www.alevelfrench.com Kiffe Kiffe Demain Kiffe Kiffe Demain Faiza Guene (Livre de Poche-Jeunesse Edition pagination) Pages 9-11 Moche-ugly Un tiroir du bas –bottom draw Une tache-stain Du vomi séché- dried sick À quoi ça me faisait penser- what it made me think of En remuant- rocking À l’arrière-at the back Une grève-strike Renfermé-shy Je m’en fous-I’m not bothered Rembourser-to pay for/pay back La Sécu-la sécurité sociale Épouser-to marry Fécond-fertile Réussir-to succeed Faire exprès-to do ..on purpose Tomber enceinte- to fall pregnant Du premier coup- on the first go La fierté-pride Il n’a eu qu’un enfant-he only had one child- ne ..que only Tout à fait- completely Ça se passe pas- it doesn’t happen (ne missed out as often happens in spoken language) Après-vente-after sales Le barbu-the bearded man Se rendre compte- to realize Se casser-to clear off (slang) Prévenir-to warn Claquer-to slam L’accouchement- the birth Le baptême- baptism Un tambour-drum Une retraite d’ouvrier- worker’s pension Egorger-to slit the throat Il me manque –I miss him (he is missing to me) Perspicace- intelligent Meuf-verlan for femme (verlan slang where words are turned round) Ailleurs- elsewhere Pages 13-15 J’ai dû faire signer – I had to get signed (faire + infinitive to get something done) Préciser-to specify Le trimestre-term Le proviseur-head of school Se foutre de la gueule de qqn-to take the piss out of someone (slang) Con-stupid (slang) J’en aurais fait une vraie- I would have done a real one L’illettrisme- illiteracy Le sida-aids Ça existe qu’en Afrique-It only exists in Africa En attendant- whilst waiting Lutter – to battle, struggle Une datte-a date Coudre-to sew (past participle cousu) Que ça fasse plus discret-so that it makes it more discrete Sans arrêt- without cease Piquer-to nick (steal) Marrer-laugh le faire marrer –to make him laugh Le responsable- supervisor

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www.alevelfrench.com Kiffe Kiffe Demain

Kiffe Kiffe Demain Faiza Guene (Livre de Poche-Jeunesse Edition pagination)

Pages 9-11

Moche-uglyUn tiroir du bas –bottom drawUne tache-stainDu vomi séché-dried sickÀ quoi ça me faisait penser-what it made me think ofEn remuant-rocking À l’arrière-at the backUne grève-strikeRenfermé-shyJe m’en fous-I’m not botheredRembourser-to pay for/pay backLa Sécu-la sécurité socialeÉpouser-to marryFécond-fertileRéussir-to succeedFaire exprès-to do ..on purposeTomber enceinte-to fall pregnantDu premier coup-on the first goLa fierté-prideIl n’a eu qu’un enfant-he only had one child-ne ..que onlyTout à fait-completelyÇa se passe pas-it doesn’t happen (ne missed out as often happens in spoken language)Après-vente-after salesLe barbu-the bearded manSe rendre compte-to realizeSe casser-to clear off (slang)Prévenir-to warn

Claquer-to slamL’accouchement-the birth Le baptême-baptismUn tambour-drumUne retraite d’ouvrier-worker’s pensionEgorger-to slit the throatIl me manque –I miss him (he is missing to me)Perspicace-intelligentMeuf-verlan for femme (verlan slang where words are turned round)Ailleurs-elsewhere

Pages 13-15

J’ai dû faire signer – I had to get signed (faire + infinitive to get something done)Préciser-to specifyLe trimestre-termLe proviseur-head of schoolSe foutre de la gueule de qqn-to take the piss out of someone (slang)Con-stupid (slang)J’en aurais fait une vraie- I would have done a real oneL’illettrisme-illiteracyLe sida-aidsÇa existe qu’en Afrique-It only exists in AfricaEn attendant-whilst waiting Lutter – to battle, struggleUne datte-a dateCoudre-to sew (past participle cousu)Que ça fasse plus discret-so that it makes it more discreteSans arrêt-without ceasePiquer-to nick (steal)

Marrer-laugh le faire marrer –to make him laughLe responsable-supervisorSouhaiter que- I wish that + subjunctiveBouffer-to eat –slangEngueuler-to tell of (slang)Pire-worstPleurer-to cryElle s’était fait pipi dessus – she got peed onUn enfoiré-a shitSchihant-name of Doria’s mother’s boss based on chiant – impolite way of saying annoying

Pages 17-20Avoir droit à-to have a right toUn défilé-a procession (succession)Une assistante sociale-a social workerUn truc-a thing (slang)Pour qu’on sache-so that you know (pour que + subjunctive)Quelque part-somewhereSourire-to smileOn dirait- One would sayIl n’y avait pas moyen-that there was no wayGaffer-to make a mistakeTranspercer-to pierce throughLa mairie-town hallOuais-slang way of saying yesC’est dommage + subjunctive-it’s a pity thatRayures-stripesUne pub-an advertUn sosie-boy friendPlaisanter-to joke

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Un bibelot-nicknackRapporter-to bring backDes babouches-floor protecting slippersDoigt (du pied) toeL’orteil-big toeFaire un doigt d’honneur-to stick your finger up (in defiance)Compatissant-sympatheticC’était un mytho-it was all front/pretendIl en avait rien à foutre de nous-He didn’t give a shit about usA ce qu’il paraît-apparentlyLa messe-massRoquefort-blue cheeseFaire semblant-to pretendQuelque chose à cirer de nos vies-bothered about our livesAigue-sharpUn bouquin-book (slang)Raconter-to relate, recountElever-to bring up (a child or animal)Echographie-ultra soundNi repris, ni échangé-neither taken back nor exchangedQuel destin de merde-what a shit futureQuoi que tu fasses-what ever you do Quoi que-what ever + subjTu te feras toujours couiller-you will always get screwedLe mektoub-fate in ArabicDont-of whichNe …aucun not at allPages 21-24Ceux – those masculine celles –femUn gosse – lad

Mythos-made upAu coin du bec-in the corner of his mouthCapter une chaîne- to receive a channelGrace à-thanks to Une antenne-aerial, satellite dishCouscoussière-type of strainer for making couscousInox-stainless steelLe mauvais bateau-the wrong boat (mauvais normally bad)Un minuscule F2 – a tiny flat (F2 2 bedrooms)Le mal de mer-sea sicknessUn présage-forewarning Un bled- hole (to live in)Egaré-lost s’égarer-to get lostUn tatoué-a tatooed personLa soudure-weldingCelui-là-that oneL’âne-donkeyMettre à l’amende-to fine (get money off someone)Loucher-to have cross eyes (sken)Sentir la pisse-smell of peeLa poitrine-chestEn guise de – in the guiseUn sein-breastFaire cuire-to cookAvoir les moyens-to affordMontrer du doigt-to point at something/someonePrévenir-to warnLa facture-the billFaire la guerre-to go to warOn ne s’y attendait pas-it wasn’t expected

Attendre-to wait for S’attendre à-to expectRêver-to dreamUn voisin-neighbourUn enterrement-funeralNettoyer-to cleanDéménager-to move houseS’occuper de-to look afterEh ben- well (bien)Dégueulasse-disgustingBoiter-to limpPaumé-rubbishSoigner-to treatLes boutons –spots (acné)Au marché noir-black marketSe débrouiller-to cope, get byUn raté-a failure, a loserLa connerie-stupidityUn navet-turnip / can also mean a very bad movieGlamour-cool, glamNul(le)-useless, rubbishLa moyenne-averageArts plastiques-3D designColler des feuilles mortes-stick dead leavesLa caisse-cash deskL’avortement-abortionL’homme de ma vie-the man of my lifeJe lui aurais fait une réduction-I would have given him a reductionEmmener-to take someone somewhereHippopotamus-self service restaurantVivre – to live past participle vécuF5- (5 rooms)flat much larger than an F2 !

Pages 25-28

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Recevoir-past participle reçu to receiveLa CAF- Caisse d’Allocations Familiales part of the French Social Security which gives money to the families in France Ça tombe bien-that falls well (lit) That’s convenientEtre obligé-to be forcedSecours populaire-charity helping the poorCroiser-to meet by chanceLa sorcière-the witchEmprunter de l’argent à –to borrow money fromEn galère-strugglingLe flouse-slang for moneyFoutre la honte à-to make ashamedRavi – delightedRécupérer-to get something from Dieu te le rendra-God will give it back to youLa méchanceté-spitefulnessLaide-ugly womanUne raison- a reasonApprendre-to learn, teachEn parlant de..talking aboutUn devoir-a homeworkEducation civique-PSHELes yeux mouillés-moist eyes(crying)Rendre-give backSe tirer-clear offPareil-samePrendre rendez-vous-to make an appointmentUn pote-mateBranché-fashionableEnseigner-to teachBeurk-yuk

Ranger les copies-to tidy away the homework sheetsLe canapé en cuir-leather sofaEn train de-in the process of Manger ses crottes de nez-eating his snotLe traiteur-the delicatessenCommander-to orderAvoir la flemme de-can’t be botheredL’épilation à la cire-hair removal by waxManquer de respect-to be lacking in respectJe me fais chier-I’m pissed offEnviron-aboutTraîner-to hang aboutUne barrette de shit- a pack of weed Un pétard –joint okDéconnecté-out of his headSe rappeler-to recall, rememberBouffer-to eat up (slang)Grand-chose : usually used in the negative/ pas grand-chose; nothing muchRacaille-chavvyEmbarquer-to put away Faire embarquer-to get put awayLacher-to dropFouiller-to search ( a person)Traiter qqn de-to call someone somethingDéchet-rubbishUn type-blokeEn roulant-whilst rollingUn énième joint-yet another jointÇa sert à rien-it has no point

Une contrainte-an obligationSauf que-except that

Page 29-32

S’ennuyer-to be boredDistrayant-pleasurableUn Roumain- a RoumanianFaux cuir-artificial leatherPourri-rotten, messed upLa poussière-dustUne touche-key (on accordéon)Un morceau-a pieceMarrant-funnyAnimer-to give some life toCoincé-jammed inDiscréto-discretelyLe manouche: gipsy (pejorative)Suivre-to followUn terrain vague-a vacant piece of landEn faisant-makingJ’ai eu la honte-I was ashamedTendre-to pass something, to handQuick-French fast foodUn gobelet-paper cupRemplir-to fill rempli filledUn sale truc-a dirty trickDès que-as soon asLe bonhomme-fellowGenre-suggestingLa super cagnotte-a lotteryGagner-to winJuste Prix-The Price is Right (TV programme)Une moufle – mittenTroué-holeyAttirer des ennuis-to cause problemsEmmener-to take someone somewhereUn ongle-nail

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Abîmé-messed up, damagedUn produit d’entretien-cleaning productFrimer-to show offPropre-cleanLimé-manicuredVerni-varnishedSe gratter-to rubFlamber – to show offFaire voir- to show (lit to make seen)Arracher-to pull outUn marron chaud-hot chestnutUne cacahuète-peanutRéchauffer-to warm upEn chœur-togetherS’imprimer-imprinting itselfLe cerveau-brainDu riz-rice

Pages 33-37

Vendredi-Muslim sabbathTôt-earlyLa couture-sewingExpliquer-to explainS’inscrire aux cours-to register for lessonsLe bled-homeRire-to laughUn porte-bonheur- good luck charmChance-luckFort-strongLes travaux publics-public worksUne mode-a fashionTempérer-to keep things coolMi-temps- part timeDéranger-to bother, disturbJouer à la console-to play computer gamesEn renversant-by knocking overUn piéton-a pedestrian

Tendu-tenseFaire deviner-to make someone guessMuet-dumbUn bout de conversation-a snatch of conversationLe videur-the doorman, bouncerDégager-to get rid ofLes pois chiches-chick peas La semoule-semolina from which couscous is madeDébarquer-to get off the planeRigoler-to laughSe mettre à-to start toRamener-to take someone homeLe trajet-journeyLa vitre-windowEnvoyer-to sendAutant de vies- so many livesJe lui en veux- I hold it against himUn immeuble-flat blockRemercier-to thankLe gardien-care takerL’état-the stateUn mollard - spit/ gob of spit , slangLa plaquette est grattée-the lift numbers are scratched offFondre-to meltBrûler-to burnLe briquet-lighterLes sourcils froncés-knitted eyebrowsIl lui manque un pouce-he’s missing a thumb

Pages 39-43

Chelou-louche (verlan) dodgy Un séjour-a stayLes sports d’hiver-winter sports

Bénéfique-beneficialMe couper de-get away from, cut myself away fromHors de question-out of the questionPuer le vomi-smell of sickLaisse tomber- forget it (let it drop)A cause des sous-because of moneyUn sou- a sou (old coin)Préoccuper-to botherDebout-standing upUn bonnet-hatUne combinaison-a ski suitFlamber-to show offUn appareil jetable-a disposable cameraRelou -heavy, over the topI think heavy in sense of over the top L’arnaque- trickery, rip offElle se fait pas prier-she doesn’t need askingOn s’en claque- we’re not botheredEnerver-to annoyLa jalousie-jealousyCouper les cheveux-cut hairNaze : slang/ tired, stupid, rooted, depending on the context Un mutilé de guerre-war woundedUne étagère en kit-a DIY shelfUn mec-a blokeDéboucher les chiottes-unblock the bogsSouffle-breathUn vrai couteau suisse humain- a real Swiss army knife manOuf - wow factor La dentelle-lace

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Un voile- a veilUne bougie-a candleUn témoin- a witnessUne demoiselle d’honneur-a bride’s maidJouer à la corde – skipL’autel-the altarC’est censé être-is supposed to be..Annuler-to cancelRapporter chez eux-to take home to their homesLe feuilleton-the soap operaEmbrouilles-shenanigansUne daronne – A woman slangA fond dedans-well into itLouper-to miss (bus or TV programme)L’époque-the timeAccrocher-to stick up (on wall)Se mettre dans tous ses états-to get into a stateLe diable-the devilLe téton-nipple

Pages 45-49

S’achever-to finishPar rapport-with relation to Le bulletin-report (school)Un concours- a competitionLes appréciations-comments on reportLa pire que j’aie jamais eue-the worst I’ve ever had (subj after superlative worst/best etc)Démission-resignationAvouer-to confessRien à foutre de cette prof-I can’t do with this teacher

Sembler-to seem, appearRedescendre sur terre-come back to earthSympa-kindMalgré-in spite ofUne note-markAbuser-to overdoHLM – habitation à loyer modéré-social housingIl se la pète-he’s full of itRacketter-to steal from school mateLe goûter-snackIl s’est foutu de ma gueule-he made fun of me/ slangUne marque de pneus- a make of tyresMe l’a mis dans les pattes-who put him under my feetSe débarrasser de lui-to get rid of himDes circonstances atténuantes-making excuses for himLa sienne (his)En lui caressant la tête- whilst stroking his headÇa se fait pas-that just isn’t doneLa récré-break at school/ abbreviation for la récréationLa grille-the school fenceLes jurés-the members of the juryOublier-to forgetLa cuisse-the thighUn congélateur-deep freezeFoutre la merde-mess upFinir l’assiette-to finish plate of foodUn môme-kid familiar or bratScience nat(urelles) biology/chemistryVu de face-head onDégoûter-to disgust

Partir en vrille -to not behave the right way, to act out of lineLa pâte à modeler-plasticineAvoir ses règles- to have periodÇa devait être chaud pour elle-it must have been bad for herUn saignement-a bleedingDes douleurs-painsLa poussée-growingCheveux gras-greasy hairEteint-dead, switched offAutant-might as wellSauter-jump out ofLes pire que soi-the worse off

Pages 51-54

Une commère-nosey parkerA la kermesse-fair, festivalRagot-titbit (of gossip)Un gamin –kidMerguez-spicy lamb sausageDéfiler-to go in processionLe refrain-chorusGalérer-to sufferDandiner-to prance aboutPêche-fishingLa zone-hellUne poupée : dollDes taches de rousseur-frecklesS’afficher-to show oneself upFiler-to go offEngouement -passionPrendre trente ans-to age by 30 yearsFaire des yeux ronds-to make round eyes at someone (surprise)

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Traîner-to hang aboutAssister-to be present atLa clôture-the closing

Pages 55-58

Rendre triste-to make sadUne blondasse-a blond pejorativePerché-perchedUn talon-heelUne assurance vie-life insuranceRasé de près-close shavedLa lavande-lavanderLa magie noire-black magicSentir- je la sens bizarre-I find her strangeLe fond de teint-base make upLouche-dodgySe faire marabouter-bewitchChauve-baldFaire gaffe-be careful (colloquial)Réfléchir-to think, reflectUn feutre-felt tip penPour que j’aille mal… so that I’m not so well (pour que + subj)Un marabout-witchdoctor/guruRésoudre les problèmes-solve problemsL’eau de rose-rose waterEn bas de gamme-bottom of the range, bargain basementUn putain d’air supérieur-a hell of a superior look about himRousse-red headedSe viander-to fell

Tomber amoureux-to fall in love

Débile mentale- mentally deficient person

Pages 59-62

Le loyer-the rentFaire une permanente-get a permanent waveQui tient-which is still holdingUn locataire-a tenantLe quartier-the areaGarder un enfant-to look after a childGagner-to earnN’importe qui-no matter whoJe retire-I’ll take backHein-hey ?Ça a failli-it nearly faillir to nearly..Déclencher-to set offUn saignement de nez-a nose bleedTamponner la quittance-stamp the receiptMortel-great slangSurgelés-frozen goodsLes paupières-eyelidsGrandir-to grow upUn tas de-a heap ofUn peu bidon- a bit crapOn s’est vues à peine une demi-heure- we hardly saw each other for more than half an hourEveillé-awakeAmertume-bitternessUne compil (ation) - a CD compilationLe tiroir de sa commode –the drawers of her dressingtableD’un coup-suddenlyLes larmes-tearsPicoter-pinch, sting

Pages 63-66

Formule 1- very cheap basic hotel chain

La merde-shitPlein de-loads ofEn grève-on strikeSe débrouiller-cope with Un syndicat-a unionRevendications-demandsS’entendre-to get on withNouer mes lacets-to do up my shoe lacesLe boulot-work (slang)Emmerder-to piss offLicencier-to sackAvoir le droit-to have the rightVirer-to sackUn horaire-hours, timetableEnfer-hellHurler-to screamUn mec-blokeFaire l’aumône-to charityEngueuler-to tell offSe garer-to parkUne grande surface-a hypermarketSupporter-to bear, standUne marge d’erreur infime-a tiny margin of errorUn enfoiré-a bastardS’arrêter-to stopS’est fait agresser-got attackedUn couloir- a corrridorGazer-to spray gas onUne bombe lacrymogène-tear gas containerHistoire de- in order to Un enseignant-a teacherAssurer les cours-to deliver lessonsAccrocher-to stick upAffiche-posterMarre de la violence-fed up of violenceDigne de-worthy ofSi elle paie pas de mine-if she doesn’t look the part

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Sa teinture noir corbeau-her raven black hair doTéléachat-telesalesUn prétexte-an excuseUn flemmard-lazy sodSoutenir-to support

Pages 67-70

Une fout la merde-a pain in the bum, colloquialAvoir mauvaise mine-to look illAu terme de –at the end ofUV-sun bedUn institut de soins et de beauté-health clubLa Fidélité-faithful customUn métier-a jobS’occuper de –to deal withA peine-hardlyUne bouche en cul de poule-a wretchFaire attention à sa ligne-to keep one’s eye on one’s figureAbuser-overdo itAtteindre-to reach her intellectUn accueil –a reception centreAnalphabète-illiterate peopleFaire une démarche-go through the processesFouiller-to look throughLa couche-nappyUn artichaut-artichokeUn chèque-lire-a free book tokenGratos-gratuit-freeRégresser-go backwardsUn/e assisté-a scroungerDéfoncer la porte-knock down the doorTout sens dessus dessous –everything upside down

Le poste (de police) the stationImpliquer-implicateSe mettre à-to start toSuffire-to suffice, to be enoughLes mots-wordsLe béton-concreteCracher dessus-to spit on

Pages 71-74

Le rêve-dreamMême-sameChelou-louche-dodgyAu réveil-on waking upLe rebord-window sillS’envoler-to fly awayS’éloigner-to get further awayBattre des ailes-to beat one swingsSecouer-to shakeSe cogner-to bash oneselfLe mur-wallUn bleu- a bruiseDe cette façon-in this wayUne foutaise-a load of rubbishUn pseudo-a pseudonymBosser-to work (slang)La vérité-the truthDiffuser-to broadcastDoubler-to dub the soundToucher-to get moneyAucun droit-no royalty (licence fee)Débarras-the store (one each per flat at bottom of flat block)Un grenier-loftUne connerie-rubbishSe servir de –to useUne planisphère-full map of the earthGalérer-to sufferUn endroit-a placeGribouiller-to scribble

Se casser-to clear offEnregistrer-to record (on video)Emmerdé-messed aboutÇa fait du bien-it does you goodMordre-to biteLa grange-the barnLe bonheur-happinessLe chemin de fer-the railway systemFaire un signe de croix-to make a sign of the crossLa honte-shameL’abbé Pierre-French monk famous for rehousing people for the Emmaus fraternityUne étoile-starVexer-to upset, to angerLes poufiasses-the tarty onesSurmaquillé-over made upUn soutien gorge rembourré-filled braUne saloperie de pull mauve-this crap purple topUn haut de pyjama-a pyjama top

Pages 75-78

Croiser-to meet by chanceEmbarquer-to give me a liftDéposer-to drop offFlamber-to show offLe bahut –school (slang)Une tronche de cake- nut head colloquial, idiotLa doublure de-the double ofUne cicatrice-a scarLe menton-chinEcorché vif-skinned aliveEn fait –in factSoit-eitherUn pote-a mate

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Concessionaire-car dealerProtéger-to protectMêler-to meddleFixer-to stare atDémarrer-to set offFaché-annoyedSoulagé-relievedCru-from croire-to believeLe rapport-relationshipMoi non plus-me neitherRencontrer-to meetAux alentours de – aroundChauve-baldLes ongles sales-dirty nailsDécoincer-to pull out (things between his teeth)Le bout de la langue-the tip of his tonguePérimé-out of date limite foodUn cafard- a bugAid-EidFaire des crédits-to let people have a slate (to buy on credit)Rembourser-to pay backUne blague-a jokeBlédard-person from back home (in n. Africa)Un arnaqueur-a conman

Pages 79-81

Se casser-to leaveCe putain d’hôtel-this crap hotelTirer la chasse d’eau-the pull the toilet chainTrois fois rien-next to nothingLa prime de départ-a leaving bonusLa faillite-bankruptcyLa douceur-gentlenessUn pli-a creaseLe drap-sheet

D’admettre-to admitJongler-to juggleMélanger-to mixSucré-sweetSale-saltyUne maîtresse-a teacherUn cahier à gros carreaux-an exercise book with big squaresUn zizitope-zizi male organAppréhender-to be apprehensive about (fear)La santé-healthDe la blague-a jokeRecherche d’emploi-job huntingVachement bien-really goodUne boîte de thon- a can of tunaPas mal de dégats-a fair bit of damage

Pages 83-86

Périmé-past date limitMême-evenL’aspect-lookL’affiche-too obvious C’est trop l’afficheParis – Dakar- motor race from Paris to Dakar in Africa (very long like the queue)45 tours rayé-a scratched record (old fashioned type)La gueule de l’emploi-the gob of the jobPlat-flatOn pourrait la faxer-you could send her by faxPorter plainte-to make an official complaintUne coupe-a hair cutDevoir (doit)-to owe (as well as must, have to)Une perle de sueur-a bead of sweat

Couler-to flowUn démineur de bombe-a bomb disposal personLe fil rouge-the red threadS’endormir-to go off to sleepJurer-to swearQue dieu te vienne en aide-Let God come to your assistance (subj after Que with sense of let)Compter-to count onMériter-to deserveLe grand avocat-the great lawyerLe process-the trial

Pages 87-90

En chute libre-in free fallSe batter-to fightTraiter qqn de-to call someone somethingUn bâtard-bastard (in the real sense of the word)La case prison-the prison block (of games board like monopoly)Se moquer de-to take the mickey out of, to mockL’intérim-agency workGalère-miserableRattraper-to catch upVivre du deal-live off dealingUne voyante-fortune tellerSurnommer-to give the nick name ofUne dégaine-holster (for gun)Devenir-to becomeLe tierce-horse racing (betting)À tous les coups-every timeGueuler-to mouth (Insults)Bol-luck

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Se faire taper dessus-to get hit, bashed aboutAbonné-subscriber La formatrice-the educatorLe bac à sable-the sand pitFaire une ronde-shaking each other’s handUne tête à claques-faces which could do with slappingGrillage-fencing, gatesSentir la rouille-smell of rustLa ligne Maginot -30s protective wall between France and GermanyUn tag-graffitiUn ange menotté-a handcuffed angel

Pages 91-94

Détenu-held against will, detainedRamener-to bring backLe roi-kingLa haute surveillance-high level securityLa poisse-short strawSe sauver-to run offDéposer une main courante - law/ similar to lay charges against someone but the person doesn’t get to know you have done itL’appareil dentaire-the dental braceTrop fort-really greatFaire les retrouvailles-go through the meeting up processChialer-to howl, cryS’évanouir-to faintLa baraque-house (slang)Le boulot-work (slang)Se casser la tête-to do one’s head in

Il en avait rien à foutre-he couldn’t be bothered, couldn’t give a damnLa disparition-the disappearanceAvec du ventre-pregnant/ with a big tummyTortionnaire-torturerMaigrir-to lose weightVide-emptyReconnaître-to recognizeAffronter-to meet challengeUne épreuve-test, challengeS’y faire-to copeSubir-to undergo something, to sufferTromper-to two timeUn prêtre-priestC’est du gâteau-it easy, a piece of cakeRedoubler-to resit a year in school (to catch up)Un prétexte-an excuseOccidental-westernRater-to fail Redevenir-to re-becomeEn forme de-in the shape ofFaire marrer-to make laugh

Pages 95-98

Qu’est-ce qu’il en a à foutre de voter-why should he be bothered about voting?Se batter-to fightLe quotidien-daily lifeLe citoyen-citizenS’améliorer-to improveSe bouger-to move himselfUn boutonneux-a spotty faced personAvoir la parole-to be able to say your piece

Faire la semaine-to last the weekUne bise-a kissOser-to dareUn poivron-red pepperBafouiller –stammerCourir-to runLe goût-the tastePerdre connaissance-to lose consciousnessLa chirurgie esthétique-plastic surgeryLa lèvre-lipLes miennes-mineUn baiser-kissUne lime à ongles-a nail fileFaire du feu-to make fireCoiffer-to get hair doneTuer-to killDescendre mon paquet de biscuits-to run down my pack of biscuitsPas autant que je croyais que je lui en voudrais -but not as much as I think I would hold it against him

Pages 99-102

Un jeu-a gameHumilier-humiliateSe tromper-to make a mistakeBaver-dribbleFaire caca-to pooVillain-badUn trait-a markNe---aucun not at allUn zizi- male organMignonne-sweet,cuteUne fée-a fairyGronder-scold, tell offMourir de rire-die laughingN’empêche que depuis-that hasn’t stopped him..Corrompu-corrupt

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Se ranger-to keep out of the wayLe tiers-third (fraction)Pas mal de-a fair amount ofPleurer-to cry

Pages 103-108

Une camionnette-a vanEnvier-to envyEmmener-to take with youElle va en jeter-she’s going to show offUne baraque-house (slang)Se sont fait construire-have got builtDes sous-cashLe maçon-builderEffleurer leur esprit-cross their mindFoutre les pieds-stick their feetLe cercueil-coffinParfois-sometimesEssayer-to tryA deux sous-two bit, cheapLe patinage-skatingSe vautrer-to be bent overLes tenues-outfitsLa culotte-underwearDes préjugés-stereotypesEnfiler un patin-to put on a skateRédiger-to write (essay)Un bigoudi -hair curlerRedoubler-to resit the yearUn lycée professional-senior school doing more vocational strands of baccalauréatCAP-certificat d’aptitude professionelCoiffure-hairdressingSe plaindre-to complain

S’orienter-to decide on a career/course pathUn poil-a hairLe caillou-stone slang for headTravailler à son compte-to work for oneselfArchi tirer-to stretch, straighten archi means really but colloquialUne frisure-curls, curlinessTrahir-to betray Radin-tight fistedC’est cuit-it’s finishedUne commère-a gossipOser-to dareRéciproque-reciprocal (thinks the same)Un perdant-loserUn crâne chauve-bald skullCrado-dirty (colloquial)Un crédit-loanRembourser-to reimburse, pay backNulle part-anywhere, no where

Pages 109-113

Le vide-grenier-car boot sale (emptying loft)L’herbe-grassTrempé-soakedTéma -check out, look at (verlan)On l’a vidée du grenier-They’ve emptied her from the loftPouffer de rire-to burst out laughingEtouffé-stifledUne grosse touffe-a big head of hairRapatrier-to send home, repatriateCacher-to hideUne grotte- a caveAvaler tout cru-to eat raw

Serrer-seize, gripLa haine-hatredCoupable-guiltyUn éplucheur-a peelerUne carapace- a protective shellUne marieuse-wedding organizerNourriture-foodBijou(x)-jewelMettre la patate- according the contexte ; to work a lot, to go fastEn congé de maternité-on maternity leaveSe coltiner-colloquial, to get stuck with, to lugDes verres en cul de bouteille-bottle glass specsLes montures-framesEpouvante-horrorGratter la peau du dos-scratch the skin on his backCreuser-digUne couche-a layerUne vis-a screwUn numéro de série-a serial numberSe désaltérer-to refresh himselfElle a l’air mieux-she looks betterSe tromper-to make a mistakeSoucieux-worriedElle regarde la télé éteinte-she watches the TV switched offLa location-hireAvoir un entretien-to have an interviewEmbaucher-to take on a workerUne parcarte- a signChien méchant-beware of the dogUne mouche-fly (insect)

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Pages 115-117

Coupure de pub-advertising breakSentir l’alcool/fort-to smell of alcohol/strongUne histoire drôle-jokePorte-jarretelles-suspender beltUn moyen de rencontre-way of meeting peopleSe remettre-start off againA moins qu’on vienne la demander en mariage-unless someone comes to ask for her hand in marriage à moins que + subjLe souci-the worryAfficher-to post (information)Lâches-cowardsBelle dentition-good teeth workPicoler-to boozeÀ la trieuse-recyclingLa boîte à recyclage-the recycling binLe bruit-noiseLe parti écolo-green party

Pages 119-121

Virer-to sackL’entrepôt-warehouseNier-to denyUn bon à rien- a good for nothingConvaincre-to convince convaincu- past partCette sale gueule-this ugly mugSe montrer du doigt-to point at oneselfGrand ouvert-wide openOser-to dareParano-paranoidSans prevue-without proof

Ça se fait pas-that just isn’t donePlein-fullUne jumelle-female twinPareil-sameMâcher-to chewUne bulle-bubble (blow bubbles)Un pédé-poof Accroupi-crouchedUne déception-a disappointmentSubitement-suddenlyColler-to stickAspirer-to suck inFaire le déplacement-make the tripRecueillir- mon témoignage- to gather my witness testimonyIl fait chier le monde-he pisses off the world

Pages 123-128

Se balader-to go for a wanderLe jour de l’an-new year’s daySe bourrer la gueule-to stuff one’s faceSusciter moins d’intérêt-to arouse less interestMoche-uglyDépenser leur fric-spend their cash fric-cash (slang)Attrape-touristes-tourist trapLa classe-a bit of classChier-to crapL’épaule-shoulderEssuyer-to wipeCoriace-persistentLa veste-jacketUne tache-stainHchouma-shameAdherer-to joinUn rein-kidney

Démaquiller-to take makeup offContre-againstBreton-person from BritannySoucieux-anxiousAvec le recul-with hindsightUn mauvais souvenir-a bad memoryAucun invité-no guestLa pièce montée-typical wedding desert-pyramid of profiterolesDéconner-to mess about, have a laughEnfoncé-floppedUne rediffusion-repeatUne mère célibataire-single motherLes Bidochon-cartoon familyEn échange de rien-for no rewardUn coup de genou-a knee in the groinFaire l’autiste-to act autisticÇa m’arrangerait-that would sort me outLe Bigdil-big deal TV showSe projeter dans l’avenir-project oneself into the futureUn espoir-hope

Pages 129-132

Apercevoir-to spot aperçu –spottedS’enfuir-to fleeEmballer-to wrap upUn toubab toubib-doctor (colloquial)Un gant de boxe-a boxing glovePour qu’on leur fiche la paix-so that they get left in peaceEn planque-hid away

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Un foyer-homeLarguer-to drop boy/girlfriend (colloquial)Les affaires-things (clothes etc)Minable-peasyUne repasseuse-ironing workerUne dent de sagesse-a wisdom toothPousser-to growElle a failli-she almost…Arracher-to pull outLa mâchoire-jawHurler-to screamLe fauteuil-dentist’s chair (armchair normally)Nana-chickUn catcheur-wrestlerUn CRS-security police renowned for violenceConjuguer-to bring togetherRigolo-funny, a laughLe riz-riceLe décès-the deathDécevoir-to disappointUne rizière-a paddy fieldEn prime-on top of thatMordre-to biteSage-well behavedLa niche-kennel

Pages 133-136

S’attendre à-to expectAbîmé-damaged, badUne déception-disappointmentUn zizi-male organApparaître-appearLe visage-faceFlouté -synonyme of ébouriffé, fluffy, soft Déguisé-disguisedSans but-pointless (without a goal)La cerise-cherryFricoter-to play around with, colloquial

Prendre le relais-to take overLa reconnaissance-gratitudeLes voix off-voice offLe générique-cast listUne caisse-car (slang)Remplir-to fill inLes impôts-taxesAvant que je sache lire avant que + subj- Before I knew how to readFrapper-to hitCultivé-educatedDes rollers alignés-inline skates

Pages 137-141

L’air heureuse-looking happyEmbêter-to annoyL’enfer-hellAvouer-to confessÉpanoui-opened up to the worldSe débrouiller-to copeDéchiffrer-to decipherUne enseigne-shop signA l’improviste-unexpectedlyL’orientation-career plansSurligner-underlineStabilo-type of penUne larmichette-a tearSaluer-to greetLa foule-the crowdÉmu-moved past part of émouvoirTomber dessus-to come across somethingLa remise des prix-prize givingAu premier rang-front rowRemettre le prix-to hand over the prizeDécolleté-corsage, cleavagePrévoyant-with foresight

La caisse d’allocations familiales-the family allowance department (CAF)Je ferais mieux de-I would be better off..Frotter-to rubCrade-dirty, slangLe plateau-the stageEssoufflé-out of breathEn panne-broken downChourave – voler-to steal - slangLes fesses-backside, buttocks

Pages 143-145

Oser-to dareL’air amoureux-look in loveCasser son délire-spoil his happinessÀ la trappe- passer à la trappe- to be written off or to be given the pushPire-worseMeuf-femme Woman (verlan)Galérer-to be miserable to wander aroundRien à foutre-nothing to doS’embrouiller-to get confusedUn anneau-a ringDes poils sur le menton-hair on his chinIls se kiffent-ils s’aiment They love each otherFlamber-to show offCalculer slangUn pantaloon en cuir moulant-tight leather trousersExprès-on purposeN’importe quoi-no matter what (whatever!)

Pages 147-151

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Une commère- gossipApporter-to bringFaire l’aumône-to do charityCroustillant-crunchy (news)La zonzonnière - crazy womanSe sauver-to run awayTortionnaire-torturerSali-sullied, dirtiedCourt from courir-to runTricoter-to knitNouveau-né-new bornUne foutaise -familier nonsense, crap, garbageLe nain-dwarfPéter un câble- familier to become crazyFrauder-commit an act of fraudRéclamer-to demandUn titre de transport-ticketBaisser-to lowerEn keuf- verlan les keuf, les flics, la policeLes vitraux-stained glassed windowsLa confiture-jamUne toile cirée- oilclothUn cerf-deerSe faire tirer dessus-to get shot atUne folle-mad womanSouiller-to soil, denigrateLe patrimoine-cultureUn vigile-security officerUne supérette-minimarketIssue-way out

Pages 153-156

La rentrée- return to school in SeptemberLa chiasse -diarrhoea La colique-stomach upsetUne bibliothèque-library

Se renseigner-to inform oneselfUn galérien-a scroteRacaille-scumbagMignon-sweetLe bahut-school (slang)Repasser-to ironLes habits-clothesContrefaçon-fakeQueue de cheval-pony tailSoyeux-silkyGras-fattyLa friture-fryingS’essuyer-to wipeGuérir-to cureEntourer-to surroundUne bagnole-car (slang)À fond-full volumeHocher-shakeCligner de l’oeil-to winkCulpabilité-guiltPiété-pietyLa haine-hatred

Pages 157-160

Dico dictionnaire (slang)Pouffiasse-tartDécoloré-bleachedPermanenté-with permanent waveArchibranché-really with it, switched onProfesseur principal-form teacherÀ peine-hardlyZozoter- to lispFoutre-to do (vulgar)S’effondrer-to collapse in tearsFranchir-to crossChialer-to howlDéclencher un état d’urgence-to set off a state of urgencyUne inondation-floodL’immeuble-flat blockFaire les courses-do shoppingDécharger-to unload

Un petit mot-a noteUn surnom-a nicknameLe lapin-rabbit (meat)Mon canard –my duck (term of endearment)Pourrave - Pourri, rotten slangLaisser tomber-to dropLâcheur-traitor (someone who lets people down)Lâcher-to drop, let go

Pages 161-166

Remarquer-to noticeColler-to stickLa vitrine-shop windowMettre-to putUn gagnant- a winnerLe gros lot-the top prizeÉchapper-to escapeCasquette-cap, baseball capBalancer-to throwLa manifestation-the demonstrationEmprunter-borrowUn bouquin-book (slang)Célibataire-single, no husbandEn dessous-beneath itJe te kiffe- I love youFou-madL’affiche-posterLe tierce-horse racingParier-to betDésolé-sorryEn faire partie-to play a part inUn bras d’honneur-gesture of defiance, aggressionUn gardien de la paix-a policeman (guardian of the peace)Dernier niveau atteint-arrived at final floorUne pédale-a gayJ’le balance aux keufs-I’ll hand him over to the cops

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Le harki-implies traitor (Algerians who supported French in war of independence)Traître-traitorIl suffit-it’s enoughCataloguer-to typecast, to pigeonholeGrosses racailles-scumbagsExercer sa passion-follow her passionUne représentation-a performanceJouer-to actUn métier-a jobUne pièce-a playDe mauvaises fréquentations-dodgy acquaintancesLe droit chemin –the true path of lifeLe chemin-the way in lifeCraindre-to fearLe chemin du mal-the road to evilSe maquiller-to make up Plaire-to please (men)Honteux-shamefulLe pouvoir-powerConvaincre-to convinceGlisser-to slipLes doigts-fingersS’enfuir-to fleeAucun contact-no contactComédie française-France’s most famous theatre company

Page 167-169

Personne ne s’en est rappelé-noone rememberedSouhaiter-to wishLa rancune-bitternessTant pis-too badFranchement-honestly, franklySe rappeler-to remember

Une fête-birthdayFaire craquer les os de mes doigts de pied-to make the bones of my toes crackCouler-to flowChiquer- to chew tobaccoSalace-salacious, vulgarUn chantier-building siteUne gonzesse-girl (slang)S’habituer-to get used to

Pages 171-173

Une porte vitrée- a glass doorRendre visite-to visit a personLibérer-to free (from prison)Au fur et à mesure-graduallyTenir des discours-come out with speechesZonzon-jailPéché grave-serious sinEn cachette-secretlyCarcéral-prison (adj)Syndical-union (adj)Une revendication – demandLicencier-to sackSans indemnisation-without paymentCes prejudices réparés-these wrongs rightedLa roue tourney-the wheel turnsAucun répit-no let up.

Pages 175-177

Déranger-to disturb, botherCense-supposedVerlan-slang (syllables turned round)La longueur d’onde-wavelengthNier-to deny

À deux roues-on two wheels rather than on trikePrêter-to lendLointain-far offAvant-dernier-the one before lastRésoudre un problème (past part résolu)

Pages 179-181

Inattendu-unexpectedAppuyé-leaningTirage au sort-lottery drawPasser le Bac-to take the bac(calaureat)Un cauchemar-a nightmare

Pages 183

Klaxonner-to hootConstater-to checkSiffler-to whistlePoufiasse-tartLe Bonheur familial-family happinessChourave-voler (steal)Muter-to transferLa progéniture-offspringFaire dodo-sleepDébloquer-to release (money)Retirer-to take backSe réconcilier-to be reconciliated withLe toit-roofUn Français de souche-a native French person

Pages 187-189

Réagir-to reactMépriser-to scornDevancer-to get ahead ofÇa a faille-it almostLetter-qualifiedAbonnement-subscription

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Mener la révolte-to lead the revoltLa pasionaria-heroic Spanish politician in Spanish civil warSe soulever-to rise up (against something)Le sanglot-the sobCôtoyer-to spend time near