YEAR 5 Term 2, Week 2

WEEK 2 BOOKLET YEAR 5 › content › dam › ... · assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet. Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Wednesday assignment in Microsoft Teams

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YEAR 5 Term 2, Week 2

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Year 5 – Term 2, Week 2 Learning from Home Program

Daily Tasks Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Morning Session


1. Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Monday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet. 2. Complete assigned activity in Spelling City.

Grammar in Writing Lesson 1

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Monday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.


1. Complete activities in Term 2 - Week 2 Tuesday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet. 2. Complete assigned activity in Spelling City.


Complete individually assigned tasks or complete Week 2 Comprehension worksheet in hardcopy booklet.


Complete Spelling City assigned activity.

Grammar in Writing Lesson 2

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Wednesday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.


Complete individually assigned tasks or complete Week 1 Comprehension task in hardcopy booklet.


Complete Spelling City assigned activity.

DREW – Drop Everything and Write

Use the prompt in your Thursday assignment in



Complete individually assigned tasks or complete Week 2 Comprehension task in hardcopy booklet.


Complete spelling test on Spelling City.

Grammar in Writing

Lesson 3 Complete activities in Term 2 -Week 2 Friday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Fruit and Movement Break Eat a piece or fruit or vegetable and take a 10 minute movement break. This could include doing a quick workout video or dance, creating your own

circuit, playing a game with a sibling or making up your own movement activity. Writing

Informative Texts Writing

Informative Texts Writing

Informative Texts English Unit English Unit

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Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Monday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Tuesday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Wednesday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Thursday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Friday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Recess Break

Recess Break Recess Break Recess Break Recess Break Recess Break

Middle Session

DEAR Reading You can either choose a story on Epic or you can read a book from home

Maths Whole Number

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Monday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete individually assigned tasks.

Maths Whole Number

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Tuesday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete individually assigned tasks.

Maths Data

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Wednesday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete individually assigned tasks.

Maths Data

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Thursday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete individually assigned tasks.

Maths Data

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Friday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete individually assigned tasks.

Science History CAPA PD/Health PE Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Monday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Tuesday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Wednesday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Thursday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Friday assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet.

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Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Afternoon Session

Choice Matrix Choice Matrix Choice Matrix BTN Choice Matrix Complete an activity from

the choice matrix.

Complete an activity from the choice matrix.

Complete an activity from the choice matrix.

Watch the latest episode of

BTN - https://www.abc.net.au/bt


Complete an activity from the choice matrix.

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Stage 3 Glendore Public School Choice Matrix Term 2 Choose an activity from the matrix below. Some of these activities may take you several days to complete. Keep a record of what you

complete each day. You might even like to take a photo and upload it to Microsoft Teams to show your class.

Make a board game.

Set up an obstacle course in your house or backyard and time


Find a recipe and cook something.

PE with Joe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPXQcCyRFt0&list=RDCMUCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ&star


Write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal.

Create your own novel – you can write and illustrate it.

Challenge a member of your family to a dance off. You could choose a just dance or just put

some music on.

Turn a section of your favourite book or novel into a script for

readers theatre. Perhaps perform your script with your

siblings and record.

Choose an everyday item around your home. Write a radio

advertisement for this item and record your advertisement.

Listen to an appropriate podcast.

Take a virtual tour of somewhere that interests you.

Here is an example website. https://freedomhomeschooling.



Create a quiz for your family to have a trivia night

After getting permission from your parents, use chalk to

brighten up your front footpath for people that are walking past. You could also create posters to

put in your front windows. Remember ask an adult first.

Hide something in the backyard and create a treasure map for someone in your family to find


Create a sculpture using recycled objects from your home.

Draw a floorplan of your perfect room or house.

Surprise your Mum or Dad and do a job or a chore for them that they normally would do. Do this

without them knowing.

Write a short play or skit and perform to your family.

Create a list of fun things you might like to do with your family

once we return to normal.

Create a podcast and record this if you can on a device.

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Monday 4th May 2020

Week 2, Term 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



1 mate 2 state 3 relate 4 create 5 separate





6 don’t 7 trouble 8 whether 9 weather

10 lose



11 loose 12 trying 13 region 14 couple 15 double 16 remark 17 appoint 18 applying 19 excellent 20 chocolate



21 vacuum 22 zoology 23 probable 24 octagonal 25 vegetation

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Activity 1 – Definitions  Choose 5 words. Find and write their definitions. Try to choose words that are new to you.  1. 





Activity 2 – Sentences Choose 5 words and write these into a sentence. Make your sentences interesting. You might choose to write power sentences.  1. 





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Grammar in Writing Week 2, Lesson 1

Brainstorm words relating to this picture. Come up with as many as you can in 3 minutes.







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Year 5 Grammar and Punctuation — Questions

Complete the following

1. Which sentence has the correct punctuation?

before leaving home, I fed my cat and closed the door.

Before leaving home i fed my cat and closed the door.

Before leaving home I fed my cat and closed the door?

Before leaving home, I fed my cat and closed the door.

2. Which sentence has the correct punctuation?

“I love chocolate milkshakes!” Kylie screamed excitedly.

“I love chocolate milkshakes?” Kylie screamed excitedly.

I love chocolate milkshakes! Kylie screamed excitedly.

“I love chocolate milkshakes” Kylie screamed excitedly

3. Which sentence has the correct punctuation?

“Can I borrow your beanie scarf and gloves to go to the snow” Asked Sally.

Can I borrow your beanie, scarf and gloves to go to the snow? Asked Sally.

“Can I borrow your beanie, scarf and gloves to go to the snow!” Asked Sally.

“Can I borrow your beanie, scarf and gloves to go to the snow?” asked Sally.

4. Which sentence has the correct punctuation?

Matthews pet snail didnt like eating lettuce leaves as it preferred sausages!

matthew’s pet snail didn’t like eating lettuce leaves as it preferred sausages.

Matthew’s pet snail didn’t like eating lettuce leaves as it preferred sausages?

Matthew’s pet snail didn’t like eating lettuce leaves as it preferred sausages!


Colour the bubbles to show the correct punctuation. Use the pen tool in ‘draw’ if you are online

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Your turn - Read the following procedure

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Understanding Sequence - Worksheet



Understanding SequenceSequence is the order in which things happen in a text.

1. Number these steps from the procedure from 1 to 9.

When your dog is dry, carefully brush your dog’s hair until it is soft DQG�ȵX\�

Give your dog a dog treat as a reward for having a bath.


Carefully place your dog into the water. Calmly talk to your dog so it does not feel scared about getting wet.

Fill up a large basin or sink with warm water. Make sure the water ZLOO�QRW�RYHUȵRZ�ZKHQ�\RX�SXW�LQ�\RXU�GRJ�

8VH�WKH�VPDOO�EXFNHW�WR�ULQVH�DOO�RI�WKH�VKDPSRR�R�\RXU�GRJ��'R�not leave any shampoo, as it may make your dog itchy.

6ORZO\�SLFN�XS�\RXU�GRJ�DQG�ZUDS�LW�LQ�D�WRZHO��'U\�\RXU�GRJ�DV�much as you can with the towel.

Scoop some water into the small bucket and carefully pour it over your dog. Your dog should be completely wet.

Squeeze some dog shampoo into your hand. Gently massage the VKDPSRR�DOO�RYHU�\RXU�GRJ��'R�QRW�SXW�DQ\�LQ�\RXU�GRJȇV�H\HV�

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Mathematics Place Value

Convert these numbers to numerals. The first is done for you.

Fifty thousand, two hundred and four 50 204


Six thousand and two

One thousand and seven



Ten thousand, one hundred

Two hundred and three

Three hundred thousand


One million

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Lesson 1 Review

• Movement: describes the displacement of an object in time and space.

• Electrical: describes the displacement of electrons around a closed circuit.

• Light: describes electro-magnetic radiation that is detected by the retina in the eye.

• Heat: describes the speed at which particles in matter vibrate. The hotter something is, the more energy its particles have and the more vigorously they vibrate.

• Microwaves: describes electromagnetic radiation of high frequency and short wavelength that can cause particles such as water molecules to vibrate faster.

• Sound: describes waves of pressure travelling through solids, liquids or gases that our ears perceive as sound.

• Elastic: describes how certain materials stretch when they are pulled (have opposing forces applied) and store the applied energy. They have the ability to then spring back to their original shape, transforming stored energy to movement energy

• Gravitational: describes how any object near Earth that is not restrained in any way, will drop towards the Earth’s centre. Gravitational energy, as it is used here, is a measure relative to position. A book on a high shelf is said to have more ‘gravitational’ energy than one on a low shelf, since when it falls from the shelf the higher one will gain more movement energy as it falls.

• Chemical: describes the fact that all chemicals have a certain amount of energy in the bonds that hold the atoms together. For example, complex carbohydrates and fats have high energy bonds that animals and plants break down to release energy.

• Nuclear: describes the energy released when the nuclei of atoms are split (fission) and/or combined (fusion). The Sun is a site of nuclear fusion where hydrogen atom nuclei fuse to form a helium atom nucleus, releasing radiations of many types, including light, heat waves and ultraviolet radiations, that are so energetic they can burn skin and/or damage DNA.

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Science activity The table below is a survey of energy used at school. You will be completing a survey of energy used around your house.

Complete the table examining types of energy being emitted and used by objects around your house. Use the different types of energy listed on first page to help you fill in the table.


Note – Emitting means to give or send out

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Science - Lesson 2 Reflections

Learning Points Your Reflection

Types of energy present in my house

1. 2. 3.

Types of energy NOT present in my house

1. 2. 3.

I found out that.

I think it would be useful for STIVS to know.

I want to know more about.

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Tuesday 5th May 2020

Week 2, Term 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday



1 mate 2 state 3 relate 4 create 5 separate





6 don’t 7 trouble 8 whether 9 weather

10 lose



11 loose 12 trying 13 region 14 couple 15 double 16 remark 17 appoint 18 applying 19 excellent 20 chocolate



21 vacuum 22 zoology 23 probable 24 octagonal 25 vegetation

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Spelling Workbook Activities

1. Wrong Spelling Write the correct spelling for each wrongly spelt word below.

2. Finger spell the five difficult words

3. Write list words that start with the letters ‘I’, ‘w’ and ‘a’ 4. Grammar – lose/loose

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Writing - Procedure

Read through the procedure How to Wash Your Dog from yesterday’s lesson again and then complete the following questions.


Understanding Sequence - Worksheet




Underline the correct answer in each example.

D� Place your dog into the water or�EUXVK�\RXU�GRJȇV�KDLU"

E� Fill up a large basin with water or�WDNH�RII�\RXU�GRJȇV�FROODU"

F� Massage shampoo over your dog or�JLYH�\RXU�GRJ�D�WUHDW"

�� Write down another step that you might do at the beginning of this�SURFHGXUH��EHIRUH�\RX�WDNH�RII�\RXU�GRJȇV�FROODU�

4. Write down another step that you might do at the end of this procedure,after you give your dog a treat.


Fill up a large basin with warm water

Massage shampoo all over your dog

Brush your dog’s hair until soft

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Writing - Practicing Procedure Structure Example:

Your turn

Fill in the following procedure under the headings Goal, Equipment, Method.

How to Make a Vegemite Sandwich Goal _______________________________________________________________________. Equipment


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Mathematics Place Value

Place value is the value of a digit depending upon its place in a number

State the place value of the numeral in bold. The first one is done for you:

56 873 8 hundreds


91 000

36 952

710 872

5 555

1 000 000

289 120


8 752 691

99 900

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Mathematics Place Value including decimals - extension activity

State the place value of the numeral in bold. The first one is done for you:









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Page 26: WEEK 2 BOOKLET YEAR 5 › content › dam › ... · assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet. Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Wednesday assignment in Microsoft Teams

Burke and Wills are some of the most famous explorers of their time. Using the information on the previous page, summarise their exploration. Draw or write key facts in each box, in suqnece to create a comic strip style timeline of their contributions to Australian hitory.

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Wednesday 6th May 2020

Grammar in Writing Week 2, Lesson 2

What makes a great sentence?

- Add a ‘when’ - Add an adjec6ve - Add an adverb - Add a simile

Example: As the sun shone upon the fresh, green grass, the adorable golden retriever puppy sat peacefully watching the butterflies as if he was hypnotized.

Your turn –

Write a sentence on the lines below following the 4 rules: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

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Year 5 Grammar and Punctuation — Questions

Complete the following

1. Where should the missing commas go? Shade two bubbles.

Before you play a game of tennis you need a ball a racket and a net.

2. Where should the missing full stops go? Shade two bubbles.

I woke up in the morning and looked out the window Dark clouds covered the sky

3. Where should the missing quota:on marks go? Shade two bubbles.

Dad, can I please go to the movies with Max on Saturday? asked Jonathon.

4. Where should the missing apostrophes go? Shade two bubbles.

Milly wasnt sure of the answers but she didnt want to ask her peers for help.

5. Where should the missing apostrophes go? Shade two bubbles.

“Were going to be late if we dont leave soon!” yelled Dad.


Each sentence has a word missing.

Colour the bubble to show the word that correctly completes the sentence. Use the pen tool in ‘draw’ if you are online.

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Reading Comprehension

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Literal Questions

1. Who is writing the text?

2. What type of text is this? How do you know?

Inferential Questions

3. What were the main arguments?

4. What do you think the most convincing argument in this text is? Critical Questions

5. Can you think of any other arguments that you would include?

6. Have you ever had to make a speech like this? Explain.

7. Do you like making speeches? Why/why not?

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Procedure Writing – Language Features

Procedure texts use clear and direct language. They use words that are related to the topic of the procedure. Procedures use action verbs. Action verbs are doing words such as use, put, place, grab.

Underline the action verbs in the procedure below

How to Build a Worm Farm Materials

Two boxes (one with a lid) Shredded paper Compost Compost worms Watering can Water


1. Gently place one of the boxes on the ground. Choose a shady location to prevent your worms from overheating.

2. Carefully poke some small holes in the base of the second box. Place this box on top of the first box.

3. Mix the shredded paper with the compost. Generously spread this mixture over the base of the top box. Water the mixture until it is moist.

4. Delicately pour the worms over the top of the paper and compost mixture. Position the lid on the top box.

5. Once the worms are settled, feed them food scraps such as fruit and vegetable peel. 6. Every few weeks, collect the liquid in the bottom box. Add some water and pour the liquid onto

your plants.

Brainstorm as many other action verbs as you can think of:

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Gathering information is an important way to help people make decisions about topics of interest.


Surveys can help decide what needs changing, where money should be spent, what products to buy, what problems there might be, or lots of other questions you may have at any time. The best part about surveys is that they can be used to answer any question about any topic.

Before you conduct a survey, there are some questions you need to think about first.

For example, you are interested in discovering which types of birds visit the bird feeder in the tree outside your classroom. Here are some questions you would need to think about first:

1. How will I observe the birds visiting the feeder? 2. How many times a day will I observe the birds? 3. How will I record my observations?

Data is a collection of information. It is gathered by observation, questioning or measurement. Data is often organised in graphs or

charts for analysis and. may include facts, numbers or measurements.

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Year 5 - Data Representation and Interpretation - Questions



Write three questions you would need to think about before conducting this survey.




Posing Questions (A)

You are planning to conduct a survey to investigate what kinds of mini-beasts live in your class vegetable garden.

Write three questions you would need to think about before conducting this survey.





3 You heard on television that many children do not do any exercise. You want to see if this is true for your classmates.

Write three questions you would need to think about before conducting this survey.





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Art Zentangles

Complete your Zentangles on the following blank page J

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Thursday 7th May 2020


Drop Everything and Write

Think about the image above. What is happening? Write a short story about what you see and think is happening in the image. Don’t forget to check for spelling, punctuation and

that your story makes sense

You may like to use the following story starter if you wish.

Complete your story on the following blank page.

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Title: __________________________________

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Reading Comprehension

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Literal Questions

1. Where is the hotel situated?

2. Who might the audience for a text like this be?

Inferential Questions

3. Where might you see this text?

4. What is the purpose of Thomas and Maya being on this text?

Critical Questions:

5. What does this hotel have that appeals to you?

6. What’s your favourite holiday des:na:on and how would you sell it to others to convince them to come?

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English unit

Term 2 Week 2 Task


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Mathematics Column Graphs

A column graph is a graphical display of data using columns of different heights. Imagine you just did a survey of How Many Pets Year 6 Students have. These are your results:

You can put your data into a column graph so that it is easy to read:

A column graph must have:

- Title - Numbers wriEen up the side - Categories wriEen along the boEom

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Year 5 - Data Representation and Interpretation - Questions


2 Use your column graph to answer the following questions.

a) How many more students like Music better than Art?

b) More students like Maths better than Science. True/False

c) Which subject is the students' favourite?

d) Which subject is the students' least favourite?

Constructing Column Graphs (A)

Construct a column graph to display the information contained in the table below.Don't forget to label the axis and write a title for your graph.


Favourite subject No. of students
















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Personal Development and Health

Today we are going to be learning about healthy food. Your task is to watch this video and answer the questions below. If you can’t find all the answers in the video, you might like to do your own research, however remember to ensure you are getting your information from a reliable source. If you do not have access to a device, think about what you already know about healthy eating or you might like to ask a family member for some help. Click on this link to watch the video. Remember, if you do not have access to a device, you can think of what you already know or ask a relative for some help. https://www.n4hk.com.au/other-resources/online-videos/healthy-habits-healthy-you

1. What is the purpose of nutrients.

2. There are 2 types of nutrients: Macronutrients and Micronutrients. Give 2 examples of ea=

3. How does protein help our bodies?

4. Give 3 examples of sources of protein.

5. What is the purpose of carbohydrates.

6. Give 3 examples of sources of carbohydrates.

7. Why do we need some fat in our diet?

8. Give 3 examples of foods that contain healthy fats. The video discusses core food groups and tells us how many serves of each core food we need. Next to each core food, write how many serves we need to be eating in a day and give 1 example of each. Fruit: Vegetables: Dairy: Meat:

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Now it is your turn to explore your fridge and pantry. Find 10 healthy foods in your house. If you can’t find 10 different healthy foods in your house, you might like to think of things you have seen at the supermarket. List them below or you might even like to take a photo of them and add the photo into this document.

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Friday 8th May 2020

Grammar in Writing Week 2, Lesson 3

What makes a great sentence?

- Add a ‘when’ - Add an adjecAve - Add an adverb - Add a simile

Example: As the owners headed for the door to leave for work, the small, cheeky puppy quietly sat in the grass mischievously planning his attack on the stack of toilet paper like a lion waiting for its prey.

Your turn –

Write a sentence OR paragraph on the lines below following the 4 rules: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

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English Unit

Term 2 Week 2 Task


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Movement Sequences - Balance

Balance helps you develop the basic skills you need for all physical activity. Balance is very important to achieving success in almost every sport or game you play! It would be impossible to ride a bike, kick a ball, do a dance, hop, skip and jump without balance. There are two types of balance you need to know. These are static and dynamic. Try saying those words out loud to yourself. What is static balance? The ability to maintain control of a position while not moving. This looks like balancing on one leg or freezing in a shape like a statue. What is dynamic balance? Dynamic balance is the ability to maintain balance and control of the body while moving, like hopping, jumping, throwing or riding a bike. Your task is to watch the following video and follow along with the teacher to practice static and dynamic balance in sequences.

• Go to this link: https://vimeo.com/showcase/sisaworkout1 • Password: getfitnow • Click on video number 2 – fundamental movement skills (make sure it is the stage

3 video you are watching) • Follow the lesson • Complete the quiz on the following page

If you do not have access to the video, take a guess at the questions below based on what you already know and then make up a short sequence including a mix of static and dynamic balance positions. Practice your sequence and then draw the positions below.

Page 49: WEEK 2 BOOKLET YEAR 5 › content › dam › ... · assignment in Microsoft Teams or hardcopy booklet. Complete activities in Term 2, Week 2 Wednesday assignment in Microsoft Teams

1. Please explain what ‘static balance’ means and provide one example.


2. Please explain what ‘dynamic balance’ means and provide one example.


3. What are the key points to improving your balance techniques?


4. Students are to research one ‘static balance’ and one different ‘dynamic balance’ activity, draw a picture of each below.