Secondary ELD Lesson Template Grade Level(8): Literacy & Language/ Advanced ELD June 2015 Integrated ELD – Content Area X Designated ELD LTEL Resiliency Unit Guiding Question: What are qualities of resiliency and how can I build my own resiliency? End of the Unit Performance Task(s): In groups of 2-4, students will create short skits (3-5 minutes) showing examples of how resilient people respond to challenges. Lesson Guiding Question: What strategy can I use to help me improve my focus? Class Composition Please record relevant student data below. Some categories may not be applicable to your class (these categories can be left blank). Most of this information can be found in MyData: https://mydata.lausd.net General Student Data (1b1,1b3) - Record the number of students in each category Students with Disabilities: GATE Students: Considering the data above, list the strategies you use to help every student gain access to academic content (i.e., differentiation strategies, grouping of students, IEP requirements, etc.). (1a2, 1b1) English Learner Data (1b1) # English Learners: # Long Term English Learners: # Emerging (CELDT 1- 2) # Expandin g (CELDT 2- 3) # Bridging (CELDT 4-5) # Standard English Learners: Instructional Goals and Objectives (1a1) (Part # of #) CA ELD Standard(s): Expanding PLD Part I – Interacting in Meaningful Ways

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Secondary ELD Lesson TemplateGrade Level(8): Literacy & Language/ Advanced ELD

June 2015 ☐ Integrated ELD – Content Area X Designated ELD

LTEL Resiliency Unit Guiding Question:What are qualities of resiliency and how can I build my own resiliency?

End of the Unit Performance Task(s): In groups of 2-4, students will create short skits (3-5 minutes) showing examples of how resilient people respond to challenges.

Lesson Guiding Question: What strategy can I use to help me improve my focus?

Class CompositionPlease record relevant student data below. Some categories may not be applicable to your class (these categories can be left blank). Most of this information can be found in MyData: https://mydata.lausd.net

General Student Data (1b1,1b3) - Record the number of students in each categoryStudents with Disabilities: GATE Students:

Considering the data above, list the strategies you use to help every student gain access to academic content (i.e., differentiation strategies, grouping of students, IEP requirements, etc.). (1a2, 1b1)

English Learner Data (1b1)# English Learners: # Long Term English Learners:

# Emerging(CELDT 1-


# Expanding(CELDT 2-3)

# Bridging(CELDT 4-5)

# Standard English Learners:

Instructional Goals and Objectives (1a1)(Part # of #)

CA ELD Standard(s): Expanding PLD

Part I – Interacting in Meaningful WaysB.6b-Express inferences and conclusions drawn based on close reading grade-appropriate texts and viewing of multimedia using a variety of verbs (e.g., suggests that, leads to).

Part II – Learning About How English WorksC.6- Combine clauses in an increasing variety of ways (e.g., creating compound and complex sentences) to make connections between and join ideas, for example, to express a reason (e.g., He stayed at home on Sunday to study for Monday’s exam) or to make a concession (e.g., She studied all night even though she wasn’t feeling well).

Content Standard(s): CCSS ELA Anchor StandardR2: Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.SL6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

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Secondary ELD Lesson TemplateGrade Level(8): Literacy & Language/ Advanced ELD

June 2015

Content Objective(s):Students will read and discuss an informational text about Focus. They will consider scenarios and choose a focus strategy, then explain their choices. They will conclude with a short reflective paragraph written in the Thinking Journal.

ELD Objective(s):Students will express inferences and conclusions drawn based on close reading using a variety of verbs during partner discussions and in writing.

Academic Language Development High Impact Practice Emphasized: Using Complex Text X Fortifying Complex Output Fostering Complex Interactions

Key Vocabulary:Focused, Focus, Concentrate, Procrastinate

Instructional Materials, Technology and Resources (1d2) Discovery Activity Grid, I copy per student (2 pages, copied back-to-back) Thinking Journal

Lesson Structure1a2 Knowledge of Content Related Pedagogy / 1d1 Standards-Based Learning Activities

Instructional Sequence:

1. Students will complete a circle map for the word, “Focus” in order to brainstorm definitions, associations or connections for that word.

2. Review the achievement attitudes from LTEL Framework determined/determination and point out/make connection that it is a quality of resiliency (5 min)

3. Review the definition and the form of Focused(adj.), Focus(N.) and Focus(v.)-having the mind fixed on something.

4. Model and discuss the use of each form of the word in a sentence.


a. When my brother plays video games, he is so focused that he

1) Most students will know at least one, if not all of these terms

2) Display and discuss form of this word (An Adjective), (Noun) and (Verb)

4) Teacher models sentences

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Secondary ELD Lesson TemplateGrade Level(8): Literacy & Language/ Advanced ELD

June 2015

doesn’t even notice who else is in the room or hear people talking to him.(Adjective-describes my brother)

b. Driving a racecar requires a lot of concentration, because if the driver loses focus, it could be fatal.(Noun-names the quality the driver needs to have)

c. Because I just had a fight with my mom, I did not focus on my test, and I completely forgot to answer two questions.(Verb-tells the action)

5. Ask students to create an original sentence using one form of the word and share it with A/B partner

6. In groups of 5, students will read and discuss the article, “5 tips to Improve Your Concentration.”

a. Distribute article and have students number off, 1-5.

b. Each student will have a turn to orally read a section (1 tip per section) of the article, while group members read along. Members may highlight their own copies.

c. At the conclusion of each section, the reader will ask clarifying questions, Any group member, including the reader, may ask for clarification.

d. The reader will then ask for group members to summarize all or part of the section that was read. Multiple responses should be encouraged. For students who need assistance, the first model sentence may be

5) Teacher then creates sentences with the help of studentsAllow several volunteers to write their sentence or their partner’s sentence on the board, and ask the class to verify that the word is used correctly, or suggest changes.


c) Sample Questions:“Is there anything we need to have clarified?”“Are there any words, phrases or sentences that we should discuss?”

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Secondary ELD Lesson TemplateGrade Level(8): Literacy & Language/ Advanced ELD

June 2015

provided as support.e. Before allowing students to

circulate, model a sample conversation with a student partner, using the first paragraph as your text. A sample conversation might sound like this:

Model #1-

Partner A (Teacher, reads paragraph aloud) “Is there anything we need to have clarified? Are there any words, phrases or sentences that we should discuss?”Partner B (Student) I’m not sure about the word, “newscaster.” And I don’t know who Diane Sawyer is.Partner A (Teacher) Sometimes a newscaster is called a reporter. It’s the person on TV who tells us the news and conducts interviews. Diane Sawyer is famous because she has been on the national news.Partner B (Student) Ok, I have seen that on TV, but not her specifically. I think I understand everything else.Partner A (Teacher) What might you say to summarize the paragraph?Partner B (Student) It’s important to pay attention.

Partner A (Teacher) Yes, that’s one thing. Another thing is that this article will teach 5 ways to focus better.

Non –Model #1

7. After Students have read and

ClarifyPrompt starters:Can you clarify the part about….?I understand the part about…., but I want to know….?

Response starters:Let me see if I heard you right….In other words, you are saying that……

Formative Assessment: teacher observes and assesses student conversation around the room

7) Stronger and Clearer Protocol

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Secondary ELD Lesson TemplateGrade Level(8): Literacy & Language/ Advanced ELD

June 2015

discussed the article, they will engage in “Stronger & Clearer” protocol to discuss the “Choose and Give Reasons” scenarios.a. copy the scenario cards on

different colors of paper. Provide a scenario card to each student, distributing an approximately equal number of each card throughout the class. Students will prepare to exchange information throughout the classroom with their scenario card and copy of the article in hand.

b. On your cues, students will exchange, then stop and find a partner who has a different colored card.

c. Partners will take turns reading the scenario more than one time, and they may decide to build on their previous answer to make it clearer and stronger.

d. Allow students to make three rotations

8. In Thinking journals, students will respond to the following prompt


Think of an area of your life in which you are having trouble accomplishing something. What strategy might you use of help you improve your focus?

Person 1 will share their response with successive partners.Partners will borrow and use the language, ideas, and evidence of others each time they talk.Responses become stronger (often longer) with better supporting evidence and examples.

Formative Assessment: teacher observes and assesses student conversation around the room

For students who need assistance, the second model sentence may be provided as support

Assessment1e2 Planning Assessment Criteria

Use formative assessments to determine the following:To what extent are students …?How might your students improve their …?How effectively do students …?Formative Assessments/Language Analysis Tools:

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Secondary ELD Lesson TemplateGrade Level(8): Literacy & Language/ Advanced ELD

June 2015

How will you use this information to inform your next steps for instruction?