i-ba e Office X I T m OER PUB A U -SA COUWYSEAT OF FiCTws Cou"Nr- ______________-____-__-sUBsCRIIm01 Entered ArII 23, 1L903 at PIckens, S. C. as second clas" Mall miatner, under t orfCon.-ress Of Iac ,17 PUUSHEID WEEKLY hed 1871-Volume 42 PICKENS, S. C., JANUARY 2, 9 May the Yea 1913 be the Best You Have Ever Had and the Worst You Will Ever Have is the Wis o e COUNTY COR Pleasant Grove! News Jimmie Philips of tis section went to Marietta Christmas Eve and while there he attend- ed a nice Christmas tree at Marietta church and reports a good time and lots of fun. J. L. Burgess and family spent Christras day with V. A. Rigdbb-and family. ' A. B. and J. Fortner of Green*ille are spending the Chrismas holidays with their father an& mother. Alonzo Fortner -has been con- fined to his bed for the.past few days,with cold and grip.- Jas. R. Duncan went to Green- ville Tuesday on business. Mr. Jack Moody, who has been.our neighbor for the past 8 years, has moeed down on the White Horse road ne.ar Green- ville. Mr. Rose Mayfield, son of George R. Mayfield, was thru this vicinity to day. Rose .is a nice young man and some of the young ladies would do well to trap him. Dr. E. C. Stroud of Marietta visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Rigdon, on Christ- mas morning and left with them a fine girl weighing 10 lbs. Who can beat this for a Chnstmas preent? - H. D. Anderson, has e to Florida to spend the ter. She is not -very stout seems to think her health 1 improve by going south for e winter. A. -T. Fortner killed a hog the er day that netted 400 unds. It also male about 15 allons of lard. Mrs. Ben Mastent who has siqkfor the last. few days is some better at this writing. Mr. Willard Keigle has moved in his big saw mill and is now ready to go to cutting the nice lot of timber he purchased from Mr. Bates. J. P. Anders is preparing to) build himself a new dwelling house on his farm on ~Saluda River. B. B. Barker has got his grist mill to running and is anxious to grind any one a good turn of meal. Well Mr. Editor it is getting late and news is scarce and I will ring off for this time, wish- ing.you and all that reads~ The Sentinel a happy New Year. A Farmer. Pickens Route 2 Eyerybody on Pea Ridge is enjoying themselves this week sitting by the fire. A large crowd attended the Christmas tree at Mountain View on Christmas eye. Rev, ane Mrs. J. T. Mann were welcome visitors in this community last week. Elmer Hendrix visited Jesse Bolding the first of last week. Misses Bethel and Ethel Mann spent last Thursday with their ~cousins, Misses Pearl and Leila Garrett. They report a nice time. Messrs. Clyde and Arthur arrtt went to Cheohepnme RESPONDENCE Cidar Rock News Mr. and Mrs. D. Burdin were visiting Mr. and Mr Lawrence, near Croswell, Sui day. Messrs. Edward Robins an John King of 4reenville. wei visiting at Mr. Joel H. Miller Sunday. Miss Pearl Turner, who j teaching. rear Travler's Rest, spending the holidays at hom Miss Rula Hendrix, a studer of Greenville Female College at home for the bolidays. Mrs. Anna Y. Bennett, teacher at Saluda Seminan Saluda N. C., is visiting at M Joel.H. Miller's. Mr. R. Bruce Stewart, a sti dent'of Clemson College is spen' ing the holidays with his p4 rents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stev art. Misses Ada Miller and Lul Juli-n, students of Salu< Seminary, are at home for tb holidays. Misses Lillian and Vivia Hendrix, were the guests < Miss Flossie Williams Saturda night. Mr. and Mrs. Bess Smith < Greenville, were visiting Mr. I F'. Smith last week. Messrs. Bolding and Pilgrir from the Six Mile section. wei visiting at Bob Hendrix's las week. Mr. Volasco Tripp and siste: Miss Mabel, of Anderson, ai v siting at Mr. Tom Julian's a present. Elmer Hendrix and sistei Miss Rula, were the guests < Mr. and Mrs. William Boldin near Six Mile last week. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stev art were the guests of Mr. an Mrs. Will Stewart, near Pici ens Sunday. Ford Williams, of the Cro: Roads section, left recently f4 Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Ossie Hunt < Greenville, are visiting Mr. at Mrs. B, H. Williams at presen The Cedar Rock school bega Monday morning, with M Elmer Hendrix as principa A. White Singleton, who no w railway mail clerk betwet Knoxville and Nashville Ten: spent the week-end at horn One of the enjoyable featuri of the holidays, was a pour party given at Mr. and Mr| Earl Gilstrap's Friday nigh Mr, Watson, of Anderson we the gut st of Mr. Tillman Julia recently. Rexie. News From Ooleno Mr. and Mrs. M. Hendrick who have been sick for the la three weeks are very much be tr to the delight of their man friends. Mr. and Mrs. Warrior King< Brevard,N. C. have been spen< ing the Christmas Holida' with the latter's mother, Mr Sallie Jones. Mr. and Mrs Jesse Morris ha' been visiting at the home W. F. Hendricks. The Ambler school open Decme3 h ih Mr. W. Death of Good I Lady at Six Mil After a lengthy illness ti death of Mrs. Malinda Kenn, e mur came not unexpectei She died December 17, and wi 93 years old. This noble woma lived to be perhaps the olde. lady in the countys She was cheerful up until her illness e few weeks past. She was a s unUsU3l exception among ag( persons. She had kept a brigl -smemory and could talk of h( is early life as any one would < . former years. She was coi t scious until the.end came. N< [ long before her sickness she sai< "I am ready to die, I've mac every sacrifice I know to maki a Mv 1aster's will is my will an I'm praying daily his will to do. She was laid to rest and wa the resurrection the day folloy i- ing at Old Pickens cemetery b - the side of her husband, Rei - Harvie Kenilemur, who lon preceeded her to the grav There were seen sons an a daughters. All are livin a except Mrs. J M. Burrough who 'died several years ag< The surviving 'are M.s. B. I Smith. of Reedy, CalifVOiI n Mrs. R. E. Parrott. Mr. N. I ' Kennemore, Mrs. E. M., Jone v of Pickens county; Mrs. C. I Morgan, of Oconee, and Mr. 2 f S. Kennemore, of Hansfor . Texas. Only a iew of th above named were present C the burial. Being impossibe t reach here Mrs. B. F. Smit t was sent a telegram and sor of the others were indisposed the time of the death of thei . mother. The funeral servic( e were conducted by Rev. H. J t O'Kelley, of Oconee. Prof. S. A. Rutledge returne , to this little village after havin spent a few days with his p, rents near Nashville, Tenn. Rey. B. C. Atkinson sper the latter Dart of the week Vit d relatives in Greenville. Rev. H. Right, of uppt Pickens county, was the gue s of R. P. Prince last Saturda r and Su.ndav. N. C. Merck spent the ho] fdays with homefolks here. Cleo Mann, of South Carolin University is spending the ho] n|days at home. He will retur '-|to Colu.nbia to resume h - studies at an early date. STillman Garrett. who ha nbeen attending college at Ashi vilyle, N. C. is at home this wee] SHe will return to Asheville Jai ~s nary 1st. dThe Six Mile Academy facu - ty will all be back today at Gwill resume work next Monda' s December 30th. The adjoining district schoo will begin work Monday, Ga yin being taught by Mr. Fran Welborn of Pickens, and upp< Six Mile by David Vickery< Shiloab. , I Tonap. ICentral Wants It ~fAnderson Daily Mail. - Mr F, B. Morgan, Jr., pres s dent of the Chamber of Con merce of Central, is very muc interested in a movement to g< the interurban people to build e link from Anderson to Clemso College and on to Calhoun ar Central. Such a line could ] d continued to Easley and coul -pick up a lot of cotton mi S r 'ght. doubt that Ande connection wil such "LET'S SEl e te An St oC ts 0- nia. ~ MR AI1 wodrfldscvr h. tewetSoegtRic returned; e r aod Inastag ln* ang staner,mucl td id u w t- hav plye atfamng more148 thnew an hdrd yea t hey Ataenwc Saout to dico the na a - n iee soil~y hargodwra had osell abo rt micoope toeer rea hid<l 0 wealmth Wh e there, er manytrneat, fothrss inffthimo tr They roldwstee and prse - dgthegnew mae fineld au as igl. crop strmore feed fr< L-th amosphaner, Eve zep n And a ba s fo w the is inThea aepln tasln co: T-he foesslaed an femin. T mrnstion as sonre, Soa, fr ln ike hre ats a hegira fr( tmhe aantic haes to Celi ad . wlo n dri bet e upr ,o d dad been noied sat edi mthprcs toweejarre toi lowestylevl. Sout go rih: es returnd others0 bareacon The0 gold wshere.n cotto 15ld I ond rnread a aoan cliagers ofuthis seti diAn itu nopwonelth.ts a ~ aeve plars are haringi smillsman voic hfuned<e helt They are nosbottumbdiso ftheweth soil. An he r car tahardae mlwanEd toiein dis paslow.ks lisetter thadn me theoscne tonkseas hidd earlth ofhgetere. whore .mahe farmerat rest ithis br< are, heroete hand pbense ed thesne Hocmde fielsad thercs. ucyoLthms Hocom thet atostherlae Every zepco n eaabreakatr 2ther bhomo trasiionlea se. ~o timean has sotillne ed tht prces erelard to I fior a $700 barelbcrn WHAT'S IN IT" othe Soil m ine for a century,- ai rich :)r- nourishing soil that had never of given color to the bloom of d. clover or sent a morsel to the th honey bee on the jubilant tassle ut of the rustling corn. nd Was it the N1%gh price of hay? ?d. No; .Iguess it was the pea ctop. ok Its searching tap-root went of down inta the soil and unlocked nd a store house of inexhaustible ad wealth. Deep plowing now is [g. waking up that sleeping wealth and it is going to swell the song ry of the harvest. .or Eyery hundred acres in culti- rs .vation last year paid enough rer Profit on flour, corn and meat he'*-6~bn*wvtetl- acres--nAire of-lanid 1is just as good. If any one had a sued the owners for that m ich en money, they would have fought so them tt4.he last Tf they 7 ha oti hecut hr v. wold hve ben antherfigh nd at' th 'rn ae ih.Iae h- balbto ho u.O e ne- wilfn4 t Altig r t elf Seiv nu oil . I led have worittenutoyou younric of mien bcolor tou the sroong. yth hone beav e ulnope tasth, b. of theustlm ting c atWa Liye your gpreof hifeyP? at Nour tir guesip was the pcow. oket seaetoing "taprest woent of down of the slectd lockte 2yfr nd ahe ofiestaustgible etr. wir itpi thepring elt and itijoigy.sel hesn ryodf Jt hariveiti. ad o or findra hundred acre n cuarm- etbide tei ackl re of gunda ey-mhongo theol peckewoughtn oe o thlst difch.ob heyt itl hold lousto ithecut.hr it wfysould have ane attack d at theumais,rontt look baou- :h- balhba or grnt sht gun.es,the he you' fore ta blid-ol bes fremer yr orc rheumaismsto eo >a thieeske youhave'tgt.h he ando s kow hsl orwet.H MyIwllfn Keowe fal thfg are0 he' es for jsale as awoe n scic )find fartmiandgo Belved, your-. hidsef, tibeiev inrchasr soil mak ed have owritenms. ouyon menbecauireeno are sotnwit est You houe husle, ihe, fth,o mh Sixie;alsoione othe youse r and your fimgn the tono pSxlw 'er bohndsle or feent. Finte sche fow nd uc youcillies Motio of meec lieoneer yfamadt. rest re Stephng heitere For mt istesrng ao. to esie te tc R. of tegine, theson ofthpckro and Criticises the New Rule of Doctor Mr. Editor: I notice the doc tors in Pickens have made a pledge not to practice for th< poor man without an orde: from the landlord. It looks lik( they have laid out a f6rtune foi the doctors at Easley, Liberty and Cateechee if they don't gt in it. I hear a lot of men say they will ao 40 miles before they will go after one that signed that pledge. I think you are all too fast,. for the poor people of Pickens county have made you just what you are. Foi I am pretty certain th-t some of you came to Pickens with- o'it much money. Just look what fine houses you have built since, and fine horses and buggies you -drive, Who paid for. them? The poor man, for the rich man, if he gets sick, travels for his health. He leaves no money with you tc buy cigars and then grind the poor man into dust and charge double what you charge the land owner. Mr. Editor, I know of one of the doctors charging a land owner, this summer, $8.50 for one trip tc see his wife, and in the same community he went to see a renter's wife for the some thing nd charged him $13:00. Now you se who k( know they them, but don't go bac honest man. There are honest poor men as theie are land owners. You know there are lot of men with land in their possession that if their debts were paid wouldn't be worth anything, and a lot have made their wives free dealers. That wont work. Here are the cotton mill people, what are you going to do with them? Here are men in town inrented houses. You know the man who.rented the house to theni wo7h' -stani ood-for their doctor bill. If I see it you are going to loose what practice you haye got. Let us hear from others of the county. Dont all write at once. The poor you have with you always. You have oppressed them. Read.James 5th Chapter from to 7thr verse. Read Mvatthew 25 chapter from 32 to 46. You doctors read the Bible more and study it and don't study so hard to know how to charge the poor. The Lord says in his Word that he will take care of his. . Just think I am one of his, so I wil] ring off. Jack Frost. Liberty Man Froze to Death Thursday Reuben Revis, a white man about 45 years old, was founc dead near the Southern rail way track between Norris and Lib erty last Thursday. He leaves a family. Speaking of this occurance the Liberty Gazette says: From the best information obtained it seems that Mr Revis who was liying at the Easley Cotton Mill of Liberty left home Monday, went to Norris and got some whiskey and was seen n<( more unitil found dead dy thos4 searching for him. He had con siderabie whiskey, in bottles around him, and signs indicated that he had imbibed rathie freely. M, A. Boggs, Esq.9 acting coroner, held the inques and the verdict that he came t< his death by freezing, was ren dered in accordance with th< above facats. Notice to Teachers I am authorized by the Stati Board of Education to hold a special teacher's examinatiol Friday, January 10, 1913, pre vided the same be necessary The examinationiwill be held iF the court house, commencing a 9 o'clock. If it is necessary fc any teachers to take the exam. nation they are requested to n< tify me so that I mayr mak proper arrangements for t1> CHRISTMAS Ballentine-Sheriff. On Sunday. December 22, 1912, at 5 o'clock at thehome of the bride's father at Noiil : Louia Ballentine, of Easlef, led to the hymenial altar Miss Vida, eldest daughter of Mr. Isaac Sheriff. Rev. D. W. Hiott, pastor of the bride per- formed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends and relatives. Mr. Ballentine is one of the most progressive young farmers of 'the Zion community below Easley. P-He is popular among the people and is to be congratulated on winning for his life partner one of the very best of the Norris community. The Sentinel feels especial in- terebt in this marriage for Miss Vida has been one of our corres- pondents for some time, so the 6ditor, manager and the other members office join in the wish that all along iife's pathway, the flowers may bloo-ji, the waters may ;parkle, the -birds may sing, that peace and pros- perity may ever abound in their home. At the residence of the.bride's father, Jas. K, Kirksey Mr. Samuel Sheriff of below Easley and Miss Mary Kirksey were ted in marriage Wednesda. , 12 o'clock Rev- G. F. Kirby 'ating. Only a few friends of the and bride's family were present. After the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served. At 2.30 the bridal party left amid the g wishes of all present. Married. December 25~ 1912 at the residence of the bride's pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs, H. D, Les- lie, Mr. Ervin Hayes and Miss Mattie Leslie. A. A. Jones, N.P., Married by J. B. Newber a his office, December 25, 1912, Miss Ellen Sanders and L. E. Hunter, of Calhoun. Married by J. B. N'ewbery at his residence, December 22, 1912, Miss Essie Parrott and Seagle Boldiiig, of Six Mile. Married on December 22, at the residence of the bride's pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs S. S. Childs, Mr, G,LTillman Dorr .and Miss Elvy Childs. A. A. Jones, N.P., officiating. 125 SOUTHERN WILL SEE WILSOs JOURNAL TO PI Special Pullman .Train' Will Ti Where They -Will Witness the the Wonders of America's M< .Opportunity Will Be Accorde< Borne by The Journal one hundred and twenty-five soi inauguration of President Woodjm]w Atlanta Journal.:( An opportunity to become a men school and college boy in the south; Journal will transport these boys to elal train of luxuriously-equipped Pi Every cent of expense for this board and hotel accommodations il seei'ng expeditions will be borne by 1125 school boys get aboard this trai this city five days later, they! will-bis Not often is such a trip as this of will only prove immensely entertal boys will see and the information i timate. WILL SEE WILSO3 The southern boys who go on ti tion of the first president which tl states since 1845..- They will be Pr who spent his boyhood and young-ma a Georgia girl, and two of whose chi] up his official residence in the Whit spicious occasion and hundreds of tb4 of this and foreign countries, will be The Journars guests will be pro which to view the Inaugural parade President-elect Wilson will ride. worth going hundreds of miles to se 1the many features which The Jour Eor full particulars, ad-dr< DAUGURATI4 Thu Cot a Blued Ahevntd Ifi esting to-mab onaccountf ii ce of thid :anj trac gparti "ed and"popula and Mrs.Jo Mr. W. D. rs~f C., whek~ t in the pree mate friends couple en4* ter, MISS - ed for several work at Peak. :_. membered by.iera here as oneof our. ladies in educati having ta0ghtffd Mr. Ellsossyd sterling businse holds -a bronfnem, Peak. Mi Ella literary work tar' May 1st thej:*iU: their f6iens: - We joi thefir: extendingvneda wish for them man happiness P. S.k hap y event - fromnul then -ecentsaj brids mothert- December daughter's MarnL hisside Miss Laven Boldinal of Married b J.:-* his office, Deam-wr his office, Deceb Miss Eliza T.Patt John M. AndersoEP Mr. Will L.Matt Gantt of Libertya!R6 MissMary Ba'rber d were married onp and cames to the ~ee groom's parent'a s d ini padiipaifgntb Christmas 4lner youngCo.pe ha! SCHOOULBO ~IN AUGURAK ~OVIDE FREE$ ke the Boys toWs~ Inauguration and >St Beautiful City-bs and Eve y-Cet~t ~thern school boys will herofthe peai iman and'4Unrng a. trip, Inungn meals .en_ 1Washnto~ and this aeP ron n Ii Atlant AltRle 0 !ered to the a~~e7 ning, but the. sljt- rhich they win -*l CNAUGW11! e souh aa esent when this^gat nhood inort,~n Ldren wraora:t1 HouM Tisi an which botN ass - )N OAXPAI1 AtIasea1ru

WEEKLY Entered ArII23, C. May the Yea be the Best You Have ... · i-ba e Office X I TmOER PUB A U-SA COUWYSEATOFFiCTwsCou"Nr-_____-____-__-sUBsCRIIm01 PUUSHEIDWEEKLY Entered ArII23,

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Page 1: WEEKLY Entered ArII23, C. May the Yea be the Best You Have ... · i-ba e Office X I TmOER PUB A U-SA COUWYSEATOFFiCTwsCou"Nr-_____-____-__-sUBsCRIIm01 PUUSHEIDWEEKLY Entered ArII23,

i-ba e Office X



COUWYSEAT OF FiCTws Cou"Nr- ______________-____-__-sUBsCRIIm01Entered ArII23, 1L903 at PIckens, S.C. as second clas" Mall miatner, under t orfCon.-ress Of Iac ,17PUUSHEID WEEKLY

hed 1871-Volume 42 PICKENS, S. C., JANUARY 2, 9

May the Yea 1913 be the Best You Have Ever Had and the Worst You Will Ever Have is the Wis o e

COUNTY CORPleasant Grove! News

Jimmie Philips of tis sectionwent to Marietta ChristmasEve and while there he attend-ed a nice Christmas tree atMarietta church and reports a

good time and lots of fun.J. L. Burgess and family

spent Christras day with V. A.Rigdbb-and family. '

A. B. and J. Fortner ofGreen*ille are spending theChrismas holidays with theirfather an& mother.Alonzo Fortner -has been con-

fined to his bed for the.past fewdays,with cold and grip.-Jas. R. Duncan went to Green-

ville Tuesday on business.Mr. Jack Moody, who has

been.our neighbor for the past8 years, has moeed down on theWhite Horse road ne.ar Green-ville.Mr. Rose Mayfield, son of

George R. Mayfield, was thruthis vicinity to day. Rose .is a

nice young man and some ofthe young ladies would do wellto trap him.

Dr. E. C. Stroud of Mariettavisited the home of Mr. andMrs. Jas. F. Rigdon, on Christ-mas morning and left withthem a fine girl weighing 10lbs. Who can beat this for a

Chnstmas preent?- H. D. Anderson, has

e to Florida to spend theter. She is not -very stoutseems to think her health

1 improve by going south fore winter.A. -T. Fortner killed a hog theer day that netted 400unds. It also male about 15

allons of lard.

Mrs. Ben Mastent who hassiqkfor the last. few days

is some better at this writing.Mr. Willard Keigle has moved

in his big saw mill and is now

ready to go to cutting the nicelot of timber he purchased fromMr. Bates.

J. P. Anders is preparing to)build himself a new dwellinghouse on his farm on ~SaludaRiver.B. B. Barker has got his gristmill to running and is anxiousto grind any one a good turn ofmeal.Well Mr. Editor it is getting

late and news is scarce and Iwill ring off for this time, wish-ing.you and all that reads~TheSentinel a happy New Year.

A Farmer.

Pickens Route 2

Eyerybody on Pea Ridge isenjoying themselves this weeksitting by the fire.

A large crowd attended theChristmas tree at MountainView on Christmas eye.

Rev, ane Mrs. J. T. Mannwere welcome visitors in thiscommunity last week.

Elmer Hendrix visited JesseBolding the first of last week.

Misses Bethel and Ethel Mannspent last Thursday with their

~cousins, Misses Pearl and LeilaGarrett. They report a nicetime.Messrs. Clyde and Arthurarrtt went to Cheohepnme


Mr. and Mrs. D. Burdinwere visiting Mr. and MrLawrence, near Croswell, Suiday.Messrs. Edward Robins an

John King of 4reenville. wei

visiting at Mr. Joel H. MillerSunday.Miss Pearl Turner, who j

teaching. rear Travler's Rest,spending the holidays at hom

Miss Rula Hendrix, a studerof Greenville Female Collegeat home for the bolidays.

Mrs. Anna Y. Bennett,teacher at Saluda SeminanSaluda N. C., is visiting at MJoel.H. Miller's.Mr. R. Bruce Stewart, a sti

dent'of Clemson College is spen'ing the holidays with his p4rents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stevart.

Misses Ada Miller and LulJuli-n, students of Salu<Seminary, are at home for tbholidays.Misses Lillian and Vivia

Hendrix, were the guests <

Miss Flossie Williams Saturdanight.Mr. and Mrs. Bess Smith <

Greenville, were visiting Mr. IF'. Smith last week.Messrs. Bolding and Pilgrir

from the Six Mile section. weivisiting at Bob Hendrix's lasweek.Mr. Volasco Tripp and siste:

Miss Mabel, of Anderson, ai

vsiting at Mr. Tom Julian's a

present.Elmer Hendrix and sistei

Miss Rula, were the guests <

Mr. and Mrs. William Boldinnear Six Mile last week.Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stev

art were the guests of Mr. an

Mrs. Will Stewart, near Piciens Sunday.Ford Williams, of the Cro:

Roads section, left recently f4Washington.Mr. and Mrs. Ossie Hunt <

Greenville, are visiting Mr. atMrs. B, H. Williams at presenThe Cedar Rock school bega

Monday morning, with MElmer Hendrix as principaA. White Singleton, who

now railway mail clerk betwetKnoxville and Nashville Ten:spent the week-end at horn

One of the enjoyable featuriof the holidays, was a pourparty given at Mr. and Mr|Earl Gilstrap's Friday nighMr, Watson, of Anderson we

the gut st of Mr. Tillman Juliarecently.


News From OolenoMr. and Mrs. M. Hendrickwho have been sick for the lathree weeks are very much betr to the delight of their manfriends.Mr. and Mrs. Warrior King<

Brevard,N. C. have been spen<ing the Christmas Holida'with the latter's mother, MrSallie Jones.Mr. and Mrs Jesse Morris ha'

been visiting at the homeW. F. Hendricks.The Ambler school openDecme3 h ih Mr. W.

Death of GoodI Lady at Six Mil

After a lengthy illness tideath of Mrs. Malinda Kenn,

e mur came not unexpecteiShe died December 17, and wi

93 years old. This noble womalived to be perhaps the olde.lady in the countys She wascheerful up until her illness

e few weeks past. She was as unUsU3l exception among ag(

persons. She had kept a brigl-smemory and could talk of h(is early life as any one would <

. former years. She was coi

t scious until the.end came. N<

[ long before her sickness she sai<"I am ready to die, I've macevery sacrifice I know to maki

a Mv 1aster's will is my will an

I'm praying daily his will to do.She was laid to rest and wa

the resurrection the day folloyi-ing at Old Pickens cemetery b- the side of her husband, Rei- Harvie Kenilemur, who lonpreceeded her to the gravThere were seen sons an

adaughters. All are livin

aexcept Mrs. J M. Burroughwho 'died several years ag<The surviving 'are M.s. B. ISmith. of Reedy, CalifVOiI

nMrs. R. E. Parrott. Mr. N. I'Kennemore, Mrs. E. M., Jonevof Pickens county; Mrs. C. IMorgan, of Oconee, and Mr. 2

f S. Kennemore, of Hansfor. Texas. Only a iew of thabove named were present C

the burial. Being impossibe treach here Mrs. B. F. Smittwas sent a telegram and sorof the others were indisposedthe time of the death of thei.mother. The funeral servic(

e were conducted by Rev. H. Jt O'Kelley, of Oconee.

Prof. S. A. Rutledge returne,to this little village after havinspent a few days with his p,rents near Nashville, Tenn.Rey. B. C. Atkinson sper

the latter Dart of the week Vitdrelatives in Greenville.

Rev. H. Right, of upptPickens county, was the gue

sof R. P. Prince last Saturdarand Su.ndav.

N. C. Merck spent the ho]fdays with homefolks here.

Cleo Mann, of South CarolinUniversity is spending the ho]n|days at home. He will retur'-|to Colu.nbia to resume h-studies at an early date.

STillman Garrett. who hanbeen attending college at Ashivilyle, N. C. is at home this wee]SHe will return to Asheville Jai

~s nary 1st.dThe Six Mile Academy facu-ty will all be back today atGwill resume work next Monda's December 30th.

The adjoining district schoowill begin work Monday, Gayin being taught by Mr. FranWelborn of Pickens, and upp<Six Mile by David Vickery<Shiloab., I Tonap.

ICentral Wants It

~fAnderson Daily Mail.- Mr F, B. Morgan, Jr., press dent of the Chamber of Conmerce of Central, is very mucinterested in a movement to g<the interurban people to build

e link from Anderson to ClemsoCollege and on to Calhoun arCentral. Such a line could ]

d continued to Easley and coul-pick up a lot of cotton miS r 'ght.

doubt that Andeconnection wil




te An St oCts0-

nia. ~ MRAI1wodrfldscvr


returned; e r

aod Inastag ln*ang staner,mucl

td id u w

t- hav plye atfamng

more148 thnew an hdrd yeat hey Ataenwc Saout to dico

the na a

-n iee soil~y

hargodwra had osell abo

rt micoope toeer rea hid<l0 wealmth Wh e there, er

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- dgthegnew mae fineld auas igl. crop strmore feed fr<

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The0 gold wshere.n cotto

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othe Soil

m ine for a century,- ai rich

:)r- nourishing soil that had never

of given color to the bloom ofd. clover or sent a morsel to theth honey bee on the jubilant tassleut of the rustling corn.

nd Was it the N1%gh price of hay??d. No; .Iguess it was the pea ctop.ok Its searching tap-root wentof down inta the soil and unlockednd a store house of inexhaustiblead wealth. Deep plowing now is

[g. waking up that sleeping wealthand it is going to swell the song

ry of the harvest..or Eyery hundred acres in culti-rs .vation last year paid enough

rer Profit on flour, corn and meat

he'*-6~bn*wvtetl- acres--nAire of-lanid1is just as good. If any one had

a sued the owners for that m ich

en money, they would have foughtso them tt4.he last Tf they

7ha oti hecut hr

v.wold hve ben antherfigh

nd at' th 'rn ae ih.Iae

h- balbto ho u.O e

ne-wilfn4 t Altig r

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led have worittenutoyou younricof mien bcolor tou the sroong.

yth hone beav e ulnope tasth,b. of theustlm ting c

atWa Liye your gpreof hifeyP?at Nour tir guesip was the pcow.

oket seaetoing "taprest woentof down of the slectd lockte2yfr nd ahe ofiestaustgibleetr. wir itpi thepring elt

anditijoigy.sel hesn

ryodf Jt hariveiti. ad oor findra hundred acre n cuarm-etbide tei ackl re of gundaey-mhongo theol peckewoughtn

oe o thlst difch.ob heytitl hold lousto ithecut.hrit wfysould have ane attackd at theumais,rontt look baou-:h- balhba or grnt sht gun.es,the

he you' fore ta blid-ol bes fremeryr orc rheumaismsto eo>a thieeske youhave'tgt.h

he ando s kow hsl orwet.HMyIwllfn Keowe fal thfg are0

he' es for jsale as awoe n scic)find fartmiandgo Belved, your-.hidsef, tibeiev inrchasr soil maked have owritenms. ouyonmenbecauireeno are sotnwit

est You houe husle, ihe, fth,o

mh Sixie;alsoione othe youser and your fimgn the tono pSxlw'er bohndsle or feent. Finte

schefow nd uc youcilliesMotio of meeclieoneeryfamadt. rest re Stephngheitere For mt istesrng ao.

to esie te tc R. of tegine,

theson ofthpckro and

Criticises the NewRule of Doctor

Mr. Editor: I notice the doctors in Pickens have made a

pledge not to practice for th<poor man without an orde:from the landlord. It looks lik(they have laid out a f6rtune foithe doctors at Easley, Libertyand Cateechee if they don't gtin it. I hear a lot of men saythey will ao 40 miles before theywill go after one that signedthat pledge. I think you are

all too fast,. for the poor peopleof Pickens county have madeyou just what you are. FoiI am pretty certain th-t someof you came to Pickens with-o'it much money. Just lookwhat fine houses you havebuilt since, and fine horses andbuggies you -drive, Who paidfor. them? The poor man, forthe rich man, if he gets sick,travels for his health. Heleaves no money with you tcbuy cigars and then grind thepoor man into dust and chargedouble what you charge theland owner. Mr. Editor, Iknow of one of the doctorscharging a land owner, thissummer, $8.50 for one trip tcsee his wife, and in the same

community he went to see a

renter's wife for the some thingnd charged him $13:00. Nowyou se who k(know theythem, but don't go bachonest man. There are

honest poor men as theie areland owners.You know there are lot of men

with land in their possessionthat if their debts were paidwouldn't be worth anything,and a lot have made their wivesfree dealers. That wont work.Here are the cotton mill people,what are you going to do withthem? Here are men in towninrented houses. You knowthe man who.rented the houseto theni wo7h' -stani ood-fortheir doctor bill. If I see it youare going to loose what practiceyou haye got. Let us hearfrom others of the county.Dont all write at once. Thepoor you have with you always.You have oppressed them.Read.James 5th Chapter fromto 7thr verse. Read Mvatthew25chapter from 32 to 46. Youdoctors read the Bible more andstudy it and don't study so hardtoknow how to charge the poor.The Lord says in his Word that

he will take care of his. . Justthink I am one of his, so I wil]ring off.

Jack Frost.

Liberty Man Frozeto Death Thursday

Reuben Revis, a white manabout 45 years old, was founcdead near the Southern railwaytrack between Norris and Liberty last Thursday. He leavesa family. Speaking of thisoccurance the Liberty Gazettesays:From the best information

obtained it seems that Mr Reviswho was liying at the EasleyCotton Mill of Liberty left homeMonday, went to Norris and gotsome whiskey and was seen n<(more unitil found dead dy thos4searching for him. He had considerabie whiskey, in bottlesaround him, and signs indicatedthat he had imbibed rathiefreely. M, A. Boggs, Esq.9acting coroner, held the inquesand the verdict that he came t<his death by freezing, was rendered in accordance with th<above facats.

Notice to Teachers

I am authorized by the StatiBoard of Education to hold a

special teacher's examinatiolFriday, January 10, 1913, previded the same be necessaryThe examinationiwill be held iFthe court house, commencing a

9 o'clock. If it is necessary fcany teachers to take the exam.nation they are requested to n<tify me so that I mayr makproper arrangements for t1>


On Sunday. December 22,1912, at 5 o'clock at thehome ofthe bride's father at Noiil :

Louia Ballentine, of Easlef,led to the hymenial altar MissVida, eldest daughter of Mr.Isaac Sheriff. Rev. D. W.Hiott, pastor of the bride per-formed the ceremony in thepresence of a few friends andrelatives. Mr. Ballentine is oneof the most progressive youngfarmers of 'the Zion communitybelow Easley. P-He is popularamong the people and is to becongratulated on winning forhis life partner one of the verybest of the Norris community.The Sentinel feels especial in-terebt in this marriage for MissVida has been one of our corres-

pondents for some time, so the6ditor, manager and the othermembers office join in the wishthat all along iife's pathway,the flowers may bloo-ji, thewaters may ;parkle, the -birdsmay sing, that peace and pros-perity may ever abound in theirhome.

At the residence of the.bride'sfather, Jas. K, Kirksey Mr.Samuel Sheriff of below Easleyand Miss Mary Kirksey were

ted in marriage Wednesda. ,

12 o'clockRev- G. F. Kirby 'ating.Only a few friends of theand bride's family were present.After the ceremony a sumptuousdinner was served. At 2.30 thebridal party left amid the gwishes of all present.

Married. December 25~ 1912 atthe residence of the bride's pa-rents, Mr. and Mrs, H. D, Les-lie, Mr. Ervin Hayes and MissMattie Leslie. A. A. Jones, N.P.,

Married by J. B. Newber ahis office, December 25, 1912,Miss Ellen Sanders and L. E.Hunter, of Calhoun.

Married by J. B. N'ewbery athis residence, December22, 1912,Miss Essie Parrott and SeagleBoldiiig, of Six Mile.

Married on December 22, atthe residence of the bride's pa-rents, Mr. and Mrs S. S. Childs,Mr, G,LTillman Dorr .and MissElvy Childs. A. A. Jones, N.P.,officiating.


Special Pullman .Train' Will TiWhere They -Will Witness thethe Wonders of America's M<.Opportunity Will Be Accorde<Borne by The Journal

one hundred and twenty-five soiinauguration of President Woodjm]wAtlanta Journal.:(

An opportunity to become a menschool and college boy in the south;Journal will transport these boys toelal train of luxuriously-equipped Pi

Every cent of expense for thisboard and hotel accommodations ilseei'ng expeditions will be borne by1125 school boys get aboard this traithis city five days later, they! will-bis

Not often is such a trip as this ofwill only prove immensely entertalboys will see and the information i


The southern boys who go on tition of the first president which tlstates since 1845..- They will be Prwho spent his boyhood and young-maa Georgia girl, and two of whose chi]up his official residence in the Whitspicious occasion and hundreds of tb4of this and foreign countries, will be

The Journars guests will be prowhich to view the Inaugural paradePresident-elect Wilson will ride.worth going hundreds of miles to se1the many features which The Jour

Eor full particulars, ad-dr<DAUGURATI4


Cot a Blued

Ahevntd Ifiesting to-mabonaccountfii ce ofthid :anj

trac gparti

"ed and"populaand Mrs.JoMr. W. D. rs~f

C., whek~t

in the preemate friendscouple en4*ter, MISS -ed for severalwork at Peak. :_.membered by.ierahere as oneof our.ladies in educatihaving ta0ghtffdMr. Ellsossydsterling businseholds -a bronfnem,Peak. Mi Ellaliterary work tar'May 1st thej:*iU:their f6iens: -We joi thefir:extendingvnedawish for them manhappiness

P. S.k

hap y event -fromnulthen -ecentsajbrids mothert-December


MarnLhissideMiss LavenBoldinal of

Married b J.:-*his office, Deam-wr

his office, DecebMiss Eliza T.PattJohn M. AndersoEP

Mr. Will L.MattGantt of Libertya!R6MissMary Ba'rber dwere married onpand cames to the ~eegroom's parent'a s d

ini padiipaifgntbChristmas 4lneryoungCo.pe ha!


ke the Boys toWs~Inauguration and>St Beautiful City-bsand Eve y-Cet~t

~thern school boys will

herofthe peai

iman and'4Unrng a.trip, Inungn meals .en_1Washnto~ andthis aeP ron

n Ii Atlant AltRle 0

!ered to the a~~e7ning, but the. sljt-rhich they win-*l


e souh aaesent when this^gatnhood inort,~n

Ldrenwraora:t1HouM Tisi

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