BETHEL BITS JULY 2019 Dear Siblings in Christ, In July, I will be preaching a sermon series based on our 2019 Star Word “Community.” We are a community of faith, which gathers, grounds its identity, and goes forward in faith in the name of Jesus Christ serving in God’s world. Each of the Sunday theme verses come directly from the Revised Common Lectionary readings assigned for each Sunday. (Kinda cool, how this happened. I didn’t have to go searching for a theme verse in other scripture stories. Each theme verse was there, waiting for me, for us in the Sunday Bible passages. I love how the Holy Spirit works!) You will notice a change in each bulletin. Rather than singing a hymn titled “Hymn of the Day,” we are know titling the hymn or song after the sermon “Hymn of Affirmation.” My goal is selecting this hymn is that is restates the message of the biblical story that grounds the sermon. You will hear good news of Jesus three times in a row: gospel reading, sermon, and hymn of affirmation. It is my hope that this will empower you to go forward into your week, grounded in Christ’s love and care, as you serve God in our wonderful world. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Wholeness Wheel Devotional Page 3 The President’s Pen & Council Meeting Highlights Page 4 From Pastor Libby Howe Page 5-6 Asset Action & Fundraising Updates Page 7 Stewardship Article Page 9-10 April Council Minutes

€¦  · Web viewBethel BitsJuly 2019. Inside this issue. Wholeness Wheel Devotional Page 3. The President’s Pen & Council Meeting Highlights Page 4. From Pastor Libby Howe Page

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Dear Siblings in Christ,

In July, I will be preaching a sermon series based on our 2019 Star Word “Community.” We are a community of faith, which gathers, grounds its identity, and goes forward in faith in the name of Jesus Christ serving in God’s world. Each of the Sunday theme verses come directly from the Revised Common Lectionary readings assigned for each Sunday. (Kinda cool, how this happened. I didn’t have to go

searching for a theme verse in other scripture stories. Each theme verse was there, waiting for me, for us in the Sunday Bible passages. I love how the Holy Spirit works!)  You will notice a change in each bulletin. Rather than singing a hymn titled “Hymn of the Day,” we are know titling the hymn or song after the sermon “Hymn of Affirmation.” My goal is selecting this hymn is that is restates the message of the biblical story that grounds the sermon. You will hear good news of Jesus three times in a row: gospel reading, sermon, and hymn of affirmation. It is my hope that this will empower you to go forward into your week, grounded in Christ’s love and care, as you serve God in our wonderful world.  

U July 7—Gathering  Focus Verse: 5Come now and see the works of God,   how awesome are God’s deeds toward all people. (Ps. 66: 1-9) Hymn of Affirmation: “Gather Us In” 

U July 14—Grounded  


Wholeness Wheel Devotional Page 3

The President’s Pen & Council Meeting Highlights Page 4

From Pastor Libby Howe Page 5-6

Asset Action & Fundraising Updates Page 7

Stewardship Article Page 9-10

April Council Minutes & Financials Page 12-13

July Calendar Page 14

Focus Verse: 4Show me your ways, O Lord, and teach me your paths. (Ps. 25:1-10) Hymn of Affirmation: “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less” 

U July 21—Going Forward  Focus Verse: 25I became its servant according to God’s commission that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, (Colossians 1:15-28) Hymn of Affirmation: “Let All Things now Living” 

U July 28—Serving   Jesus Christ for the Sake of the God’s World  Focus Verse: 6As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. (Colossians 2:6-15) Hymn of Affirmation: “Christ, Be Our Light” 

In Christ,

Pastor Anne Hokenstad

PS > STORIES OF “THIS IS OUR FATHER’S WORLD” SUNDAYWow! I am so grateful for all the ways you experienced June 16 as a time of seeing God in our world. The stories shared on Sunday, June 23 were heart-warming. You and the Holy Spirit continue to surprise me with wonder and grace and you show me how God is at work in your lives and among us as a congregation. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


The members of Bethel Lutheran Church commit ourselves

to respond and witness to Jesus through lives of worship and prayer,

learning and growth, loving service, joyous giving and creative stewardship to all God has given us.


MONTHLY BIBLE STUDY: SPIRITUAL WELL-BEINGJuly’s devotional reading based on the Wholeness Wheel is about our “spiritual well-being.” The root of the word “spiritual” means “breathing or related to the Spirit.” For Christians, this is the Holy Spirit, one person of the triune God. One of the questions in this monthly Bible study is “Where is God in your day-to-day life?” This is a fine, fine question to ask daily as you consider your daily spiritual well-being.

Our recent holy experiment called “This is My Father’s World” Sunday was an intentional encouragement by the Church Council for us at Bethel to attend to our spiritual well-being in new and different ways. The sermon series this month is another way we will be encouraged to wake up to how God’s Holy Spirit in our lives deepening and expanding our relationship with God, the Son, and the Spirit. May this month of faith being one of hope and peace as you explore the relationship you have with Jesus Christ.


Dear Bethel Friends,

June 4, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

By Bob Stein(not approved council minutes)

We had very good meeting tonight with all members in attendance.

Discussed May 2019 income and expense summary

We discussed the article, Lessons Learned from Resilient Congregations

High school senior recognition is all set June 9th

Fundraising team will meet again on June 9th

to finalize plans for the shrimp boil on June 30th. This will be the first new fundraising event for 2019.

As a reminder, June 16th (Father’s Day and Synod Assembly) we will celebrate “This is our Father’s World Sunday”. We will not have worship at Bethel so you can explore God’s world for other worship opportunities. Signs will be posted on the doors.

The first Outback cookout of 2019 is June 5th. The other dates are July 10th and August 7th.

Summer is finally here and river level is finally going down! Now we just need a few less gnats. I’m afraid when the gnats are gone the mosquitos will move in. Gotta love Wisconsin!

We had our first out back picnic on June 5th. It was a beautiful evening for the kids (and adults) to play and enjoy a meal from the grill. It’s always nice to get together with friends.

On Pentecost Sunday we also celebrated Bethel’s 2019 graduates with cake and fellowship following worship. Congratulations graduates!

Sunday June 23rd we shared how we saw God on June 16th during “This is our Father’s World Sunday” The congregation shared stores about their day. It was interesting how God was seen in different ways that day.

Monday June 24 Bethel served another successful Monday Meals. Thank you Mike McCormick and all who helped with this Northside community meal.

Information on the Logger’s Game and the fundraiser Shrimp Boil will be in the next newsletter.

Bob Stein

OUR MISSIONThe members of Bethel Lutheran Church commit ourselves to respond and witness to Jesus through lives of worship and prayer, learning and growth, loving service, joyous

giving and creative stewardship to all God has given us.

From Pr. Libby HoweDir. of Evangelical Mission/ Asst. to the Bishop

“Clear is Kind.” –Brené BrownOne of my favorite TV scenes happens between the married couple, Deborah and Raymond Barone, on the sitcom “Everybody Loves Raymond.” The two of them are in the bedroom and having a vulnerable conversation about how to generate some spark in their physical relationship. Naturally it is filled with innuendo and euphemism to remain appropriate for (network) television. Very quickly it becomes apparent that their problems have nothing to do with performance and everything to do with communication. CLEAR communication. Raymond is spiraling downward as he hears his wife’s critique about this sensitive subject. He becomes frustrated and asks her, “How long has this been going on?” She replies, “a while. A looong while.” The conversation continues:Raymond: Why didn’t you tell me??Deborah: Well, we’ve been married a long time and I thought you would just know…I mean, why should I have to TELL you?Raymond: (with the most sincere, genuine, longing eyes) So. I. Will. Know. And the studio audience ROARS with laughter! Kudos to the writers of this scene for capturing so concisely the importance of clear communication. I estimate that about 80% of the time on this show the audience is pulled to identify with Deborah as she puts up with the out of control cluelessness of her husband and his obnoxious family. But by the end of this bedroom conversation, we can all sympathize with Raymond as he was expected to behave in certain ways according to information he was never given . Why should we have to tell anyone anything ? So. They. Will. Know. And I would like to go one step further and say that when we are clear with others about who we are, what we are about, and what we want and need, not only will they know, but we will know, too. The clearer we are about ourselves and our purpose as congregations, the clearer we can be when we share ourselves with others and invite others to participate. A recent study among students who participate in campus ministry in the ELCA asked,“What are the key characteristics of a vital young adult faith community?”

1. A welcoming, inclusive, and affirming community (especially outspoken inclusion to LGBTQIA people)

2. Grounded in Christian faith and faith practices that encourage thoughtful, critical engagement

3. Reaching out to others in service and providing meaningful opportunities put

faith in to actionAt the same time I read this study, I was introduced to a website called churchclarity.org. This website is a crowd-sourced project that calls churches to be clear about their policies, particularly those that influence the lives of women and LGBTQIA people. The organizers recognize the harm of ambiguity as people can belong to congregations, sometimes for years, and not know until they ask about becoming a leader or getting married that their beloved church does not allow them to lead or extend a blessing to their loving, committed relationship. It is devastating and certainly not anything a church would want to do intentionally. But in the interest of not rocking boats and keeping the peace, such clear statements are avoided. The result is a watered down version of a wishy washy peace that is no peace. All this is to encourage two things of congregations who desire to thrive in the world we live in right now:

1. Get clear about your welcome. IF you say “All Are Welcome,” mean it or don’t say it. And when you’re clear about it, put it out there. Make sure everyone who calls your church their own can say it. Put it on your website, in your bulletins, newsletters and e-communications.

2. Get clear about your purpose. Your purpose is NOT to “keep everyone happy,” and if it is, close the doors right now. Every statement of purpose should mention following Jesus and living in service to others. And then everything you do as a congregation should be able to draw a direct line to following Jesus and serving others. Stop doing things that have nothing to do with following Jesus or serving others.

 “Clear is kind,” says one of my favorite authors, Brené Brown. I say clear is the beginning of integrity for our life together as Christian people. Clear is LOVE for people longing for welcome and compassion. Clear is faithful. Why should we have to tell them? So. They. Will. Know.

Peace be yours and see you at assembly!Pastor Libby

Original article was posted in the June 2019 Coulee Courier

ASSET ACTION TEAM UPDATEThe Asset Action Teams have added much to our community here within Bethel and within our neighborhood.

There is no new updates for our active Asset Teams for July.


At the 2019 Annual meeting the congregation charged the council with the task of creating a Fundraising Taskforce to assist the congregation with on-going stewardship needs to sustain Bethel’s ministry. Each month you will be updated in the Bethel Bits with upcoming fundraisers and how you can best support these endeavors with your time, talents, and dollars.

Fundraisers are different than the social gatherings we have throughout the year. This are specific events to raise money. You are not expected to participate in each fundraiser. There is a need for you to support the fundraiser in terms of attitudes, volunteering, and sharing the information such as the topic of the event and ticket sales. This is what it means to have fundraising events as a part of our stewardship program.

Past Fundraising Events:

May Rummage Sale: We can now resport that $1,908.65 was raised to support the general budget of the congregation at the May Rummage Sale. Thank you to all who worked to make this happen.

June Shrimp Boil: The report for funds raised will be in the August Bethel Bits issue.

Upcoming Fundraising Events:

July Fundraisers: Watch the church bulletin, the church Facebook page, and check the church’s webstie for upcoming details.

2019 MID-YEAR CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTOn Sunday, July 14, 2019, mid-year contribution statements will be available before and after worship in the Narthex. The remaining statement will be mailed out the last week of July 2019.

Providing this information to you is one way to empower our financial well-being. You are asked to prayerfully consider evaluating your fiscal gifts to God’s work through our congregation’s ministries. Sharing this information with you at various times during the year are best practices for a robust stewardship of money that leads to a more sustained level of congregational vitality and ministry impact. Please keep this in mind as you reflect on the stewardship article in this newsletter.

A third-quarter contribution statement will be made available in mid-October.

SOCIAL CONCERNS MINISTRY OPPORTUNITYMembers of Bethel have been invited to participate in the Jail Worship Ministry at the La Crosse. There is a training meeting set for July 20 at 10am. The address is 333 Vine Street, La Crosse, WI 54601. Please enter the entrance nearest the corner of 3rd Street and Vine Street. (NOT the main Courthouse entrance with metal detectors off the corner of 4th Street and Vine Street.) Any available parking on the streets will be free and the best parking spots to use.  The next tenetative date for training is August 8 or 22 at 5:30pm.

If you are interested, there are two documents to pick up in the office or from Pastor Anne. One document describes the mission and purpose of the Jail Ministry. The other is a volunteer application that needs to be completed prior to volunteering.

Once we have completed the training, we can go and lead worship for the men at 6:30pm and then the women at 7:15pm on a Sunday evening. The council has discussed this as a way to live out our 2019 Star Word “Community.” You are asked to pray for this ministry and our involvement.


Giving AloneGrace Duddy Pomroy

A few years ago a pastor mentioned to me that the biggest stewardship hurdle his congregation members faced was guilt. Initially this answer didn’t take me by surprise -- I’ve met many committed Christians throughout my work in stewardship ministry that feel guilty for not giving enough, for giving too much, or for spending too much money on themselves. Yet, the specific guilt this pastor mentioned was something entirely different.

He pointed to the pattern of many women in his congregation with spouses who did not come to church. While the spouses were somewhat supportive of church attendance, they were less willing to support the church financially. In relationships where the non-churchgoing spouse holds the purse strings, these women were left with little to nothing to give. Their desire to give was strong, but their means were limited.

I now find myself in a similar situation: happily married to a partner who does not attend church with me. While my husband and I mutually control the purse strings in our marriage, I have seen firsthand how this situation has impacted my capacity to give to the church.

Growing up in the Assembly of God denomination, I learned early on that a tithe of 10% of my income was expected and I started giving that way from a young age, continually adjusting my giving as my income grew. I came into our marriage tithing and I’ve continued to give based on my income alone.

During last fall’s stewardship campaign though, I felt inspired to grow in my giving. As my husband and I discussed this opportunity, he asked me some insightful questions:

“What will they use the money for?” and “What work are they doing outside the walls of the congregation?”

His questions made me curious. What work was my church doing to help our local and global community? Was my giving going toward sustaining the congregational institution alone, or was it something more?

Our discussions prompted me to ask more questions during a church meeting, to listen closely for the ways we are serving our neighbors, and to challenge our congregation to focus more on our mission beyond the building walls. I’ve learned a lot in the process -- my congregation is doing some amazing work in our community. However, I’m not sure how much of this story I would know if my husband had not encouraged me to dig deeper.

So what can we do for those folks in our congregation who may be constrained from giving (or giving more) because their partner is not involved?

A few suggestions:

1. Equip your congregation members to have open and honest conversations about money and giving with their spouse -- whether their spouse attends the congregation or not. Share discussion questions that help the couple to consider their values, their goals, and how they are joining God’s mission in the world through their gifts to the church and beyond.

2. Engage their passion about the mission and ministry work you do. Tell inspiring stories about how the offering is used both inside and outside the congregation to fuel God’s mission in world. Encourage congregation members to bring these stories home. An unchurched partner, or partner of another religious tradition, may be unsure about giving to the church at large, but they may be enthusiastic about the food pantry, homeless ministry, or emergency relief services.

3. Remind them generosity comes in a variety of forms. Generosity doesn’t have to be financial. Are their ways they can support the mission and life of the congregation with their time and talents?

4. Show them grace. Remind them that everyone in your congregational community has different capacities to give, we make ministry possible by bringing our diverse gifts together. Encourage them to find other ways to be financially generous that align with their values as a couple. Living generously does not stop at the offering plate.


There will be three Outback Picnic and Grill in the summer of 2019. We will meet

outback of church on the green. Beverages, buns, condiments, and hot dogs will be provided throughout the summer

Dates: July 10, and August 7Time: 6:00pmWho: Congregational members, friends, and neighbors.What to bring: A small dish to share and something to grill for you and yours. Activies: Yard games, conversation, and good eatsWhat’s new this year: Yard games and Fun4Kids (an information, kind organized time for kids to continue learning about the Way of Jesus—adults can join, too.)


July 2019July 4, Office ClosedJuly 7, Purchase Scrip CardsJuly 10, Outback Picnic, Fun4Kids, & Yard GamesJuly 29 – August 2 Office Closed

August 2019August 11, Congregational Picnic at Swanson’sAugust 7, Outback Picnic, Fun4Kids, & Yard Games

September 2019Virtual Prime Rib FundraiserSeptember 2, Labor Day, Office ClosedSeptember 13-14, Johnson & Sierzant Rehearsal and Wedding

October 2019Best Giving Month Fundraiser

October 11-12, Schmidt & Steinhoff Rehearsal and WeddingOctober 14, Monday Meals at TrinityOctober 14, Fall Bazaar and Bake Sale set-up beginsOctober 19, Fall Bazaar and Bake SaleOctober 26, La Crosse Area WELCA Gathering October 27, Reformation Sunday

November 2019November 9, Chili Cook-Off and Turkey BingoNovember 17, Congregational Meeting regarding Constitution and By-law revisionsNovember 24, Christ the King SundayNovember 28, Thanksgiving Day, Office Closed

December 2019TBA, Cookie WalkTBA Rotary MealsDecember 1, Advent Begins

Tuesday, December 24, Christmas Eve DayWednesday, December 25, Christmas Day, Church ClosedDecember 30, Monday Meals, Trinity




Attendance : Pastor Anne, Bob Stein, Sharon Zimmerman, Mike McCormick, Dan Johnson, Nancy Halverson, Dawn Johnson, Tammy Dickinson

Confidentiality statement read by Mike McCormick

Devotions by Pastor Anne.

April Meeting minutes reviewed and approved.

Financial report for April reviewed and approved.

Leadership Enrichment - What is God doing? What is God Asking me to do? What is God sending us to do?

Committee ReportsSocial concerns Mike - June 24, 2019 is next Monday meal. A film “Straight talk”

will be presented for the second in our series Let’s Talk Life; Substance Abuse and Recovery.

Personnel - Janette Hanson lost her mother in law. We will send a bouquet.  

Stewardship - Danny, Logger Game is scheduled for June 28, 2019. They would like us to have 30 people attend.

Vice President- see new Business.

Pastor Anne report see hand out. Easter went well, note that our imagination has turned into real ministry moments.

We need a Banner for Synod Assembly, Tammy Dickinson will work on it with the suggestions provided from the council.

Old BusinessConstitution review will continue each month. May 21 is next meeting.

Synod assembly needs two representatives. Tammy Dickinson will attend.

Fund raising group came up with lots of ideas, picked some dates and is ready to implement the first ones. Lots of great enthusiasm.

Clean up after church on Sunday, May 5, 2019, was well attended and accomplished a lot.

Worship on a June 16, (Synod Assembly) was discussed and we will have that Sunday off to explore other churches, places, nature and report back on the next Sunday. ‘This is our Father’s World’

Outback cook outs - in light of the other events we are hosting will be one Wednesday per month. June 5, July 10, and August 7.

We will plan a Congregational Meeting November 17, 2019 to discuss

proposed 2020 budget & present the constitution updates.

New BusinessJune 9, 2019 will be recognition of graduates, we know of 4 graduates. We will provide them some laundry baskets filled with items.

Music appreciation is May 19, 2019 after service. We will celebrate with our organists and our Pastor.

Old folding chairs- should we sell at the rummage sale? We have some upcoming events that we could use them. We will keep most of them for that reason.

Kids ministry - Nancy shared the Mother’s Day planting and activities, we will also be inviting the children to the outback picnics providing kites, chalk and yard games.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm

Respectfully submitted by Tamra Dickinson Council Secretary

Bethel Lutheran Church May 2019 Financial Report               Income      2019 2018 Difference

Offering Income  $24,72

7 $31,614 -$6,887Benevolence   $989 $3,382 -$2,393Fund Raiser Proceeds   $3,779 $2,916 $863Holiday Offerings   $2,699 $4,656 -$1,957Memorials/Gifts/Misc   $4,365 $2,523 $1,842

Total    $36,55

9 $45,091 -$8,532               2019 2018 Difference

    Budget Actual Actual

Staffing   $35,016$34,58

5 $35,040 -$455Property   $8,542 $9,429 $10,297 -$868Worship expenses $3,542 $1,751 $2,889 -$1,138Office/Administration $3,208 $3,119 $4,068 -$949Benevolence Gifts $1,792 $1,815 $1,725 $90

Budgeted Expenses $52,099$50,69

9 $54,018 -$3,319       Unbudgeted Benevolence   $643 $2,310 -$1,667

Total Expenditures  $51,34

2 $56,328 -$4,986                        Jan - May Income vs Expenses  2019 2018 Difference


9 $45,091 -$8,532


9 $54,018 -$3,319



0 -$8,927 -$5,213                      Cash and Investment Totals      General Fund Checking Account 5/31/19   $30,829Special Funds Savings Account     $29,295Total Checking and Savings Account     $60,124           Thrivent Investment Funds     $14,060Trust Funds       $52,614Total Investment Funds       $66,674

DEADLINESNewsletter Submissions for Bethel Bits Due July 15

Submit to Jen in the office or by email: [email protected]

2019 Monthly Missions & Outreach 

July – Baby Care Kits August – School Kits September – Peanut Butter October – Women’s Clothes November – Thanksgiving FoodDecember – Canned Meat  

2019 Spare Change Campaign = $301.24

ANNUAL GROUP RUMMAGE SALESat, July 27, 9AM - 2PMGood Shepherd Lutheran Church, 4141 Mormon Coulee Rd, La Crosse, Mattes CenterLunch and Desserts will again be offered! Tables are available for rent at $10 each and the seller keeps all of the money for selling their own goods. Contact Sally Lindahl, 608-799-0263

JUST A REMINDER that scrip order will be taken the first Sunday of each month.

Please consider purchasing gift cards through our Scrip program. Bethel receives a percentage of the card value


Bailey Ahlert-HalversonJuly 5

Arvid Nielson July 17Pat Stein July 18Julie Hegy July 19Donald L. Kowalke

July 22Lois Hanson

July 25Charles Horton July 30 

Historic Trolley Tour - Experience Dark La Crosse scheduled for August 10th  

There is a NEW trolley tour called Dark La Crosse.   Focusing on downtown La Crosse’s macabre past, the narrator will guide you down a dark path through the red light district, Prohibition, small town politics and vigilante justice in a young and restless river town bordered by the sleepless Mississippi River. 

The tour begins August 10th  at 12:30 pm from the La Crosse County Convention & Visitors Bureau in Riverside ParkCost for this air-conditioned, one hour tour is $15 for adults, $12 for seniors 62+Points of interest include:

Red Light District A Close Shave with Public

Enemy #1 Do ghosts drink beer? Jealousy & Revenget Politics & Murder

There is limited seating  and reservations are taken on a first


The members of Bethel Lutheran Church commit ourselves to respond and witness to Jesus through lives of worship and prayer, learning and growth, loving service, joyous

giving and creative stewardship to all God has given us.


Contact Us

Church Office Hours: 9AM—2PM Mon—Thurs (608)781-0129www.bethellax.orgFollow Us on Facebook


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