z 1N4 M6P M6S M8V M8WSocial Services General Inquiries: 416-392-6550 M8X M8Y M8Z M9A

Intake: 416-397-0330 M9B M9C M9P

Toronto Employment and Social Services Offices

44 Financial Assistance

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Service in other languagesTo get information on Ontario Works in a languageother than English, please refer to the numberslisted below for service in various languages. Staffwill provide general information about the SocialServices Division and details on where to apply. Written requests for information can also be sent to:

Toronto Employment and Social ServicesClient Services and Information Unit55 John Street, 12th floorMetro Hall Station 1123Toronto OntarioM5V 3C6

Language LinesEnglish 416-392-8623Chinese 416-397-7383Farsi/Persian 416-392-2987French 416-397-7385Polish 416-392-4225Portuguese 416-397-7381Russian 416-397-0123Somali 416-397-7384Spanish 416-397-7382Vietnamese 416-397-1787TTY 416-392-2594 or 416-392-2823

Credit Counselling

Credit Canada, Head Office416-228-3328; Toll Free: 1-800-267-227245 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 810www.creditcanada.com

• Money management counselling by appointment.

• Mediation between debtor and creditor.• First counselling session free, ongoing counselling on a sliding scale.

• See website for additional locations.

St. Christopher House, Financial Advocacyand Problem Solving416-848-79801033 King Street West

www.stchrishouse.org • Information, referral and advocacy regarding financial issues such as social assistance

• Income tax clinics• Financial literacy workshops• Help accessing banking services

Trustee Programs

Ontario Ministry of the Attorney GeneralOffice of the Public Guardian and Trustee416-314-2800; Toll Free: 1-800-366-0335; TTY: 416-314-2687 Atrium on Bay, 55 Bay Street, Suite 800www.attorneygeneral.jus.gov.on.ca/english/family/pgt

• Manages the financial affairs of persons who are mentally incapable and without someone to act on their behalf.

Evangel Hall416-504-3563552 Adelaide Street West www.evangelhall.ca

• Voluntary trusteeships for local residents whowant this service.

Neighbourhood Information PostHousing Trusteeship Program416-924-2543Parliament Public Library269 Gerrard Street East, 2nd Floorwww.nipost.org

• Helps individuals maintain rental accommodation on pre-authorized basis.

• Budget counselling.

St. Stephen’s Community Centre416-964-8747 260 Augusta Avenuewww.ststephenshouse.com

• Voluntary trusteeship program.• Waiting list for program.


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46For emergencies please dial 9-1-1

General Information

Healthy Ontario www.healthyontario.com

• General health information. • Includes listings of doctors, medical providersand a database with information on prescriptionand over-the-counter drugs.

MedVisit Doctors Housecall Service 416-631-3000www.medvisit.ca

• Doctors make house calls for non-emergencysituations.

• All charges covered by Ontario Health Insurance.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario416-967-2626; Toll Free: 1-800-268-7096 ext. 626www.cpso.on.ca

• “Find a doctor” search tool has a list of doctors accepting new patients.

Telehealth Ontario Toll Free: 1-866-797-0000; TTY: 1-866-797-0007

• A free, confidential telephone service for general health information or advice from a Registered Nurse.

• Callers do not need a health card. • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Ontario Ministry of HealthINFOline: 1-800-664-8988; TTY: 1-800-387-5559

OHIP Offices:• For new or replacement cards

EtobicokeSun Life Financial Centre3300 Bloor Street WestMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.,Thursday 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m.

North York4400 Dufferin Street, Unit A4-A5 Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Scarborough2063 Lawrence Avenue East Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. (from 5:00 p.m. to closing by appointment only)Toll Free: 1-888-376-5197 for an appointment

Toronto47 Sheppard Avenue East, 4th Floor Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.Wednesday 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.

777 Bay Street, Suite M212 Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Toronto Public HealthToronto Health Connection Information Line416-338-7600; TTY: 416-392-0658http://www.toronto.ca/health/thc_index.htm

• Information and access to all Toronto Public Health programs and services.

• Free, confidential information and advice from a public health professional.

Assistive Devices and Special Diet

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term CareAssistive Devices Program416-327-8804 or 416-327-4282; TTY: 1-800-268-6021www.health.gov.on.ca/english/public/pub/pub_menus/pub_adp.html

• Ontario residents with long-term physical disabilities and valid health cards can apply forhelp in paying for medical equipment and devices.

• Program covers eye glasses, hearing aids, diabetes supplies, prosthetic devices and mobility devices.


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Toronto Employment and Social ServicesSpecial Services Items416-392-8623 General Inquirywww.toronto.ca/socialservices

• OW clients with special needs should contacttheir caseworker.

• Items covered include prescription drugs, diabetes supplies, dentures, wheelchairs, scooters, prosthesis, and respiratory supplies.

Toronto Employment and Social Services Special Needs Items for Persons Not in Receipt ofSocial Assistance (Hardship Fund)416-392-8623 General Inquirywww.toronto.ca/socialservices

• Toronto Social Services administers the Hardship Fund, which is meant to help residents purchase medical supplies they otherwise could not afford.

• Items covered include eye glasses, prescription drugs, dentures and dental services.

Toronto Employment and Social Services Special Diet416-392-8623 General Inquirywww.toronto.ca/socialservices

• If you are receiving Ontario Works and have a medical condition that requires a special diet, you may be eligible for added benefits.

• Condition must be confirmed by an approved health professional such as a doctor, nurse or dietician.


The following sites offer free or lost cost dentaltreatment. For more information call the numberlisted or see the Toronto Public Health website atwww.toronto.ca/health/dental/index.htm.

Institutions offering low cost dental treatment:

Toronto/East York

Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto416-979-4927 (adults)101 Elm Street

• Open September-June.

George Brown College, Casa Loma Campus416-415-4547175 Kendal Avenue

• Low cost cleanings, small fillings and dentures.

Queen West Community Health Centre416-703-8481168 Bathurst Street

• All Toronto residents, reduced prices.

Regent Park Community Health Centre416-364-2261 ext. 7019465 Dundas Street East

• All Toronto residents.

Shout, Dental Treatment Clinic416-927-8553467 Jarvis Street

• Free services for youth aged 16-25.

St. Joseph’s Health Centre, Ambulatory CareCentre Clinics 416-530-604330 The Queensway

• Access: Tranquility Gardens Entrance.• Lower cost, must call to make appointment.

Yonge St. Mission, Evergreen Centre416-977-7259381 Yonge Street

• Free dental services for street youth under age 25.


Scarborough Hospital, Urban Dental Clinic416-438-3872


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483000 Lawrence Avenue East, Building A, 2nd Floor

• For youth and low-income adults.

Toronto Public Health clinics • Free dental care for eligible children, high school students and seniors

Etobicoke416-338-17908 Taber Road

416-338-8399399 The West Mall

416-252-6471185 Fifth Street

North York416-338-8399 5100 Yonge Street, Ground Floor

416-338-202512 Flemington Road

416-338-12241651 Keele Street

Scarborough416-338-7442160 Borough Drive

Toronto/East York416-392-09072398 Yonge Street at Montgomery Avenue

416-392-6683791 Queen Street East

416-392-0934235 Danforth Avenue

416-392-6680277 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor

416-392-1410340 College Street, Suite 370

416-392-09882340 Dundas Street West

416-392-177795 Lavinia Avenue

Community Health Centres & Medical Centres


Albion Thistledown Medical Centre416-740-7272900 Albion Road

Etobicoke Medical Clinic416-621-2220400 The East Mall

The Four Villages Community Health Centre 416-604-33611700 Bloor Street West

Kingsway Walk-In Clinic416-207-98182939 Bloor Street West

Lakeshore Area Multi-Service Project(LAMP) 416-252-6471 185 Fifth Street www.lampchc.org

Westway Medical Centre416-621-22201723 Kipling Avenue, Unit 4

• By appointment.


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York Community Services 416-653-5400 1651 Keele Streetwww.ycservices.com

North York

Avenue Medical Clinic416-482-2111190 Wilson Avenue

Don Mills Family Care Centre 416-383-1251 Loblaws Super Store, 825 Don Mills Road

• After hours available

North York Family Physicians After Hours Clinic416-491-6338Bayview Village Shopping Centre, Loblaws Complex2877 Bayview Avenue, Main FloorMonday-Friday 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m., Saturday-Sunday,holidays 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.


Boniface Park Medical Centre416-264-3443700 Markham Road, Unit 8

Lawrence Victoria Park Medical Centre416-701-16501719 Lawrence Avenue East

One Stop Medical Centre 416-431-0736 3585 Lawrence Avenue East, Suite 1A

Toronto/East York

Anishnawbe Health Toronto 416-360-0486225 Queen Street East

www.aht.ca • Provides Traditional Healing within a multi-disciplinary health care model to improve the health and well being of Aboriginal people.

Danforth Main Street Clinic416-699-36192494 Danforth Avenue

Davenport-Perth Neighbourhood Centre 416-656-8025 1900 Davenport Road www.dpnc.ca

East End Community Health Centre 416-778-5858 1619 Queen Street East Danforth South/Greenwood Avenue and VictoriaPark Avenue

Fairlawn Medical Centre416-322-99333322 Yonge Street

Flemingdon Health Centre 416-429-4991 10 Gateway Boulevard www.fhc-chc.com

Lawrence Heights Community Health Centre 416-787-1661 12 Flemington Road

Parkdale Community Health Centre416-537-24551229 Queen Street Westwww.parkdalehealth.ca

• General medical services, mental health and addiction programs.

• No Ontario Health Insurance required for general services.


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50Sherbourne Health Centre 416-324-4180333 Sherbourne Streetwww.sherbourne.on.ca Tuesdays 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m., Fridays 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.

• Unscheduled care clinics for the homeless and underhoused

• No appointment required.

St. Lawrence Community Health Centre 416-864-6000140 The Esplanade, Unit 3, 1st Floorwww.stmichaelshospital.com

Specialty Health Service Providers

Access Alliance Multicultural CommunityHealth Centre 416-324-8677 340 College Street, Suite 500www.accessalliance.ca

• A community health team of social workers,recreationists, dieticians, community workers and peer outreach workers, strives to be accessible to immigrants and refugees.

The Anne Johnston Health Station 416-486-8666; TTY: 416-486-6759 2398 Yonge Streetwww.ajhs.ca

• A wide range of programs and services promote the health and well-being of seniors, youth, and people with physical disabilities requiring an accessible, barrier-free environment.

Centre Francophone de Toronto www.centrefranco.org

• French-speaking physicians, nurse practitionersand registered nurses provide primary health care and counselling.

• If you have trouble in English, you can obtain medical interpretation services through the Centre Francophone.

Locations:416-922-267222 College StreetMonday, Tuesday and Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.Wednesday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

416-203-122020 Lower Spadina RoadMonday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

416-492-26725 Fairview Mall Drive, Suite 280Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.Tuesday 10:00 a.m.-7:30 p.m.Friday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Street Health416-921-8668338 Dundas Street Eastwww.streethealth.ca

• Nurses at clinics assess health complaints andmake referrals to doctors, dentists and social services.

• If needed, nurses can provide some over the counter medications, as well as supplies such as socks, vitamins, hygiene supplies, and clothes.

• Nurses will accompany clients to medical appointments when necessary.

Clinics:The Good Neighbours Club (drop-in for men over 50)170 Jarvis StreetMonday 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

The All Saints Church315 Dundas Street EastTuesday noon-2:00 p.m.


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Toronto Friendship Centre323 Dundas Street EastThursday 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Sexual Health Clinics

Aids and Sexual Health Information416-392-2437; Toll Free: 1-800-668-2437

• Call to speak to a counsellor or locate a nearby sexual health clinic.

• Anonymous.

Hassle Free Clinic Counselling and medical services for birth controland sexually transmitted diseases. Men: 416-922-0603Women: 416-922-056666 Gerrard Street East, 2nd Floorwww.hasslefreeclinic.orgMen: Monday, Wednesday 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Tuesday,Thursday 10:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m., Friday 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Women: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.,Tuesday, Thursday 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

• Service is confidential.• No Ontario Health Insurance required.• Free condoms.• Needle exchange.

Planned Parenthood of Toronto 416-961-0113 36B Prince Arthur Avenuewww.ppt.on.ca

• A Community Health Centre offering a full range of primary health care services.

• Offers STI testing, counselling and sexual education services.

• For adults in their productive years and youthage 13-29.

Heat AlertsHigh heat and high humidity can be very dangerousto the health of people and pets. The followingsafety tips are courtesy Public Health. Visit theirwebsite www.toronto.ca/health for moreinformation including a list of air conditioned publicplaces.

Summer Safety Tips to Beat the Heat

People at risk during these weather conditions include:

• The elderly • People with chronic illnesses (such as diabetes, heart and respiratory conditions) orpeople unable to move or change position bythemselves

• Infants and preschool children • People who exercise vigorously or are involved in strenuous outdoor work for pro-longed periods

• People taking certain medications, for example, for mental health conditions

• Homeless or marginally housed persons.

How to avoid heat-related illness: • Drink lots of water and natural fruit juices even if you don’t feel very thirsty. Avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee and cola.

• Avoid going out in the blazing sun or heat when possible. If you must go outside, stay in the shade as much as possible and plan to go out early in the morning or evening when it iscooler and smog levels may not be as high as in the afternoon.

• Go to air conditioned or cool places such as shopping malls, libraries, community centres or a friend’s place.

• If you don’t have air conditioning, keep shadesor drapes drawn and blinds closed on the sunny side of your home, but keep windows slightly open.

• Wear loose fitting, light clothing. Wear a hat.• Keep lights off or turned down low. • Take a cool bath or shower periodically or cool down with cool, wet towels.


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52 Health

• Avoid heavy meals and using your oven. • Avoid intense or moderately intense physical activity. • Never leave a child in a parked car or asleep in direct sunlight. • Fans alone may not provide enough cooling when the temperature is high. • Consult your doctor or pharmacist regarding the side effects of your medications.

Get help from a friend, relative or doctor if you have these symptoms of heat illness: • Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing • Weakness, dizziness or fainting • More tiredness than usual • Headache • Confusion • Nausea

Friends and relatives can help someone with heat illness by doing the following: • Call for help • Remove extra clothing from the person • Cool the person with lukewarm water by sponging or bathing • Move the person to a cooler location • Give the person sips of cool water not ice cold water • Even a few hours in a cooler environment during extremely hot weather lowers the core body temperature and helps save lives.

If you feel ill, faint, have difficulty breathing or feel disoriented visit your doctor or nearest hospital right away.

In an emergency call 9-1-1

For more information about the health effects of extreme heat call Canadian Red Cross Heat Information Line: 416-480-2615

For more information on summer safety call Toronto Health Connection: 416-338-7600

Home Care Services

Ontario Home Care Association905-543-947419 Melrose Avenue SouthHamilton, Ontario L8M 2Y4www.homecareontario.ca/public/index.cfm

• The association’s website enables you to search for a local home care provider.• Provides information on how to select a provider and a description of various home care services.

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Ontario Community Support Association(OCSA)416-256-3010; Toll Free: 1-800-267-6272www.ocsa.on.ca

• OCSA members are community-based, not-for-profit organizations that help people live at home.

• Website has a “service finder” tool.

Non-profit Home Care services in Toronto

Serving All of Toronto

Baycrest Community Day Centre for Geriatric Care416-785-2500 ext. 22233560 Bathurst Streetwww.baycrest.org

• Adult day program• Home care• Telephone support program for seniors• Counselling and referral• Services also provided in Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew

Carefirst Seniors and Community ServicesAssociation416-502-2323 3601 Victoria Park Avenue, Suite 501 www.carefirstseniors.com

• Home help, homemaking, respite care• Adult day program (Scarborough and Richmond Hill)

• Seniors self-help groups• Caregiver support• Friendly visiting, grocery shopping• Social and recreational programs• Services also provided in Cantonese, Mandarin

St. Clair West Services for Seniors 416-787-2114 2562 Eglinton Avenue West, 2nd Floor, Suite 202

• Adult day program• Meals on Wheels• Home help, respite care

• Limited transportation• Congregate dining• Services also provided in German, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu

Native Canadian Centre of Toronto – Aboriginal Circle of Life Services416-964-9087 16 Spadina Roadwww.ncct.on.ca

• Housekeeping, personal support• Home visits, maintenance• Shopping assistance, meal preparation• Transportation, escort• Seniors congregate dining

PACE Independent Living416-789-7806 970 Lawrence Avenue West, Suite 210

• Personal care• Housekeeping• Shopping, meal preparation• Escorting

Bellwoods Centres for Community LivingInc.416-696-9663 789 Don Mills Road, Suite 701

• Personal support services• Personal grooming, bathing, dressing• Light meal preparation

Ontario March of Dimes – Central Region416-425-3463 10 Overlea Boulevardwww.dimes.on.ca

• Attendant services • Housekeeping• Escorting• Services for people with Acquired Brain Injury

Saint Elizabeth Health Care – Metro416-498-8600 2 Lansing Square, Suite 600 (management office)www.saintelizabeth.com

• In-home nursing• Respite care


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54• Palliative care, dementia care• Personal support services (bathing, grooming, feeding, etc.)

• Home support (meal preparation, housekeeping, errands, etc.)


Canadian Gold Cross Association416-233-445419 King Georges Road www.goldcrosscares.org

• Caregiver relief• Friendly visiting• Security checks• Medical escort, medication reminders

Humber Community Seniors' Services Inc.416-249-7946 1167 Weston Roadwww.humberseniors.org

• Meals on Wheels• Home help, home maintenance• Transportation• Security check• Area served: York• Services also provided in Dutch, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

Islington Centre – Etobicoke Senior Citizens416-231-3431 4968 Dundas Street West

• Social and recreational programs• Legal, income tax and foot clinics• Congregate dining for frail elderly

York West Senior Citizens Centre416-245-43951901 Weston Road www.yorkwestseniors.ca

• Social and recreational programs

North York

Meals on Wheels and More416-225-604180 Sheppard Avenue West

• Meals on Wheels, hot or frozen meals• Information and referral

Villa Colombo Services for Seniors416-780-0407 3010 Dufferin Street, 1st Floorwww.villacharities.com

• Adult day program• Meals on Wheels• Congregate dining• Services also provided in Italian


Family Service Toronto416-755-5565 747 Warden Avenuewww.familyservicetoronto.org

• Counselling and support groups for older people and caregivers

• Information and referral• Elder Abuse Consultation Team• Services also provided in Mandarin, Spanish

Providence Healthcare416-285-36663276 St. Clair Avenue East www.providence.on.ca

• Alzheimer day program• Caregiver information and education

Toronto/East York

Call-A-Service Inc. Harmony Hall Centrefor Seniors416-752-0101 2 Gower Street

• Drop-in service for seniors 55+• Social and recreational programs• Dining club


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• Information and referral• Income tax clinics• Area Served: East York catchment area.• Services also provided in Tamil, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish

SPRINT (Senior Peoples Resources in North Toronto)416-481-6411140 Merton Street, 2nd Floor www.sprint-homecare.ca

• Adult day program• Homemaking and respite care• Transportation• Meals on Wheels, community dining• Friendly visiting, security check• Agency also serves North Toronto• Services also provided in languages other than English

Les Centres D'Accueil Heritage416-365-3350 33 Hahn Place, Suite 104www.caheritage.org

• Homemaking• Adult day program• Transportation• Security checks• Congregate dining• Subsidized housing for seniors• Services also provided in French

Dixon Hall416-863-0499 58 Sumach Street www.dixonhall.org

• Social and recreational programs• Transportation• Home help, shopping• Friendly visiting, telephone security checks• Area served: Gerrard Street-Lake Shore • Boulevard; Church Street-River Street• Services also provided in Cantonese, Mandarin

WoodGreen Community Services416-645-6000 815 Danforth Avenue, 1st Floorwww.woodgreen.org

• Adult day program, Alzheimer day program• Homemaking, home help• Transportation• Meals on Wheels• Security checks• Caregiver support• Area served: Don River-Coxwell Avenue; LakeOntario-the boundary of East York

• Services also provided in Cantonese, Mandarin, Filipino, Vietnamese

East York Meals on Wheels 416-424-3322 2 Thorncliffe Park Drive, Unit 52 www.leaside.info/mealsonwheels.html

• Meals on Wheels• Congregate dining• Transportation• Telephone security checks• Friendly visiting, information and referral• Area served: East York

Neighbourhood Link Support Services416-691-7407 3036 Danforth Avenuewww.neighbourhoodlink.org

• Alzheimer day program• Homemaking, home help• Transportation and escort• Shopping service• Security checks• Caregiver relief• Area served: East York• Services also provided in Cantonese, Mandarin, Farsi, French, Greek, Gujurati, Italian, Kachi, Pashto, Urdu

West Toronto Support Services for SeniorCitizens and the Disabled 416-653-353580 Ward Street


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• Home help, homemaking• Friendly visiting• Meals on Wheels• Congregate dining• Transportation• Caregiver support and relief• Area served: St Clair Avenue West-Bloor Street West; Bathurst Street-Humber River * also Bloor Street West-Lake Shore BoulevardWest; Roncesvalles Avenue-Humber River (boundaries may vary for some programs)

• Services also provided in Italian, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Ukrainian

VHA Home Health Care, Toronto416-489-2500; Toll Free: 1-800-314-6622 477 Mt. Pleasant Road, Suite 500 www.vha.ca

• In home nursing, palliative care• Homemaking • Caregiver relief• Extreme Cleaning Service 416-482-4603(one-time home cleaning for individuals livingwith mental health disorders and at imminentrisk of losing their housing due to beingunable to keep their home environment upto public health standards)

The Good Neighbours' Club416-366-5377 170 Jarvis Streetwww.goodneighboursclub.com

• Adult day service for homeless/under-housed men over age 50

• Hospital and home visiting• Congregate dining• Area served: downtown Toronto

Community Care East York416-422-2026 840 Coxwell Avenue, Suite 303 www.ccey.org

• Homemaking, home help• Caregiver relief• Friendly visiting and accompaniment

• Foot care• Congregate dining at Community Care Seniors Centre (1108 Greenwood Avenue)

SAINTS (Student Assistance In NorthToronto for Seniors)416-481-6284 100 Ranleigh Avenue www.saintstoronto.ca

• High school students assist with gardening, grocery shopping, cleaning and odd jobs

• As of April 1, 2008 fee is $9 per hour• Area served: North Toronto Bloor Street-Highway 401; Bathurst Street-Bayview Avenue

Mid-Toronto Community Services Inc.416-962-9449 192 Carlton Street, 2nd Floorwww.midtoronto.com

• Adult day centre (188 Carlton Street)• Meals on Wheels• Transportation• Security checks• Area served: Toronto East

Yorkminster Park Meals on Wheels416-482-0549 1585 Yonge Street www.ypmealsonwheels.com

• Meals on Wheels • Areas served: North Toronto (South of Lawrence Avenue)

Senior Adult Services In the Annex416-923-8909 341 Bloor Street West, 2nd Floor

• Adult day program• Friendly visiting and security checks • Congregate dining• Social and recreational programs• Information and referral • Services also provided in Spanish

Parkdale Golden Age Foundation416-536-5534 or 416-536-607727 Roncesvalles Avenue, Suite 401


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www.pgaf.ca • Home help, homemaking• Respite care• Friendly visiting• Security checks• Congregate dining• Area served: primarily Toronto West• Services also provided in French, Spanish, Tagalog, Portuguese, Hungarian, Italian

True Davidson Meals on Wheels (East York) 416-752-9667 2723 St. Clair Avenue Eastwww.tdmow.ca

• Meals on Wheels

St. Christopher House416-532-4828 248 Ossington Avenuewww.stchrishouse.org

• Adult day program, Alzheimer and frail elderlyprogram

• Homemaking, personal support• Caregiver support, respite care• Meals on Wheels• Van shopping, transportation • Information and referral• Area served: Bloor Street West-Lake Ontario;University Avenue-Lansdowne Avenue

• Services also provided in Portuguese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese

Second Mile Club of Toronto416-597-0841 340 College Street, Suite 350 www.allstream.net/~smctor

• Adult day program (192 Carlton Street)• Caregiver relief• Friendly visiting • Telephone security check• Information and referral• Congregate dining• Services also provided in Cantonese, Mandarin

St. Stephen's Community House, Senior Activities Centre416-929-3281340 College Street, Suite 360www.ststephenshouse.com

• Adult day program• Information and referral• Support groups• Services also provided in Cantonese, Mandarin, Portuguese

Toronto Intergenerational Partnerships416-531-8447 c/o Danforth Collegiate 800 Greenwood Avenue,Room A36 www.tigp.org

• Friendly visiting• Home maintenance and repair

St. Matthew's Bracondale House416-656-2669 707 St. Clair Avenue West www.smbh.ca

• Congregate dining for seniors• Information and referral

Copernicus Lodge416-536-7122 66 Roncesvalles Avenuewww.copernicuslodge.com

• Adult day program

Central Neighbourhood House416-925-4363349 Ontario Street www.cnh.on.ca

• Homemaking, personal care, meal preparation• Palliative care• Caregiver relief• Friendly visiting• Security checks


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58Hospitals with Emergency Rooms


William Osler Health Centre, Etobicoke General Hospital416-747-3528 ext. 1101 Humber College Boulevard (Highway 27-FinchAvenue West)www.williamoslerhc.on.ca

North York

Humber River Regional Hospital, Finch Avenue Site416-747-38332111 Finch Avenue West (at Highway 400)www.hrrh.on.ca

North York General Hospital416-756-60004001 Leslie Street (at Sheppard Avenue East)www.nygh.on.ca

Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre 416-480-4207 ext. 02075 Bayview Avenue (at Lawrence Avenue East)www.sunnybrook.ca


Scarborough Hospital, General Campus416-431-8181 ext. 03050 Lawrence Avenue East (at McCowan Road)www.tsh.to

Scarborough Hospital, Grace Campus416-495-2550 ext. 03030 Birchmount Road (at Finch Avenue East)www.tsh.to

Toronto/East York

Hospital for Sick Children416-813-1500555 University Avenue (at Gerrard Street West) www.sickkids.ca

• For children and youth up to age 17.

Mount Sinai Hospital416-586-5054600 University Avenue (at College Street)www.mtsinai.on.ca

St. Joseph’s Health Centre 416-530-600330 The Queensway (at Roncesvalles Avenue)www.stjoe.on.ca

St. Michael’s Hospital416-864-509430 Bond Street (at Church Street-Queen Street East)www.stmichaelshospital.com

Toronto East General Hospital416-469-6435825 Coxwell Avenue (at Mortimer Avenue)www.tegh.on.ca

Toronto General Hospital416-340-4800200 Elizabeth Street (University Avenue-GerrardStreet West)www.uhn.ca

Toronto Western Hospital416-603-5190399 Bathurst Street (at Dundas Street West)www.uhn.ca


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Housing Connections416-981-6111176 Elm St, Main Floorwww.housingconnections.caMonday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.Tuesday 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

• Housing Connections manages the centralized waiting list for rent-geared-to-income (RGI) units.

• People who need rent-geared-to-income housing must apply through Housing Connections and keep their information up-to-date.

• Help filling out an application.• To fill out or update an application, visit Housing Connections online or go to their office.

Housing Help Centres• Housing Help Workers have information about available housing and can help fill out applications.

• They can also help talk to landlords or give advice on housing issues, income support programs and eviction prevention.


Albion-North Etobicoke416-741-15531530 Albion Road, Suite 205Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

West Toronto Housing Help ServicesWest Toronto Community Legal Services416-531-0841672 Dupont Street, Suite 315 (Note: Mobile Unit)Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

South Etobicoke416-252-6471185 Fifth StreetMonday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

York Community Services416-653-54001651 Keele StreetMonday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday please call for an appointment9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m./2:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.Wednesday closed

North York

COSTI - North York Housing Help Centre416-244-0480North York Sheridan Mall1700 Wilson Avenue, Suite 114www.costi.orgWednesday, Friday 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Women only: Monday 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., Tuesday1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.


Flemingdon Neighbourhood Services416-424-290010 Gateway Boulevard, Suite 104www.fnservices.orgMonday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Scarborough Housing Help Centre416-285-80702500 Lawrence Avenue East, Unit 205www.shhc.caMonday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.Friday 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Toronto/East York

East York Housing Help Centre(East York East Toronto Family Resources Organization)416-698-930671 Gough Avenuewww.eastyorkhousinghelp.caMonday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.By appointment.

WoodGreen Community Centre416-469-5211835 Queen Street Eastwww.woodgreen.orgMonday 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. drop-inTuesday-Wednesday please call for an appointmentThursday 1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. drop-in, Friday closed

Housing Help Services are also available inmost shelters.

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60Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario 416-962-1841; Clinic hotline: 416-962-1841 ext.462; Toll Free: 1-800-387-0735 www.icao.on.ca

• Volunteer chartered accountants prepare income tax returns free of charge from mid-

February to end of March.• Website and recorded message give clinic locations at co-sponsoring agencies.

• Persons without dependents: income per household must be less than $15,000.

• Persons with dependents: income per household must be less than $22,500.

Legal Services

Legal Aid Ontario 416-979-1446; Toll Free: 1-800-668-8258 www.legalaid.on.ca

• People with low incomes can apply for Legal Aid at one of the local offices listed below.

• Legal assistance is also available at communitylegal clinics.

Area Offices: Toronto Legal Aid Office416-598-0200; TTY: 416-598-8867Fax: 416-598-055820 Dundas Street West, Suite 201Toronto M5G 2H1

• Services are available in French at this location.

Etobicoke Legal Aid Office416-237-1216; TTY: 416-598-8867Fax: 416-237-03015415 Dundas Street West, Suite 101Etobicoke M9B 1B5

• Services are available in French at this location.

North York Legal Aid Office 416-730-1588; TTY: 416-598-8867Fax: 416-730-162545 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 106 Toronto M2N 5W9

• Services are available in French at this location.

Scarborough Legal Aid Office416-750-7172; TTY: 416-598-8867Fax: 416-750-71841921 Eglinton Avenue East, Unit 1AToronto M1L 2L6

• Services are available in French at this location.

Community Legal Clinics:

CFT French Legal Aid ServicesCentre francophone de Toronto416-922-2672Fax: 416-928-085022 College Street, Suite 305Toronto M5G 1K3

• Services are available in French at this location.Satellite - Fairview Mall Clinic

Community Legal Clinic of York Region 905-508-5018; Toll Free: 1-888-365-5226Fax: 905-508-753921 Dunlop Street, Suite 200Richmond Hill L4C 2M6www.clcyr.on.caSatellite – Sutton WestSatellite – MarkhamSatellite – Newmarket

Downsview Community Legal Services 416-635-8388 Fax: 416-635-6471

Income Tax Clinics

Internet Access — see Toronto Public Libraries

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893 Sheppard Avenue West Toronto M3H 2T4

East Toronto Community Legal Services416-461-8102Fax: 416-461-74971320 Gerrard Street EastToronto M4L 3X1

Flemingdon Community Legal Services 416-441-1764; Intake: 416-441-0969; TTY: 416-441-9156Fax: 416-441-0269 49 The Donway West, Suite 205 Don Mills M3C 3M9 www.flemingdonlegal.comSatellite – East York, Massey Square

Jane Finch Community Legal Services 416-398-0677 Fax: 416-398-7172 1315 Finch Avenue West, Suite 409 Downsview M3J 2G6 www.janefinchcommunitylegalservices.ca

Kensington-Bellwoods Community LegalServices 416-924-4244 Fax: 416-924-5904489 College Street, Suite 205 Toronto M6G 1A5 www.kbcls.org

Mississauga Community Legal Services 905-896-2052 Fax: 905-273-4255130 Dundas Street East, Suite 504 Mississauga L5A 3V8 www.peellegalclinics.ca

Neighbourhood Legal Services 416-861-0677 Fax: 416-861-1777 333 Queen Street East Toronto M5A 1S9

Parkdale Community Legal Services Inc. 416-531-2411 Fax: 416-531-08851266 Queen Street West Toronto M6K 1L3 www.parkdalelegal.orgSatellite – St. Christopher House 416-504-4275

Rexdale Community Legal Clinic 416-741-5201 Fax: 416-741-6540 The Woodbine Centre500 Rexdale BoulevardToronto M9W 6K5www.rexdalecommunitylegalclinic.ca

Scarborough Community Legal Services416-438-7182 Fax: 416-438-9869695 Markham Road, Suite 9 Scarborough M1H 2A5 http://scarboroughcommunitylegal.ca

South Etobicoke Community Legal Service 416-252-7218 Fax: 416-252-1474 5353 Dundas Street West, Suite 210Toronto M9B 6H8www.southetobicokelegal.ca

West Scarborough Community Legal Services 416-285-4460 Fax: 416-285-1070 2425 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 201 Scarborough M1K 5G8 www.westscarboroughlegal.ca

West Toronto Community Legal Services 416-531-7376 Fax: 416-531-0032 672 Dupont Street, Suite 315 Toronto M6G 1Z6

Willowdale Community Legal Services 416-492-2437


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62Fax: 416-492-6281 245 Fairview Mall Drive, Suite 106 Willowdale M2J 4T1

York Community Services 416-653-5400 Fax: 416-653-8049 1651 Keele Street Toronto M6M 3W2

Community Legal Clinics – Specialty:

ARCH Disability Law Centre416-482-8255; TTY: 416-482-1254Fax: 416-482-2981 425 Bloor Street East, Suite 110Toronto M4W 3R5www.archdisabilitylaw.ca

Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto 416-408-3967 Fax: 416-408-4268 415 Yonge Street, Suite 803Toronto M5B 2E7www.aboriginallegal.ca

Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario 416-597-5855 Fax: 416-597-5821425 Adelaide Street West, 5th Floor Toronto M5V 3C1 www.acto.ca

Advocacy Centre for the Elderly 416-598-2656 Fax: 416-598-7924 2 Carleton Street, Suite 701 Toronto M5B 1J3 www.acelaw.ca

African Canadian Legal Clinic 416-214-4747 Fax: 416-214-4748 111 Richmond Street, Suite 503

Toronto M5H 2G4 www.aclc.net

Canadian Environmental Law Association 416-960-2284 Fax: 416-960-9392 130 Spadina Avenue, Suite 301Toronto M5V 2L4www.cela.ca

Centre for Spanish-Speaking Peoples 416-533-8545 Fax: 416-533-57312141 Jane Street, 2nd FloorToronto M3M 1A2 www.cssp-cghh.orgSatellite – 40 Wellesley Street East, Suite 401, 416-925-2800

Community Legal Education Ontario 416-408-4420 Fax: 416-408-4424 119 Spadina Avenue, Suite 600 Toronto M5V 2L1 www.cleo.on.ca

HIV and AIDS Legal Clinic (Ontario) 416-340-7790; Toll Free: 1-888-705-8889 Fax: 416-340-7248 65 Wellesley Street East, Suite 400 Toronto M4Y 1G7 www.halco.org

Income Security Advocacy Centre416-597-5820; Toll Free: 1-866-245-4072Fax: 416-597-5821 425 Adelaide Street West, 5th Floor Toronto M5V 3C1 www.incomesecurity.org

Industrial Accident Victims Group of Ontario 416-924-6477; Toll Free: 1-877-230-6311 Fax: 416-924-2472 489 College Street, Suite 203 Toronto M6G 1A5 www.iavgo.org

Legal Services

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Injured Workers' Consultants 416-461-2411 Fax: 416-461-7138 815 Danforth Avenue, Suite 411 Toronto M4J 1L2 www.injuredworkersonline.org

Justice for Children and Youth 416-920-1633 Fax: 416-920-5855 415 Yonge Street, Suite 1203Toronto M5B 2E7 www.jfcy.org

Landlord's Self-Help Centre 416-504-5190; Toll Free: 1-800-730-3218 Fax: 416-504-1932 425 Adelaide Street West, 4th Floor Toronto M5V 3C1 www.landlordselfhelp.com

Metro Toronto Chinese and Southeast AsianLegal Clinic 416-971-9674 Fax: 416-971-6780 180 Dundas Street West, Suite 1701 Toronto M5G 1Z8

South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario 416-487-6371 Fax: 416-487-6456 1992 Yonge Street, Suite 205 Toronto M4S 1Z7 www.salc.net

Toronto Workers' Health and Safety Legal Clinic 416-971-8832

Fax: 416-971-8834 180 Dundas Street West, Suite 2000P.O. Box 4 Toronto M5G 1Z8 www.worker-safety.com

Family Law Office 416-348-0001; Toll Free: 1-800-331-9618 Fax: 416-348-0829Atrium on Bay20 Dundas Street West, Suite 203Toronto M5G 2H1

• Services are available in French at this location.

Refugee Law Office 416-977-8111Fax: 416-977-5567Atrium on Bay20 Dundas Street West, Suite 202Toronto M5G 2H1

• Services are available in French at this location.

University of TorontoDowntown Legal Services Student Legal Aid Services Society 416-934-4535Fax: 416-934-4536 655 Spadina AvenueToronto M5S 2H9 www.dls.utoronto.ca

Osgoode Hall Law SchoolCommunity Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP)416-736-5029Fax: 416-736-5564 4700 Keele StreetToronto M3J 1P3 www.yorku.ca/osgoode/clasp


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64 Meals

There are a variety of free and low-cost food andmeal programs in the city. They range from bothlarge and neighbourhood food banks, to meal programs in drop-ins and other community agencies to community kitchens. Those interestedin growing their own food should check the listingsfor community and allotment gardens.

Allotment GardensToronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation416-392-1111www.toronto.ca/parks/index.htm

• Garden plots are available for community members to plant vegetables or flowers.

•The rental fee for each garden plot is $63 peryear.

•There may be a waiting list•There are various locations across the city, which can be identified in the FUN Guide (available online) or by phoning.

Community Gardens• Community gardens are outdoor spaces in public parks or private lands where neighbours meet to grow and care for vegetables, flowers and native plant species.

•To join a community garden or obtain access to a plot, call the numbers listed below, or in some cases, meet with the gardeners on-site.


Bell Manor Park CG416-231-7070 ext. 229 323 Parklawn [email protected]

Emmett Ave Park CG416-596-1495 ext. 24429 Cynthia Road (Northwest corner of JaneStreet-Eglinton Avenue West)[email protected]

Jamestown CG416-743-365810 Rampart Road

New Horizons CG416-463-9031Islington Avenue-Bloor [email protected]

St. James United Church CG416-622-4113400 Burnhamthorpe Roadwww.stjamesunitedchurch.com

Rockcliffe Demonstration and Teaching Garden & GreenhousesRockcliffe Junior Garden,Peer Nutrition CG301 Rockcliffe Boulevard

Village Green Park925 Albion Road

York Community Services CG416-653-5400 ext. 12945 Foxwell Avenue

North York

Amaranth CG87 Amaranth Court

Leila Lane CG1 Leila Lane

Flemington CGBetween 63 & 103 Flemington Road (near the AllenExpress Parkway)

Flemingdon CG 58 Grenoble Drive (near the Don Valley Parkway)

Lawrence Heights CG5 Replin Road

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Oakdale Community Centre CG416-395-0484350 Grandravine Drive

Thorncliffe Garden Club50 Beth Nelson Drive

Toronto Urban Farm4929 Jane Street

Varna CG0 Flemington Road


Chester Le CG255 Chester Le Boulevard

Warden Woods Community Centre CG416-694-1138 ext. 16074 Firvalley Court

Toronto/East York

Alex Wilson Community Garden416-498-3150552 Richmond Street Westwww.cityfarmer.org/alexwilson.html

Alexandra Park Diversity Gardens416-392-0335 ext. 243707 Dundas Street [email protected]

Ashbridge ECO Garden101 Coxwell Avenue

Bain CG416-466-2186 ext. 101100 Bain Avenuewww.100bain.com

Bernard Avenue Parkette CG4 Bernard Avenue

Big Back Yard/Dufferin Grove 416-392-0913875 Dufferin [email protected]

Bloor Bedford CG248 Bloor Street WestCedarvale Community Children’s Garden443 Arlington Road

Dunn Avenue Parkette186 Close Avenue

Earlscourt Park CG416-652-7867 ext. 222200 Lansdowne Avenuewww.thestop.org

East York CG9 Haldon [email protected]

Ecology Park CG25 Madison Avenue

Eglinton Park Heritage Garden416-871-7663200 Eglinton Avenue [email protected]

Fred Hamilton CG155 Roxton Road

Garrison Creek Park CGDupont Street (between Ossington Avenue-Shaw Street)[email protected]://garrisoncreekpark.wordpress.com

High Park Children's Garden1873 Bloor Street West

Hillcrest Park Community GardenJustine: 416-651-3179; Rhonda: 416-652-7867950 Davenport Road


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[email protected] www.peterduchemin.com/HPCG

H.O.P.E. Garden, Parkdale647-438-0038220 Cowan Avenuehttp://hopecommunitygarden.wordpress.com

Huron Street CG180 Huron Street

Irene Parkette CG760 Shaw Street

Jackman Millenuim Garden416-778-946379 Jackman [email protected]

John Gibson House CG1053 Dundas Street West

Moss Park CG150 Sherbourne Street

Northumberland CG770 Ossington Avenue

Oakvale Green CG628 Greenwood Avenue

Preserving Our Health CG707 Dundas Street West

Perth Dupont CG416-762-8524360 Symington Avenuewww.perth-dupont.parkcommons.ca

Riverdale Farm CG416-392-6794201 Winchester Street

Riverdale Meadow CG416-469-4089 ext. 11 Danforth Avenuewww.riverdalemeadow.ca

Sackville Park CG420 King Street East

Symington Park CG360 Symington Avenue

Waterfront Children’s Garden 416-392-1329479 Queens Quay West

Winchester CG416-876-1480Corner of Winchester Street-Rose Avenue

Community Kitchens• Community kitchens are programs where people pool resources to purchase and cook foodtogether.

• If you are unable to find a community kitchenin the list below you can call the Foodlink Hotline at 416-392-6655 for a location near you.


West Indian Volunteer Community Support Services 416-743-3658248 Jamestown CrescentMonday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Summer: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (after hours by appointment)

North York

York Community Services 416-653-5400 1651 Keele StreetMonday, Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Tuesday,Thursday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.


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Agincourt Community Services AssociationCooking Healthy Together Series416-321-69122600 Birchmount Roadwww.agincourtacsa.info

Cliffcrest Community Centre 416-267-62931 McCowan RoadMonday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

Malvern Family Resource Centre 416-293-4664Malvern Town Centre, 31 Tapscott Roadwww.mfrc.org Monday-Tuesday, Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.,Wednesday-Thursday 9:00 am-5:00 p.m., Saturday9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Toronto/East York

Creating Together Parkdale 416-537-10041497 Queen Street WestDrop-in: Monday-Thursday 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.,Friday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., alternate Saturdays10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Fontbonne Ministries, Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto 416-465-6069791 Queen Street Eastwww.fontbonneministries.ca Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Friends of Dufferin Grove Park416-392-0913875 Dufferin Streetwww.dufferinpark.ca

Good Food at Home – Foodshare’s Community Kitchen Program416-363-6441 ext. 22190 Croatia Streetwww.foodshare.net

Hart House Community Kitchen416-978-83937 Hart House Circle

Hincks-Dellcrest Centre 416-921-8716260 Wellesley Street East, Suite 104www.hincksdellcrest.org Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Lawrence Heights Community Centre & Kitchen416-395-61205 Replin Road

• East African women meet Fridays at lunchtime

Meals Made Easy Community Kitchen The Stop Community Food Centre1884 Davenport Road416-652-7867www.thestop.org/kitchens.phpTuesdays 10:00 a.m.-noon

Moss Park Community Kitchen & Garden 416-392-6679150 Sherbourne Street

Mustard Seed Community Kitchen416-465-6069791 Queen Street East

Scadding Court Community Centre and Kitchen416-392-0335707 Dundas Street Westwww.scaddingcourt.org Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-9:30 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

South Riverdale Community Health Centre416-461-1925955 Queen Street EastEnglish: 2nd and 4th Monday of every month 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.Cantonese/Mandarin: 1st or 3rd of every month10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Urdu/Hindi: Hours Vary

• Free/Registration required


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68St. Christopher House 416-504-4275588 Queen Street Westwww.stchrishouse.org Monday-Friday 11:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., November-April also open Saturday-Sunday 11:30a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Toronto Friendship Centre 416-368-8179323 Dundas Street EastMonday-Wednesday 6:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Thursday6:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Friday 6:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre 416-593-7655; TTY: 416-593-58352 Carlton Street, Suite 500www.whiwh.com Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m., Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., 3rd Saturday of month10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

• Call for an appointment

Yonge Street Mission 416-929-9614270 Gerrard Street Eastwww.ysm.on.ca Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. (program hours vary)

Farmers’ Marketshttp://tfmn.ca

•Throughout the summer and early fall, Farmers’ Markets are a great option for buying very fresh and sometimes organic fruits, vegetables, meats and cheeses directly from the people who produce them.


Etobicoke Farmers’ MarketEtobicoke Civic Centre, 399 The West MallSaturdays 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Sherway Farmers’ MarketNorth Parking Lot, Corner of Highway 427-The QueenswayFridays 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Sorauren Farmers’ Market40 Wabash Avenue (at Sorauren Avenue)www.westendfood.coopMondays 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Stonegate Farmers’ MarketSt. James Humber Bay Anglican Church194 Park Lawn Road (at The Queensway)Tuesdays 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Weston Farmers’ MarketGO Train Parking lot, John Street (at Weston Road-Lawrence Avenue West)Saturdays 7:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

North York

North York Civic Centre Farmers’ MarketMel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge StreetThursdays 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

The Village Organic Farmers’ Market at the Toronto Waldorf School9100 Bathurst Streetwww.villagemarket.ca Saturdays 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., open all year


BirchCliff Village Farmers’ Market1512 Kingston Road (east of Warden)Fridays 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.www.marketsbythebluffs.com


Page 70: Welcome Guide

Toronto/East York

Bloor-Borden Farmers’ MarketGreen Plot, Lippincott Street-Bloor Streetwww.farmersmarketsontario.com Wednesdays 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Brick Works Farmers’ Market550 Bayview Avenue (between Prince EdwardViaduct-Pottery Road)www.evergreen.ca/rethinkspace/?p=148 Saturdays 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers’ Market873 Dufferin Street (in Dufferin Grove Park)www.dufferinpark.ca/market/wiki/wiki.php Thursdays 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m., open all year

East Lynn Farmers’ Market1949 Danforth Avenue (near Woodbine Avenue inEast Lynn Park)www.farmersmarketsontario.com Thursdays 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

East York Farmers’ MarketEast York Civic Centre, 850 Coxwell AvenueTuesdays 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

The Green Barn Farmers’ Market76 Wychwood AvenueSaturdays 9:00 a.m.-noon

Liberty Village Farmers’ MarketLiberty Street – Atlantic Avenuewww.farmersmarketsontario.com Sundays 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Metro Hall Farmers’ Market55 John Street, near King StreetThursdays 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Nathan Philips Square Farmers’ MarketNathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen Street WestWednesdays 8:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Riverdale Farm Farmers’ Market201 Winchester Street (in Riverdale Park)www.friendsofriverdalefarm.com/market.htm Tuesdays 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

St. Lawrence North Farmers’ Market92 Front Street East (at Jarvis Street) www.stlawrencemarket.com Saturdays 5:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., open all year

Sick Kids Hospital Farmers’ Market555 University Avenuewww.farmersmarketsontario.com Tuesdays 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Trinity Bellwoods Farmers’ Market1053 Dundas Street West (Northwest corner ofTrinity Bellwoods Park)Tuesdays 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.

Withrow Farmers’ Market725 Logan Avenue (in Withrow Park)www.withrowpark.ca/wiki/wiki.php Saturdays 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.


Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009


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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

70Food Banks

There are dozens of food banks throughout Toronto, each with their own area of service. Call DailyBread at 416-203-0050 for a referral to a member food bank near you.

Visit www.211toronto.ca for more information on other food banks including those run by the SalvationArmy. Please note that most food banks require proof of address, identification and income verification. Rulesfor using food banks can vary. Ask about them when calling to make an appointment.

Daily Bread 416-203-0050191 New Toronto Streetwww.dailybread.ca

• If you are referred to a food bank by Daily Bread, expect to bring identification, proof ofincome and expenditures such as rent and utilities, along with proof of address.

• This information will be updated once or twice a year.• Food banks usually provide a 2-3 day supply of food, based on the number of people inthe family.

Specialty Food Banks

Halal Food and Essential Items Bank Muslim Welfare Centre of Toronto416-335-9994100 McLevin Avenue, Suite 4 & 4Awww.muslimwelfarecentre.com

• Monday - Thursday 2 p.m.-4 p.m.• Call for appointment. • Identification and proof of income and rent required.• Also has branches in Mississauga and Whitby.

Ontario Vegetarian Food Bank416-744-4357 2370 Midland Avenue, Main Floor, Suite B5 (Saturday 3 p.m.-6 p.m.)2400 Finch Avenue West, Suite 10 (Saturday 10 a.m.-noon)www.vegfoodbank.ca

• Call for appointment.• Identification and proof of income required.


Page 72: Welcome Guide

Free or Low

Cost Meals


eAddress & intersection



Meals and Cost

416 Com

munity Suppo

rt fo

r416 Dun

das St E



-Sun 8 am-4 pm and

Free breakfast, lunch


en (416 Drop-in Centre)

(Parliament St-D

undas St E)

open statutory holidays

519 Church Street Com

munity 519 Church St


Sun 10 am-3 pm

Free coffee and pastry


(Church St-W

ellesley St)

Free hot m

eal 1-2:30 pm


mittee of Toron

toSt. Peter's Anglican Church


Fri noo

nFree hot m

eal – m


188 Carlto

n St (C


n-Bleeker Sts)

register with


Positive Yo

uth Outreach

399 Church St 4th Floor

416-340-8484 Thurs 3-8 pm

(Carleton St-C

hurch St)

ext. 281

Free hot m



r-Bathurst In


Walmer Road Baptist Church


Tues 6:30 meal served

$2 fu

ll course m

eal w

ithGathering Spo

t188 Lo

wther Ave

ext. 5

Meal preparatio

n at 4 pm

shared preparatio

n and

(Bloor St-Spadina Rd)

clean up

Canadian Red Cross

Our Lady of Lou

rdes Church



8:30 am

-10:00 am



41 Earl St

ext. 2206

Wed 5:30 pm

-7:00 pm

Wed dinner


rne St-W

ellesley St)

Calvin Presbyterian Church

26 D

elisle Ave


2nd and last Sat of e


Free com



ge St-St Clair Ave W


th, 8:30 -10 am


Capuchin Outreach

St. Francis Table


Tues-Fri & Sun noo

n-1 pm

$1 nutritio

us m


1322 Q

ueen St W


-Fri 4:30-6 pm

offering two entrees for

(West of D

ufferin St)

dinner and

many lunches

Caribbean Canadian Catho

lic867 College St


Wed 9-11:30 am

Soup kitchen, bag of




ollege St)

groceries available to




854 Bloo

r St W



-Thurs 7-9 am

Free winter breakfast,



od Centre


Ave-Bloor St W

)ext. 301


n-1 pm

Free year-round lunch,


bank for sole parents

on W

ed 1:30-3:30


Church of Redeemer

162 Bloo

r St



-Fri 9 am-noo

nFree m


(Bloor St-Avenue Rd)


Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009


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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009


munity Action Resou


1884 D


rt Rd, Unit 1




munity dining –



ne Ave-D


rt Rd)


, Wed 5-6 pm

$1 don

ation welcome

Fri noo

n-1 pm

but no

t necessary

Cornerstone Urban Church

188 Carlto

n St


Sat 5-7 pm

Free year-round dinner


rne St-Bleeker St)


rt Perth

1900 D


rt Rd



, Wed 5-6:30 pm

$1 or pay what you can



od Centre


ne Ave-D


rt Rd)

Fri noo

n-1:30 pm


rsteps N






munity Centre


Thurs noo

n-2 pm


y Heart Lunch


180 Chalkfarm


(Jane St-W



Fred Victor Centre

145 Queen St E



-Fri 10 am



.50 brunch


s Restaurant

(Jarvis St-Queen St E)


-Sun 4-5:30 pm

$2.50 dinner

*credit available

Fort York Fo

od Bank

797 Dundas St


Tues-Sat 10 am

-3 pm

Free com


(Dundas St-Palmerston

e Ave)



d Neighbo

urs Club

170 Jarvis St



-Fri 11:15 am

-12:30 pm

Lunch $0

.25 (men only)

(men over 50)

(Jarvis St-Queen St E)

Wed-Fri 3:00-4:30 pm

Dinner $0


Sun 11:15am-12:30pm

Free Sunday lunch


d Shepherd Centre

412 Queen St E



-Sun 12:30-1 pm


(Parliament St-Q

ueen St E)

and 3:30-4:30 pm



185 Fifth St



, Wed noo





Ave-Lake Shore Blvd W


Lawyers Feed the Hungry


de H



Wed 5-6 pm

Free dinner

130 Queen St W

Thurs 6:45-7:30 am

Free breakfast

(University Ave-Q

ueen St W

)Sun 9-11am

*bagged lunches when



litan United Church

56 Q

ueen St E



, Wed, Fri 11:00 am

Free hot brunch

(Church St-Q

ueen St E)


6:30-7:30 pm

Free dinner


to Com


192 Carlto

n St


Fri 10 am

-1 pm

Meet and eat lunch for



rne St-C


n St)


s living with



Page 74: Welcome Guide


Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

Native Canadian Centre

16 Spadina Rd



-Fri noo

n-1:00 pm

$2 if employed

of Toron

to(Spadina Rd-Bloo

r St W


if unemployed/student



od Link

Secord CC


Thurs 5-6 pm


Support Services

91 Barrington Av

(Barrington Ave-D

oncaster Ave)

Parkdale Activity

1499 Q

ueen St W



-Fri 9:30 am

Free breakfast

Recreation Centre


ne Ave-Q

ueen St W


-Thurs 11:30 am

Free lunch


un noo

nFree lunch

Salvation Arm

y789 Dovercourt Rd


Thurs 11 am

-4 pm

Free lunch


r Central

(Dovercourt Rd-Bloo

r St W

)Thurs 6-8 pm

Free dinner

Salvation Arm

y135 Sherbo

urne St



, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat

Free. Pick up ticket

Maxwell M

eighen Centre


rne St-Q

ueen St E)

12:30 pm

by 11:30 am fo

r free


Scott Mission

502 Spadina Ave



-Sun 10:30 & 11:30 am

Free hot m


(Spadina Ave-C

ollege St)


-Fri 4 & 7 pm

Free bag m


Seventh Day Adventist Church

235 Po

plar Rd


Thurs 5:00 pm

Not a sit do

wn meal.

(Galloway Rd-Kingston Rd)

Bring your own


St. Bartholom

ew's Church

509 Dun

das St E


Tues, Thurs 6-8:00 am

Free breakfast, all ages

(Parliament St-D

undas St E)

St. Felix Centre

25 Augusta Ave, R

ear Bu




-Fri 11 am

-12:30 pm

Free lunch

(Spadina Ave-Q

ueen St W

)Closed last 2 weeks in


St. Jam

es' C


65 Church St


Tues 1:30-3:30 pm

Free hot m

eal in Parish

(Church St-King St E)


se (enter green


St. Simon

's Shelter & St. Simon

525 Bloo

r St


Wed 6:30 pm

Free com

munity dinner

the Apo

stle Anglican Church


rne St-Bloor St)


ner Neighbo


od 2468 Eglinton Ave W



-Fri 10 am

Free breakfast

& Fam

ily Centre


ia Rd-Eglinton Ave)

ext. 232


-Fri noo

nFree lunch


-Sun 5 pm

Free dinner (‘til March 31)


Page 75: Welcome Guide

Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

74Taiwanese and New


53 Cum

mer Ave


Wed 11 am

Free lunch

United Church


ge St-Cum

mer Ave)

Toronto Christian Resou


40 O

ak St



-Fri 11 am

-1 pm

Free hot lunch, day long snacks


(Parliament St-G

errard St E)

Sat-Sun 7 am

-9 am



*extended winter ho


please call ahead fo

r info

Toronto Cou

ncil Fire N


439 Dundas St E



-Sun noo

n-12:30 pm

Free lunch

Cultural C


(Parliament St-D

undas St E)


-Thurs 3:45-4:15 pm

Free dinner

Toronto Friend

ship Centre

323 Dun

das St E



-Sun 6-11 am

Free breakfast/lunch


rne St-D

undas St E)

Trinity D

ivine Outreach

1085 Bellamy Rd, Suite 211


3rd Tues of m


Free lunch



owan Rd-Ellesm

ere Rd)

1-2 pm

Warden Woo

ds Com


Teesdale Centre



, Wed noo

n-2 pm

Free lunch


40 Teesdale Place

Thurs noo

nBag lunch


acy Ave-Victoria Park Ave)

West Scarbo


313 Ph

armacy Ave


Tues noo

n-2 pm


$5 lunch



od Com



acy Ave-St Clair Ave E)

Fri noo

n-2 pm


$8 lunch & transportatio



ood Open Doo

rSt M


's United Church



, Wed, Fri

729 St Clair Ave W

, Basem


9:30 am-10:30am

Free breakfast


St-St Clair Ave W

)12:30-1 pm

Free hot lunch

Yonge Street M


270 Gerrard St E


Tues 12:30-3 pm

$2 Seniors’ C

lub & lunch

Christian Com

munity Centre

(Parliament St-G

errard St E)

Thurs 12:15-1:30 pm

Free seniors lunch


Page 76: Welcome Guide

Meals on Wheelswww.mealsonwheels.ca

• Meal delivery service for seniors, disabled persons and chronically/acutely ill persons.

• Fee applies


Etobicoke Red Cross MOW416-236-3180420 Dundas Street West

Downsview Services to Seniors416-398-5510497 Wilson Avenue

Humber Community Services416-249-79461167 Weston Road

West Toronto MOW416-782-211480 Ward Street

North York

Yorkminster MOW416-482-05491585 Yonge Street

MOW and More416-492-581180 Sheppard Avenue West

Taylor Place MOW416-447-744875 Don Mills Road, Unit 7

True Davidson MOW416-752-96672723 St. Clair Avenue East


Warden Woods MOW416-694-113874 Fir Valley Court

St. Paul’s L’Amoreaux MOW416-493-33333333 Finch Avenue East

Scarborough Support Services416-750-98851045 McNicoll Avenue

West Hill MOW416-284-59314100 Lawrence Avenue East

Toronto/East York

Scott Mission MOW416-923-8872502 Spadina Avenue

St. Christopher House MOW416-532-4828298 Ossington Avenue

Sprint MOW416-481-0669140 Merton Street, 2nd Floor

Mid-Toronto MOW416-962-9449192 Carlton St, 2nd Floor

East York MOW416-424-33222 Thorncliffe Park Drive, Unit 52

Woodgreen MOW416-469-32111080 Queen Street East

Meals Here and There Inc416-466-0587310 Danforth Avenue


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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

76ConnexOntario Health Services InformationMental Health Service Ontario Toll Free: 1-866-531-2600 (access to interpretersfor over 160 languages)www.mhso.on.ca

• Information and referral service providing detailed information on mental health services and supports ranging from hospital-based to community and self-help groups.

• Confidential and anonymous.

Toronto/East York

Across Boundaries, an Ethnoracial Mental Health Centre416-787-300751 Clarkson Avenue www.acrossboundaries.ca

• Individual and community support (case management).

• Support groups for consumers/survivors and initiatives to address economic and social barriers.

• Alternative models of support and services, art therapy, drop-in, life skills, and community kitchen.

Alternatives: East York Mental Health Counselling Services Agency 416-285-79962034 Danforth Avenue www.alternativestoronto.org

• Case management/community support.• Supportive counselling.• Information and referral.

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health416-535-8501; Crisis line: 416-595-61111001 Queen Street Westwww.camh.net

• Mental health and addiction assessment and treatment.

R. Samuel McLaughlin Addiction and MentalHealth Information Centre 416-595-6111219 Dufferin Street, Suite 3Bwww.camh.net/McLaughlin

• Walk-ins welcome.• Staff respond to questions about drugs, alcohol or mental health.

Community Resource Connections ofToronto 416-482-4103366 Adelaide Street East, Suite 230www.crct.org

• Community-based mental health support services, information and mental health promotion.

• Outreach and case management.• Website has searchable database of mental health services and supports.

Consumer/Survivor Information ResourceCentre of Toronto 416-595-2882252 College Street, 3rd floorwww.camh.net

• Information, assistance and referral for mental health and addiction services.

• Year round income tax clinic.

North York

Canadian Mental Health Association416-789-7957 ext. 282 Intake700 Lawrence Avenue West, Suite 480www.toronto.cmha.ca

• Information, intake and referral.• Case management.• Employment services.• Peer support drop-in.

Mental Health Services

Page 78: Welcome Guide

COTA Health 416-785-9230700 Lawrence Avenue West, Suite 362 www.cotahealth.ca

• Community-based mental health, rehabilitation and support services.

• Case management.


Reconnect Mental Health Services416-248-20502150 Islington Avenue, Suite 202www.reconnect.on.ca

• Rehabilitation and support services.• Case management/community support.• Service provided in over 20 languages.


Canadian Mental Health Association416-289-6285 ext. 243 Intake1200 Markham Road, Suite 500www.toronto.cmha.ca

• Information, intake and referral.• Case management services.• Newcomer women’s wellness program.• Employment services.


Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

Mental Health Services

Page 79: Welcome Guide

78Bed Bugs

Page 80: Welcome Guide


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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

Settlement and Newcomer Services

(For a more comprehensive listing of settlement services see www.211toronto.ca)


• Information on finding a job, sponsorship, ESL, housing and health.

COSTI416-658-16001710 Dufferin Streetwww.costi.org

• Settlement services, orientation, counselling, education and training.

Culturelink416-588-6288160 Springhurst Avenue, Suite 300www.culturelink.net

• Orientation, counselling, information and referral, assistance filling out forms.• Newcomer Youth Centre.

WoodGreen Community Services416-645-6000 ext. 2100815 Danforth Avenue, Suite 300 and1491 Danforth Avenue, Main Floorwww.woodgreen.org

• Orientation, counselling, employment workshops, and youth programs.

Tenant Services

(see also Tenant Rights and Obligations page 5)

Complaints about property standards

Municipal Licensing and Standardswww.toronto.ca/licensing

For complaints about the standards in your rental property call:Scarborough 416-396-7071Etobicoke/York 416-394-2535North York 416-395-7011Toronto/East York 416-397-9200

Emergency After Hours Service• For emergency matters after regular business hours, weekends and on holidays call Access Toronto at 416-338-0338.

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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

82 Tenant Services

Legal Assistance

Advocacy Centre for TenantsTenant Duty Counsel416-597-5855; Toll Free: 1-866-245-4182 425 Adelaide Street West, 5th Floorwww.acto.ca/english/home.php

• Lawyers and legal assistants are available to assist tenants on the day of their hearing at the Landlord and Tenant Board.

• Should tenants require in-depth legal services before their hearing date, they should contact a local community legal clinic (see next page).

The Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation416-944-0087; Toll Free: 1-800-263-1139www.equalityrights.org/cera

• Can help fight housing discrimination.

Community Legal Education Ontario416-408-4420119 Spadina Avenue, Suite 600www.cleo.on.ca

• Plain language materials cover many areas of law, including tenants' rights, social assistance, immigration and refugee law, workers' rights, family law, elder abuse and youth justice.

Investigation and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs416-585-7214; Toll Free: 1-888-772-9277www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page142.aspx

• Responds to complaints about alleged offences under the new Residential Tenancies Act 2006.

The Federation of Metro Tenants’ AssociationTenant Hotline: 416-921-9494www.torontotenants.org

•Tenant Hotline for information on tenants’ rights and obligations and advice on matters including rent increases, maintenance and eviction.

• Counselling services available in 150 languages through a telephone interpreting service. • Printed information.• Please note: the FMTA does not offer legal advice. Should your situation require legal attention, contact a local community legal clinic (listed under Legal Advice.)

The Tenant Defence FundFMTA Outreach Team: 416-413-9442www.torontotenants.org

•Tenant Support Grants, and organizing assistance to groups of tenants fighting high rent increases or the loss of their rental housing.

Page 84: Welcome Guide

Community Legal Clinics:These community legal clinics offer legal representation under Legal Aid Ontario.Legal advice is available on topics ranging from rent increases to maintenance to eviction.

Etobicoke/YorkRexdale Community Legal Clinic 416-741-5201South Etobicoke Community Legal Services 416-252-7218

North YorkDownsview Community Legal Services 416-635-8388Flemingdon Community Legal Services 416-441-0969Jane-Finch Community Legal Services 416-398-0677Willowdale Community Legal Services 416-492-2437

ScarboroughScarborough Community Legal Services 416-438-7182West Scarborough Community Legal Services 416-285-4460

Toronto/East YorkAboriginal Legal Services 416-408-3967Downtown Legal Services 416-978-6447East Toronto Community Legal Services 416-461-8102Kensington-Bellwoods Community Legal Services 416-924-4244Metro Toronto Chinese &Southeast Asian Legal Clinic 416-971-9674Neighbourhood Legal Services 416-861-0677Parkdale Community Legal Services 416-531-2411West Toronto Community Legal Services 416-531-7376

Rental ArrearsIf you are behind in your rent, consider contacting the nearest office of the Rent Bank. If you are on socialassistance, please contact your caseworker.

Rent Bank416-924-3862 Central Officewww.ontariorentbank.net

• Provides interest-free loans to eligible tenants who are in rent arrears and facing eviction. • Rent bank loans are not available to people on social assistance or those in subsidized housing.Access Centres:Albion (North Etobicoke) 416-741-1553Albion (South Etobicoke) 416-252-6471COSTI North York Housing 416-244-0480East York Housing Outreach 416-698-9306Neighbourhood Information Post 416-924-2543Scarborough Housing Help 416-285-8070WoodGreen Community Centre 416-469-5211York Community Services 416-653-5400


Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

Tenant Services

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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009


Emergency Energy Fund416-338-3332

•Administered by Toronto Social Services.• For low-income residents of Toronto who arenot in receipt of social assistance.

• Must have received a disconnection notice orhave already been disconnected and do not havesufficient income and/or assets to pay the arrears.

Share the Warmth416-736-4671P.O. Box 300371027 Finch Avenue WestToronto M3J 3L6 www.sharethewarmth.org

• Service available only through referral from a housing help centre or participating agency.

• Limited assistance to low-income householdsunable to pay heating or energy bills.

• Available during winter months only.

Winter Warmth Fund416-924-5491 Neighbourhood Information Post;416-924-3862 Ontario Rent Bank

• For low-income residents who are in arrearsfor their natural gas and electricity utility bills,and who have exhausted all other sources offinancial support.

• Administered by Rent Bank.

Tenant Services

Toronto Public Libraries

416-393-7131; TTY: 416-393-7030www.torontopubliclibrary.ca

Library materials and Internet access are available for free at ALL Toronto Public Library locations. They alsohave all sorts of interesting seminars, workshops and events. Check out their online calendar. If you want touse the internet, a library card provides unlimited access. A temporary ID number can be issued for single use.

Newly housed tenants who want a library card can present a current bill, invoice, government cheque orany current legal document with their name and address on it. If none of these options are available pleasespeak to your local library staff about additional options.


Albion416-394-51701515 Albion RoadWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Here to Stay Fund416-465-8688 ext. 204

• Loans for co-op members in rent arrears for one month.• Credit counselling.

Utility Arrears (gas, hydro):If you are in arrears paying gas or hydro bill, consider contacting one of the listed agencies. If you are onOW or ODSP, please contact your caseworker.

Page 86: Welcome Guide

Alderwood416-394-53102 Orianna DriveWheelchair Accessible

Brentwood416-394-524036 Brentwood Road NorthWifi

Centennial416-395-5490578 Finch Avenue WestWheelchair Accessible

Downsview416-395-57202793 Keele StreetWheelchair Accessible

Eatonville416-394-5270430 Burnhamthorpe RoadWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Elmbrook Park 416-394-52902 Elmbrook CrescentWheelchair Accessible

Evelyn Gregory416-394-1006120 Trowell Avenue

Humber Bay416-394-5300200 Park Lawn RoadWheelchair Accessible

Humberwood416-394-5210850 Humberwood BoulevardWheelchair Accessible

Humber Summit416-395-58402990 Islington AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Jane/Dundas 416-394-1014620 Jane StreetWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Long Branch416-394-53203500 Lake Shore Boulevard WestWheelchair Accessible

Maria A. Shchuka416-394-10001745 Eglinton Avenue WestWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Mimico Centennial416-394-533047 Station RoadWifi

Mount Dennis416-394-10081123 Weston RoadWheelchair Accessible

New Toronto416-394-5350110 Eleventh StreetWheelchair Accessible

Northern Elms416-394-5230123B Rexdale Boulevard, Unit 5Wheelchair Accessible

Oakwood Village Library and Arts Centre416-394-1040341 Oakwood AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Rexdale416-394-52002243 Kipling AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Richview416-394-51201806 Islington Avenue


Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

Toronto Public Libraries

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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009

86Wheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Runnymede416-393-76972178 Bloor Street WestWheelchair Accessible

Weston416-394-10162 King StreetWheelchair Accessible

North York

Amesbury Park416-395-54201565 Lawrence Avenue WestWheelchair Accessible

Armour Heights416-395-54302140 Avenue RoadWheelchair Accessible

Barbara Frum416-395-544020 Covington RoadWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Bayview Village Shopping Centre416-395-54602901 Bayview AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Black Creek416-395-5470

Brookbanks416-395-5480210 Brookbanks DriveWheelchair Accessible

Don Mills416-395-5710888 Lawrence Avenue EastWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Fairview416-395-575035 Fairview Mall DriveWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Flemingdon Park416-395-582029 St. Dennis DriveWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Hillcrest416-395-58305801 Leslie StreetWheelchair Accessible

Jane/Sheppard416-395-5966Jane Sheppard Mall, Unit 112721 Jane StreetWheelchair Accessible

North York Central Library416-395-55355120 Yonge StreetWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

North York Sheridan Mall1700 Wilson AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Pleasant View416-395-5940575 Van Horne AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Victoria Village416-395-5950184 Sloane AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Woodview Park416-395-596016 Bradstock RoadWheelchair Accessible

Yorkville416-393-766022 Yorkville Avenue

Toronto Public Libraries

Page 88: Welcome Guide

Wheelchair Accessible

York Woods416-395-59801785 Finch Avenue WestWheelchair Accessible/Wifi


Agincourt416-396-8943; TTY: 416-396-8953155 Bonis AvenueWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Albert Campbell416-396-8890496 Birchmount RoadWifi

Bendale416-396-89101515 Danforth RoadWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Bridlewood416-396-8960Bridlewood Mall2900 Warden AvenueWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Burrows Hall416-396-87401081 Progress AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Cedarbrae416-396-8850545 Markham RoadWheelchair Accessible

Cliffcrest416-396-89163017 Kingston RoadWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Eglinton Square416-396-8920Eglinton Square Mall

1 Eglinton Square, Unit 126Wheelchair Accessible

Goldhawk Park416-396-8964295 Alton Towers CircleWheelchair Accessible

Guildwood416-396-8872Guildwood Plaza123 Guildwood ParkwayWheelchair Accessible

Highland Creek416-396-88763550 Ellesmere RoadWheelchair Accessible

Kennedy/Eglinton416-396-8924Liberty Square Shopping Plaza2380 Eglinton Avenue EastWheelchair Accessible

Malvern416-396-896930 Sewells RoadWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Maryvale416-396-8931Parkway Mall85 Ellesmere RoadWheelchair Accessible

McGregor Park416-396-89352219 Lawrence Avenue EastWheelchair Accessible

Morningside416-396-88814279 Lawrence Avenue EastWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Port Union416-396-88855450 Lawrence Avenue East


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88Wheelchair Accessible

Steeles416-396-8975Bamburgh Gardens Plaza375 Bamburgh CircleWheelchair Accessible

Taylor Memorial416-396-89391440 Kingston RoadWheelchair Accessible

Woodside Square416-396-8979Woodside Square Mall1571 Sandhurst CircleWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Toronto/East York

Annette Street416-393-7692145 Annette StreetWheelchair Accessible

Beaches416-393-77032161 Queen Street EastWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Bloor/Gladstone416-393-76741101 Bloor Street WestWheelchair Accessible

City Hall416-393-7650Nathan Phillips Square100 Queen Street WestWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

College/Shaw416-393-7668766 College StreetWheelchair Accessible

Danforth/Coxwell416-393-77831675 Danforth AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Davenport416-393-77321246 Shaw StreetWheelchair Accessible

Dawes Road416-396-3820416 Dawes RoadWheelchair Accessible

Deer Park416-393-765740 St. Clair Avenue East

Dufferin416-393-77121625 Dufferin StreetWheelchair Accessible

Forest Hill416-393-7706700 Eglinton Avenue WestWheelchair Accessible

Gerrard/Ashdale416-393-77171432 Gerrard Street EastWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

High Park416-393-7671228 Roncesvalles AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Jones416-393-7715118 Jones AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Leaside416-396-3835165 McRae DriveWheelchair Accessible

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Lillian H. Smith416-393-7746239 College StreetWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Locke416-393-77303083 Yonge StreetWheelchair Accessible

Main Street416-393-7700137 Main StreetWheelchair Accessible

Mount Pleasant416-393-7737599 Mt. Pleasant RoadWheelchair Accessible

Northern District416-393-761040 Orchard View BoulevardWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Pape/Danforth416-393-7727701 Pape AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Palmerston416-393-7680560 Palmerston AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Parkdale1303 Queen Street West416-393-7686Wheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Parliament416-393-7663269 Gerrard Street EastWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Perth/Dupont416-393-76771589 Dupont StreetWheelchair Accessible

Queen/Saulter416-393-7723765 Queen Street EastWheelchair Accessible

Riverdale416-393-7720370 Broadview AvenueWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

S. Walter Stewart416-396-3975170 Memorial Park AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Sanderson416-393-7653327 Bathurst StreetWheelchair Accessible

Spadina Road416-393-766610 Spadina RoadWheelchair Accessible

St. Clair/Silverthorn416-393-77091748 St. Clair Avenue West

St. James Town416-393-7744495 Sherbourne StreetWheelchair Accessible

St. Lawrence416-393-7655171 Front Street EastWheelchair Accessible

Swansea Memorial416-393-769595 Lavinia AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Thorncliffe416-396-386548 Thorncliffe Park DriveWheelchair Accessible


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90 Toronto Public Libraries

Todmorden Room416-396-38751081 1/2 Pape AvenueWheelchair Accessible

Toronto Reference Library416-395-5577789 Yonge StreetWheelchair Accessible/Wifi

Urban Affairs416-397-7241Metro Hall55 John StreetWheelchair Accessible

Wychwood416-393-76831431 Bathurst StreetWheelchair Accessible

Voicemail and E-Mail

Community Access Program (CAP)In addition to Toronto Public Libraries, CAP provides affordable or free Internet and computeraccess at various locations across the city. For a listof locations near you please visithttp://cap.ic.gc.ca/index.htm

Metro Voicemail ProjectCentral Neighbourhood House (please call for anappointment)416-925-4363349 Ontario StreetSign-up: Monday, Wednesday 12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

• Persons without telephones can receive a voicemail number to retrieve messages from any touch-tone phone.

• $10 for 3 months.

Wireless Toronto647-722-3567 [email protected]://wirelesstoronto.ca

• Provides free wireless Internet at various hotspots across the city.

•The network username is wirelesstoronto.

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Welcome Home | A guide to services for tenants | 2009


Whether you have a special talent for cooking or a few extra hours to sort food at a food bank, there aremany choices when it comes to volunteering. Many agencies ask volunteers to attend an orientation ortraining. Enquire at your local drop-in or community agency or search for opportunities online at:

www.charityvillage.com• Search volunteer opportunities by location, type of job, sector, and whether kids and teens are welcome.

www.volunteertoronto.ca•Volunteer Toronto is an online matching system for everyone over age 13. • Helpful tips for getting started and what to expect.

www.boardmatch.org• Boardmatch helps place knowledgeable and enthusiastic volunteers on the Boards of Directors of charitable organizations.

You can find a perfect volunteer opportunity in the community in three easy ways: • Match your skills and interests.• Find an organization by name that you'd like to volunteer with.• Find a volunteer opportunity in your neighbourhood by Postal Code search.

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