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Factors that Affect Listening Comprehension

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Factors That Affect Listening Comprehension

Educationby Demand Media

by Michele Norfleet, Demand Media 

Teachers use a variety of techniques to engage students in learning.Related Articles

Effective listening in classrooms is about more than hearing and a working knowledge of language. Other factors affect listening comprehension in classrooms, where teachers utilize oral presentations to teach new content to students. If students struggle with listening comprehension they will struggle to learn material presented orally. Having an awareness of the factors that affect listening comprehension helps teachers better address the needs of their students.

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The ListenerStudents employ listening strategies throughout the day, whether engaging in social situations or participating in learning activities. In general, listening comprehension improves when they are interested in the topic. Bring students into the discussion by relating the lesson to something they are familiar with. Teach averages by talking about a popular baseball player’s batting average, explaining how it is calculated. If you simply explain the process of calculating averages without making it practical, students with poor listening skills may tune out. When the subject matter presented grabs the student‘s interest, he becomes actively involved in learning and begins to interpret what he hears.Background KnowledgeA student’s background knowledge on a subject affects his listening comprehension. For example, when you discuss the Mesozoic Era, a student with poor listening comprehension may tune out, having no connection to the vocabulary. As you begin to discuss the Jurassic period and mention dinosaurs, however, the student may perk up as he begins to construct meaning based on background knowledge he has gained from books or movies about dinosaurs. Without adequate background knowledge, the student with poor listening skills will have a difficult time accessing difficult information. Prepare students for new or difficult material by reading trade

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books, showing videos and breaking down difficult vocabulary into words they can relate to. This is especially helpful for students whose background knowledge may be lacking.Speaking StyleThe manner in which a teacher speaks may have an effect on listening comprehension. If you use a fast rate of speech, students with listening comprehension difficulties may have difficulty keeping up with the lesson as they try to deal with unknown subject matter. Slowing down and speaking distinctly allows the student to focus on the content of the lesson without struggling to keep up. Writing vocabulary words on the chalkboard as they are introduced allows students to see the word in print in case they have difficulty understanding new terms. Repetition, rewording information and giving examples provides additional support for students who struggle with listening comprehension. For example, in a social studies lesson, reword the concept of intercontinental travel as going from one continent to another, such as going from North America to Europe.Visual InputFor some students, visual supports aid listening comprehension for new material. Presenting a map of Europe along with an oral discussion of World War II gives the listener a visual representation of the location of various battles. Watching movies about the war, with pauses to relate incidents in the movie to the history lesson, helps to make the content accessible. Students with poor listening comprehension benefit from diagrams. For example, when comparing two characters in literature, use a comparison chart or Venn diagram to give a visual representation of similarities and differences.

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Factors   that affect limited English   proficiency (edited) 1. Family background influenced on using their English language as everyday life communication.

2. Lack of English background knowledge.

3. The English teachers are not well trained,for exampleusing Lao language when teaching, so they cannot perform well and influenced the interest of the students. 

4. Students' lack of confidence to use the language because they’re afraid and shame when they make mistakes

5. The students feel that English is not important subject because of their low expectation in education.

6. Old methods in teaching made the learning process dull and not interesting, so students feel bored and lack of interest.

7. The education system itself does not encourage the students which means the resources such as textbooks,library.

8. Students not interested to read English books.

9. Students who came from rural areasless expose in usingthe English language. 

10. Students are very poor in grammar usages.

11. English language is difficult to learn.

12. Students themselves are not interested in study English

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13. Students do not practice to speak English with English native speakers.

14. The classroom is crowded, the environment is not suitable.

15. The constraint of financial resources supporting.


Reflection week 3

In this week, Madam Sarah had asked us to watch a video on

“Teaching Listening part 1’. In this video, we had learnt about how to teach

listening and speaking effectively. The video was showing about how to teach

listening skill in the classroom. First, the professor explained about the

objectives of having listening skills in the classroom which is to develop a

global understanding of the spoken language. Then an example of the

teaching and learning about job interview is being shown to us.

A clear explanation is given when the teacher is teaching them about

the type of jobs during the pre-listening section. I agree with this as students

might not get what they are going to learn in that lesson if the teacher go on

and on without further explanation on the topic. He also showed that he cares

for the students when he asked about their day. This is essential to build a

bond between students and teacher by having interaction with them.

Other than watching the video, we are required to read some articles

on factors affecting listening and speaking skills. After doing some

researches, I feel that my knowledge on this topic increases as it helps me to

understand better on how to be a better teacher. The pupils will learn better if

the teacher teaches them on how to listen and grab the gist of the lesson.