Church opening hours: Mon–Fri 10am–4pm; Sat 9am–1pm; Sun 7am–4pm Weekly services: Mon–Fri: 12:30pm Eucharist; Wed: 6:15pm Choral Evensong TRANSFIGURATION HYMNS: 178, 389, see page 4, 286 PREACHER The Rev’d Elaine Farmer Priest in the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn 7:45AM SAID EUCHARIST Reader: Dame Marie Bashir Intercessor: Robert Marriott 9:00AM SUNG EUCHARIST WITH KIDS@CHURCH Reader: Michael Farry Intercessor: Sue Mackenzie Choir: The St James’ Singers Setting: Dudman – Eucharist Motet: Wood – God omnipotent reigneth Voluntary: Dubois – Fiat Lux 11:00AM CHORAL EUCHARIST Reader: Roger Pitcher Intercessor: Susan Hamilton Choir: The Choir of St James’ Setting: Stopford – Keble Missa brevis Motet: Lauridsen – O nata lux Voluntary: Dubois – Fiat Lux 4:00PM CHORAL EVENSONG Reader: Christopher Telford Responses: Rose Canticles: Noble in A minor Anthem: Sumsion – They that go down to the sea in ships For the week beginning Sunday 26 February 2017 WEEKLY PEW SHEET As Sydney’s oldest church, St James’ is a place of soul-stirring worship, challenging preaching and fine music. We are a progressive community that welcomes all people regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, or religion. PLEASE USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH ORDER OF SERVICE BOOKLET YOU ARE WELCOME TO TAKE THE PEW SHEET HOME WITH YOU

WEEKLY PEW SHEET - SJKSsjks.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/WN-26-February-2017-Year-A.… · Weekly services: Mon ... and shatter them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ Now

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Church opening hours: Mon–Fri 10am–4pm; Sat 9am–1pm; Sun 7am–4pm Weekly services: Mon–Fri: 12:30pm Eucharist; Wed: 6:15pm Choral Evensong


HYMNS: 178, 389, see page 4, 286

PREACHER The Rev’d Elaine Farmer Priest in the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn

7:45AM SAID EUCHARIST Reader: Dame Marie Bashir Intercessor: Robert Marriott

9:00AM SUNG EUCHARIST WITH KIDS@CHURCH Reader: Michael Farry Intercessor: Sue Mackenzie Choir: The St James’ Singers Setting: Dudman – Eucharist Motet: Wood – God omnipotent reigneth Voluntary: Dubois – Fiat Lux

11:00AM CHORAL EUCHARIST Reader: Roger Pitcher Intercessor: Susan Hamilton Choir: The Choir of St James’ Setting: Stopford – Keble Missa brevis Motet: Lauridsen – O nata lux Voluntary: Dubois – Fiat Lux

4:00PM CHORAL EVENSONG Reader: Christopher Telford Responses: Rose Canticles: Noble in A minor Anthem: Sumsion – They that go down to the sea in ships

For the week beginning Sunday 26 February 2017 WEEKLY


As Sydney’s oldest church, St James’ is a place of soul-stirring worship, challenging preaching and fine music. We are a progressive community that welcomes all people regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, or religion.




Please advise one of the Sidespersons if you would like Communion brought to you in the pew.

If necessary, you are welcome to sit for those parts of the liturgy when it is normal to stand.


O God, in the transfiguration of your Son you confirmed the mysteries of the faith by the witness of Moses and Elijah, and in the voice from the cloud you foreshadowed our adoption as your children: Make us, with Christ, heirs of your glory, and bring us to enjoy its fullness; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


A reading from the Book Exodus 24:12–18

The Lord said to Moses, ‘Come up to me on the mountain, and wait there; and I will give you the tablets of stone, with the law and the commandment, which I have written for their instruction.’ So Moses set out with his assistant Joshua, and Moses went up into the mountain of God. To the elders he had said, ‘Wait here for us, until we come to you again; for Aaron and Hur are with you; whoever has a dispute may go to them.’

Then Moses went up on the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain. The glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days; on the seventh day he called to Moses out of the cloud. Now the appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire on the top of the mountain in the sight of the people of Israel. Moses entered the cloud, and went up on the mountain. Moses was on the mountain for forty days and forty nights.

A short silence is observed.

Reader For the Word of the Lord, All Thanks be to God.


At the 7:45am Eucharist the Psalm is recited antiphonally, a long pause being observed at the colon. At the 9:00am Eucharist the following antiphon and setting of the Psalm is used. At the 11:00am Eucharist a Book of Common Prayer setting of the Psalm is sung by the choir.


Chant: W. Crotch


Why are the nations in tumult:

and why do the peoples cherish a vain dream?

The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers conspire together:

against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,

‘Let us break their bonds asunder:

let us throw off their chains from us.’

He that dwells in heaven shall laugh them to scorn:

the Lord will hold them in derision.

Then will he speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury:

‘I, the Lord, have set up my king on Zion my holy hill.’

I will announce the Lord’s decree, that which he has spoken:

‘You are my son, this day have I begotten you.

Ask of me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance:

the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession.

You may break them with a rod of iron:

and shatter them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.’

Now therefore be wise, O kings:

be advised, you that are judges of the earth.

Serve the Lord with awe, and govern yourselves in fear and trembling:

lest he be angry, and you perish in your course.

For his wrath is quickly kindled:

blessed are those that turn to him for refuge. Response


A reading from the Second Letter of Peter 1:16–21

For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received honour and glory from God the Father when that voice was conveyed to him by the Majestic Glory, saying, ‘This is my Son, my Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.’ We ourselves heard this voice come from heaven, while we were with him on the holy mountain. So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.

A short silence is observed.


Reader For the Word of the Lord, All Thanks be to God.

We will now sing the Gradual Hymn No. 389.


Please remain standing and turn to face the Gospel reader.

Reader/All Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Cantor This is my Son, my beloved, in whom is all my delight: listen to him. Alleluia!

All Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Deacon A reading from the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to St Matthew.

All Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. Then Peter said to Jesus, ‘Lord, it is good for us to be here; if you wish, I will make three dwellings here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.’ While he was still speaking, suddenly a bright cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud a voice said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him!’ When the disciples heard this, they fell to the ground and were overcome by fear. But Jesus came and touched them, saying, ‘Get up and do not be afraid.’ And when they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus himself alone. As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus ordered them, ‘Tell no one about the vision until after the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.’

Deacon For the Gospel of the Lord, All Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


1. With glorious clouds encompassed round, whom angels dimly see, will the Unsearchable be found, or God appear to me?

2. Will he forsake his throne above, himself to men impart? Answer, thou Man of grief and love, and speak it to my heart!



Baptised Christians from all traditions are welcome to receive Communion. All others are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing. Please move to the altar rail.

You are advised to take any valuables with you to Communion to ensure their security.

We also request that people not use the practice of ‘intinction’ at Communion (the practice of dipping the consecrated bread into the consecrated wine) as it increases the possibility of transmitting infection. If you are concerned about use of the common cup, it is acceptable for you to receive Communion in one kind (i.e. the bread only). Gluten-free wafers are available upon request.



Words: George Ratcliffe Woodward (1848-1934), paraphrase Psalm 93 Music: Charles Wood (1866-1926)

3. In manifested love explain thy wonderful design; what meant the suffering Son of Man, the streaming blood divine?

4. Didst thou not in our flesh appear, and live and die below, that I may now perceive thee near, and my Redeemer know?

5. Come then, and to my soul reveal the heights and depths of grace, the wounds which all my sorrows heal, that dear disfigured face.

6. I view the Lamb in his own light, whom angels dimly see, and gaze, transported at the sight, through all eternity.

Words: Charles Wesley (1707-1788) Music: Tune: IRISH Composer Unknown [NEH 500]

Ocean billow and breaker

Uplift the voice of pride;

But their mightier Maker

Governeth wind and tide.

His laws and sure decree

Of holiness are telling,

Which evermore shall be

Sole inmate of His dwelling. Amen.

God omnipotent reigneth,

Clad in apparel bright;

Sovran King He remaineth,

Girded about with might;

By him the world alone

Immutably was grounded;

In heav’n hath He His throne,

From everlasting founded.



Words: Hymn at Lauds on the Feast of the Transfiguration Music: Morten Johannes Lauridsen (b. 1943)


Théodore Dubois (1837-1924) – Fiat Lux


The laying on of hands and anointing with prayers for healing, for yourself or on behalf of others, will be offered in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit after the 9:00am and 11:00am services.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Please pray for the Diocese of Malek (Province of Upper Nile, Sudan) and the Right Reverend Peter Joh Mayom.

The sick – Immediate: Denise Cranmer, Jane Lester, Anna Green, Jane Fulcher, Rod Ordish, Melissa Melvin, Mitchell Eaton, Peter Meyer, Margaret Bruce, Tim Fetherston.

In need: Dale Chen, Angelica Stevens, Daniel Bell.

The sick – Long-term: Anahera Chessum, John Grace, Max Watson, Isabelle Cavanough, Robin Millhouse, Peter Christian, Gillian Virginie, Faye Green, Helen Lord, Lynda Cox, Daphne Bunce, Jean Lowe, Martha McRae, Megan Nelson, Jim Ridley, Rodney Knock, Leigh Knock, Pamela Sapsford, Bob Crundwell, Cherie Sheppard, Fr John Beer, Maddy Ritchie, Candace Waters, The Waters family, Aldine Dallas, Norma Shore, Gabriel Miles, Fr Ken Shillito, Tim Potter, Ray Sharp, Peter Stewart, Marian Pilone, Marion Barton, Neville Harris, Shirley Harris, Steve Bell, Benjamin York, Ariel Roman, Bp Ken Mason, Sue Keats, Ashleigh Lester, Joyce Wiltshire, Paula Ginns, Dorothy van Twest, Judith Chandler, Rhonda Gordon, John Eddy, Fiona Hawke, Barry Shepherd, Phillip, Norma Penglase, Dorothy Picard, Frances Rolfe, Helen Ashley, Hamish Richards, Jean Keppie, Lia Edwards, Billie Brace, Eve Syme, The Rev’d Paul Cooper, June Miller.

The recently departed: (Prof.) William Bruce Conolly, Dan Vickerman, David Rumsey, Bishop John Salt OGS, Joyce Ord, James Rigney, priest.

O nata lux de lumine,

Iesu redemptor saeculi,

Dignare clemens supplicum

Laudes precesque sumere.

Qui carne quondam contegi

Dignatus es pro perditis.

Nos membra confer effici,

Tui beati corporis.

Born light from light,

Jesus, redeemer of the age,

mercifully deign to accept suppliants’

praises and prayers.

You once deigned to take on flesh

for the sake of the lost damned.

Grant that we be made members

of your blessed body.



THE FLOWERS IN THE CHURCH TODAY are in loving memory of

Ihaia, Anahera and

Eruera Chessum

May they rest in peace and rise again in glory.

Those whose year’s mind falls at this time: Gweneth Quelch, Harry Wynne, Douglas Treloar, Jennifer Looman, Robert Ritchie, Rex Jones, Pauline Davies, Maja Matzoll, Errol Hodge, William Leslie Sanders, priest, Andrew Thompson, Diane Napthali.

Please note that names of the sick will remain on the ‘Immediate’ list for one month only. If there is a need for a name to remain longer, please ask for it to be placed on the ‘Long Term’ list. All requests should be made to Dianne Ward, the Office Administrator, at [email protected].


Ash Wednesday will be celebrated in St James’ Church this year on 1 March with services of Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes at 7:00am and 12:30pm.

At 6:30pm there will be a Solemn Choral Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes.



3:30pm, Julie Sheppard, light refreshments provided. Ring: 8521 7666 or email: [email protected]

Thurs. 2 March, Rectory, 6:30pm to 8:00pm, Christopher Waterhouse, light refreshments provided. Ring: 8227 1305.

Thurs. 2 March, Homebush, 7:00pm to 8:30pm, Kumar Rasiah, light refreshments provided. Ring: 0411 401 690.

To register, or if you have any queries about SJI, please either send an email to [email protected] or phone 8227 1305 and leave a message.

Season Tickets for 2017 cost $170/150 (Conc. for Centrelink pensioners and full-time students only.) Please pay for your Season Ticket either directly into the church account: (BSB 032 007, A/C 250025, A/C name:

Churchwardens St James’ General Account,

Reference: St James’ Institute Season

Ticket); or by cheque made out to St James’ Church General Account but marked on the back: St James’ Institute Season Ticket with your name and address listed; or by phoning Dianne on 8227 1300 and paying by credit card over the phone.

EASTER PREPARATIONS Please return the palm cross you received last Palm Sunday to the Verger or place in the offering plate. The palm crosses are needed to provide ashes for Ash


Palm branches are needed to decorate the church for Palm Sunday. If you can help with long or short green palm branches, or know where we might obtain some, please contact Fr John Stewart on 8227 1304.

CHANGE OF SUNDAY CHORAL EVENSONG TIME Please note that the time for the monthly service of Choral Evensong has changed to 4:00pm to allow the musicians sufficient time to rehearse between services.


Last Friday Bishop Ken commemorated the 49th anniversary of his consecration. At refreshments after the 11am Eucharist TODAY, we will help him to celebrate further with champagne and cake.

ST JAMES’ INSTITUTE Lenten Study Groups: Pilgrim Course To obtain a study booklet (Cost: $10) prior to the commencement of the series, please contact the leader of the group which you wish to attend.

The Pilgrim Course Lenten Study groups begin the week of Monday 27 February and continue for 6 weeks. There will be six groups as follows. Please choose which group suits you and contact the leader for more details regarding address, etc. and so that a study booklet can be delivered to you before the group commences. It is still important to register as well, so also please email or phone SJI as noted below.

The Groups (with starting dates and leaders) are: Mon. 27 Feb., Clergy House, Chatswood, 10:00am to Noon, Fr John Stewart, light refreshments provided. Ring: 9410 3077.

Tues. 28 Feb., St James’ Hall, 1:00pm to 2:00pm, Fr Andrew Sempell, light refreshments provided. Ring: 8227 1300.

Tues. 28 Feb., Pyrmont, 6:00pm for 6:30pm, Ross & Libby Hindmarsh, share in a light meal. Ring: 0404 492 444.

Wed. 1 March, Caringbah, 2:00pm to


SHROVE TUESDAY The annual Pancake Tuesday Night in aid of St Laurence House will be held at 6:30pm on Tuesday 28 February. Our Regional Bishop Michael Stead and former Bishop Rob Forsyth will participate in a crepe-making ‘bake-off’. Enjoy a meal of savoury pastas and sweet crepes. Drinks will be available. Venue: Christ Church St Laurence Hall, 505 Pitt Street, Sydney. Cost: $20 (single) and $50 (family) – tickets are available at St James’ from Alan Soutar after services TODAY or at the door on the night.

ST JAMES’ EATS The first St James’ Eats for 2017 is on Friday 3 March, 6:30pm for 7:00pm, at Choyan in Gordon (Chinese), 9-11 St John’s Ave Gordon. It is a 3 minute walk from Gordon station. There is parking near the station and some in St John’s Ave. We will be eating upstairs but there is a chair lift. Cost: $35.00 pp incl. corkage and tip. As usual, please prepay to secure your booking. Contact Chris Cheetham on 0407 017 377 or at [email protected]

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER Friday 3 March at 12 noon at Wesley Mission, 220 Pitt Street, Sydney. Phone: 9266 9801 for more information.

VISITING DANISH CHOIR On Sunday 5 March at 3:00pm the Sankt Annae Youth Choir will be presenting a concert in St James’ Church. This choir of more than 175 singers is one of the largest in Europe and enjoys the patronage of His Royal Highness Crown Prince


Frederik. It has a repertoire of both classical and contemporary music from various nations and has toured internationally on several occasions.

FUNERAL FOR PROF. CONOLLY A Requiem Mass for well-loved hand surgeon, Associate Professor W. Bruce Conolly, will be held at 1:00pm on Monday 6 March in St James’ Church.

CHOIR CONCERT The first concert for 2017 is J.S. Bach’s St John Passion, which will be presented by The Choir of St James’ and BachBand@St James’ on Friday 7 April at 7:00pm in the City Recital Hall, Angel Place. Bookings online to City Recital Hall at www.cityrecitalhall.com/events/st-john-passion

MEN’S GROUP Our first meeting of the year is on Saturday 18 March at 12 Noon, 15 Macleay Ave, Wahroonga. Our speaker is The Very Rev’d Dr David Ranson, Vicar General of the Diocese of Broken Bay, who has recently spoken at the Royal Commission into the Catholic Church and its institutional responses to child abuse. His topic is: ‘Fixing What is Broken in the Church’. RSVP to David Cheetham on 0405 199 189. Other dates for the year are: 13 May, 1 July, 9 September, 4 November.

LENTEN QUIET DAY: SATURDAY 4 MARCH You are invited to participate in a Quiet Day to be held in the first week of Lent in the church and grounds of St John’s Balmain. The conductor will be The Rev’d Keith Dean-Jones OGS, Rector of Bundaberg in the


Diocese of Brisbane, Australian Provincial of the Oratory of the Good Shepherd. Place: St John’s Church, Corner of Birchgrove Road & Spring Street, Balmain. Time: Gather for Welcome at 10:00 am; Morning Prayer at 10:30 am; Eucharist at 12:30 pm; Evening Prayer 4:00 pm; Depart c. 4:20 pm. There will be two addresses, and Fr Keith will be available, if desired, for consultation and/or reconciliation. Cost: There is no charge. Participants are asked to bring their own picnic lunches to eat after the midday Eucharist. Tea and coffee will be available. Enquiries: The Rev’d Ronald Henderson OGS on 9755 9181 or at [email protected]



The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Church of St James’ King Street,

Sydney, will be held in the Church between 1:00pm and 2:30pm on Sunday

19 March 2017.

The business of the meeting is to receive the financial statements of the year

ended 31 December 2016; to elect Church Wardens, Parish Councillors and

Parish Nominators; and to conduct any other business of the AGM.


Warren Trevelyan-Jones will be giving a talk on the ‘English Choral Tradition’ to the Northside Opera Study Group on Monday 13 March from 10:00am to 12:30 pm. Do join us in the Undercroft of the Lindfield Uniting Church located at 454 Pacific Highway near the corner of Provincial Road. Cost $20. For further details contact Mary Sanders on 0412 812 740.

EREMOS PRESENTS The Hon Kristina Keneally 12 March 2:00pm Pitt St Uniting Church, $25 booked by 8 March. See www.eremos.org.au/events/03_Feb/faith-and-politics-with-the-hon-kristina-keneally for details.


MORE INFORMATION on the Parish can be found on our website, www.sjks.org.au, including links to our bi-monthly magazine, Parish Connections.

Please consider paying your offering directly into the church account.

The details are: BSB 032 007, A/C 250025, Churchwardens St James’ Gen. A/C.

Offering cards are available from the Office if you use direct debit.


Office: Level 1, 169–171 Phillip St, Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 8227 1300 Fax: 9232 4182 E-mail: [email protected]

Rector: The Reverend Andrew Sempell E: [email protected] T: 8227 1303 (Mobile: 0419 018 225)

Associate Rector: The Reverend John Stewart E: [email protected] T: 8227 1304 (AH 9410 3077)

Director of the St James’ Institute: Christopher Waterhouse E: [email protected] T: 8227 1305

Churchwardens: John Dakin, Kumar Rasiah and Michael Robinson. E: [email protected]

Website: www.sjks.org.au

Please send any notices for inclusion in the Parish News to the office by Tuesday morning.


5 MARCH 2017











GUILD OF ST RAPHAEL HEALING EUCHARIST First Tuesday of each month, 6:15pm

MOTHERS’ UNION First Wednesday of each month, 10:30am


CHRISTIAN MEDITATION Tuesday, 1:10–1:50pm, Crypt Wednesday, 7:45–8:30am, Crypt Friday, 1:10–1:50pm, Crypt

WORSHIP Monday to Thursday 12:30pm, Holy Eucharist

Ash Wednesday: 1 March

7:00am, 12:30pm, Holy Eucharist

6:30pm, Choral Eucharist Sung by the Choir of St James’

LUNCHTIME CONCERT Wednesday 1 March 1:15pm NSW Police Band