Student and Parent Handbook 2019-2020 Tuscarora School District Mercersburg Elementary School – Eagles Montgomery Elementary School – Mustangs Mountain View Elementary School – Bobcats St. Thomas Elementary School - Tigers

WELCOME [4.files.edl.io]  · Web view2019-09-10 · Students are expected to return their current library book(s) before checking out a new book. We do not charge overdue fines,

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Student and Parent Handbook


Tuscarora School District

Mercersburg Elementary School – Eagles

Montgomery Elementary School – Mustangs

Mountain View Elementary School – Bobcats

St. Thomas Elementary School - Tigers

Elementary School

Parent/Student Handbook




Acceptable Use Policy, 5

Accident Insurance, 6

Animal Policy, 6

Attendance Policy, 6-7

Birthday Celebrations, 7

Book Club Orders, 7

Bullying/Cyber Bullying, 7-8

Bus Assignment Procedures, 8

Bus Disciplinary Guidelines, 8-10

Caring For School Property, 10

Cell Phones / Electronic Devices, 10-11

Change of Address, 11

Complaint Procedure, 11

Custody Documents, 11

Delayed Openings/Emergency Closings, 11-12

Dress and Grooming, 12

Drug/Alcohol Policy, 12

Early Dismissal, 13

Educational Trip, 13

Emergency Information, 13

Entry Into Building, 13-14

Faculty/Staff Listing, 2

Family Educational Rights and Privacy

Act of 1974, 14

Field Trips, 14

Flyer/Information Distribution, 15

Grading System, 15-16

Assessment, 15

Grading Student Progress, 15

Report Cards, 16

Marking Period Dates, 16

Grading of Students Who Receive Special

Education, 504 Plan, E.S.L. & I.S.T.

Services, 16

Health Services and Medication Policy, 17

Homework Policy, 17

Immunizations, 18

In-School Suspension, 18

Library Procedures, 18-19

Literacy Vision/Student Literacy Expectations, 19-20

Lost and Found, 20

Meal Program / Meal Charge Procedures, 20-21

Messages for Students, 21

Non-Discrimination Policy, 22

Parent Conferences, 22

Parking, 22

Physical Education - Excuse From Class, 22

Positive Behavior Support Procedure, 23

Privileges, 23

Promotion/Retention, 23

Recess, 23

Requests for Specific Teacher/Classroom, 24

Responsibility for School Property, 24

School Calendar, 25

School Health Personnel, 26

School Hours, 4

School Staff Listing -- Inside Back Cover

Sexual Harassment, 26-27

Special Education Programs Provided, 27-28

Special Event Dismissal, 28

Student Conduct, 29

Student Disciplinary Consequences, 30

Student Drop-off / Pick-up, 30

Tardiness, 31

Telephone Use, 31

Testing Schedule, 31

Tobacco Policy, 31

Tuscarora School District Administrative Staff, 5

Tuscarora School District Mission Statement, 4

Tuscarora School District Board of Directors, 5

Unlawful Harassment, 31

Visitor Procedures, 32

Volunteer Procedures, 33

Weapons in School and on School Property, 33

Welcome, 4

Withdrawal Procedure for Students, 33

Appendix A – TSD Board Policy #249 – Bullying /

Cyber Bullying, 34-38

Appendix B – Positive Behavior Support Procedure,



Welcome to the Tuscarora School District.

Our welcome is sincere. Each school day we open our school doors, our services and our hearts to every individual who crosses the threshold into our buildings.

Tuscarora School District has much for which to be thankful in the devotion and care that staff exhibit in caring for their respective job roles. We expect the best efforts of teachers, support staff and administrators to ensure that our children receive a quality educational experience. Our schools are proud of the surrounding community. This pride reflects the way we feel about our students, their parents, and the physical surroundings in which we find ourselves. Our students are eager to learn and are excited by the discoveries they make each day. Our parents are supportive of the school, and our surroundings are among the most beautiful. We invite you to be a part of your child’s education by becoming involved in our schools.


Ryan Kaczmark, Brett Kagarise

Elementary Principals


 We make sure every child is known by name.

We explicitly teach our kids to be resilient.

We praise student effort.

We make sure each child makes standard-based academic progress.

We emphasize the development of 21st century skills in our daily work with students.

We are positive role models for our students.


Elementary Schools:

7:20 a.m. - Students Arrive/Report to Classroom/Breakfast

7:40 a.m. - School Begins

2:10 p.m. - Bus/Car Students Dismissed




Mr. Rodney BenedickActing Superintendent

Mr. Richard BurkettDirector of Curriculum

Mrs. Angela MarshallTransportation Director

Principal of Instructional Technology and Innovation

Ryan KaczmarkMercersburg & Montgomery Elementary Principal

Brett KagariseSt. Thomas & Mt. View Elementary Principal

James CarbaughMiddle School Principal

Zack KumpMiddle School Assistant Principal

Samuel “Chip” DickeyActing High School Principal

Tom BradleyActing High School Assistant Principal



Roger BlattenbergerPresident

Angela TroupeVice President

Loretta MartinSecretary (Non-Member)

Daniel MyersTreasurer

Brandi LinnBoard Member

Erich HawbakerBoard Member

Dustin MartinBoard Member

Donald PiperBoard Member

Brandon BoyerBoard Member

John HeebnerBoard Member

Carl BeardSolicitor (Non-Member)

Note: The board policies that are cited in this document can be viewed in their entirety at www.tus.k12.pa.us (District tab – Board of Education – School Board Policy)


A copy of the TSD Acceptable Use Policy will be distributed to all students at the beginning of the school year, or when they are enrolled in school. After reviewing this document, the Acceptable Use Policy Agreement for Computing and Internet Access form (page 9) needs to be completed and returned to school.


Board Policy: Pupils #211 (Student Accident Insurance)

The Tuscarora School District does not carry medical insurance on students. We do provide parents with the opportunity to select a primary excess group insurance plan for students. More information can be found on the district website (www.tus.k12.pa.us) under the student tab.


In order to protect students, we are asking that no animals be brought to school, except for educational purposes (administrative approval required).


Board Policy: Pupils #204 (Attendance)

The Tuscarora School Board requires that school age students enrolled in district schools attend school regularly, in accordance with state laws.

The school laws of Pennsylvania require all school age children to be in attendance on all days the school is open. The only acceptable reasons for absence, according to law, are pupil sickness, religious holidays, educational trips, death in the immediate family and other emergencies which the state says are to be strictly interpreted.

1. Once your child is enrolled in kindergarten, you and your child are responsible for school attendance in compliance with the mandatory attendance laws in the State of Pennsylvania.

2. The school attendance laws require the school to hold students and their parents accountable for valid documentation of reasons for absence. Any student who has been absent is required to bring an excuse note with them when they return to school.

The excuse note should:

· be signed by the student’s parent/guardian

· contain the specific reason for the absence

· be submitted to the school office within three days of the absence

3. All absences shall be treated as unexcused until a written excuse, explaining the absence, is submitted to the school office. A note MUST be submitted to the office within three days of the student’s return to school.

4. If a student is absent from school, he/she may not participate in any after school activities such as basketball, carnivals, concerts, etc. Doing so will result in an unexcused/unlawful absence.

5. “Early warning” letters are usually sent to parents whose children are absent at the five (5) or ten (10) day level.

6. A maximum of ten (10) days of cumulative lawful absences, verified by parental notification, may be permitted during a school year. All absences beyond (10) cumulative days shall require an excuse from a licensed physician. If a doctor's excuse is required and not submitted, the absence will be considered unexcused and therefore unlawful.

7. Students accumulating more than three days unlawful / unexcused absences or who are truant may forfeit school related activities as the building administrator feels appropriate. These activities may include class trips and assemblies. If a student has six days unexcused they will be considered habitually truant. The school will develop an attendance improvement plan prior to referring the child to the courts. Parent will be notified in writing of the child’s third unexcused day. If the child continues to be truant and accumulate absences, the school will offer the child/parent an attendance improvement conference. If your child accumulates six unexcused absences, the child will be habitually truant and the child is under the age of 15, the school may refer the child to either: 1: a school-based attendance improvement program, or (2) the county children and youth agency (CYS) for services or possible disposition as a dependent child under the Juvenile Act. Additionally the school may file a citation against the parent of a habitually truant child under fifteen (15) in a magisterial court.

8. The Board may report to appropriate authorities’ infractions of the law regarding the attendance of students below the age of seventeen (17). The Board shall issue notice to those parents/guardians who fail to comply with the statutory requirements of compulsory attendance that such infractions will be prosecuted according to law.

9. If an absence is anticipated for an excused and lawful purpose, an Educational Trip Request Form (available in the school office) should be completed by the parent and submitted to the school administration for approval prior to the absence. (See educational trip information on pg. 13)

The Tuscarora School Board considers the following conditions to constitute reasonable cause for absence from school:

· Illness

· Quarantine

· Recovery from accident

· Required court attendance

· Death in family

· Family educational trips (pre-approved)


The State of Pennsylvania has requested districts develop and implement health and wellness policies; therefore, we strongly encourage parents to present a monetary donation to the school library/classroom library in their child's honor instead of bringing in snacks. Books will be purchased and your child’s name placed on the inside. Please do not have flowers or balloons delivered to your child at school.

Invitations to out-of-school birthday and other parties are not to be distributed in school. Also, we cannot offer names and addresses for the purpose of issuing invitations. Although this level of confidentiality seems harsh, keep in mind we do not divulge information in order to protect your child as well as the others.


If your child chooses to order from a book club, the check should be made out to the book club. Checks should not be made out to the school.


Board Policy: Pupils #249 (Bullying/Cyber Bullying)

A copy of this policy is attached, in its entirety, at the end of this handbook (Appendix A).

We strive to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in our schools that is free from bullying. Any act of bullying occurring on school district property, at school-sponsored activities, or during the time students spend traveling to and from school or school-sponsored activities will not be tolerated.


Students in the Tuscarora School District may have a different address for their morning and afternoon bus stops as long as the pick-up and drop-off sites are consistent over time and are located in the student’s school attendance area. For example, your child may get off the bus each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at home. On Tuesday and Thursday, he/she may get off the bus at a daycare provider if that provider is located in the child’s school attendance area.

If the need arises to change a child’s bus assignment for a period of time due to a temporary change in childcare or a work schedule, the parent or guardian may request a bus assignment change by completing and submitting an Emergency Bus Change Form to your child’s building principal. This form is available in the school office. Your bus change request will be approved or denied within 48 hours.

If an emergency situation requires a bus assignment change immediately, the parent may call the school and make the request. The principal will be responsible for approval or denial of emergency requests. Emergencies include events such as a death in the family or a last minute change in a parent work schedule.


Student transportation is a privilege. The following outlines what is expected of students who ride vehicles provided by the Tuscarora School District. Abuse of these rules will result in the loss of District transportation or assignment of Community Service.

Behavior on School Buses/Vans:

Cameras (audio and video) are installed on the buses for the children’s protection. Because improper behavior jeopardizes the safety of all passengers, the following regulations will be strictly enforced:

1. Students must be on time. Plan to be at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus arrives. Waiting for one tardy student upsets the schedule for the entire busload. Drivers are not to wait for students who make a habit of arriving late to the bus stop.

2.Students must board and leave the bus at their regular stop location, unless written permission from the principal has been received by the bus driver. Students that board at a stop not assigned to them, without written permission from administration, will receive a referral. Bus passes protect our students and drivers.

3. Throwing objects of any kind on or around the bus is dangerous and will not be permitted. This behavior is subject to charges under the law.

4. The driver has the right to assign seats. Students may be required to sit three (3) to a seat. Students shall remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion. Keep the aisle clear; all items must fit on one’s lap.

5. Talking is permitted in a low conversational voice. This allows the driver to hear emergency vehicles or if someone needs help.

6. Students shall not use obscene or profane language in or around the school bus.

7. Students shall not engage in pushing, fighting or other unruly behavior in or around the bus. Bullying is absolutely not tolerated.

8. No student shall disobey, abuse, or show disrespect for the drive. The driver should be shown the same respect as a teacher.

9.Students shall keep hands, head, and arms inside the bus at all times. Windows shall remain closed unless the driver gives permission to lower them.

10.Students shall not deface or damage any part of the vehicles. Damage will be paid for by the individual. Tampering with or destroying bus equipment is a very serious infraction and must be treated as such.

11.There shall be no tobacco products or lighted flames at any time in or around the bus.

12. There shall be no drinking of any liquid or eating of food unless permitted as a special privilege by the driver.

13. There shall be no littering from the vehicle or in the vehicle. The bus is to be as clean at the end of the run as the beginning of the run.

14. Students will keep all pencils and other sharp objects in pockets, purses or book bags. No glass objects shall be transported on the bus.

15. Using sprays, perfumes or chemical-based items of any kind are prohibited.

Discipline Policy

1.All rules and regulations concerning student behavior should be well known and clearly understood by the administration, teachers, parents, bus drivers and students.

2.Students transported by the Tuscarora School District are under the authority of and responsible to the driver of the vehicle.

3. A driver cannot require a student to leave the bus before such student has reached his/her destination UNLESS the behavior of a student endangers the safety of other students or the bus driver. If such an emergency arises, the driver is to pull their vehicle out of the line of traffic, call the State Police to remove that particular student from the bus. As soon as possible, the driver will call the Contractor, Principal and/or Transportation Director and inform him/her of the incident. A written report must be submitted to the Principal within 24 hours. A parent, student, Principal and Transportation Director Conference is required before the student can be reinstated.

4. If a student is suspended/expelled from the bus, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to transport him/her to/from school. Once a driver has received notification of suspension/expulsion of a student, they shall not transport the student. The student is not permitted to enter any vehicle controlled by the Tuscarora School District during the suspension.

Consequences for Student Violating Bus Rules Will Be As Follows:

1st offense: Principal judgment and parent notification

2nd offense: Principal judgment, written notification to the parent.

3rd offense: Will be referred to the Central Office with the recommendation for suspension/expulsion from the bus 1-5 days.

4th offense: Will be referred to the Central Office with the recommendation for

suspension/expulsion from the bus 6-10 days.

5th offense:May result in long term suspension from the bus including withdrawal of bus

privileges for a period between 11 days and the balance of the school year.

· In unique cases when transportation suspension is not an option, the student may be required to complete Community Service assignments during recess or study hall.

· Although the normal procedure shall be followed in most cases, it is conceivable that a situation might develop of such magnitude that would make it necessary to eliminate Steps 1 and 2 and immediately deprive the pupil of his/her right to this transportation.


Board Policy – Pupils #224 (Care of School Property)

The Board believes that schools should help students learn to respect property and develop feelings of pride in community institutions. Each student in our district is responsible for the proper care of the school property, school supplies and equipment entrusted to their use. Students who willfully cause damage to school property shall be subject to disciplinary measures. Parents and guardians shall be held accountable for the actions of their child.


Students are not permitted to have electronic devices in school, on school property or at school-sponsored events. These include, but are not limited to: radios, tape and CD/DVD players, MP3 and iPod players, tablets, video games, headphones, universal remotes, laser pens, pagers, beepers, cameras, and other portable devices. Cellular phones that have the capability to take photographs or record audio or video are not permitted to be used during the school day in district buildings. Additionally, any device that provides for a wireless unfiltered connection to the internet is not permitted to be used during the school day in district buildings. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during school hours. In an effort to accommodate parents and students, possession of a cell phone will be permitted under the following stipulations:

The cell phone must be in the “off” mode and not visible during the school day.

The use of cell phones will be allowed after the close of the school academic day.

Violations of this school rule will be addressed by the building administrator. The Tuscarora School District is not responsible for lost or stolen phones.


All changes of address or telephone numbers, as well as those of your child’s after-school babysitters, should be reported to the office. If you are planning to move either within or away from our school district, please notify the school office as soon as possible. Failure to do so will jeopardize open enrollment status.


To define practice/procedure when a parent registers a formal complaint against a teacher or staff person, the following will be used as guidelines:

STEP I - The person initiating the concern will be requested to schedule a time to meet directly with the teacher/staff member to resolve the concern. Teacher and staff members may have another staff person join them for the meeting. Staff person could include the principal at teacher's request.

STEP II - If concern cannot be resolved at step 1, the concern will be brought to the attention of the Building Principal who will take the following steps:

A. Inform the superintendent.

B. Depending on the nature/gravity of the concern -

1. Inform the Tuscarora Educational Association of the matter.

2. Conduct an investigation into the matter.

3. Notify any agencies who may have investigatory powers - (example Children's


4. Make a recommendation to the superintendent from the investigation of the facts of

the concern.

5. Inform all parties involved regarding the recommendation.

6. Maintain confidentiality with all facts about the case.


If you have legal custody documentation for your son or daughter, it is necessary for you to place a copy on file with the elementary school office. It is our policy to communicate only with primary residential custody holders unless otherwise requested in writing.


School delayed openings and closings because of inclement weather, or other emergency situations, will be broadcast on local radio and television stations. You will also receive a recorded phone message through our telephone broadcast system (School Messenger). Please notify the school office when your School Messenger contact numbers need to be revised, or you are not receiving calls. No breakfast will be served on delayed opening days.


Board Policy: Pupils #221(Dress and Grooming)

Any child improperly dressed for school will be referred to the school nurse for correction. For the protection of your child, we request that gym shoes be worn during the physical education period.

Please label all hats, boots, and jackets. A loop sewn on the inside of coats and jackets keeps them from falling to the floor.

Clothing Guidelines:

1. Clothing should be neat and clean at all times.

2. When students are representing the school in special programs and trips, special requests of dress and appearance may be required.

3. Hair should be kept clean and neatly combed.

4. Bare feet, wooden-soled shoes, flip-flops and shower shoes are not permitted. Heely’s (shoes with wheels on the bottom) are not permitted. Sandals must have a heel-strap. Sneakers are the shoe of choice.

5. Very tight clothing, see-through blouses, and backless and mid-blouses are not permitted (navels should not be exposed).

6. Shorts length should be no shorter than the students’ fingertips with arms extended along the side of the body.

7.Pants must be worn in an appropriate manner. The waistline or belt loops must be worn at the top of the hip bone. No pants may be worn which expose the undergarments. Shirt tails may be worn outside of the pants; however, pants must comply with the above policy.

8. Unless there is a special occasion, hats are not to be worn by students indoors.

9. The presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook, or manner of grooming that, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or any other attribute, denotes membership in gangs that advocate drug use, violence, or disruptive behavior is prohibited.

10. Large pocket chains, chain link necklaces, or large metallic jewelry is prohibited.

11. The use of makeup, lipstick, eyeliner, etc., is considered inappropriate for elementary school children and unnecessary for school. Please discourage the use of makeup for school.

12.Tank tops are allowed as long as the strap is 1 inch wide.


Board Policy – Pupils #227 (Drugs/Alcohol)

The Tuscarora School Board recognizes that the abuse of controlled substances is a serious problem with legal, physical and social implications for the whole school community.

As an educational institution, the schools shall strive to prevent abuse of controlled substances (prescription drugs, patent drugs, controlled substances or volatile chemicals or over-the-counter drugs.)

Use, possession, distribution and being under the influence of any drugs and alcohol during school hours, on school property, and at any school sponsored event is prohibited.


When an emergency/appointment makes an early dismissal from school necessary, please send a signed note to the classroom teacher. This note will be forwarded to the school office. In the case of an emergency, please call the school office and let the staff know when you will be picking up your child. They will notify your child’s teacher. All parents are asked to report to the school office to “sign-out”

their child in an office record book. Parents are to meet their children in the main office. The office staff will call your child out of class to meet you. Please do not approach the classroom to pick up your child.


If you plan to take your child out of school for an extended trip or on a family activity, you must request prior permission from the principal.

Each educational trip must have a form completed and filed in our school office before the trip takes place. (Educational trip approval request forms are available in the school office.) Failure to do so will result in the absence being marked unexcused.

Other limitations on educational trips include:

1. Limited to a maximum of ten (10) school days per year.

2. All missed school work must be completed within five (5) school days after return from trip.

3. Requests for trip approval must be given to the school prior to the date of the trip.

4. Approval/denial of the trip rests with the school principal and is based on the student's discipline record, attendance record, and academic progress.

5. Parents must present, on the trip request, a statement validating the educational value of the trip.

6. We discourage trips during major testing time ie: PSSA Test window.


You are required to provide the school with name, address, and telephone number of a relative, friend, or neighbor who we may contact in case you cannot be reached should there be an emergency

(Emergency Health Information forms are sent home at the beginning of each school year). The telephone number of your place of employment, and your cell phone number should also be on this form.

Please help the school keep this information current by letting the school office know of any changes.


The doors of our school are locked at all times. All visitors must use the main entrance at the front of the building, and must be allowed entry into the building by a member of the office staff. Before gaining entry, you will be asked to state your name and the reason for your visit, and (if deemed necessary) to show your driver’s license, or another valid form of identification. Upon entrance into the building, you will need to report to the office before proceeding through the building. With the safety of our students in mind, we have instituted a visitor policy at our schools (see visitor procedures on page 32). No visitor is allowed to go to a classroom or into any area of the building unless prior permission from the teacher or school administrator has been obtained.


The Tuscarora School District, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and in conformity with the State Board of Education's "Guidelines for the Collection, Maintenance and Dissemination of Pupil Records" issues the following statement:

1. The parents of a student or an eligible student will have the right of access and/or challenge of student records as outlined in the Tuscarora School District Collection, Maintenance and Dissemination of Pupil Records Policy.

2. The parents of a student or an eligible student will have the right to a hearing and to file an explanation or complaint concerning information contained in the student record. Following the hearing, the parent or an eligible student may file a written complaint with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office, H.E.W., 300 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20201

3. The Tuscarora School District will disclose directory information which includes: the student's name, address, birthdate, attendance record, activity record, major field of study, weight and height, awards and honors received, the educational agency most recently attended, and other similar information. Should the parent or eligible student wish to refuse disclosure of this information, written notice must be sent to the Tuscarora School District within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice.

4. The Tuscarora School District will release information from a student's educational record without prior consent to officials in other schools in which the students seek to enroll.

5. Transcripts to post-secondary institutions in which a student seeks to enroll will be sent upon request of parents or eligible student.

6. Parents, upon written request, may receive a copy of records that are released by the school. The parent may challenge information by notification in writing to the district superintendent.


Each class may plan a field trip during the school year. Parents are asked to sign and return the permission slip your child brings home. An unsigned slip indicates that you wish your child to remain

in school while his/her classmates participate in field trip activities. Class trips are a privilege for those students who remain in good academic and behavioral standing. The school may plan special days

(Fun Day, etc.), that is a privilege for students to participate in. Parents are not permitted to come and watch Fun Day.


Board Policy – Community #913.1 (Flyer/Information Distribution)

Requests for permission to distribute printed materials, products, or the location where the information may be accessed, must be submitted to the Superintendent in writing along with a copy of the printed flyer/information/material. Requests must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the requested distribution date.


Board Policies – Pupils #213 (Assessment of Student Progress) &

Pupils #212 (Grading and Reporting Student Progress)


Our district’s instructional program shall include a system of assessing all students’ academic progress. The system shall include descriptions of how achievement of academic standards will be measured and how this information will be used to assist students having difficulty meeting required standards.

Students with disabilities shall be included in the district’s assessment system, with appropriate accommodations when necessary

Grading Student Progress

At the August 11, 1986 meeting of the Tuscarora School Board, the following grading system was adopted for the Tuscarora School District:

A = 93 - 100 A+ = 98 – 100A = 95 – 97A- = 93 - 94

B = 85 - 92 B+ = 90 – 92B = 87 – 89B- = 85 - 86

C = 77 - 84 C+ = 82 – 84C = 79 – 81C- = 77 - 78

D = 69 - 76 D+ = 74 – 76D = 71 – 73D- = 69 - 70

F = 68 and below

Elementary schools will use the A, B, C, D, F reporting system (note exception in Primary cards) and Middle School/High School will use the percentage reporting system.

All exceptional students, whether students are included or not, will be graded using the following system:

1. 0-68% student average - P (passing) or F (failing) to be determined by the I.E.P. team

2. 69-100% student average - Teacher will place that letter grade or percentage on the student's report card

3. This grading policy applies to all identified exceptional students.

Reporting Student Progress (Report Cards)

Report cards will be issued every nine weeks in all grades except kindergarten and Grade 1. Kindergarten and first grade students will receive report cards at the end of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th nine weeks. The report cards will be sent home for the parents' review and signatures. In addition, @ the elementary level parents/guardians will have a conference with their student’s teacher in the fall.

Marking Period Dates for 2016-2017

End of 1st marking period: October 23, 2017 report cards distributed on October 17th, 2017

End of 2nd marking period: January 16, 2018, report cards distributed on January 24, 2018

End of 3rd marking period: March 22, 2018, report cards distributed on April 4th ,2018

End of 4th marking period: June 1, 2018, report cards distributed on June 1, 2018


Special Education

Students with disabilities interact with the educational environment at a rate that is different than their peers. The grading policy for this population must be flexible and individualized to reasonably represent a student’s performance in the curriculum, as deemed appropriate by building administration and the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team.  Examples of such flexibility and individualization include: 1) a student shall be graded on a pass-fail basis if his/her earned grade is less than 69 percent, and 2) a student shall be graded on a percentage or an equivalent grade basis if he/she earns a grade of 69 percent or higher.

504 Plan

Students with 504 Accommodation Plans require reasonable modifications and adaptations to access and perform in the general education curriculum. As deemed appropriate by building administration and the 504 Planning team, one such modification may include individualized/modified grading procedures.

English as Second Language

Students who are eligible and receive ESL services have limited facility with the English language; thus compromising their ability to interact with the educational environment. Depending on language needs

and level of acculturation, individualized/modified grading procedures may be necessary, as deemed appropriate by building administration, ESL, and regular education teacher.


Board Policies – Pupils #209 (Health Examinations/Screenings) & Pupils #210 (Use of Medications)

A number of school health services are provided on an annual basis to our school students. These services include:

1. Complete physical - Kindergarten

2. Dental checks - Kindergarten and grade three

3. Hearing tests - Grade K, 1, 2, 3.

4. Vision screening - All students

5. Body Mass Index – All Students

Prescription medication may be given at school when accompanied by a note giving both parental permission and physician’s prescription indicating dosage and times to be taken. The medication must

be sent to school in the original prescription bottle with the student’s name, proper dosage and indicating time to be given.

Students are not permitted to carry medication in school. All prescription and non-prescription medications are to be turned into the school nurse and kept locked in the office. Nurses cannot give medication to students without a physician’s order. They may give medication that is indicated on the standing order form which is signed by the school physician.

Medications will be logged by the nurse. No medication will be given to students, prescription or non-prescription, without a doctor’s order. Students may carry their inhalers with them if they have a physician’s order and parental permission. The information must be turned into the school nurse.


On August 15, 1997, the PA Department of Health issued a health advisory, revising the school immunization requirements:

1. Diphtheria and Tetanus-with a fourth dose administered on or after the fourth birthday

2. Three Polio

3. Two doses of MMR –Mumps, Measles, Rubella (after the child is 12 months old).

4. Three doses of hepatitis B vaccine

5. Varicella – (Chicken Pox) Students must have had the vaccine or the disease


Occasionally, a child will be involved in misbehavior which warrants consequences described as in-school suspension. When a student is placed on in-school suspension, our procedure for the child involved will be:

1. No special classes will be attended such as: music, physical education, art, library, band

2. No assemblies will be attended.

3. No recesses will be allowed.

4. Lunch will be eaten in isolation.

5. Bathroom breaks will be given by a supervisor.

6. Work for the day will be given as homework along with regular assignments to be completed and returned the following day.

7. Students will be reading, doing related work for the day/days of the suspension.

8. Parents will be required to conference with school personnel before the child is readmitted to class.


Dear Families,

Welcome to the Tuscarora elementary school libraries at Mercersburg, Montgomery, Mt. View, and St. Thomas! Your child will come to the library media center at least once every four-day rotation to learn how to use the library, conduct research, and hear quality pieces of children’s literature. Children enjoy the responsibility of selecting and returning books by themselves each week. Students try very hard to remember and care for their book(s), however, they still need your help at home.

Helpful Reminders to Keep your Book(s) Safe

· Keep books clean; wash hands before touching the pages.

· Keep books in a safe place away from babies, pets, food, and liquids.

· Protect your books from water bottles in backpacks or lunch boxes.

· Turn pages carefully from the corner and use a bookmark to mark your place.

· Never write or draw in a book.

· Protect your book(s) from rainy/snowy days.

· When you are not reading, designate a safe spot at home such as in a book bag/backpack or in your desk at school.

Together we can work to reduce the amount of damaged/lost library books each school year!

Students are expected to return their current library book(s) before checking out a new book. We do not charge overdue fines, however, we expect books to be returned or renewed during their scheduled class or during open library. A replacement fee is expected for all damaged/lost books. If a “lost” book is found after the replacement cost has been paid, the student will be reimbursed the cost of the book after it has been returned to the library if it is in good condition and can be returned to circulation. A book is considered "damaged" if it is returned to the library in a condition that requires extensive repair OR is unable to be repaired and cannot be returned to circulation.  Examples of damaged books include, but are not limited to: water damage, mold, writing on the inside of the book, torn and or missing pages, and/or damage to the outside of the book.  Damage will be assessed by the library staff, and they will determine if the book can be repaired or not.  If not, or if the repair work is extensive, the full replacement cost of the book will be charged to the student. Most of our books have special reinforced bindings due to high student usage, which makes the books costlier to replace versus going to your local bookstore. Please pay using cash for damaged/lost books. Library privileges will be suspended until payment is received.

If your child moves to another school, please return any library books to the Tuscarora School District.

All children need to read or to be read to daily. The number of books permitted for check-out depends on the grade level of the child.

Kindergarten 1 book

First Grade 1 book

Second Grade 2 books (1 fiction and 1 nonfiction)

Third Grade2 books

Fourth Grade3 books

Fifth Grade 3 books

Thank you for your consideration for our school libraries. The students will benefit greatly while reading and learning to care for their library books!


Mrs. Jane Bodenberg, District Elementary Librarian


Literacy Vision

Our educators will create instructional conditions so that students will make meaningful personal connections to be confident, reflective readers who read to become informed on a wide variety of topics. Students will learn to think critically about what they have read in order to be informed decision-makers in the 21st century. Through purposeful and explicit instruction, we will provide students with the necessary tools to develop a deep comprehension and love of the written word found in a wide variety of texts.

Elementary School Literacy Expectations for EACH Student

Student Expectations

Parent Expectations

Teacher Expectations

Read on or above grade level

Use available resources to support child's reading

Communicate progress

Read fluently

Read daily with or to your child

Read daily with a variety of texts and teach grade level literacy standards to each student

Read to understand

Talk about the book

Teach comprehension strategies

Read for enjoyment

Show how to use reading everyday

Read to stay current on best practices for reading


Occasionally students will leave articles of clothing or possessions behind. Items are returned to students when they are marked with some identification. Items that are not marked are placed in the lost and found bin located in the café hallway. Your child is asked to check there for anything he/she has lost or to turn in items found. Unclaimed articles are given to charity at the end of the school year, or are used in the nurse’s office.


Metz & Associates manages our food services program. Breakfast and lunch are offered daily for our students. Milk is available for those students who carry their lunches.

Student lunch accounts are managed with a Point-of-Sale (POS) cashier system. Payment for lunches can be made by sending cash or check, made payable to TSD, to school with your child (in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, grade, teacher & pin number). Or, you can log on to mySchoolBucks.com, and manage your child’s account on-line (you can get more information about using mySchoolBucks.com on the TSD website).

Elementary Meal Prices for 2017-2018 School Year:

Breakfast - $1.35, Reduced Breakfast - $.30

Lunch - $2.35, Reduced Lunch - $.40

Milk - $.45

Lunch menus are posted in every classroom, printed in the monthly school newsletter and posted on the district website.

Meal Charge Procedures

Food Service Meal Charge Procedures


Students may not charge meals in excess of -$8.00 (approximate cost of three reimbursable meals).

If a student’s account exceeds this limit, the parent will be notified. If the account is not brought up to date within five (5) days, the student will be put on a “CASH ONLY” status. Students with a “cash only” status must either pay cash for the reimbursable school meal each day or bring a packed lunch from home. Any cash that exceeds the amount of the reimbursable meal must be credited to any balance owed. Students who have a “cash only” status and who do not bring cash or a packed lunch will be provided with the following:

All students will receive a reimbursable lunch which will consist of the cold sandwich of the day, fruit, vegetable and milk. This will be provided at the regular cost of a school lunch and will be charged to the student’s lunch account.

Students will remain on “cash only” status until the account balance is paid in full.

Low balance notices for accounts with $8.00 or less will be given to students by the cashiers as needed. Parents/guardians may also view their child’s account balance and also deposit money into the account via the District’s web page at www.tus.k12.pa.us. If needed, Free and Reduced Lunch forms are available in the school offices throughout the school year.

Students with a negative account balance may pay cash for his/her lunch on any given day. Any monies over the amount of that day’s meal must be put toward the balance owed.

Students with a negative account balance are not permitted to make a la carte purchases until all charges are paid in full.

When a student’s account reaches a negative balance of $50.00, the parent/guardian will receive a letter and have ten (10) days to pay the account in full. If the account is not paid in full, or arrangements are not made with the Food Service Department to make payments, the account will be turned over to the District Magistrate for collection.

Any balances at the end of the school year will be carried over on the account for the next school year.

PLEASE NOTE: Current free and reduced lunch students will receive a reimbursable (regular school lunch) meal. This will be for all grade levels. Students who qualify for free or reduced lunches are still required to pay all outstanding lunch charges prior to the approval of the lunch application.


Emergency messages for your child may be telephoned to our school secretary who will make every effort to see that your child receives them. If possible, please have these messages to the school before 1:45 P.M.


It is the policy of the Tuscarora School District to provide an equal opportunity for all children to be admitted and to achieve their maximum potential through the programs offered in the schools and not

to discriminate against students or employees on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, handicap, sex, ancestry, or national origin in the district's educational and vocational programs, activities or employment as required by Title VI, Section 504 and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act. *

Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI and IX and Section 504, may be directed to the TUS Superintendent, 100 W. Seminary Street, Mercersburg, PA 17236, telephone 717-328-3127, or to the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education.

*Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 refers to discrimination on the basis of race. Title IX of the 1982 Educational Amendments refers to discrimination on the basis of sex. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 refers to discrimination on the basis of handicap. Approved August 12, 1985


There are several ways to maintain good communication with your child's teacher.

1. Each day our teaching staff has time from 2:15 – 2:50 P.M. to meet with parents. Appointments should be made in advance for these meetings.

2. Corresponding by written notes or email to a child's teacher is another way to communicate.

3. Telephone calls are also a good way to communicate with a teacher. If you are calling to speak with a teacher during his/her instructional time, your call will be forwarded to the teacher’s voicemail. He/She will return your call at their earliest opportunity.

4. Parent conferences are held in November of each year.

5. A time not to conference is during PTA/PTO nights. Often other parents are present, and teachers are reluctant to share valuable information with parents. Parents are urged to make PTA/O nights a time for learning about the school in general and enjoying the fellowship of other parents.


Parking is permitted in the front and back parking lots at any time during the school day. You may park along the curb (in the front of the building where students are dropped off/picked up by buses) during the hours of 8:00 am – 1:00 pm.


From time to time students have illnesses or physical problems that limit their participation in Physical Education classes. Our school procedures for handling these situations will be:

1. A doctor’s note gives clearance for participation or limitations for a specific amount of time.

2. A parent note for excuse in participation will clear one or two Physical Education classes.

3. A doctor’s note will take precedence over a parent note.

4. Without either a parent or doctor’s note for excuse from physical education class, the student will be

expected to participate.


See Appendix B


Students in good academic and behavioral standing have the opportunity to participate in a number of school privileges which include:

· school assemblies

· class trips

· participation in after school activities

· end of the year celebration assemblies

· special projects or activities


Board Policy – Pupils #215(Promotion and Retention)

Promotion/retention decisions for at-risk students are stigmatizing and have the potential of influencing lifelong effects. Thus, the results of promotion/retention decisions must be based on quantitative student data to the largest extent possible. Data sources should include at minimum: classroom performance, curriculum based assessment, rate of attendance, performance on teacher made tests, standardized group and individual achievement scores, and structured classroom observations. Data are then reviewed by the building principal, classroom teacher, and parent. Related district staff may be involved if necessary.

The IST, Special Education, 504 Plan, or ESL team must meet, at minimum, on one occasion prior to formally considering retention for a student at-risk. Parent attendance is necessary.

For students in the regular education curriculum, teacher-parent communication must be documented and the at-risk student must receive IST services before retention can be formally considered.

Parental permission is required for retention in kindergarten since enrollment is optional, not mandatory.


1. If outdoor temperature is 25 degrees or below, there will be NO outside recess.

2. At 26 - 30 degrees, the teacher will make the final decision concerning recess.

3. At temperatures above 30 degrees decisions will be made by the teacher, taking the following into consideration:

Relative humidity; Wind chill factor; Sunshine

*Student’s must have a doctor’s note in order to be excused from going outside for recess.


Board Policy – Pupils #206 (Assignment within District)

The building principal shall assign students in the school to appropriate grades, classes or groups, based on consideration of the needs and abilities of the student, as well as the administration of the school. Parental requests for a specific classroom teacher will not be accepted.


Board Policy – Pupils #224 (Care of School Property)

Each student will be issued materials considered necessary for learning in each of the subjects taught. In some cases, supplies such as paper, pencils, art supplies, etc. are made available as needed. All such materials and supplies are the property of the school district and are loaned to students by their teachers. Unlawful taking, destroying or disfiguring, or any form of vandalism will be prosecuted, and payment for the loss or partial loss will be required.

School Calendar


Jenny Boone, RN Nurse JBMS

Ashley Christman, LPN Nurse Assistant St. Thomas Elementary School

MaryAnn Evans, LPN Nurse Assistant Mt. View Elementary School

Stacey Carbaugh, LPNNurse Assistant Mercersburg Elementary School

Lynnette Alger, LPNNurse Assistant Montgomery Elementary School

Kim Clopper, RNNurse JBHS

Jaime Hammond, LPNNurse JBHS


It is the Policy of the Tuscarora School District to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment. It shall be a violation of this Policy for any member of the district staff to harass a student through conduct or communications of a sexual nature as defined below. It shall also be a violation of this policy for students to harass other students through conduct or communications of a sexual nature as defined below.

Sexual harassment shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when made by any member of the school staff to a student, when made by any member of the school staff to another staff member or when made by any student to another student when:

1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or education, or when

2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for academic or employment decisions affecting that individual, or when

3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's academic or professional performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment or education environment.

Sexual harassment, as defined above, may include, but is not limited to the following: verbal harassment or abuse; pressure for sexual activity; repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaning implications; unwelcome touching; suggesting or demanding sexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning one's grades, job, etc. Any person who alleges sexual harassment by any staff member or student in the district may use the district's complaint procedure or may complain directly to his/her immediate supervisor, building principal, guidance counselor or other individual designated to receive such complaints. Filing of a complaint or otherwise reporting sexual harassment will not reflect upon the individual's status nor will it affect future employment, grades or work assignments.

The district will act positively to investigate alleged sexual harassment claims and to effectively remedy them when an allegation is determined to be valid. The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected consistent with the district's legal obligations, and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred.

A substantiated charge against a student in the school district shall subject that student to student disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion, consistent with the student discipline code. Given the nature of the type of discrimination, the district also recognizes that false accusations of sexual harassment can have serious effects on innocent people. Therefore, false accusations will result in the same severe disciplinary action applicable to one found guilty of sexual harassment.

The following procedures shall be used in cases of sexual harassment by a student:

1. Verbal Harassment:

a. First OffenseRemoval of privilege (to include recess, assemblies, etc.) for

a three day period.

b. Second OffenseOne day in-school suspension and removal of privileges (as

stated above).

c. Third OffenseTwo days in-school suspension and removal of privileges for

five (5) days and loss of class trip.

d. Fourth offenseTwo days of out-of-school suspension with removal of

privileges as stated above (c).

2. Gestures: Same as above.

3. Physical Contact:Administrative discretion will be used in all cases of physical contact. Thepunishment for each case may include in school or out-of-school suspension

and contact to appropriate social agencies.

In all cases, parents of all parties will be contacted by the school and school support services, such as the guidance services, will be involved.


Board Policy – Programs #113 (Special Education)

Each student with a disability who is a resident of our district shall be provided quality education programs and services that meet the student’s needs for educational, instructional, transitional and related services. The special education program shall be designed to comply with law; conform to district goals; and integrate programs of special education with the regular instructional program of schools, consistent with the interests of the student with a disability and other students.

The Tuscarora School District provides a continuum of support services and special education programs.  Programs provided directly by the district include Learning Support, Emotional Support, Life Skills Support and Gifted Support. Speech & Language, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and other related services are provided to students requiring these services in order to access their educational programs. Additionally, the district contracts with the Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12 to provide programs and services for exceptional students needing autistic support, hearing impaired support, multiple disabilities support, and visually impaired support.

The Lincoln Intermediate Unit also provides early intervention services for eligible preschool children. 

A variety of screening activities take place in an effort to identify students who may be at-risk.  All students who register for kindergarten undergo screening to determine each child's developmental level

in language, visual and motor areas.  Vision screening is conducted on a yearly basis for all students.

Hearing screenings are conducted yearly from kindergarten through third grade, then in seventh grade and eleventh grade. Additionally, programs are provided by the Lincoln Intermediate Unit to identify preschool children who may need early intervention services.

In accordance with the School Records Policy of the Tuscarora School District, information obtained regarding a specific child is maintained in a confidential manner. The Student Records Policy

incorporates provisions from state, as well as federal regulations relating to the confidentiality of student records.

For additional information regarding special education and services in the Tuscarora School District, contact the TUS Superintendent or Mrs. Michelle Bennett, Director of Special Education (328-3127).


Occasionally, there are special events held in a particular classroom or for a particular group of students that a parent is invited to attend. If the event ends at 2:10 p.m., parents may take their child along with them (after notifying the classroom teacher & front office). If there are other children in the family in other classrooms, and the parent would like to take them as well, a signed note must be brought in by those children and given to their teacher on the morning of the event. This alleviates much confusion at dismissal time. When students leave school before 2:10 p.m. (for any reason), they will need to be signed out in the office. This will be considered an early dismissal.


The primary purpose of discipline in a school is to teach the student self-discipline, acceptable social behavior, and to promote an atmosphere conducive to learning. It is the school's intention to reinforce acceptable behavior with approval and praise and to correct undesirable behavior patterns. We ask your cooperation in helping us enforce all school rules and regulations so that we may provide a safe and pleasant educational environment for your child.

I. Generally, students have the responsibility to:

· attend school on a regular basis and be on time

· complete all academic work assigned

· bring appropriate tools to class (books, etc.)

· obey school rules and state & federal laws

· respect the rights of others

· be in control of their actions

· use appropriate language

· respect school property

· dress appropriately for school and abide by the rules of modesty, safety, and cleanliness.

II. Classroom Behavior

Each teacher is expected to maintain order in the classroom by establishing guidelines for student conduct. These guidelines include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. No loud talking or other inappropriate noise.

2. Respect should be shown to everyone.

3. Attendance should be regular.

4. Trash should be disposed of properly.

5. Obey regulations established by the teacher.

6. Handle school and personal property carefully.

7. Refrain from bringing toys, candy, gum and pocket items to school.

8. Be orderly.

9. Be honest.

10. Stay in line when walking in the halls.

III. Cafeteria Behavior

1. No loud talking or other inappropriate noise.

2. Respect should be shown to everyone.

3. Form lines when waiting for lunch and returning trays with no breaking in line.

4. Practice good table manners.

5. No food is to be taken from the cafeteria.

6. Stay at your table until dismissed by the person on duty.

7. Students are asked to tidy their eating area before leaving. This includes paper, spilled food, etc.

8. Sharing food is inappropriate.

9. Supervisors will help with problems. Students are asked to raise their hand to indicate needing help

10. Line up quietly to return to classroom.

11. Pencils, paper, books, toys, etc. do not belong in the cafeteria.

12. Saving of seats is not permitted.

13. All necessary eating items are to be picked up in the serving line. If students forget an item, he or she should raise his/her hand for assistance.

14. Throwing anything in the cafeteria is not permitted.

Compliance with standards of conduct is mandatory.


Board Policy – Pupils #218 (Student Discipline)

The Tuscarora School Board acknowledges that student conduct is closely related to learning. An effective educational program requires a safe and orderly school environment.

So that parent, teachers and students alike understand and know that school misbehavior brings consequences, the following guidelines for discipline will be used by staff and administration in discipline cases.

Whenever a child chooses not to follow our school rules we will employ consequences that hopefully will encourage him/her to behave in a more cooperative, considerate manner. The following are examples of consequences that we will utilize in order to encourage practice of self-discipline.

1. Parent contact/conference

2. Behavior contract

3. Removal of privileges/timeout

4. Verbal reprimand

5. Student apology to parties involved

6. Room clean-up assignment/Repayment for damages

7. Other remedy deemed appropriate by teacher

8. Referral to principal

9. In-school suspension

10. Out-of-school suspension

Please Note:Automatic suspension and notification of State Police can be given for any of the following:

1. Possession of a weapon, replica of a weapon, dangerous object on school buses or school grounds

2. Possession of/use of dangerous substances or drugs

3. Acts of major vandalism

4. Terroristic threats directed toward staff or students

5. Fighting with malicious intent to injure or harm


Mercersburg Elementary:

Parents should never drop off a child prior to 7:20 a.m. as there will be no supervision for that child until that time. When dropping off a child during normal arrival time (7:20-7:40) or departure time (2:10) parents are asked to use the drop off lane/circle in the back parking lot by the Central Administration entrance. DO NOT PULL INTO THE BUS RAMP. For the safety of your child and of those arriving on buses, please do not park in between or weave around buses during arrival or dismissal. Please do not pass buses

While they are engaged in picking up or dismissing students. WALKERS may use the Front Door Entrance.

Please note that students arriving after 7:40 will not have time to participate in the school breakfast program.


Students should arrive at school between 7:20 and 7:40 AM, and be ready to start class at 7:40 AM. All teachers take attendance and record student lunch choices before classes begin. They then complete opening exercises and move on to instruction time. Children who arrive late interrupt the learning for themselves and their classmates.


If a child is late for school, he/she must have a note stating the reason for the tardiness. Your child will be considered tardy if he/she arrives at school later than 7:40 a.m. During the course of the school year minutes of unexcused tardiness will accumulate and be considered one-half or one whole day of illegal absence.


Use of the office or classroom telephone should be kept to a minimum. Only those students with permission from their teacher will be permitted to use the school telephones.


Assessment Testing (if given) – October/April/May

State mandated tests-usually in early April

Special testing on an individual basis with parental permission.


Board Policy – Pupils #222 (Tobacco Use)

The Tuscarora School Board prohibits tobacco use and possession by students at any time in a school building and on any property, buses, vans and vehicles that are owned, leased or controlled by the school district.

Tobacco use shall be defined as use and/or possession of a lighted or unlighted cigarette, cigar and pipe; other lighted smoking product; and smokeless tobacco in any form.

The school district may initiate prosecution of a student who possesses or used tobacco in violation of this policy.


Board Policy – Pupils #248 (Unlawful Harassment)

Our school district strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in our schools in which harassment in any form is not tolerated. Complaints of harassment shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action will be taken when allegations are substantiated.



Board Policy – Community #907 (School Visitors)

Our schools maintain an atmosphere of welcome to visitors. However, parents, volunteers and general visitors often ask what proper, acceptable procedures are to be followed when visiting the school. For purposes of this writing "visitors" refers to volunteers, parents and general visitors.

In order to maintain an effective educational program for all pupils in classes, it is essential that as many distractions as possible be eliminated for students and teachers. The following are procedures that will

help our schools maintain a high level of instruction and allow all visitors knowledge of expected procedures while present at our schools:

A. Every visitor must stop at our school office before going to another area of the building. They will be required to sign our visitor’s log and wear a numbered visitor’s badge. They will note the visitor badge number on the log when they sign in, and check that they have returned the badge when they sign out. Badges shall be worn by all visitors, including maintenance persons.

B. If visiting/volunteering in a specific classroom, please knock at the teacher's door prior to entering the classroom. Always clear admission to the classroom with the teacher before entering the classroom.

C. If visiting the school to discuss your child's educational progress, make certain that this discussion takes place within the realm of an established appointment when the teacher has time and space to discuss the problem candidly with you.

D. Visiting/volunteering in school buildings after student school hours is discouraged unless an appointment has been made or a building teacher is present to supervise.

E. Visitors/volunteers are requested to stay with the purpose of the visit or volunteer task. For instance, if a visitor has an appointment with a specific teacher, that is where the visitor should be. If the volunteer’s task is copying papers, it would be inappropriate to be at another spot in the building or outside the building.

F. Student health or emotional concerns that may come incidentally to a visitor's attention should be referred to school office personnel or teacher and should never be cared for by the visitor. This is for the protection of the visitor.

G. Visitors are requested to refrain from any inappropriate physical contact with students while at the school.

H.Parents and students often ask about bringing visitors along to school to visit classes for a day. This presents a special problem with liability insurance and cannot be permitted.

I. Requests to observe a classroom must be submitted to the building principal at least two instructional days prior to the desired date of visitation. You will need to provide the name of the classroom teacher, the observation date and time, and the reason for the observation.

Remember, the intent of these procedures is to assure every parent that their child is safe within a school and that their child's instruction can proceed with as few distractions as possible.


Board Policy – Community #916 (School Volunteers)

The Board of School Directors has passed a “School Volunteer” policy with its main goal in mind to help protect our students when in school and participating in school activities. The policy requires all school volunteers to go through appropriate state screenings as well as complete a tuberculosis examination. Once you have completed the screening process and you volunteer once a school year, you do not have to renew each year. Please note that some clearances may need to be renewed every 5years to maintain acceptable volunteer status within the Tuscarora School District.

Please stop by the school office to obtain a school volunteer packet, which contains all the information needed to complete your volunteer requirements.


Board Policy – Pupils #218.1 (Weapons)

Possession of weapons in the school setting is a threat to the safety of students and staff and is prohibited by law.

Weapon – the term shall include but not be limited to any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchaku, firearm, shotgun, rifle, replica of a weapon, and/or any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury.

Possessing – a student is in possession of a weapon when the weapon is found on the person of the student; in the student’s locker; under the student’s control while on school property, on property being used by the school, at any school function or activity, at any school event held away from the school, or while the student is coming to or from school.


When a student moves out of our district, they will not be taken off of the rolls of the Tuscarora School District until a request for records is received from the school that the child will be attending.

If the Tuscarora School District does not receive a request for records, the student(s) will be marked truant from school.

If you are moving out of our district, please notify your child’s new school to complete the registration process so the request for records can be faxed.

The following is information for you to give to the new school for requesting records:

Phone number for the Tuscarora School District 717-328-3127.

Mercersburg Elementary School Ext 2500 Fax number 717-328-5628

Montgomery Elementary School Ext 2400 Fax number 717-328-9723

Mt. View Elementary School Ext 2600 Fax number 717-328-9591

St. Thomas Elementary School Ext 2700 Fax number 717-369-3183

James Buchanan Middle School Ext 2040 Fax number 717-328-9081

James Buchanan High School Ext 2200 Fax number 717-328-5428

If you would need any further assistance, please contact Christina McCammon @ 717-328-3127 Ext 2803