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Heacham Infant and Nursery School

“Together we explore, discover, achieve and grow: developing outstanding practice”

School Improvement Plan 2016/17

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Summary of Key PrioritiesLeadership and Management

Rapidly implement action to address key findings from Ofsted report (May 16) through honest evaluation, to sharpen practise and increase EYFS outcomes to consistently good across all classes now that permanent staff are in place

“Inconsistent practice for children in the early years includes how often their skills are assessed and the way that the curriculum is organised. This slows the progress of some children. Children’s progress is accelerated in the Nursery and Reception Years by making sure that the provision, teaching and assessment are of consistently high quality “ Ofsted 16

Review subject leadership across subjects using capacity of all staff to overview progress across wider curriculum for all pupils

“Subject leaders are now more involved in checking how well pupils achieve across the curriculum, although their all-round overview of their subjects is not yet sharp enough. They have the information they need but are not yet using it sharply enough to have a full overview of pupils’ progress in each subject.” Ofsted 16

Ensure Academy conversion, ECP training and STSP system leadership increases our capacity to improve towards Outstanding Manage rapid drop in pupil numbers

2. Teaching, learning and assessment

Maintain strengths in KS1 and ensure EYFS evidences consistently good performance through increased pace of teaching and assessment Embed assessment across the wider curriculum to ensure progress in foundation subjects and our core values Embrace Talk4Writing as a key strategy to develop oracy, reading and writing across the school

“ There is still more work to do to develop pupils’ writing skills and pupils’ speaking, listening and concentration are well developed, particularly the boys’, so that spoken and written language skills are consistently good or better.” Ofsted 16

3. Pupil Outcomes Sustain higher than average outcomes across subjects in KS1 measured through work collections and testing in school and in Trust Increase collection of progress and attainment across foundation subjects so that each term data can be tracked and evaluated Increase assessment procedures in EYFS to ensure there is good evidence that pupils perform well within Early Learning Goals and making accelerated

progress across all areas of curriculum

4. Personal development, behaviour and welfare

Implement updates for safeguarding and train staff, volunteers and governors in policy and procedure Sept 2016 Embed whole school behaviour strategy to emphasise our core values for social, emotional and personal development Maintain high levels of parental engagement, early help and support groups. Increase meetings for families where attendance < 87%

5. Individual action plans for foundation subjects

( see appendix)

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Action Plan and Milestones – LeadershipGovernor Leads – Rachel Richardson, Andrew England and Robert dale

Rapidly address key findings from Ofsted report (May 16) to eradicate any inconsistent practise in EYFS and subject leadership now permanent staff are in place – hold staff and leaders to account for evidence of impact

Review subject leadership across subjects using capacity of all staff to overview progress across wider curriculum to ensure pupils can apply skills beyond R/W/M Ensure Academy conversion, ECP training and system leadership increases our capacity to improve towards Outstanding Leaders and governors to manage trend of rapid drop in pupil numbers through efficiencies, possible funding sources and restructure Tasks Rationale Costs and resources Monitoring – what and by

whoIndicative Milestones Next steps

HT/Govs focus monitoring on EYFS classes termly to ensure good consistent practise is evident in learning journeys, assessment, class provision, behaviour and high quality staff/pupil interactions. Leadership to ensure these actions are making clear impact each term and evidence this in report to governors

Agree EYFS non- negotiable at weekly EYFS staff meetings open to all

Zone outdoor area to cover prime and specific areas

Colour code learning journeys into strands and increase number of observations

Use daily moment by moment planning as record of provision and assessment

Baseline, termly updates and analysis of groups to ensure provision meets need

Increased pupil progress meetings with EYFS teachers to enable staff to know and move all children on.

To address points made in Ofsted feedback 2016

“Inconsistent practice for children in the early years includes how often their skills are assessed and the way that the curriculum is organised. This slows the progress of some children. Children’s progress is accelerated in the Nursery and Reception Years by making sure that the provision, teaching and assessment are of consistently high quality “

EYFS lead has 2 afternoons weekly to observe, monitor and rapidly improve across classes

Overtime for EYFS TA to attend weekly meetings

EYFS outdoor space £100EYFS network £450

Visit to Cater hatch or Portman Centre £500

Advisor repeat visit to judge quality of teaching and learning to evidence impact since May 16Nb2B free Spring termNIAS package summer term £500

EYFS subject lead to have additional time in Autumn term to observe, feedback and train staff

Head teacher and governors to attend staff meetings, pupil progress meetings and to observe drop ins, observation , learning journey check,

All in Autumn Term repeated termly

Quality assurance checks from NB2b , Trust and Alison Norman

EYFS report to Governors at FGB meeting Aut Term

All EYFS staff recognise and evidence good progress every term for all pupils across the curriculum

Observations and drop ins show all EYFS involved at all times in purposeful learning interactions both indoors and outdoors – consistent good and better observations

HT/EYFS lead able to feedback outcomes in detail to governors and advisors each termHT/EYFS able to confidently advise other schools to improve their EYFS provision

Learning environment shows progression and challenge through the age range

Planning and learning journeys have an increased quantity and quality reflected in both classes

Train EYFS staff to ensure exemplification materials for ELG match our own high expectations for pupil outcomes particularly in PSED/CLL/Literacyg

Regular slots at staff meetin to discuss pupils and there

Ensure that HT/EYFS team have same expectations of standards against national benchmarksLiteracy was our lowest specific area in 2015 compared other areas

Weekly staff meetings to review what ELG look like and how we provide rapid acceleration of progress

Shona Waters and Louise Jackson with support from Catherine Tuckwood

All EYFS staff recognise and evidence good progress every term for all pupils across the curriculum

HT/EYFS lead able to feedback outcomes in detail to governors and advisors each

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Work with Cluster/Trust to compare settings and data each term to moderate standards

Subject lead and HT to analyse data quickly following assessment to ensure groups of learning make progress

To secure HT/EYFS lead ability to articulate our good EYFS practise


Subject leaders to complete action plans for their subjects which all contain

Policy review Observations Work sampling Pupil surveys Planning checks

Subject leaders to track pupil progress and attainment and track against new curriculum standards – gather data to analyse our standards against these benchmarks.

All subject leaders to present to staff termly at staff metings to increase knowledge and skills

Now that there is capacity to delegate foundation subjects across staff we can enable higher levels of monitoring across non core subjects

Make staff accountable for sharper understanding and evidence of progress across subjects

SL release half termly across the year in addition to PPA – use SW to cover across the school as YN is reduced to morning sessions – when Yn is FT cost in cover for additional PPA £200 summer term

Twice yearly monitoring of subject diaries (focused on actions and impact).Subject leaders responsible for subject as middle and senior leaders-Trish Young – Maths, RE, Science/ITMandy Graves – English, MusicShona Waters- EYFS, ArtCatherine Tuckwood – phonics and HumanitiesNaomi Cater – PEMonitoring reports provided to HT. Verbal and written report provided to Governing body by Core Subject Leader.

Staff to have well thought out plans that they monitor and action. - Core leaders clear and knowledgeable about the progress of the children and areas for development and under achieving groups. - Non-core leaders have a good understanding of their subject and the standards of the children in their subject.


HT training as ECP and AHT as lead moderator for NCC to assess standards and develop improvement across schoolsWork collaboratively with Trust to share skills and procedures to improve our systems involving visits to each other’s schools to identify strengths and weaknesses : offer challenge and support

To increase our effective strategies to recognise, describe and deliver school improvement in wider contexts

IncomePaid £200 a day for moderator and £300 a day for ECP – likely 3 days for each role over year.

Feedback from NCC/other schools

Reports to Govs and Trust

Trained staff as system leaders/ECP

Evidence of supporting other schools

In collaboration with our Trust network and with Governors to establish a firm future as a smaller school Restructure before Sept 17 ( 1 tch/lead /TA)

Opportunities to link with Junior School due to low numbers children born in village for next 4 years

Louise start planning process in Autumn 16 with consultation starting Jan 17

Complete restructure and avoid deficit over the 1st yr- repeat for next year. Maintain good provision for pupils

Action Plan and Milestones – Teaching and Learning

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Governor Leads- Charlotte Ferguson, Rachel Richardson and Robert Dale

To evidence increasing Outstanding practise ( 50%) across school throughout the year with increased skills and pedagogy of staff and evident in classroom

Maintain strengths in KS1 and ensure EYFS evidences consistently good performance through increased pace of teaching and assessment Embed assessment across the wider curriculum to ensure progress in foundation subjects and our core values Embrace Talk4Writing as a key strategy to develop oracy, reading and writing across the school

Tasks Rationale Resources Monitoring – what and by who

Indicative Milestones Next steps

Conduct annual performance management with focus on developing teachers to perform across school out outstanding level ( NQT good)Whole school targets for subject leadership, behaviour, quality of papers/dialogue to evidence impact and English ( T4W)

Introduce Teachers Toolkit for all staff for lesson observations, subject leadership, planning, assessment , feedback to pupils, intervention , SEN

Observe and develop all teaching across school, collating outcomes across work collections, lesson obs, pupil progress as Teacher on page

to ensure all staff replicate consistent and quality systems to deliver and evidence good outcomes – emphasis on sharp ,professional papers

OFSTED Verbal feedback 16 regarding teachers papers

ensure staff and govs have method and understand its application to assessing standards for T+L each term

EYFS and KS1 teachers toolkits – stored on public server to ensure staff present papers electronically when appropriate

Staff meeting to share, folders for hard copies

English, Maths and EYFS staff monitor as subject leaders once per term,

SLT monitor additional formal observation each term

Governors receive termly breakdown measured across 3 parts ( wc/ob s/pp/)

Increased confidence and capacity to monitor across all subjects and all key stages

Performance management targets make an impact on teaching, learning and behaviour so it is consistent across school

Governors/teacher receive termly updates against standards

Emphasise Writing as focus for whole school improvement using talk4 writing for teaching / learning and Ros Wilson to assess

Writing was a relative weakness in TA, SPAG tests, EYFS and for vulnerable groups – increase attainment and progress

Ros Wilson assessment £200

T4W training over two years

SLT to inspire teachers from YN-Y2 ( LJJ/TY/SW) Baseline/atttudes surveys and progress data taken

Mandy to observe sessions/collect writing samples/analyse data

Children learn, say, read and write 10 stories over the year which increases their interest/attitude – particularly boys/EYFS/PP/SENIncreased attainment and progress evidenced across subjects

Continue culture of reading for pleasure Particularly involve BOYS

Observe and refresh staff on strategies to develop deeper skills – reading to children, guided reading and deduction/inference skills

Develop wider reading skills for more able and increase attainment to significantly above national averages

Reading café staffed before schoolGuest readers andStory sessions £500Library/Reading challenges prizes £50

Mandy GravesPupil discussions

LJJ/MG hear readers and observe sessions and plans

Increased discussion about reading across school (before/after surveys)Increased use of read café by more ableIncreased performance in assessments for readers ( particularly boys and PP)

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Focus Subjects are all core subjects EYFS, Maths and English with foundation subjects of Science, Humanities and Art this year

Who Autumn Spring Summer







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Sept-Performance Management – review performance and target setting with teachers October Formal Obs – Reading /phonicsNovember drop in – English / shared writingWork collection checks and term data collectionScience book checks

Pupil Progress Review –Performance Management with teachers Formal Observations Reading Drop in mathematics Work collection checks and term data collectionPerformance management Support staff ( Feb/March)

Review of T+L across year so far – consistently good evidence? AprilPerformance Management with teachersMay –Formal observations MathsJune – Drop in language for learning



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Governors Learning walk - Behaviour/Safety -Sept Pupil discussionsParents Forum on school improveWorkshop for maths/phonics support HT Performance Management due Oct/NovGovernor EYFS audit – December updateGovernors work collections progress – Oct REPORTS to HT

Governors Learning Walk – writing /SEN and PP( Jan)

Governor Learning Walk – Classrooms for Morning/pupil discussions

Governors SEN audit – MarchREPORTS to HT

Governor Learning walk – behaviour/safety ( May)

Governor learning walk – classrooms for morningGovernors audit –EYFS progressREPORTS to HT





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Review policy and resources ( Sept)Book and prepare/deliver staff training for terrsm

Subject leaders learning walk and pupil discussion( must be completed before Nov)

Subject leaders drop in, work collection check

Data collection and analysis ( must be completed before Dec)REPORTS to HT that evidence impact

Analyise planning and curriculum provision across school against new curriculum statements( Jan)

Book staff meeting to deliver training ( Feb) Review progress ( Feb/March) Are any groups of learners NOT making sufficient progress?

Action , impact and standards report to HT

Talk to pupils and check classrooms for evidence of good teaching and learning ( April)Book staff meeting to deliver training ( May) Finalise progress and attainment ( June) Are any groups of learners NOT making sufficient progress? Any subjects that show low attainment?

Action , impact and standards report to HT/Govs

Action Plan and Milestones – Outcomes for Pupils

Timetable for Teaching and Learning Monitoring across subjects 16/17

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Governor Leads – Robert Dale and Jillian Carr

Sustain higher than average outcomes across subjects in KS1 measured through work collections and testing in school and in Trust Increase collection of progress and attainment across foundation subjects so that each term data can be tracked and evaluated Increase assessment procedures in EYFS to ensure there is good evidence that pupils perform well within Early Learning Goals and making accelerated

progress across all areas of curriculumTasks Rationale Resources Monitoring – what and by

whoIndicative Milestones Next steps

Ensure that effective intervention for maths and writing is delivered to SEN pupils to raise attainment in line with readingParent and pupils to have mentor meetings regularly to discuss progress and inclusion

Staff, leaders, parents and pupils need more frequent dialogue regarding progress to ensure good progress is described and evident

SEN specialist TA mentor full time to develop frequent meetings, dialogue with pupils staff and parents £10,000Toe by ToeSpeed WriteArrow ?

Headteacher meet weekly to compile progress records

SEN governor to audit Spring term

SEN clinic and parents meet

SEN pupils are making good progress evidenced on PA or in work collections Pupils and parents are given increased time to meet with teachers to share PLP Work collections are well presented and marked in line with other pupils

Higher attaining pupils/G+T to develop clear progress in work collections and extend knowledge deeply within year group, applying to range of learning contexts

Progress in higher attainers across school/subjects needs to be as high as other groups

£100 specialist provisionPupil asset

Headteacher, Subject leaders and GovernorsMake PA group to monitor from start of Y1 and 2

Higher attaining pupils are making good progress evidenced on PA or in work collections Work collections are well presented and marked in line with other pupils

Boys and PP to attain higher levels in writing and reading through heightened expectation and intervention. Teaching and learning observed to be of good quality and pace

Boys and PP have made less progress and have lower attainment

TA lead intervention in KS15 mornings a week=30 minsT4W project

HT and GovernorsEnglish subject leader

Entry to KS2 english gap between boys and PP is narrowed

EYFS to focus on raising attainment and provision across broad curriculum-Particularly BOYS Focus areas and Read/Write/Maths/PC/BI Evidence exceeding outcomes in learning journeys

17 strands are just lower than average LA Moderation at EYFS compromised teacher assessments at higher level suggesting more evidence was needed

Network meetings £400

Paid time for teachers/Tas to meet fortnightly £300

EYFS subject leader

HT and Governor EYFS audit

APS is above national average

Teachers use planning and assessment to address provision and attainment gaps rapidly

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Implement updates for safeguarding and train staff, volunteers and governors in policy and procedure Sept 2016 Embed whole school behaviour strategy to emphasise our core values for social, emotional and personal development Maintain high levels of parental engagement, early help and support groups. Increase meetings for families where attendance < 87%

Tasks Rationale Resources Monitoring – what and by who

Indicative Milestones Next steps

Continue with programme to develop high expectations for pupil behaviour with core values embedded into lessons( collaboration co operation positivity perseverance )Ensure that EYFS also embed values into teaching and learning through excellent modelled and planning

Devise a system to represent values and measure progress in them

To ensure our pupils have tools to succeed, develop quality and tolerance, be resilient and contribute.

Increase outcomes in prime areas and make children ready for next Key Stage

Autumn TermStaff meetings elections/advertsSchool council meetings fortnightlyJobs run daily for termPossible prizes £100

Trish YoungSchool councilSLTGovernors

Are our pupils contributing effectively to the ethos of school?Are they evidencing attitudes in learning, safety, equality, independence? beyond age expectations?

Are same high quality attitudes evident in EYFS

Complete equality audit to demonstrate commitment to Equality across the school

To ensure we narrow gaps of inequality within our community and model respect, tolerance and fairness

Equality tool - £200 Louise / GovsAll staff

Are we able to complete the sections on the tool?Is equality embedded in our curriculum and resources?

Raise attendance rates- particularly with younger children Newsletter remindersAttendance bearAssembly discussionsParents forumHand washing and safe sneezing assemblies

YR attendance remains lower than Y1 and Y2.

SEN and FSM also lower in eyfs

Squeezy soap for YR and YR/1 classes£300Prizes for 100% per term

Continue on going systems

Governor Reports

Half termly office/HT meetings

Weekly attendance assembly

Has the % for YR raised above 94%?

Has overall % raised to 96%Have we maintained our 3 year trend upwards?

Audit safeguarding procedures to ensure they are in line with new framework and statutory guidance

To have first class systems to promote good welfare for pupils that are in line with government updates

Cluster Meet with LA safeguard advisorInfo boards LA advisor booked for visit to audit papers

Governors to train alongside staff ( Prevent/FGM/CSE/audit)

Are our arrangements for safeguarding robust?Is there a good audit trail?Are we exceeding expectations?


Action Plan and Milestones – Behaviour, Safety, Personal Development and WelfareGovernor Leads- Jillian Carr, Gavin Batterbee and Charlotte Ferguson

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Individual subject action plans will be available across the curriculum – Below are Core Subjects in detail EYFS, Maths, English written by the Subject Leaders

Objective(Taken from self-evaluation)

Success criteria Actions (who) Timescale Resources/training

Cost MonitoringNote when actioned & how

To improve standards in reading and writing.

To have children leaving EYFS with useful and well developed reading and writing skills, (70% children achieving ELG and 15% more exceeding).

Whole school programme: Talk 4 writingtraining with Pie Corbett.

Planned phonics sessions in Nursery as well as Reception class.

Whole year. Training in INSET Sept 16, Jan 17 and March 17.

Talk 4 Writing

Letters and Sounds

Jolly Phonics resources

Impact to be measured termly but assessed throughout.

To develop the outside area.

All children can be engaged in meaningful learning outside as well as inside. They can access resources and tidy them up!

Outside area to be broken down into zones where resources can be stored and easily accessed. We are aiming for free flow, not free for all!

Set up in Summer holidays 2016 but developed throughout the year.

Tyres or fences to create zones, boxes and baskets for storage. Other resources to be assembled by staff.

Hopefully old tyres will be free. Resources sourced from charity shops and car boot sales. Baskets may be donated by Tesco.

Independent activities to be well planned and link to the theme of the lesson, showing clear differentiation and progression.

There is a clear development of these activities and resources from September through to July.

Planning of independent activities shows clear progression.- Children engaged in their learning and can talk about what they are doing.- The EYFS staff are assessing the continuous provision and altering to the children’s needs.

PPA time HT & SLTPlanning scrutiny, talking to the children and observations.

On goingEYFS network meetings and additional Subject leader time


That baseline for YN and YR is implemented through NFER and TA and that data is accurate

NFER is planned for and implemented in Autumn 1.- Data is entered onto pupil asset.- Data is scrutinised and used to move the

Class time HT & SLTPlanning scrutiny, talking to the

Autumn 1 2016


Subject Subject leader Academic yearEYFS Shona Waters 2016/17

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and used to move the children’s learning forward.Termly updates completed on time and analysed for groups of learners

children’s learning forward.- Data is used to set targets for children.- SEN is identified and forwarded to SENDCO.

children and observations, scrutiny of data.

Quality of ongoing assessment improves for learning journeys and planning to make them outstanding across EYFS

Sticker system – marking updates- home every three weeks – wow progress - clear links with planning

Class tmeEYFS staff meetings

HT/SLBought advisor

Independent and guided reading and writing are taught in the classes at appropriate times during the year.To link with Talk for writing stories

Resources are in place to help children with independent reading (non -word books)- Children can access phase 2 and are able to segment and blend words to read.- Phonics bug books are used to teach guided reading.

Class time HT & SLTPlanning scrutiny, talking to the children and observations

On going -

Subject Leader Action PlanSubject Maths Subject leader Trish Young Academic year2016/17

Objective(Taken from self-evaluation)

Success criteria Actions (who) Timescale


Cost MonitoringNote when actioned & how

To keep parents informed of how maths is taught

Maths workshops carried out in September for both

Trish Young Beginning of Autumn term

None Refreshments by L/Cat

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across the school EYFS and KS1 parents

To embed language for learning and use of resources throughout classes

Consistency throughout school- maths trugs on tables- key vocab displayed- children talking and reasoning in sentences

TY to monitor and observe in classes and drop ins

termly None None

To ensure increased attainment of girls at greater depth continues and no gaps between learners appear through year in KS1

Girls continue to attain at greater depth.There are no significant gaps between learners at end of year

TY to monitor attainment and progress termly and ensure any gaps are quickly addressed

termly None

To ensure there are no gender gaps in EYFS particularly with regards to girls

Girls attainment and progress is on a par with boys or better

Ty to monitor throughout yearGirls to be targeted and intervention to be set up accordingly

termly None

Reading - Mandy Graves and Catherine Tuckwood 2016/17

Action Personnel Resources Monitoring Time Scale Success criteria Evaluation of Progress

To refresh staff in planning and assessment of guided reading.

To train staff in questioning techniques for group work.

SLClass Teachers

Staff Meeting TimeRelease time for SL to train TAs

SLT & SL Through observations of guided reading sessions and group work.

November 2016 - Staff will show greater confidence when delivering guided reading sessions.- Staff will be using a range of open and closed questioning.- Staff will be using higher level questioning techniques. - All children will access quality guided reading sessions.

Children to have increased opportunities to write stories of quality based on Talk 4 writing training

Class teachers Whole school stories that increase oracy and depth

SLTThrough observations and work scrutiny. More examples of children responding to the

On going - Children will respond to comprehension questions to challenge their understanding of the text.- A variety of retrieval, inference and text feature strategies will be planned for.- Children will be equipped with the skills to answer comprehension questions in

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taught comprehension skill of the week through independent guided reading.

sufficient detail through direct modelling from the main teaching input.

Intervention groups to support in teaching the gaps. In particular for SEN and pupil premium children.

Class teacher/SLT

Intervention time SL/SLT to monitor data for impact.

- Reading comprehension scores will go up in weekly lessons.- Test scores will improve at the end of term 1.

To develop the use of reading diaries and ensure they are highly valued, promoted.

To raise the profile of reading through reading awards each week.

Class teachers Reading records

Books for rewards out of Book Club sales

Teachers to monitor weeklySL & GB to monitor half-termly

On going - Children will be held to account for completing their reading records. - Children will have the knowledge that school is tracking their reading and will be more inclined to read at home. - Parents will be aware that we are tracking the progress of their reading and can communicate with teachers.- A reading display to show the number of books that children are reading and ensure that this is celebrated.

To maintain reading areas to a high standard across Key Stages.

- Children will be provided with the opportunity to visit the library weekly to promote reading for pleasure- Staff to model reading for pleasure in some sessions to support children’s understanding of reading.- In library develop displays to include an ‘ extreme reading’ board- Initiate an ‘Author of the Month Display’ in library to be taken on each month by a different class on a rota basis.

To ensure adults are using the correct phonic sounds to reinforce quality decoding and blending and teaching to see, say and write at correct pace to maintain progression.

All staff Staff meeting time SL & SLT to monitor the teaching of phonics (see schedule).

Spring 2016 - All children will hear quality phonics pronunciations. - Adults will reinforce the correct pronunciation of phonemes.

Writing Mandy Graves

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Action Personnel Resources Monitoring Time Scale Success criteria Evaluation of Progress

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To use a book-led approach to writing to engage and enthuse children and raise standards.

All staff Staff meeting timePie Corbett CPD (June 2016) £195Purchase of flip charts in classrooms that require them. Flipchart paper.Coloured markers

SLT December 2016 - SD will give INSET to staff to follow T4W approach at the end of the summer term.- Staff to find a minimum of 1 book in autumn term to plan from using the approach.- Working walls will reflect the book led approach- In planning staff, still will provide opportunities to use T4W approach. (speaking and listening, storytelling, role play and drama)-Timetables will be more flexible to allow for drama opportunities in afternoon to relate to the book being studied.- Modelled writing will be evident in classrooms and in books.

To improve the accuracy of spelling across the school.

All staff Staff meeting time

Use of RWI spelling books to support the teaching of rules.

Purchase of Spell Zoo to learn new spellings.£108 + £108 for dictations

Purchase Dyslexic style dictionaries to support with spelling in class

Buy in dictionaries A.C.E. Spelling Dictionary (4th Edition) 13.99 each – buy 10 initially £ 139.90

SL to carry out two full subject audits per year and feedback to the SLT and Gov’s.

Summer 2016 - Staff to segment the spelling list from national curriculum difficult words lists to teach daily.- Spelling rules will be taught referencing these from NC documentation.- Spelling errors will be corrected and red dictionaries used to reinforce the correct spellings.- Teachers to correct spellings within books- Staff will test children periodically to ensure the learning of words and meanings.- Spelling to improve through assessment in GPS tests according to marking policy.- Children to have a greater understanding of spelling rules.- Introduce spelling certificates for spellings.

Ensure spelling diaries are used and embedded across the whole school.

All staff Staff meeting time£40 for books for CW

SL to ensure they are being used each term.

Autumn 2016 - Written work to show an improvement in spelling.- Children will be attempting to spell unfamiliar words.- Children will have the confidence to use a dictionary to help them find unfamiliar words. - Children's dictionary skills will improve.- As the child moves up the key stage they will keep the book with them to support their spelling

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Have twice weekly discrete GPS sessions in addition to the daily English session. (15 – 20 mins each)

All staff Staff meeting time SL to monitor planning and books half-termly.

Autumn 2016 - Children will have a growing understanding of GPS and apply it in their written work. - Children will access twice weekly GPS teaching.- GPS lessons will relate to the current genre/aspect of teaching within English units of work in addition to discrete teaching, this will be evident in plans.

To ensure that the tracking system for writing aligns with national expectations.

SL Release time SLT/SL/GB End of Autumn term 2016

- Moderation with Heacham following the moderation process to ensure that judgements are accurate against national Expectations.- Cross referencing of expected level with Year 5 standard and Year 6 standard to confirm where the expected level for year 6 is placed.- Adjustment of PA to represent this judgement.

Embed handwriting scheme and ensure it is being taught.

All teaching staff

Staff meeting time.Purchase handwriting books.£50 for CW

SLT/SL/GB to monitor evidence in books.

End of Autumn 2016 - Staff model good handwriting in accordance with school policy. - Children will have pride in the presentation of their work.- High quality examples of handwriting will be displayed around school.- All children will follow the Collins scheme of handwriting and joins.- KS2 children will be expected to join their writing.- There will be a consistency in handwriting across the school.- Children in Key stage 1 will have daily lessons.- Children in Key stage 2 will have 2-3 lessons per week.

Teachers to use Ros Wilson ladders (linked to age related expectations) to support writing genres in class.

All staff Staff meeting timeSL release time.

SLT/SL/GB to monitor evidence in books.

Use of writing assessment sheets.

Ladders ongoing

- Children will start each unit with a ‘cold’ write. To assess gaps in learning.- Unit of work will be taught to the gaps in the genre, to include grammar, punctuation and spelling. - Children will understand what they have to include in a text to meet the learning objective.- Children will be able to edit their work to ensure all elements of a particular genre have been included. This will be a ‘hot write’ at the end

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of a 2-3 week unit.- Teachers will be able to check work against set criteria.- There will be 4 assessed pieces of work each term. 1 cold write, 3 hot writes.

To ensure that the standard of writing is consistent and matched against national standard.

All staff INSET and staff meeting time

Scrap books to be purchased for pupils best work to be displayed in 1/pupil.£80 for CW

SL to ensure that schools current assessment scheme meets national standards.

Through internal and external moderation sessions and standardisation exercises.

By December 2016 - Teachers levelling will be matched to our standard files.- Staff to use a ‘cold write’ each term to assess for gaps in learning.- Children use next steps to progress their understanding of their targets to improve their work. This will be measured against the assessment sheets at the end of each unit of work. ( 3 times a term)- These 4 pieces of writing will be displayed in a scrap book to show progress through the term/year.- Teachers will have a greater understanding of pupils against the expected year standard