The Chimes Vol. XL No. 7 Web Edition July 2013 Dear Friends, In October, 2011, I was privileged to take part in the inauguration of our own Tom Ross as President of the University of North Carolina. That morning, as the platform party made its slow procession across the campus of North Carolina A&T State University to the Corbett Sports Center for the ceremony, my procession partner was former Governor Jim Holshouser. We had a good conversation during that twenty-minute walk, and I was grateful for my opportunity to thank him for his legacy of service to the people of North Carolina. He and I had met before, during a Davidson College alumni event. When reminded, he remembered the meeting and even recalled the substance of that encounter. We spoke of his Presbyterian roots in Watauga County and of his adopted home church, Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church in Southern Pines, where he was an elder. We talked about the weight of the mantle of leadership, of the importance of education and of the substantive and challenging task Tom Ross was undertaking. When Jim Holshouser died on June 17, the state lost a person who had a key role in transforming the political climate of North Carolina in the 1970s and beyond. More than that, however, we lost a dedicated public servant who understood public service as a way of living out his faith commitments, and who understood those commitments to require civility and respect and a focus on the public good. I wasn’t always in agreement with Governor Holshouser, but I admired the way he lived and served among us. We miss such leadership sorely in our state in these days. In the current political climate, I don’t see many who understand public service the way that those of Governor Holshouser’s generation have. There is not much to commend a stint, much less a career, in the public sector. Yet, I deeply hope that some of our number will give such service some serious consideration. This community, our state, and our nation need more people of reasonable, thoughtful conviction and faith, who are committed to the common good, to rise to the challenge of civic leadership. There are many ways to be faithful, but public service is certainly an important vocation to faithfulness in our time. As we in this nation prepare to celebrate the 237 th birthday of our republic, and hope to celebrate many more, the way honorable, faithful people respond to such a calling will surely be one way to gauge the probability of our success. Grace and peace, Robert E. Dunham JULY JULY JULY JULY Our Church Family 2 Upcoming Class: Registration Begins July 15 3 Adult Education Summer Class Continues 3 Life Changes? What you may not know about Stephen Ministers 4 Montreat Youth Conference 4 Montreat Worship and Music Conference 5 Local Outreach News: TABLE’s SnackChef Program 6 Adult Education: Summer Reading List from Program Staff Members 7 Session Digest 7 Special Course Offering: NAMI’s Family-to-Family Program 8 Check out social media at UPC! 8 University Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. See page 3 to learn more about what’s happening with adult education this summer. Registration begins for the Discovering the Bible class on July 15. Books will need to be ordered, so don’t miss the registration deadline of August 15! Also, the special summer class Making God’s Mission Your Mission… You Do Make a Difference! continues in July and August. Page 3 features a schedule of the remaining classes. All are welcome!


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The July edition of The Chimes, UPC's monthly newsletter, includes information about our summer adult education class, registration for an upcoming full-year church school class, updates from the summer Montreat trips, a special course offering through the NAMI Family-to-Family program and more. Check it out!

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The Chimes Vol. XL No. 7 Web Edition July 2013

Dear Friends,

In October, 2011, I was privileged to take part in the inauguration of our own Tom Ross as President of the University of North Carolina. That morning, as the platform party made its slow procession across the campus of North Carolina A&T State University to the Corbett Sports Center for the ceremony, my procession partner was former Governor Jim Holshouser. We had a good conversation during that twenty-minute walk, and I was grateful for my opportunity to thank him for his legacy of service to the people of North Carolina.

He and I had met before, during a Davidson College alumni event. When reminded, he remembered the meeting and even recalled the substance of that encounter. We spoke of his Presbyterian roots in Watauga County and of his adopted home church, Brownson Memorial Presbyterian Church in Southern Pines, where he was an elder. We talked about the weight of the mantle of leadership, of the importance of education and of the substantive and challenging task Tom Ross was undertaking.

When Jim Holshouser died on June 17, the state lost a person who had a key role in transforming the political climate of North Carolina in the 1970s and beyond. More than that, however, we lost a dedicated public servant who understood public service as a way of living out his faith commitments, and who understood those commitments to require civility and respect and a focus on the public good. I wasn’t always in agreement with Governor Holshouser, but I admired the way he lived and served among us.

We miss such leadership sorely in our state in these days. In the current political climate, I don’t see many who understand public service the way that those of Governor Holshouser’s generation have. There is not much to commend a stint, much less a career, in the public sector. Yet, I deeply hope that some of our number will give such service some serious consideration. This community, our state, and our nation need more people of reasonable, thoughtful conviction and faith, who are committed to the common good, to rise to the challenge of civic leadership. There are many ways to be faithful, but public service is certainly an important vocation to faithfulness in our time. As we in this nation prepare to celebrate the 237th birthday of our republic, and hope to celebrate many more, the way honorable, faithful people respond to such a calling will surely be one way to gauge the probability of our success.

Grace and peace,

Robert E. Dunham


Our Church Family 2

Upcoming Class: Registration

Begins July 15


Adult Education Summer Class



Life Changes? What you may not

know about Stephen Ministers


Montreat Youth Conference 4

Montreat Worship and Music



Local Outreach News: TABLE’s

SnackChef Program


Adult Education: Summer Reading

List from Program Staff Members


Session Digest 7

Special Course Offering: NAMI’s

Family-to-Family Program


Check out social media at UPC! 8

U n i v e r s i t y P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h i s a f f i l i a t e d w i t h t h e P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h ( U . S . A . ) a n d i s a S t e p h e n M i n i s t r y C o n g r e g a t i o n .

See page 3 to learn more about what’s happening with adult education this summer. Registration begins for the Discovering the

Bible class on July 15. Books will need to be ordered, so don’t miss the registration deadline of August 15! Also, the special

summer class Making God’s Mission Your Mission… You Do Make a Difference! continues in July and August. Page 3 features a

schedule of the remaining classes. All are welcome!

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The Chimes Volume XL, No. 7 July 2013

The Ch imes i s a publ i ca t ion of Univers i ty Presbyter ian Church

The Chimes is published monthly. Deadline for submission of articles is the 15th of each month for the following month’s

edition (with a few exceptions to accommodate holiday schedules). Please include your name, phone number and email

address. The newsletter is posted on the church’s Website (www.upcch.org) and on www.issuu.com/upcch. Send article

submissions and inquiries to Newsletter Editor, University Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 509, Chapel Hill, NC 27514-0509,

or email [email protected].

The church office may be reached by telephone at (919) 929-2102, by fax at (919) 929-7669 or by email at [email protected].

Visit the UPC Website (www.upcch.org) or the UPC Facebook page (www.facebook.com/upcch) for more information.

** Deadline for the August edition is noon on Monday, July 15, 2013.

University Presbyterian Church Staff: Robert E. Dunham, Pastor; Anna Pinckney Straight, Associate Pastor; John Rogers,

Associate Pastor for Campus Ministry; Heather Ferguson, Staff Associate for Education; Kim McNeill, Staff Associate for

Youth and Congregational Life; Thomas Brown, Minister of Music; Beth Auman Visser, Youth and Children's Choir Director;

Ellen Parker, Director, UPPS; Jeanette Schmidt, Office Manager; Cristen Mugford, Financial Administrator; Karen Fisher,

Director of Membership; Jennifer Potts, Publications Coordinator; Dennis Dallke, Property Manager; Rob Kurtz, Sexton.

How to Submi t Ar t ic les for The Sunday Bul le t in’s Announcements

Or for the Month ly Newslet ter, The Ch imes

Please submit articles for the monthly newsletter (The Chimes) or announcements for the worship bulletin (Weekly Announcements) to

our Publications Coordinator, Jennifer Potts. Email her at [email protected] or call (919) 929-2102, extension 113.

Our Church Family

The UPC congregation and its pastors

take seriously the call to pray and be

present with those who are in need, so

we encourage you, a friend or a family

member to let us know if you have

scheduled surgery or have been admitted

to the hospital. During the week, please

call the church office at (919) 929-2102,

and over the weekend, please call one of

the pastors. Thank you.

“Are any among you sick? They

should call for the elders of the

church and have them pray over

them, anointing them with oil in the

name of the Lord,” James 5:14.

Due to privacy concerns and HIPAA laws,

there are no notifications or lists at any

local hospitals or clinics which would in-

form the church if you are hospitalized,

receiving treatment or undergoing surgery.

Visit our Website: www.upcch.org

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Volume XL, No. 7 July 2013 The Chimes

Discover ing the Bib le

Regis t ra t ion f rom July 15 - August 15

Discovering the Bible is a full-year Church School class being offered during UPC’s fall and spring adult education terms on Sun-day mornings from 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. Participants should expect to devote two hours per week—one for the class and one for preparation beforehand.

The class will run for a total of 30 weeks and will be divided into two sections. The first section will run from September 8 - December 22 and will focus on the Old Testament. The second sec-tion will run from January 5 - April 27 and will focus on the New Testament.

This class is for:

• those who have been reading the Bible for years and would like to know more;

• those who have always wanted to learn about the Bible but weren’t sure how to start;

• those who know who wrote the book of Acts; and

• those who aren’t sure if Proverbs is in the Old or the New Testament.

Registration begins July 15 and ends August 15. To register, please go to http://upcdce.wufoo.com/forms/q7x2w5/ and fill in the online form. This link will also be available in UPC’s Weekly E-News. If you plan to attend this class, please take time to register online. We will be ordering the resource books after August 15 and will not order more. The cost of the book is $10.

If you have questions, please contact Anna Pinckney Straight at [email protected] or (919) 929-2102 (ext. 112). With a few exceptions, Anna will be teaching and leading most of the classes on Sunday mornings.

This class is being held from 9:45-10:45 a.m. in Vance Barron Hall on the following Sundays:

July 7 – NO CLASS

July 14 – The Mission of the Members, led by Heather Ferguson

July 21 – The Mission of the Members in Ordered Ministries, led by Katy Walters

July 28 – A Worshipping Community, led by Katy Walters

August 4 – A Responsible Church, leader TBA

August 11 – A Serving Church, leader TBA

This summer, adults at University Presbyterian Church have the opportunity to experience a different rhythm in the schedule of educational opportunities with our special class, Making God’s Mission Your Mission… You Do Make a Difference!

This class features a series of modules developed by the faculty at Union Presbyterian Seminary. Guided by a variety of individual UPC members and the DVD created by Union, this series explores and engages participants in a deeper understanding of the mission of the church. The series will rely heavily on the three books that guide the work of the PC(USA): The Bible, the Book of Confessions and The Book of Order.

Childcare is available each Sunday morning. We hope you will join us as we continue this special summer class.

Adul t Educa t ion Summer Class Cont inues Making God’s Mi ss ion Your Miss ion… You Do Make a Di f ference!

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Volume XL, No. 7 July 2013 The Chimes

L i fe Changes? Graduations. New schools. Jobs beginning, jobs ending. Moves to new locations. Marriages beginning, marriages ending, births, deaths, new families forming.

Life changes—including happy changes—often cause us to feel pressures that can be relieved by having someone to talk to. Stephen Ministers are trained to listen. At this time of year when many transitions are occurring, consider taking advan-tage of UPC’s Stephen Ministry Program. Meeting with a Stephen Minister might be a one-time thing or might continue for a period of time, depending on what you find helpful.

If you are interested in this confidential service, please contact Anna Pinckney Straight, UPC’s Associate Pastor, at (919) 929-2102 (ext. 112) or [email protected]. Thank you.

2013 Mont rea t Youth Conference (June 9 - 15, 2013)

Here and Be Heard

We had a wonderful week together at the 2013 Montreat Youth Conference! Through morning energizers, small group meet-

ings, afternoon activities, free time and evening worship and recreation, our youth had the opportunity to grow closer to God

and to one another, as well as to explore this year’s conference theme, “Here and Be Heard.” It was certainly a very memorable

week for our youth at Montreat! See you next year!

UPC’s Group at the 2013 Montreat Youth Conference Page 4

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Volume XL, No. 7 July 2013 The Chimes

2013 Mont rea t Worship and Music Conference (June 16 - 22 , 2013)

A New Heaven and a New Ear th

UPC’s Group at the 2013 Montreat Worship and Music Conference

With joy and thanksgiving and for the 25th year, the Junior and Youth Choirs from UPC and their leaders have attended and enjoyed this consistently excellent conference on Worship and Music at Montreat in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Thank you for your prayers during our time away, guiding leaders and singers as we were immersed in the conference classes, worship and fellowship.

Attending the conference this year were following singers and their leaders. Singers in the High School House were Jake Krzyzewski, Ben Edwards, Philip Straughn, Garrett Pearce, Sam Sisk, Ben Soderling, Matt Singleton, Sam Merklein, Katie Ed-miston, Alyssa Oppewal, Kim Rubish, Hunter Pearce, Grace Gollmar, Chandler Younts, Lucy Wooldridge, Julia Sisk and Grace Nanney. High School Leaders were Frances Hess, Katy Walters, Sharon Edmiston, Peter Gollmar and Michael Peel.

Singers in the Middle School House were Alex Ford, Madison Clark, CC Owen, Haley Hiemstra and Taylor McGee. Middle School Leaders were Bobby Gollmar, Steve Kennedy, Jackie Soderling and Sarah Owen.

Singers in the Children’s House were Ella Kavanaugh, Maddie Minton, Rosslyn Scott, Sarah Allan Straight, Anna Soderling, Hannah Ingham, Ann McAllister Alexander, Eva Buckner, Nicholas Osborne, Jonathan Osborne, Ethan Merklein, Josh Single-ton, Monty Swafford and Cole McGee. Children’s House leaders were Patrick Kavanaugh, Angie Edwards, Meredith McClure-Scott, Janine McGee, Jen Singleton, Charlotte Pearce and Christie Osborne.

UPC Staff at Montreat for the week were Beth Auman Visser, Tom Brown and Anna Pinckney Straight. Additional parents and young children at Montreat for the week were Susan, Bradley and Helen Swafford, Alison, Maisy and Jasper Kavanaugh, Con-ner McGee and Luke Pearce.

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The Chimes Volume XL, No. 7 July 2013

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A big TABLE thanks to UPC for providing the grant to fund TABLE’s SnackChef Program! We are truly excited about the opportunity to expand and improve this program because it allows us not only to provide food to hungry kids, but also to teach local children healthy eating habits and how to apply those habits.

TABLE’s SnackChef Program sends college student volun-teers to Chapel Hill-Carrboro low-income after-school centers to teach kids about healthy foods and eating habits. Elemen-tary school students first watch college students make the snacks; then, they do the activity themselves by making the snacks. Finally, we send home the ingredients with the kids so they can teach a family member or friend how to make the healthy snack.

TABLE plans to use the funds granted from UPC’s Endow-ment Committee to expand the SnackChef Program. We are so excited about this expansion because we will be able to serve more children, host SnackChef sessions more frequently, distribute kid-friendly kitchen utensils, educate the kids about healthy eating habits with short interactive activities and incor-porate a rewards program to encourage the children to try the snacks at home.

Expected benefits of the SnackChef Program include:

• introducing kids to a variety of healthy foods that they may not otherwise be exposed to;

• encouraging them to taste new foods;

• educating them about healthy eating habits; and

• empowering them in health, character and skills by providing them with the knowledge and opportunity to do and teach, instead of simply watch.

Last year, some of the snacks that we made with the kids were Yogurt Parfaits, Striped Veggie Roll-Ups, and Apple Smiles! During one particular SnackChef session, the kids were mak-ing Striped Roll-Ups with sweet red peppers, string cheese, arugula, whole wheat tortillas and a sauce of their choice. The kids were instructed by volunteers to rip up the vegetables and cheese and wrap them up in the tortilla and eat!

One little girl got creative. Skipping the tortilla, she ripped off the top of the pepper, stuffed the arugula and cheese in-side of it, and then took a big bite! She loved it—and con-vinced several other kids to try the same. A real SnackChef in the making!

We’re so glad that this little girl, along with many other chil-dren that TABLE serves, is being exposed to healthy foods as a result of the SnackChef Program. These kids have the op-portunity to try a variety of local produce that they otherwise might never see, much less taste.

The planned expansion of this Program to reach more kids and to increase its impact would not be possible without UPC’s generosity!

We appreciate your support, and thank you for being an essen-tial part of the TABLE network.

~ Ashton Chatham, Executive Director, TABLE

Contact Ashton directly to learn more about TABLE or the SnackChef Program at [email protected].

You can also learn more about TABLE by visiting their Web-site at www.tablenc.org. To read about the SnackChef Pro-gram, hover over the “What We Do” tab at the top of the page, and click on “SnackChef.”

Local Outr each News:

TABLE’s SnackChef Program Rece ives Funds

f rom the UPC Endowment Commit tee

The Local Outreach Committee supports TABLE and is so pleased that UPC is supporting the SnackChef program!

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Volume XL, No. 7 July 2013 The Chimes

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Sess ion Diges t

At the June meeting of Session, we:

• listened to a devotion and prayer by Anna Pinckney Straight on the importance of spiritual practices, such as prayer;

• approved the baptisms of Samuel, Benjamin and Emily Jump, the children of Vickie Bae-Jump and Ethan Jump on June 16, 2013;

• approved the wedding of Jennifer Tesh and Bryan Murphy on July 6, 2013;

• elected Ruth Moose, Nancy Oates and Donna Van Engen to be our commissioners to the July 23, 2013 New Hope Presbytery meeting;

• noted that UPC had recently been honored for their help over the past 50 years at the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Inter-Faith Council;

• welcomed James Smith, Chair of the Endowment Committee, for the second and final vote approving a request from Bud Parsons to use a portion of the E.A. Parsons Family Flower Fund for the Faith Forward Capital Campaign. An action of this kind requires two affirmative votes by the Session, the first motion was passed at the session meet-ing in March, 2013; and

• were updated by Heather Ferguson on the increased adult participation on Sunday mornings with regards to partici-pation in adult education classes, as confirmation mentors and as church school teachers. Heather also noted the large group of children and volunteers signed up for Vacation Church School.

~Mary Ellen Olson, Clerk of Session

Adul t Educa t ion: Summer Reading L is t

Suggestions from Bob Dunham, Pastor

• Reason, Faith, and Revolution: Reflections on the God Debate (The Terry Lectures Series), by Terry Eagleton

• Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife, by Eben Alexander, M.D.

• Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life, by Richard Rohr

Suggestions from Anna Pinckney Straight, Associate Pastor

• Faith, Doubt, and Other Lines I've Crossed: Walking with the Unknown God, by Jay Bakker

• Laughter Is Sacred Space: The Not-so-Typical Journey of a Men-nonite Actor, by Ted Swartz

• Flight behavior, by Barbara Kingsolver

Suggestion from Kim McNeill, Staff Associate for Youth and Congregational Life

• Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers, by Anne Lamott

Suggestions from Heather Ferguson, Staff Associate for Education

• In the Sanctuary of Outcast, by Neil White

• Home, by Toni Morrison

• Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self, by Richard Rohr

• Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Poli-tics Worthy of the Human Spirit, by Parker J. Palmer

Members of the program staff have put together a summer reading list for our members and friends of UPC.

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We w e l c o m e a l l f a c u l t y, s t u d e n t s , n ew c o m e r s a n d

v i s i t o r s . July 2013 The Chimes Newslet te r

University Presbyterian Church is affiliated with The Presbyterian

Church (U.S.A.) and is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. On Sun-

day mornings, worship services are held at 8:30 and 11:00 and

church school for all ages at 9:45 a.m. Children of all ages are wel-

comed and cherished by this congregation. Childcare for infants

through kindergarteners is provided on Sunday mornings by our

paid sitters and parent volunteers.

The Sanctuary is wheel-chair accessible. Handicapped parking

spaces are available, and a parking assistant will be available to

help you out of your car. Assistive hearing devices and large-print

bulletins and hymnals are available during worship. Summer office

hours (June—August): Monday—Thursday 8:30-4:30; Friday 8:30-

12:30. Call (919) 929-2102 for more information. Learn more about

our programs from the church Website (www.upcch.org) and Face-

book page (www.facebook.com/upcch).

Socia l Media a t UPC! Stay up-to-date with everything happening at the church, including information about programs, events and

special services, by joining the UPC Facebook page! Visit www.facebook.com/upcch and click “Like” to join.

Follow Presbyterian Youth Connection (PYC) on Twitter @upcpyc. Go to https://twitter.com/upcpyc and click

“Follow.” Through this page, you’ll learn what’s coming up in the fall and what’s happening this summer!

Spec ia l Course Of fer ing

NAMI’s Fami ly- to -Fami ly Program

This past April, Dana Greenwood, a member of the Mental Health Task Force, completed training to be a NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family-to-Family teacher.

Family-to-Family is an educational program for people with family members struggling with severe and persistent mental illness, such as major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder or borderline personality disorder.

Dana will be co-teaching the Family-to-Family course this fall. The class will meet weekly on Thursday eve-nings from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. at the Seymour Senior Center, beginning on September 5 and lasting for twelve weeks.

You may call Dana at (919) 622-3795 for more information. To enroll, contact Tana Hartman Thorn at (919) 619-6546 or [email protected].