WEC - ADEME project on energy efficiency policies : a worldwide panorama Overview of activities 2014-2016 Dr Didier BOSSEBOEUF, ADEME Kick off meeting of the Project “Energy efficiency policies: a worldwide panorama” Under the guidance of the Energy Efficiency Policies Knowledge Network 20 May 2014

WEC - ADEME project on energy efficiency policies : a worldwide panorama Overview of activities 2014-2016 Dr Didier BOSSEBOEUF, ADEME Kick off meeting

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WEC - ADEME project

on energy efficiency policies : a worldwide panorama

Overview of activities 2014-2016


Kick off meeting of the Project “Energy efficiency policies: a worldwide panorama”

Under the guidance of the Energy Efficiency Policies Knowledge Network 20 May 2014

Project: The main outputs


Beyond the exchange of information among WEC members, the project will have 3 main outputs:

o A database on energy efficiency indicators: updated from the existing database, with additional features

o A database on policies and measures (P&M) updated through a survey in WEC Member countries and case studies

o A report on energy efficiency policy implementation world wild, including two parts:

• An analysis of the energy efficiency performance at macro and sectoral levels in selected countries and regions.

• An evaluation of the policies and measures

Recommendations will be drawn

Project implementation


The work will be decomposed into 4 main tasks:

o Task 1: Updating of the database on energy efficiency indicators

o Task 2: Updating of the database on energy efficiency policies

o Task 3: Regional workshopso Task 4: Report and dissemination



1. Overview of data bases2. Database on indicators3. Database on policies and measures4. Case studies5. Reporting



A unique URL to access to the two databases http://www.wec-efficiency.enerdata.eu/



Previous URL will remain active and point out to new links



1. Database on indicators2. Database on policies and measures3. Case studies4. Reporting

Task 1: Database on energy efficiency and CO2 indicators


Interactive database for all WEC Member countries plus ten world regions Query by indicator Years covered: 1990, 2000, 2010 Possibility to export indicators on Excel for 1990,2000, 2006-2010 Introduction of new indicators (benchmark indicators, indicators of

diffusion of energy efficiency technologies and practices)oMore user-friendly interfaceoClearer menu for selecting indicatorsoPossibility to choose the years on the mapoProduction of tables of indicators by country and region oImprovement of graphs with regional benchmark indicatorsoAdditional indicators by sector (mainly for EU and large countries

such as USA, Japan, China, India...) in transport and households (i.e. consumption per end use, transport mode...)oIntroduction of quantitative targets by country linked to indicators

Link between indicators and policies and measures



Introduction of quantitative objectives per country (targets of energy efficiency programmes or in relationship with indicators


Summary of all programmes and targets by country in PDF format related to the selected indicator

Country Name of the program/law sector nature of target target value target year

Bulgaria National Long Term Energy Eff iciency Program, 2005-2015Final consumers Energy intensity reduction -8% 2015

Bulgaria National Long Term Energy Eff iciency Program, 2005-2016 Overall Energy intensity reduction -17% 2015

Czech Rep State Energy Policy Overall Energy intensity reduction 3,22% 2030

France Energy law (2005-781)- Loi POPEFinal consumers

Energy intensity reduction -2%/year 2010

France Energy law (2005-781)- Loi POPE

Final consumers Energy intensity reduction -2,5%/year 2015

Germany Coalition agreement Overall Energy intensity reduction 3%/year 2020

Hungary Energy Saving and Energy Eff iciency Action Programme 1999-2010 Overall Energy intensity reduction 3,5%/year 2010

LithuaniaNational Energy Strategy

OverallEnergy intensity reduction EU average

intensity 2025

Romania National Strategy for Energy Eff iciency (2004-2015) Overall Energy intensity reduction 40% 2015

Sw eden Energy BillFinal consumers Energy intensity reduction 20% 2020

Russia Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation (2009) Overall Energy intensity reduction -40% 2020

Canada ecoENERGY Industry Energy intensity reduction

China 11th Plan (2006-2010) Overall Energy intensity reduction -20% 2010

China Policies for the Develpment of Iron and Steel industry (2005) Industry Energy intensity reduction -8% 2020

Hong Kong (China)

APEC Sydney Joint Declaration Overall Energy intensity reduction 25% 2030

Indonesia Energy conservation Plan 2005 Overall Energy intensity reduction 1%/year 2025

Taiw an, China Energy eff iciency and conservation programme Overall Energy intensity reduction 20% 2015

Jordan National Energy Strategy Overall Energy intensity reduction 20% 2020

Tunisia Four Year Energy Conservation 2008-2011 Overall Energy intensity reduction -3%/year 2008-2011

Database on energy efficiency/ CO2 indicatorsSchedule


First round of indicators (Quarter 3 2014) with preliminary data for 2012-2013

Second updating of the indicators data base up to 2014 (Summer 2015) Final updating 2014-2015) Summer 2016

Database improvement: Improvement of the menu, mapping and graphs : Interactive maps with moving years : Quantitative targets by country: New indicators of benchmark, diffusion:

Do we introduce extra detailed benchmarks without a full WEC countries coverage?

New : two reports : a light report in 2015, a comprehensive report included in the overall report in 2016



1. Database on indicators2. Database on policies and measures3. Case studies4. Reporting

Task 2: Database on policies and measures


Survey on policies and measures To be carried out with national WEC member committees and other organisations New : The WEC young leader network to complete classic WEC members Other sources : MURE, AIE, CEPAL, APEC, Energy Charter to complete surveys from

WEC members

The survey is on Excel, based on 2 main partsA general part on general information on institutions (energy agencies) and

energy efficiency programmes and targets.A second part dedicated to energy efficiency measures by countries,

organised by main types: financial, fiscal, regulation and voluntary agreement

The questionnaire will be pre-filled from the existing data base for countries for which the information exist and sent to the WEC committee by WEC London (for new countries or countries not covered, an empty questionnaire will be sent ).

Updated questionnaires will be loaded on the online database frequently to have a well updated data base.

Improvement of the database on P&Ms


A user-friendly interactive query and menu, with two access:o World overview showing through maps all countries with

• Main policy measures: all countries with labels on refrigerators, with the number of labels

• Energy efficiency agency by country (national/regional/local)• Case studies (with a link to the case study in PDF)

o Query by country for a more detailed search on measures : • By sector and end uses country• By measure type depending on the measure selection of sector / end use


New : Only Countries which have answered to the questionnaire will be included in the data base

Direct access to the study cases Glossary of measures

WEC KOM London-20th May 13







Preparation of the WEC survey on policies and measures

Information processingInformation checking, harmonization of format…

SynthesisEach survey received will be introduced in the database in a short time

Presentation of the results in an on-line database

Sending of the pre filled questionnaire (with information provided during the previous WEC project)

Q4 2014

Q4 2014

Q3 2015

Q2 2015

Q1 2015

Organisation of survey

WEC KOM London-20th May



1. Database on indicators2. Database on policies and measures3. Case studies4. Reporting

Case studies on in-depth evaluation of selected policies


Objectives : In depth analysis (based on ex-post evaluation) of good practices.

1. Selection by the WEC network of 4-5 selected cases studies2. Selection of external experts based on EE WEC Network advice, regional

workshop inputs as well as ADEME and consultants knowledge3. Case study methodology

Review of literature Compilation of a Minimum 8 countries with half of non OECD countries.

Country Review of the literature 30-40 pages report for each of the selected case studies including

recommendation 2 pages description of each of the national policies in a common

format Recommendations for implementation caracteristics Each case study will be summarized and reported into the overall

report Case studies will be reviewed during the final meeting A powerpoint presentation will be available Each report will be put in the WEC website completing the existing

portofolio of around 40 case studies



1. Database on indicators2. Database on policies and measures3. Case studies4. Regional workshops5. Reporting

Regional WEC workshops Objectives, Contents and implementation


Objectives : To facilitate the exchange of information on P&Ms at experts levels and provide inputs to the overall ongoing project

1. To disseminate previous results2. To present on going results on Indicators and Surveys3. To get updated information on P&Ms implemented provided

by national experts 4. To present and discussed the study cases5. To test the recommendations with a regional touch

Implementation : It can be a pure WEC EE network workshop, a regional WEC EE workshop, a regional workshop partially dedicated to EE, a national WEC workshop

1. Association with others initiatives to be envisaged/favourized (IEA, CEPAL, Energy Charter etc.

2. ADEME will prepare the technical aspects but WEC London takes the initiative

Proposed regional workshops on energy efficiency


Latin America CEPAL workshop on energy efficiency (Panama) (Nov. 2012 OLADE?

Asia 1. Philippines (strong policy); with ADB or2. Hong Kong (China) (good local support), or3. Indonesia (strong policy); with ACE

Africa 1. Namibia (good local support) , or2. Ghana (strong policy), or3. Senegal (moderate policy)

Middle East Saudi Arabia (with Gulf states)

CIS •Kazakhstan (with EBRD)

Europe •London final meeting (Q2 2013)

Latin America WEC Regional meeting in Cancun (Dec. 6-7 2012)

Europe WEC Regional meeting Romania (June 17-21 2012)



1. Database on indicators2. Database on policies and measures3. Case studies4. Reporting



Support of presentationso Preparation of a set of slides (around 30 slides)

to present the main results Report on energy efficiency trends (around 200

pages)Part 1: analysis and synthesis of the energy efficiency and CO2 indicatorsPart 2: evaluation of the policies and measures



D1: interactive web database with data mapping on energy efficiency indicators (updated every year)

D2: interactive web database on Policy & Measures (updated two times)

D4 : An intermediate report on energy efficiency trend (2015) D4 : 5 reports on energy efficiency policies evaluation D5: A set of 80 national cases studies (2 pages each) D6 : A set of proceeding of the regional workshops D7: A report on energy efficiency trends and policy evaluation at

worldwide level

Tentative Planning


Selection of case studies and contributors (Q2 2014) First calculation of indicators with an updated 2012/2013 (Q3 2014) Preparation of policy questionnaire EA and dissemination (Q4 2014) Trend analysis of indicators, interim report (Q1 2015) Analysis of responses to the questionnaire (Q1-2 2015 First regional workshop Summary of the questionnaire (Q2 2015) First draft of case studies (Q2 2015) Updating the data base until 2013/2014 (Q2 2015) Second Regional Workshop (Q3 2015) Summary and evaluation of case studies (Q1 2016) Preparation of draft final report (Q1 2016) Final meeting for peer review (Q2 2016) Final report ready for publication (Q3 2016) Update website and database (February 2015, January 2016)








2015 3





Task 1: Database

1.1. New indicators / data

1.2. Collect/estimation of data

1.3.Calculation of indicators X? X?

Task 2: Evaluation P&M

2.1. Preparation of questionnaire

2.2. Sending, reminders

2.3. Synthesis X

Task 3: Regional workshops/ ?X ?X ?X

Task 4: Report4.1. Preparation of the report X

4.2. Support of presentations X

4.3. KO, Final meeting, Participation in the Congress

KO ?

Task 5: Coordination

X: deliverable

Thank you

For more information:[email protected]

[email protected]@enerdata.net

[email protected]

For WEC energy efficiency case studies, data bases and reports: http://www.worldenergy.org/work_programme/technical_programme/technical_committees/energy_efficiency_policies_and_indicators/default.asp

For ADEME-WEC survey results: http://wec-policies.enerdata.eu

For WEC energy efficiency indicators: http://wec-indicators.enerdata.eu

http:// www.ademe.fr http://www.enerdata.net